The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 06, 1919, Image 5

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u nBa$LS are not a11 k1 witI cannon and
shell. A he most vital are the everyday battles
against the debilitating tendencies that invite weak
ness. For nearly five decades
has taen a definite help
ucuues against weakness. Scott's is as rich
m blood-forming properties and as powerful in
strength-supporting qualities now as of yore.
Let Scott's Emulsion help you win your battles.
Scott St Bownc.
AR Tftl ta nc
t w '
flluy limit at Powell & Pope's Cafu.
Mis X. A. 1'lntt spent Tuesday with
her parents at Cowles.
Mr. and Mia. J. C Mitcliull are tlio
happy patents of u llttlo giil who nr
lived Saturday.
('. M. Sherwood Is homo from Camp
Dodxo, Iowa, with honoiable discharge
papers, In his pooliet.
Tho Xebinskn Ktirmets Congress
' will hold its annual convention in
Oninmi I'ebiuiiry 17-20
Mi's lloss who was the guest of her
bistor Mrs. A.Shurumu returned to her
homo at Bladen Friday.
Three carloads of fine euttlo eamo
in from Denver tho last of the week,
consigned to Miner and Xohiu.
K. W. Stf ven.s went to Lebanon,
Kan, first of tho week, oalled thro
by tho illness of his sister Mis. Stanly
MiiS Maria IIollMer, who is teach
ing sohool near IikivmIo, was in our
el'.y Friday, morning, onrouto to Lin
coln. Korrcst Moumford, who visited with
his put-outs hero over Sunday returned
to his suhool duties at Hiibtings Col
lege first of tho week.
The frosty nights and cool days of
February are a blessing "hi disguise
putting a check on the buds and blos
soms that were being coaxed forward
by January's mild temperature.
Robert Pope left Monday morning
t for Denver, Colo., whore ho intends to
.1 remain for some time. Bob's Qleaagts.
Bm11eand7u1o'ieit servlceWlll bo miss"
. ed by patrons of .In, Powell TPftpo
'1Cafe. -' w -
En route to his home at Denver How
ard Williamson stopped here to visit
hiabrother, W: Br Smith. Mr. VJ1-
Jiamso.n .pome from Florida- foOamp
Sherman, Ohio, where he received hon
orable discharge from Uncle Sara's
Friday and
A Comedy Drama in Five Reels
Want to laugh? Go see "Tho
Vamp." What is a vamp, anyway.
That is tho question generally
asked but in this picture the Vamp
docs good. You liked Miss Bennett
In "A Desert Wooing." You will
like her still better in this
Paramount offering.
The program includes a
two reel comedy
It Pays To Exercise
Admission 17 and lie
NEXT Week The Rainbow Trail
on Wednesday and, Thursday. The
last episode of "Hand-up," on
Monday and Tuesday. Also a five
real picture, The Voice of Destiny,
with Baby Maria Osborne.
Coming Nuzlmovn In Revelation.
Coming The Common Cause,
to millions in the trying
BloomGeld. N. T.
Jluy Hread at Powell A. Pope's Cafe.
Eat and drink at Powell t Pope's
Cafe. ,tf
Mi s3 N'ollle Francis was a week cud
visitor at Cowles.
Mrs E. W. Stevens was a lilue II II 1
visitor .Saturday.
Mis. AiVeua Ileufio was a Hastings
visitor Saturday.
Miss Iiiuina Hardeman went to
Hebron Monday.
Mis Roy Utist and son Dallas weie
Hastings visitors Miturday.
MrNormun Phillips vMted iela
tives at llhie Hill Saturday.
Good meals good tervice moderate
prices Powell & Pope's cafe.
Fred Stanbeny lift here Filduy
morning for his home at Sootts Bluff.
Mrs. W. 11. MeHiide and daughter
Thctinu weie Hastings -visitors b'titur.
A baby boy arrived at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Sherman last week
Wed ties da y.
Claytc n Holme left for his new
homo in Kaunas City Monday. Mrs
Holmes will follow shortly.
Mr. and Mis. Tony Clark are enter-
taiulng their grandaughtor Miss Ha.el
Moore and Gertrude of McCook.
Mrs. Guy Zeigler who has been visit
ing relatives here, went to Rlverton
Qrst of the week visiting relatives.
Miss Minnie Kellet, who has been
visiting her parents here returned to
her scuool duties at Hastings Monday
Mr. and Mcs. Starke, who have been
visiting relatives here, returned to
their Jhotne. at MUwauJee, .Wis., Mon
day? Miss, Violet Zeiss, cajnenjrom Lin
coln the. lasJ,Qf tie wtf$fc or a vUlt
with tier-parents Mr. and Mrs. Cliris
. Henry C. Hanson-wajMaken to Den
ver Colo , tho latter part ef the week,
in hopes that the chauge minht be
beneilolal to his health.
Miss Greta Turunre, who visitctTher
parents, Mr. and Mrs F. (J. Turnure,
returned to her .studies at tho State
L'niveisity, Lincoln, Monday..
Juitoa bit or fniiu work in prepain
tion for sprii g resulted from tho re
cent mild weather. Sumo ploughing
s reported from our eastern ueighboi
! state.
In honor of her sister, Mrs. Guy
Zoiglcr, of Lini'oln, Mrs. Frank Perry
entertained at luncheon Saturday
afternoon. Twenty-four guests were
Mis. White of Alma, who was the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Hil
dobraudt, Sunday, was called to Har
vard Monday by the serious Illness of
her sister.
County Judge A. D.Ranney perform
ed another marriage ceremony last of
the week. May Fisher of this olty and
Joseph F. Summers of Dodge City,
ITan aturn fh ltnnnv nnnnln .1
"-" ' "TYi rj -" ?
A nuraberof new students enrolled,
at the High School this week. Soma
had been prevented from coming in be
fore on account of health conditions
are now resuming their studies,
Mrs. Mary Polnicky, who has been
taking speciallbt treatment at Lincoln
on account of oyc trouble, is reported
not getting along nicely. Her son Paul
was called there by special message
; You Are Losing Money i
: If youdon't-6ell your cream :
to the Farmers Union Co-oper-
j tive Company and receive the '
dividends. 40tf
Thirty-two members of the R. N. A.
sprung a .surprise on Mrs; Ellen
Burgess last Friday night, assembling
at her home and presenting her with
an Honor Badge Pin In appreciation
of ten years' faithful sorvice as Oracle,
Games and a supper were part of the
evening entertainment.
Rev. V. M. Harper and his daughter
Grace, who spent last week in tho Rlv.
oVton district, returned homo Monday,
In persuanco of bis ministerial duties
Rev. nnrper rode five miles in an open
buggy through the heaviest of the
rain storm of Saturday evening. He
is one atM)V soluiors of tho sixties aud
evideucos'plenty of endurance yet.
Buy Hread at Powell ifcl'opo's Cafe.
Mrs. Chtts. Hill has returned to Hast
lugs. .
Miss Geitrude Coon wont to York
Mrs. Geo. Pope visited at Cowles
Jas. Tanguay went up to llloomlug
ton Monday.
M. II. Hasklus went to Republican
City Monday.
Mis. Norman Phillips has gone, to
Stratton, Colo.
Mrs. Ed. Piatt was a passenger to
Hastings yesterday.
Miss Floyd McCall of Inavale, visit
od her parents, Mr. Mrs. Jos. Topham,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherer of Hast
ings were visiting relatives in Red
Cloud Sunday.
Mrs. Walter Wnircn attended the
Rehekah assembly at Frnnkllu Wed-
ucsday evening.
Miss Hello Melntyre, who underwent
an operation at Huntings some weeks
ago, is home tnueli improved in health
Mis. William Prevost left Thuiadnj
night for Siloaui Mpritigt, Ail:atiua.,
where they will make their homo.
Mr. Pivvnsl'weiit there some time ago
MissC.F. Smith of North Branch,
who whs Injured in an aut. accident
seveial weeks since, is sufficiently re
covered to bo removed to hor homo to
Francis N. Kennedy, who died in a
hospital at Cambridge, Jan. 2."ilh, was
brought to her homo at Inavale, where
funeral services were conducted b,y
Rev. R. E, Hill. Interment was
Red Cloud cemetery.
Funeral servicos wero conducted
from the Aniaok undertaking parlors
last Thursday afternoon for Mis. Lil
lian Browuoll U'ojster. Interment
was in Red Cloud cemetery beside her
father, mother and brother.
Wanted, local agent for Red Cloud,
for 0110 of the. okbst and best Old Line
Health and Accidiut Insuraucu dm
panics in the state. A lino opportunl.
ty for a joung man returning from the
service, who is not ablo to do hard
woik. Experience unnecessary. Write
J. T. Kelley, special agent, Holdrege,
Neb. 5 2t
Sumptuous Dinner
Twenty-five members of the Rolicf
Corps and thn G. A. R. met at the
home of Mr.- andiMrs.S. R. Boyce Sat
urday and enjoyed a real'' old'Hime
social day. Tho soldtot 'boys of the
sixties do not assemble often now and
Uo them it was an especially enjoyable
event.., J
The festivities had been planned for
a much earlier date but on account of
health conditions were postponed! un
til now.
The visitors carao amply provided
with good things in the line of eatables
and when theserunder the artistic
supervision of the hostess, were spread
upon tables thero was a feast to tempt
botii eye and appetite.
Not to bo overlooked was tho fact
that a majority of those piesont live
in the state of dingle blessedness ami
despito the fact that a number o'
yours haw passed to their credit, thei
enjoyed the occasion as boys and girl
at a picnic.
When tho sun was getting low In
tho west all departod for their homos
affirming that the day would be long
remembered with pleasure.
Congregational Church
Rev. Geo. M. Mitchell, of Franklin,
delivered an caruost and interesting
sermou Suuday raorniug, filling Mrs.
ameneirs place in tho pulpit.
The Woman's Society will meet next
Friday afternoon, February 7th, with
Mrs. E. D. Piatt. All mombers are
urged to be present.
I . Farm Lbitns ' ' ,- i
I am ready -to make farm loans in
any amount at lowest rates, best
terms and option. Absolutely no de
lay and no Inspection expense. Sole
agent for Trevett, Mattls and Baker.
Some private money.
In Trade at
In Trade at
For High Score
t . 4 A
At the Bowling Alley
A seiios of special meetings began at
the llaptlst church Tuesday evening
with pastor Sims, of Smith Center,
Kim, assisting Rev. V M. Harper.
These meetings will continue tills
week and next All are cordially Invit-
oil to attend and take part.
At the Library
During the month of Jahuary in 10
books weie drawn from the library.
OfthesaftTl wore juvenile, 811 fiction,
3- non fiction 11) war books, and DO
You will fiud Hit especially Interest
ingaiticlc in the last number of the
V...I I -,... i , .. .
lnuuiiai ueograpuic -uiiga.ino on
Our Fi lends tho French." An apprals
"I f tlte traits aud teiupeiauient of
the etti.etis of our sister republic.
S)iuo hooks it will pay you to read
'Iweiify Years at Hull House" .lane
A'l.uiis. Excellent survey of the found
In and of development of Hull House
and of some of the civil and social
m leuuMits In Chicago with which
Aii Adddins has been.
' l he Melting Pot" Isrcul ingwoll
A diamii In 1 acts. Theme is America
ih.- er.ieiblu, in which (migrants from
iiHlimis aro to be fused In o the per-f-it
human type.
"A Tenderfoot with Peary" tieoige
Iloiup an engaging account of the
Pi.iry Polar expedition.
"How to Tell Stoiie.s to Chlldrnu"
in J barn Cone Bryant Discussien of pur
pose, udvuutHgu and art of story tell
ing, followed by a selection of graded
stones and list of books containing
available material.
PeerGynt" llenrick Ibson A dram
u ii-poem, Vlogous satire on the typ
leal Norseman A man of dreams, Cyn
ieiil and selfish in ills pursuit of per"
son il happiness.
Li oks on music " btandard
Bioraphios" Upton "htories fioin
Wiigonei" McSpaddeir, "Tho Standaiu
Opiias'- Upton Opera Synopsis, ' Me
Biographies "Life of Lincoln" two
volumes by Ida M. Fairbell "Personal
MemoiiesofU S. Grant" "Tho Story
of my life" Helen Keller, "Up From
Slavery," Booker T Washington., .
Tho complete wprks of Mark Twain
O. Henry. Kipling, fttcvebson aud
othors. , . , -f
1 , ' t "
oi Report of the Condition
S -OFT1IU ' ,
Webster County Bank;-
1 " , RED CL01D. NEBRASKA, ' '
Charter No. 1019, Incorporated hi tho State of
Nebraska, at tho close of IuibI liens .Ian.
i8.,lUl9. , .,
Ioansaua Discounts............... .. 1107,11)0.27
Overdrafts ...w.... Hll.'JJ
Other ABSotH, Liberty Iloiuls 12,MW.C0
U. S. CiTtlllcitU'S of liidcljtiilni'ss lO.OOO.OU
War SuvIiiks Stamps iaj.:w
furniture and fixtures . I..VJ0.0U
Current uxpuusis, ttiMM and . .
Interest paid 1,'
Duo from national and siato
i).iuk8 S()!i.:K
i licehniiiiil ItctiiHOf ..
exc-hangi . . . 1,J7I,I7
I'lureiu-y. O.'.NI.uii
Silver, ulel.ilsaud centu
I'jSJi 70.1!.'.di
Total ....
Capital stocl; paid In ? M.OOO.CO
SurpliiH fund 10,000,00
Undivided proilts U,i87.t;n
Individual diiuhltsiiul)Jict
to cluck ICC-UHl
Demand ccrtlllcatcs of de
posits 0,7.!li.l(l
Tliuoccrtlllcatcs of deposit IH.d'.'l.iiO 3i:t,U87 R9
DcposltorH' tsuiiranty fund I,:)73.27
I 2.VI,68.0I
County of WebNter.
I, H. It. I-'i.oiu.nck, cashier of tho above
named bank, do hereby swear that thcabove
statement In a correct and true copy of the
,.n.,i i. B. It riAJKANOi:,
S. It. KiA)HAM'K, Director.
V.J. I'oi'K, Director. r
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
(Ith day of Feb. 1010. -seal
fkruard McXcny
Notary l'ubllc.
Hearing At Red Cloud
This is to advise you that hearing on
application of tho Furtncrs Indepen
dent Telephone Company for authority
to increase its e.xclianne rates will be
held at Med Cloud ou Tuesday, Feb
ruary 11 at 0:30 a.m. The Commission
uslts that tho parties m interest at Keel
Cloud arrange, i or a place in which
this hearing may be held,
Yours truly,
' A. T. BROWNE, Secretary.
Mend tho Lcnky Pen.
If one Is troubled with n lenliy Coun
tain pen, 'tho nppllciitMnu a llttlo Konp
to tho threads of tho will work
mnglc. If tho pen Is emptied, thor
oughly cleaned, filled, nnd the Roup ap
plied, I nm sure thero will be no mora
trouble until tho pen me'ds refilling.
w.nw To TEUi 'EM
"OMAHA'S FVN klJ,-. . S-3
Exhiliratmz Byrlesaue: Vaudeville
fill Alciii FIM ilth rt iltr Chit, funnr CIoim, Oorfion
t tqiipin, blllttBt SciiictfttlrioiMM
r Everybody Goes Ask Anybody
Special Meetings At
Baptist Church
Special Sale
Men's Boy's
Kuppenheimer & Cloth-Craft
20 per cent
From Our Regular Plain
Figure Prices
Men's Bradley Knit Sweaters at
per cent Discount
. -T.II.
You always get the very
best at our store because
QUALITY goods are the
only kind we sell. The
brands we carry in stock
are recognised by the
housewife as the VERY
BEST of their kind.
Everything Fresh and Pure
I ' , vi . Jl
Chase & Sanborns Coffees
Itens Crackers and Cookies
Batavia Jams and Spices
Sunflower Canned Goods
r" 'it
Revival Campaign Continues
Christian Church
A Full Gospel will be preached. This is not a denom
inational effort. All anxious to extend the Kingdom are
urged to cooperate. '
Real Richei.
Do you know what real rfcfies are?
Some people never know, hut others do.
Real riches consist not In hnving, but
In giving. Somo of tho peoplo who
are envied ns wealthy, nro In reality
poor starved souls to whom tho Joy of
sacrifice Is nn unknown luxury, Not
until you master tho act of giving up
'or. others aro -you really rich. Exchange.
and Childrens
(Jo,, C
J. L. BEEBE, Pastor.
Grandmother In Eighteen Day.
A lady' green bug becomes a grainl
mother In 18 days. One can Imaght".
then, notes n naturalist, the multitu
dinous armies of these Insects thut
may develop In tho courso of a sea
son. Their worst foe Is n tiny black
four-winged lly that deposits nn cgfs
In each bug It comes across, Its larva'
consuming tho bug's Insfda works nnd
using Its ehell for a house.
' " ' in. J