The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 27, 1919, Image 1

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K I i
iuvto HUlorlort.BorUtj
' " .... 1 l
A RewsHKr That elves Tke Ftens f Ifty-tKt Weeks Each Yew Far If .5t - ' 7
Don't Hide Your Money at Home
IP everybody did, it would kill business as surely as
if everybody stopped work.
Let your money work (or you in an interest bearing
certificate of deposite of this bank. We pay 4 per cte '
Depositors guaranteed by Depositors
Guaranty Fund of State of Nebraska
Webster County Bank
Edward Flounce, President
S. R. Florance, Cashier
g Lww
Get YOUR GROCERY Supplies of
Willi brasidt
Choice Candies, Fresh Cookies
Full Supply of Pecans
' . All Kinds of Nuts
Canned Goods Fine Apples
Every thing in "Groceries
and Queensware
A Few Pieces of Fine Hand-painted China
tv erytni n
Ususually Found
At a
First CIassn
Furniture Store
Furniture and Undertak ing
relatives now living.
..He was born in Hancock county,
Illinois, in June, 1861. He was grad
uated from Abingdon , college and
admitted to the bar in Illinois, where
he yras elected prosecuting attorney
of his home county, and practiced 'his
profession with notable success for
a number of years, when he removed
'to this county.
Funeral services are being con
ducted this afternoon, from the home,
and at the request of the family
friends refrained from contributing
flowers, they being of the opinion that
the time for such is during life.
Commercial Club Committes
Both attendance and enthusiasm
displayed at the Commercial Club ses
sion Tue-tlay night, substantiates
the hore-to-forc published account of
this organization having taken a new
lease on lift', and signifies plainer than
can be told in cold 'type that the ''got
somcwheie" spirit now dominates.
Death of Attorney Overman
(By Attorney Jas. S. Gilham)
The death of Mr. Overman was one
of those startling incidents winch sur
prises a community into the reallza
of "what shadows we are, and what
shadows we pursue." He was in the
court room Wednesday, arguing a
legal proposition before Judge Dor
sey, with his accustomed energy and
Sunday he was dead. Few of his
neighbors knew that he was suffer
ing. To outward seeming, he was in
the prime of life. Yet lie had, for
some years, felt serious forebodings
that the end was not distant, and re
alized the insidious approach of dis
solution. This realization affords some ex
planation of the waning interest ho
had begun to exhibit in his profession
al and public life.
Mr. Overman came to this city in
the .year 1808 and engaged, in . the
practice of law. From the begin
ning he succeeded in attracting a
Inrtrn .slmio of tlin nnmilnrrnnfidpiiro.
nnii ennn rinl.i.-n,1 ,1!f inrtlnn no n I C W. HutclliSOil. tUld F. W CoWtlell
: i. ir.. .i ..... i ., ! were named as a delegation to attend If
II.LVlVt-l. Ill- .-M'lLI'II I V I ll-Illi:t a m ' .
j county attorney.
was character
1 and enoriretic
. . " . ' . . ...!....
duties of Iiis position. n-muj. . .. ...,..v ....w.. ..- ....
Mr. Ovni-mnn wjis onr. nf tlmsr InwJ lt could be desired, since it was
Ivors who fudrrrrl nrrMimMv his own'1 those same gentlemen who previously
(lualificalions. lie was accustomed to , 1,a.(l d!:jr of this matter, and they
relv, to a large extent, on others for' ' thoroughly understand the many ad
wlmt might bo called the teclmical-' vantages features for both our uty
ities and subtle distinctions of thri,, " emty, in pushing the project
law ami its procedure, while ho gave though to a reality. Tho Golden
i,:.if i i i n ..4.... Rod Hiirhwav. which wit- recently
which are more capable of popular' adopted by the state, both n to route
exposition. if I strength was before ' an1 namo' wil1 cxl('"'1 fm Nflnaska
Messrs. F. tl. Turnure. 1). II. Kaley,
His nffinhil e:i.-eer,the big Golden Kod Highway conven- fi
i-ized bv the painstaking ' lioi hu''' "' I'"airlury on Wednesday P
s performance of tho the gentlemen leaving on No. 10 ye-- E?
t,nJwir. i torday. The aboo selection is all LJ
"You're Just as Sweet at Sixty
as You Were at Sweet Sixteen"
The Edison Diamond Phonograph never
loses its sweetness either. You will love it
more the longer you have it. '
Come to our store any time to hear this
wonderful instrument.
Stop, Sit and Listen
Enjoy II As You Pay For II
.12. JL
Optometrist and Jeweler
-MMI.I,, ,.,,.!.,-, ,.....,,..,...., , . ,,
a jury, and for a few years, ho easily
occupied a leading position as an 'ad
vocate before that tribunal. Ho was
gifted with an imposing presence,
fine elocution, and ho possessed an
earnest dignity of manner which
breathed of conviction in hiin.-df and
persuaded the minds of others. lie
soon attained a degiee of eminence
City to Oxford, where it will again
connect with the 0. L. 1 route, will
b more scenic than either the latter
or the Hock 'Inland Ilighwaj, to the
south in Kansas, .since it will follow
ii) the river, and will likewise be a
saving in mileage and once establish
ed v ill mean much for any city along
its lino. The Club voted to pay lle.-e
that warranted his friends to mpty' Kfntlf,nPn' expense to tho conven
him a candidate for judicial honor.. M0"1 lll' to ?'jr)-00-
Ho Hwiirnl tlwi nnminnt.Iori '" ip au0VL' meeuij; me iioum-
for tho judgeship of this district.
Hut he who runs for a judicial ofllce
against an incumbent who has given
reasonable itisfaction engages in a
losing race. Mr. Overman's pro
fessional and public life reached its
.nil .n iiml iaii il I i'.injl
ll.lllllllllllUll lib III.1U III.'IJ.MI. I
iiic isnio lw.t. i;ni .mwi im r..ti..i . nn'tteeinen
..T I.VV... ". ...V...,- M. V.l .tVM.l
Committee wan instructed to expend,
not to exceed 00.00, in repair of the
tabh . in the club room and the hecre-
tar was empowered to pay all fixed , j
! charges, rent, etc., and instructed to
' have cards printed of tho various
I committees and handed to th com-
The House Commitlco
seemed to have lost much of his waa msirucieu io coiuinuo woi-k, as
earlier ambition. Tho death of his 1 -s the band committee. The mo
boy was followed bv tho deaths of his Uon" w0l a,fe0 "uul an(l t.""iictl tliat
brother and two sisters; and to the ' tho vlih contract with Handmastcr
few who were most intimate with . Miller for one year and that the jan
him dihclosed the fact that his own I -tor l,(-' lahl ?12.r,.00 per year, after
hold upon life was rapidly loosening. wl,ich tllc foHowinjf cominittecs were
Yet none realized that the threads hud IP"itc(! and approved:
become worn and weak. ' I House Committee ,
A few years ago Mr. Overman 1T- Nowhousp, Chairman
united with the M. E. church of this I 1)r- w- H- McBrlde, K. S. Garbcr,
city, and sought to find in tho lifo of , F ' Gl'icc' " J- 1C'. F- W- Cow-
thc spirit those abiding satisfactions , den.
... . ... . i...
winch are boyond the range anu power
of earthly 'changes and disappoint
He was an nctive member of tho
various fraternities of this city, a
Mason, and Odd Fellow, and a Work
man. He was an enthsiastic ball player
in his college days, and when this
ill urn luiiuu tuyri unit wiiuii tlllD . r
city had a base ball team, ho was ono City Affairs
flood Hoads
Bernard McNcny, Chaiiman
W I). Edson, L. H. Hlackledge, V.
Q. Turnure, O. H. Overlng, W. H.
Henry Fausch, Chairman
C. J. Tlatt, C.A. Herrick, Connie
Starke, Henry Gilliam.
of its most generous supporters. Ho
lived a clean, manly, wholesomo life.
During his last years ho developed
a great interest in fanning and con
ducted extensive operations on his
farm southwest of the city.
He was always interested in every
question rolutivc to tho civic improve
ment of tho community, and every
enterprise designed to better the pub
lic conditions found him a gencrou
supporter and advocate.
While he was a young man in col
lege, his elder brother, William died
in Red Cloud, after a brief btay
among us. His mother died at art
advanced age, at hiB.Jiome, a few
years ago.
Ono sister, Mrs. Robert Damcrcll,
lives in this city. She and an aged
sister in Illinois, with his wjfo.and
! daughter, arc all of his immediate
S. R. Florance, Chairman
W. O. Hamilton, N. H. Hush, A. N.
Kuley, Ed Piatt.
(Continued on I.iiht l'ai;e)
TheW.C. T U. meets with Mrs. Tj
II. Albright Wednchdiiy p in. March fi
? mm
v.,,v.. i ' ;.-: -- -r iu
j Some of the conveniences
I electricity brings
r 4T?LY1
te 32-'
Wkih fee wicaitri-
prnn is on-
S . 4k
livmrnQm enjoyable.
How many times have you re
solved to have electricity in your
home "some day?" Now you
can afford ii:
Not only have special rates for wir
ing been arranged for this campaign
but the three-fold economy of EDISON
MAZDA Lamps which give three
times as much light as old-style car
bon lamps will help you pay the cost.
And the whole family will njoy the
benefit of electric service that makes
passible innumerable comforts and con
veniences such as tho electric toaster,
flatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner.
Let us explain the saving you ean maho
by having your house wired now.
Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical
Help Your Digestion
When cid-dlatrcMed, rtUere the
indigestion with
Vim Milkr oa.iijiiue-iB
ij8ltU.HM; KeP
Tfl-'fU T
The American Secret Service works
as silently and as surely as fate. Its
eyes never close, and they pierce to
the very hearts of our country's ene
mies. One of tho gteatest pieces of
detcctivo work in modern history was
the disclosure of tho nefarious intri
gue in which Bolo Pasha, Joseph Cail
laux, his beautiful wife, and their as
sociates plotted to betray Franco to
tho Kaiser. Yt-t this is only one of
tho thrilling episodes in tho powerful
photo-drama, "Tho Caillaux Case,"
which came to the Orphoum theatre
for yesterday and today.
The Golden Rod Highway
Secretary of the Commercial Club
F. W. Cowden announced on Fri
day, that tho State Highway Commis
sioner has 'approved both tho route
and name of tho Golden Rod Highway,
and that a rousing big convention was
scheduled to bo held in Fairbury on
Wednesday of this week, and as soon
as weather conditions will permit, act
ive work, in making tho Highway &
reality, will be begun,