V RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA CHIEF ;v , m- A F,L W"M:::xx-m-X":::: I AS TOLD TO US ! K"::xxx:::x-:mx.:.:.m.: Buy Ulead at Powell & Pope's Cafe. Uev. ntnl Mis llainmel wore out of town visitors today. Mr. and Mrs Fred Mocdo were Hluo Hill vlsltois Saturday. Mrs. N. A. Piatt spent Friday with her pnrents at Cowles. Art Myers of Inavale, was in the city Saturday cnroute to Hastings. Mrs. Bert Leonard was down from Inavale Monday enronte to Hastings. An eleven pound boy camo to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crow Jan. 14th. Joe Topham visited his wifo Monday nt Hastings where she Is taking treat ment. Mr. Mrs. Schuyler Ilrowhard are the guests of Mis. G. A. Schultv. and family. In another column (Jeo. Mullein ad vertises a big public sale at his place west of Inavale Mrs. A. J. Topham, who is taking treatment at Hastings is reported ns getting along nicely. Frank Nolan has moved off tho (iilmes farm; John Galbrailh, of(irand" Island takos his place. Coming to the Ornheum, "Tho Haiti- bow Trail," a sequel to "The Itlders of the Purple Sage." Watch for date. Wolf Hunt south of the river Wed nesday, Jan. 20th. A big crowd of hunters are expected to participate. II. Henry, a former roMdeut, passed through lied Cloud Saturday enroute from Pueblo, Colo., to Kansas City. R. C. H. I. lied cockerels for sale SI 50 and S2.00 each. -Alici: K.U'it iath, Phone 501, Guide Hock, N'e braska. GO-lt Mrs. Thompson and daughter Nolo, from Lebanon, Ivan., who hnvo been the guests of Mrs. N. Phillip", went U) Vymoro Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ru Hedge and daughter Nellie went to Hastings Sat urday. Miss Nellie is to assist in the Stevens Bros, atudio at that, place. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meat eye, ear, nose and throat patients, and those needing glasses fitted at Dr Damerell's Weduesday, Fob. 5th. Hours 2 to 0. 4 3t Mr. and. Mrs. E. S Garber enter tained Miss Nita Ci angle now a teach.-! . -, ..,!! 4--.1 -Jl. t er 1U f,ne.XTUKWii ncauemjr, wiiu am tended services at, the Congregational , church Sunday. ' The divine side of religion is being emphasized at the Revival Meetings at the Christian Church Rev. J. L Becbe's themes are calculated to awaken interest and intensify spiritual life Rev. E. F. Mnichard of Alma, Is assisting this week. ORPHEUM Friday and Saturday Jan. 23-24 THIS WEEK The Firefly of France An intensely absorbing picture of adventure and love with its scenes laid lu New York on shipboard and finally in France. Every scene is filled with thrills. il Also a Two Reel Sennett Comedy Her Blighted Love Admission 17 and Ho NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 37 and 28. Mrs. Vernon Castlo in "Vengeance is Mine," in fire reels Also 13th episode of Hands Up. Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 29 and 30, "The Regeneration" Vibrant Colorfest Spectacular. A Fox live reel picture Also , a two reel Sunshine Comedy, "Who's Father." Coming. "The Rainbow, Trail," sequel to the "Riders of the Purple Sage," Feb. 12 and 13. You can And the book at the City Library. Buy Bread at Powell it Pope's Cafe. But and drink nt Powell it Popo's Cafe. tf N. A. Platt was a weekend Hustings visitor. Mrs. Geo Warren was a Hastings visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Roy Cramer was a Hastings visitor Saturday. W. A. Kent is able to be down town with aid of crutches. Mrs. Mary Polnicky and son Paul are home from Omaha Misses Nellie and Lottie Kmerton wont to Hastings Tuesday. Mrs Goo Mntkln of Inavalo was a Saturday visitor In tho city. Good meals good service moderate prices Powell & Pope's cafe. Mrs. Lizzie Hounds was a visitor from Grand Island Saturday. Attorney L. II. lllackledge returned from Lincoln the first of tho week Mrs. Chris Zeiss and son Pinion arc visiting Miss Violet Zeiss at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs Goo. Pllley have gone to their new home near" Gillette, Wyot Ed McCune who has been on the sick list for several months is 4U,rov lug. Mis. N. M. Froncn, Hastings, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Brad ford Clifford Htholman and family will occupy tho J. E. .larbu farm northeast of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell, of Ayr, vititcd relatives and friends in Red Cloud Tuesday. The Eastern Star will meet, at the Masonic Hall next Monday night, Jan 27. at 8 oclock. Mis. Ida Marshall is the guest of her brother and family at Lebanon. Kan , this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stanley of Lebanon. Kan., spent Saturday in Red Cloud visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs Dale Montgomery havogono to Sedalia, Colo. , and may settle in that section. Alf Nolan went to Denver Sunday evening to purchaso cattle for the Miner and Nolan herds. (ieo. Kugstrom is homo from ovor senp, the first Red Cloud boy home from the war zone front. W" A. Kent has rented tho Alice llosmer farm north of town and will tske possession the 1st of March. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wlnsor, of Prince ton, Miu., who were tho guests of Mrs. Alice Meyers, have goneto Clay Center ' Mr. FfaW Petersen js constructing his artificial iccplant ap ilrat'capaolty can be readily increased as required Miss Margaret Miner who Js atterjd. ing school at Lincoln had the mlsfor tune to break her arm ""while playing basket ball last week. Tho old Grice drugstore building is being torn down. Mr. Peterson will use the good material therefrom will be used in the construction of the new leo plant. The High school basket ball boys, of Franklin, aro coming over here to monow (Fiiday) night and a lively game may be expected at the High School gym. You Are Losing Money If you don't sell your cream to the Fanners L'liion Co-opcr-tivo Company and reccivo the dividends. lOtf Someone was careless enough to look, for trouble in an auto motor with a lighted match Sunday night. They fouud it. A blaze resulted but with out serious damage except what was due to occupants of the car making a wild scramble through the side cur tains. Russol A mack is home from training camp with honorablo discharge creden tials. Hc oa,mc Jnfrom Haatlngs Sun day, having reached that city too late to catch the Saturday evening'traln. In answer to telephone call Mrs A mack went to the city making tho trip via auto. The company prospecting for oil near Harrlsburg, Banner county, is evidently hopeful, for it is still at work and already its prospect hole is down deepor than 09 per cent of the pros pect holes. Somo trouble has been experienced in losing drills and by choked casing, but the drilling is pro ceeding with all possible speed. The company is prepared to go to a depth of 5,500 feet or more than a mile, be fore abandoning the project. A doublo header basket ball game attracted a large attendance at the High School gymnasium Friday even ing. Two teams, one mascaline and one femlnlno.'camc over from Frank lin and engaged the Red Cloud repre sentatives in two snappy games, After the dust of battle had settled it was found that the scores were Young Ladies IS, 17, in favor of Franklin; Young men 32, 14, in favor of Red Oloud. Farm Loans I am ready to make farm loans in any amount at lowest rates, best terms and option. Absolutely no de lay and no inspection expense. Sole agent for Trcvctt, Mattis and Baker. 9ome private money. J. H. BAILEY. Farm Bureau Notes FARM EXCHANGE The next farm exchango bulletin will be published February 1st. After that wo will discontinue publishing tho Farm Exchango until next Sep tember, so bo sure and list your sur plus and wants with us by February 1st. SHORTHORN AND HEREFORD CALF CLUB Tho following rules nre for the Shorthorn Calf Club. The Horcford Club rules are tho same. RED CLOUD STATE BANK SHORT. HORN CALF CLUB MBMUHRSHIP Hoys nnd girls from Is to 20 arc eli gible to membership. 10 to 50 mem bers will constitute the club. Sign up an application blank at once If you wish to become u member. FEED AND CARE Meinbors must tako the heifer that falls to his or her lot in April, and feed and care for it till tho Fanners' Institute at Bed Cloud lu October Tho better care and feed the member gives the heifer, the mnro profit they will realle. HEIFBRS PURCHASED The heifers will be selected from a good Pure Bred Herd of Shorthorn cattlo by C. B. Stewart and County Agent Fauch, and paid for by the Red Cloud State Bank. The heifers will range in age from 0 months to one year old, and in price fioni SI','.") toSlAO. The boy or girl must give a noto to the State I!, ink for the purchase price, said note to bo signed by the parent. HEIFERS GROUPED AND DRAWN BY LOT If we hnve .lO members I ho fiO heifers will be placed in .", groups of 10 each. A price will be put on each group of heifers according to finality, condition and breeding, ranging from SK'5 to ijl.'i). Heifers will be nuinhoied from I up. Placo numbers corresponding to tho numbers given cacli heifer, separate number in each envelope, nnd members will draw out their number. Members will bo allowed to diaw in order their applications were receiv ed. No member will know before hand which heifer they will get. PRIZES Five prizes will be given in each of tho five groups as follows: 1st prize, S10. 2nd prize,' 88. Srd'prlzc', JO. 4th prize, S4. 5th prize,'? ' ' When the heifers arc brought in fo'n sale they will be judged in the group in which they originally went out 'so that all of the members will know whom they will' have to show against from the beginning. The first prize' heifer in each group will compete 'for championship and receive a handsome ribbon. RULES v To the State Bank, Bed Cloud, Ne braska. v, I agree to become a member of the Red Cloud State Bank Shorthorn Calf Club and abide by the following rules: 1st I agree to tako tho heifer that inns to my lot in tiie drawing and to take the best possible caro ol her with tho idea of having her in good condi tion by the tune of tho Farmers' In stitute. 2nd I also agree to bring my heifer to Red Cloud during the Farmers' In stitute on the day that shall be set as sale day, aud allow her to be sold to the highest bidder. The difference between what I paid for the heifer nnd sale price shall bo my prollt. I agree to a pro-rata reduction from sale price for nocessary sale expenses. 3rd At the sale I shall have the right to bid or buy my heifer or any other heifer at the sale. 4th I agree to stand my pro rata share, up to two-thirds value, should any member of tho club lose a heifer. Said two-thirds afuB''Bhairie deter mined on a basis of 'first cost.' , Cth I also agree to give a note bearing 7 per cent interest from date of purchase for the purchase price of my heifer, said note being due on sale day. HENRY R. FAUSCII, County Agricultural Agent. $6.00 In Trade at Hamilton-Cather and $6.00 In Trade at Cowden-Kaley'g For High Score ' v v At the Bowling Alley Buy Ihead at Powell ,t Pope's Cafe. Will M. Maupln, dlrcitor of tho Bur eau or Publicity, In Uis annual repent to the governor, showed that he had kept well within the limits of his ap propriation; that ho hail printed and circulated 12,000 copies of "Nebraska Facts; ' that he had printed and circu lated h0,oo() plcconnf printed unit tor about Nebraska, nnd answered sovoral thousand letters of liupiii-y about Ne braska. He recommends the continu ation of tho department with an ad equate appropriation. Mr, Maupln says in his annual report that he can not speak too highly of the oo-opora-Hon shown tho Department of Public ity by the Newspapers of Nebraska. Baptist Church Notes Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. preceded by song and praise service Sunday School 10 n. m. The Willing Workers will moot with Mis. T. Walker Friday at 'J.Ho p. in. By the way, both of tho Ladles So oictliN have taken on new life, both being well attended. The Duke of Wellington said, To educate men without Christianizing them is only to make of them clove devil. Then, as thousands of our young men fought and died to make the world safe for democracy lot us cons 'ci ate our lives in making demoe racy sale for the world by Christian! ing of men, showing ourselves worthy of the heritage left us by our Itaptist ancestors of whom thousands jlelded their lives for religious liberty. Special Notice Hav.ng closed out my business I am 4tiinus to collect all my out standing accounts as soon as possible. Those owing tue can (iud my state ments at the olllce of Platt t Flues Phase call there and settle either by cash or noto at your eniliest conven ience. My trade chips will bo redeem ed at tho same placo if presented with in ao days. N. A. PLATT. Farmers Take Notice The Farmers' Union will hold a meeting on Thursday, January IJOth, in the Kellogg building at ono o'clock fcharp for tho purpose of electing new officers. There will bo somo good speakers present, nlsoa full report of tho business will be given since May, 4tlu AU'stook holders and members are requested to be present, . iu J- B WISECARYER. President:. . i- ,,. , ( i 'i nt ,V,t) Invited to Omaha ',, i l t Edsel Ford, twenty-four, head of, tthi Ford motor factories, at a salary of SlJtO.OfK) a year, has been invited to at tend Omaha's fourteenth annual auto mobile show in the Omaha auditorium, March 10 to 15. Young Ford has taken the placo of his father, now a publish er. Many of the biggest men in the automobile Industry will attend the exposition, according to Clarke (J. Powell, Manager. Referee's Sale of Real Estate Tho Christ Nelson teal estnto will ell at refeioo'a sale at south door of coin t house on Jan. US, KltO at '2 p. m For particulars sec K G. Caldwell, referee or :i-'2t F. J. Mi'NWAV, Attorney Things to Worry About Lots of people just love to worry, but ofton find themselves at a loss for anything to worry about. For the benefit of all such, we offer the follow ing aids to wrinkles and gray hairs: Your enemy's boils. r0 0,t)berp.eople'f money, . , i , xa0)aptn oi me sea. ,.jext year's vacation The wheat crop in Iceland. The dollar bill you lost ten' years ago. The location of the next world's fair The scarcity of coal aloug the equa tor. The exact speed of your neighbor's oar. The domestic affairs of your neigh, bors. The welfare of the inhabitants of Mars. Tho number of sparrows in the United States. The crop ylolds of the United States in 1094. The whereabouts of the warts you once bad. The KaUer's toothache, or King Ed wardV gout. The whereabouts and welfare of your first iwoetheart. The health of a fourth oousln whom you have never seen. Indications thla year are that 1032 will be the hottest year in history. ' Th Ml If AT HOME EXPECT YOU i He ruLi to tell 'em all about txirnaratin ig' Burltsqut; Vaudeville Mtk frittr Blrlt. Fmr ctti it, Ovittii HMtMtmri iraiinrri cttwiiMpriiiiiH ii miroimiu ie taiiroiraiil EVERY WEEKIAY IAIIEJ A' GLi r- Everybody ttWitiiTME MBKir oa; Ask Anybody Ml KIT HW WEST OF CHI MM Dependable GROCERIES You always get the very best at our store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock are recognized by the housewife as the VERY BEST of their kind. Everything Fresli and Pure Chase & Sanborns Coffees liens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods J il ISBBKJBH2ESE52KI 'idU2XWMZUZaV3S22llSi firaiiHffiiiiiw Revival Campaign Continues AT Christian Cfiurch A Full Gospel will be preached. JThis is not ajflenom- iiiaiiuiidi cuuii, rvii uii.hju: urged to "cooperate. .."" 's In imp t j j & f. House Uouse Dresses and Jipnns. i $ II I nil TRADE HABK Mi, J vC'X Itl I (l X u&Prt or. !( lL Wlil I IU IV I r JTO:I'JHj 1 nilllill 1IIIIIII11I1 e fiSP'BJ fez pBBSrl (in his i 1 1 Hm I llllim Jfe. Bgitea Phages LNWWUtMNWWWWUWWUWUUAUW Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK - UNDERTAKING rfhone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 REDCLOUD, NEB. 1 nnpjrjvMwvjwwvjwvjvvA iu ca.ii;iiu tiiu innyuuiu uiui " .. j J. L. BEEBE Pastor. i . r ti ! iiuirairaiMmraamtiiCTwreji'imK.i Dresses -- 41 Lt. '