The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 16, 1919, Image 4

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, .
f MuuauoaAi
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Red Cloud, Nobrnskiv
Jf,W, -v -.
entered In ttio l'oMolllc-o at Hull loud, Nob
n Hccond Class Matter
F. L. DROWNE. Editor ami Mn.8e
j- i4imtmvftdsai-scuja5sn-
Ueo. irme
We believe that it pays to give our
customers service and satisfaction;
that is why we want to sell you a
They can't fool the cicamcryman.
He knows which machine skims cleanest, costs the least to
keep in good working order, and lasts the longest.
He has to know. The wrong separator might easily mean a
loss to him of several thousand dollars a year.
That's tchy 98 of all the separators used in the World's
creameries and milk plants are De Cavals.
It's just as important to you
as it is to the creameryman that
you make no mistake in your
choice of a cream separator.
Why not be guided by the
crcamcryman's experience ?
Tlir tci m on which vo tell a
NEW Oe Uval lire liberal.
The machino will py for iHtlf
out n( iUnwn suvinpt. Como
in mid f lamina it I rforo you
buy. We'll La lUd to talk it
over with you.
llfr '-.- , '-,,, - . -f-'"-, -aggfeg -jl
Are You
Open -Minded
The average American
is open-minded.
American business is con
ducted bytru,e Americans . of'
vision, open-minded menWho'i!i
believe in their country rid'strive ,v
to meet their country's needs.
The men in the packing industry
are no exception to the rule. .
The business of Swift &
Company has grown as the na
tion has progressed. Its affairs
have been conducted honorably,
efficiently, and economically, re
ducing the margin between the
cost of live siock and the selling
price of dressed meat, until today
the profit is only a fraction of a
cent a pound -too small to have
any noticeable effect on prices.
The packing industry is a big,
vital industry one of the most
important in the country. Do
you understand it ?
Swift & Company presents
facts in the advertisements that
appear in this paper. They are
addressed to' every open-minded
person in the country.
The bookfet of pic4ing cbapurs in this
lory of thi packing Industry, wM be Mailad
on tannest
w8t at Campmnj
Union Stock Yarda - Chicago, lUinoU
Swift & Company
U.S. A.
: J J! II
i 1
il III
Hi Kfl
Farm Lean
I am ready to make farm loans In
any amount at lowest rates, best
terms and option. Absolutely no de
lay and no inspection expense. Sole
Bent for Trevett, Mattis and Baiter.
Some private monoy.
A Remarkable Case
It is reported that sixty-four
million marks have been turned
over to the American authori
ties for current expenses of the
occupying forces. The point of
special interest is the fact that
Germany did the turning over.
Tfic Kansas State Council of
Defense asks a legislative ap
propriation of $191,250 with
which to carry on its work dur
ing the next six months. Won't
some one please tell our broth
ers across the line that the war
is over.
In our own. civil war times
foreign powers were in effect
requested to keep hands off.
We felt that we were fully
competent to settle the difficul
ty among ourselves if left
alone. Logically the same
reasoning may apply to foreign
nations now.
And while considering the far
reaching effects of the world
war give a thought to the diffi
culties looming ahead of school
children now in primary grades.
Their geography will be an en
tire new one insofar as it con
cerns Europe. Their war his
tory will teem with terror.
Their memories will be taxed
with unpronouncable names.
Thos. W. Gregory, attorney
general of the United States,
has tendered his resignation, to
take effect in March. Reason,
same as given by Sec'y Mc
Adoo, pecuniary. It is re
markable how those Washing
ton officials ever managed to
get along thus far. Just im
agine a laboring, man skilled
or otherwise having to eke out
an existence on a salary(run
ning well up into the thousands.'
,Can anyone tell us Tryhjrejt
find a good long-distanqe (telft-
sr.ohft? Wv would lilt A tn'lnnk
in upon Cohgres'wjpf thp "ob
jeui uj. . upeuvcrijg, wiysiner
anvthintf has nnnn npcnrrinliAh-
e'd since President Wilsor left
luaueiiu uie reauc Vioiucrence.
There was much said about
being so busy that his absence
was not pcrmissable and the
daily papers report nothing but
talk. Perhaps the papers are
right. They often arc!
Years ago we knew a French
lad just over and unfamiliar
with our language, all of which
was not unusual Among oth
er duties he had occasionally to
drive a team of mules, which
was unusual mule teams not
being as plentiful in those days
in our part oL the country, as
they are in the west now. His
employer wondered why Al
phonse could not get results
from a day's work with the
"Missouri motors" that he did
when driving a team of horses.
In a soldier's letter just receiv
ed we find the explanation.
There are in the FrertcK'lan
guage no cuss wordj equivalent
to those used in America.
That thc'lemployes are now re
ceiving wages somewhere near
commensurate with the service
they render. These people, to
gether with a large body of
stockholders incline strongly to
a continuance of governmental
The Returning Soldier
"I2ver.i body's imltlnj,', yWlmt will w
do with this boys whim they como
homcV" Of course we will glvo them
ii royitl welcome, but these boys niiiht
huve HotnethiiiK besides a royal wel
come. Thoy must have work at Rood
wages. N qui'Stldns nbout what the
mothen will do with her boy when he
comes home. She has hept his little
room immaculate and clean just as he
left it waiting for the timo when he
would march home under the Hag ho
fought for. No question about what
hishweetboart will do with him when
he comes homo from the war. Love
doos not hesitnto or falter. It takes
it own to its heart again and the
world may Ionic on and wonder at itn
lavish outpouring of an direction that
is sweetened and strengthened by long
absence lighting for his county 'y flug.
Some of thoso boys will never como
homo. Thoy have paid tho supreme
sacrifice. Empty rooms nnd empty
chairs will tustiry to their gloiious
Theie hhould be no question about
what will bo done with the boys when
thoy come back. (Jive them a job, of
cpuisc. If there i-n'l work make
work. Start some public improve
ment. (Jet the factory wheels run
ning. .Mako ''busino-s as usual" and
the boldier boy will llnd Ids place, it
lie lost an eye give him a glass one.
If ho lost a leg get him a now one.
Let It not be said that these bravo
bojsciime homo tud were unable to
find employment.
Nebraska Resources
"Tho l.ivo Slock Industry in Nfbnts.
kit" is tho subject of it pumphlot which
has just been Issued by the Omaha
Hut can of Publicity for distribution
thioughout the United States for use
in commercial geography classes. It
will bo followed by. pamphlets on the
grain, potash and sugar-beet indus
tries of" Nebraska. Other titles will
bo announced from time tq timo, It
Is desired to instruct the' school
children of the United States in what
Nebraska how i9, not' what'.'itj used to
SuDDosed to Know '
tts-GP" nSiSiv-'5v. T- -1-- JS " Jf-T,'V
JrWi'''-v5i A ri-S JZsZz,r -i-ZZa
.-" F- ,?L. !'.. . " i iii nanimt in ilv f-M
Srss -iw
- -- -
tAitt jour nwideJcr. lie cia ttll aiu tho correct nwer.J
with its four hundred pictures and four hundred articles each month, is bigger
and better than ever. Our correspondents in all parts of the world arc
continually on the watch for new and interesting tilings for ouc readers.
Ask them to show you a copy or srnd 20c for the latest Is-ute. postpaid. Yearly sub
Knption J2.00 to all parts of the United States, Its possessions, Canada and Mexico.
POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE, O H. Michigan Avonuo, Chicago. Illinois
Open Day and Night
j Tshe, rural telephone operator ha the
hardfst)joU in the world.v Siver must
know where ctflJq lies', corn shredder
is working and where Sara Sampsons'
corn shelter is shelling! and where
Johu Johnson's wood saw is buzzing
away, where the threshing machines
aro hummtngaml where they will go
uo.t. She must also know if the train
Is on time or late, and if it is not on
time, why. Shemustalso lenow where
the doctor, U, and wIiph ho will con e
In. She must also have the coricct
Building Permits
Until furthor uotice, Doalcrs in liuilding Material will furnish
material WITHOUT GOVERNMENT PERMIT nnd without any
restrictions for the following construction work: , fj
Repairs; to. existing structures, wher'd'the total completed cost
of repairs) inoludlng, labor, does uot exceed S2r0o.o0. s a ,.
Additions to existing structures, where the total 'completed
cobt of the additions, including labor, does not exceed 93500.00
Any farmjstructjire?, jvhere the to'tal completed 'cost, inoludibg
laborUfoos not exceed I1000.0O' t'l r" ') - " .j w
Abstract from Circular No. 21 of War Industry Board
Chief ads Pay You
Adams Co. Democrat J. O. Lyne,
whoso left foot waa amputated at the
Mary Lannlng hospltkl Tuesday night
of last week as a result of an injury
in an automobile accident, is getting
along fine, tho rimputatod foot appar
ently healing in a most satisfactory
If press reports are anywhere
near the facts those tangled
skeins of civil strife in Ger
many afe in a fair way of be
ing smoothed. The distur
bances seem to be fostered
largely among the uneducated.
The more orderly class are ap
parently gradually getting '-the
upper hand. Admitting these
premises correct it is not diffi
cult to see that the best our
country can do is to letGer
many alone. Our nation has
fought in and aided to -win the
war against autocracy. Our
part in active hostilities has
been successfully completed.
If foreign nations persist in
fomenting internal disorder, let
them settle it among themselves.
There is an endless chain of
discussion regarding the fact
that despite a greater volume
of business and large gross re
ceipts the railroads have run be
hind in finances.,0' Of cqurse the
administration heldjrsponsi
ble and the.vfaots are itsed- as
argument againdtt' government
management, , .WtfWrio can1 sky
what the cpndwofls wpjul'd have
been under private control' but
it's a safe bet that they would
not have been better. One item
does not seem to be permitted
a place in the argument, viz:
111! ill 1 1 Iflfflii iP - ";
Vt II II ""I sil D II w "H: jm", 7? -i9iBi
jitfk. Tli 1MB
..tiiuiMwMnnnm nmmM i' iiay, vou'ii have
a Streak of RmnWplnrb- that'll
put pep-in-vour-smokemotor. nil riirht if vnn'll
ring-in with a sure-joy'us jirnmy pipe and nail some
Prince Albert for packing 1
Just between ourselve8, you
never will wise-up to high-spot-smobe-joy
until you can call a pipe
by its first name, then, to hit the
peak-of-pleasure you land square
on that two-fisted-man-tobacco,
Prince Albert I
Well, sir, youll be so all-fired
happy youll want to get a photo
graph of yourself breezing up the
pike with your smokethrottle wide
open ! Talk about smoke-sportl
Quality makes Prince Albert so
appealing all along the smoke line.
Men who never before could
smoke a pipe and men who've
smoked pipes for1 years all testify
to the delight it hands out! P. A.
can't bite or parch! Both are
cut out by our exclusive patented
process I
Right now while the going's
good you get out your old jimmy
pipe or buy a new one and land
on some P. A. for what aila your
particular smokeappetite t
. Copjrrtcht lilt
T K.J. !;
Tot ceo
You buyPrincm Albtrt eryuAr tobacco It told, Toppy red bag;
tidy ra tin, handtom pound and half pound tin humidor and
that clotty, practical pound cryttal glatt humidor with tpongo
moitHntr top that httpt thm tobacco in, tuch perfect condition.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Wintton-Salem, N. C