The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 27, 1919, Image 7

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Western Canada Has Unbounded
Glorious Opportunities for the Stock
Ralosr, tho Wheat Grower, and the
Mixed Farmer Its Fields to
Feed tho World.
Ilofore there were nny cnttlo In
Alberta, or It wns known tlmt It wns
possible to fci'il them outside nil the
year round, tho Inillim hunter could
always Ilml tho buffalo during the
winter months piistuiiug In tho foot
hills. In the Nunnnor the herds vvnn
tiered on the nhtlnn and fed on the
prairie glasses. The plains hae since
bin onto grain Ileitis, hut the foothill
tlistilet extending north fioin the In
ternational houiithuy for a thousand
miles will iilwnjs he a unttiriil feeding
ground for lhe stock. In the southern
part of Alheita the altitude Is gt outer
than In the more noithctly districts,
hut while the herds In 1I10 south have
ultler tracts of nautili age, In
the north from Hod Deer on Into the
Pence river country there are nioie
trees, a richer vegetation and moie
natural shelter.
Those who have been advocating
stock raising and mixed farming foi
the past few years point to the number
of hogs marketed as an evidence of the
increased production of the Western
Provinces. They may also take ciedlt
for tho increase In cattle and sheep,
which Is very gteat, but perhaps not
so marked as what has been accom
plished In hog raising. For the lltst
six months alone Inst year about half
n million hogs were shipped from
Manltobn, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
A very conservative c-tltnuto value of
these animals to the farmer would be
$2f.00 a head.
Tho Canadian West Is fast forging to
tho front of the wheat-producing coun
tries of the woild, and "No. 1 haul"
Is without doubt the best wheat in the
'market today. When It Is considered
that tho three hundred and forty-throe
"million four lnmdied and seventy-throe
thousand bushel crop of 1915 was from
lonly eleven million acres of her hun
dreds of millions of acres, it gives an
Idea of what her future will be.
It Is felt, however, that on nccount
of tho great money theic will un
doubtedly be In growing whent during
tho next few years there Is a possibil
ity that farmers inny be tempted to
drop the growing of coarser grains,
which might result In less stock being
Irnlsed. livery effort Is being made by
the Agricultural Departments of the
various Provinces to Impress on the
farmers that forage crops and conrsc
feed In abundance mean production of
flesh and milk, and that In tho long
run tho great future of the Western
Provinces lies In mixed farming which
will found her prosperity on a more
enduring bnsls.
Mixed farming hns nlwnys been the
rule In the Eastern Provinces where the
formation of tho land invites variety
of crop, but It has not been as common
In the Western Provinces, though the
practice hns grown In recent yents.
IUthcrto the mnn mining wheat fiom
tho rich soil has purchnsetl most of his
household food and necessities, hh
energies being devoted to getting every
possible bushel of grain out of every
foot of his land, and ho has paid prices
for his supplies that hao made a big
dent In his prnilts. It has now dawned
on him that ho can inlse vegetables
and poultry, and supply his own table;
that with very little effort ho can ralso
uIot of garden produce mid In a very
simple manner solve his own problem
of the cost of living. Further, that
there Is an Increasing market for do
mestic necessities such as poultry,
pggs, butter, milk mid cheese, which
command very high prices, and that
there aro other roads to prosperity
besides that through the wheat Hold.
In 1010 Canada Imported T.OSO.'JGO
pounds of butter, most of It from as
far away as Now Zealand, and for the
Hrst time In GO yours failed to ship
butter to England, a condition due to
tho homo consumption, which Is esti
mated to be Increasing at the rate of
$:i,000,()00 woith a year, being gi tal
ly In excess of tho luci eased supply.
This condition has brought about a
change in farming methods that Is far
rearhlng, and will result In greatly In
creased production all round of the
necessities demanded by tho home
Natural Resources.
One of tho most Important consider
ations to tho farmer Is fuel. In noi th
orn Mnnltobn, Saskatchewan nntl Al
berta, whero portions of the country
aio well wooded, tho settler has lit
tle dlfllculty In getting all the wood he
requires, and thousands of men Hud
employment In the winter cutting
wood, which Is shipped all oer the
pralrlo portions of tho piovlnccs.
There Is an nbunthinco of coal
hroughout tho country. It Is estimat
ed that tho conl deposits in Alberta
cover over 81,000 square miles and
represent an available tonnage of over
Jon hundred thousand million tons,
while, those In Saskatchewan cover an
nren of 13,000 miles, containing over
fiO.OOO.OOO tons. In Manitoba the coal
reserve Is not as large, but even theie
100,000,000 tons Is considered a con-er-vntlve
estlmnte. At the present time
these deposits aro only worked to n
Btnnll extent, but there Is no doubt that
tl.oy will be a great feature In upbuild
ing the country and will exorcise a
powerful Intlut'iice on Its commerce.
It Is a common thing In tho noal dis
tricts for farmers to got their coal
supply off their own farm. Near Ed
monton, for example, the farmers not
only supply themselves, but they car
(ry coal to tho city market and Hud It
n considerable source of revenue In j
tho winter time. Tho Edmonton coal
Holds under and around tho city have i
an estimated content of sixty thousand '
million tons. Farmers sell the coal !
at $4 a ton for domestic use.
The pioneer of Western Canada
know little of the onjo.v incuts of life,
compared with tho farmer In that
country today. The continual exten
sion of railway Hues affords facilities
undreamed of a few jears ago, closing
up the gaps of communication, creat
ing Immense business for the Hast In
tho West and the West In the East,
and drawing the fanner all the time
nearer to the zones of commerce. In
ci eating wider markets the railways
are doing more than any other agency
can do for Western Canada and tho
countiy as a whole. The pintluets of
the farms, which aro now readily mar
keted, and tho vnst train of employ
ment that follows the enlargement of
the farming IntluMr.v, Is ci eating new
agiicultural centers and causing towns
and cities of impoitauce to gtow all
along Its lines.
An ndmliablo stem of agricultur
al Instruction has been developed
thiough the efforts of the Dominion
government, anil the vailous piovln
elal Departments of Agriculture. 'I his
forms pint of the educational system
of Western Camilla and Is doing much
for all branches of agriculture. I'v
perlmental farms have been estab
lished at various points In the prov
inces, which have done wonders In de
veloping Improved methods of farm
ing. The result has been a great awaken
ing to the necessity of hotter methods
of tillage, scientific, stock raising and
tinlrylng. Fanners are beginning to
realize that to get what they are en
titled to out of the laud, they must
adopt scientific methods, and as a re
sult, fateful pcd selection, proper io
tatlon and summer fallow Is the order
of the day. Under tho favorable con
ditions generally anticipated, ptospect
point to an all round Increase in pro
duction that will leave a great deal
of money In the hands of the western
farmer this year, and prosperity for
Western Canada as a whole. It will be
years before Km ope will make up ar
rears In agilculturnl production
caused by the enforced Idleness ami
wholesale destruction, and Western
Camilla will play a big part In tilling
tho void.
The result of the continued shortage
In cattle, tho future price of beef and
the solution of the perplexing problem
of footling the woild are vital ques
tions uppermost In the minds of many
thinking people today.
There Is no doubt that the wide
acres of Western Canada can, ami will,
bo made to play an Important pjirt In
bringing about a proper balance In
supply nntl demand. In the northern
faarts of Manitoba and Saskatchewan
win in Aiueria are many mous-ninis
of acres of tho richest pasture In the
world, well watered and treated by the
sunniest of climates. These rolling
hills for the greater part arc still un
peopled nntl untrodden by the hoofs
of domestic animals.
One of the causes assigned for the
decline In stock-raising Is the reduc
tion In the areas available for grazing
on account of so many big ranches be
ing converted Into farms. Experi
ments, conductctl nt Vermilion, Al
berta, would rather go to show that
the old grazing grounds were too large,
and that the feeding Is really better
when the animal Is confined to a com
paratively limited area, providing the
pasturage Is of the right kind and
there Is plenty of water. Advertise
uicnti Right at Home.
"Home Is whore the heart Is."
"That's what tho young fellow who
Is courting my daughter thinks. He
hangs nround my place all the time."
St. Louis (Hobe-Doniocrnt.
Hus been used for all ailments that
nro caused by n disordered stomach
and Inactive liver, such as felck head
ache, constipation, smir stomach,
nervous Indigestion, fermentation of
food, palpitation of tho heart caused by
gases lu the stomach. August Flower
Is n gentle laxative, regulates digestion
both In stomach and Intestines, cleans
and sweetens tho stomach and alimen
tary canal, stimulates the liver to se
crete the bile and Impurities from tho
blood. Sold in nil civilized countries.
Glvo It a trial. Adv.
A Leading Question.
Glhbs "I toll you, no one can fool
my wife" Dlbbs "Then how did you
get her?" Tho Clubfcllow.
Cutlcura for Sore Hands.
Soak hands on retiring In the hot euds
of Cutlcurn Soap, dry and rub In Cu
tlcura Ointment. Remove surplus
Ointment with tlssuo paper. TIiIb Is
only one of the things Cutlcura will do
if Soap, Ointment and Talcum aro used
for all toilet purposes. Adv.
The man who boasts of being self
made probably believes that an hon
est confession Is good for the soul.
The war 1ms made tnblo linen very
valuable. The use of Red Cross Hall
Blue will add to Its wearing qualities.
Ufao It and see. All grocers, Gc.
You have probably observed that
when some persons speak their minds
they don't say much.
Wn Orenulafed Eyelids,
M WUIf Eyei inflamed by expo-
tare to Sun. Dust and Wind
uickly relieved by Marina
yeRemedy. N,o Smarting
nt Ere CVimfnrf. A
Your Druggists or by mall COc per Bottle,
For Dcok ol (be Eye free write h u
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Occurrences Over the Cornhusker
State Chronicled In Paragraph
Form for the Busy
The homing at Lincoln of Injtino
lion prot rollings Instituted by tho
state's atlorne.v general against No
bniska telephone companies to pro-
out eufm cement of Postmaster (Jon
oral P.uileson's schedule of telephone
toll rates, was postponed Indefinitely,
pending decision b.v the United States
supreme mint of a test suit of Mm
liar natuie to he appealed finni some
other siate whero such litigation has
ptogressiMl ftniher than In Nebraska.
In the tneanlline the Iturlesou tales
will not be effective In this state, loin
pmar.v rostialtitng unlets having been
secured b.v the attotue.v geneial.
Colonel William lln.vward. fanner
ly of Nebraska t'lt.v. who touched New
York a few dti.vs ago with his negto
regiment, 'MVMU Infanlr.v, formetly tho
l.ith New Yoik National (Jiinid, said
that out of the ."( olllcers and 'J.(HK)
men, who left New Yoik for service
oveiseaes, '.'it olllcers and 1,-00 men
leluined. The missing ollleeis and
men of the leglment. he said, ate
sleeping lu France and Helglum.
Fift.v-four bonis burled In snow is
tho tin tiling expeilence some eighty
passongeis, including n number of
women and chlldieu, hud when a train
on the M. ami (). became stalled in a
deep cut IIonMih timing the
lecent The burled passen
gers kept from fietvlng by steam
from the engine and obtained food
from fanners, theie being but one
biuull nutlet to their tomb.
United States Disttlct Attorney Al
len at Lincoln announced that Antlers
.lotisen. rS, bachelor fanner of Mln
don, Is to be depot ted to (icrmtmy and
will forfeit his SO-acio farm and per
sona I propei ty for opposing America's
participation lu the war. The district
attorney indicated that other Nebras
kaus classed as "dangerous alien
enemies" would be sent back to the
J, nisei land.
Miss Eva Ashton. student nt tho
state college of agilculturo at Lin
coln, who won first place as an Indi
vidual stock Judge at the national
live stock show at Denver, Is the Hrst
college woman In the United States
to win the highest Individual Judging
honors at a large live stock show.
Federal District Attorney Allen nt
Lincoln sajs ho is convinced that wo
men hooe i mineis operating between
W.vomlng and Nebiaska arc success
fully smuggling large quantities of
liquor into this state In automobiles.
Tho first ai rests of alleged women of
fondeis on the w ostein bolder wore
made several weeks ago.
While blasting on tho property of
tho Soldiers home at Mllford several
largo pieces of lion ore were ills
covered. The state boaid of control
plans to asceitaln tho otont of tho
deposit and find out if tho vein Is of
fliich proportions that It can bo profit
ably worked.
Nebraska now has nlno large mid
eighteen small potash plants, repre
senting an Investment of millions of
dollars and emplo.vlng several thou
sand persons. Tho state is now
furnishing more than two-fifths of the
potash output of tho United States.
Nebraska stands second nmong nil
states in tin ...... In economy of ad-
ministration of the selective draft law,
according to State Provost Marshal
Waller L. Anderson, who had charge
of tho atluilnlstiatlon of tho law In
Lieutenant John Tnnilien, who Is
spending a furlough at tho borne of
his sister at Omaha, contracted In
fluenza live times and was wounded
and gassed once during his eighteen
months' sttiy in France.
Preparations aro iiipldly going for
ward at Oinahii to make tho 1010
automobile show the biggest and best
ever held In tho Nebraska Metropolis.
The dates are March 10 to 115.
The War department's table, Just
Issued, showing the number of sol
diers furnished by each state, credits
Nebraska with -I7.S05.
From the looks of things down at
Lincoln now, Nebraska is sure to
have a new capltol building before
A hotel, opera house and sewer sys
tem me among the Improvements con
templated at Doshlor tho coming sea
son. Flro of undetermined origin badly
damaged tho nudltnilum building nt
A special election scheduled at Fro
mont to vote n bond issue of $100,000
to hike up that amount of i of milling
bonds was not hold, because the day
before election tho legislature passed
n law giving city councils right to re
new bonds.
State Prohibition Agent (lus llyers
mid his deputies made a now dis
covery when they confiscated n num
ber of suit cises aboard u Kansas
City-Omaha train and In them found
novel-ill gallon paint cans, labelled
paint, full of genuine whisky.
C. II. Gustnfson of Lincoln wns re
elected president of tho Nebraska
Fanners' Union nntl J. M. Iiurdlck of
Norfolk vloo president nt tho an
nual meeting of tho association nt
W. E. Shorpo, head of tho Nebras
ka Potash Producers' association, told
n senate committee at Washington
that .'1,000 inboreiv iilM'jfdy woro out
of smplri) (until m Neluiiskn ns u re
Fiiit ot curtailment of tho industry,
and that unless congress furnishes Im
mediate relief, Nebraska potash pro
ducers will face bankruptcy.
Hundreds of miles of telephone and
! u'utpli lines were destroyed as tho
r - It of tho worst snow and sleot
"' n of the season that swept over
tin1 suite late last week. Some pints
fie noi th half of the siafo leporletl
s l lie of from fill t Oil miles an hour,
w ii snow dilfted to u depth of twelve
f" i It was tho most unusual blizzard
tin ever gripped this putt of the
country. Outside the toppling over of
th' .sands of telephone poles and de
m i illlng wire and mil cotntnunlea
ti i little damage wns dune. Few
p.n'H of the state evpeileneetl weiilh
ei older than '.'It above zoio.
in icply to fJovernor McKelvle's ie
pi' t for the discharge of Nebraska
ii" ii fiom the in my, who are needed
on tut ins of the state, Mtior (Jeneral
I "1111111 Wood at Camp Fuiiston In
t' lined the governor that an attempt
I now being made to get copgtess to
l""s legislation to i en nit men to till
in. ickIiucuIs with men who want to
si v in the nrm.v nntl penult the dls-
in i go of men who desire to go home
I" work on fat ins or elsewhete.
'lhe (;o.lK)0,000 public buildings and
g oiintls bill Just i ei)ited to the lower
house of congress, piovhlcs sums to
be expended on federal pi ejects In
Nibiaska as follows: Central t'lt.v,
"s MH ; licucva, Siri.OOO; SeottsblulT,
Mi'.tioo; Superior, SI.'.OOO; Itioken
ltow 10 000; David City, Mt.tMH);
ONelll, SI5.1HH); Schu.vler, ?7,t"00;
Si waul. Stl.lKK); and Wayne. S7.r.00.
The teveuue olllce at Omaha hna
mailed Income tuv leturn blanks to
iiiiolmiitely 100,000 Nebraskans. j ear Nebraskans paid SI 1.000,000
In dm nine taxes mid this jour It Is be
lieved this figure will be doubled.
Fatnlngs up to S-(H0 are exempted
foi married persons while Single per
sons must pay a tax- on earnings' ex
ceeding $1,000.
A successor to the late IMshop A. L.
Williams of tho Episcopal diocese of
Nchinsku, who died at Omaha lecent
l.v, will be named May -1 at tho an
nual council of clergy and laity at tho
metropolis. livery oloig.vninn Is asked
to send In tho name of his choice to
the standing committee b.v March ill,
together with a sketch of the nomi
nee's life.
Itoth Hooper and Scilbner me with
out electric lights as the result of a
the which tlcstioyed the plant at
Hooper, owned by the Nebiitsku (las-,
F.lectrlc Light and Ptlwer compan.v.
The loss is estimated at $1'J,000, with
only a small amount of Insurance.
The plant supplied both Hooper and
Scilbner mid a number of farm homes
with current.
State Piohlbltlon Agent Ilyers has
decided to Install a largo Iron gate nt
the Omaha end of the Mlssouil liver
biidgo in an effoit to nppichcnil boot
legger. All nutomoblles will bo held
until the agents have satisfied them
selves tint t cars aro fiee from hoove
whero the clicumstances aro such as
Justify a search.
Rutteifnt is selling for 40 cents n
pound in the noithcnstcin part of the
state. Creamery butter lias gone as
low a.s -15 cents o pound and count! y
butter sells for fiO cents.
W. T. IliissolU who has lived con
tinuously near Stella for tho piust 05
years claims the recoid of being tho
earliest pioneer living In tho state, lie
asks If un.vone can beat his record.
liny Is becoming n scmo urtlclo In
many sections of Nebiaska. Pnrmeis
In many counties In the south half of
tho state me pa.vlug us high as JJJiO a
ton for alfalfa liny.
Tho pastor of St. Pauls Lutheran
church at West Point has announced
thnt every Sunday morning hereafter
thero will bo C-oimnn services a.s well
as English services.
Prizes worth In tho neighborhood of
?1,000 will be given away when mer
chants and their wives visit Omalia
during Merchants' Market Week,
Mm c)i 4 to 0.
During the recent hlljvuid no trains
wore able to move In or out of Su
perior for font' days. Snow drifted In
many places in the vicinity to u depth
of twenty feet.
Governor McKelvlo Is everting every
effort to hasten the homecoming of
Nebraska soldiers in Fiance, especial
ly the men In the Eight j -ninth di
vision. The Nebraska D. A. R. stato con
ference will lio held at Omaha Mnich
18 to UO. Every chapter in thu statu
Is expected to send delegates.
Owen 1,'off, u prominent farmer of
Ashland, was killed when an automo
bile ho was (hiving went into a wnter
ditch near the Platte river bridge.
John Levaty, 10 living on n farm
eight miles north of Seward, was In
stantly killed when his gun was ac
cidentally exploded while hunting.
Itcports from Washington mo that
congress is cvpcctcd to enact legisla
tion soon which will penult dischaigetl
soldiers from Nebiaska who huvobeen
ordered to return theic uniforms to ie
tain possession of them permanently.
Provost Marshal Anderson of Ne
braska reports thnt with 70 p,er cent
of this state's local draft bonids io
porting their work completed, Nebras
ka stands ninth In tho second quarter
of tho "final boat." Nebraska, ho said,
is ahead of all Its neighboring states
at the present time.
Tho Federation of Nebraska retail
ors has decided to inovo the state
hondquniteis from Omaha to Lincoln.
Winter wheat In Johnson county Is
growing so rapidly that farmers mo
diking their cnttlo upon It while tho
ground Is frozen early In tho day and
tho stock is getting much good feed
In this mnnner.
A sale of thoroughbred Holstcln cnt
tlo held at tho stock yards at South
Omaha brought tho highest prices of
any provious snlo thoro.. Of flfty-slv
head only two brought less than ?300.
Flfty-flvo averaged $5120 ouch.
r-sT,.: r t. l
I &
Not rt cure-all.
tional remedy for
if? tettUUV !! 7-
iffimg i
all inflammation and conges
tion of tho mucous mem
branes. Cftlnrrh attacks tho mucoun linings, In nny organ,
In nny part of tho body. It Is not, nu notno iinnnlne,
conllncil to tho noso and throat, although naonl
catarrh la tho most common form and ollUctu many
Unchecked catarrh soon breaks clown the tlssuo mid
dcstroyn tho orgnnn or part. Kvldcnco of tho rav
ages of catarrh nro all around us. Without dcslro
to frighten anyone, wo say: "Guard yourself against
catarrh as you would against tho direst plugue.
Fortify your ByBtom. Tnko Peruiiu."
iNsniiiNo vimns rem Tim sick most Timsn
A Oood MrtUclnr In tlio Fnmllr.. .
T bad a Imu enno ot Uidrlpiio nml could cot no
relief, l'cruiia cured mo. It la a tlno medicine, vvo
often uo it in th. &X $&M&i:3.
Tnut Lnlto Station. 8SS5 First Avenue,
Birmingham, Alabama.
mm. wkh A Dirrr.HKVr rr.nsoN.
Peruna litis cured my Htomticli und I feel like, a
different pcrnon. I only took twolvo liottleH ot l'o
runa ntid can cat anything without ulHtrcsH, somo
tlilnir I lmvo not dono for fifteen yoarw.
I rceominond l'cruiia to everybody uuffcrlnir with
cntnrrh of tho stomach.
1029 16th St., , , T ..,
ColumbUH, Georgia. J. J. THOMPSON.
Pcruna la Indicated for all forms
of catarrh or catarrhal Inflammation
and congestion of tho mucous lin
ings In nny part or organ, such aa
nose, throat, bronchial tubes, lung's,
Btomnch, bowels, Utdncyo, blndder,
etc. It is flno for coughs, colds nnd
effects of tho grip and an excellent
prevcntlvo remedy.
If you want health, Insist upon
having Dr. Hnrtman'a World Fta.
tnoua Feruna Tonic.
Sold Everywhere.
And all dlHcnucn of
Not So Easy.
"So you are writer?"
"Somo so nlleRO."
"It must bo nice to put your Ideas
Into print."
"That part Is nil rlRht. Tho totiKli
pnrt Is In filling spneo when you
hnven't any Ideas." Louisville Cou-rler-Jouruul.
To half p'nt of water add 1 oz. Hay Rum'
a small box oi Barbo Compound, and Yt
oz. of glycerine. Any drugget enn put thit
up or you can mix it at homo at very lit
tle cost. Full directions for making and
use come In each box of Barbo Compound
It will gradually darken streaked, faded
gray hair, nnd mnke it soft and glowy. It
will not color the scalp, is not sticky oi
greasy, and docs not rub off. Adv.
Too Old to Eat.
"Do you know that un oyster Isn't
fit to cat until It Is four years old?"
remarked the talkative waiter as ho
placed a dozen on tho half shell be
foro tho grouch.
"You can tako thcoo back," growled
tho grouch, ns ho sniffed nt tho bi
valves before him. "You have evident
ly forgotten that an oyster Isn't fit to
eat after It is 400 years old."
Important to Mothers
Examlno carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Bears tho
SIgnaturo of
In Use for Over at) Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
"Aro thnt deaf and dumb couplo on
bad ierms?"
"Well, they don't speak."
Now Quickly
Thoso painful attacks of Indiges
tion, heart-burn, belching, disgusting
food-repeating; that puffy bloated,
lumpy feeling after eating, dys
pepsia and stomach miseries nil
point to just one. awful American
disease commonly known as ACID
STOMACH. Fortunately thero has been discov
crcd n wonderful modem remedy
called EATONIC-that brings instant
relief from nil theeo stomach miseries
becaueo it absorbs tho hurtful excess
acid in tho stomach and drives out tho
bloat and gas. You won't know you
have n stomach, bo freo of pain you'll
feel. Besides, it saves you from moro
serious ailments because it is a scien
tific fact that AOID-STOMAGII fre
quently creates conditions w Inch baQlo
the best medical skill. Many cases of
chronic stomach trouble, biliousness,
revere headacho, general weakness,
rheumatism, zout. lumbatro. intestinal
ulcer, cancer of tho stomach, heart
T Wmo
- -. JIig SSffJ
ItCQS9d OAgBgpSf
IT,. U - . lPl
but a ra
catarrh and
All nick nnd miltcrlng- should
write Tho Pcruna Company, Dept,
8-S2, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hart
man's Health Boole. Tho book, la
frco and contains perhaps Just the
information you aro seeking'. It la
Bent In a plain wrapper to any ad
dress. DO IT TODAY.
Aik your dealer for a Peruna
Ctitnrrhal Favor
Pink Eyo, Shipping
Fovor, tpizootio
tho horao affecting Ids throat HpccdllJI
knmv- m
w& h 1
cured; oohh mm Iiothph In tho biihio stnlmi kept from hav
ing thorn by tiulng .Nl'OlIN'.S Cinil'OIlM), 3 to 6 doses of-'
ten euro. Hnfo for brood inurcH, huby coltii, utulllons, all
ngcH und condltloiiN. Mont xklllful aclentlllo compound,
SroiIN'S Is nold by your drugglHt.
SI'OIIiV MKDICAI. CO., Mfr., Gofilien, Ind.
Cruel Suspicion.
"My nncoMors cnino over with th
enrly settlers." "I don't doubt lt
they didn't deport them then."
Btats of Ohio, City of Toledo, Zica
County na.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ha la
senior partner of tho firm of F. J. Chenex
& Co., doing business In the City or Tea
leflo. County and Stato aforesaid, nnd that
Rid firm will pay tho Bum of ONE HUN
DRED DOLIoAUS for any caso ot Catarrh
that cannot bo cured by tho usa al
Sworn to before, mo and subscribed li
my presence this Cth day ot Dccembar
A. J. 1888.
(Seal) A. W. Oleason. Notary Public
an Internally and acts throuah the Bloatl
on tha Mucous Surfaces of tha SysteM.
Druggists, lie. Testimonials tree.
V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Onto,
Half n loaf Is sometimes better tha
an unpaid bonrd bill.
Tho goodness of pcoplo Is exceed
lngly tiresome.
Don't trifle with a coldi
it's dangerous.
You can't afford to risk
Keep always at hand a '
box of .
8a '
Standard cold remedy for 20 yean In tablet
form afe, ure, no opiate break i up a cold
In 24 hour. relieves grip In 3 doyi. Money
baclc If Itfall.. The genuine box hat a Red top
with Mr. HiU't picture. At All Drug Storsa.
pains end oven heart failure can b
traced directly to Acid-Stomach.
Avoid theeo dangers don't let acid
stomach wreck your health. Don'l
dragoutyour days feeling all in, down
and out, weak and ailing. Keep ths
vital spark flashing. Eat tho things
yon like and digest your food In com
fort. Then you'll feel fine-bo fit
mentally alert havo pep and punch
tho power and will to do things.
Tako EATONIO and givo your
ctomach tho help to put it in n fine,
healthy condition so that it will digest
your food perfectly and mako every
mouthful you eat register 100ft in en
riching your blood and building up
your bodily strength.
Get n big box of EATONIO TAB
LETS from your druggist today. They
tasto good just liko a bit of candy.
Tho cost is trifling. It is absolutely
guaranteed. If it fails to relievo your
ttomach misery, your druggist will
retunu your money.