The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 30, 1919, Image 1

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A Newspaper That 6Ues The Nck9 Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Fer $1.50
Safe, Convenient, Dignified j,
Let Us Serve You
Deposits in tliij Dank are protected by the Depoturj' Guatanly
Fund of the State of Nebrajka
Webster County Bank
Capml and Sutplui $35,000
Edward Floiance, President S. R. Florance, Cashier
The Masters Call
Get YOUR GROCERY Supplies of
Choice Candies,
Fresh Cookies
Full Supply of Pecans
All Kinds of Nuts
Canned Goods . Fine Apples
Everything in Groceries
and Queensware
A Few Pieces of Fine Hand-painted -China
Ususually Found
At a
First Class
Furniture Store
Furniture and Undertaking
Myrou Builoj', younmost son or Mr.
mid Mrs. 1 V. tlley, of Guide Hock,
ami nephew of .1. U. HttUey of this city,
timl Herbert liailey of near OuUle
Kock, nnsweroil the Muster's cnll at
ilie homo of liis parents enrly Monilny
The young man had been In poor
health for heverul years ami ltttnly
more seriously ill, so that liib passing
was not entirely unexpected
Ho was horn near UomIwIcU about
',)! je.irs ago and spoilt most of his life
in that section of Xehrashii, winning
the lespeet and u Imiration of a large
circle of I fiends
Ueshlc.s the beieaved parents he Is.
sutviveil by one brother, Lewis, living
near Bostvvielf, l wo sisteis, Mrs (lur
trttde (iilbeit of Uastiugs, and Mrs.
Aldu Watt of Diller, uHo his aged
grand-mother, Mi. 10. 0 I'urker, who
resided with them.and othet relatives,
l'uueral was lield at the liaptist
enuieii Tednesaay ana tnternieiii in
Guide I'ools. (temetery.
Must Be Introduced
Little Miss Craig of Hod Cloud and
Mr. Frank Uralg, f.otuewhero in Frmu'c,
aro father and daughter who will re
(ulrc formal Introduction when they
meot. T'ie little lady is n war baby
who arrived on this mundane splioie
yeiterday at tlio home of her grand'
mother, Mrs A. 10. Harlan. The
mother, before marriage, was Lneite'
The Wolf Hunt
A lingo and enthusiastic assombly
of hunt eis turned out Tuesday and
proceeded to drive over an extensive
ten itory south of the river and heme
up nil tlio wolves. Seven were bagged,
and also a eotisidotable number of rab
bits. A txiuntlful dinner was .served
in the open.
Farm Bureau Notes
Junior Projects Februaiy 10-11 in
elusive me tho dates for boys to unroll
in the Junior Projects Theie aro 12
branches in which bos and girls may
enroll. At n mooting hold last week
in the County Superintendents olllee
Mr. I'riable, from the Junior IOxten
sion Depirtment at Lincoln e.pluined
the work. It was decided that two
brunches of work would be selected
and supervised by the county superin
tendent. Miss Ducker selected cook
ing and sewing, and tho county agent
belojted pig lulling and corn glowing.
The children will enroll thiotigh the
school teacheis. It is hoped that all
hoys mid girls will em oil and theroby
help NebiasUa during this peiiod of
lecoi.htruclion for greater food pro
duction and conservation that our
quota of food receive may be on hand
when needed.
L.tst Yeur.s Pig liaising Pioject
ltojs and girls in Nebraska last year
raised 701 pigs with a final weight of
l'i'.i.'I'Js lbs of pork. Tlio state winners,
from Webster county are, Iteit XoitIh,
lied Cloud, County Chainpiona free
trip to Junior Kariuei'3 week in spring
o 191'J with all expenses paid. Doro
thy Hasebrook, Uladen, was second
Floys Fiance ol Cowlos, thlid. Marion
Stewatl, lied Cloud, fourth.
The Dnrocj Jei.sey Association offer
ed WO in cash to the 1 1 boys hnving
tlio best Duroc Jersey pigs in tlio state,
of which Uort Norris ranks nth
Keeping records JO boys and gills in
Webster county were feediug pigs last
year. Only half weie kteping lecords,
while tho 83(1 given by tho County
Fair and the premiums offered by tho
Farmers Institute were awarded on
individual merit of Ahe pigs.
Prizes Uig prizes will bo awarded in
the county and by the state this com
ing year. Ilemombor the dates of Feb
ritnry 10-11 and enroll.
Hr.Nitv R. Fauscii,
County Agricultural Agent
Attended State Meeting
County Superintendent of schools
Stella Duclier attended the Statu
Asuamlilt .if r.nntitr sntwirlnt i.mlmitu
.. ,.,... ...., ... W....... .,.. .......v
ill IjIIIcoiii last wceir, reiuruiug iiome
Saturday night.
She reports a well attended and
voi j Inteiesting meeting.
The absenceof State .Superintendent
demons was much regretted, lie being
unable to attend on account of seiious
A vftfVto the loglsliituie in session
was mi enjoyable item of entertain
mont for the suburban delegalos.
Jurors Summoned
Tlio following juiors have been
drawn to servo at the term of court
which convenes FebruiaryKth. Jurors
are summoned to appear second day of
the term:
"Cohen Owes Me
Ninety-Seven Dollars"
He bought a New Edison Diamond Phonograph
and a fine assortment of records and it won't be
long until he has them paid for.
We will be glad to make arrangements with you
as we did with "Coken" if you will come in and
see us.
Any Priced Instrument on Easy Terms
Enjoy It as You Pay For It
Comparatively few Nobaskans have
any idea of tho enormous proportions
to which tho ice cream business of tlio
state has grown. The frozen dollcacy
is shipped in immonso quantities to
every adjoining btoto. The capital in
vested amounts to hundreds of thou
sands of dollars, and tho ice cream
production of 1018 despite the war
limitations, amountod to more than
13,000,000 in value.
U tha root of nearly all digettivs
ctUb. If your digestion ii weak, of
out of kilter, better eat lei and um
the new eld to better digestion.
Pleasant to take effective. Let
Ki-maldi help atralghten out your
digestive troubles,
wads cry ncoTT & bowns
M. !$ Corner
11 II. Crowed
C. I). Fishel
s. tS. mans T
C. C Uoten
Win. Cieps
Dnti (Surber
K. A. duly
James Mattock
IOliner Fogg
I II. Davidson
Geo W Worloy
Oscar D.ihm
John Men 111
Charles Trauttnnii
Clyde Pitney
John ICiudsdier
W. II. Steun
11 ly Mitchell
Nelson Untlett
Joseph Uehincy
Frank Sclimidt
Levi Wright
II. C. UflUK'U
Congregational Church
Howard Piatt, it student of Doan
college, who has just loturiicJ from
one of tlio camps, filled tho pulpit Sun
day morning and gac some interest
iug facts concerning life in the camps
Sot vices next Sunday as usual Sun
d.iy school at ton o'clock and morning
s-'rvice ut eleven.
Baptist Church Notes
Sunday School at 10 a. tn.
A scries of gospel meetings will bo
hold at the liaptist church convening'
Tuesday evening, Feb. Ith, conducted
by tho pastor and Kev. Sims pastor of
the Smith Center, Kan., Daptlst church. J
ftros Sims is a man worthy of all con-
fldeucc as an able and .cousclcnchuis '
minister of the gospel. The object if
these meetings will be the saving of
The ladies of tho church are having
u piano placed in the church this wook
Pastor Hamper and daughter Qruce
aro spending tho week on the Lotto
Tree Hold, next Sunday being his rcg
ulur appointment there.
Some of the Willing Workors spent
Tuesday afternoon quilting at the
church parlor. They will ineot with
Mrs. Tim Tophain Ftiday starting
from the church at 10 a. in. In con- j
While the wiMire,cam
paims Gn-Electnfy
ymsr laomel&iid make
living more enjoyable.
How many times have you re
solved to have electricity in your
home "some day?" Now you
can afford it '
Not only have special rates for wir
ing been arranged for this campaign
but the three-fold economy of EDISON
MAZDA Lamps which give three
times as much light as old-style car
bon lamps will help you pay the cost.
And the whole familywill enjoy the
benefit of electric service that makes
possible innumerable comforts and con
veniences such as the electric toaster,
flatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner.
Let us explain the saving you ean mats
by having your house wired now.
ti. Mo mewl
u Optometrist and Jeweler I
1 I CIib. L J . -1
tais7v - fa
Some of die conveniences
I vUctricity brms
tTJ --''- i - ''-"'
Plumbing Heating Everything
veyance provider for all who wish to T1 Publicity Dopartineiit of tho
go. A suuiiro diiinor will ;bo sorvod ' iaha Chamber of Commerce is ex
for twcnty-flvo cents. Wc utidorstand ' podlug botween 835,000 and 850,000
- i ... . .
a year advertising Omaha and iSc
braska. Advertising matter telling
about business opportunities!!! Omaha
houso of representatives is n,m u11 ovor tUo bUto w.lsent all over
mo l niieii mates, rue vaiuo oi tins
quito u number expect to go
People who think the preseut Ne
When work is rosuined on the Ocr-ing-Fort
Laramie irrigation project in
Nebraska, the huge shovols used In
excavating will be electrically operat
ed, the power being gonoratod by wa
ter In tho oompletod portion of tho
o inal. This project is to be completed
in time to furnish wator for tho 1920
"lopsided" politically because it has S5
republican and 15 domocratlo nom' fonn of publicity Is belugldomotistrat-j cr, (U,a wUl ,, g()noo Mr0 ,u
hers should recall the 1S03 session, u(1 eveW ly. "d thujbtiite should fall NubpnskBf
inn R.limi. Ilntvn,..! ...I... -I...4- 1UIO 11110 ftllll IllUKe IlllCdUdie provision
L ..if ,1 . Vn . . .r ii .' " for securing tho widest pnsiiblo pub-
J quit tho olliuu of liouteuant governor, ' iMly f,. tKhl) s.,1,,,,,11,1 opporHiuitlos
I was tlio only democratic nijiuber .of Nebraska offer to houicsoekcrs land
mat uouy. uiv.siors,
It Is conservatively ostiumted that
upwiiids of 4S0,000 head of sheep wore
wintoved In tho North Piatt ynlloy.