The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 20, 1919, Image 2

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""""HEE nnrnmry'JtMiKtkOMtTHxs (
Synopsis. Clny Wlmhurn, n younc New Yorker on n visit to Cleve
land, meets pretty Dnpline Kip, whose l)rot!icr lfl in tho Bnmo ofllco with
Clny in Wall street. After a whirlwind courtship they uccomo cnRnRcd.
Dnpline Roca to New York with her mother to huy her troussenu.
Dnphno's brother, Tinynnl, hns Just married and left for Europe with his
bride, Leiln. Dnphno nnd her mother InRtnll themselves In Uuynrd's flat.
Daphne meets Tom Dunne, mnn-nbout-town, who seems greatly nt
trnctcd to her. Daphno accidentally discovers thnt Cluy Is penniless,
except for IiIh salary. Bnynord und his wife return to New York unex
pectedly. The three women set out on a shopping excursion nnd tho two
younger women buy expensive gowns, having them chnrged to Bnynrd.
Unynrd Is furious over tho expense, seeing lmrd times nhend. Dnpline,
indignant, declares she will earn her own living nnd breaks her engage
ment with Clny. Through an introduction by Dunne, Dnphno Induces
Itcbcn, a theatrical magnate, to give her it position in one of his coin
pnnles. Her first rehearsal Is n ilnsco, but Itcbcn, nt Dunne's request,
gives her another chance.
CHAPTER XI Continued.
"Well, I never I" he gapped. "And
all this trip of your mother's ami
yours and all the expenses gone for
nothing?" was his first doleful thought.
He remembered tho second mortgago
lie had placed on ono of his properties
to get the money for tho vitally impor
tant wedding festlvnl. And now there
was to bo no wedding. The son-ln-lnw
who was to have assumed tho burden
of Daphne's bills was banished.
Daphne was again her father's own
Ho was glad to hnvo her bnck, but
bo could have wished that she hnd not
gone away, Blnce he paid tho freight
in both directions. And now hero was
himself in New York and nothing to
show for all the split milk of time,
money and emotions.
At the critical moment Daphne men
tioned that the star whoso understudy
she was would earn fifty thousand dol
lars that year In spite of tho hard
times. "Fifty thousand dollars" hnd a
musical sound to Wesley's cars. If
Daphne could earn n tenth of that ho
would believe In miracles.
"Where were you planning to live,
honey, while you'ro nctlng? With
Bayard, I suppose."
"Oh, no," said Daphne; "we've ru
ined his honeymoon enough already."
"Who with, then?"
"Oh, by myself, I suppose."
"Good Lord I you couldn't do thnt
very well a young girl Hko you."
i "Why not?" sho said.
He turned pale. This was like being
asked why babies wcro found under
cabbage leaves. Ho was nn old'fash
loned father, and ho had never been
able to rise to tho new school of dis
cussing vitally Important topics with
the children vitally interested.
"Why, why," ho stammered, "why,
becauso nobody docs It, honey. Nice
girls don't live nlone."
Daphno studied him with a tender
amusement. Ho wan so Innocent In
his way, in splto of all he must know.
Eho understood whnt ho wns thinking
If. Sho was sophisticated In tho mnn
fcer of tho nice girl of her time and
the liked to treat submerged themes
with clean candor. Sho thought that
prudery was a form of slavery.
"If you've Just got to stay In Now
York nnd Just got to work your mother
could stay with you, I suppose."
"But what becomes of you nnd your
"Oh, I'll get along somehow. I don't
This broke her henrt. Sho cried out :
"But you do matter, daddy; you mat
ter terribly. Can't you understand,
daddy, that I'm trying to relievo you
nnd make myself useful Instead of a
parasite? Thousands of women Hvo
alone professional women, art stu
dents, music students, college girls,
normal-school women, besides tho
women In shops and factories. It's
coming more and more."
"But you're not brought up to a
"I wish I had been."
"Well, that's a new complaint, any
way, but well of course you
wouldn't do anything wrong; but if
you lived alone you'd be misjudged,
nnd men would keep throwing tempta
tion In your way."
"I had plenty of that when I was
ttflag at home."
"Daphne I" He cried out In pain at
tho very thought
She went on, educating him with a
vengeance: "Plenty of temptation and
plenty of opportunity, daddy. It wasn't
your fault. You gave me all the pro
tection that anybody could, daddy.
But you can't protect people all tho
time. And It was when you trusted
mo most that yon protected mo most.
People are Just beginning to realize
that oven In penitentiaries tho higher
tno wallB and tho stricter tho guards
tho more prisoners try to escape.
They're sending convicts out to work
on roads now with no guards ut nil.
And they do their work and omo
back. Don't you think women enn be
trusted as far as couvlcts?"
"I suppose so," ho 6lghcd. . But ho
wa3 convinced of tho security of nei
ther tho convicts nor of tho women
under these new anarchies. Ho wns
convinced of only ono thing, nnd that
was his helplessness.
Daphno took him homo In a tnxicab.
At the apartment they caught Bayard
Just rushing for his onice. Ho greeted
his father with whirlwind affection,
but ho knew that ho would pleasp
Wesley better by hurrying on to his
ofllce than by neglecting his business
for tho purpose of entertainment.
Wesley took Leila by storm with his
lavish and whole-hearted praise, no
hnd not seen her before. Ho gathered
her to his breast, then held her out
nt nrm's length to praise her and to
prnlse Bayard for bringing her Into tho
Mrs. Kip did not delay long tho as
sault on Daphne's position. But Wes
ley said :
"We've had n long talk and I guess
she's pretty sot In her way. She's a
good girl, though, mnmmn. And sho
knows her own mind better tlinn we
do. Anywnys, It's her own mind. Let
her hnvo her way and If anything goes
wrong sho can always como back
His wife boiled over. It mado her
feel as much ut homo as an old kettle
on a stove to hnvo her husband there
to boll over on : "Wesley Kip, are you
going to sot there and encourugo that
girl to ruin her life nnd her reputa
tion without doing anything to protect
"Oh, I guess she's not going to ruin
anything. After all, tho best way to
protect folks Is to trust 'em."
It was bnld plagiarism, but Daphne
mado no complnlnt. Wesley got Into
troublo nt once, however, by making
tho suggestion thnt his wife remnln
as n companion for hor child. Mrs.
Kip took It as a sign that ho wnntcd
to get rid of her, nnd Dnphno refused
to take It at all.
Wesley snt pondering In silence for
a while; then he roso and, mumbling,
"Be bnck in a little while," took his
lint nnd went out.
They wondered what mischief he
wns up to nnd whnt folly he would
commit, no enmo bnck In hnlf an
hour with ii smile of success.
"I guess It's all right. I been think
ing about all tho different things been
said. Wo don't want Dnphno living
by herself nnd sho don't feel Hko she
ought to trespass on Leila's homo; so
I got nn Idcu nnd went down nnd saw
tho Janitor or superintendent or what
ever ho Is, nnd I asked him mightn't
It bo thorn wns Rnmohnilv In tlitn InilM.
lug wnntcd to rent u room to a nlcd1
girl. And ho said thero wns a young
couple felt tho rent wns n llttlo high
and hnd an extra room. So wo went
up and took a look at it. Bight nlco
young woman, nnmo of Chlvvls or
something Hko that; said she'd be glad
to take my "daughter In. I was think
ing that if Daphno was up thero sho
could seo Bayurd and Leila when sho
was lonesomo or anything; and she'd
be handy where they could keep an
cyo on her If she got sick or anything."
The three women looked at him In
amazement. He had solved the riddle
that baffled them all and had compro
mised tho Irreconcllables.
'Til bet the placo Is a sight and tho
woman a freak," said Mrs. Kip. "Let's
go have a look at her."
So all four went up In tho clovator
to the top floor. They were about to
ring tho bell of ono of tho big front
apartments Hko Bayard's but Wesley
checked them.
"It's In tho back."
Tho women exchanged glances and
smiles behind tho Important shoulder
blades of Wesloy, tho mnnager. Ho
rang a bell and a young woman opened
the door. As Leila said nfterward:
"Sho had tho wholo map of New
England in her fnee, and her mlddln
name wns Boston."
But sho wns young, In a placid, Pu
ritanical wny, nnd she looked exceed
ingly clean and correct. Her very
smllo wns ncnt, exactly adjusted be
tween those of the gracious hostess
nnd of tho Inndlndy.
Mrs. Chlvvls led tho way to the room
that wns for rent. It took Daphno at
once. Spotlessncss is tho first luxury
In n rented room nnd Puritan beauty
hns u grnco all Its own. Tho mahog
any bed with Its twisted posts, tho ex
cellent linen and tho honesty of ev
erything won her completely.
Sho felt a senso of relief frm the
rather gaudy beauty of Leila's apart
ment. Sho felt thnt Mrs. Chlvvls, who
showed such flno restraint In her fur
niture, would bo equally discreet In
minding her own affairs.
"I'll tnko It," she said; "that Is, if
you'll tnke me."
Mrs. Chlvvls fiuld she would. Sho
snld It with a New Englnndlsh parsi
mony of enthuslnsm, but her eyes were
kindly nnd Daphne decided that'She
thought nice things but lacked tho
courage to say them.
Dnphno moved nt once Into the Chlv
vls npnrtmcnt what belongings she had
brought on from Cleveland, and her
mother promised to dispatch tbe rest
of them us soon ns she reached home.
Wesley could not bo persuaded to
stay over nn, unnecessary night. His
business wits In a perilous condition.
Tho mammoth Cowpcr firm hnd gone
Into bankruptcy owing him a hand
some sum of money which ho wns not
likely to recover. Tho fnlluro also
closed an Important and profitable
market for his calculating machines.
It frightened his banks as well, and
ho had wrestled Hko another Jacob
with an almost invisible cashier for
money enough to meet his pay roll.
Yet ho slipped a largo bill Into
Daphne's hand when he bnde her good
by at tho station late In tho after
noon, and ho whispered to her she
should have other re-enforccments
whenever she called on hlra.
Daphno reached the theater at seven
o'clock and sat In the durk on a can
vas rock, watching tho stage hands
gather nnd listening to their repartee.
Bntterson arrived at length. Ho was
In one of his humane moods. Ho asked
Dnphno If sho had memorized her lines
and she said sho had. Ho told her
that ho would glvo her another re
hearsal the next day after breakfast
"After brcukfast," ho explained, wns
one o'clock p. m.
Next morning Daphne presented her
self to Batterson and endured one of
his rehearsals, with his assistant read
ing all the cues in a lifeless voice. Bat
terson was more discouraged than sho
was. Ho showed It for a time by a
pntlcnco that was of tho sort one
shows to a shy Imbecile.
Ho was so restrained that Daphne
broke out for him, "Do you think I am
a complete idiot, Mr. Batterson?"
"Far from It, my dear," said Batter
son. "You ure a very intelligent youns
woman. The troublo Is that you aro
too intelligent for tho child's play of
tho stage. It's all a kind of big nurs
ery and you can't forget that facts aro
not facts In this toy game. If you
could let yourself go and bo foolish
and play doll house you might suc
ceed. It's hard even when you know
how. But It's Impossible ob long as
you try to reason It out. It's Hko
music and fiction nnd all the arts.
You'vo got to pretend or you can't
feel and you can't make anybody else
. And that, Indeed, wns Daphne's ag
ony. She could not release her Imagi
nation or commnnd her clear vision to
seo what was not there.
Night after night she reported at
tho theater and left It when tho cur
tain rose. On one of these evenings
Tom Dunno met her outside the stage
door. Ills npology was that ho felt It
his duty to look after his client.
Ho invited Daphne to rldo homo In
his car, which was watting nt the curb.
She declined with thanks. Ho urged
She Reached th Theater at Seven
o'clock and Sat In the Dark on
Canvaa Rock Watching the Stage
Hands Gather, and Listening to
Their Repartee.
that sho tako a little spin in the park.
Sho declined without thanks. He
sighed that It was a pity to loso tbe
She said she would get enough when
sho walked home. Ho asked if be
might "toddle along." She could hard
ly refuse without crassly insulting him.
They loitered slowly up tho quiet
reach of Seventh avenue. Ho ques
tioned her about her work with all tho
grateful llnttcry thero Is in un appo-
it iir ; "iiir m
tltc for another' i autobiography. She
found It cosy to tell him of her diffi
culties. He extracted encouragement
or Indirect compliment out of all of
When'thjyy nrrlvcd nt her apartment
house sho snld, "Sorry I enn't ask you
up, hut I hnvo no reception room, and
I'm tired out."
"You hnvo wasted enough of your
tlmo on me," he snld. "I'll seo you to
tho elevator."
As Daphne stepped into tho hallway
she found Clny Wlmhurn there, wait
ing grimly. Ho sprang to hlsect with
a gnsp of relief. He caught sight of
Duanc and his Jay died Instantly.
Wlmburn loved Dnphno nnd wnnted
her for his own. Ho hnd counted her
his own, nnd still hnd neither refunded
the engagement ring nor pnld for it.
Daphne was moro pleased with Wlm
burn's misery tlinn with Duano's fe
licity. "Won't you como up, Clny?" she
He murmured, "Can we be alone for
a llttlo talk?"
"I'm afraid not The Chlvvlses, you
"Will you tnko n llttlo walk with me
in tho park?"
"All right," she snld ns bIio led the
wny out Into the street. "I'm pretty
tired, though. I wnlked homo from
the thenter."
"With Dunne!" Clny Knurled. "You
weren't too tired for that."
Dnphno thought of the motor ride
and the supper bhc hnd declined. She
snld, "Are you dragging me out here
for the snko of a llui.f ?"
"There'll be no light If you'll cut out
thnt man Dunne."
"Am I to huve no friends nt all?"
"You can have all you wunt, pro
vided" "Let me give you ono little hint,
Clay, for your own Information. Every
tlmo this Mr. Duuno thnt you'ro so
afraid of meets mo ho docs his best
to help me get my chanco nnd he tells
mo only pleasant things. Every time
you'vo come to see me lntely you've
been either a sick cat or a rourlng
She was planning to urge him to
help her nnd mnkc their meetings
rosier. But, lover-like, he took um
brage and pain and despair from her
advice, and since they wcro ugaln at
the vestibule he sighed, "Good night,
Mrs. Dunne," und flung out Into tho
Daphne sighed, nnd the poor eleva
tor man who saw so much of this sort
of thing sighed with her nnd for her.
All this while Daphne was kept In
readiness to tako Miss Kemble's part
in caso the illness of her child should
result In death and in tho further caso
that she should be unable to finish her
performances. With the theatrical
season In such bad cstato and most of
Rebcn's companies and theaters losing
money heavily, Sheila Kemblo was his
ono certain dependence. He called
her his breadwinner.
Miss Kemble's bnby passed the cri
sis and recovered. And then the
mother, worn out with the doublo
strain, caught a llttlo chill that became
a blinding, choking cold. She went
through the Saturday mntlnee In a
whisper, but tho night performance
was beyond her.
And now nt last Dnphne's chance ar
rived. Tho Saturdny night house was
enormous In spite of the heat. There
were enough peoplo thero to mako
fourteen hundred dollars twenty-five
hundred for the day.
Daphne, trudglug to tho theater for
her usual stupid rebuff, walked Into
this crisis of her life.
Iteben himself knocked nt her dress
ing room door where Miss Wlnsor was
helping her with her mnke-up. Ho
Implored her to be calm, nnd he was so
tremulous that ho stuttered, no told
her that If she mndo good he would let
her play the pnrt till Miss Kemble
got well. Ho would pny her a hnnd
some bonus. Ho would put her out
at the hend of a number two company
next season.
Batterson enmo at Inst trad iVfivx!
him off the stnge. Iteben olieyvtl hlra.
Then Batterson talked to her. Ho told
her thnt there wn3 no reason to fenr
the house. A Snturday night nudlenco
wns nlwnys ensy. It wnnted Its mon
ey's worth! It would help to get it.
"I see," snld Dnpline. "I'm not
afraid of the audience."
"Then what on enrth aro you afraid
"I'm afraid of mel"
Batterson laughed scornfully. "Ob,
you I You'ro going to score a knock
out You'ro going to mako a big hit 1"
"Yes," said Daphne, "so you'vo al
ways told me."
The curtain rose. Miss Wlnsor and
tho young mnn skipped ootp their
Job ; the butler stalked ; Eldon entered
and made his exit Mrs. Vlnlng spread
her skirts and sailed on, then Eldon
went back. Finally Daphne's cue
Sho was startled a little as Batter
son nudged her forward. Sho went to
tho door and opened It on her new
career to mako her public debut with
the all-important "How d' you do?"
She saw before her the drawing room
in a weird light Beyond It was a
fiercely radiant fog and beyond that
an agglomeration of faces tho mass
of tomato cans that sho was not tolng
to bo afraid of.
And sho was not afraid. Sho was
curious to study them. She was eager
to remember her lines. And she re
membered them. Then cues came moro
or less far apart and each evoked from
her mind tho appropriate answer. Sho
made never a Blip, and yet sho began
to realize that Mr. Eldon seemed un
happy. At Innnllt 1ia lAn1lTA1 ilinf rriA ntirll.
ence was strangely quiet. A bense of
vaulty emptiness oppressed her. She
went on with her lines. She under
stood at Inst that she was, getting no
laughs. She was not provoking those
punctuating roars that Sheila Kcmblo
brought forth. The audience had evi
dently had a hard week.
She decided thnt sho must be play
ing too quietly; she quickened her
tempo and threw more vlvnclty Into
her manner. She moved briskly about
tho scene, to Eldon's bewilderment
He seemed unnblc to find her.
She went through to the bitter end
and spoke every line. But the audi
ence was not with her for a moment
Sho used all her Intellect to find the
secret of Its pleasure, but she could
not surprise It. She tried harder and
hnrdcr, acted with the Intense devo
tion of a wrestling bout, but sho could
not score n point.
The company looked won;' ad
fagged. The audience would not rise
to anything humor, pathos, thrill.
When the piny wns over everyone
seemed to nvold her.
She rubbed off her make-up and re
sumed her mufti. As she wnlked out
"Go Home and Get Married."
on the darkened stage she saw Bntter
son. Ho tried to escape, but sho
checked him.
"Tell mo frankly, Mr. Batterson,
what was the matter with my perform
ance tonight."
"Come to the ofllce Monday and
we'll have a little talk."
"And I'll get my notice."
"I didn't say that."
"What would you honestly advlso
me to do?"
"I understand that you don't hnvo
to act Go homo and get married."
"I won't."
"Then go home and don't get mar
ried." "I won't go home."
"There's ono other placo to go.
Good night"
Ho walked off and she was left
arbne. She had the stage to herself.
Sho stood In the big void nnd felt
alien forever alien. Sho shook her
hend. This plnce wns not for her.
She hnd been tried In the balnncc nnd
found wanting. Sho wondered If thero
were nnywhero u balance tnat she
could bring down.
Sho dreaded tho forlorn Journey
homo to her dreary room. As sho
stepped out of tho door someone
moved forward with uplifted hat It
was Tom Duane. Ho looked very
spick nnd span. His smile illumined
Jhe dull street and his hand clasped
hers with a saving strength. It lifted
her from the depths like a rope let
down from tho sky.
Daphne would have been more con
tent If Duane had been Cluy Wlmburn.
It wns Clay's duty to be thero at such
a time, of all times.
Of course ho did not know thnt this
night wns to be crucial for her, but
he should have known. Mr. Dunne
knew. It never occurred to Dnphno
that Ilehcn had warned Duane of the
debut of his protegco and had Invited
him in fnct, had dared hlin to watch
tho test of her abilities.
All she knew was that Dunne wns
proffering homngo nnd smiles nnd the
prefaces of courtship. Daphne might
have fulled to gain the hearts of her
audience, for all her toll, but hero was
a heart that was hers without effort
Perhaps Duano wns her curcer. Ho
was at least an audlcnco that sho could
sway. And she wns miserably In need
of soma one that would pay her the
tribute of submission.
So now when ho snld, "Won't you
l?t me take yon home In my car?" she
could hardly snub a heaven-sent mes
senger. Sho said, "Thank you you'ro very
kind but " Oh, all right I" And
sho bounded In.
When Duane said: "You must bo
hungry after all that bard work.,
Aren't you?" she said, "Yes, I guess I
am a little."
When ho said, "Where shall we eat?
she answered, "Anywhere."
"Olarcmont?" he suggested.
This startled her, gave her pause.
Yet thero was something piquant about
tho proposal.
Her theatrical career cut
abort, Daphne turna to Clay.
They plan to (jet married and
live In some fashion on Clay's
meager aalary. Tho next day a
new blow falls. The future
again looms dark and uncertain
before the discouraged lovers.
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