H.i' A 1 ". i f r 1 1 5c tt ISJ- S& 4 M aiftU HUlotll,BocltiJ "O jg-ncv iteJgr 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Far $1,50 VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. EEHURAltY 550, 1SUJ. NUMBER 8 aw.-wv.vv.v.v.vv.vav.v.v.v.v.v.vv.vavvvvvj Don't Hide Your Money at Home IF everybody did, it would kill IjusineM as swely as il everybody stopped work. Let your money work for you in an intcrert btnring certificate of depositeof this bank. We pay 4 per ct. Depositors guaranteed by Depositors Guaranty Fund of State of Nebraska Webster County Bank Edward Floionce, President S. R. Florancc, Casbicr The Death of W. T. Auld Hamilton - Sisco Wedding W. T. Aultl passed away at Hornet, A vcij quiet but pretty weddinj: California, on Monday afternoon, to ' took place this morning at the lioino which place he had journeyed some ! of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hamilton, VWW Get YOUR GROCERY Supplies of 9 Wullbrandt Choice Candies, Fresh Cookies Full Supply of Pecans All Kinds of Nuts Canned Goods Fine Apples Everything in Groceries and Queeitsware A Few Pieces of Fine Hand-painted China Everything Ususually Found At a First Class" Furniture Store ROY SATTLEY Furniture and Undertaking months previous to spend the winter, and the following tribute to his mem ory will bo easily recognized ns com ing from the pen of Attorney Jas. S. Gilliam: "Mr. Auld was born May 10, 1815, in the state of Ohio. His boyhood was spent at Knoxvillc, Iowa, where his body will be taken for burial. "He came to Guide Hock in 1885, where he organized the Hank of Guide j Hock. In 181)2 he organized the State I Hank of this city. In 18!)9 ho became j the owner of one of the leading bunks in Lincoln, and in 11)12 he became the owner of the Corn Exchange Hank of Omaha. "His connection with a bank was an assurance of stability and a guarantee of success. He was a friend of all his customers and those who follow ed his advice always found it leading to prosperity. "In those dark clays of Hod Cloud's history, when all the banks had failed, i when the credit of the merchants was worthies", and all the financial enter prises of the city were crumbling, Mr. Auld restoted the financial stand ing of the community, and put the credit of the city upon a sccmo fool ing. "Mr. Auld was one of the few wealthy men in the slate, who recog nized the duty urd privilege of using their wealth in public benefactions to the communities where they reside. Guide Uock and Hod Cloud will always remember him1 with gratitude for the beautiful library buildings donated by him. Lincoln has gratefully inscribed his name on its moi.1 extensive park. "There will be hundreds of child ren and youth who will look with sad dened eye on the crepe hanging from the door of the public library in this city. They had not known the donor. Hut they had learned to tpcak his name w Ith grateful respect and thoy will cherish his memory with inci eas ing niU'clion, as their minds are en riched with the means afforded by his geneiosity. "Not-with-slanding his absence lrom this city, caused by his conduct of banks at Lincoln and Omaha, he al ways legauled Hed Cloud as his home, and the people of this city w ill always recall with affectionate pride their most prosperous, most generous and mo.st public spirited citizen." Appalling, Fatal Accident Mr. and Mrs. Tom Swartz were called to Inavale the first of the week by a pcculiaily pathetic accident which cost the life of the hitter's brother, a lad of about 17 years. Heauford Pierce, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce, who formerly resided on the Frisbie'placo known as the Amboy mill farm, in company with a companion, Jim Hcilman, a lad several years his sen ior, endeavored to ride belated No. 1G out of Kiverton on lust Friday night, the boys, so it is presumed, intend ing to ride the train to within a short distance of the Pierco home. At about 11 o'clock that night the Heil man boy, in an unconscious condi tion, dragged himself to a nearby farm house, where on being taken in, it was ascertained he was seriously, but not fatally, injured. On the restoration of partial consciousness he began asking for his companion, with the result that a search was at once instigated, which ended by the finding of the lifeless body of the Pierce boy in a snow bank near the track, a little ways out of Kiverton. The unfortunate lad's limbs had both been broken, as well as one arm and his head badly crushed. The Heilman boy, at this writing, has not sufficiently recovered as to stato just how the accident occurred or us to what part of-the train tney were riding. when the former's sister, Miss Hello Hamilton, wns united in marriage to Howard .Sisco, Hew John I). Hammcl officiating. The bride is the attrac tive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hamilton of Guide Kock, and not only enjoys a wide circle of friends in her home town, but in our city as well. Tho groom is a prospeious young farmer of Pawnee county and while a stranger in this community, yet his choice of a life-lime companion is sufficient recommendation. The happy couple left this morning for the eastern pait of the stato to visit his parents. . Farmers Telephone Hearing Commissioner Vil with his stenogra State Hallway son, in company pher, Miss Taylor, arrived on the scene jestorday for the purpose of holding the long anticipated, and many times postponed hearing, rela tive to the raise in rates sought by the Farmers' Independent Telephone Company of this city. The hearing, itself, affords but little for publica tion and the outcome of the same will remain a matter of conjecture, for some time, if the Commission tiavels tho same round-about course in ar living at a verdict, as that taken, prior ty Ju holding of tho hearing. The time yesterday was entirely con sumed by the gathering of data, rela tio to the cost of this, that and tho other, and the proceedings, so we are informed, would have been entirely devoid of cither comedy or drama, were it not for the pic-ence and test imonials of Secretary 0. C. Tool, of the Independent Company, Local Manager Geo. Warren, of tho Lincoln T. k. T. Company and Attorney Ber nard MoNcny, who represented the minority stockholders of the Inde pendi nt Company. District Court Proceedings "You're Just as Sweet at Sixty as You Were at Sweet Sixteen" The Edison Diamond Phonograph never loses its sweetness either. You will love it more the longer you have it. Come to our store any time to hear this y wonderful instrument. Stop, Sit and Listen EASY PAYMENTS IF YOU WISH Enjoy It As You Pay For It H i ewhbuse Optometrist and Jeweler N fZSHKEEufi TiTffrvTm'ffn''tTTiiTt'iwriiMiyw Jiuk't' Doiscy anil Couit Hi-poitor Uuitd convened u term ol court, with u jijr Monday morning. However, on TiiDsduy the jury was sent homo, ns thi'ie was no jurj work The court disposed of the following. Williiiin H Monro vs Henry TIIou oten.v, cuiitiuiicrt to Murch term Pliebe A Cook vs John L Chiistiiitt, settled and dismissed. Floyd H. Derr vs Dtdliurt Buckles, settled nnd dismissed Bernard L. Castor vs City of Hed . Cloud, dismissed. B. P. Ncl Deed. I Geoigla Long vs Hulph Long, di vorce for plaintiff. j The cue of Jarues Veneo vs County, Commissioners, for ti contempt order, is a case wherein plaintiff claims damages for tho overflow of wuter j Along the Inavnlo road, on his fiirm nnd on his crops. Tho county wus given 15 diiys to nnswer the complaint ( turn the cnse was bet for the March :ilst term. i f . , f ) Mr w wffiik J K jOWfet I i M l'J IW I Vatieo B. NeUon, utul, vs son, et ul, Sale confirmed. - . Anv vouncr mnn nr vnnnrr lnriv wlf.li Ing to prepare for a Government or, DauUlng position should writo for free particulars to the well-known Gruud Island Business College, of Grand Is-, land, Nobraika over thirty years succeuful oxporleuoo in qualifying young people for Government, Hunk-, lug nnd Business positions. GOl But and drink at Powell it Pope'a KEEP JT SWEET , Keep' your stomach sweet today and ward off the indi gestion oi tomorrowtry Ki-Moms ,th ,new toViHoru "ApIeaMrjt'iuBd'asvfe to .kke A3 candV. , .V -. tZ J MAOK BYiSQOrr fcHOWNU MAKMS M COTTS EMULSION TT , , . . . lui! . jtuajaW mm i n 'i rcmcnCCS Iv-ani t l id a Mi's- (&T yowrhmnJim& make hmnfmore enjoyable. How many times have you re solved to have electricity in your , home "some day?" Now you can afford it. ' A Not only have special rates for wir ing been arranged for this campaign but the three-fold economy of EDISON MAZDA Lamps which give three times as much light as old-style car bor lamps will help you pay the cost. And the whole family will enjoy the benefit of electric service that makes possible innumerable comforts and con veniences such as the electric toaster, flatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner. Let us explain the saving you ean mafea by having your house wired now. E.W.STEVENS Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical Some of Ac com electricity brings it 7 $ay i" ji Safety for Saws. In order to prevent dnmiino to elrcu lnr miw.h nnd duiiKcr to workmen, It lia.s been found udvlsnbtc to give nil logs which come to u hiiwmlll u thor ough flprnyltiR with Jets of wuter. This removeK hits of rock or grovel heforo tho logs go to tho snw. Dally , Tie serves his pnrty hr t v.lio serves his country best. Iltilherfonl B, Hayes. Help the Child. A child Is prey to many fears which bnve little to do with physical cow ardice. The hens-ltlve child la positive ly nfrnld of ninny things without real izing he Is ufrnld. What he needs is to bo given n greater confldenco in life nnd in himself. Optimistic Thoulht A city does not prospect thtvL shakes tvttb sedition and is rent V eviJl in lels, , H rrrs JSiSflNl.' ; Cafe. 'I