The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 16, 1919, Image 8

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- I'
- JrV " MUMnBAtl li a. i. itTff
;) J
Kccapltuhition, shor.MnB Iho amount on Imntl July 1st, 1918, the collections since made, disinir.scinentd, and
amount remaining on hand at the cloe of the 8th day of January each and all of the Fcveial Funds
on hand July 1, M8 S880B0.G7
Tax collected
ini a
19 1 G
School Land I'rin. col.
School Land int. col. .
School Land lease col..
Univ." Land prill, col. .
Univ. Laud int. col. . .
Univ. Land lease col .
June uppt. col 5056.95
State Hail col
Miscellaneous Co. CIcn. col.
Fines and Licenses
Int. on Co. Deposits ....
Com'r Districts
redemptions 2676.80
Road District 190.00
Poor Farm
Auto Vehicles 3126.45
Fees 66.25
I hereby ccitify that the above statement showing the balance on hand July
and disbursed from July 1st, 1918
correct to the best of my knowledge
Subscribed and sworn to before
Commissioners in Session
Red Cloud, Nebr.
January 1 l 1910
This br' ig the f st r'.atute mrctipir
of the yea the IV r d .act it 10 ;.. m.,
with all member 1 present.
Meeting called to order by the
County Clerk.
It was moved by Shidler and secon
ded by Thomas that Jas. Hubatka act
as chairman of the Board for 1919. 1
.Motion carried.
The following committees were ap
pointed by Chairman Hubatka for the
t.suing year:
Bridge Committee, Dist No
Knigpe, Waldo and Shidler.
Uridge Committee, Dist. No.
Hubatka, Knigge and Thomas.
Bridge Committee, Dist. No.
Waldo, Thomas and Sliidler.
Bridge Committee, Dist. No.
Thomas, Hubatka and Waldo.
Bridge Committee. Dist. No.
Khidler, Knigge und Hubatka.
Poor Farm. Committee Thomas,
KnijKP and Shidler
Mjotion made- by Shidler and1 secon
ded iby Thomas that the sum of
' 11200.00 be included in the Annual
"Estimate of Expenses for Webster
County for 1919,'samo to take care 'or
qC the county's shurc of the salary of
tfii! County Agent. . '"
The reports of the following Road
Overseers were approved:
C. II. Robinson, District No. 12.
. Widdershcim, District No. 12'fc.
Vcncil Zajic, District No. 11.
Ncl Nelson, District No. 14 li.
Lon Aubushon, District No. 9.
Motion made by Thomas and sec -
onded by Knigge that the County
Agent bo allowed $15.00 per month
for otlice help for the year 1919.
Tlju following Ofllcial Bonds wore
approved by the Board:
iTevvard S. Foe County Attorney.
Chus. Reddon Constable Potsdam
I). B. Burden Constable Red Cloud!
City. I
A. vuiy Guide Rock Precinct.
K. Peters Justice of Peace, Guide
"Rock I'cocinct:
Win- Moore, Road Overseer, hia
tal Precinct.
Fred Farner, Road Oerhccror,
Beaver Creek.
S, E. Johnson, Road Overseer, Pots
dam Precinct.
ITvtinl: Hennan, Road Overseer, Oak
Simon Van Hoening, Road Overseer,
Oak Creek.
H. G. Feis, Road Overseer, Har
mony. W. R. Topham, Road Overseer, Ina
vale. James Doyle, Road Overseer, Pleas
ant Hill.
W. E. Toap, Road Overseer, Har
mony. Vcncil Zajic, Road Overseer Batin.
Geo. 11. Overing, County Highway
The application of Frank Hiilfcr
asking for the appointment of P. II.
TJoner as Deputy County Shenlf at a
.utuy of $300 per year was approved
by Board.
The application of A. D. Ranney
County Judge, asking for clerk hire
' hif. ofllco, not to exceed the siun of
ISCiO.OO per annum, was granted by
Motion mado by Shidler and sec
onded by Waldo that Geo. H. Over
niff bo appointed County Highway
Commibsionor for the year 1919 nt a
7tuy of $1200 per year. Carried.
UJie following committees were np
puihtud by the Chuirman to chock the
ariou8 ofllces for the year 1919.
Stale Trammer $ 'JGSfm.G"
Co. On. WananU? .. .
Co. Bridge Wunnntfl ..
Co. Poor Wan ants . ..
Soldiers llclief
'School Honda &. C...
School Dist. 01 dors . ..
Inheritance eiders
Commissioners 01 dors .
Road Diag eiders .... Head orders ....
Poll Keccipts
City and Village tread..
City and Village bonds.
Fees and Commission .
2027.:; 1
to Jany. 8th. 1919 inclusive and the balance on hand Jany. 9th 1919 ns
and belief. C. I). ROBINSON, County Treasurer Webster Co., Nebr.
me this UUh day of Jany., 1919. B. F. PERRY, County Clerk. (SEAL.)
County Treasurer oflice Thomas,
Knigge and Waldo.
All the other county olliccs Shid
ler and Hubatka.
Board adjourned to 1 n. m January
in, 1919.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Jan. 15, 1919
Board met as per adjournment, at
p. m. with all members present.
Motion made by Shidler, seconded
by Waldo, that the County Sunerin-
tendent be allowed the sum of $000.00
for oflice help and expenses during
the year 1919. Motion carried.,
. ' On motion the following estimate
I of nxnonsrv of Wolislop rnuntv rnr Mm
2 .U'291' 1S)19 was m:ulc anrt adopted by
3 Insane, including old account due
A stato $6000.00; Soldiers Relief, $300.-1
.100; Poor, $2,000.00; Assessors and de-1
1 puties;i-$3200.00: County Attorney,
5H1200.00; County Board and
ji " - . ' - . . '
Board of
, Equalization!, $3700.00: Books and
i Stationery, ,$1,000.00; Dlstrict Court,
$5000.00; .County .Superintendent,
$2,000fp0; Bladen .,Eair Association,
$800.00; Incidonlais, . $,1,3,000; High
way Commission nnd (bounty Agont,
$2400.0P; Election, $3000.00; Bridges
$30,000.00; Road $30,000.00.
.. Motion nindQ.apd carried that $100
bc,,aHowcd tlvp .six papers of the
county for publishing Commisioners
Proceedings for the year 1919. Same
to bo divided equally amon tnc six
papers of the county.
Also that the publishing of the De
linquent tax list be given to the Illa-
I den Enterprise and Webster County
, Argus. Same to be published at one
,,alf the legal rate. Treasurers Semi
' Annual Statements to be published by
! I,!ue Hill Leader and Red Cloud Chief.
Same to be published at one half legal
Thorp being no bids filed for print
ing and stationery, each oflicer was
instructed to buy their necessary sup
plies in the open market wherever
they can to the best advantage of the
Tho County Cleik was iiiftructed
to advertise for Bridge Bids for the.
year 1919.
In the matter of the Road Petition
of E. W. Stovcr.r it was moved by
Waldo and sr-condod y Knigge that
this road be alloweii asx prayed for in
the petition and the damages ass-o.sed
as follows:
E. U. Overman .... . $85
Orvillo Campbell , ...$60
Motion carried.
Tho county treasurer was instruct
ed to adjust the error in tho assess
ment of C. R. Swartz for the year
The committee appointed to check
tho ofllces of County Clerk, Sheriir,
County Judge, County Superintendent,
and clerk of district court reported
thut they found their books to com
pare correctly witli their reports on
file in County Clerk's ofllco.
Committc appointed to check County
Treasurer's olllcc reported that they
had not as yet completed tho auditing
of this ofllco and would report at the
next meeting of the Hoard.
The following claims were audited
and nllowed, and County Clerk in
structed to draw warrants on the pro
per funds in payment of same.
S R Floranre
Red Cloud Far. Ins.
Grice & Grimes
R H Quigglo . ..
J O Butlor ... ..
J K Clmncy ...
$ 50 00
25 00
106 20
18 00
IS 40
4 05
28 10
161 53
Morhart Bros .
Geo II Overing
County General
County Undge
County Poor
.$ 3087.72
. 1384.90
. 1722.44
. 9411.54
. !) 199.98
. 4034.76
. 901.67
Soldieut Relief
Road DIhtrictn
Road Drag . . .
Inhciitnnce ...
Cowles Village
Illtio Hill Village 110.49
Iilue Hill Water Honil . . . 1277.98
niue'Hill EI. Light Huml. 1651.93
Illue Hill El. Light Woiks 60.80
Itluc Hill Water Woiks.. 60.80
Bladen Village 23.8!)
niaden Water Bond .... 1112.67
Bladen El. Light Bond .. 501.76
Guide Rock Village 21.16
Guide Rock Library .... 35.11
Red Cloud City 90.36
Red Cloud Water Bond . . 494.79
Red Cloud El. Light Bond 286.10
Red Cloud Sewer Bond . . 86.64
Red Cloud El. L. Works . 43.04
Red Cloud Library 51.38
Red Cloud Paving 79.79
Red Cloud Special 29.49
School District 32980.54
School Bond 11248.86
Redemptions 93.55
Fines and Licenses 20.00
$8 1697.25
1st. 1919, the amounts collected
Dr. Robt Damcrcll .. .
Webster Co Argus . .
L C Spence
C M Wilson . .
Gortrui'n L Coon
Dolly Dicker -0:1
Geo Topham
Webster Co Argus
Henry R Fausch .
School Dist 83 .
W Throckmorton . .
F J Bartunek
E Fitz
J A Silvey Lmbr Co
Jas Burden ... . . . .
F G Turnurc & Son .
F G Turnure & Son
Dr. W M Wcgman
Yost Bros ...
17 90
16 50
8 34
10 00
200 94
., 00
0 44
23 CO
100 00
8 00
F J Bartunek . 38 CO
E Fitz 41 00
J A Silvey Lmbr Co 10 55
Jus Burden .. . 16 26
F G Turnurc & Son ... 70 48
F G Turnure & Son 150 41
Dr. W M Wcgman 114 50
Yost Bros ... . ... 16 &.".
P A Wullbrandt 10 63
- The hearing of the claim of Olivei
Sheppard for damages claimed b
removal of a culvert in Oak Creek
- . . . ' . . i .- .
i recmct was" set tor 1U a. m., rouru-
ary 18th, 1919. '
Board adjourned tot 10' a., m. Feb
ruary 18th, 1919.
, CountyiClqik.
Clothing Greatly Needed
Dr. Robt. P. Hoxsoy is in receiptor
the lollowing self-explanatory coiiit
munication from E. G. McNcal, in
charge for the Missippi Valley, of the
Commission For Relief In Belgium.
Dr. Hoxsoy wrote to the Commis
sion, offering bin cooperation in se
curing old clothing, and stales that
all parties desiring to assist this wor
thy caie, will leave whatever they
are able to contribute, in the line of
articles mentioned in the letter, at the
Frank Smith Shoo Store, on or before,
January 25th.
The letter follows: ,
Des Moines, Iowa
January 14, 1919
Mr. Robt. P. Hoxey,
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Dear Sir:
Replying to your letter of late date.
would say that wo .shall be pleaded to
hae your co-operation in getting old
clothing for us.
We want everything that men, wo
men and children wear including
shoes and bedding. Would suggest
that you u.-o your papers for a little
publicity and ask that clothing be
brought to your ofllco or some other
central place.
You may be asked if any of this
clothing is being used for Germany.
In reply to this you may state, abso
lutely that it will not be so used.
Thanking you for your- kind oifer
of co-operntion, I am,
Yours truly,
" E. G. McNEAL.
The situation in Northern Franco
and Belgium is simply beggars des
cription. Tho people are without ad
equate covering for their bodies and
arc almost without any sort of shoes,
and cannot even obtain wood to make
soles with sacking covers. The sit
uation is on which wo must meet no
mntter what is involved.
This means as I have felt for a long
time that wo cannot depend entirely
on a single burst of energy no matter
how line its results may lie, but must
make our people understand that it is
up to us to keep on clothing the peo
ple of tho occupied regions.
Tho suffering that stands before
them this winlor can hardly bo real
ised by thoso who have not gone
through a Belgium winter, Tlioyaro
unprotected and without hope of oven
being able to obtain fuel during tho
cold of the coming year.
It is hardly posibtc to exaggerate
the gravity of the situation. If these
facta colli;' be judicious an Partic
ularly repeated in the public press to
pe brought home constantly to the
jiiuum; immii am sure mat we siiomu
be far on our way toward realizing
this 20,000 tons of clothing for which
we are calling.
Inavale Items
Mi'-s 1 1 ii ii tin li .lorgersou spent Wed
iiomIhv with Mrs. Everett' IJcuii.
Mis. Nell Hunter called on. Mrs. Tail
Sruituleis Wednesday afternoon.
Mlhs IIiikuI Nesblt wus at I he Clyde
Wlukwlre home WodtieMlny afternoon,
calling on Miss Florence Williams.
UiJph Grossman and wife nnd Clins.
Jeffrey und wife were shopping in Red
Cloud Wednesday. Mrs.. Jeffrey also
I gavo the dontist some employment.
Mr. aud Mrs C. F. Unrgess called on
John Heaumond Tuesday eveninir.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris .Toruerson and
daughter Hannah, and Mrs. Walker of
Red Cloud, were entertained for dinner
at Mr. NulFe Nelson's Inst Tuesday.
Mr. Fred Hunter was seori on our
streets Uot Wednesday.
Mrs. Wm. Wouderly and son James,
anddaughter Mrs. II. E. Harmon, were
lu Red Cloud last Thursday.
Misses Stella Kennody, Alice Palmer
Jhhu Farley, lona Burgess and Amy
Heflin enjoyed the pictures at the
Orphetun Wednesday evening.
Misses Jessie aud Bessie Kutledge
were Friday visitors at Red Cloud and
took in the attractions of a dental
Mrs Link Dailey was a Tuesday
afternoon caller at Mrs. Homer Dnilv'.s
Richard Maud is heie fium Remus
ville, I mi, vUlilug the Tad Fa'inJcr
and It h. Hunter lnune-.
Misses Sch ri in ptV,' Sehuider timi
James called on the John Kutledge
family Monday evening.
Mrs. Arthur Carpenter of Powell,
Wyo visited at the It. E Hunter home
tils first of the week.
Mr. Art Gilbert, of Red Cloud, was
shaking liiuuls with friends and rela
tives at Iiiavalo MoudHy.
Mrs. Emma Smith was ussitlng Mrs
Geo. Matkins the past week at quilt
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurry Cloud and son
Damoiid were Red Cloud visitors Sat
urday. Jonas McCtUl is here from Carap
Grunt Iowa, on short furlough, visiting
relatives and friends. ' '
Mr and Mrs.Geb Jorgerson and Mrs
Minnie 'Wiitsbn anil daughter Xuuie
JneutSuudHy'witli Mrs Jane Farley
" Bert Leonard was a nassenaer to
Hastiugs last Wadnesday
"Mrs. Geo Matklns and Mrs. Wm.
Wonderly, Mr. and Mrs. T. Heflin, Mr.
find Mrs Leander Pierpont were shop
IHg in Ittfi'CIoud last Saturday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Esador Breault were
visiting the L. D. Mareey family last
Miss Bernieo Saunders was visiting
her friend Blanch Burlcm- of Red
Cloud hist Sunday
.C. II. Barges'- is helptiiir elect tin
new garage belonging to Mr. O Madi
sbli. Mrs Glen Oliustend camu up from
Red Cloud Monday to attend the fun
eral of Grandma Grossman Hih follow.
Mrs K-4kdiir Breault called dii'Mis
Steve Latighern Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Ei nest Laskey is quite, sick
with fin this week.
. A I vie Meyers is on the sick list
Art Meyers was shredding corn this
Bottlers Convention
The Ncbiaska Bottlers Association
will meet In Omaha January 21) and
Sloth. Chailes Mitrr of Fremont ln
president; Frank Ittuger, Lincoln
,"I hated cooking because whatever
I ate gavo mu sour stomach and a
bloated feeling I drank hot water
and olive oil by tho gallon. 'Nothing
helped until I tried s'lnpln buiiUthnrn
bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad.
lor-l ka." Beuauso it flushed the EN
TIRE b wel tract completely Adler-f.
ka relieves ANY CASE sour stomach,
ges or constipation and prevents up.
pendloitis. The INSTANT iictl n is
surprising Ohas L. Cotting.
Hamilton - Cathw
Clothing Go.
Everything a Mn
or Boy WearB
ird Cloud NobratSux
Sheriff's Sale
Notli'o Is hereby Klvrn, that mulcr nml hv
virtue of an order of pale, Issued from tho
oJlleeot IMIth ),. Mclvihjhnu. ( lerk of the
District Court of tlu Tenth District,
within ami for Webster county, .s'ebrusiai.
ti,oit a tit crei in nn action pciiillnts, lliticln.
wherein, W lillum T. Auld Is philnllll', ainl
nmiliiHt Main I . ICnont. el ul, iloleiiihiut .
t shitll o.ler for sate ,it public vendue, accord
hit! to the lentigo! until decree, to the hlgheHl
bidder for cusli lulciixl. at Dm miulh door of
tho court house, at lied Cloud. I u said W'ele
sttr County. Nebraska, (thai belim the build
Ini! wherein the last turn of said court was
hotden) on the 10th tin) of I'ubninry. A. P..
IUIU at 'X o'clock. 1'. M. of Mild day. tho follow
liutdcKbrlhcd property, to-wlt:
Tho wcstone-lmll (w l-2 of .seutloiiill. Town
'1, Hangull. I.ouoiie ill. i'wo(h. Tlirto
four (I). I'le O) ami i:ighi iKi, lu Scttlon a.
'J own I. Itamie II. the North Kasl iiuaitir
(N 10. l-li of Section (!, Town I, Itaugu II. Lot
.six (it). In Section I? Town I. Itatme 12. allot
Section :io, Town 'J, Itangu II, the Noi th West
tninrter (N. W. t-l) of Section U. Town J.
ItaiiKC ll. Lots Thiee n, Pour (ll, I'Imj (.',),
and Six i), In llloci; T in the City of Hid
Cloud, Nebraska, Lots Kiev en, (Hi hihI
Twelve (12) lu Illock :w, In Uod Cloud, Lots
No, 111 aud It, and -ffl-luoths oh" tho South
sltloof Lot I2,all hi filock 3U, in Hed Cloud;
also Lots one (1) to Seven (7 Inclusive, and
Lliditcen IS to Twenty-four 21 IncluRlvcot
Ulock2y, lu theorlgluul town of lted Cloud,
together with the former streets and alleys
adjacent to said property, and which Htreots
and alleys have uteri vacated, more particu
larly described In the County Clerk's and
CoiiimUsloncrs' records, nnd tho decree of
tho District Court of said County of Webster,
recorded in Miscellaneous Itccord D lu the
County Clerk's olllco, at pae 3W1, also the re
malulnt; portion of tho sk acre tract con
veyed to Itlchardson by tho deed of Silas
Uarboraud wifo by thedecd recorded at Deed
Itccord I) of said Webster County, at page 25,
except Rurh pontons thereof as the grantors
have hcrctoforo conveyed to George W,
Lhidhey and Adnm Morhart, liy the deeds re
corded In said County of Webster at records
M at pace 401, N at page 4t, and U at paxc
2C8; the Inst named property belut; all the
property acquired aud evidenced by snld
court decree ami tho deeds to said W, N.
tllchnrdhon recorded In the records of said
county, vl: A nt pace IH, II at page 20, and
V at page loii. except however, tho parts con
xeyed to Llndsey nnd Morhart above sped
tic (1.
eiiseu muter my hand this ilrddny of Jan.
nr-rr. A. D milt.
n: n:-' 'ft :t:-:i:. s'.uriif.
Iltriirtrtl McNeny, l'l:un, ill's Alt'y. 2-1 w
Articles of Incorporation
We. the undersigned, members of the
farmers Hducatlonnl A- Co-opcratlvo fiilon
oi Nebraska, do hereby associate oursclveb
together for the purpose of orgaullng a co
operative association under the laws of the
State of Nebraska, anil for that purpose do
adopt the following constitution:
farmers Union Co-operative Association of
lted Cloud, Nebraska.
The mnln otlice and principal place of
business shall bo at Hed Cloud, Nebraska.
AltTICI.F. Ill
To buy, sell, store, ship and handle grain,
grain products and other foodstullS for mnu
and beast, lumber, coal, cement, lime, lm
plemcnts and machinery, and other kinds of
farmers necessities; buy and Vlitp livestock,
and buy, Ic.iso and operate- mills, elevators,
warehouses, ktorei und other buildings, to
gether with tho necessary real estate for tho
manufacture of 'all -these necessities, either
sepnratly or combined, together with ulU lie
power now or hereafter authorltetl by law.
The association shall continue for a period
Of GO years from date of Incorporation unless
sooner dissolved according to law,
Aiiricr.K v
The amount of capital block shall be
Twenty Thnusnnd Dollars, divided Into 2.000
shares at the par value oi leu Dollars each, of
which amount four Thousand Dolhirs shall
bu lullj paid up before commencing biislms
und before ny tle-bts are contracted, mid
debts of the association shall never ectd
two-lhlrdsof tho pnld up enpltalstot-k,
Only members of the farmers Ltliicatloual
A Co-operatlse f iiloii ol America may be
come members of this Association.
AIM It l.K VII MAN tnr.MIlN I1
for the miiuaguineut of this Association a
lloanl of Directors of live members shall lie
eleeled ns follow-s:
The president i.liall be elceltd ini,t of the
Hoard of Directors anil ho shall nKo be n ill
rectornud piesldcut of Iho lloartl of Dlite
(ors: ho shall hold olllcu until his successor Is
elected and iimllleil. Ivieti of the directors
to be elected for one j ear, or until next an'
nual iiieeilu.
Alirll'l.l: VIII NM'AI. MIll.TIMI
'Ihostockholilers' nuuuni meeting sbnll bu
held belween the ir,ih nnd :i0tii of .lanunry of
each year, and called by tho Hoard of Dlr f
tors, dull suchnuuual meeting thu follow.
In-; persons and stockholders shall serve as
directors and olllicrs, amkmimkst i
This coustltuilou may bo amended at an
nuuuni meeting by a two-thirds oto of all
Hie stockholders present and upon ten days
nolle" to thai eirect.
Tho by laws mny bo iiiueniled by a two
thirds vote of the stockholders present nt
such meeting as Is nTi uiioued in section one
lu Witness Whereof, 'lint undersigned
have hereunto set their hnnds tho 1st dny of
October, 1!)H.
Chil-. II. Starke, I.Mw.ird Wilson. I. II
W'lsecnrver, M. II. liuuslcker, J. A. MeAr
tlmr, It. K. Iteed, Harris Mnede, OlytliVAr
buckle. K.H. fit, Fred Leggett, Dan'l (iar
bur, Harvey Merrill, It. A. McCallum, Oliver
McNutt, M. Itlomer, f. f. King, J. V. Jluck
les, farl McCartney, John II. Halation, Wm.
II. Thomas, II, (I. Hanson, Harry Kotb, K.
It. Metcnlf, S. C Shuck, Klmer Illnus.
State of Nebraska, County of Webster, ) ss
On tho 1st day of October, 1)1K, before mo,
Ilcrnard McNeny, Notary Public, personally
nppeared thenlKivo uniiicd, who personally
are known to be tho Identical persons whose,
names aro alll.M-d to the ubovo articles ol In
corporation, as parties hereto, and they
severally acknowledge tho Instrument to be
their voluntary act and deed.
Witness my hand ns aforesaid,
llf.ltNAHD AtcNKNY.
(Notarial Seal) Notary Public
couiuiluluii expires April 2st, IUIU.
The "XoiiiusUu Polled Hereford
Itl'uediM'h will hold Its autiunl cotiveu.
lion ut Otiialiu on .Inn miry 'is lio.vd C
Uttdfonrof Newark is soeiotaiy. The
Hotel Usfdle is iicitdqitai'te'ii.
Notice of Final Report
in tho County Court of Webster county,
In the matter of the estate of John W.
Tlcrncy. deceased.
All purxotis Interested lu said eslnto, aro
hereby notified that the IJceeutori
hao tiled herein a Mint nccouut
ninl report - of their administration,
and a ptitltioa fur (tic llual settle
ment of such account aud report, and
fifr n decree ol distribution of the loslducot
said estate,' and for the assignment of thu
real estnte li'lotit?liin thereto, nml a ill'.cliiirau
from their trust, nil of which Mild matters
luivi) been i-et (or hearing before said court,
on tho Mist day of Jiiuunr. , lull), nt the hour of
10 o'clock, A. M , when all persons Interested
may appear and contest the same.
Dated this Ullh day of tuuii.-iry. I 'Jill.
mki, A. D. Hannjiv,
:l-'!w County Judge.
Notice to (Creditors.
In tho County Court of Webster County,
lu tho mntter of tho estate of Anna
Ivatrlua liurg, dcccnscd. ,
Creditors of said estate will lake notlco
that tho tlmo limited for presentation and
tiling of claims against said estate is April
17th, IUIU, and for tho payment of dobts Is
Mny Uth, IBID, that I will sit at tho
county court room In said county on tho 18th
day of January, lUlg, to examine, hear and
allow all claims duly filed which are a tlrst or
second lieu upon said estate, and on tho IBtli
day of April, l'JI'J, to examine, hoar,
allow and adjust all claims and objections of
general creditors duly filed.
Dated this 17th day of December, A. I)., HUH
(Seal) A. D. ItA.vsicr,
51-0 County Judge.
12. (I. Caldwell attorney furestnto
R. E.
Olllco Over Trine's H.irtlwure
Drop In.
at the
Schultz & Schaal
First class portraiture
enlarging, copying,
new work, amateur
finishing, etc.
. - . .DENTIST .
Successor to Dr. Cross
E. S. Grber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
When the
Firemen Appear
the iniuted man's first thought it one ol
thtnlfulnesi that le it so. How abou
your thoughts if a fiiieman should ap
pear at your home?
The Day
Before the Fire
is the day to insure. As that day may
be to-morrow for all you can know or
do, it fellows that prudence would im
pell you to stop in our office to-day and
have us issue you a policy,
R.elia.ble Insurance
Sj,v l As; ' lAi1'
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