The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 16, 1919, Image 5

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y no iulu IU U5 .'
Duy Ilit'Hil at Powell A Pope's Cafe.
Earnest Illanke litis gone to Steil
lug, Colo.
.1. A. MoAithur was a Hustings vls!
tor Monday
iMiss Lclu Barrett spent Monday at
Mis. Phillip Traut was a Saturday
visitor at Hustings,
Attorney llernaid McXctiy was ii
Hastings visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kaley went up to
Omaha Monday mui niti.
Mr. nnil Mis. J X. llurgess- are both
on the sick list this week.
Schuyler flaycs went out to give
Hastings the "once over," Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilallio Thomas were
among those going to Omaha Monday
For rent Half mention farm land.
Inquire Samuel Heaton, Hcd Cloud. 2
Mrb. John Weosner and ohlldreu
went to Superior Monday tor a visit
with lelatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Weesner of Eb
bon, Kan . visited relatives in lied
Cloud Suudii).
Mrs. Hoy Stevens, who has been
vUltiug relatives here, returned to her
home at Hasting. Saturday.
Mr. and Mis CIius. Under Mid little
daughter, from Axtell. visited relative
lierc the last of the week.
Harry P.uekles of Blue Hill, dropped
in to join thebunch of Red Cloud ex
eiirsionifats to Hastings, Monday.
Chas Funk, who has been the guest
of his sister, Mrs N. Hummel, loturn
ed to liis work at Superior, Monday.
Mr. and MiS A. P.obinson were down
from Gui lo Hock Sunday guests of
the lady's sister, Mrs. htnily Wttwer
U. C. R. I. Red eoekorelfi for sale
Sl.nn and SlOU eacb.-ALlCi: Uri"F
inATii, Phone f01, Guide Roek, Ne
braska. 00--I t
Mr. and Mrs. David Miller of Cul.
bertsou, who have been the guests of
Mrs. Phillip TrRUt and family, went
to Harvard Saturday. Tho ladies are
Mrs. P. A. Wulibrat'idt was called to
O'Neill Sunday on accountof tho dll-
ness ot her slater. Mr. Wullbrandtj
accompanied her as faras Lincoln,, re
turning Monday. ,
The Riverton Review reports that
the local Oil. and G as j Co.,, are gefct'ipg
ready to make a big drive this spring;
You Rig Chief men up on the bill
-.. .... - -r t-y -
:ri',T r
UV7ai. U3 tW V J S I
Miss Elizabeth Overman, who has
been spending a vacation visit with
her parents, Attorney and Mrs. E. U.
Overman, left here Monday to resume
her studies at the Ward Iielmot School
Nashville, Tenn.
Friday and Saturday
Jan. 17-13
1 -W " JT -""r
..A A .j .
A Desert Wooing
The Charming Australian Actress' in
an Entertaining Society and Vf.eit-,
ern five-red story. Abo . ,
Fatty Arbuckle
In a two reel Comedy
The Cook
Admission 17 and lie
Monday and Tuesday, "The
Great Adventure," a live-reel drama
and 12th Episode of "Hands-Up,"
Wednesday and Thursday,
William Farnum in "Fighting
Blood," and a two-reel comedy.
Friday and Saturday, "The
Firefly of France," from the Satur
day Evening Post story of a few
months aito.
Coming, Feby 12 and 13, "The
Rainbow Trail," seqnul to the
Riders of the Purple Sage.
I , u
T .k.
lluy Bread at PowelU Pope's Cafe.
Ed Amai'k went tip l. Hastings Monday.
Hat and diluk
at Powell A. Pope's
Mr. and Mis. Jas. Buckles spent
Monday at Hastings.
Mrs. F (J. Tavlor Is the mmst. nf tin.
IMS. Turnuio family.
Cecil thurett went to VoikSatutday
for a visit with fi lends.
Misses Owens and Riehaids
Hastings visitors Saturday.
Conductor t'tter took a few days va.
cation the liist of the week.
Good meals good service moderate
priees -Powell & Pope's cafe.
Might ear load of mules were ship
ped from Red Cloud Sunday
Six C. IS. & (J. olllcials were In the
city Ttiosday, on an inspection trip.
John Rose of Blue Hill, was a busi
ness visitor in Red Cloud last of the
Kail Saladcn rdturnod to Cotnor
University Monday to lesumc his school
ffoi k.
John Eiett and wife are tho guests
of Mt. and Mrs Ed Fearn, the lady's
Mr. and Mrs. John Burgo- were
numbered among tho Monday visitors
at Hastings
Mis. Roy Sittlcy has so far recover
ed that she is expected home the la.t
of tho week.
Untold and Leonard Waller of
Cowles, weio over Sunday visltois
with relatives.
Leo Abbey of Cowles, has arrived
-afily from overseas and is at Hamp
ton Roads, Va.
Harry Yost is home from overseas
war duties, and carries honorable dis
charge ciedentials.
Hairy Waller of Cowles. was In the
city Wednesday. His severely injured
hand is healing nicely.
Clarence Stewart and sou went to
Denver Wednesday with two cars of
cattle for entry at the Stock bhow.
The rest loom at tho Library has
been furnished. Anyone who desires
a comfortable place to rest is welcomo
Mrs. R. Alley, who has been the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Chas. Mc
Clure, returned to her home at Kxter,
' 'Harold Fey, Who was' called here by
the death of his b'rbther, returned to
bis bohool work at Cotner University
Monday r ' ' j
'"Mrs. Nellie McC-lrtre ana" sou Ray.
inond', Whohave blfen visUlng relatives
iia irienaB aer
and friends here, left for Lincoln Mont
vmmr " i
fc .. I.1'. , ,...'w.
iicwa uas ueen receivea mat Joan
Klllen, nephew of Mrs.Len Aultz, died
overseas November 9th. His home
was in Rue City, Pa.
John Owen of Grant and Miss Eliza
beth Brule of Campbell, were granted
license to wed. Judge Ranney gave
them the documont.
Col. J. H. Ellinger, who has been ill
forseveial weekb, is able to be around
and will again be lieaid in his elllcieut
work at auction sales.
Comity Judgo A. D Ranney pro
nounced the words that made J C
Broughton of Riveitonand Miss Clara
Jticert of Camnboll mini ntnl uif..
S Operatoih at the "Big Chief" oil well
have succeeded in recovering the lost
cable and tools which have been ly
ing underground so long, and the way
ib now clear for continuing the drill
in.. "..
(.o to tho Methodist Church parlors
tomorrow evening between 0 and 8
o'clock and eat a chicken pie supper
It's only 35 cebv-it (w)H;f TSfSffl
itnd help a good cab'so. ' Friday, ovon-
log, Jan. 17th. ,;
At the Library you will find "The
Rider's of the Purple Sage," The Rarn
bow Trail, (a seqnal to "Riders of the'
Purple bage"), and the "U. P. Trail"
by Zane Grey. These are all very in
tcresting books. Read them.
i You Are Loiiig Money
If you don't sell your cream
! to the Farmers Union Co-ope r-'
: tire Company and receive 'the
dlvldenda. '" ' ' Otf
.a................ .. .......
The blisses Maude and Bonnie Esi
sig and their sister, Mrs. J. D. Hender
son of HappyviUe, Colo., are visiting
relatives and friends in Red Cloud.
These young ladlas were former resi
dents of our city, and need no ln,ro
duotion other than mention of the
fact that they are here. They assist
ed in the choir music at the Baptist
church Sunday and the temptation to
publish a string of commendatory ad
jectives is well-nigh Irresistible.
N. A. Piatt has retired from the
grocery business which he has con-
ducted for several years past, in this
city, and will presently engage in
some different work. Mr. Piatt has
made many friends during his rest
deuce in Red Cloud who will regret
the change and at the same time wish
him the helghth of succebs in the new
lino lie selects. Tho stock was pur
cnased by l G. Turnure ic Sou and
will bo merged in their well-known
grocery and merchandise emporium.
Buy Bicad at Powell v Popo's Cafe.
Art Shceley has a returned to Hast
ings. Don't foiget tho Food Salo given by
tho Baptist chutch at Wullbiaudt's
store Saturday.
Mr. Frank Slaby submitted to nil
operation for appendicitis Monday and
is very setlously 111.
"The "Rainbow Trail" a sciiuol to
'The Riders of tho Purple Sage," by
Zane Grey, at the Library.
Congratulations are due Jas. Ilu
batka as Chairman of the now Board
of Couiitv Commissions.
Mr. and Mrs. V. 11. Solldny and Miss
M. Slaby of MeCook, attended the
John Slabv funeral Wednesday
Installation of tho new switchboard
at the power house Is proceeding In
charge of Superintendent J. A. Brad
Special Notice
Having closed out my business I am
anxious to collect all my out standing
accounts ns soon as possible.
Those owing mc can find my state
ments at the olllcc of Piatt iV Frees.
Please call there and settle either by
oafh or note at. your earliest conven
ience. My trade chips will bo redeem
ed nt the same place If presented with
in 30 days. N. A. PLATT.
Baptist Church Notes
Preaching at !! a in and 7:110 p. in.
There will bo no prayer meeting
tills week on account of tho revival
services at tho Christ inn church.
The ladies or the Baptist church will
hold a Food Sal at P. A WiillbrandtV
Uorc Saturday, Jan. ISth, cjiuuienciug
at 10 o'clock a. m.
Mrs. Josephine Henderson and Mis
ses Maude and Bonnie lsig, of Happy,
vil'e, Colo., non-resident members of
this church weio with us at both
morning and evening services Sunda
and warmed our hearts by their pleas
ant smile hikI sweet situritig 'J'he
show their Baptist training by theli
labors for tho spread of the MasterV
Kingdom. May the Lord bless them
in their new home.
Catherine Grossman,, died at her
home five miles north of lnavaje. Jan
11th, 1010. She had been in' pooi
'health' for several years, but.during
the past si jcf weeks had been very weak.
tor mo past ten years sne uas ucenj
widow her husband having died Ui
March, 1908..' , ( .
Mrs. Grossman, whose maiden na,me.
was Bitz,' was born in-- Badeftfj tier
matiy,' May s, 1849 1 atKHcaWeHo ihp;
United States 'With' ikf parents when
she was Ave years of age. ' Her first
home on American soil was in Penn.
In a few years the family decided to
come west and they located in Illinois.
In tier Illinois home she met the one
who became hor companion for life.
Dec. 2.", 1S0G at Lohb. 111., sho was
married to Emanuel Grossman and to
this union fivo children were born,
Mr.-. J. P. Halo iff Colorado SntliiL'S.
Colo., Edwin (irnssman of Denning.
Nubr., Albert, Ralph and Miss Coin
Gin-smaii of Inavate.
Tins good lady joined the Methodist
ohm oh in Lena, 111., and after slu
came to Webster County, she was
among the active woikcrs in congrega
tions here Since Oct laOl, she has
been a resident of this county and foi
sevei al years a member of the Red
Cloud M.E. church.
Our friend lived to the age of sixty-nine
years. She leaves her child
ren, five sisters, one brother, fourteen
grand ohlldreu and two great-grand-rfjjfHdieii
to mcnirtt-Jr death.
'Funeral servicos Were conducted a
the home on Tuesday, by Rev. J. W.
Hoi den of Inavale. The body was
laid to;Vst In Pleasant Prairie ceme
tery. Tht FOLKS 2SJ?aK5SM8S
"urn's fii JSJSiiS: t.
t BwhewtyuMOt
MnMttMrldFiitttliiii. BirMMa'
IMlun. aHlttut tui ai..
UImbJ .- B...J '
f. JtJL!n,i?- Aabod
In Trade at
In Trade at
v Cowden-Kaley's
For High Score
At the Bowling Alley
Farm Bureau Notes
I lie Webster County Farm Bureau
will add a Shorthorn Calf Club and
p sslbly a Hereford Calf Club to tlioir '
list of piojects this yeili.
At a meeting of the Sliortluuii
Bieedem, culled by the county agent
Sahudav, Jauntily 1 1 111. which was
held in tho State Bank mill iitteiiilcd
by i has. Stewiut. James Doyle, Thos.
Swaitz, John W. Hamilton ami John
Olim-tedc, rules and legulatlons were
adopted Tito same will appear in the
notes next week. Mr. J. Auld,
cashier of tho State Bjink, will see lo
it that the bank furnishes the money
to buy the calves
Membeishlp will be open to boys
and glrl9 from 11 to '20 veins old, who
will take tho heifer drawn by lot in
A,pril aifd feed same till the Farmers'
Institute, when It will be sold at aue
tioti The amount of note, and sale
expenses will bo deducted from the
sale price and the iciiialndcr will be
prollt for the members
The heifers will bo bought fiom a
good pure bred held and range in ago
from t to la months We want 40 to
.M) members in Webster County
Handsome piizes will be offered
The County Agent attended the
H. leford sales at Cambridge last week.
Ai uud U'J." head were auctioned oil
f- the sum of i't)0,(i()0. Mousel Bros
si eof :() head sold at an a vet ago of
JVM.I was u world tecord. The lop
bull of the salo sold for S21.000 to Mis
Biadduck of Cliadrou, Nut)., and the
top cow forST.Uoo to Kilt- Dickie ol
Loupe City.
The Cambridge Commercial Club
mis foresight ed enough yeins ago to
put up a Hue sale puvillinu which is
lieuied and has electiic lights- for the
live stock breedeis tributary to Cam
biidge. Consequently the live stock
uioii do not havo to sell tlioir stock at
Grand Island, Omaha. Hustings, Hu
pciior and Holdredgo, like the slock
men of Webster County do. Webster
County has over .10 bieedeis of Pure
Bred Live Stock and we? have a good
iiifproiod Live Stock Drceders Asso
ciation started. It is about time that
some of the towns in the country are
doing their part for better ,livo stock
and furnish 'suitable sdlu pavillion.
The Webster County National Farm
Loan Association held its annual
m'eetinjr in'tbe County Agent's ollicc
.rurmartf 7fli All nfttvnfc napn t.
ilel'tea for the coming vear.' "The as-l.
auciavioD in looKiog lor a mvorauic
yejir in t farm, loan business. 'The
as'sociatio'hha'ri Set dates when the ap
piser frolitlSa Yd Bank should
come to' this asso'cla'ttiii. Tjiesq dates
are tho first week' of February,, llrBt
week of June and the llrst week of
October Farmers wanting govern
ment loans before June 1st, should
have their applications in by the Hist
week in February.
lln.Nin R. Faumii,
County Agricultural Agent.
Congregational Church
Morning scrvlei", at elotoii o'clock
tit which Miss Hstlu-r Ueek of Korea.
will give a talk on "Life in Koieu"
There will also be hpeckil iiiukic. The
public Ih cordially invited to hear this
interesting address.
SundHy School at ten o'clock. No
evening service at piesont.
Referee's Sale of Real Estate
Tho Christ Nelson ical estato wil
sell at refeioo'H sale at south door of
court house on Jan. llB, lOli) at 'J p. in
For particulars see B 0. Caldwell, - "1 '
n nJ ' ta T f. ...... . .. ii-'
r,,i ni u.Mi.x v, AiLuruuy,
Celebrate Franklin Day
More than lfJO years ago Ueujamiu
Franklin wrote: "Keop your shop and
It will keep you."
Oc January 17 the United States will
observe Franklin's 211th birthday an
niversary and make it National War
Savings Day. The pioneer exponent
ot thrift in this cquntry might as well
have written: "Keep , your War Sav
ing QUtnpa and they will keep you."
for-thru the. War Savings Stamp habit
-American people who bad not already
been, Impressed with the value of thrift
are learning. It, and in honor of the
great American sage the Treasury De
partment ban placed the likeness of
Frankliu on the face of the 1919 scries
of War Savings Stamps,
People of the Tenth Federal Reserve
District are being urged by tho War
Loan and Savings Organization of the
district to observe January 17th in
Franklin's memory. Tho old style
calendar was in use when Franklin
vtas born and his .autobiography gives
the date of his birth as January Oth,
which is in the present calendar, Jan
uary 17th,'
Franklin coined the phrase: "A
rolling stone gathers no moss." Also
''Whatrriain tains one vico would bring
up two ehildr'4ni"and "A man may, If
Iho knownobh,ow to oae aq IQ gots,
luppJiia Qf)Sif M hU,llfa,to
atonS, and dyith rfot'aVrO
' It yds FrrfnkUo lio inn
,to mo grinu-
gVoat at last"
fcuused Toor
RIchiiM to say in "regard to govern
ment taxes: "We are taxed twice ax
much by our idlenoss, three times as
much by our pride and four times as
much by our folly."
Iluy W. S. S.
You always get the very
best at our store because
QUALITY goods are the
only kind we sell. The
brands we carry in stock
are recognized by the
housewife as the VERY
BEST of their kind.
Everything Fresh and Pure
I Chase & Sanborns Coffees
1 Itens Crackers and Cookies 1
I Batavia Jams and Spices 1
1 Sunflower Canned Goods
,31 lib, j'iMiiiEir: G'u , .,u i 'miiimjraraiut m nuiJairamiiiiEiiimwiiinii uiiiiiirMiinEiiciiuia'ininaiiiiiinuixnninn'iiiiniCTncctCT
Revival Campaign Continues
: AT
Christian Church
A FuD&ospici will be preached. This is not a denom
inational efforts : All anxious to!e'xtcnd the ' Kingdom are
urgedtocoperfttesvjtj'.fjifv J- M
House Drtisci ond Apron.
as.PAi or, xCCvV tC W. til I U
ft BllKjb'
i IfflSlM &
fpjHaii 111 k
ill "1 I I LViViViViViHHaVaA ft
finis. Barbara Phares
Mr. and Mrs. .
Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED.CLOUO, NEB.
.! I
J. L. BEEBErPwtoff
v vfti til ill
yvr " ii