fc-fHHluiiwMmHWrfWwwHinin ,.., KJBD CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF U 11 i ffiH H H I- VAT. I III iU I Swift & Company's1 1 I 1918 Earnings I How They Affected You During the twelve months ended Nov. 2, 1918 (its fiscal year) , Swift & Company trans acted the largest volume of busi ness on the smallest margin of profit in its history. Profits of the meat business under regulations of the United States Food Administration were limited to a maximum of 9 per cent on capital employed but not to exceed 2H cents per dollar of sales. Swift & Company in the regulated departments earned 7.57 per cent on capital employed and 2.04 cents per dollar of sales, out of which had to be paid interest on ' borrowed money and taxes. Hero is how these earnings affect you. Live-Stock Raiser Swift & Company killed 14,948,000 head of livestock, which weighed alive, 4,971,500,000 pounds. Swift & Company made a profit of only n fraction of a cent per pound livewcight. Consumer The sales of our meat departments were 4,012,579,000 pounds on which our earnings were less than Yi. cent per pound. The per capita consumption of meat in the United States is given as 170 pounds. If a consumer purchased only Swift & Company's products he would contribute only about 78 cents a year, or VA cents a week as profit to the company. Swift & Company, U.S.A. sTcSN I! (iR&hy&tyfeA Fyg-Umorr.! 2M2- " g''li "r& i pen may ana i i "r&Te 18 m IllgSM nriMi ii - -" - k I AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope Inavale Items Bladen Brieflets UVV,AV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.V.V.V-V.V-V.V.V.V.VaVAV BUILD NOW That N e w Home : You have dreamed of for years. ;! Our house plans are at your service free. . IKalone-Gellatly Go.) .V.V.V.V.VVV.VVV.VVVV.V.VV.V.V.V.VA-AVAWJ'JW? See The 13th Commandment Mesri lloy and Oris Mutlcln como in from Powell, Wyo., for u fow day's visit with thi'lr parent -, Mr. und Mrs. tleo. Mutkin. Mih. May llarinon spent the wuelt end with Mrs. (3uo. .TorKemoti. Mary, Katie and Wilinu lieilin iii-o "ponditiK the week with their aunt, Mrs. IOII11 (Jurponter. Mr. Chili e N'osMt cauio in from Wyoming to visit bin sinters Mis. Nell Hinder and Ilti.el N'obit. Mrs Huth Gumey and Mrs. Arnold have tlto (In. Miss Nettle Wlllurd is assisting in housework at Mrs. Arnold's. Mrs. Win. Wondcrly called on Mrs Geo. Mntlriti Sunday. Cluronoe Ilurgess was a Red Cloud visitor Tliursduy. Mrs. John Kutlcdge and son Hoy and daughter, Iva Paulger, were Hautir,gs visitors last week. Prod Arnold Is enjoying the sights of Orantl Island this week. Gerhard Freso of Columbus, Neb., is visiting his uncle, Mr. Ernest Losoko. Wesley Tabor came in from Denver Sunday morulug for a short visit with his father, Win, Tabor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mlkel spent Sun dny at the Everett Dean home. Mr. T. Hell'm loaded a car of house hold goods Tuesday and shipped them to Scotts blulT where he will make his future home. Tho Geo. Matkiu sale was well at tended. Little Xctnonn Kennedy died in the hospital at Cambridge, Neb., last Sun day and the funeral was held at tln Christian Church Tuesday afternoon. Iiitcrm 'lit was in Ied Cloud cemetery. She wn. hut nine years of age. The parents have the .sympathy of the eutiie community. Mis Nell Hunter and son Ilobert and Miss Hallie James pont Sunday at tho Tad Saunders home. llo.seo Iturch Is staying at the Chas Paulger homo while getting his house hold goods loaded to ship to Wyoming Kov. Hill, of Phillips, Neb , who came to attend the Kennedy funeral Tuesday, is visiting with the Olsleys family. C. H. Ilurgess is helping Wm. Tnpuum with his new barn. Mrs. Amy Ilcfllu is visiting at the Hoy Itennett aud Lcauder Pierpolnt homes this week Wo regict to repot t that. Wallace Conloy is suffering an attack of dlpth erla. Northeast Pawnee A large and sociable crowd assetnb led at il.e home of Mrs. M. A. Lcudu brand one evening last week for tho purpose of celebrating the twenty fifth birthday anniversary of her son. Jay. Among those pieseut weie, Mr. aud Mis. 1'iuiik i'ynu, Mr. and Mrs JanifS I!ynn and family, Mrs. Win. S Dunn and sistir, Mrs. Nota Dunn, and C. MoCoali'. There were also three soldier-, Kdyur (.' lieadabraiid, Win. S. limine ami Ki.iik Uyau, who was in the Spanish Anuric.ui war. They uoto not there for protective purposes but uiftcl.t to an1. i.st in hcciug that just it-f w.is done reLjitvdiug the tunny good things lnfeil up on the table After it had been deul'icd by all that a .siiilieieiM iiiiiii mt of justice linn been administered in this mutter the bal ance of I lie evening was devoted to music and interesting conver-ulloii. Mr. and Mis K. Mjers weie the guests ( Mis. Noble and family one day lust week. Herb Ilarber is building a new barn mid is busy hauling lumber fiom lied Cloud. He proposes to get some skill ed urcliitect to help hliu on the com plicated parts The writer under stands ho will select Kltnor Moliue for this duty. The Myers Uro.s. were busy last week sawing wood for tho Lcadabrands, Johnstons, Elliotts and llrowns. This will be instrumental In lowering tho price of coal by throwing a surplus of that article on the market. Pat tiouldie, wife and family, the Myers liros. and their wives, aud Jus. Nelseen attended u birthday party ut the home of Ed Nelseen und family last Wednesday celebrating Ed's for tieth birthday anniversary. All re port a most enjoyable time. Roy Myers and wife were tho guests of Miss Lottie Delka and brothers, und also of their relatives Mr. and Mis. Alox McDonald, last Saturday' and Sunday. Hoy's brother looked af ter the chores during the visit. Mis. M. A. Leadabraiid and son and daughter Jay and Melba, tiutoed to Keii Cloud Saturday. The Loadabrand boys arc busy haul ing corn which they purchasod from Chas. llarrott. They consldor it sveot feed for hogs uowa-days. Mr. and Mrs. iiarvo Blair and Mrs. John Drown autocd to Red Cloud last Friday on a shopping expedition. H. K. McCoy shipped five cars of cattle to St. Joo Sunday and Win. Iloiher five cars of hos to Kansas city Call Schmidt shipped one of cattle to St Joe. Another residence property changed hands in town last Monday evening when II. P. Welch oatno up from Edgar and sold Ins property on O street to Frank llooin Sr. This is tho second tes idciico property purchased by Mr. Itooin in the lust year or ,o in Uladen. Veaton ltobb and children, Helen and Harold are in Ong this week whcio the former's mother Is very ill. I A. Denton made a business trip to Hastings Saturday morning. Mrs. Chas KbtnoVaud family have moved into the Heiidrcn residence north of the school house. Ed Denton enme up fiom Cowles Sat urday und visited over Sunday with his parents, Mr. und Mis. J. A. Denton, and family A number of young people from this town took tho teacher's examin ations in Blue Hill last Saturday among them being Misses Goldie Rob Inson. Lelu (Jrelg, Gila Turnbaugh Olura Keohler, Icy McNair, Violet Da vis, Ethel Lidgnrd, HbzcI Jones, Mabel Vonderfeoht, Charlotte Llndgren, Idarlta Green, Ethel Ilrower, and Messrs Ralph Lldgard aud John Rodin son. Tho progressive business men and farmers from nil states west of the Mississippi will discuss their pressing problems with national leaders at the Tituis-Misslssippl Readjustment Con gress at Omaha, February IS to 120. The Chamber of Commerce of the United States has sent two members of its staff from Washington to Oma ha to co-operate with the Omaha tthiiiiiber of Commerco in complet'ng plans. A report has spread ovor Nebraska aud surrounding states Unit tiiere Is a large amount of small pox In Omaha This is vignritously denied by Dr E. T. Manning, city physician of Omaha. There have been only thirty-nine cases of small pox in Oinaha the past month, which is not unusual In a city ot '! '0,(100. The committee in charge of Omaha MarUet Week March 1 to 0th, hns com pleted arrangements for a reception and musical to be given at the Omaha Chamber of Couimfrce, Tuesday even ing, Mar. 4th, for the entertainment of its guests. Several striking entertain ment features ure being p'anued for tht other evenings. After u year of effort the manage meut of the Omaha Automobile Show, March lu lf, has completed arrange incuts with the United States Govern, tuent to exhibit a Idborty Motor, one of the miracles of the war. This is the first Idbeity Motor to be exhibited in tho west. Two important conventions will be held in Omaha next week. The Ne braska Retail Hardware Dealers Asso ciation, of which Nathan Roberts of Lpicoln, is secretary, and the Nebras ka Lumber DcaluiH Association of which E. E. Hail of Lincoln is secre tary. Tho Tuesday Musical Club of Oma ha will present Lucy Gates, the Ameri ca n Soprano, at the Rraudeis Theatre on February Ulli. Miss Gates recently substituted for Galli.Curei in a series concerts in tho east with great success. Names of South American Countries. Mexico is a Spanish rendering, or combination, of Aztec words meaning the place of the war god. Uraxll sci'ins to have derived Its name from the legendary Island of P.razll (later Identified with one of the Azores), be cause it amis found to produce a red wood resembling brazil wood. Chllo und Peru iiro of aboriginal orfgln. Ar gentina Is an Invented name based on the Latin word for silver, as Rio do hi Plata, the name of Its chief river, means silver river lu Spanish. Sheriff's Sale Notice N hereby nlven. that under and 1y vlrtuuot mi order of sale, Imaed from tlio olltcuof l.dllli I.. McKtlvhau, Clerk (if tho Dltlrict Court c-r Hit Tenth Judicial Wilrlct, within ami f-ir Webster ( ounly, Nebraska, upon a deiree in nn netlnn prutllinj, therein, whenln, lilinni T. Auld In lulntlil, ntul uvjAltiM Mabel i Koonls. ut nl. defendants. 1 Hhiill oiler for snle nl mhlle vendue, neeord Inic to the termsof mild dc toe. to the liluhmt bidder for nili In hand, at the mi'ith doorol (lie court houre, nt lied CI... id. In wld Vet uter County. NebrnViii. (that bcliu; the build tin; wherein the last lei m of mihl conit was liolileiu on thi' lntli dny of I'( hriiury, A. !., 11110 at '.' o'clock. I'. M. ot Mild day. tho follow liiKilesbrlbed properly, to-wlt: The west one-half iw l-'Ji of Seetl0n:il, Town '., Itatiijotl, Lots One (1). Two (Ji, Three ill). Four (I). t'lu (!) ami KIkIiI (S), In Seellon U. Town I, ltuiiBe II, the Noith Kant quarter (N. II. 1-1) of Section (I, Town l, Uiiiikc 11. Lot Mis (tl, lu Section I, Town I, llaniie VI. allot .Section ::o, Town '.. Ilaingc II, the North West quarter (N. W. 1-1) of Section :'..'. Town .', Itmme II. Lots Three (H), I'our tli. Five (ft), and Six (II). In lilock I, In the city of Hed Cloud, Nebraska, Lots Klevcn, (II) und Twelve (12) In lilock ;W, In lied Cloud, Lots No. 13 and II, and "JW-lOOllis oil' the South hldoof Lot rj,all lu llloek .10, In Hed Cloud; also Lots one (1) to Hcvcit (7 Inclusive, and Kliditccn 1H toTwenty-foiTr 21 Incluslveof lilock W, In tlieorlglunl town of lied Cloud, toKutlicr with tho former streets and alleys adjacent to said property, and which streets and alleys have been vacated, more particu larly described In the County clerk's and Commissioners' records, and tho decree of the District Court ot said County of Webster, recorded In Miscellaneous Hecord 1) In the County Clerk's oillcc, at page 3W, also tho re tiialulut; portion of the six acre trnct con veyed to lllchnrdson by tho deed of Silas Garlieriinil wlfo by tho deed recorded at Deed ltceord 11 nt said Webster County, at piiuo ', except such portions thereof as tho unuitors have heretofore conveyed to George V. Llndsey and Adam Morhart, by the deeds re corded In siild County of Webster at records M at pace 101, N at pnue 13.), and :i at p:iie '.'iVs; tho last named property bcliic all the property acquired and evidenced by said court decree and tlio deeds to !ild V, N. Itlchardson recorded la the record if said county, vl: A at pavje M, II at pajjo 'Si, and V at imtro IfA. except lioweer. the parts con. eytd to l,lndsi and Muihart above sped lied. (ilxcn iiniUr my bund this ::rd day ol Jan. nary. A, n.. l'lisi. I'll MC IICI'l'i:!!. Mierlir. lieruant McNeny, I'lalnllil'H Atty. .'-Iw Articles o Incorporation CONSTITUTION We, the undersigned, members ot the 1'ai iiiers I'diieatlunal A Co-operative t'nloii of Nebraska, do hereby :isMirl:ito ourf.clves together for the purpose of oritnulliiK a eo opeiatlve;issoclatlou under the laws of tho State of Nehraska. and for that purposedo adopt the followlut; uinslltutloii: Alllll I.K I NAMi: rnrniers I'ulon Co-operative As.-oclutlon of Hi d Cloud, Nebraska. AUIICI.K II IM.ACIlill' IIUSINTsS The inula olllcu and principal place of liuslncsvhlmll lie ut Itcd Cloud. Nebraska. AUTici.i: in N.vruni: amioiiikpi or uusi To buy, sell, store. Milp and linn V Kraln. urnln products and other foodstullViir man and beast, lumber, coal, cement, lime, liu plciuents and uiiichlnery, mid other Klnd.sol farnitrnectssttleM buy and ship livestock, and buy. lease and operate mills, elevators, warehouses, stores and otlur bulldlims, to uotlierwlth tho nccissary real estate for the I inamifaetiireol all these neeessltiis, eltlu r separatly or combined, together with all the poucruou or hereafter iiuthorled by law. aim ici.i: iv tiiiim or i.MsniM i: The association shall cniitlnuu for a period of rv) years from tl.ito of lurorporatlon unless hoouer dlssolsed accordlm; to liu Aiini'i.u v C ll'l'l M. .ro( K AMI INIIKIII UUM.ss The amount of capital stock shall he Twenty Thousand Hollars, divided Into 2.000 shares at the par valueof ten Hollars each, of which amount Kour '1 hoiieaud Dolb-rs shall bo fully paid up before comment lim busluess and before uiiy debts aro contracted, and debts of tins association shall never exceed two-thirds of the paid up capital stock. Altl'ICI.Kl JlKI lll.llsllll' only members of the farmers Kducatlnnul A Co-operatUe I'nlon ol America may be come members of this Association. A lll'ICI. i: VI! M VNAIII'MICN I I 'or the iiiauaiti-ment of this Association a llu.-ird of I Mi colors of the members shall i,c elected as follows: The iiesldeilt shall bo elected out of the Hoard pf Plreciors and hu shall also boadl nctor and piesldout of tho Hoard of Dlrec tors; he shall hold olllee milll his succtssor Is dieted and qualified. Knch of the illreelors to beelteled foroneyeat, or until nextaii nual mietlni;, aiii'km: viii a.nm'ai. mi:i:iimi Tho stockholders' annual inictlm; shall bo held between the lot ti mid iSOtii of .January of eaeh year, and called by tho Iloaid of Dlrte tors. I ' nt 11 such annual meeting the follow ItiK pcisousaiid stockholders shall servo as directors and ollltcrs. Notice of Final Report fc In tho County Court of Webster county, Nebraska. In tho matter of the estate of John W. Tlerney, deceased. All persons Interested In nld estale, aro hereby notified that tho Uxecutont have tiled herein a final ik remit and report of their admlnliitrallou, mid a potltlon fur tho llual settle inrnt of such account and report, and for a decree of distribution of the residue ot said estate, ami for the asslKiimentof tlio real estate belonging thereto, and a dlneharrfo from tin Ir trust, all of which said matters have bten sjt for hearing before ald court, on the :tlst day of January. 1'ilti, nt the luiur of 10 o'clock, A. M , when all persons Interested may appear and contist the same. Hated this Kith diij ol January, fill). ska i. A. 1). IUsxky, :i-.lw County Judc. R. E. McBride REAL ESTATE LOANS INSURANCE Olllco Over Trluo's Hardware Drop In. g lime at the Schultz & Schaal for First class portraiture enlarging, copying, new work, . amateur finishing, etc. YOUR PATRONAGE APPRSCIA1ED Dr.W.H. McBride DENTIST Successor to Dr Cross OVEIl STATE UA.VK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA E. S. Ga-rber Well Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures Maelstrom of Norway. The maelstrom of Norway Is n dan gerous whirlpool off the, coast of Nor way, caused ly a rushing of the cur rents of the ocean In a channel be tween two of the Loffoden Islands, and intensllled at times hycontrnry winds, to the destruction (frecordlntj to the Btorles) often of small craft caught in the eddies o' It, and sometimes of whales attempting to pass through it. II S fmfcM'-' Still a Chance. "I thought I was the most unpopular man In this club, but they say Plllson over there can beat me." "But, my dear fellow, ho has been a member longer than you have. Don't bo dis couraged." Life. NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT IN RED CLOUD There has never been anything in Red Cloud with the INSTANT notion of blmplu buckthorn bark, glycorlue etc,, as mixed in Adlcr-i-ku. ONE SPOONWI.. Hushes the ENTIRE bowel traoj so completely it relieves ANY CASE sour stomach, gun or con stipation and prevonts appendicitis. Tlio INSTANT, pleasant action of Ad-ler-lliii stirprlhes both duuton and patients Chus. L, Cottlng. 400 ARTICLES 400 PICTURES EACH MONTH POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE 15 TOR SALE DY ALL NEWSDEALERS AVtlioin to rhow you o ropy or ion J 2(V fcr the Intcit I'no. lostril J. early milncrlrtlon S 01) to all rnrti et tlio (Jolted titatcs. its roucislom, ConaJn, and Mexico. . PCPULArt MECHANICS MACAZINE A O XI. Mlclilsan Avenue, Clilcsso, III. I m-Mmffi&m&iiim AIIIICI.KIV AMKMIMKNr I Tills constitution may lie amemleil at an annual mectliiK ly a two-thlnls vote ol all tlio HtocU holders present ami upon ten dayR notice to that ell'cct. AMUNIIMKNT II Tho by laws may ho unloaded by a two thirds voto ot the stockholders present at Hiich mcotlnt; as Is mentioned In section one. In Witness Whereof, The undersigned lutve hereunto set their hands tho 1st dny o( October, HUH. Chtls. II. Starke, lMwuril Wilson, .1. I) Wlxccarvrr, M. II. lluuelckcr, .1, A. McAr thur, II. r. Heed, Harris Moeile, Clyde Ar- buckle, K.8. Kit, Krett I.enKett, Dan'l Har bor, Harvey Morrill, It. A. McC'nllum, Oliver Me.Nutt, M. HloiHcr, F. K. ICInu', .1. F. Hack- les, Hurl McCartney, John II. Haladcn, Wm. II. Thomas, II. (1. Hanson, Harry Koth, K. It. Metcall, S.C. Khuck, Klmer lllmes, State ot Nebraska. County of Webster, 1 ts On tho 1st day of October, 11)18, before ine, Ilernard McNeny, Notary I'ubllc. pcrsomilly apiicnreil the abovo named, who personally are known to bu the Identical persons whoso I names aro atllxcd lo the uliovo urlleles ol lu eorporfillon. as patties hereto, and they Huvonnly ucknuwlcdue the Instrument to bo thdlr voluntary act ami deed. Wltucss my hand asaloresald, IHMlNAItl) McNIONY, (Notarial Seal) A Notary I'ubllc Commission exres April 2st, l)l). ' The wlntor whont crop planted In the fall of 1918 will probably be the largest winter whoat crop ovor raised in Nebraska. The prosont ostluiato Is 70,000,000 bushelH, whereas the average winter wheat crop is 18,11113,000 bushels' SJ fly P V VSC ffi Ez!LV A -r'i 'Mb. When the Firemen Appear the insured maa'i fust thought it one ol lhankfulncsi thdt lie is to. How abou your thought! if a fiireman ihould ap pear at your home? The Dacy Before the Fire it the day to iruute. As that day may be to-morrow for all you caa know or do, it fellows that prudence would im. pell you lo stop in our office today and have us issue you a nolicv. O. C. TEEL FLeliacble Insurance i ! ff' fr 1 : i i r ssr-swjsrr-