The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 13, 1919, Image 1

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-Unto Histotlcnl.Soiioty
4 Newspaper That Ghes The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Far $1,50
Don't Hide Your Money at Home
IF everybody did, il would kill business as surely as
if everybody stopped woilc.
Let your money work (or you in on inlercft bearing
certificate of depositcof this bank. We pay 4 per ct.
Depositors guaranteed by Depositors
Guaranty Fund of Statu of Nebraska
Webster County Bank
Edward Florance, President
S. R. Florance, Casliicr
Purchase Two Tractors
County Commissioners Thomns ami
Hnbntkn attended a trtictor demou
strmion lit Huldredge, and placed nn
order with Paul 1'ope (who nccotnpun
icdtliem) for two small tractors Utiowu
under the Case trademark as Nos
ir27. There was quite a soutiuieut in
favor of getting one largo tntctor in
stead of two suinll oucs, but tho com
mlssionon saw tho machines opurutu
under test and doubtless wore con
vlnced Unit the smaller size would
meet requlrtnets. They require bpt
one man to operate them.
m m m m
.-. ".-"."--'
Get YOUR GROCERY Sallies o
Choice Candie
Canned Goods
Full Supply of Pecan
All Kinds of Nuts
Fresh Cookies
Fine Apples
Everything in Groceries
and Queensware
A Few Pieces of Fine Hand-painted China
Building Up a City L
The walls of tho Petoison urtlllciul
j ice plant nro now visible and growing
rapidly. Soon lied Cloud will have nti
other added industry, which will aid
in city growth1 Mr .Peterson isto be
coinniended. not only for brtuichlnpr
out and extending his business nut
fur doing something that is going to
help the uliy onward.
Manufacturing, producing, tintor
prise will do mote for a town than any
other foi in of public etV.irt, and In
this coinicetion it is perhaps timely to
surest that the Clamber of Oinuieioo
tulcu observations aeioas country and
notice it there mo any manutnetitriiig
industries looking for h good place to
nuke a home.
Ususually Found
At a
First Class
Furniture Store
Furniture and Undertaking
C. H. Miner Reappointed
Mr. ( II. Miner of lied Cloud, lias
been appointed Chan man of Webster
Count's War Saving's Committee for
lOlll. This leappointineut it, in recog
nitlon of tho services of Mr. Miner
during the camp ilgns for the sale of
War Savings Stamps for l.US. I'nder
his direction our county was thorough
ly organized and the campaigns cat
lied through In a manner which fi
justified his appolntmont by the btit
coutmittee. We congratulato Mr.
Miner on his reappointment, unduguin
oiler him our services in helping to
make the UU'.i diivc as successful as
last year. .
It is. necessary for us to again buy
stamps The tiovorninent ii2eds
money to finish the work and bring
our soldiers homo It is for us heie hi
home lo make our slogan for i'Jl'.i
"Don't Quit -Finish the Job." Our
soldiers saved us lives and money by
quickly and thoroughly completing
their job. If they had not two million
tnoia men would bo going over instead
of the two million now coming home.
Dates and definite plans for the drive
will be sunt out from the statu com
uiitteo at an curly date.
Patriotism and Profit
While the main incontive to saving
in tho Tenth, Fodeinl Reserve District
was to help win tho war, the fine
showing also reflects u desire, ou the
part of the loyal, patriotic and Indust
rious poople to "lay up something for
a rainy day," or to mulct) provision a.
gainst sickness or want, education of
the children, and "getting ahead io
the world." Hut added to these nobloin
centives was tho broader one that
tho individual as well as tho Nation
shall remain tho most provident and
most prosperous in the yours to come
Milllous of those savers saved inon
oy to invest it in interest bearing
United States Government securities
putting their money into "paper"
bucked by tho wealth of a Nation that
has never defaulted on a dollar.
And those millions of sarers arc go
ing to keep on saving and investing
tho money saved in War Savings
Stamps and Victory Liberty Bonds to
Finish tho Job."
Judge Ranney Honored
A large attendance was present at
the Commercial Club rooms on lust
evening, to listen to tho new by-laws
and constitution which marks the re
organization of the Club on a Com
munity Club basis. The said con-,
stitution and by-laws, which were
drawn up by Messrs. L. II. Dlack
lcdgc, F. E. Maurer and 0. C. Ted,1
were adopted as submitted, with the
exception of a clause pertaining to the '
uppoiutment of a secretary at a
salury of $100.00 per year. Under J
these new regulations tho Hoard ofi
Directors, heretofore handling all busi
ness of tin club, arc done away with,
and its affairs will bo transacted by
the various committees and Club mem
bers, which will afford all an oppor-'
tunity of taking part and places the
rcspoiv Utility for tho Club's progress,
either backward or forward, upon the
interest du played by each individual
member. The new rules alo pro-1
vide for but ?!k00 quarterly dues for
those in the city and $l.f0 for those!
outside the city limits. After the
adoption of tho now constitution, the
election ct ofikcrs resulted in A. 1).
Jtanney ! .ng choion for president,
I; J. (;", vice-president, I'. V.
n J .. . i 1 w l'I
iU.ih:ii, Mxiuiniy aim . .. oui'i- i
wood, tieuMirer, selections which will
meet Avitl the approval of all.
The, Club, after some discussion,
decided S engage former Tiandmaslor
Fred Millet', ho having written from
California that he would boat liberty
after April 1, and Messrs. .las
Mitchell, Howard S. Foe and It. P.
Wee.sner were appointed a committee
to scuiv sufficient financial pledges
as to enable the payment of Mr. Mil
ler's salary of $75.00 per month, out
side of Club funds, the Club, however,
contracting with him for one year.
The president, with the advice of tho
band leader, was also instructed to
appoint a manager for the hand af-faji-s.
A Hoy Scout committee, consisting
of D. H. Kaley, I lev. Hummel and It.
S. Sattley was next named.
A committee composed of H. ,T.
Maurer, O. C. Tccl and Geo. Hutch
ison was named to secure the services
of a janitor at $100.00 per year, and
a House Committee composed of
Mcssi.s. F. V. Cowden, E. II. Ncw
l'ouse ami V. H. Mcllride was named
to .secure quarters for tho Club for
the nc xt year, and report back to the
mppting, two weeks hence.
Resolutions were also passed favor
ing all good road bills now ponding
boforc the lcgislatuio and a night
letter was constructed and dispatched
to Webster county's senator and re pro
sentut'ves, urging their undivided sup
port of tho same. '
Regular meetings of the Club will
be held on the second and fourth Tues
day evenings of each month, here
after, and every indication points to
ward the fact that this organization
will assist in the betterment of Web
ster county's social and business af- (
'fairs during the year 1910.
"You're Just as Sweet at Sixty
as You Were at Sweet Sixteen"
The Edison Diamond Phonograph never
loses its sweetness either. You will love it
more the longer you have it.
Come to our store any time to hear this
wonderful instrument.
Stop, Sit and Listen
Enjoy It As You Pay IJor It
1 p
jffl DL
1 "'
Ho Newhouse
Optometrist and Jeweler
mmmmrtf?Wrm4y - WV ' y''Pl W HI'M nwr m
1 I Jh 1 V r V
There will bo an all day meeting of
the Nebraska Manufacturers Associa
tion in Omaha, February 17' at tho
Hotel Fontcuclle. This mooting has
boon timed to precede tbo Trans-Mlss
isslppi Readjustment Congress so all
members of the Manufacturers' Asso
ciation who desire to do so can stay
over and attend the Congress on tho
I Id, 19, and 30.
Eat and drink
at I'owoll
A Pope's
J. II. Tregoe, National SeciotHry
from New Yoric, will Jpresldo over tho
couforeuce of tho third annual meet
ing of Nebraska State Conference of
Credit Men which will be held in
Omaha, February 18, at the Hotel Foil
teuonollo, Topics of especial Interest
to thoso Interested in credits will bo
discussed, and all parties attending
may enter into the discussion.
Saneofthc conveniences
electricity brings
i CflssX '
I' i f 1 '- i In' "lii
1 I I
M tine ymhm&&m
$SHg3! asOEaiieceiiy
How many times have you re
solved to have electricity in your
home "some day?" Now you
can afford it
Not only have special rates for wir
ing been arranged for this campaign
but the three-fold economy of EDISON
MAZDA Lamps which give three
times as much light as old-style car
bon lamps will help you pay the cost.
And the whole family will enjoy the
benefit of electric service that makes
pvcsible innumerable comforts and con
veniences such as the electric toaster,
flatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner.
Let us explain the saving you ean mako
by having your house wired now.
Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical
qr heaviness after meals are
most annoying manifestations
or acid-dyapepsia.
pleaiant to 'take, lmtttrallze
dcldjtu&nd helrVrestore
I The District Conference of tho Six
teenth District International Associa
tion of Rotary Clubs will bo held in
Omaha, Fob, 10.18, Headquarters will
be at the Hotel Fontenolle and meet
ings in Masonic Templo The SI.n
toeuth District comprises tho stutes of
Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota, bus
twonty-thrco clubs and approximately
1,700 members. O07. McKelylo will be
it oilo of tho prinolpal speakers and will
itolk on "Rotary, tho Morning Star of
' a new Day." International VicoPresi
dent Kelsey, will to present,
Agricultural lutrosts,farm mnchinery
and farm equipment interests will
have a,n Impoitant place on the pro
gram of the Trans-Mlesissippl Road
justmeut Congress which will be held
in Oninlui, Feb. 1820. Tho opening
moeting for tho agricultural section
will bo held Tuesday, February 18, ut
1;?I0 p m. "Furm Prices After tho wai
ls the first subject to bo takon up, at?
thin seeiiiK to bo one of the most im
portuut at present. Speakers of nat
ional repute will bo her.