The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 27, 1919, Image 1

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H as
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l V.
W 1"
4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50
wsTArAr.vwv,v.vvvv.vv.vv.vv.v.v.v.vv.v.v.v.v.v.v j Daylight Saving Law
Don't Hide Your Money at Home
IF everybody did, it would kill business as utely as
if everybody stopped work.
Let your money work for you in an nt "it bearing
certificate of deposite of this bank. Wo pay ! per ct.
Depositors guaranteed by Depositors
Guaranty Fund of State of Nebraska
Webster County Bank
Edward floiance, President
S. R. Florance, Casliier
With the nation wide change in
time on Monday, March III, it will
not be necessary for the railroads to
issue new time caids, says the State
Journal. The railway world, prac
tically, will stop opeiation for an
hour, altho to patrons that cessation
will not be noticed and no new time
Caucus Meetings
Puisuant to a call issued by Chair
man A. I). Ranncy, a well attended
Citizens' caucus was held in the
coutt house, at 8 o'clock last Thurs
ing, which was ptesidetl over by
Judge Hnnney, as chairman, and F.
W. Cow den, as secretary.
Hie following ticket for the muni
cipal ollices was placed in the field
a . ... .... . si UIU v.uiiriiiui 4mll iri iiutlllll I
.caicis win no issued, ami no cimnge in electors at the polls on Tuesd-iy,
- ruuirrrc ui uusmi'HH win uu iruuci-u.
J .The clocks will he set ahead one
hour. That is all.
At 2 o'clock on the morning of Mon
day, March 31, all clocks used in rail
road administration will be set ahead
one hour.
The hour fixed for moving ahead
the hands of the railway clocks is
designated in an order received from
Director General Walter Hincs, in
stating the permanent, procedure that
is to he followed by the carriers in Th(, In,,epen(lcnt volel.s lnul at the
nnmnlvirii'i witli fiio ii'ii'.iurhr MnviTif ' . . ......
ww...,..,,... ,.... v..w ,.,, -to..v . .. courr nouhc on last i rainy mcning,
law. i iiii uruur i to uuiiwuuu um- -. ,.., -..u ,,:,,t .,. ..:,.
"l Ltlll JilUVIlfUIJI JMUU
t isi:
Mayor P. C. 1'opo.
Treasurer S. It. Florance.
Clcik 0. C. Tool.
City Engineer Geo. II. Ovcring.
Police Judge Jas. A. Harden.
Members of Poaid of Education -E.
L. Grimes and L. II. Blackledge.
Councilman, First Waid A. 11.
Councilman, Second Waid F. G.
Committee to fill vacancies F. W.
Cowdcn and A. I). Runnoy.
the federal control of railroad
Get YOUR GROCERYSupplies of
1111'' I tin IfMIlM"!! I'lllll I 111 111 I'TI I I I ii:iii . - . a .
... ..... ... - . . ..... j):acCll lluJ joiiowing ticket m
properties as long as uic- iuy-i.gnt fiol( Th(, cau(.us wa pica!lIci, ovcr
saving law remains effective,'' says by u NeuorberKf a8 c,ajrmnn and R.
me uihiucuuns. n
Die same proceduie gone tlnu ai
year ago will be followed this year.
Nebraska Teachers to Keet
Choice Candies,
Canned Goods
Full Supply of Pecans
All Kinds of Nuts
Fresh Cookies
Fine Apples
Everything in Groceries
and Queensware
A Few Pieces of Fine Hand-painted China
Wecsner, as
Maor C. H.
Tieasuicr S.
Clerk Oliver
It. Florance.
Your Children and
music. Are you foster
ing their interest in this
refineing influence? Good
music raises the standard of a home
Possessions of
"The Phonograph With a Soul."
makes for genuine cultnrc. Children quickly
react to good music, They select more desirable
playmates: become better mannered. Often
their Interest in it moulds theirt entire careers
And from their taste for goob music they gain
a deep and lasting pleasure.
City Engineer Geo. II. Cheiing.
71. .1! 1...1 1 A fl I
The Twenty-Ninth Annual Meet- lS "K?-- . . men.
... -...-... ... .1 iwiimlini: nf lln.'iril nV I'.i luvil inn
ing ot tiie ivPiurai JNcuraMca leacn-' , . , , ,
,... Aatnn:nt!n iii i i,i,i ., Meadamcs Carrie .Sherwood and
jl a itnoutiuuvu tt in v uuiii ? j
Kearnev. Thursday. Fiidav and Sat- !1ia
unlay of this week and no doubt will
be attended by several Webster coun-
Optometrist and Jeweler
First Waid Win,
ty instructors.
Most promicnt among the talent,
will ho noted T. .1. Newhlll. Assis-
..) m..h..i it r ,i r-:..i m..i. Ncuerbcrg and It. I
huiiL i.iti.iijii4i ituys unit jjim uimu i ..
Councilman, Second Ward E. R
Committee To
Ususually Found
At a
First Class
Furniture Store
L Furniture and U ndertaking I
PCS - PS a il U fl ibmM
Leader of Washington, D. C, who is
doing wonderful work in making
home life on the farm atti active to
our young people. Dr. Oliver Kee,
pastor of the First M. 13. church at
Kearney, who has just returned fiom
six months at the front with our boys
in France and a foiceful and pleasing
speaker, Principal It. M. Marrs, of
the South Omaha High School, Prof.
Fiank Noycr, of the Kearney State
Normal, Pi of. W. F. DcMosb of the
Nebraska Wclsloyan, Chancellor
Samuel Avery of the University of
Nebraska, Prof. M. II. Swenk, assis
tant state Entomologist, Dean a'c
-i i 1 . . f n r i i m 1 '
binaries roniyce oi me aiaie loacn
crs' college, Prof. L .11. Scpple of the
Kearney State Normal, Mr. J. F.
Duncan, State Normal Training In
spector and State Superintendent W.
H. Clcmmons arc chief among those
from this state paiticipating.
The following is the program:
J. N. Nutter, Presiding
"Community Singing" Led by
Grace Stedman.
formed, with-diow
Monday morning.
so wo aie ollicially
from the ticket
Pleaching at 11 a. in., and 1:'0 p.
m. Sunday School at 10 a. in.
The Willing Woikcrs' will meet
with Mrs. Emily Witwer, Friday
afternoon at 2:!J0. The members of
the Missionary Circle aie asked to
be piesnt and be picpared to turn
in their offerings, !o they may be
credited on this year's budget.
Rev. Harper and daughter, Grace,
visiting iclalies and friends
near Kivcilon, tins weeK.
Congregational Church Notes
Rev. W. D. King, of Cietc, Ncb-
aska, will hold services at the Con-'
regational church next Sunday,1
both morning and evening. Sunday '
School at 10 o'clock, morning scr-
at 11, evening service at 7:110.
nublic is cordially invited to
Mrs. i1Car Mr. King and all members of
,tho church are urced to bo present.
Address of Welcome John A. Mil- Thc Woman's Society of the
ler of thc Kearney Commercial church will mcet( priday, April -ltli,
c- 'at three p. m., with Mrs. Roscoe
Response J. N. Nutter, Pros, of As- Wecsner.
"Doys and Girls Clubs" Mr. T. J.
Newbill, Washington, D. C.
"Story Telling" Prof. W. F. Dc
iuoss, xscorasKa wcsicyan. ,nR aml on SumInv
"Scientific Teaching a Prerequisite nP,,UD w:ii nreach
Christian Church Notice
Rev. Harold Fey will preach at
the Christian church, Sunday morn-
evening J. L.
on Emersonian
to Military hucccss ' Chancellor ciiKion,
bamuei Avery, xscorasKa univer
Echoes fiem tho Chicago Conven
"Community Singing" Led by Mrs.
Grace Stedman, Kearney State
Lecture "The Great War Dr. Oli
ver Kove.
J. N. Nutter, Presiding
Illustrated .Lecture "Dirds of Neb
raska" Prof. M. II. Swcnk, Ncb-
rasKa university. ,v.v
In thc film of "Cleopatra," in
which Theda Dara portrays thc titlo
role, as much attention has been paid
to the true- presentation of Ancient
Egyptian dress as has been paid to
tho crashing mass effects in Cleo
patra's life. Thus it is that by look
ing at tho picture one quickly ob
tains n clear idea of the dress of thc
Ancient Egyptians.
Dioss in Ancient Egpyt, as in ov-
Sone of die conveniences
electricity bnngft
, . ..i 1 -J-i.
j While the wiring cam-
paign is on-jLieciniy
your nome ana mane
living more enjoyaoie.
How many times have you re
solved to have electricity in your
home "some day?" Now you
can afford it.
Not only have special rates for wir
ing been arranged for this campaign
but the three-fold economy of EDISON
MAZDA Lamps which give three
times as much light as old-style car
bon lamps will help you pay tho cost.
And the whole family will njoy the
benefit of electric service that make3
possible inmimerable comforts and con
veniences such as the electric toaster,
flatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner.
Let us explain the saving you ean make
by having your house wired now.
Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical
cry civilized country, showed a great
i . .. i. . ji ,.
,lc, x. , "4t: niniK i ,. diversity according to tne cmss or
Shut f Sn$ V1 takl occupation of the individual. Each
Teaching of Speech?-,, p.llalpli . . ... ..... . ., ..
T T. . nil. 1 r-i 1 .ww awu ..-. . w"... ---
iNuyei, ivuuiiicy oiaie . 1)W li I.
"rnrt Tflofllinr'o Pnrf in .1 rtnAr ftii
tionf Dean Charles Fqri., e,
Stntn Teachers' ColIeirS
Orpheum next Monday and Tuesday.
. ..I VI. Ej. Cj. L.UIIUI IU1L lUI-'JUUV lliutll
muT ,yS,te'S 5-l0
C. Johnson, Kearney. , , 1VK tfp!' fc" ""'"u --" y '
I,' 'i'V J Attorney E. G. Caldwell jWas aU
Good"nieli-gMd MrTiM-modmta fendlnjr to legal Iwsinoss in ,Ht-
Hamilton -Cathir
Clothing 00.
Kvrythlng Mom
or Boy wooro
Glen Olmstcdo has resigned his
position in thc John E. Yost & Son
'meat market, and has entered tho
employ of the Farmers' Union Co
operative Association.
Raymond Turnurc arrived home
Sunday evening to visit his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Turnuro and
family. Tho young man has a fur
lough which lasts until Juno 80th, at
which time he will enter West Point.
t John Rose, of Dlue Hill, was In tke
oity Sunday.