The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 13, 1919, Image 3

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ages or most
elpfut warden
cat the hloh
cost of living
den. Ma tile'
Seed itartecl thomands
of new gardens last car biz croc
17G Pages of Practical 7DJ77
Information F lE,Lj
Lcnrn what, when, end how to plant
and prepare your Ground for best re
sults. I'rper scarcity has limited our
1919 Issue. Send for your copy today.
zMSArihStrrct Phlladtlplita
Moult i Sttdi Mean PmJuctlve Gar Jim
Celebrated Knlglit Enpltie, beat on enrtli. No
carbon trouble. No Mihc or engine trouble.
faleoM-Miho t)ie.
took ibis car over before buying. Good llvo
territory open to denlcni. Write for catalog
and de-erlptlvc inatti r. KNUDSEN AUTCMO.
BILE CO., Distributor,. 2107 Farnein St., Omaha
Developing. Printing
and Enlarging
Lincoln Photo Supply Co.
(K.'iHtman Kodak Cu.)
Dept. K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Neb.
Over the Alps Via Auto.
A Swiss company lias spent a law
Jliiioiiiit for road linproveiiient and
F(iulptiioiil and plans to carry piisson
irors over some routes In the Alps In
vVctrlc automobile.
Foolish Question.
Harbor I low would you like to have
your hair cut, sir?
Uncle Hawbuck Knst rate thankee I
That's Jest what I kein in for. Hos
:i Transcript.
Every department of housekeeping
needs Itctl Cross Hall Blue. Equally
vocl for kitchen towels, table linen,
inlets and pillowcases, etc.
Rather Mixed.
"There Is a movement on foot to toe
the mark." "Might as well. What's
the use of kicking."
Look out for Span
ish Influenza.
At the first sign of -
a cold take
cascaraB quinine
Btandard cold remedy for 20 years In tablet
form afe, sure, no opiates breaks up a cold
in 34 hours relieves grip In 3 days. Money
back if It falls. Th Genuine box has a Red top
with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Dru Stores.
iib knit. .1... ....... .
,. uiitvn, mu girat. DW-
clullst. will send a new mid
remarkable Special Trent
Client t reo to (hunt, hnvlnir
...... nnmreu, vciTuiar, Hneu-
natle, Dropsical, Weak, tatty or Nervous Heart.
Knurl llreath, Palpitation, Hniotherlnt:. Irrryulur
rulMi, l'ain. Swollen Ankles, etc. Wondertul suc
cess.' Incurable, "repurtcurcd after
I to 15 doctors fullid. Write now fur Two Pound
freo Trial. Hook and Astonishing Testimonials.
AddroM, Ilt. FKANKI,IN M I MCS, I)pt. II.,
B13 to 35U Fraukllu c,t., l.ikliurt, Indluim
fo'tifat Contents ISPluid Draohi
Sam T
!l TfTi M I i7l
i tconoL-3 van cent.
simitaUmitlicIood byKejJula-
.: r vs
s ii y. it
i . ii rii.". nMevtfon
f.- r..(r ntiilUol ConUinSj
neither Onlumtorplilnctior.
Macro!. fcoTNAucoTic
JaxhUt Salt
JKcrrmaif .
If s t
. i
. . . fin .I..Cir
Constipation and Diarrhoea,
and Fevcrlshness nnd
trik ur jjm-
aTlfa a
Tnc Simile Sinatorcoc
'c; a1?
Start Ycur
Garden Right
Send for Maule's
Seed Book. 176
i ;SBS
NEW ui.
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
A small bottle of "Dancferine"
keeps hair thick, strong,
Girls! Try this! Doubles beauty
of your hair in a few
Within ten minutes after an nppll
cation of Danderlno you can uot find n
single trace of dandruff or fulling hair
and your scalp will not Itch, but what
will please you most will be after a few
weeks' use, when you see new luilr, line
and downy at first yes but really
new hair growing nil over the scalp.
A little Danduiiue Immediately dou
bles the beauty of your hair. No dif
ference bow dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, Just moisten n cloth with Dan
derine and carefully draw it through
your bnlr, taking one small strand at a
time. The effect Is amazing your hair
will be light, Huffy and wavy, and lmvo
an appearance of abundance; an in
comparable lustre, softness nnd luxu
riance. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderlno for n few cents at any drug
store or toilet counter, and prove that
your hair Is as pretty and soft as any
that It has been neglected or Injured
by careless treatment that's all you
surely can hrrve beautiful hair hnd lots
of it If you will just try a little Dan
derine. Adv.
Few American Soldiers Blinded.
According to the Army and Navy
Journal, the ofllcc of the surgeon gen
eral of the army Is authority for the
statement that probably less than fifty
American soldiers have suffered total
blindness from wounds received In ac
tion. This Is considered a remarkable
record constricting the number of men
engnged nnd the Intensity of the light
ing In the sectors where Americans
were engaged.
Daily Thought.
He who Is false to present duty
breaks a thread In the loom, and will
find the Haw when he may have for
gotten the cause. Henry Ward needi
er. In this world of strife a man must
be either an anvil or a hammer.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know that
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
YHteiMTaunaoMMNV, New yorn crrv.
$ vtf t
Jf X a 8
0 iw
As in Days Gone By
sssaswwrtja' i ' ' ' 'jT'iSy Xj&Bjr
iff ;; . s i " m$tfk Mii
mil ' - rTroraR
The plain and conservative apparel
that women allowed themselves In war
times lias affected our coming spring
styles In two ways. l'lrst, It lias
brought hnnd-sewing' and simplicity of
design Into more prominence than ever
on spring ami summer frocks and It
has paxcri the way for a reaction In
favor of lovely rolor. As In the riay.s
long gone by, when women had more
leisure for needlework than they have
allowed themselves recently, we art) to
have numbers of simply designed,
beautifully made and llulshetl, sheer
frocks for summer weather.
Imported oiles hae soared to un
heal 1 of prices and are unreasonably
high. At $tl and J7 per yanl they
have silks am satins outdistanced,
ltut American mills will turn out line
voiles, linen-finished lawns, transpar
ent orgnnriics, not Inexpensive, but not
prohibitive In price. Some of these
thin weaves suggest georgette and are
fairly close Imitations of It.
The very pretty frock shown In the
Simple, Effective
A saunter through the shops that
sell smart blouses is as fascinating to
women as walking through a garden of
(lowers. Ono is apt to lose one's bead
amid the beauties of the new hand
intiriu lingerie blouses, there Is so great
a var.Icty of them and each presents
Its own enticing attractions. Color
bordered frills, lino pin tucks, real
lllet laco In edgings. Insertions and In
set panels, coax money from us In one
direction; hemstitching, eyelet work,
real val laeo and new embroideries,
drag It out In another.
Thero are a number of new models
that fasten at the back and one has a
choice between round, square and "V"
shaped necks. Tho high necked blouse
is exceptional but there are always it
few examples of this style, trim nnd
elegant looking, Sleeves have eomo
In for unusual consideration, a three
quarter length occasionally attracting
attention because It Is 'so pretty but so
greatly outnumbered by long sleeves.
Rome of the collar styles are excep
tionally becoming and these may he
found on the plainest blouses. A mod
I of white rilmlty has a wldo group
mm YlV'' 'vHI
miW f'J IV
picture above Is a Ijpe of these now,
sheer hand-sewed dresses. Kxcept for
parallel groups of hand-run tucks nnd
the Introduction of smocking In shoul
ders mill at each side of the front of
the stit, It has no elaboration anil
does not need anything more. It has
no subtleties of construction; all tho
details of Its making are set forth In
the photograph, and they are reassur
ing to the home dressmaker. Yet n
simple hand-made frock of this kind,
In sheer cotton or slh fabrics, Is sold
for a high price In the shops, com
manding something like a hundred or
a hundred ami twenty-live dollars In
smari establishments.
With these light frocks piquant gir
dles of black velvet ribbon are worn.
.Sometln es the ribbon Is In a color nnd
occasionally It matches the frock. Kut
black proves a wonderful spice to tho
season's light and Ilowerllko colors. In
the girdle shown three crochet but
tons are set on t,ho front and smnll but
tons of the same kind fasten tho
bodice at the back.
Lingerie Blouses
of pin tucks at each side of the other
wise plain front and one of thoso long,
plain collars that rolls high across
the back of -tho neck.
A n w voile waist, pictured here, is
an example of simple and cffectlvo de
sign. Imagine it In larkspur or azure
blue, with Its dots In graduated sizes
embroidered In silk of tho samo huo
or In white. Or think of It In palo
coral or orchid. It Is lovely In nny of
those and tho picture shows It to bo
charming In white. Its round neck Is
not coilarless, there aro few blouses
Hint are, but tho collar Is quite plain,
ending In points and lying lint to tho
figure. Points appear again on tho
cuffs vhoro the full sleeves aro set
Into them, nnd they turn bnck nt tho
wrist. The sleeves aro Interesting;
new In design.
I. .igerlo mnrio of lemon-colored
crepe do chine Is trimmed with black
ribbon. '
P m
Breaks up
a Cold.
Good for
Those who object to liquid modi
clnos can sccuro Peruna Tablots
If we are not lespoiislblu for the
thoughts that puss our doors, we are at
least lesponslble for those we admit
and entertain. Onirics It. New comb.
When meals upset you and you belch
gas, acids and undigested food. When
you have lumps of Indigestion pain or
any distress In stomach you cuu get
relief Instantly No waiting 1
As noon s you eat a tnblet of
Pape's Dlupcpslu all the indigestion
pain stops. Gases, acidity, heartburn,
llatulencc and dyspepsia vanish. Tape's
Dlapepsln tablets cost very little at
drug stores. Atlv.
Overlooked in the Crush.
"You used to say you were a re
former." "I was a reformer," replied Senator
Sorghum, "and I still am. Hut there
has been so much competition In the
reform business of late that I have
kind of been lost sight of."
Conversation I have two rooms
now; Isn't that great?
Hep It. Tec Too suite for anytblng.
Strive to succeed In your own work;
n mole has no need to lly or a bird to
L'rof. G. V. Swiggert of Pittsburgh
wants schools to train pupils for fu
ture foreign trade service.
1 " LI
Acid-Stomach Ruins
Health of Millions
Hesldcs those painful attacks of In
digestion; that awful bloated, lumpy
feeling after eating nnd, downright
stomnch misery that you who havo
experienced It know bo well; besldea
disgusting belching, food-repeating,
sour stomach and distressing heartburn
besides ult this, ACID-STOMACH
undermines tho benlth nnd saps tho
strength of millions.
If you don't get rid of those stomach
miseries thero Is no telling where your
stomucb troubles will enri.for It Is a
well known scientific fact that many
serious aliments have their stnrt In
un ucld-stomach.
Start now this very day to get rid
of your stomach miseries. Take
HATONIC the wonderful remedy
that absorbs the excess acid from tbo
stomach and brings INSTANT relief.
You simply havo no Idea how much
better, stronger and brighter you feel
at once. It drives out all the gas and
bloat, puts an Iinmedlato stop to belch
ing und heartburn, ends stomach suf
t mm
A Bo
"Mr. Dubson says his llfo Is ait open
"Maybo It Is," replied the snrcnstlc
young woman, "but It Isn't the kind of
book that any onu with a tnste for
rending "would caro to underline."
Hlrmlngham Age-Herald.
A faultless person never goes around
pointing out the fnults of others.
,r.i-x. A Wholesome, Cleansing,
I fliUJlf Relrcslilng and Healing
J HJPtjUtJi LoiIon-MurineforRed"
E?-. , . ness, Soreness, Granula
, Vftw tlon.ItchinL'and Burning
!J v,a,of the Eyes or Eyelids:
"2 Drops" After the Movlea. Matonnff or GoU
will win your conlldence. Auk Your DiUKftlst
for Murine when ynur Eyes Need Care. M-l
Murine Eyo Ituxnody Co,, Chicago
In the House
All the time
Mi Robert McDougall, R.
R. No. G, Liberty, Indiana,
"I wish to stnte that I nlwayn
keep I'cruna In tho linuso. I
think it is a good tnctllulno to
hnvo on hand. If 1 comtnenco
taking ft cold, 1 tttko I'cruna ami
It breaks It up for me. It is
also good for tho Uronchlal
Peruna has sorved tho Amer
ican pcoplo for moro than forty
years. Thoao who know ita valuo
nlwaya havo it at hand.
not you
or rUr.iitj-lpM in Ktnllloiis, lirnnil tniri-H Hm tuiil till (itlter
1h in. i l ill nt t in live 'I lit. i;tttu i.iiiii ii, i in (i limit bo from the timlv of tlio ntiiitml. 'to jn o un t tho
double tlie H.tino ttttlxt lie ilotie
will tin Imtli- etire tint Hlelt mill r ctit Ultimo 'Vrpoatil"
frutti l:iimr tin- illKettue Snlil liv "iu- ilrtnttilHl or tbo
111 lliufai tliritH. S (in liu .Mi'illeiil ('., UfrH.,(in-lieu, lint., U.S.A.
What Pulcd Him.
Though u strange, unbelievable
peace settled over the Argonue with
the signing of the armistice, llfo
changed little for the road menders.
One pensive negro was gravely
hulling the soup mud out of the center
of the highways when his roving eyo
was caught by the gleam of two serv
ice st elites on the sleeve of a soldier
who was walking, laughing, by. Tho
load woikcr paused In his labors and
gazetl Incredulous.
"My (lawri," he murinureri, "rint
white man has been a whole yeah In
dls country an' lie kin still lah."
Slurs and Stripes.
His Choice of Work.
She And would ou be content to
live u life of complete Idleness?
He Oh, no. I'd like to have enough
money so that I would be kept busy
spending It. Huston Transcript.
Kven one taste of defeat may bo
hard to swallow.
Don't Go From Bad to Worso!
Are you nlwayn weak, mlflcrable and
hnlf-Bick? Tit un it's time you found out
what is wioiir. Kidney weakness
causes much miltcring from backache,
lainvncM, utilTness nnd rhctim.itia
pnino, nnd If neglected, brings danger
of periods troubles riionsy, gravel and
Ilright's riincnRc. Don't delay. Umj
Doan's KUlncu l'nis. Tltcy have
helped thousands and should help you.
A Kansas Cue
Mrs. A. C. IIlll, 723
Clark Ht., Clay Con
tor, Jviitt., trnys: "I
was till run down
from kidney com
pliant. I tried differ
ent remedies, but got
no ucticllt. I was ex
tremely nervous and
was all worn out.
Sharp twInKos seized
mo in my back. My
kidneys acted Irregu
larly, and my llmlis
dwelled. Dizzy spells
nnd headaches ridded
to my sufforlnir. When
I had nltnoat i;lvon up
hnne. I tiKcd Diwti's
ICIdnoy Pills and tltoy strengthened
my kidneys and continued uso put mo
in eoou iieauti iiKuin.
Cot Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box
DOAN'S 55!?
Wutann R.Oo!fimaMi,Wuh
ItiuUin.nU. llouka f roo. High
est rutorencea. Host roaolu.
fering nnd makes It cool, sweet, com
fortable end strong.
Thero can bo no further excuse for
you to allow ncld-stomnch to wreck
your hc'ilth pile up misery upon mis
ery until you get to tho point whero
you feel down and out nnd that life
has lost all Its Joys. Itemcmbcr, just
us ncld-mouth ruins teeth, bo acid
stomach ruins health.
Take K ATONIC. It's good, Just Ilka
a bit of candy and makes thostomuch
feel fine. You can then cat tho things
you llko and, what ts more, every
mouthful you cat will count In creating
power and energy. You'll feel so much
better have punch nnd pep tho pow
er nnd will to do things und got re
sults, und your stomach misery will bo
Tnko our .advice. Get a nig box of
EATONIO from your druggist today.
It costs so little. If It falls to remove
your stomach distress, ho will refund
your money. That Is guaranteed ; you
aro to be satisfied or money refunded.
Why Lose
The Cause ii
Dandruff and
YourHair cutt
Sumplii i-ni-h frfnf "Catleara Dipt T C.lton "
A toilet preparation of mrrlt.
For Restoring Color and
Beauty toCray or Fad eclllalr
too, and at uo t Urm-glits.
$1.00 AN ACRE!
Toxas lands, WO to tO.UXJ acres L 11.01 to II U; ono-tonth
run!, balancn U yean t. Mexico lands, 1.0UO to
luatiuu acres nn Km Orande, 1 Wl per aero cash.
UmAH-MHXlUO UANUU CO..UJU Autoulu.lvxaa
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 0-1 01 9.