The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 16, 1919, Image 3

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A trinity of evils, closely allied, that afflict
most people, and which follow one on the
other, in the order named, until the last one
is spread through the system, leading to
many evils. But their course can be checked.
A small bottle of "Danderine'
keeps hair thick, strong,
Girls! Try this! Doubles beSuty
of your hair in a few
. :wxr a(
It is of nreat value when used nromDtlv for n rnlrl.tisn.
nlly checking it ami overcoming it in a few dny3.
Ample evidence has proved that it io even of more value in over
coming chronic catarrh, dispelling the inflammatory conditions, enabling
this diseased membranes to perform their natural Junctions, and toning
up the entire system.
The experience of thousands is a safe guide to what it may be ex
pected toilo for you.
Liquid or tablets both tested by the public and approved.
hJ- "tfv
pl.b.;f I; 1 I 7 ,1 I
"Within ten mlnutns after an appll
ration of Danderine you enn not find a
Nngle trace of dandruff or falling hair
and your scalp will not Itch, but what
will plensc you most will be after a few
weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine
and downjr at first yes but really
new hairgrowing all over tho scalp.
A llttte Danderine Immediately dou
bles tb beauty of your hair. No dif
ferent how dull, fnded, brittle and
crarty. Just moisten a cloth with Dan
derine and cnrefully draw It through
You "alr, taking one small strand nt a
Ime. The effect is amazing your hair
will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have
an appearance of abundance; an in
Cdmparablo lustre, softness and luxu
riance. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine for a few cents at any drug
store or toilet counter, and prove that
your hair Is as pretty and soft as any
that It has been neglected or Injured
by careless treatment that's all you
surely can have beautiful hair and lota
of It if you will Just try a little Dan
derine. Adv.
Betrayed His Weakness
"Is he a tightwad?"
"Is he? .Say, listen: When he ciuuo
to propose to me ho thought he'd have
to got down on his knees, and, woulr".
you believe It, he ciimo In the oldest
pair of trousers he hud 1"
Of course you oitui an enurmous
salary but do you get It?
A small rent In a reputation soon
becomes u Inrgo hole
What Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound Did
For Ohio Woman.
Portsmouth. Ohio." I suffered from
Irregularities, pains in my Bide end was
80 we&K at umea x
could hardly get
around to do my
work, and as I had
four in my family
and three boarders
it mode it very hard
for me. Lydia E.
Finlcham'B Vogo
tablo Compound
was recommended
to mo. I took it
and it has restored
my health. It is
certainly tho best
medicine for womaa'o ailments I ever
saw." Mrs. Saiia SuAW,(K. No. 1,
Portsmouth, Ohio.
Mrs. Shnw proved tho merit of this
medicine and wroto this letter in order
that other Buffering women may find
relief as sho did.
Women who are suffering r.a sho wn
should not drag along from day to day
without giving this fnmou3 root and
herb remedy, LydiaE. Pinkham'flVoge
tablo Compound, a trial. For special
edvico in rcjrard to such ailments writo
to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mnss. Tho result of its forty years
experience is at your service.
Hooked io Death!
This may happen if your cattle lmvo horn, or
thoynmy inluro each othcrnnilki'ptuewbolo
held excited. Ml HUMAN K. Prevent horns
erowlnc whllo Ciilii'9 mo joutisr. It moans a
contented and moro prolltublu herd. Use
At our dealcrn or
Commit Da. DAVID RonEIlTO
.about nil nnimai unuirniH. Jn
rortnntlin tree. Bend for rirlce
Hat uf medicines and net Htlilt
copyof The Cattle Siieclallat" with full Infor
mation on Abottian In Cowc. OK. DAVID ROBEUTS
VETERINARY CO., 100 Grand Ave., Wauktiha, WU. '
Ili'fori' ii gathering m tin must Itrlllliuit mllltury tenners ot itii world, (Jon. Henri Philippe- lYtnlii, I'tiiutuuiitior
In chief of tlio Ft ouch iiiinles In the field, wii nwuiiletl the li.imii of marshal, the highest lionor he-towed h. I'rnnee,
li. President I'olnciuv in .Metz. PieMdent Poinenre Is shown pio-entlng the baton to Marshal Petnln. Directly
behind nte MntMiiil JofTre, .Marshal Poeli, I'leld Mmshiil Sir Douglas Ilnlg, Cetienil IVrshlng, General (lllllnu or the
Belgian urniy, n Portuguese gonciol mill (Jenenil Duller of the Polish nriny.
s Aviv, , . . nrfv w
The ofllelnl welcome to ttie returueu Ainenciin nnvnl vessels took tho form of a review or the lighting ships In
the Hudson river and n land pnrade of the bluejackets lu New York. The great ships are here shown as they lay
In the Hudson.
1 Entrniiro to the hotiso In Moullleron,
I'Vnnce, where Premier Cleinenconu
was born. Over It will be placed a
tnblet bearing the formal declaration
thnt he has "deservetl well from his
Message Had a Meaning.
One of the lions of the moment Is
Ccncrul Townslieud, who, after being
,m long a prisoner In Turkey, is doubly
ablo to appreciate the turning of the
tide, observes a writer In London An
fuvors. Unllko many other prlhotu-rs
General Tnwn-lienil seems to have
been quite well treateil and was do
bcrlhcil during his term or captivity
its "the bcst-drchsoil niiiii in Constuntl
liople." This recalls the amusing mcsMigo
iwhleh ho MMit by wireless from Kilt to
London In the early part of 1111(5. Ho
stated that ho would bo wanting his
evening clothes at an early date'
There were Mime who took this soil
ously and wondered why n HrltlMi gen
oral should trouble himself over such
trivial matters as this lu wur time.
Hut the wlo know that the wire
was sent to reassure his family and
to peiplex the Turks.
Old Saying Amended.
"What's eoinc over the girls nowa
days? They don't seem to want to mar
ry." "Perhaps they think: Where sin Is bliss 'lib folly to bo wives."
Hoston Transcript.
Same Old Trouble.
Dolly "Ho promised to send buck
my lock of hair, but ho hasn't done It
yet." Mollj "Thut'K tho way with
those hair restorers all promise and
no performance." Hoston Transcript.
v ; v - mtt
A? . s
One of the greatest enemies of tho U-boat was the "Q" tddp Suffolk
Coast, which cruised around ns n harmless sailing vessel until one of tho
U-boats would come up to attack, then the sides of the fillip would open up
mid usually the sinking of another U-boat would bo reported by tho Hrltlsn
admiralty. This photograph shows the forwurd hatch open with the gun In
Ni : jj-ffisiii ,iB8ifTJ?.afft
C i!L ,. 'IT -."i ' " n-Mi fc.. W'faT VHWU 'It
i -wiwwiffcwxwxew, ' . .. .
& :iaauKO? . .: a. u. . r - - -i
I ' ,-.,- r' j
This great raft, built at Jliipurnndn, Sweden, and now safely anchored
at a wlmrf In the harbor at Copenhagen, Denmark, Is 118 meters In length,
17 meters wide, three motets abovo water line and five below. The crew eon
slsts of seven men. Tho raft took six months to build and contains as much
wood as four big steamers, and Is hold together by an Ingenious system of
steel cables and wlied. , ,
iJimmfM(tU WVW
.'xriM'PW'' A V -Vk. -rw-.p.- . i.
M'hI&uwwvw-AVifcu&tW'' -x
KvwvNaxiits J
Financial Arrangement.
. "What does nature do when mois
ture falls due?"
"I suppose she collects It by mentis
of giuss.v hanks."
Don't worry about old oro. Don't worry
about being in other people's way when
you tiro getting on m je.u b. Keep our
body in good condition and you can be ns
hale nml hearty in your old dn) as you
were when a kid, and every one v. ill be
glad to tee you.
The kiilni'VR and bladder nro the caticn
of senile nflhctioiiH. Keep them clean anil
in proper woiMng condition. Drive tlio
poisonous wastes from tho fvstem anil
avoid uric acid accumulation1!. Take GOLD
MIODAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodical
ly and you will llnd that the njhtcm will
always tie in perfect working order. Your
spirits will be enlivened, our mufelcs
made otionR and your face lnc once
more the look of youth and health.
New life, fresh htrenth and health will
como as yon continue this tte.ituicnt. When
your lirst viRor has been restored continue
for awhile takimr a cannula or two each
day. They will keep you In condition and
prevent a return of jour troubles.
Tlicro i onlv one Ruaranteed brand of
naarlcm Oil Cajiimlc. (JOLD MKDAL.
There are many takes on tho market. He
tire you get the Oiiuiiml COLD MKDAL
Inportcd llaailetn Oil Copsnles. They are
the only reliable. Tor tale by all firet-clasi
druggists. Adv.
The Point of View.
"Don't you like hot water In tho
home?" "That depends on whether
I'm lu It."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every botllo of
CASTOIHA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and sco that It
Renrn Din
Signature ot&lXZj3i'
In Uso for Over HO Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
In Most Cases,
"now do you pronounco 'hauteur'?"
"Hot air, In somo cases."
Somo doctors who tnko life easy es
capo arrest.
After the
Clean the Acidity and Toxic Poisons
Out of the Digestive Tract
Millions are now suffering from the
after effects of the deadly "llu," n
fever or a cold. Their appetites aro
1 poor; they are weak, and they nro
waiting for their strength to come back.
If theso people could only rcnllzo
that the return to health and strength
1 would bo greatly helped by giving at
tention to the stomach thnt Is, remov
ing the acidity and toxic poisons from
the entire digestive tract, making It
net naturally, so that the body will
receive the full strength of the food
eaten n great deal of suffering would
be saved to humanity.
Everyone known that the disease It
self, and the strong medicines thnt
have been tuken, upset tho stomach,
leave It hot and feverish, tho mouth
dry, the tongue coated, n nasty tnste,
and no dcslro to cat. This Is a poor
foundation to build new strength on.
Now, tens of thousands of people all
over this country nro using I0ATONIO
for the purpose of cleaning these
poisonous after-effects right out of tho
system and they aro obtaining wonder
ful results so wonderful that the
amazingly quick benefits are hardly
believable, Just as shown In the re
markable letter which Is published
upon the requeRt of this sturdy old Civil
War veteran. He Is 77 years old. Head
what ho says EATONIO did for him :
"I am an old aotdltr. pait '
rntr-arren ifin, I had tb Span
tab Innurnia and It Irft mj atomacb
t mm
"NOTIC Orer 20.000 itrilr atom throiithotit tho United S Intel aril mm! rnannt
KATOMO, If sou cannot ubtnln K ATONIC
It. Write u and v III until you big Sue
after you eel It. Add.l K. I lirumer, l'rea.,
Ave, Liilrugo, III,
Masked Dattery.
"Pa, what Is a masked battery?''
"I'rotty lips concealing u shrewish
tongue, my son." Hoston Transcript.
A woman does a lot of things whllo
a man Is figuring out how they should
be done.
Granulated Eyelids,
Eyci Inflamed by expo
sure to Son, Dust and Wind
quickly relieved by Murine
EyeRemeiJjr. No Smarting,
llllt Ev PVimfnrf At
Vcur DruggJjts or by moil COc per Bottle.
For Book ol Ihe Cje free write bia
MurlBe Eye Remedy Co., Cblcaoo.
Oct the Facts, Doctor.
Doctor Slrultor siiys that "old maids
are ii result of mini's iiinlisirallllty.
I III lie neer heilrd of the etesa of
women lu the population lu must old
communities, or Is this n siuiut to
ward pol.sgainy? Tut, tut doctors
count up the old 'bachelors llrst.
New Yoik K cnlng Sun.
$100 Reward, 5100
Catarrh Is a local tllseaso greatly Influ.
enccd hy coithtttutloiuit conditions. II
theroforo tniulivs conitltiittonul treat
ti tnkon Inicrnalty nml ucts through ths
Ulood on tho Mucous fhirrncca ot tlio i?yi
destroys tlio foundation of tlio dlseat.
gives tlio rmtlent Btrcneth by Improving
tho general health and assists natura tn
doliiB Its work. toooo for any coso ot
Catarrh that HALL'S CATAniUB
MKDICIND falls to cure.
DrtiRKlsts 7&e. Tosthnontats free.
F. J. Cheney & Co,, Toledo, Ohio.
I'tobubly the most duiiKcrous men
tiro those who have holiest motives
nml dishonest practices.
nailnchtn, rtlllotin Attacks, IndlcMtlon, an
cured lr taliloi: Mny Afiilo. Uw, Jalap mtdl
lulu ricaaoot 1'clleta (Dr. 1'lerce'a). AJr.
Cnivonetti's iintl roll-top desks bids
a Mi'out ninny things from tlio public.
Don't trifle with a cold
it's dangerous.
You can't afford to risk
Keep always at hand a
box of
Standard cold remedy for 3D yeart tn tablet
form -9mle, aure. no oplatea oreaka up cold
In 24 houra rellevea grip In 3 daya. Money
back int falU. The genuine box haaaRedtop
with Mr. Illll'a picture. At Alt Drug Storca.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 2-1919.
ver or Cold
In nn awful than. I trlej thra
ilffrrefit doctor tut ent no relief.
A a Int rrirt t arnt and got a
box of ICATOMO and to m; cent
eat iirtrl the tfrj nrat tablat I
toolr nrlnril nir. 1 can nuw cat any
tblue I want, ami feel One."
Your thankfully,
I'owlcr, Indiana
Dec. 4. nl O. S. Martin
I, n.i If you can maae iu
of thin letter for Buffering human
ity, you are at liberty to da to.
O. H. M.
This Is only ono chrc out of thousands
You Hliould mnko the EATONIO test
In your own case fit once. You hav
everything to gain not n penny can
you lose, for wo take nil tho risk. Your
own common sense, your own feeling
tell you that n good appetite, good di
gestion, n good Btomach. with tho fever
poisons and effects of strong medicine
out of your system, will put you on the
roud to strong, robust health again.
You want to enjoy llfo again after
you hnvo battled with tho "Hu," fever
or colds, or any other Illness thnt has
taken your strength. You want to get
buck your old-time vigor, bo full of pep
and enthusiasm be ablo to work with
ease, Instead of listlessly, half-heart
edly drngglag out a mere existence.
So be sure to tnke a box of EATONIO
homo with you today. Wo cannot uri
this too strongly. If EATONIO falls
to give you positive beneficial results,
It will not cost you a penny. There Is no
risk tho benefit Is surely all for you.
nillrklr nt lour riruK atore. do not be without
hot t mice ami you ran tend tia tho Efta
tuvion.O a lloota tree. JUja
at rafareccca. UealrMtUM.
.. PAttKfcirS
A toilet prepwatlon of merit.
Help to eradlcat ilindrutr,
ForRettorinn Color and
DoautjrtoCjrayorFaded Hair.1
i. mu i wmnifiilin
A Bad Cough
If neglected, often leide to serious trouble.
Safeguard your health, relievo your dltres
nod. soothe- your irritated throat by takla