fc-VK Vl5.'vtSi-iif't vwwttfrvu 4 v i m II m n R R " 8 I ! i- '! t i ii i 'i f h w VI 'M ii t r1 n M t II V-i w Inavale Items Mr. Koy Rutlcdgc is bolping E. W. Loesko villi his farm work. Mrs. Win. Wonderly spent Tues day with Mrs. Geo. Mntkin. Mrs. Anna Fulton has becti quite sick but it better at Ibis writing. Clias. Paulf'tu- began work for H. K. Hunter last Monday morning. Mr. Alfred McCall of Hod Cloud, a- seen on our streets Wednesday. Mrs. Geo. Mntkin spent Wednes day afternoon witli Mrs. D. L. Dally. Mrs". I'l V. I.oeake spout Wodncs (,. afternoon with Mrs. Jnno Far ley. Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Martin spent Tuo-dny with C. II. Hurijcss and wife. llev. Hordcn mailed on Moores family Wednesday noon. Mrs. .lane Farley and lona :es were shopping in Hod Win. nftcr- Hur Cloud Friday. Mr. and Mrs. It. N. Hunter called on Harry Cloud and wife Tuesday evening. Mrs. Frank Illunkenbuker called on her mother, Mrs. Anna Fulton, last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jorgcnson were pleasant callers at the Win. Wonder ly homo Sunday. Miss Sylvia Strickland and a Miss Vandiko of Ked Cloud spent Sunday at the Jno. Ilutlodire home. Miss Dorothy Hart well and Miss Ella Schneider were attdnding church in Red Cloud Sunday. Miss llernice Saunders and Miss Hazel Wonderly attended the mask ed dance, at Franklin, Monday night. Mrs. Ernest Loeske was a passen ger to lied Cloud last Wednesday. She went to have some dental work done. Mrs. Steve I.aughrcn returned home Saturday evening after several days visit with her parents, near Uluden. Mrs. Stella Kennedy, Alice Pal- nun-, Wm. Wonderly and Geo. Mat- in Wup Hill last Saturday, among kin were pnsongors to Hod Cloud, them being: Lola Groig. Violet Da Monday. I vis. Kthel Ilrowcr, Clara Kcohler, Mr. James Vance was in Hastings ' Hazel Anderson, Gilah Turnbaugh, the last of the week visiting his ( Ethel Peterson, Icy McNair, Mar iln iL'htni'. Amies, who is nltendiiiir ; iata Green. Charlotte and Hlanchc school at that place. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Hurgess and Mrs. Jane Farley and daughter, Eth ehla, i-pont Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. Chus. llcnkcl. --- ------, --r-. , --- w , Northeast Pawnee Last Monday, 'March 17,) was tho festival of St. Patrick, tho patron mint of Ireland. 'Uieio ve e little or no celebration here or anywhere in this western country, as the peo ple were deprived of tho imiit-pens-able and much needed fnciliii. to make the celebration a success, and instill life into the proceedings. Ltisfrcfleek I noticed a treatise in Capper Weekly on St. Patrick wliiih 1 did not relish and made me kin.la Hot. The writer slated that M. Patrick was born to.'ltf year. ago, .'i the little village of Neniphlhur, r.-.u- Glastonburry, England. I infer f'"in that tle treatise wn.s written I'v an KfiVgllshmnn who is prouo to ' c ive, monopolize and grab on to . honors. &r every thing. It is al- .:r si natural nd customary that vlitu'vr a poison Is born their wish r 1 instruction, would be to be bur- i there (if at all possible.) So if i. Patrick was English he probably ..hi Id b buried there, but no over iujitriou saint is buried whero he 1 1 long.i Downputrick, Ireland.. lliownpatt'ick where on grave does f I! Hridget Patrick and Columkillo.) 1 admit thut St. Patrick was in England as tho great and noted apo-tlc accompanied by four or five prominent Irishmen went over thero sometime in tho fourtll century (I di".renicmber the year or month they left witli the great object of conver ting them to Christianity.) Their tak was no smnll one, abounding in complications and instead of accom p'ixhing their object in the specified or scheduled time it took them double the time anil then some most of it all being rough sailing, but St Patrick and the other gentlemen he had along were characteristic of perseverance and self determination they did not leave until they were satisfied they made a good job of them. Owing to their indcfntagablo exertions as well as self sacrifice, ll'eoj uc" tl.cir health gave way and soon alter arriving in Ireland. In con elusion I wish to impress it on any one in doubt, that St. Patrick was Irish to the back bono and was proud of it too, and so am I. Hamilton - Cmthw Olothlng Co. Everything Ms r my W0n EXCESSIVE ACIDITY is at tho bottom of most digestive ills. RHfOIDS for indigestion afford pleas ing and prompt relief from the distress of acid-dy3pepsia, made ny SCOTT & nOWNE iivrDE nn CfWrrVQ r.MtlI.R10N HIVIU.IW . . . j, , raEBOHKBESBSnEBS Bladen Brieflcts Jens Wchtcnson was a Queen City visitor Tuesday. Mr. Hcdlund was an Ong visitot tho latter part of last week. Mrs. V. A. Hall, Mrs. V. S. Hall, and son, Howard, spent the day Sat urday in Hastings. Leon Samsel of Lebanon, Nebr., visited over Sunday with his broth er, 0. D., and family. Henry Davis and family left Sat urday evening for their home at Hold,rc(lge, after a visit with rela tives hero. Mrs. Dr. Frank linker and little daughters came down from Hildreth Saturday morning for a visit with Mrs. S. F. Iiakor, and family. J. A. Denton and family arrived Wednesday of last week from Na pier, Iowa, and have moved onto tho farm recently vacated by H. H. Hitc. W. A. Cunningham was down to Kansas City the fore part of the week visiting his son, Ivan, who is attending an electrical school at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Oley Iverson came in Friday night from Omaha, where they were in attendance at the auto show the first of the week. I. II. Thomas wai in charge of the garage during their absence. Quito a number of high school students took teachers examinations Lindgren, Lois Grandstalf and Lucy Miller. Konsrts Pickups Hoy and Everett Meyers sawed wood for Jim Gouldio Tuesday. Mrs. Everett Meyers was visiting with her sister, Susie, last Saturday. Mrs. Jim Gouldio was on the sick list last week, but is better at this writing. Mr. Melvin McCall purchased some cattle from Jim Gouldic last Saturday. Jay Leadabrand and sister, Melba, made a business trip to Inavale one day last week. Miss Maude Gouldio who is attend ing high school at Ucd Cloud was vi.siting homo folks over Saturday. Mr. K. K. Davis lias just came back from tho west and ho will make his home on the Chas. Ilarrett place. Edgar Leadabrand and sister, Mel ha, Elmer Fogg and son, Evertt and Ida Lund were Sunday visitors at Jim Gouldie's. Convention at Hastings .'(event y five delegates, pastors and laymen, mostly lrjmen, closed an enthusiastic conference for tho southern union Haplist association at the Clarke hotel Friday after noon, says the Hastings Daily Tri bune. Conferences have been held at Frcoinont, Grand I: land, Alliance and Hastings. The one at Hastings was the nioj-t largely attended. Tho conference was a school of method for the Victory drive which tho Haptist denomination in Nebras ka will inaugurate on tho second nn niver.sary of tho declaration of war, April 0, and to continue until April 20. Haptists throughout tho nation hope to raise $13,000,000 for all phages of church reconstruction work, education and missionary, homo and foreign. Nebraska's quota will bo $110,000 and that of the southern union association which includes Hastings and 15 other churches will bo $10,000. The mem bership of tho association is about 2,000. During the drive committee- men will call upon every Haptist. Considerable time Friday was de voted to tho consideration of the pro posed inter-church drive for next year, when it is planned to mobilize protestantism in a drive for $1,000,- (inn (inn tnv IU tmitrwl nienrictviin tlon work of 27 denominations. The Haptist quota in this drive will bo $05,000,000. A survey of needs is being made this year by the denom inations that it is expected will en gage is the inter-church drive. Among tho leaders in tho confer ence at Hastings were C. II. Ban croft of Omaha nnd Ray E. York of Lincoln. It Looks Thnt . ... Somo fellers llilu't iu i1:m .-v1IiiihV of patriotism Is spell pu, . ttultlnioru Sun. v Red Cross Knitters Attcnt(onTrf t The task of knitting articles fo4'. . our soldiers and sailors has been well done and finished. Hut tho Hctl Cross is now fuced with another need, that of the destitute war suf fering women and children. A re cent cablegram says "the need is great to a degree Hint few if any of those at home could possibly realize. 1'itablo stories have been Hashed across the ocean of the thousands upon thousands of little children who arc barefooted and barelegged whi'e snow and ice are upon the ground. To meet this emergency it lias been determined by tho National Hod Cross authorities in Washington to have knitted up as soon as possible for these little folks the yarn in the hands of the government belli for the use of the Ked Cross. Enough yarn to complete 170 childrcns sweaters, 75 chlidrens, stockings, and 7(5 children mulllers has been shipped 75 childrcns mufllcrs has been ship ped to Webster County Chapter. In structions also have been sent, but these instructions are in no way ob ligatory, any good direction may be used for the articles required. Also any color yarn may be used. Chap ters are also instructed to accept all knitted articles from wool donated by knitters themselves, even if such articles vary in color and weight. This is an appeal to the women and children of America to again assist the women and children of tho less fortunate countries. And we trust our knitters wil take up this new task with enthusiasm. C. F. CATHEIL Chairman. On March .'list, 1!)1!), the first day of the March term of the District Court, petitions for naturalization are set for hearing at l:fl(J p. in. An examiner "will he present, on behalf of the government, on that date. Any soldier, who has been honor ably discharged fioin the military service and who is not a citizen, may file petition for naturalization and is entitled to a hearing on the same immediately, providing lie can fur nish two credible witnesses who know him to lie Hie man lie repre sents himself to lie. Any applicant desiring to file un der this provision, must do so under tho supervision of an examiner and should bo present with his witnesses on March Ulst. All who have ar rived in tho United States since June LI), J90C, and wishing to file under (he above provision, must have cer tificates of arrival or should apply for them at the oflice of the Clerk of the District Court at once; thutmut bo produced at the time of the filing of said petition. If a Declaration of Intention has heretofore been made that must also be produced at tho time of filing the petition. Th.e South Westoin Nebraska Teachers' Association will meet in Holdredtje, on Thursday and Friday, April 17-18. Frances Alda, tho great Metropolitan opera singer, will appear, accompanied by a world fa mous pianist. After searching the theatiical i.w operatic world Mus Alda was con- itforcd tho very best that could be obtained and tho (Kites had to be pushed down a month to obtain her. On Thursday evening, Aprii 17, W. J. Hrjan is to give an wldrcss on "World rco." Bryan's ability to ontcrtain and instruct arc .-o v.el known that they upod no com mer.t here. On Friday afternoon Lob Mieinblos wjll be given in photo play accompanied by an orchestra. Friday evening will occur tho De clamatory contest. Inteiorft is being added to this contest from the fact that a $105 Victrola goes to the win ning school. Many other excellent numbers will appear on the pro gram. CONNON It. DALUYMPI.i: Connon 11. Dalrymple, the lb year old son of Hrussol Dalrymple, died of influenza at Palisade, on March 11th. The remains were brought to Inavale and on Monday afternoon funeral services were con ducted by Ue'. J. W. Borden, at tho homo of llev. Bennett. Interment was made in tho IUvcrton cemetery. Tho young lad was bom May 28, 1903, in Miami county, Kansas. About four years ago ho was left to make his own way in the world with out a mother's love or her words of comfort. When 'we think of tho short visit our young friend made to this world we arc reminded of the Jewdrop on the flowers. The poor A (h'I)S ,tlmt w.i.18 hUly .8natdl" cd away and not allowed to glitter on the flowers, llko other happier dew drops, that live the 'whole night through and sparkle in the moon light But when the clouds appear ed in the sky and tho rainbow was visible wo beheld the dew drops gloriously reset a glittering jowel ry in tho Heavens. Dy this we learn that what vhlthors up6n earth blooms again in Heaven. 'I This dear boy Ieavc'sla father, two brothers and twaBlsVciTi to mourn I his 1m. j H " V ', ,J Commissioners' Proceedings MI'm v. If lied Cloud, Nebraska March 18, 1919 The County Hoard met nd per ad journment at 1 p. m., with all mem bers present. The reports of tho following road overseers were approved by the Hoard: Gerhard Schrovor, road district No. U; Steve Schulte, road district No. -I'tj; S. E. Johnson, road district No. 8. Mr. Alfred McCall presented to the County Iloaid his check for.$!18. 70, same being the amount unex pended of the $50.00 allowed to him to be used for the entertainment of soldiers s-ent to canip by the local Hoard of Webster ;rCounty. Check was turned over to county treasurer to be credited to the county General Fund. County Treasurer was instructed to reduce the tax for Charily Lodge No. C'J, Ked Cloud, for tho year 1911 from 9.02 to $3.02. County Treasurer was instructed to reduce the taxes due from M. W. A. Lodge, Ked Cloud, from $22.25 to $12.50. Official bond of Thos. McMahon, road overseer of district No. 12 was approved by Hoard. The following claims were audited and allowed by the Hoard and the county clerk instructed to draw war rants on (lie proper funds in pay ment of same: GENERAL FUND Ked Cloud Chief $ Harm Hose Frank Starr O. J. Kailcy .. W. Throckmorton Aniic D. Spanogle. ......... Dolly Dickinson -. Henry I. Fausch O. P. Harvey POOIl FUND Piatt & Frees Farmers' Union Co W. II. Thomas Ii. P. Wcesncr Co 15.00 21.09 3.10.G5 0.00 71.50 J LOG 15.00 23.00 15.S0 02.25 17.51 1.75 17.87 Hoard adjourned to April 10, 1919. II. F. PEUUY, County Clerk FOK BETTER lit) ADS The state of Nebraska may spurn two or three cool millions. The fed eral government has offered four and one-half millions for road building with the provision that the state raise uu equal amount. Nine million dol lars would build a considerable slretch of better roads but the Neb raska legislature may Jcci'dc the smaller melon has a sijYcetcr flavor tian the larger one, says the Stato Journal. Altho four and one-half millions are to be stacked in front of Nebraska, there is no need of calling the entile bet unless tho people fear that the government is to get out of tho road building game before anoth er biennium rolls along. Tho state has declared that it is playing tabic stakes. It may call with whatever a in the stack thai the legislature puts in tho game. From present ia-1 dications, that stack will maintain something more than a million but considerably under :t million and a half. Members of the house committee on roads who have, labored , day and night for weeks in the coun'trffction of tho state highway bill, a'r'ci.not of their own olilion to inject' 'amend ments that will increase the amount of tho sale's table stakes. Tho bill calls for a one mill levy. Chairman McLaughlin figures that this should raise approximately $1,080,000 for tho biennium. And unless tho meas ure is amended, the government will bo required to take back something like $3,120,000. The impression has gained some cii dilation that the state is compelled to make a four mill levy to meet the government apprecia tion and that unless it meets the whole, it will bo loft to hold the sack. The government makes the provision that the stato may accept all or any pail of tho appropriation. Tho one condition being that the state raise within its boundaries, an amount ex actly equal to the federal gift. The Quotas of knitted garments for children been assigned as follows by tho Knitting Chairman: RED CLOUD Uwentors 80 Prs. Stockings .... -M GUIDE ROCK Mufflers Mufflers Sweaters Sweaters ..3G DLADEN BLUE HILL COWLES .30 .25 ...25 INAVALE Prs. Stpcklngs BATIN Sweaters I , LINE TRECINCT Sweaters . . GARFIELD Sweaters , yiv..J -! JK rt STATE "LINE " 30 7 10 Txt yr- -"r'T-1 ' LESTE1 SR SwenUrs JIIJJC. , JOTTINGS From a War Corre spondent's Notebook By ADAM BREED12 Pigeons also helped to play an active pnrt in tho war, Thoy wtro used as messengers and in many Imtiiticea they proved helpful. In one mo a hnttnllon ot troops was surrounded by the enemy for five days. Important messages were fastened to tho birds and they were turned loose, and they carried their messages In safety thus keeping headquarters posted upon con ditions. Of course, relief came, and tho Germans were driven away. A case is on record whero a pigeon from tho lort at Lucy nindo hotter time than an nerophinc. Both depart ed nt tlio same time, but the bird nr rived at the objective point three min utes abend of the aeroplane. In many cases where troops were cut off from communication because they had advanced so rapidly, pigeons wore used with marked success. The pigeons hnd rings on their legs hearing the U. S. mark. They were kept cooped up in a cage that hnd n rod, blue, or some other colored glass window In It. When let loose they would fly high in the air and continue until they discovered tho same color they hnd left. They flow from live to twenty miles on an average. The ac tivity of those birds was on the In crease as the war progressed. It would bo pretty hard to estimate the number of candles that were used throughout Franco during tho war, but one tiling Is certain and that Is nearly evory man, woman, nnd child put tho candle to good uso nearly every night, especially during the last year. Those living In Paris or some other city or town near tho front would light their candles as soon as tho electric llhtB went out when an nlr raid alarm was sounded nt night. Of eourso tho'so who could afford tho electric flashers had them. But there was so much trouble about getting batteries, and having batteries that would work, thnt tho little old caudle was tho one thlnp counted upon for n light In an emer gency. But lights of no kind could b used at the front only In dugouts or under cover. But when thoy cculd be used candles were the things wanted and they were wanted badly and for- tunntcly the American army was well supplied with them. It was a- most Interesting sight see ing searchlights flashing signals at night to pilots in aoroplnnos. These electric flashers were located right out in tho open so tho aviators would have no trouble In getting tho silent messages that were Hashed through tho night. Thoy are operated llko a tc-legrnph Instrument nnd words nro spoiled with dots and dashes. A strong light nnd a powerful lens nuilco It easy for the nipssngo to bo read at a distance cf several miles. Up in the Tool sector, where the Ighly-nlnth, or the Nubraskn. division fwis located so long. I first saw these '-lletit messengers at work. Two sig nal stations weio located at a tow miles hark of tho lines. ' As soon as Jho sun went down tho Germans be gan sending tip rocVcts. Then our boys bcnan to nend up star shells and ilxnal mckcts. On or two. big guns Jienan to boom, and then tho powerful 'lights began to wink and blink out messages to tho American aviators who wero on duty Mk up In the nlr. With tho rorkcts pjlnt'ng the heavens, tho star shells bursting, and tho silent oloctrlc niepfcftges being flashed In rapid succession It nindo an Impres sive acono, Tho American horse played a most important pnrt In tho European war, and ns a result forty-five thousand ot them were killed upon the battlefields. I hnvo seen bnttlefie'ds where (lend horses were lying about In scores, mo3t of them having been killed from shrapnel or high explosives. And In variably tho roads lending to tho trenches wero strewn with theso dead nnlmals. Whenever there wns tlmo to bury tho dead horses tho soldiers would get busy nnd do It as quickly as possible, but in most cases tho ani mals wore qulto badly decayed before thoy wero planted, because It was nec essary to earo for the dead seldlers first. It wns a common sight to seo a squad of soldiers wcnrlng gas mnsks ns they burled horses, so strong nnd foul was the stench thnt It would have been almost impossible to handle them any other wny. nut there must hnvo been noarly ns many horses and mules killed from gns as there -wero killed from artillery fire. It Is truo thnt thero wero gns masks for horses and mules nt tho front, hut there wore times when theso masks could not bo put on soon enough. In ulfovcnt tho hostlers and the "mule Bkhjners" headed tlio animals away from tho gas and turned them loose. Some would ranke a' good "get-away" and would he gathered up tho next day, while others would linger in the gas zona only to wander oft and die. First Air Route Imports Waehlsgton. - Custom authorities hare encountered the flrit oaie of an, atraWna?. taMi-ted 1M ve uauea 7 ikUa wider IU wm MtUe ew jgflj . ii i ' T tT"T"J' 'NtyfoTof-Suif Martha K. Wright, John Ulllord, James Ullford, MngRloShafer, Mary llenncs, t'rank J. Mahoney nnd tho spouses ot each oi thoni and tho unknown hclrn, devisees, lentccH' personal representatives nnd succcstiorxlu In terest of each ot iliein will take notice that Oi-orguA. Wells nsplnlntlll". did on January .11,11)11), lllo his petition and comnunco an action In tho district court of Wotrator Coun ty, Nebraska, against ilium the object nnd prayer of which aro to quiet 111 thusald ploln till" as against any and nil adverse claims ot the Mild named and designated defendants or any of them the tlllo to the Lot Twenty-two il) In lilock Thru 1) In the town of I'owlos In Webster County. Nubinskt. and that the mortgage e.eeuted theuou by Kdward Ullford and wlfo to Martha i:. Wright, re corded March i, IWM. In Hook V of .Mort gages at page 1&7 be decreed to have beou p.i'd and satisfied and to bo discharged ol record and that tho' defendants so named and designated and all parsons claiming through or under any of them bo forever barred and enjoined from claiming or as bcrtlngany right, title or Interest In or to tho said premises or any part thereof adverse lo thuplalntlll'. You arc required to answer tho petition of tho plalutlllou lite In tboolljceof the Clerk of said court, at HedUloiui, Nebraska, on or before Monday, Marb 17. lUI'.l. Uuoitrn: A. Vi:t.i, . w liy I.. 11. lilaekledge, Ills Attorncy- NoltCC to Creditors. in tho County Court of Webster County, Nebraska In tho matter of tho estate of I.ouanmi Steelcy, deceased. Creditors of said estate will take notlco that tho time limited for presentation ami illtng of claims against said cstato Is Juuu '20th, I'JIO, and for tho payment ot debts Is July aist, mil), thnt I will sit at tho county court room In said county on the Mist day of March, I'Jln, to examine, hear and allow all claims duly tiled which are a first or second lien upon said estate, and on tho '21st day of Juno, 11)1!), lo examine, hear, allow and adjust all claims ami objections of general creditors duly tiled. Dated this lltlulayof February, A. I).. 191') (sical) A. 1. llANVKV, 8-0 County Judgo. Drop FS. at tho Schultz & Schaal lor First class portraiture enlarging, copying, new work, amateur ' finishing, etc. YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED Dr. W.H.Mc Bride DENTIGT Successor'to Dr. Cross OVLR STATE BANK red cloud nlbraska S. Gzyrher Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTVRK FRAMING (Work Guaranteed; Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures When the Firemen Appear the insuied man' first thought is one' oi thankfulness that lie is so. How abou your thoughts if a fiiteman should ap pear at yout home? The Dsxy Before the Fire is the day to insute. As that day may be to-morrow for all you can know or do, it fellows that prudence would ,1m pell you to stop in our office to-day and have us issue you a policy, O. C. TEEL Reliable Insurance Another Theory Scattered. Fat people don't really laujrk louder Muw thin ee.ee. It Jt 4y! 'eng ; k, If t j Ui rw id i T r i M . m 1 1 -V . A II ' .!' ilfl 1 I ""ru (-"-,, yv -v-3 wtoaTtft,")r-?f-A,,fK-$ .,,. .-5. - AJ . IVWWM f