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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1919)
"rv ! XKD OLOOD, Illlllli, OIUI 3 ' ,v' w '-r SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens 80 Naturally that Nobody can Tell, You cnn turn gray, faded hnlr beau, tlfully dark and lustrous almost over night If you'll pet n bottle of "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, are sold annually, says n well-known druggist here, becauso it darkens tho hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Thoso whose hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise nwalt Ing them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. This Is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful nppenrance within a few days. Adv. Never call a man n fool ; he may know enough to resent It. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local Applications as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho car. Thcro Is only ono way to euro Catarrhal Deafness, nil that In by a constitutional romidy. HALL'S CATAKRII MEDICINE actH through the Blood 011 the Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Catarrhal Deafness Is causod by nn Inflamo-l condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tubo Is Inflamed you 'lavo a rumbling sound or lmperfoct hcarlnff. and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness Is the result. Unloss tho Inflammation can be ro duced and this tubo restored to Its nor mal c ndltlon, hearing may bo destroyad foroer. Many cases of Deafness aro caused by Catarrh, which Is nn Inflamed condli'on of tho Mucous .Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any caso of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot b cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars frr. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Pnn't search out nn evil merely to demonstrate Its existence. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To hilf p'nt of water add 1 oz. Hay Rum 1 small box of Rttrbo Compound, and V. oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you csn mix it at home at very lit tle C03t. Full directions for making and use como in each box of Barho Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color tho Rcalp, is not sticky 01 greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. The wind has 11 great deal to do with making the weather-vane. Freshen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl cura Talcum Powder, nn exquisitely scented convenient, economical fuce, skin, baby nnd dusting powder nnd perfume. Renders other perfumes su perfluous. One of the Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. The silver lining to many clouds Is nothing but moonshine. FRANTIC WITH PAIN Long Suffering From Kidney Trouble More Than Words Can Describe. Doaa's Brought Health and Happiness. Mrs. Anna Thorson, 200 South St., Stamford, Conn., says: "I hadn't any more strength than a child, and after weeping my back hurt me more and more. My headaches were so bad it seemed as though my skull were being torn into shreds and I would finally lose track of everything and lie in a stupor for hours. I felt I had to keep going or lose my mind and t kept up often when I trembled all over with 'weakness. My feet were Bwollen and every bone in my body seemed to ache. Mr. Thorson My fingers got almost as rigid as pieces of wood and the knuckles swelled. Tho kidney secretions were dark colored, scanty and terribly burning. I suffered more than words can describe. I finally begin using Doan's Kidney Pills and I believe with all my heart that they kept me out of the grave. I am well and happy after going through enough pain to drive me frantic. Doan's saved my life." Sworn to bclore vie this 13th day of Sept., lDir,. BENJAMIN M. AYRES. Notary Public. Gat Doan's at Any Stora, COe Box DOAN'S "JiV FOSTER-M1LBURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. To Preserve and keep all household linen spotlessly white and in perfect condition use Red Cross Ball Blue in the laundry every week. Nothintr else will take its place and nothing else U just at good. All grocers, 5c jfffioivonvy mlW M mm WKr lyiGriver HPT .-- H m J UC 1 M iii'Wr T". wmmm3baSMmim I Many nn ostrich feather will emerge from a long retirement this spring. Tickle fashion has come back to them 'after having banished them for sev eral seasons. They respond to fresh ening and cleaning processes very well, 'and when light plumes cannot be sue 'cessfully renovated they muy bo dyed to black or dark colors. Sometimes ono would like to change n light colored plume to another color. If It Is soiled wash It In warm suds .then soap It very thoroughly and lay It 'in a pan of hot water (hut not boiling) for half an hour. Usually this will re move ubotit all the color. Rinse tho plume well and shako It until dry. 'Then redyo It lo tho color desired. Ostrich fenthers aro rectified with 'n curling knife or with a curling Iron. A table knlfo will answer for thjs Iwork. When the feather 1ms been cleaned and dried n few Hues at a 'time aro drawn over the knife edge, 'until all have been given a little curl. A rather large-sized, moderately warm curling Iron may bo used for this work, and the ends of tho Hues curled over 4t. To clean n feather without changing Its color or taking out tho curl, wash It In pnollne, rubbing the flues from the rlh to their ends. When the gasoline becomes soiled pour It out, wipe out the bowl and pour In nior'j jmsollne. To this add two tablespoon fills of wheat Hour, nnd stir It In to innlto a very thin paste. Wah the feather In this solution, taking caro ro rub from the rlh to the end of the flues. Take the feather from the bowl nnd bent It lightly oor the hand un til It Is dry. Nearly all the Hour will fall out while tho feather Is being dried In this way, but enough remain to starch the feather. By holding feathers over sjenm or a radiator they aro freshened up and "Zir -fl Variations w.svlvvrvywt kw In afternoon frocks the tunic "goes without saying" It Is so unlversnlly liked and It Is especially pretty In tho popular combinations of two matcrlnls, ns printed foulard with plain georgette, and satin or taffeta with georgette, plain or printed. Tho tunic Is saved from becoming a monotonous dotall, In frocks for all sorts of wear, by the end less Ingenuity of designers. There Is an Inviting variety in them that keeps them interesting. They vary from short to long, and occasionally a tunic con trives to bo both of those, as may be gathered from tho frocks shown abovo. At the left of tho picture a satli dress with a plain underskirt has a tunic gathered at the sides and across tho back. It is short on the left side and long at the right, with a row of but tons for ornament on tho short side. Tho waist, with surpllco front, Is Joined to the tunic and underskirt with a wide, crushed girdle of satin and has a button at each side. For tho sako of ornament two of these buttons are sot on tho flaring cuffs and a frill of lace finishes tho neck. Taffota and georgette aro combined In tho dress at tho right, with under skirt and tunic of taffeta, and bodlco of georgette. Tho full tunic Is extend ed Into a long point at tho front and has a narrow, floating panel nt the left adorned with n row of buttons. The ivery wide, shaped girdle of silk Is an slightly curled. Tho steam or heat causes all tho tiny Hues to separnto and to becomo Huffy, much to the ad vantage of the plume. Very flue plume should bo sent to professional clean ers, for the process of recurllng them Is tedious and for best results require experience. To Clean Kid Gloves. Kid gloves aro cleaned by rubbing the soiled portions with petrol or ben zine In which they have been Immerse.l, rinsing them In clean benzine. When quite dry place them on the hand and amku them down with a bone snlt spoon. Begin at the linger tips and smooth them down to tho wrist. Thin polishes the kid nnd the polished sur face keeps clean longer. How to Make a Clove Apple. Grandmothers used to lovo these friigtant clove apples to put among their linens. Some even preferred them to lavender. Here Is the wny to make one: Take a large slightly undor-ripo apple and Just 1111 It full of whole cloves leasing about a quar ter of an Inch between tho heads of, the cloves. When the apple has dried, thoroughly put It Into the linen drnw er, and see If you don't like Its spicy odor. Corsage Bouquets Again. Corsage bouquets havo become fash lonahlo again and ninny of tho newest evening gowns show them In Interest-' Ing color and workmanship. But ns we use them now they uro not acces sories that we can atld to n frock as an afterthought. The gown really has to be built up from the bouquet, and more than one of the most successful evening gowns has been made with at corsage bouquet as the nucleus; tho rest was only n development. in Tunics Interesting detail In this frock, for with strnps or suspenders of taffeta, at each side that join It n skeleton bodlco Is formed. Tho beads used for decoration cross these bands, forming squares that are tilled In with smaller, squares of beads. The buttons on tho, panel aro extended to tho bodlco by placing three of them at the opening of tho girdle. For tho Young Girl. For tho young girl tho danco frock that is entirely sleeveless and extreme, ly low In the neck Is always In ques tionable taste. Unfortunately not nir stylo designers agree with this ruling! and danco frocks for girls as young as 12 arc shown made entirely sleeve less, a mere strap of ribbon over tho' shoulder holding tho wide girdle that passes muster as a bodice. The dain ty sheer dress that Is Ju3t a trlflo low In the neck nnd with elbow alcoves may bo used for afternoon or evening. Inasmuch as the social ltfo of a girl is not supposed to really begin until sho Is out of school, Buch a frock will bo found much moro useful than one of tho extreme evening type, dis regarding tho question of raddesty nnd good tnsto entirely. riih.nnj-r a j.iuu.1T W.U !.,$' IMPROVED UNIFOKM INTERNATIONAL SlMMrSuM Lesson ) r.nv i. u. KiTzwATUtt, n. n., 'If lior of UiiKllslt Ulble In tlio Moody l'i -io Institute of Chlcntio.) (Cti- uht, UUP, 1) Wintrru .Ncnl' t'nloii.) LESSON FOR MARCH 23 ISRAEL WARNED AQAINST COM. PROMISE. (Mm bo used with Temperance Applica tions) l.PSSON TISXT-Josliua 13:1-10. OiH.DK.V TEXT-KII companionship corrupt Konit morals. 1 Coilnthtans 1.1 S3. AIMilTIONAl. MATKUIAh - NumliurH tlto JuhIiuii 9:3-27; JiulRi"! 2.1-3, Jil-e, Colo' "lutis 2:8. J'ltl.MAHY TOPIC I.oIiik anil obojlns Oo.i .ionium ':t:iti-2S. Jt NIOU TOPIC-HtumlltiB up for tlio rlKlif INTIMIMKDIATK TOPIC - Dangerous coinimtiy .loshtui, knowing that his life was drawing to a close, summoned the leaders of I.rncl to appear hefou; him. lie Knew the tendencies which the na tion was developing and the peril whli h faced It as his leadership was coining to an end. Ills Jealousy for Onil and holliijudo for them prompted him to assemble them nnd point out the meat dangers which confronted them I. A Review of What God Had Done (2.'t I!. -I). I. (ioil had fought Istael's battles (v. .'I). He gave them victory over the .strong tuitions which Inhabited Ca iman Sti Iking evidences of this nre the eapture of Jericho and victory at (lilieoii when the sun stood still at Joshua's command. This victory had been secured quickly, which Indicates that Cod had interposed In their be half. 'J. r,od by the hand of .toshun had apportioned the land among the tribes (v. 4) for tin inheritance. In chapter HI Joshua rehearses the wonderful things Cod had done for the nation extending from Abraham down through the ages. II. Points Out the Promises as Yet Unfulfilled (13:5-10). 1. "He shall expel them before you" (v. f). The actual possession which God had given was the pledge that ho would give them full possession. God's promise was the guarantee of this. In view of God's faithful performnnco of all his promises thero should bo no room for doubt. 1!. "One man of you shall chase a thousand" (v. 10). The reason of this wns because tho Lord God would fight for them. To have the Lord fight for us Is to have tho assurance of victory regnrdless of how few or how many. !(. The condition upon which these promises would bo realized. (1) "Be very courageous" (v. 0). At a time like this It required courage to look to God for all the nation's needs. (2) "Keep nnd do all that Is written In the Inw of Moses" (v. 0). Fidelity to Hod's law was essentlnl. Turning aside In any particular would forfeit their claims upon him. (8) "Koop aloof from the Cannanltes" (v. 7). This separation wns to obtain with teference to (a) mnrrlage among them (b) ldolntrous customs. (4) Cleavo wholly unto God (v. 8). III. Solemn Warnings Issued (23: 1M0). 1. Tnk good heed that you love God sincerely (v. 11). Love to God Is the sum total of duty toward him. 2. Refrain from Intermnrrlage among the Cannanltes (v. 12). For God's peo plo to Intermarry among the heathen Is to set In motion Influences which would Issue In confusion nnd disaster. .1. God will make the heathen snares, traps and scourges Instead of giving victory over them (v. 13). 4. Evil things will come upon them Just as good things had been dono for them even to their destruction (v. lfl). 5. Tho wrath of God kindled ngulnst them (v. lfl). Peace and Righteousness. Righteousness means victory with the help of the Spirit of God over our selves, oveiour Inclinations, our pas sions, our tempers, our whole sinful natures. Thero Is no peace without victory In the spiritual life, and I am Inclined to think that holds good be tween men nnd nntlons. There Is no peace until righteousness Is done. Tho Prophet said : "They have healed also the hurt of my people slightly, saying Pence, Peace, when thero Is no penc." Thero must be righteousness toward God and our fellowmcn If thero Is to be peace and good will on earth. If We Suffer. "If we suffer, we shall also reign with him," says St. Paul. What a crown Is thnt for this, O sufferer! "Thy pains and sickness aro all cured ; thy body shall no more burden thco with weakness nnd weariness ; thy ach ing head and heart, thy hunger nnd thirst, thy sleep nnd labor, are all gone. Oh, what a mighty change Is this which shines as the brightness of the Armament "Baxter. God's Will. The klngdotn of heaven Is not coma even when God's will Is our law. It Is como when God's will Is our will. When God's will Is our law, we are but n kind of nohlo slnves. When I1I1 will Is our will, we are free children. George Macdonnld. Follow Jesus Only. Let this bo thy whole endeavor, thli thy prnycr, this thy desire that thou raayest ho stripped of all selfishness, and with entire simplicity follow Jesus only. Thomas 0 Kempls. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVCbbbbqpv WRIGL The Flavor Lasts AH three kinds sealed in air-tight impurity proof packages. Be SURE to get WRIGLEYS "AFTER EVERY ma Disfranchised. "It Is decided that a mnn's resi dence is where he sleeps." "Then I can't vote at all." "Why not?" "Bnd caso of Insomnia." Kttp cltan Inside n well it oatilde bj taking Intle Uxntlve at leait ones a wnW, aucti aa Doctor rUrce'a Pleasant 1'ellet. Adr. Truth Is tho root, but human sym pathy Is tho flower of practical life. I gr- 1 ijfffipV iiufeikBBBUHflaH -VWlaXTWwiM YourNoseKtiowsT All smoking tobaccos use some flavoring. The Encyclopaedia Britannica says about the manu facture of smoking tobacco, " ... on the Continent . and in America certain 'sauces' are employed . . the use of thti 'sauces' is to improve the flavour and burning qualities of the leaves." 1 Tuxedo uses chocolate tho purest, most whole ' some and delicious of all flavorings 1 Everybody likes chocolate we all know that chocolate added to anything as a flavoring always makes that thing still more enjoyable. That is why a dash of chocolate, added to the most carefully selected and properly ' aged burley tobacco, makesTuxedo more enjoyable I "Your Nose Knows" uagiiuibo wiu stand or fall on your judgment- "Yout Nose Know" WwxejdjO M , Guaranteed by UWUHWilUUiUdUiiiVL Spirited Meeting. "I attended a seance lust night" "Any spirits raised?" "Yes; a reporter present exhlbrtef a spirit of Investigation, nn this raised n spirit of resentment." Boston Evening Transcript. The Peace Job. Tho Army Mule I suppose nfteir fa demobilized some darned cricket will bo holding my Job as u klckor. Try This Test: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly 1 in the palm of your band to bring out its nil aroma. Then smell it deep its delicious, p urm T d ik f a A aA j 111 fn- ara -atari tm aokati b ! Ida. iainSi wuvuux yuu. Aiy una io ; The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe