The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 20, 1919, Image 3

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Who Benefits By
High Prices?
You feel that retail
meat prices are too high.
Your retailer says he
has to pay higher prices
to the packers.
Swift & Company prove
that out of every dollar
the retailer pays to the
packers for meat, 2 cents
is for packers' profit, 13
cents is for operating
expenses, and 85 cents
goes to the stock raiser;
and that the prices of live
stock and meat move up
and down together.
The live-stock raiser points
to rising costs of raising live stock.
Labor reminds us that higher
wages must go hand in hand
with the new cost of living.
No one, apparently, is
responsible. No one, apparently,
is benefited by higher prices and
higher income.
We are all living on a high
priced scale. One trouble is,
that the number of dollars has
multiplied faster than the quan
tity of goods; so that each dollar
buys less than formerly.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
Horn of PleiYOr
Western Canada for
veara has helned to feed
the world the same rranonal.
bllitv of Droductlon still rests urjon her.
While liloh m-lres for Grain. Cuttle and Sheen
are sure to remain, price of land is much below its value.
Land capable of yielding 20 to 45 bush
Is of wheat to the aero can bo had on
asy torms at from $15 to $30 per
acre good grazing land at much lets.
Many farms paid for from a ainglo year crop. Raisins
cattle, eneep una noes Dnnps equal success, i ne government
encourages farming and ntock raising. Railway and
Land Companies offer unusual Inducements to Home Seek
era. l'armu may be stocked by loans at moderate interest.
Western Canada offers low taxation, good markets and ship
ping; free schools, churches and healthful climate.
For Dirtlcul.ra as to reduced rail wit ratal, location of luid. Illaa
tntod literature, etc.. apply to Supt. of Immlir., Ottawa, Can., or
W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, fee Bolldlaf, OMAHA, Neb.
Canadian Governnfent Agent
Heal Itching Skins
With Cuticura
'AH drotglrts Boap2S, nintra.ntZlACfl.TalcamZSt
Uample rich f reo of "Cttleita, Drpt. E, Bottoa."
Men With Rig
Wanted to Bell Rawlelgh's Products. Estab
lished demand. Largo profits, healthy,
pleasant, permanent Give age, occu
pation, references. W. T. RAWLEIGH
CO., Department WUN, Freeport, 111.
Old Folk's Coughs
will be rellered promptly by Pise's. Stops
throat tickle; relieves irritation. The remedy
tested by more than fifty years ot use is
Tool or Talisman?
Mnry Pert "Thnnlc goodness, i
hnvo u perfect coinplcxl:m 1" Kitty
Kntt "Hut you curry a harcsfoot Just
for luck?"
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOIUA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Bears the hx ., .. '
Signature t(4affi!Zfa
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castori
An Ohio minister objects to skntlni;
on the ground thnt It has a tendency to
promoto backsliding.
WfciiviM Granulaled Eyelids,
M J U JT Eye3 Inflamed by expo-
.uiciujuu.uisisnd nina
re to sun. iiii im wind
icklv relieverl hv Marina
iVCRenedv. NnKlmrtmrr
ttlCt Pv. Cnmtn A
Vv... 11 !... l 'm , ' V.' ..."
iui iuBrii i or uy man cue per IJOttle.
For Book ollhc Eye free write no
Murlno Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Small Amount Paid Out in 1918 Wn
Because of Steps Taken for
(Prepared by tho United States Depart'
ment of Agriculture.)
Although $U,ti50,000 wns available
for expenditure on the post roads from
thu federal aid roiid act, only $425,445
was paid from federal funds In tho
highway construction season of 1018
on all projects. The rtuison for this,
uccimlliiK to tho annual report of tho
Bocri'tary of agriculture, was tho steps
taken to conserve money, labor, trans
portation and materials In highway
work during thu war, and at the samo
time to facilitate really essential high
way projects.
In connection with the federal aid
road work a letter was oddressod to
ench state highway department asking
that a program of federal aid con
struction be submitted at tho earliest
possible date, In which would bo in
cluded only those projects which tho
state highway departments considered
vltully necessary to the transportation
facilities of tho country.
At tho request of tho capital Issues
committee, engineers of tho depart
ment were mnde available for inspect
ing and reporting upon proposed high
way and irrigation and drainage bond
issues. Inspections were mndo of 181
separate projects, Involving totnl bond
Issues of ?S0,012,390. An arrangement
was made with the fuel administra
tion whereby highways of special Im
portanco should receive enough bitu
minous mntcrlal to provide for ade
quate maintenance, and where neces
sary to permit construction and re
construction. From May 18, 1018,
when tho co-operation became actively
effective, until tho close of the fiscal
year, 2,235 applications, calling for
75,000,000 gallons of bituminous mate
rial, were received from states, coun
ties and municipalities. Of tills amount
approval was given and permits wero
Issued for 53,000,000 gallons.
In order to co-ordinate the activities
of various government ngcncles, so far
as they relate to highways; better to
conserve materials, transportation,
money and lnbor; to eliminate delays
and uncertainties, nnd to provide posi
tive assistance In carrying on vitally
effective highway work, tho secretary
requested each of the government de
partments and administrations inter-
" I -t .
Pi:"l 1aSBaTs. .laBBatt
-wi - i cjeeeaea w ife-aaaaawaaat
ttttvt-iVaiBBawJ3 lBSTln
vS&ABstaBBBYaH- aH 'aP
" ' j-WlyaiKyMe SMpflBHsMw-
Tv X ,, t ' v x . , ' IV ' , ',.t-j. ",
a , j r v ) ' '''" ij 7i ",,
Building a Good Road In Massa.
estcd to numo n representative to
serve on a council to deal with high
way projects during tho period of the
wnr. As a result, tho United Stntca
highways council, consisting of a rep
resentative from tho department oi
agriculture, tho wnr department, the
railroad administration, the wnr indus
tries bonrd and the fuel administration
was formed in June. During the first
four months of Us existence tho coun
cil passed upon about 5,000 applica
tions, Involving nearly 4,000,000 bar
rcls of cement, 3,250,000 tons of stone,
1,140,000 tons of gravel, 1,207,000 tons
of 6nnd. over 77,000,000 brick nnd
nearly 20,000,000 pounds of steel, and
140,000,000 gullons of bituminous materials.
Machine With Suitable Power anc
Operator Will Do Work of Many
Men With Shovels.
Tho earth road can best bo crowned
and ditched with a roud mnchino'and
not with picks and shovels, scoopi
and plows. One road machlno wltl
a suitable power and operator will
do tho work of many men with plcki
and shovels nnd do It better.
If tho road Is composed of flno clnj
or soil It will sometimes pay to ro
surfaco It with top soil from an ad
jacent field, which has sand or gravel
mixed with It.
6eed May Be Sown Toaether Rad
ishes Ready to Pull Long Be
fore Carrots Come Up.
Radish nnd carrot seed may bo sown
together. The radishes will bo reudj
for pulling long beforo thoy become
troublesomo to tho carrots, and the
radishes break through tho crust, be
ing robust plants, breaking tho was
for tho more delicate plants of the
Apply few drops then lift sore,
touchy corns off with
Doesn't hurt n bit I Drop n little
Propzono on an nchlng corn, Instantly
that corn stops hurting, then you lift
it right out. Yes, magic 1
A tiny bottle of Kreezonc costs but n
few cents at nny drug store, but Is sufll
dent to remove every hard corn, soft
corn, or corn between the toes, nnd tho
calluses, without soreness or Irritation.
Kreezone Is the sensatlonnl discovery
of a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful.
Instant relief! Rub this nerve torturo
and mUery right out with
"St. Jacobs Liniment."
Rub this soothing, penetrating lini
ment right Into tho sore, Inflamed
nerves, nnd like mnglc neuralgia dis
appears. "St. Jacobs Liniment" con
quers pnln. It Is a harmless "neuralgia
relief" which doesn't burn or discolor
the skin.
Don't suffer 1 It's so needless. Get
n small trlnl bottle from nny drug
stwe nnd gently rub tho "nchlng
nerves" nnd In Jut n moment you
will be absolutely free from pnln nnd
No difference whether your pain or
neuralgia Is In the faro, head or any
part of the body, you get lnstnnt relief
with this old-time, honest pain de
stroyer It enn not injure. Adv.
Getting Bored.
Kuleker What were ou wonder
ing? Itockor When will trillions eoino In
Spanish Influenza can
be prevented easier than
it can be cured.
At the first sign of a
shiver or sneeze, take
Standard cold remedy for 20 year In tables
form ,afr, aurc, no opiate break, up cold
In 24 hour, relieve, grip In 3 day,. Money
back I f it fall. The genuine box ha, a Red top
with Mr. lllll'a picture. AC All Drug Stores.
For making ico and refrlgoration
for all purposes. Manufactured by
Omaha, Nakv.
1011 NichotatSL
fn Milltnn I'hntoplay plot" and nil knoirlwle,
lCn million nciilrAtimrltr.,iiroeMrull7 I'rao
tlcnbln l'hotciplajr Construction, tiW. aaUtfacttoo
or inotioj taik. 721 Uranl liulldlntf, I,o, AtivelM
W. N. U.rUNCOLNrNO.lT7l9l97
Taint praise will not obstruct n flow
of words.
Undigested food I Lumps of pnln;
belching gas, nclds nnd sourness. When
your stomach Is all upset, hero Is ln
stnnt relief No waiting I
Tho moment you cat a tablet or two
of Pope's Dlapepsln nil tho Indigestion
pain nnd dyspepsia distress stops.
Your disordered stomach will feel
fine at once.
These pleasant, hnrmloss tablets of
Tnpo's Dlapepsln never fall and cost
Tcry llttlo nt drug stores. Adv.
The bell punch never scores n clean
The U. S. Rnilroad AdniiniHtratlon hai
assembled information regarding farm op
portunities in the fcveral etatcu, and will
lurnieli it to liomeFeckers free on request.
The work will be done through the newly
established homcpcckere' bureau, head
quarters in Washington.
"We are receiving about 1,000 letters a
week from persons who wish to engnge
in fanning," said J. L. Edwards, manager
of the Agricultural Section of the U. B
Itnilrond Administration. "The inquiries
come from every state, asking about agri
cultural advantages in undeveloped terri
tory. Wc furnish dependable data, and
through our service many investors have
been able to find just what they were
looking for.
"Our information is put out in form
of illustrated booklets, by states, sent to
those sufficiently interested to writo and
teli us what kind of a farm project they
have in mind, and naming the state tho
opportunities in which they desire to in
veetigate. Ilomcseckera, can find in the
United States productive land at reason
able prices and on liberal terms, first-class
markets, excellent transportation facili
ties, a satisfactory climate, and ideal liv
ing conditions, bow that the war is over.
I look for a revival of farm development
beyond that of any pre-war period." Cor
respondence from homeseekcra is solicited.
Address, Room 2000, llomescekcrs' Ilureau,
U. 8. Railroad Administration, Washing
ton, D. 0. Adv.
Many a mnn'a word Is llko nn echo
merely a hollow mockery.
Wiicn you're fifty, your body begins to
creak a little at tho hinges. Motion is
more slow nnd deliberate. "Sot so young
as I used to be" is a frequent anil unwel
come thought. Certain bodily functions
upon which good health and good spirits
so much depend, arc impaired. The weak
spot is generally the bladder. Unpleasant
symptoms show themselves. Painful and
annoying complications in other organs
orise. This is particularly true with el
derly people. If you only know how, this
troublo can be obviated.
For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil has been relieving the in
convenience and pain due to advancing
years. It is n standard, old-time home
remedy, and needs no introduction. It is
now put up in odorless, tasteless capsules.
These are easier and more pleasant to take
than the oil in bottles.
Each capsule contains about ono dose of
five drops. Take them just like you would
any pill, with a small swallow of water.
They soak into the system and throw off
the poison" which are making you old be
foro your time. They will quickly relieve
thoso stiffened joints, thnt backache, rheu
matism, lumbago, sciatica, gall stouct,
grael, "brick dust," etc. They are an
eilccttve remedy for all diseases of tha
bladder, kidney, liver, stomach nnd allied
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsulea
cleanse the kidneys and purify the blood.
They frequently ward off attacks of tho
dangcrotiH nnd fatal diseases of tho kid
nes. They have a beneficial effect, and
often completely euro the diseases of the
bodily organs, allied with tho bladder and
If you are troubled with soreness ncroM
the loins or with "simple" aches and paina
in the back take warning, it may be the
preliminary indications of some dreadful
malady which can bo warded oil or cured
if taken in time.
Go to your druggist today and get a box
of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules.
Money refunded if they do not help you.
Three sites. GOLD MEDAL are the pure,
original imported Haarlem Oil Capsule.
Accept No Substitutes. Adv.
What Was Wrong?
Judd You're wasting your time, old
mnn. You'ro courting the wrong girl.
Build No; she's the right girl, all
right, but I'm afraid the trouble Is I'm
the wrong man.
It Is Impossible to suppress tho man
who thinks ho can tell it funny story.
After nil, n probo blmply locates
tho shot In tho wound.
Tho Fox Trot.
Elnnnlgnn (listening to new Jnu
record) What kind Iv music do ye
call that, Nornh?
Daughter That's n fox trot, daddy.
Fhinnlgnn An' how many tin cam
did tli fox have tied to his tall whe.
he throtted? Buffalo Express.
Get your principles straight and the
rest Is n mere matter of detail. Na
"Out of Torment and Misery to Comfort"
Stiff Neck
Joint Pains
"Proved safe by millions"
Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" witK
water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a diiy, after meals
Holds the Faith of Medical Leaders!
20 eent Bayer packages also larger Bayer packages.
Buy Bayer packages only Get original package. ."
The Bayer Cross"on Genuine Tablets
Aipfrin I, tli, tnde urkefBucr llinufutwe ofHonoiecUead&terof S.UejUcad,
Proof that Some Women
do Avoid Operations
Mrs. Etta Dorion. of Ogdensburg, Wis., says:
I suffered from fomalo troubles which caused piercing pains
llko a knife through my back nnd eido. I finally lost nil my
strength so I had to go to bod. Tho doctor advised an operation
but I would not listen to it. I thought of what I had rend about
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vcgetablo Compound and tried It. Tho first
bottle brought great relief and b1z bottles hnvo entirely cured me.
All women who havo fomalo troublo of any kind should try
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound."
How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation.
Canton, Ohio. "I suffered from a fomalo troublo which
causea me mucn suuenng, ana two aoctors accinea mat
I would have to go turougn an operation uerore x couiu
get wen.
"My mother, who had been helped by Lydia E. Pink-
ham'sVegetablo Compound, advisod me to try it bo-
iorto.',nopovauon. JLtrouoveumeirom
' troubles so I can do my house work without any
fore Hubmittin
dlUlculty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with
zemaie troubles to give ijyaiajj. rinKiinnvs vege
table compound a trial ana ic wiu ao as muc
n liam ' 1Va MrAT?T llnvn 1i"1 Rth fih
!:'-.' . -. " , -
j. e., canton, uuio.
J Aim
every dick woman onou
Before Submitting To An Operation!