T -?r trr. t-J - XUm - .- KD OLOUD, WBBRA8KA, CHIEF i i ti t j i i ii, i A Ml 11 U kr- t Li Iri f 3 IK ra 8 I a 1 Inavale Items Mrs. Win. Tabor hits returned front Denver, where blio lias boon rtt the bed fildo of Wesley, vvlioMius been sciinusly ill, but is now iniioli Uiipruvuil. Mr. Hoy UutlotlKcUhomo froinCitnip Dotlc, Iowa, on it shott vite.tion visit with relitl Ives anil friends. Mr. mid Mrs. Chut,. Waldo mid daujjb Its Noinia mid Miiifc'suet, were vlhlt iti nt ttlouiuitigtun last Thuimluy, ro turnitiK Friday. Mr. .Jess, Chri-s of Stcrlinj,', Colo., has been vlHltiii,' nt the llcllin and Carpenter hotne. Mr. and Mrs. tleo. JorKonson hpunt Sunday with .lr.s. Minnie Wut&on. Mr. and Mr. .John Kutledo and daiiKliter Nellie, went t HusUiikh .Saturday, Alius Nellie remained to at falst Hoy Stevens in photo work. Mr. Niel Bluukonbultrr had tho niin fortune to upset his ca,r lubt Sunday uiorulng. Fortunately no cue wus seriously hurt. Mrs. Nell Hunter .spent Tuesday with tho Thud SaumlerN family. Hoy Kutletljje visited Tuesday with Cecil Ik-mi mid wife. Mr Jouu lleaiuond toolc his wife to Hastings last Tuesday for medical treatment. 0. L. Etbrldyo loaded his ear of household Koods and drug btock lust Monday and Tuesday. Miss llalllo James, tho Graiuniar teaeher, lb borirdiug at the It. K. Hun ter home this week. Mrs. It. Leonard was a passenger to Hastings Monday. Tad Saunders was in Red Cloud Tuesday. Mr. Win Tubor left Tuesday morn tiiK to attend a stock show in Kansas this week Mrs. Ada Wolf is visiting her bister Mrs. U. Leonard and family this week. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker m d Miss Luolle llurwood' of lied Cloud, were pleasant callers at the C. 11. Utiles home last Sunday. Miss Dorothy Hartwell called on Hazel Nesbitt Tuesday evening. Mrs .lane Farley spent t lie weekend at the A. M. Cook home at Klvcrtoti. Mr-. C. h. Kthild,'o and mother spent Tcsday with Mis. Tan ilellin. Mr. Arthur tiilbert of lted Cloud spent. Sunday with his friend Edwiird Watson. Kansas Pickups Mrs. EM. Snow ison tho sick list at tills writing Austin Spun lor mid family spent Sunday with Harry Hiown aud wife. Everett and Hoy Meyeis aud wives took biipper at the F. M. llrown home Saturday. Misses Emily Million and Cuace JJrown viblltd the Oriole School Sat urday afternoon. Karl Abbott and wife visited with the hitter's parent'., Mr. and Mrs. IC. 10. Spunier. Mrs. Maggie Upp and daughter Pearl, aud Mrs. (). 1). Upp, wuio guests of Mrs. 11. J. Snow Friday. E 10. Spurrier shipped a car load of hog to Kansas City S.tlimluy. He no cuuipauied the shipment, returning Wednesday. Frank Uelka and family visited at tiie Lbe ltrowu home Sunday. J, C. Peteison and wife aud F. M. 2rown anil wife attended tho funeral of Geo. Cameron at the Cora Chureh Sunday. Mr Gio. Cameron p. Hsed away very suddenly at the hospital in Kunsu- City last Wednesday. He had gone to the hospital to bo with Ids sjii Charles who was ill with pneumonia fever there Mr Cameron has been in fail ing health for come time. We realize .ve liuvu lost a good neighbor as well as an old-time friend. Airplane at Auto Show One of tho atti actions at tho coming Omaha Auto aud Ti actor Show will be an airplane, a real Hying machine, bucli as Nebraskans will often see when the air mail service is exteuded to Omaha. The date ot the show Is March 10-10. Manager Clarke G. Powell announces that the exhibits will bo larger and more varied than at uuy pievious show. The future of the automobile business in Nebraska is unusnullj encoui aging. Phenomenal Growth Omaha's bank clearing-) increased more in 1018 than those of any other leading llnauclul center In the United States. Omaha's increase was 50 per cent, whereas Ualtlmoro wus IS, Pitts burg 13, Cincinnati 4o, NewOrleuns US, Kansas City U0, Uoston 'Si, San Francisco 10, Cleveland 10- Dotrolt 10, Philadelphia 14, St. Louis 12, Chicago 1 and New Yoik 1. Omaha wits thir teenth in total amount of bunk clear ings although 'JHb in population. Bladen Brieflets 13. 11. Cox was In Lincoln the latter part of tho week, returning Suturduy. 0. G. lioss of Hastings is doing mason woilt in Hladen this Week. 11. M. l.e'nor went to lloldrodtfo Sat iirduv evening to visit ills bon, JJoyd mid family. Fuvoritt of whom hud boon under tho doctor's euro. Hoyd is alek at tho present time but is on tho mend. ' Mr. and Mrs. Garret Ilif-ehrook of near llolstein, were down Friday mid visited with Mr. mid Mrs. .las. Ander son and Mr. mid Mrs. W. A. Iluse brook. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Illicit spenl Thursday of last week In Hustings. Mrs. Arihut Moroy and babe iieeoin p tilled her mother, Mrs W A. Welch, to her homo at Carlton, Saturday, wheie she will visit for u few days. Hev. K. W. Kinbreu held quarterly meeting note Saturday overling and preached at tho Mothodist church Sat u id ay morning. Victor Detour was a pitssongor to Ong Tuesday morning to visit his sis ter, Mrs. Edburg. Darrel Ilagcl, who lias been training in tho navy returned homo Friday evening from Boston, whore- he re ceived Ids dlschargo. From here he went to San Francisco and wus later transferred to Iloston. Mrs. Wilcox attended bcrvicos in Campbell Sunday ovenlngof last week. Mrs. Geo. Johnson returned Monday from a visit with rol&tives in Miuden. Obituary Maurice Victor Fey, son of Ed and Evnlln Fey, was born at Elwood, Indi ana, January lath, 1U0I, and died nt his home, from accidental shooting, south of Inavale, Nob , January 0th, 11)10, ago II years, 11 months and 2'J days At the ago of 11 'e years he came with his parents to Webster County, Neb., where lie grew up and attended the common schools, being exception ally bright and quick to Irani'. He boon finished, passing the eighth grade aud entering the Uerl Cloud High School, but last fall, feeling he was needed so badly at home, quit school mid went home to help his father gather corn aud feed cattle. Mr. Fey also had a neighbor, Mr. Hides employed at times to help with faun work, and even though ho was an old man, ho and Maurice became fust filonds. Mr Hicks lives in a eel lar, a short distance from tho I'Vy home, aud it was here that Maurice hud the accident which proved fatal. About two o'clock In tho afternoon ho httrtcd to go homo to look- after tin stock, his parents being away. lim ing Ids father's shot gun thora for some reason or other, he attempted to lay the gun on u chair in fiout of him while putting on his glovo, but It he ing dark in tho cellar, the gun caught on the edge of tho chair, 'slipping oil' and tho hummer sti iklug as it dropped causing it to go otV, aud nearly the wholo charge taking e I lout in there giou of the left eye Tho doctor and parents were imme diately c.tlled mid he was icinoved to Ills own home, where ho p.isscd away about 7: 10 the same day. All was done that could be done to save him but God hail c.tlled and Mttirioo limit go. Those who witnessed the shooting weio Mr. Hicks and suveral other tioighboi.s, who happened to be there at tho ti.i.e, most of whom wore gio.vn nun Maurice was always, jovial, jolly and full of fun, which won for him many friends among the old us well as I lie young. Hu was converted about three years ago and joined the Pnitod ltrethicii chinch near his home and was still a member tit the time of his death. He was a good boy, obcdlont to his parents mid always steady at work. One might think from the u.i cideut that ho was a wild, bad boy, but not so, till! how we will miss him, but we hope our loss Is his eternal gain. He leaves a kitid, itll'ootiouate, heart broken father and mother, one broth er, Hov. Harold K. Fey in school nt Lincoln, Neb., three sisters, Miss Mil dred, now. attending Hod Cloud high school; Lois and Little lOvalln, also other relatives aud a large circle ot friends to mourn their loss, The funoral service was hold at the Mt. Pleasant U, U. church, January 0th, in tho presence of a large, assemb ly; conducted by the writer. Inter ment lu Mt Pleasant cemetery. May tho God of Heaven comfort tho hearts of the sorrowing ones lu this hour of bereavement. lV.iun 10. Hi. suv, Pastor. U. S. Insurance To the Soldiers mid .Sailors of America: Approximately four million olllccrs aud men of the Army and Navy are now insured with tho Unitod States Govornmout for a grand total of al most thirty-seven billion dollars. You owe It to yourself mid to your family to hold onto Uncle Sam's In surance. It is the strongest, safest and cheapest life insurance over wi it ten. For your protection Uncle Sam has established tho greatest life insurance company In the world a company nB mighty, as gonerous, and as democratic us tho Unitod States Government, it self, .hist, as Uncle S.un protected you and your loved ones during tho war, so ho stands ready to continue this protection through the days of ro adjutinelit ami peace The privilege of continuing your Government insurance is a valuable right given to you as put of tho com punsatlon lor our hetoleand triumph ant services. If you permit the Insur ance to lapse, you lose that right, and you will never bo able to regain it. Hut if you keep up your present in suratieo by the regular payment of premiums you will I e able to change it into a Standard Government Policy without medical examination. Mean time you can keep up your present in surauee at substantially the sumo low rate. Tho Government will write or dinary life insurance, twenty-payniont life, endowment, maturing at age 02, aud other usual forms of Insurance. This will bo Government insurance at Government rates. Tho United States Government through the lhireau of War ltlsk In surance of tho Treasury Department will safeguard you and your loved ones with the spirit mid purpose of a Republic grateful to Its gallant defen ders. To avail yourself of this protec tion, you must hoop up your present Insurance. Carry back with you to civil life, as an aid aud an asset, tho continuod insurance protection of the United States Government. Held on to Uncle Sam's insurance. Readjustment Congress The big Atlantic City conference of business men in Docomber is to be duplicated as nearly as possible for tho benefit of the Western business man. Tho Chamber of Commerce of the United Stttes, which called tho Atlan. tic City conference, and the Omaha Chamber of Commeice, are promoting tho Trans-Mississippi Readjustment Congress to bo held in Omaha, Fob. IS to 2(). This congress will chart the course of bu-ilness in the west for 101!) Plans will be developed lu gtoup meetings of allied intorosts under the direction of the leading men in those lines. These plans will bo repotted to tho main con. gross in the form of resolutions mid will be welded into one constructive plan for the guidance of all Hues of business in the west. Among the spe titers who have dell nitely promised to address the con gross are: J. Ogden Armour of (Mil eago, David F. Houston, secretary of .giiculture; Harry A. Whcoler, presi dent ol the Chamber of Commerce of United States; Arthur Reynolds Com mercial Hank, Chicago; Frank Sisson, Guarantee rrit-t Co , New Voik. Invitation committees are waiting por.son.illy on several other prominent speakers, including a national labor leader This will not bo an ordinary conven tion. U the Atlantic City spirit of optimism prevails you will sue staid business m, ii, models of decorum in their homo towns, stand on chairs and cheer the s.-ntinients of buslnessfoi wind which will be expressed in Omaha The governors anil leading bn-iuess men id the f.ntoAing eighteen states will bo Invited to participate. i: Ari zona, CiiUfoini:.. Colorado, Idaho, Iowa. .Kansas Minnesota, Missouri, Moiitau i, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakoin. Oregon, South Dakota. I'tah, Washington and Wyom ing. The group meetings will be devoted to tin-problems of Agriculture, Agii otiltuiRl Colleges, Au'oiuoliih's, Hank ers, Building ami liuil,lin Materials, Canning Product. Civio and Public Health, Dairy Products, I 'arm Press, Faun Power and Implements, For. cign Trade, Grain, Highways, mid Good lio uls, lnsuiimcp, Investments and Faun Loans, Lawyers, Live Stock, Manufacturing, Milling, Notary, Wa ter Pn.wr and Watur-wn,s, Wool Glowers. BIG SURPRISE TO MANY IN RED CLOUD People are surprised nt the IN STANT uetion of bimple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad-lei-lkaONIO SPOONFUL Hushes the 10NT1IU0 bowel tract so completely it relievos ANY CASIO sour btotmichgas or constipation aud prevents appendi citis. The INSTANT, pleasant action of AMor-l-ka .surprises both doctors and patients It removes foul matter which poisoned your btomaeh for months. Chas. L. Cutting. Record for Dlvcrn. In palviiging the United States sub ninrlno F-l, which wits sunk off Hono lulu In March, 11)10, divers went down to n depth of about .'!00 feet mid ml Justed chains nnd cables nnd directed operations of inAi nt tho surface. This Is erdd to have broken nil diving rec ords, To Remove brums. A thick .slice of ripe tnmutiv It Is tild, placed over nn Ink spot on white gcods will remove the spot, nnd peach ctnjns wot with cold wirier spread thickly with cream of tnrtur nnd pljce(j In tho tun will disappear. A Live Wire Roy 0. Wright contributes n boldlcr letter eo the Lebanon Times, wltieh is so unusually Interesting as to justify republishing. IJobays: Champagne, Franco, Hint her and Folks: Spe'd" I don't mind biing a soldier as long as soldiering is a popu lar sport, but I draw tho lino on being the keeper of it oo. Ilavo them? Lord, have II herds with as tunny species. That may be a little farlotch. ed, but so are they. Ungllsh gray backs, American bed bugs, Hindu lice, French Cooties, Chinese lluches and Australian bug a-boos. They blto jou on the ankle and they bile you on tho knee ns we go marching. March ing! yes long, short,' night, day, up and back over and under. I have rounded Franco throe tlmos trying to find tho boundry lino of "somewhere." March! An, that gentle, docile, little live letter word. How much territory it can cover. "Speed," mother asks me what I want. I don't want anything, they give you all you want both In degrees of quality nnd quantity. What do I want? V V I want back my rightful name for No. 02; my soul economic do slro is to tear down two stories of mothers flap-jacks walloped in syrup and hen eggs; I want to bee a mute pulling my mule cartjikc I pushed it; I want to see sono dry land; I want to slip my wayworn mud-hooks Into n pair of shoos tyhich are not spiked with steol bottoms and which can only be put on one wny; I want to show mother a new formula for making chicken dumplins out of saw dust; I want to cast my weary body ott one of mother's downy cots of fosthers (and by the way, feather beds are in bed rooms, are tires not'.') and tell me gent ly Harvo, if you can do so without too much commotion, do you still eit three square meals a day .over there; whether thsrois such n thing as angel food cakes, etc. or was that only a dream I had when tho armistlco was signed. Am 1 hating lots of fun and exper ience over bore? Just enough that I would haye called a man n liar had he si.ld I could have gotten In so much in so short it time. If doing your bit in hell lure on earth is fun, then Pin having It. Am I halo and hearty? I have enough strength to dethrone king Hocke and the four sous of Noah. I have steel caps and bottoms with a cast libit stomach and immortal con stitution. You wonder what an im mortal constitution is? It's that par ticular gorm wherein you learn to speak of people dying, as "plowing up tho daisies" and "kicking in" with the same conscientiousness that dad em ployed when lie throw IMrlb Green at potato bugs." liuvu I learned anything'.' I've learned that ham Is ham only when you've got it, and that cackle-berries don't grow on block farms; I've learn, ed that tho ethics of man change dur ing wartirno and that Dtrwin probab ly done his bit at some tinio or other. I've been le-tr-ii'd that all good picnics end in rains; that Sir Galihead must of had a problem lit for any lore hun ter when ho tried to rehabitate or rev olutionize the worid. I've learned that being a printer Lift the worst job on earth and well we we will tell you about it when I L'ut back, but that ,er feller who wrote "Sweat Sweet Home," was a soldier. Some follow stretches next to mo and cries '-this is a miserablo life," which reminds me that it was Napoleon who wrote, "HI Mlscre." Did I toll you they bent, me to an otlloers' training school. Yet! they did, thinking 1 was a tit subject for gun fodder, but I fooled them. I emuo out on tho drill Hold with two bars of candy; we had a riot and school broke up. The war being over U icle Sam thought the boys preferred to accept 23D per, rather than S170, teeing that 170 necessitated a little mumble-peg ou tho front, whoro l'rit. celebialed the Fourth with hand bombs, lint speaking of the front, I just want to see one mote front mid that's "maw's" trout yard and tho, only batllo 1 evar want to see is sou e woman washing clothes without boap, and soldier's clot lies at that. Did 1 do my bit? Woll, if I didn't my pack did. I carried between 00 and 70 pounds until my oyes watered aud my uobc run, and I wondered why Fruuce didn't have humane societies like they have in America. If eating 'corn wooloy" till you felt llko an ox or ubs either one, is doing your bit, I done it. Did I see tho front? Ah, I gazed In awe, at that terror stricken land of devastation, where American ginger had already fertilized with Gorman bologna. Did 1 shoot'.' Did IV Say if you'd seen me divu Into u dugout, jou'd a Hiv ore homobody hhot. And does it man feel scared? Can ynlt 1m aglno how a pickle fools in ii'vitiecar vat? One of thoso 7.Vh sounds like the old cj Under press, only not unite mi loud, mid when it lights it always musses up a low pebbles. I never soon one light, but 1 guess they'll wake a man up. When do I como home? Well I al ways had a desire to cross tUo ocean and it is us stioug its over. Now you tell me when I get home, or when I start I'd like to ltnow. Now that the future, Is past and the pitbt is pieseut, outside of homo, 1 do like my uruiv stow and its Hdgur Al len Poo remarked, "I'm olf for con quest, woe unto tho multitude for they are ten thousand btrong." Itoy fa, Wright, l.C. S., Co. I, 1st Prov,, Tr. Heg , sllnl Division. December 11th Sheriff's Sale Notice Is hereby given, that under anil by virtue ol in order of sale, tailed from the oltlteot l.itlth I.. Melvilvhau, Clerk of the District Court of the Tenth Judicial District, wllliln and for Webitcr County, .s'elirasl.a. upon a diuree lu an action jundlim, therein, whirclu. Wllll.iin T. Auld Is plalntm, and uualiKt Mabel t . K'oont. ot al, ilefeiiilnnts. I dinll oiIit for sale at public vendue, accord Ini! to the Urunof nld decree, to the highest bddir forinih luhntid, at thu south door of the court himu'.ut Red Claud. In said Web ster County. Nehra4:a. that hclng the liulhl In w herein the last term ot said court was Iioldeii) on the 10th diiv of fibruury. A. ! , lUI'J at 2 o'clock. 1'. M. of nald day. the follow tut; desbrlbul juoiicrlj. tn-wlt: The wcatoni-hitlf iw 1-2) of x-etluuUI. Town 2, ItaiiKi'lt, LotsUltu l). Two ft), lhree (.1), Four (I). !To ( and l-:tu.lit H), lu .Seejlou II. Town I, ItiiUKv' tl.tlie North Kasl quarter (N. K. 1-1; ol section II, Town I. Itaiice II. Lot bl (), In Section 1, Town t, Itanno 12, all of Section X Tow n 'J, ItanifollthuNorlli Vcst quarter (N W. . of .section ;ti Town 2, Hangcli. Lots Three (h. l'ottr (I), I'ive (5), and Six (rt), In Mock 4, lu ihe City of lted Cloud, Nehiaska, Lots Klcvcu, (It) and Twelve (12) In Mock ISO, In lted Cloud, Lots No. 13 and II. aud 720-tOOths oil' the South Hide of Lot 12. all In Mock l!D, lu Ited.Cloud; also Lots one (I) to Seen(7 Inclusive, and KlKlitccit IB to Twenty-four 121 Incluslvcof Mock 2J, In the original town of lted Cloud, together wltli tho former streets nnd alleys adjacent to said property , and winch streets and alleys have been vacaiid, more particu larly described lu the County clerk's and Commissioners' records, and the decree of the District Court of said County ot Webster, recorded In Miscellaneous ltecord D lu the County Clerk's oillce, nt page Use, also tho re malnlut; portion of the six acre tract con veyed to ltlchardsoti by the deed of Sllns (Inrbcrnnd wlfoby thedeed recorded at Deed ltecord It of snld Webster County, at pniio 25, except such portions thereof ns tho grantors have heretofore conveyed to George V. I.liidsey and Adam Morhart, by the deeds re corded In said County of Webster nt records M at-pnge 101, N nt page 13.1, and 3 nt page 2US; tho last named property being all tho property nciiulrcd nnd evidenced by said court decreo nnd the deeds to said N. Itlclinrdson recorded ta tho records of said county, vl: A nt page (i, 11 at pago i', and V at page loO. except however, tin; parts eon. veyed to Uiulsey and Morhart above 'f.pecl lied. (lt en under my hand tills ilrddny ot .Ian. trary, A. I)., lam. I'ltANK llUKCKIt. hherlir. llernnrd McNcny, I'lalntlirs Att'y. 2-lw Articles of Incorporation CONSTITUTION We, the undersigned, members of the I'n niters Kducattoiial A Co-operatlvu Cijlou ol Nebraska, do herebj associate out -elves together for the purpose of organllug a cooperative-association under tho laws of the State ot Nebraska, and for that purpose do adopt ihe following constitution: Aitriri.t. i n mi: , farmers rnlnnCo-npciatlve Association of lied Cloud, Nebmska. a it i ii i.i: it i'i. i i: ot- nusi.vi -,s Tho main oillce nnd principal place of business shall be at Itcil Cloud, Nebraska. AUnci.i: in NAiurri: AMioriiKC r oi husim:ss To buy, soil, store, Mtlp and handle grain, grain products aud other foodstuirs for man and beast, lumber, ion), cement, lime, Im plements and machinery, ami other kinds of fanners necessities; buj and ship livestock, and buy, lease and opeintc mills, elevators, warehouses, stores and other buildings, to gothcr with the necesviry real estate for the manufacture or all thoso necessities, either scparatly oreoiiihlned, together with all the power now or hereafter authorlid by law. autici.i: iv -rum or i:isti:nci: 'I ho association shall couiluuo for a period of M) years from date of incorporation unless sooner dissolved nccordlng to law. ai: rici.i: v CAI'I 1 VI. STOCK AM IM)i:ilii:i).Ms The amount of capital stock shall be Twenty Thousand Dollars, divided Into'J.WO shares nt the par valueof ten Dollars each, of which amount I'our Thousand Dollurs shall be fully paid up before com meucliu business and before uiiy dubts are contracted, and debts of the association shall never eveeed two-thluts of the paid up capital stock. Aitrici.i: vi MKMiiKiisinr (Inlj members of the Tanners educational V Co-opt ratlvo I'nlnii ol America may be come nu-mbers of this Association. All I H'l.l. VII M VNAIII-MKNT I'or the ni.uiai incut of this Association a Hoard of Dlrcctots of ihe members shall nc elected as follows: Thopiesldent shall be elcctid out of tin Hoard of Directors and he shall also lie a ill rietor a. id prcsldunt of the Hoard of Dluc tors; he shall hold oillce until his successor Is elided and iiualtilcd. I'..ich of thu dlrictois to be-elected for one year, or until next an. nual meeting. AliriCl.h VIII ANM'VI. VIKI.riMI The stockholders' annual meeting shall be held between the Itjih ami .loth of January of etch year, aud called by the Hoard of Dlr.c tors, t mil such annual minting thu follow, lug pel sous and stockholders shall serve as dliectors nnd ofllcors. AltlHI.KIX AMKNIIMUVr I This constitution inav bo amended at mi annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of all tnu stockholders present and upou ten da) s notice to that cllect. AMKKIIMIIM' it Tho by. laws may ho amended by a two thirds vote ol tho stockholders present at such meeting as Is mentioned In section one In Witness Whereof, Tho undersigned have hereunto set their hands tho 1st day of October, Ui8. Chris. II. Starke, Kdward Wilson, J. II Wlsecarver, M. II. llunsleker, J. A. McAr thur, II. l Heed, Harris Mocde. I'lydc Ar buckle, K.S. Kit, Kred I.eggctt, Dau'l (lar her, Harvey Merrill, It. A. MeCalluni, Oliver McNitlt, M. HloiHcr, V, V, King, .1. r IlucU les, Dail McCartney, lohu H.Kaladen, Win. II. Thomas, II. (1, Hanson, Harry K'otli, I.'. It. Metealf, h". C, hhticl;. Kliuer Illines. State of Nebraska, County of Webster. 1 ss On tio 1st day of October, IIU8, bofoie me, llciiiaid McNeny, Notary Public, personally aicnrcd the above' named, who personally aroknovvu tphu the Idiuttlcal persons whoso names (if 5' jtfllscu lo the ubov o articles of In corporation, as parties hereto, and they N0era1ly acknowledge the Instrument to bo their voluntary net nnd deed. Witness my hand ns aforesaid, lIHJtNAUD McNKNV, (Notarial. Seal) Notary Public Commission expires April 2st, l)0, The Nebraska Polletl Hereford Itroetlers will hold Us annual conven tion nt Ouiuliu on January '2sj'. lloyil C Ittulfnitl of Newark ! secretin j'. The Hotel Cnstle is heuuiuai'tci;. Notice of Final Report In tho County Court of Webitcr county, N'rhinskn. In the matter of tho estate ot .John W. 'I lerniy, deceased. All persons Interested lusirlil estate, aro hereby notliled that tho Kxocutor.s have llled herein a llnal account and report of their administration, and a petition for the Dual settle ment ot such account aud report, aud for a decreo of distribution of tho residue of said estate, aud for tho assignment of tho real estate belonging thereto, aud a dlschargo from their trust, all of which 'Mil matters have been set forbearing before said court, ouiholllst day of January, I'lltl.nt the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M , when all persons Interested may appear and contest the saute. Dated this lilth day of January. I'Jll'. sir.vr. A. D. Hannky, :i-:!w County Jtnl.'O. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of Webster County, Nebraska In the matter of the estate ot Anna Kntrlua llurg, deceased, Creditors of said estate will take notice that tho tt mo limited for presentation and filing of clnlms ugnlnst said estate Is April 17th, lull), nnd for tho payment of debts Is May 14th, 1911), that I will sit at tho county court room In said county on tho 18th day of January, tuto, tA examine, hear and allow all claims duty llled which are a llrst or second lieu upon said estate, and on tho I8tli day of April, tUl'J, to examine, hear, allow and ndjust nil claims and objections of general creditors duly llled, Dated this 17th day of December, A. D.,1918 (Seal) A. II. ItANNKY. 01-0 County Judge. 13. (1. Caldwell attorney for estate R. E. McBride REAL ESTATE LOANS INSURANCE Oillce Over Triue'a Hardware Drop In. at the Schultz & Schaal for First class portraiture enlarging, copying, new work, amateur, finishing, etc. YOUR PATR0NACE APPRECIATED Dr.WH. McBride DENTST Sitccesbor to Dr. Cross OVKU STATE DANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA ' E. S. Getrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures When the Firemen Appear the insured m,in' fust thought is one of thankfulness that he is to. Maw abau your thought! ii a fureman should ap pear at your home? The Day Before the Fire U the day lo insure. Ai that day may be to-morrow for all you can know or do, it fellowj that prudence would im pell you to stop in our office to-day and have us irsue you a policy, C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance WJrrsrK F, I !.. i-rr v n " ii I WE I ' i as ''! V , . ew vl : !:""