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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1919)
. - Ul . 1 0 'I T 8 1 h V V ) Y ! Wifi guiwUtiloilcftl.Boolotf - ras, 'fi'xyTrS!! t3HZrzm .. IM - A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For SI.50 ' - ' ..I.. , , VOLUME 48 1ED CLOUD, JOJJJRASKA, MAKCII U, J!H!. NUMBER 12 aawav.v.v-v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vav.vv.w.vw Summoned by the Master Happily United in Marriage Don't Hide Your Money at Home If'" everybody did, it would kill busineM as utc!y as if everybody stopped wotk. Let your money woik 'for you in an inler" t bearing certificate of deposite of tills bank. Wc pay A per ct. Depositors guaranteed by Depositors Guaranty Fund of Stale of Ncbrarka Webster County Bank Edward Floiance, President S. R. Florance, Cashier I VN Get YOUR GROCERY-Sugplies of randt Fresh Cookie WHllb Choice Candies, Full Supply of Pecans All Kinds of Nuts fanned Goods Fine Apples Everything im Groceries and Queensware A Few Pieces of Fine Hand-painted China Minn May Lcggctt was born Feb ruary 5), 1887, ami was united in marriage to licit Can-, July 128, 1905. To this union were born seven child ren, VeJma, Hoy, Robert, Wilbur, Floyd, Hcrtha and Ralph, the babe born but a few days before his moth ers death. Mrs. Carr died Monday morning, March 17, at 8 o'clock. Ilesides her husband ami children, Mie leaves her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. It. Lcggctt, three sisters, Mesdames Nettie Smol- sor and Nora Itutlcr and Miss Grace Lcggctt and one brother. In early life the deceased attend ed the Congregational Sunday school and was a member of the local W. C. T. U. Short funeral services were hold in the ojten at the cemetery on yesterday in charge of Rev. J. L. Heche. Mr. and Mrs. N. It. Hush.C. L. Cotting and Mrs. C. J. Hope len derod the music. Owing to the con dition of Mr. Carr and children, all of whom are ill at this writing, with the exception of the oldest girl, they wore unable to attend the service. GRANDMA PARKER Susan II. Parker died quite '' sud denly Tuesday morning after a short illness of a few hours at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. W. Iiailoy, in Guide Hock. She was aged nearly ninety years, the date of her birth being November 20, 1829. Edward M. Parker and Mrs. Hailoy arc her surviving children. The funeral was held from the Haptist church Wed nesday at two o'clock, Uev. A. F. Howell preaching the funeral ser mon. Interment was in the Guide Rock cemetery. Inasmuch as Mrs. Parker was an old settler, and the widow of one of the 'most prominent men in the community, now deceas ed, and she having filled a very im portant place in the building up. this little community, the Signal feels disposed to publish her obituary next week, when it will be possible to give the same moie deliberation and the honor due this very fine old t lml. rinwli-k l?rl Vtirmnl lVtkT. l.l. AVWVIfc Jtl.t The announcement of Miss Cccilc Tuyloi's marriage to Mr. Andrew Garrett, on March 8th, at Denver, Colorado, came as somewhat of a surprise to her friends here. , Miss Taylor has been in training as a nurse at the Mercy hospital at Dcnvci . Mr. Garrett formerly lived at Clcarmont, Missouri, which is near the former homo or Miss Taylor. Mr. Garrett is largely interested in fruit land near F'arminglon, New Mexico, where he and his wife will make their home at this time. F 2w3 Y thi ng Ususually Found At a First Class" Furniture Store ROY SATTLEY Furniture and Undertaking Ml k FRED MORANVILLE The funeral of Fred Moranvillc was held from the Haptist church Wednesday, March 12, at 10 o'clock, Row A. F. Howell preaching the funeral sermon, 'interment was in the Guide Rock cemetery. Mr. Moranvillc was born January 7, 187G, in New Hampshire. Tho family resided in Guide Rock in the early day and Fred went to school hero in his boyhood, lie died sud denly at tho home of Dr. C. F. Mor anvillc in Red Cloud, Monday even ing at 7:30 o'clock. Tho summons came while he was seated at tho supper table. lie loaves to mourn his departure, his mother now living at Lawrence, Kansas, three brothers, also an aunt, Mrs. E. A. Moranvillc of Red Cloud. Ho was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Moranvillc. Old settlers remember tho family well and to them is ex pended sympathy. Guide Rock Sig nal. HARRIS S1I1PMAN Vernon Dale Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Harris, of Garfield and Mniulc E. Shipman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Shipman, also of Garficd, were united in marriage on Kri1iirri.iv. Itfm-rh lfith. .it 1 o'clock p. in., by Rev. J. L. Heche, at the ' fi home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harris,1 in the First Ward. Mr. and Archie , Harris attended the couple, as best man and bride's maid, respectively. The newlyweds enjoy a wide circle ,fl oi iiii.iKis anct come irom iwo oi Webster county's best homes and the best wishes of the entire community accompany them to their new home, the Archie Harris farm, nine miles southeast of this city. MiJandMrs. Rrucc Robinson of SupSfoi' "upont Sunday" hero with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robin son and family. Unless you have heard I The New Edison, "The! Phonograph with a Soul," you I do not realize that the great inventor has actually evolved a new art. Even more vividly and convincingly than the mo -lion picture reproduces the drama this marvelous in strument re-creates music. In fact, as the famous lone tests have effectivly proved, no human ear can de tect a shade of difference between the rendition of the living artist and that of "the phonograph with a soul. BLuo HJLo Newkouse Optometrist and Jeweler yyjTsggscsESBiasE&ggirgrgs Mrs. Helen Ned Sutton and daughter, Our Soldier Rctnrns The relatives and friends of "Art" McArthur were pleasantly .surprised by his arrival home last Thursday night. For the past ten months he has been in U. S. military service at Governor's Island, within hailing (lis ' tance of New York's great statue of ! Liberty. He received honorable (lis-' charge at Camp Dodge, Iowa, and . tomes to slay. Making the rounds i greeting his hot of friends is keep-! ing him busy now, hut later ho will ' get into working harness and be ' luanl from through the columns of; Hi.- Chief. Form a Credit Association Some eighteen business men met at the Commercial Club rooms on yesterday, and according to plans submitted by a committee, of which R. P. Wecsner was chairman, pro ceeded to organize a local Credit As sociation. 1 C. J. Pope was chosen president of the new organization, .1. C. Cathay vice-president nnd C. M. Sherwood, secretary and treasurer. The plan as outlined includes tho ' card index system and every cus tomer and prospective customer, within this trade territory, will bo rated thereon according to the man- J ner in which ho is known to pay his bills prompt, slow or otherwise, t The purpose of the organization is ' not to eradicate the dead beat, but j rather to whip up the man slow in ( settling. The secretary will keep all records and It will require but a ' moments time for any member to get in touch with him over the phono and sctfuro the exnet rating of any 1 Tnm nfttiivim;inin(!ivi I.iwm .l s a a Pfi. AG& H electricity brings WlMe WM 1 Hmxi FESnl returned homo Wednesday', ii,ffi f,f in, ,.nni.,i, .m i..-. from a visit with relatives in Ox- takcn from tho standing of each in Mrs. Ed Amuck left Wednesday dividual as per the records disclosed for Rochester, Minnesota, whore she will undergo nn operation at the Mayo Hros., hospital. Mrs. Grimes returned to her home at Hastings on Wednesday after a visit hero with her son, Ned and family. Tho Red Cross work room in the Auld Library will be open every Thursday beginning March 20th for work on Refugee garments. Quotas, for GOO garments to bo furnished as soon as possible have? ,been rcc?Ye4 and' all women Vho wbih to contlttfto their services to tho Rod Cross may do so. j C. F. CATHWt, 9Waira. by tho various merchants books. A committee will soon visit all business men of this city and solicit! them for membership which includes the nominal sum of but $12.00 p.jr year or 1.00 per month. It can be readily seen that the benefits to bo derived are such as to more than pay tho cost of membership, In most any one Instance. ADVERTISED LETTERS Joq Hinterretu George Wilson Mi'fl. Bfhal Smith J.'AV Steward Mrs.- Lqura J. Davis John AVIlson Sent to Dead UUerfilco, Apr.fl ? V H .hO. LETSON; Pn: B Hi. wasrnra,cam lgET&oa-Electrfiy your tomesaad. naafe hVBragmre enjoyable. e How many limes have you re solved to have electricity in your home "some day?" Nowyou can afford it. Not only have special rate3 for wir ing been arranged for this campaign but the three-fold economy of EDISON MAZDA Lamps which give three times as much light as old-style car bon lamp3 will help you pay the cost. And the whole family will njoy the benefit of electric service that makes possible innumerable comfort3 and con veniences such a3 the electric toaster, flatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner. Let us explain the saving you can make by having your house wired now. B.W. STEVENS Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical R. J. Minnrd who has been con fined to his bed for tho past several months, died at his homo in Dladen, Tuesday afternoon. Ho had been failing rapidly for several weeks and his demise was expected at any time. Mr. Minard retired from tho farm some two years ago andcamo to Bladen to make his home, enjoy ing good health up until some time last fall sinco which time ho had gradually grown weaker. Ho was 79 years old. Obituary will appear next wftok. Bladen Iftrietrpriec. " It is reported that two of the act ive state deputies at an up-state town noticed a man come rushing to the station, throwing a suitcase on tho baggage truck and hurrying to buy a ticket. They observed somo liquid leaking from tho suitcase and investigating decided they had a bootlegger. 'When the man appear ed thoy showed their badge of auth ority and demanded that ho openth case, which ho pjp.mptly did, dis playing a very nice little poodle dr.