Vif ir t-r - , - r 1 5. Inavalc Items fin Hollin was n business .Isllor ut Le 1 Cloud last Fridiiy. l'.ev. Ilnritcii U nt'undlnt,' the M. H. Mttiduy Holinol imnvuntinli at llustiiiKH 4 lis vcoli . Mrs, Vorna Hurt well win hi ovenlm: a i. lor on Mi. C. 11. Ituriro.s-, Monday. Homer Folly Is luiiti iifjain uftt'r serving I'nolo Sum fin tho putt few months. Mr. Hlmor llcsin ! putting up " " guriign on the property ho recontlj bought. Misses Iill.t .Sulghl'M' and lli'hslo .NeliltnpiT were tlie guests of Mrs. June Farliiy Wednesday afternoon unit Htm lay. A buliy girl oiime Thursilny .tun. 2, to gladden the homo of Mr. and Mi. Fetty. On Now Your morning Mr. and Mrs. Clini. l'liulsor moved from Hie I'Vd Arnold farm to tile Win. C'.irpcnter property. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Kustice Henri risked with tho formers parents Mr. and Mrs rJveiett IJouu. 11. U. Hunter was u business visitor at llivurton Momhiy. John McClurt of Mile Illll wns a pleasant culler at the Mlllur homo Sunday evening. Cliiis Paul KiM1 is looking after tlio pool hall during tin; hIisoiico of Win. Taliur Mrs. Win. Tabor wiih called to Dmi- rer Sunday night on account of sioli- 1"", Mrs l'jlla Carpouter and f-imily hpeut Sunday with her sister Mrs. Tan Uuflin and family. Miss lla.el Nesbit was a Ituil Cloud shopper Hutinihiy.- Mrs Ch -. Wiih' i. who b 'en suf fering in. i tiiclc i ' (j i'i j is much bettor at ' 's wiH -i ;. Mrs. It. 1., la.. nun spent Sunday ;if- ...III. 111.. II...... 1 v.. .1.1. ivi uumi .tii.ii in i t .- uus.ui iunwib Miss Nettie Cloe spent Sunday whh the Chas. rnuluer family. I Mr. Steve Lauhem went to liladeii j Siiturday returning' with his wife and j viilldreu who have been speudiii); a I week visltlni,' then" Mr. I'arl Suludeu imiiid over to Ina vii e from Kud Cloud to visit Mr. mid Mis. John llardwich. Mr. and Mis. Chas. Uurcess eulltd on Mr. ami Mrs. J.ihu Itiitled''o Suiidav afternoon Mr. Win. Tophum .shelled corn last Thursday. Mrs. Nell" Hunter spent New Years with her aunt Mis. Thud Saunders mid family. John UutloilKu was a passenger to Hustings lint Thursday. He to re. t-e'viiiK treatment of Dr H.iuu of ihut city Chuicli and Sunday School are held at both chinches now U)::i() mid 11:00 o'clock Everybody wolcome. Ulanoh U ulcer of Ked cioml lnt.s been usslstin,' at Mrs Tad Saunders' during tho past week. Before you forget just remit a ie newal' on your subscription to the Chief Tlie editor, promises some mark ?a improvements jr 0lc, subsorlbir vil jive a lift by remitting dues. T 1 1" ' 1 ! II '..'"""WWW1'WlJ ' IIIIIMI MHUMM'l WWWWWWMMWW WMHIMMMMMMft intiWMi ' i mwimWIMMWWfcMrtUiiMwMr.iminiwM lonw iHkiBMiJ j l Z - : I I ! Open Mm and Night ; j "- V I AT OUR CAFE Powell Building Permits Until further notice. Dealers In Building Material will furnish material WI I'lluUT OOVKItNMKNT I'KUMITnml without atij restrictions for tlie following construction work: Repairs to existing structures, wheie the total completed cost of repairs, including labor, does not exceed S2.100.00. Additions to existing structures, where the total completed cost of the additions, Including labor, does not exceed 82o00.0u Any farm stinetnres, where the totul cotnploled cost, including J labor, does not exceed $1000 00 J JIalone-Gellatly Go. Abstract fiom Ciruulnr No. ---j Farm Bureau Notes SUDAN UUASS A number of the funnels In the enmity ha been mining Sudan Ovum tho past youi'i and are very entliiialufc. tlem'tiit Sudan (liass doet well on any giouiul, regunlloss uTsoll fmlillty, and htuntU drouth better than eorii or any of tin h.iy crops. For hay o- pasiiuv, It should be so.ui with a press drill on a seed bed that litis been prcptuoil tho muiiens for millet or untie. The time of sowing is in Mny or J iiiie. If sown early with plenty of mois ture, two and three cuttings of hay may bo harvested, yoilding '1 to 1 tons per acre. Tim hay should be out an the griiss starts to head out. It It bonds out it becomes hard and woody, and if cut before it is headed It ia washy. It is an excellent horse hay and makes u good pasture and tuny be pastured by any kind of live stock. Whou sowing for pasture or hay 1'J to ''() lbs, hlioiild be drilled per acre When planted in rows with a lisior or planter !! to f, pounds of seed per acre is Mittllidutil. and with lavorublu eoiidi- j tluiis, one. uiop of hay and one crop of sued mty be Harvested. A corn binder or grain binder is usoi to cut and bind it when grown in rows. I The nvoiiigc farmer will not care to plant a lurKU acreage, especially ut, but he will not tie disappointed if he gives the crop a fair trial. .Securing seed, we can net good seed timill(-, thu County Agont of Wii-hing ton county for 10c per lb, freight aild- ,ud S.unplc of the sued at my ollice. Alo liavo two samples grown by the farmers In this county, for Mile, but they httve not set it price on it. Tlie County Agent Conference will be lie'il ut liiiicolli I lie week nt .lunii ury 'JO i." -. I mi plHiiiiMit; to ntt"tnl, IIS .til C'Mllll.V l,i I. I ill III I Ml" I 1. 1 , Ii-ipii"!". i in. n ii'O'i tn dispone ut mil Juno seed C.J. ii ill .1 llil.i ooiiuiy iltin i. 1 11. 1 . i.t,.ji t . 1 1 ' lor -ale. I have about 100U bushels ( for -,,ile. IIKXKY U. FAUSCI1, (.'oiinty AtrU'uituril Aent It Pays to Advertise Tlieii- v,is an old geeser, he had a lot of tiMise. He .started up a btisi dess on a dollar eighty cents. The dollar u; it stock uiid I'"1 eiglity for an nil, brought him throe lovely dollars in a day, by dad. Well, he bought more goods and a little more space, and he played that system with a smile on his face. The customers (locked to his two-by-four, and he had to hustle for a regular stotu. Upon the square, where the people pass, he gobbled up 11 corner that was all plate glass. He lixed up a window witit the best ho had, ami told them all about it in a half page ud. lie soon hud 'em coming mid lie never, never (pilt, and he didn't cut down his ails one jit. And he's kenp things humming in the town over since, anil everybody calls him tho merchant prince Some suy it's luck, but that's all bunk, why, he was doing business when times were punk. I'eople have to purchase and the gecsr was wlt, for ho knew the way to get 'em was to advertise. & Pope i m a a k i i a m a a i .v.w 21 of War Industry Board XD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF At the Library Circulation of boohs for iloci'inbcr: Juvenile BIG Adult Fiction 772 Non Fiction II War ituokn -'0 Magazines -I Total Clri'iilalloi Km! Many lnler'itiiig books other than (Id ion me to be found at the Idhrury. Among them an bunks useful in the home. "Tlie Boston Cooking School Cook Book," by F. M. Farmur; "House Furnishing mid Decoration" by Abbott MeClure; "Feeding the Fa'i.ily" by Mary Swart. Hose Some of tho Chap tor headings of this book aie: "Food for tlie rimilly group," "Menu," "Food after fifty," '-Food for the sick ami convalescent " "How to tulcecire of tho llaby" by Francis Twiddle.; A mother's guide and manual for nurses "Klllciont lilfe," by Luther 11 Cluliok. simple, practical, suggestions for busy people ubout sleep, exorcise, food, stimulant, etc, aiming to Increase the brain worker's general elllclency. Interesting books on sociology, are "American Commonwealth" by James Bryci'-Fiislly (list among descriptions mid criticisms of American political and social institutions. 'On tho Trail of tho Immigrant" by I'M ward Alficd Siolner Describes in terestingly and accurately tho condi tions of immigrants in their native land and th'iough every stage of theli Journey to their new home. "Tlie Making of an American," by Jacob A. Hils and "The "Tho Fronds od Land," by Mary Autui, are two in teresting books on immigration told In tlie form of biography. Other interesting books 1110: "The Winning of the West," by Koovcvelt, With tills picturoeipi" chronic'" are pi eseiid'il the nun) (li.iin.iUi: incut 1 1 . esti 11 rn iicnti f (US iir ,. ..t.... 'l'.i.ii on Mmli'iii .i)Vuiists, In William Lyon I'lielps, ciiterlalulug cliaracteii.ations and penetrating criticim of modern novelists. "Pionaerliig Where the World n Old," by Alius TiMlule, A book Nn. ton for the purpose of giving the breath of open spueo to the stay-. it home vagabonds. "The Now American Drama," I13 Itichard Burton, An interesting study of pi eseiil dramatic conditions. Weather Summary for 1918 Station at Bud Cloud, Neb. Lati tude to ., longitude OS .'17, elevation USS? feet, length of record 21 years, hours ut observation April 1st to Sept "tilth, 7 it. m. Oct. 1st to March .'list 0 p. til Central time. The following is the complete summary for the 101S temperature: Highest 103 on Aug. 1th. Dates ol too or more, Juno 11th Km, June 12th 102, Juno mil Kill, June Kith 100, June I7lh Kl'i,k)une Kith l(i., June :J0lh 101; July dutei., :iril 100, 1th 100, 7th 100; August dates, 2nd 101, tth lUd, flth 103, (ith 10., Till lo.', 21st 101,27th 10.'. Lowest 2o below zero Feb. 1st. Dates )f below .eto. Jan. dates, 1st 1 below Uth i!0 b-low, 12. h 20 bolow, l.till l.'l lielow. lltli 7 below, 1.1th I below, ltnh :i below, '.'dth 2 below, 2lst bolow. 22nd 2 tielow, 27ih (! below 2Sth 22 be low, liutli Id below, IlOtli tl lielow, Itlst l3 below; Feb. date', 1st 2.1 below, 2nd 2'Mieliw. Ki Ii 1 bebiw. 20tli 8 below. 'Mst below, 2itid : low, Dec 2.1th 1 belou. (lie itest daily iMi.t'e 51 deyrreea oo I'.-ti Jnli. Ic-st viir'atioo in 21 hours 1 ." on April Hh, tLi'Hitiiie on April 1.1th 1'ieeipitHtion: Total 2n7'i inches mean 2.1 27 ti.olie. Wettest month May with o'.i) In 'hm. I)i iest inontti Jan. witli Inches, llreatest full ii. 21 hmiih 2.10 Inches on July 17th Number of day with 0 ol inch or more !H. Number nf days jlear 111'.), p.irllj cloudy 70, cloudy Oil. Thunderstorm :t0, Hiiowtall 2u Inches. Frevailing wind direction n irth west 10.1 days. First killing frost in full Sept. JDtli. Last in spring May 1st. ClIAs S. Ll'DMiW WHAT TO DOTO PREVENT APPENDICITIS Bed Cloud people should know slmplo buckthorn bnrk, glycerine, etc. as mixed in Adler-i-ka, lluhe.s the KNTIHI'j bowel tract so completely that appendicitis Is prevented, ON'H SPOONFUL Adler-l ka relieves ANY CAbF sour stoinich, gas or constipa tion bocauso it removes ALL foul matter which clogged and poisoned your system. The INSTANT action sin prises both doctors and patients. (31ms. L Cottiug. Thm Hamilton - Cathtr Clothing Go. Everything va . Mam or Boy Waara ad Cloud Nmbratkm From Somewhere in France Two ladles gay met a boy one day, Ills legs were briar-scratched. Ills clothes were blue, oni a ifut-browti hue Maikol the ptii"e wli'!'i ins pmt wore pa'cli-1. 'I'hi'y bubble 1 lth j y at, the blue-olud by. With Ids spot of nut-bi'iuvn hoe: -"Why didn't pm patch with a color lo m i luh, " Thoy chuckled, "Why not bluo'.'" "i.'iimo don't bf coy, my bluo-browu hoy, ' , Speak out," nnd they laughed with glen. And he blushed roe-rod, while lie bashfully said: , "That ain't no patch; that's nie." Tlie Kaiser as I Knew Him For Fourteen Years ARTHUR N. DAVIS. D. D. S. Copyright, ISIS, by lb" McCluro Kc-vspa-lor Syiidleutc.) "How f' f-r Fnglunil to start conscription now," he W!:ir'il. "She thinks she run :'.ov:-.ipll.-li in u fc.v nunilhs wl ut It has tike. Oennmiy u hundred years to attain. Armies nnd olllccrs cannot be d1' .'loped over night. W( lmc never -M ' pr :"'ili';' since thi'dnm.r Frc' "i I; t''. 'iivnt !" "Yi v, t-i't H"1 "' rt. or:i siuics in ...r .t.ii 'ir-put i.i i ou sctiptiou two . . "fi r i . 'is-....-nlng of ihc war," 1 suggested. "But Just look how Ion.; your war lasted," the kaWcr replied quickly. This war won't lest tlu.t long. The allies will fed what the power of Ger many Is long before FnglUli com-crlp-tlon can nvcll llicsn itnythtnc!" "And whlli- l'nghind Is slowly 'mild lug up her ii'Mgiilflciint ai.iiy," tlie kolscr went on, "she will scf Aii.erlcc.V imvy mid ii'i-ri'hf.ut iiinrliu' v i.i-tuntly rowin:; ".rid the dollar ri'ph'cing t'.ii pound if- t!ie ' . . f th" v 'l's rr.nve. No. 1) " -. IT '-!- will soo.i s-Ie!: . ihc v ir ind will look with fonr upon America's growing power 1" The French army, too, wns generally belittled, and the Russians were be lieved to be absolutely negligible. Tho French army was so poorly equipped, It wns pointed out. that the olllccrs hud to go to the Held In patent-leather boots, un I ou the Russian front, only the first-line men hud guns, the others being urmud with clubs! Eventually, olhcers and soldiers re turning from tho western front on fur lough or passing through the countrj en route from one front to the other brought the report of the defeat before I'urls. Soldiers who participated In that disastrous retreat wrote from the new trenches to their friends nnd rel atives telling of the terrlhh- experi ences they h'lJ undergone, when they went for days with nothing to cat but raw potatoes nnd turnips which they picked from the Ileitis. When these reports finally spread through 'icrmimy the pe iple began to realize ihat their generals h. the west Were not meeting with the Mime succo.-v that Vn lliiiiMihurg had Lad in the otut nnd Von Illudcnlmr 1.ix.u..j the idol of the people linmeiilately, a fact that us very dist:..5tcld lo U;e 1-''U coi'imand. Tho ludsor's dislike of Von Iil..dcn burg was of long standing., lie had never forgiven that general for thenils tuko ho made during military maneuv ers in peace time when by a brilliant Stroke of strategy he had .succeeded In capturing the l;alcr's forces, Including the kals'T and hlsvwhole staff! I hae referred In it previous chapter to the kaiser's unbounded confidence after the Italian collapse iu 1017. "Now, we've got the allies!" ho ex claimed, with nn air of conclusiveness which omphusk'.od the optimism he displayed. , After the capture of Rotimanht, he exhibited u similar degree of exulta tion. He believed that In that achieve ment he hud successfully solved the food problem the one cloud which constantly darkened the kaiser's hori zon. "Now the nUles will never succeed In starving us," he said to me In my of fice shortly after the Boiununlan drive. "With RouTu.inla la ..i;r pockets mm Scrvla already ours, their wonderful agricultural possibilities will supply our food needs and foil our enemies' efforts to starve us. Indeed, they had better look out for themselves. Don't forget we have a monopoly on the potash mines of the world. Without proper fertilization, American crept will go on decreasing and decreasing and thoy won't jrot any potash until wc get ready lo let them have It!" The failure of the Zeppelins from a military standpoint was undoubtedly n great disappointment to thu German people at large, who hud counted sc much upon Ufofn to bring disaster to England, but It cannot bo said that the kaiser shared their chasrln. On the contrary, I havu reason to believe that ho never expected very much from that urm of his military forco except as It might bo useful to terrorize tho civil population. Tube continued. uwiuiif mm.m.ji Sherifi's Sale Notice thereby kInpii, Unit under ntul liy Mrtueof un order of sale, Issued from the olll if Kditli I,. MnKetclimi. t'lerk of tin- blah-lei Court of Itio lentil District, Hlililn anil fur sVelMtcr county, .eliriitiu. upon a decree In un action iieiullnw, ihi-ri-ln. vtlii'lulli. Wlltinni r. Anli! Is pliiluuir, mil tiitnliml MnliiO . Kooiii, ot ,, drlciiiltintx. I shall oiler for sale ut public volatile, aeconl ItiK to tin urnisof said (Irene, to the highest lildder for cnsli In hand, ut the south door of I lie court iio'Hi', at Itcd ('lead. In iald We li ster County. Nebraska. thut belim the build Ia wheriln theitist lerm of said court was holdctn on the toth duy of I'ubntary. A. H., l:ill) at i o'cloek. I'. M. of said day. the follow ln dcsiirlhcd properly, to-wlti TliewiMtone-liHlf (v l-'-'i of. section :ll. Town -'. ItUimell.l.otsOiie (I). Two ft), llueeCl. l'oiir (I). l-'li. (.1) ami Klht iSi, In Section (!. Town I. ttniiKe II. tho North V.n-l ipiurler (N. t;. i-D of Section (I. Town I. linage H. I t Six (lii.lnrteetlonl.Towii I, Itnnut-1'. till of Section .!u. Town 2. Uanue II. the Ninth West quarter (N. W. l-l) of Sietlon :!J. Town '. Halite 1. Lots Three C, Four (I), rise wi. and Six ui). la tllock l, In the ( Ity of Red (.loud, Nebraska. Lots i:teven. ll mid Twelve (Ii!) In lilock :w, In llml i loud. Lots No. 13 and II, and 7ai-lootbs oil' the .South side of hot IJ, all In Itlock y, In lied Cloud; also Lots ono(l) to Seven (7) Inclusive and IMtfhtim lis toTttuuty-loiir (21) Incluslveof llloek'ii, In tliuorlglnui town of Kid (loud, touetlur with tho former streets and alleys adjacent to wild property, uud which streets mill alleys hiiwlni'ii viicainl, more purlieu larly diserllied in the county clerk's and Couiuils,loiicr.s' records, and the decree ot the District Court of wild county of Wcbitcr, ncorded la .Mhcellnnious Itecoid I) In the CiiUlity ( lelk'.solllee. ut pane H.sii. ulso the re iiinlnluu portion of Die sK aero tract eon-M-yiil to llleliiirdMiii by the deed of Silas (lurberand wlfeliy ilndeed iieonkdui Deed llicord 11 of .said Websier Comity . at pngo 2"), eveeplKdch portions tli'-rcot ns the urantors have heretofore conveyed to Gcoixe l.lndsey and Adam Moihuit. by tlie dieds re corded In mid County of Welnter ut rt cords M at page 101. N at pam 11. and :i ut paue !': tho last named property beluu all thu property acquired nnd evidenced by Mild eoint decree and tho ill eds to said W, N. itlehurdsou reconUd In the records of suld county, I: A at page Ml, II at pime '?, and V at pane except lioweer. tho iaitw eon-M-ycd to l.lndsey ami Mnrliurt above npicl" tin'. iiixen iiudir my hand this :ird day of Jan. "-, . .., !'.it:. ; .: ". (.'.::; -iicriir. I'i in-ir.l Me.Seny. I'J-n MNAtl'. '.'-Iu Articles of Incorporation CONSTITUTION We. the undcrML'iiul. members of tin 1'nnucrs IMiieatloual ,v i o-opctuMvc 1'nlon j ol Neliravk.i, do heieby :isocIatp ourselves toi-ethcr for the utrposi"of orcanl.liii: a co operative :i'Miciall(iii undir thu lawn of the Stateof .Nebraska, and lor that purto.sedo ii'lopl the follow Int; cou-tilutlnii: AllTII'l.i: I .VAMK I'armei 1'nlon Co-opei iitlvt Association ol Itcd Cloud, Nebraska. ai'.iicm: ii i'i.aci: or iiusinks-. The main ollice nnd principal place ol business shall bu nt Itcd Cloud, Nebraska. AltTICI.i: III N.xTiTitt: tNiioiiiKcr or iiummn To buy, sell. More, ship and bundle uruln, uralu rodiictH aud other foodstull's (or man nail beast, lumber, roal. euiuenl. lime, Im plementsaad maehlnery, and other kinds of furmern iitccssltlcs; buy and ship livestock, and buy, lease uud operate iiiIIIh. tlc:iloi, warelumses, stores and other bul.dluui. to Kether with the neecHsary real estate for the iiianufuctureof all these necessities, either M'puratly or wnublned, toether with all the pouernow or hereafter autborlid by law. Aliril'I.K IV TIUtM or IIMSIKMK Theioisoi-iatlou Khult eoiitluue for a period of f0 years from date of Incorporation unless sooner dissolved uccordlni; to law. AIII'II'I.K v'i i'Ai.siocK and iNiii:nn:iNK The aiiiount of capital slock shall be Twenty Thousand Dollars, divided Into 2,000 shares at the parxalucot tin Dollar.siach, of which amount four Thousand Dollnrs shall be fully paid up before com uieuclm; Imslui Ss and before any debts are contracted, and deblsof the association shall nesir ixm-d luo-thlrdsof tlio p.ild up capital stock. Alirieu: VI M!'.MIIi:ilslli' (inly iiieuiberHol the 1'ariuers l.'ducatfona' A Cu-oper:itlo I'lilon ol Amiriea may be come members of this Association. AllTII'l.i: VII JlANAOUMHSr For the iniiiiauouieiit of this Association n Hoard of Directors of llvo memtwrH i! tie I'loctcil ns billows: The pn side nt shall bo elected out of the ISo.ird of Directors nnd he slinll ulso be a ill rei tor nnd priHldiiiit of ibo Hoard of Direc tors; bu shall hold olllcu until his Niiceessor Is ill duel and iuntltlcd. Kfwh of the dlrietois In be elected for one year, or until next un. mini mccilui;. Alllll'l.r. VIII 'ANXI'Xl. Vllir.l IN(I Tiiosloekholders' annual uieetlim shall be hi Id lielweeu the loth and !U)tli of .Inuutuy of laeli year, and called by tho Hoard of Dlpc" tors. I'ntil such annual mectlui; tho lollow. Iik; persons and Htoekholders shall serve ns directors and otllccts. AIIIICI.KIX AVIKMIMKSI I This couslltutlou may bo amended at un annual meeting by a two-lhlrds vote of nil tlie stockholder prcnent and ppon ten days notice to that ellect. AMI'.NItMliM' II The by-hnvs may bu amended by a two thirds sole of the Htoekholders pie.seiil ut such meeting ns In mentioned In section one In Witness Whereof, 'lhe undersigned have hereunto set their hnnds the 1st day of Ddob.r. lit t H. cluls. II. htarUe, ICdward Wilson, .1. Ii. Wlsecarver, M. II. IliuiKlcker, .1. A. McAr tluir, II. I'. Heed, Harris Moede, Clyde Ar buckle. K.S. Kit. Fred I.CKKett, Dan'l liar her, Harvey Merrill, It. A. McCnllinn, Oliver McNutt. M. Illoiner, K. K. Kim;, .1. K. Iluek les, Karl Mel'nrtuey, John II. Kalnden, Win, ll.Thoiuns, II. (), Hanson, Hurry Koth, 1C, It. Metenlt, .S.C. Hhuek. Klmer I limes. .Stntoof Nobrnskn, lounty of Webster, ) ss mi thu 1st itny of October, UI8, before me, Iternnrd MeNcny, Notary Public, pursonally upprnrcd thonliovo nunied, who personally iiiu known to bo the Identical persons whose nanus are utllxed to tho ubovo articles of In corporation, ns parties hereto, and thoy severally acknowledge tho Instrument to be their voluntary act und deed. WltnesK my hand ns aloresald, inntNAitD .icm:.ny, (Notarial Seal) Notary Public. Commission explies April 2st, l)i. Oociv.1. OiciiMoiiully n ti.. i - t;i mini Ilsliliig. Ciilciiuo Dull? -V.'ws. Koea Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of Webster County, Nebniskn In the mutter ol the estate ol Anna Kulrlnu lliirs?. decensed. CreiUmrs of wild estate will tnke Jiotlco that the lime limited for prcenlatloii and llllnu'of claims anliis-t trnld estate Is April I'lli. I'Jlli. nail for tho payment of debts In May nth, ism), mat I will wit at tho enmity court room In said county on the ISlh day of .lauu.iry. l!ii(i, to examine, hear and allow all claims duly Ilk d which are it or Mi-eond lien upon xald estate, and on the 18th day of April, lam, lo examine, hear, allow nnd adjust all claims and objection of general creditors duly Hied. Dated this lTlhday of De-ember, A. I)., l.US Scab A. D. It.xNNKV, "d-3 County .Indue. II. ii. Caldwell attorney for estate R. . McBride REAL ESTATE LOANS INSURANCE Office Over Trine' Hardware 'P nt tho Scimltz & Scliaal tor First class portraiture enlarging, copying, -"w ii' ok it, UfciitUclil finishing, etc. VIIR r.TAr." APPRH'5ATI!D Dr.W.H. McBride fjticep'Niir to Dr. Cross , OVKIt STA'L'R UA.S'K RED CLOUD, 'At NEBRASKA E. S. GLrfoer Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures When, the Firemen ,kppe.r the insured man's fust thought is one of thankfulness that he is to. I low obou your thoughts if a fiitemnn should ap pear at youi home? The Da.y Before the Fire is the day to insure. As that day may be to-morrow (or all you can know or do, it fellows that prudence would im pell you to stop in our office to-day and Lave us issue you a policy, O. C. TEEL jTsLeliaLbie Insurance Have No Silly Bc,!f in Luc.'c. All successful nit'ii li'iv.i uixrccd In ono tlilnK tliey wco niiisutlonlsls They believed that thlnrrt went not by luck, but by law. UcIIof In com pensntlon or, that nothing Is got for nothing characterizes nil valuable minds. Emerson. Look for Beauty. Sometimes wo nro surprised when nn artist maltcs n picture of n sceno familiar to us, nnd wo discover that Instead of being commonplace uud tin IntcrcbthiR, It Is full of beauty. All of us need to bo artists enoiiRli to dis cover that tho common, everyday things nro ns llhely to be full of beau ty as Upeso thnt are distant and un-' familiar. - 4S3 1?! W " ,(4j j&tl tfVWWA', iWJWJUWJW