The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 09, 1919, Image 7

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Hare you ever stopped to rcaon why
It in that so many products that aro ex
tensely advertised, all at once drop out
t eight and aro soon forgotten The
reison isplain-tlie article did not fulfil
tne promises of the manufacturer. Thii
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal picparation that has real
euratie value almost sells itself, as like
n endless chain system tho remedy is
recommended by those who have been
benefited, to thou who ore in need of it.
A prominent druggist says, "Take for
txamplo Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, a
prestation I havo sold for many years
ana never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows excellent re
jults, as many of my customers testify.
.0 other kidney remedy that I know ol
has so large a sale."
According to sworn statements and
freiificd testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, tho euceee3 of Dr.
Kilmers Swamp-Root ii duo to the fact
that bo many people claim, it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
Jivcr and bladder ailments, corrects ur
inary troubles and neutralizes tho uric
acid which causes rhoumatim.
You may recoivo a samplo bottle of
Bwamp-Hoot by Parcel Tost. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghamton, N. Y., and
enclose ten cents; also mention this paper.
Large and medium size bottles for solo
t all drug stores. Adv.
Mnny n rnnn who inquires nfter your
health doesn't enro n nip whether It Is
Bool, bud or Indifferent.
Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin.
On rising and retiring gently smear
the faco with Cuticura Ointment.
Waih off Ointment In live minutes
with Cuticura Sonp and hot water. It
ts vondcrful sometimes what Cuticurn
will do for poor complexions, dandruff,
Itching nnd red rough hands. Adv.
You enn afford to believe that tho
office seeks the man If don't want tho
Tho uso of soft coal will mako laun
dry work heavier this winter. Red
Cross Ball Blue- will help to rcmovo
that grimy look. At all grocers, Cc.
A Jolly man always finds himself In
good company.
Thoso of ns who aro past middle age
are prone to eat too much meat and in
consequence- doposit lime-salts in tho
arteries, veins and joints. Wo often
Buffer from twinges of rheumatism or
lumbago, sometimes from gout, swollen
bands or feet. There is no longer tbo
slightest need of this, however, as tho
now prescription, wAnurio," is bound
to givo immediato results as it is many
times moro potent than lithia, in ridding
the impoverished blood of its poisons
by way of tho kidneys. It can bo ob
tained at almost any drug store, by
simply asking for "Anurio" for kidneys
or backache. It will ovcrcomo such
conditions as rheumatism, dropsical
swellings, cold extremities, scalding and
burning urino and sleeplessness duo to
constant arising from bed at night.
Send to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel,
Buffalo, N. Y., for a 10c. trial package
Uadeha. Cal. I recommend Doctor Pierce's
Annrio very highly. I bavo suffered for tho last
threo years with catarrh of the bladder, having
tried every remedy I heard of but without relief.
I uwAcurlc advertised In the paper, and like
drowning man crrabblntr at a straw I thought I
would try It also, which I did with great success,
as It relieved me almost Immediately, beforo I had
token all of tho trial pncLagc, anil having great
lonfidence In tho remedy I Immediately nent to
the drug store and bought a full-olzo package.
I con say to all suffering from any disease of
the kidneys or uric acid troubles, try this remedy
and suffer no longer. I havo great faith In Dr.
'Pierce's runalW-H. I'. Ucnsluy.
LYKO Is sold In ordinal pack-
Mts only, Ilk picture above.
Rotuseall substltutas.
Thoso who aro weak nnd
reduced from an attack
of Influenza or Pneumonia
will experience -wonderful
recuperative effects from
tho use of
Tiie Great General Tonic
Booms from f 1.00 up single, 75 cents up double.
ft Bjine-rlng and harmful, ltellevo "tliroal
Irritation, tickling and ett rid of coughs,
00KI3 and hoarseness at once by taMnz
TOfcjf Backache?
(Tly nV.V V II riT.WATKH. D. D.,
Tom her or UriKllsli Hllile In the Moody
Wblo Institute of CliU'iigo )
(Copyright, 1318, Western Newspaper
1318. Western
Union )
RAEL. WESSON TnXT-Kxodtm 3:1-13.
UOI.DKN' TUXT-Atul Mu'os vcilly win
faithful In nil his house. Hebrew 3.5.
13-4.17; Acts 7 17-3.
Wllllt tilt OJipH'svlon of God' pi'oplc
wns lieiiillnt; up, In the priiiliiiet' of
Cod n ih'llvert'i was helm; pre'iurcd
to take up tho tusk nt tin opportune
hour. Moves was llrst trained at his
mother's knee, then In I'hnraoh's
court and dually under (Jod's liinnodl
nto hand In tho desert. Tin hitter was
an Imllrmi'tisuhle part of Ills training.
Ills learning In the wisdom of tin
l'.vptlans was helpful, but without
tin Imnicdliite tulorslilp of Clod lit
would havo been a fiillure. All who
arc used of God must .spend some tlini!
In the retlioiuent of his pie.seneo. Two
notnhle examples aro Paul In Arabia
and John on rattans.
I. The Lord Speaks to Moses in the
Burning Bush (vv. 1-0).
It was while keeping the Hock of his
father-in-law in tho desert that tho
Lord appeared to Mos-es. Had he re
mained In Pharaoh's palace lie never
could have had the vision of the burn
ing bush. This bush enveloped In
Humes, yet unconsumed, symbolized
the people of God ensw tithed In the
very flro of God, or God dwelling In
the midst of an elect people. Moses
Eteps aside to behold this straiiKu
Bight, but must be taught tin essential
lesson of the proper approach to God.
We now can approach God with bold
ness through Jesus Christ ( Hebrews
10:10). Our God is a consuming lire.
No evil can be permitted in his pres
ence (Joshua 7; Acts 0). The Lord
did not leave him long In suspense. Ho
told him he was the God of his fa
thers, the covenant God. As soon ns
he knew It wns God who was speaking
to him he hid his face. The sight of
God always causes sinful men to hide
(Isaiah U :.').
II. Moses Commissioned as the De
liverer of His People (3:7-10).
In the preamble of this commission
God said to Moses: "I have seen the
allllctlon of my people." This Is al
ways true (Psalms 2'J:J4; HIM, 0; Isn
lab C.':0). "I have heard their cry."
Not n cry ever goes up from a child of
God unheard by him. "I have como
down to deliver them out of the hand
of the Egyptians." This shows that
God Is actively interested in the cause
of his people. He graciously obligates
himself: (1) To deliver them out of
the hands of the Egyptians. Egypt
may be considered a type of the world ;
tho oppression, a type of win's bond
age; and Pharaoh, a type of the devli.
God delivers his own from the hands
of the devil (Colossluns 1:VA). ('J)
To bring them up out of the land. God
does not deliver nnd leave his own In
the enemy's land, hut brings them out
into n land "flowing with milk and
honey." (3) To bring them Into n
"good land and large." There Is no
loss In obeying God. When he brings
us out of the enemy's laud he brings
us Into a better laud.
III. Moses' Objections Patiently
Heard and Removed C?:ll; 4:10).
1. Personal Unwortlilness (v. 11). He
realized his Insufficiency for this task.
His forty .ears in the school of God
have wrought a great change In him.
His hesitancy is a good sign. Men
who are really qualified to do a great
work are not lorwnrd lo begin It; e. g
Jeremiah, Martin Luther, George
Washington. Moses did not refuse to
go, but pled his dlfilculty before the
Lord. God answeied this dlfilculty by
assuring him that ho would bo with
film. When God Ik with a man the
Impossible becomes the possible.
L'. The Dlllieulty of the People to
Understand Moses' Relationship to
God (Jl:lil, 1-1). Moses knew how un
willing they were lo acknowledge him
ns their deliverer forty years beforo
Since God changes his name as he ns
mimes a now relationship to bis people,
Moses Inquired as to what that new re
lationship would be, and his corre
sponding name. Tho Lord promptly
met this dlfilculty by showing him n
name differing In many respects from
all others previously given. This new
nnmo ts "I Am." This name Is from
tho Hebrew verb "to bo." It Indicates
(1) God's self-existence; (2) his self
sufficiency; (11) his imclinngenbleness.
8. Unbelief on tho Part of tho Peo
ple (4:1). This dlfilculty tho Lord met
by supplying him with credentials
which could not be gainsaid. Ho was
given the power to perform superna
tural wonders (4:2).
4. Lack or Eloquence (4:10). This
dlfilculty the Lord met by providing
on assistant In his brother Aaron.
Our Sadness.
Wo nsk God to forglvo us for our
evil thoughts and evil temper, but
rarely, If ever, nsk him to forglvo us
for our sadness. Joy Is regarded ns n
hnppy accident of tho Christinn life,
on ornament anil a luxury rather than
a duty. It. W. Dale.
The Human Heart
Tho human heart Is so constituted
that It Is only filled by tho richness
which Hows from It not by tho rich
ness which Hows Into It. Agnes Edwards.
One Result of War Has Been Saner
Idea of What Constitutes
Real Bravery.
An English observer calls ntfcntlon
to the fact that our world war has
deployed tin fear of being afraid.
Heretofore, een to most distant an
tiquity, the oik quality Insisted on In
the soldier was that he should bo
fearless and the more callously so tbo
better. Tin faintest tremor of timid
Ity was a black mark against tho mot
respondent knight as well as the low
liest bowman or halbaidter, and tlui
schooling for war was an utter dell
a nee of the personal risk.
This theory hold, as man." will re
member, even tlli the period of tho
Iloer war. when the British suffered
so severely in olileers because it was
held cowardly for a commander to
seek cover. Men, then lis now, felt
fear, for that N one of Mesh's nttrl
butes and, Indeed, Is one of the most
valuable of human possessions, since
fear Is our protection from dangers
and harms Innumerable. We fear wild
beasts to avoid them, snakes and
spldeis to lticreae our attention,
storms and tempests that we may pre
pare means of escape from them.
So It was only In battle that chiv
alry Insisted that man should be with
out fear, or pretend to he.
With the coming of new warfare,
howcer, all lands at once came to a
more sauo understanding and tho old
physical bravery has given place to
moral resolution. The man who now
enters the hell of shell lire, of Inn led
flames and deadly gases, no longer
attempts to fool himself Into the be
lief that he Is not afraid. He knows
full well and only a stupid nature
could avoid the knowledge that the
human Is at the mercy of forces n
million times be.ond his own ability
to counter. The old knight might
renlly believe lie was able to unhorse
nil the enemies that rode against him
nnd therefore might conceivably be
without fear, hut how can a 6oldler
feel that way when facing modern
weapons of destruction?
Therefore. It Is no longer n dis
grace to feel fear or to admit It; the
only disgrace is to nllow fear to pre
vent one doing his duty. How much
finer fiber Is needed for this new tie
fin uce I
Need for More Consuls.
The chairman of the shipping board
hns called the attention of congress
nnd the people to tho need of enlarg
ing our consular service abroad, In
view of the fact that our great mer
chant mnrlno will be released for uso
In foreign trndc.
Mr. Hurley tells us, observes the In
dependent (New York), that the Uni
ted States will have 2r,000,(XK) tons or
merchant shipping by the end of 1020,
nnd that ns fast ns these ships can be
freed from mllltnry work they will en
ter commerce. The present consulates
would be entirely Inadequate to handle
this enlarged business. There are not
enough of them, their stuffs are too
small nnd they are handicapped by In
experience with duties that will be de
manded and by antiquated regulations.
Even now the burden of work, espe
cially In the wny of Inquiries to be an
swered, Is overtaxing the undermanned
nnd underpaid force. Mr. Hurley
therefore plends that Immediate steps
bo taken to remedy the situation.
"We need more consuls and Inrgcr
consular staffs," he tells us. "If we do
not provide them today and prepnro
for the great growth In our merchant
marine and trade afler the war, I fear
that wo shall suffer n serious break
down." You've Heard 'Em.
"Look heie," said the city editor to
the cub reporter, "you should wrlto
everything as briefly as possible. In
stead of saying 'the middle-aged bald
headed performer In the hired aggre
gation of followers of Orpheus who
nightly provide the harmony at one of
our leading temples of mirth, seized
his trombone firmly In his bands,
placed his feverish lips to the mouth
piece and sounded thereon an unearth
ly tone like the wnlllng of n lost soul
on the main street of Inferno' now
shorten that up."
So the reporter merely wrote: "The
slip horn player In the orchestra blew
n lielvu note."
A Cattle Queen.
A cattle-shipping season to the East
ern stockyards Is in full blast, nnd
Mnry Vail, Los Angeles heiress, snld
to be the richest mnlden In California,
Is In these large sales and shipments,
figuring as a notn'ble cattle queen. Miss
Vail Is tho daughter of tho Into Wal
ter Vail, who had over 800,000 head of
Moors and sheep on his famous
ranches. Under the direction of Miss
Vail nnd her mother the cnttlo do
main left by the father and husband
greatly Increased In vnlue. The nient
barons nro paying them $1,000,000 for
steers and sheep this full. San Fran
cisco Hullctln.
Back In the Game.
"Another sign that the war Is over."
"An old-fnshloncd stock promoter,
wearing dlnmonds nnd flashy clothes,
was in here the other day,"
"Well I Well I"
"Thoso chaps are crawling out ot
their dugouts again I" Illnnlnghnm
A Realization,
"How's prohibition workln' In Crim
son Gulch?"
"All right," replied Three Finger
Sam. "Tho boys uro beglnnln to real
ize that a man's conversation In Jes'
br Interestln when he's sober nn' a
heap more rollublc."
Demand Makes Opportunity for
Returning Soldiers.
Thousands Will See Glorious Possi
bilities In Settlement of Avail
able Farm Land In This Coun
try and In Canada.
Tho war Is over, peace will soon bo
signed, the lighting nations have
fihoathed their swords, and the day of
reconstruction has co'jic.
What of It?
Hundreds of thousands of men,
taken from tho fields of husbandry,
from the ranks of labor, from the four
walls of the counting house, and the
confines of the workshop, taken from
them to do their part, their large part,
In the prevention of tho spoliation of
the world, and In flu meantime re
moved from the gear of common every
tiny life, will be returning, only to find
In many cases old positions llllod, tho
machinery with which they were for
merly attached dislocated.
Aro they to becomo aimless wander
ers, with the ultimate possibility of
augmenting nn nrmy of menacing
loafers? If they do It Is because their
ability to assist In lnylng new founda
tions In building up much-required
structures, Is underestimated. Men
who fought ns they fought, who risked
nnd faced dangers ns they did, nro not
of the caliber likely to flinch when It
comes to tho restoration of what the
enemy partially destroyed, when It
comes to the reconstruction of the
world, the Idenls of which they had In
view when they took pnrt In the great
strugglo whoso dlvlno purposo was to
I ring about this reconstruction.
Inured to toll, thoughtless of fatigue,
trained In Initiative and hardened by
their outdoor existence, they will re
turn better nnd stronger men, boys will
hnvo nintured und young men will hnve
They will decldo for themselves
Uses of action nnd thought, and what
their futuro should and will be. On
th field of bnttlo they developed
alertness and wisdom, nnd they will
return with both shedding from every
Action wns their wntchword, nnd It
will stnnd them In good stead now that
tho din of the battlo no longer rings
In their enrs, or tho zero hour signals
them to tho fray, and It will contlnuo
their entire existence.
But If they return to find their old
avocations gone, their places filled,
tho Institutions with which they were
connected no longer existing, new
walks of life and employment must ho
opened to them. It may be that tho
counting house, tho factory, tho
workshop will havo lost their attrac
tion. Tho returned soldier will look
elsewhere for employment; within his
reach thero Is nlwnys tho "Forward-to-thc-Lnnd"
necessity. In this lies
tho remedy that will not only take care
of n multltudo of thoso who may not
bo nblo to return to their former occu
pations, whoso desires are not to do so,
whoso health prohibits them from In
door llfo or whoso outdoor hnblts from
tho past one, two, threo or four years
have given them such n tnsto nnd 'de
sire for it thnt confinement would ho
unbearable. Farm llfo will thus ap
peal to them, nnd tho Indications nro
that It will be tnken advantngc of by
thousands. It means much to them ns
well ns to the continent of America
thnt provides tho opportunity to tho
world nt large, nnd to the strkiccn and
famished nations of Europe, who, not
only toduy, but for years to come, will
rcqulro tho sustenance that can only
largely bo supplied by tho United
Stntes nnd Canada. Hy following tho
pursuit of agriculture tho returned sol
dier will contlnuo tho cause lie so
greatly advanced when fighting on the
field of battle. Both countries havo
undeveloped areas yet open to settle
ment. There Is llttlo need hero to direct
jf 1 1 E,PL 1 1UJM. !
To do your duty
times your health
consideration. These two women
tell how they found health.
Ilellam, Ta. "I took Lydla E. Plnkham's Vojf.
stable Compound for fomalo troubles and a dis
placement I felt all run do wn and was very weak.
I had been treated by a physician without results,
go decided to give Lydla E. Plnkham's Vcgetablo Compound
a trial, and felt bettor right away. I am keepiog houso
since last April and doing all my housework, whero before
I was unablo to do any work. Lydla E. Plnkham's Vcge
tablo Compound is cortalnly tho best medlcino a woman can
take when in this condition. I givo you permission to publish
this letter." Mrs. E. R. CmrarxiNa, It. No. 1, Ilollam, Pa.
Lowell, Mich. "I suffered from cramps and dragging
down pains, was irregular and had fomalo weakness and
displacement. I began to take Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege
table Compound which gave mo rollcf at onco and restored
my health. I should like to recommend Lydia E. Plnkham's
remedies to all suffering women who aro troubled in a simi
lar way." Mrs.EusEllEiM,R.No.O, Box83,Lowoll,Mlch.
rvniA it 3TKriruAiMfs
hm. MM.n. 1. jt xiYiirvi m
attention to tho wealth that hns como
to the farmers of Canada within the
past few years. It Is not only In grain
growing that unqualified and almost
unequaled success hns followed honest
effort, but the raising of horses, cattle,
sheep and hogs has been a largo source
of profit. These aro facts that nro
well known to tho many friends and
acquaintances of the thousands of
farmers from tho United States who
havo acquired wealth on tho prairies
of Western Canada. Farms of from
out bundled and sixty to six hundred
and forty acres of the richest soil may
bo secured on reasonable terms, nnd
with an excellent clVmnti, with a
school system equal to any In the
world, nnd desirable social conditions,
little else could bo asked.
Canadian statesmen ure today busily
engaged planning for the futuro of the
returned soldier with a view to making
htm Independent of Mute, help nfter the
Immediato necessary assistance has
been granted, (he main Idea being to
show In the fullest degree the coun
try's nppretiutlon of tho services he
has rendered.
Hut now that flu war Is ended, nnd
the fact apparent that of all avoca
tions the most profitable und Independ
ent Is that of the farmer, there will be
a strong desire to secure farm lands
for cultivation. Camilla offers the op
portunity to those seeking, not as spec
ulation but as production. The deep
est Interest Is taken by Federal and
Provincial authorities to further the
welfare of tho farmer nnd secure a
maximum return for his efforts. Large
sums of money nro spent In educa
tional and experimental work. En
gaged on experimental and demon
stration farms, and In tho agricultural
colleges, aro men of the highest tech
nlcnl knowledge nnd practical expe
rience, some being professors of In
ternntlonnl reputation. Tho results
of experiments and tests nro free nnd
uvnllable to all. Educational oppor
tunities for farmers aro the concern
of tho government nud appreciation
Is shown by tho number of farmers
who attend tho freo courses.
Agrlculturo In Canada has reached
a high standard, notwithstanding
which lands nro low In price.
Thus upon tho United States nnd
Canada for many years will rest tho
great burden of feeding tho world.
With free Interchange of trnvcl, dllll-
cultles of crossing and rccrosslng re
moved, Canada may look for a speedy
resumption of tho large Influx of set
tlers from tho United Stntes which
prcvnlled previous to tho war. Dur
ing the wnr period there was n dread
of something, no ono seemed to know
whnt. If tho American went to Cnn
ada ho might bo conscripted, put In
prison, or In his attempt to cross
tho border ho would meet with Innu
merable dllllcultlcs, most of which,
of course, wns untrue. These un
truths were clrculntcd for a purposo
by nn element, which, It wns discov
ered, had nn Interest In fomenting
nnd creating trouble nnd distrust be
For centuries GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil has been a standard household remedy
for kidney, liver, bladder and Etomacn
trouble, and all diseases connected with
tbo urinary organs. Tho kidneys and blad
der aro tbo most important organs of tho
body. They aro tho filters, tho purifiers of
your blood. If tho poisons which enter
your system through tho blood and stom
ach aro not entirely thrown out by tho
kidneys and bladder, you aro doomed.
Wcarines3, sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, stomach troublo,
headache, pain in loins and lower abdo
men, gall stones, gravel, difficulty when
urinating, cloudy and bloody urine, rheu
matism, sciatica and lumbago, all warn you
to look after, your kidneys and bladder.
All these indicato some weakness of the
kidnovs or other organs or that tho enemy
microbes which aro always present in your
Rvntnm lmvo nltnelced vmir weak roots.
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are
what you nccu.
They are not a "patent medicine," nor
a "new discovery." i'0"" -" yearn vncy
during these trying
should be your first
Not Try
tween two peoples whoso language
nnd alms In life should be utiythln
but of nn unfriendly character. Th
draft Inw of the United States, adopt
ed for tho carrying out of tiie high
purposes had In view by the United
States, kept many from going to Cad
ada during the period of the war. The
citizen army of Hit United State
was quickly mobilized, and contained
11 large percentage of tho young mea
from tho farms. In this way mitu
were presented from going to Ca
That Is all over now. Thero ar
no real or Imaginary restriction)
there Is no draft law to- I titer fern.
On the contrary, there ts nn tun
fathomable depth of good feeling, nn4
the long-existing friendship Is ntrona
or than ever. Tills has been brought
about by the knowledge of what ha
been done In the recent great strap
gle, each yliig with the other la
giving credit for what was accom
plished. In thought and feeling, la
language, In alms In llfo, In work, la
desire lo build up 11 new world, thcra
has been bred 11 kinship which Is na
Indissoluble as time Itself. Advcr
His Place.
"What a stern face the captain ban."
"Well, you wouldn't have It In tb
how, would you?"
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTOHIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, und see that It
Ttnnra tlin
Signature otQzLfflgtfZfiu'
In Uso for Over W0 Years.
Children Cry for Flctchcr'a Caatoria
Don't think for 11 moment that any,
man Is Interested In your trouble
unless ho Is n lawyer.
Influenza and kindred
diseases start with acold.
Don't trifle with
At the first shiver
sneeze, take
Standard cold remedy for 30 Tsra tn tabUt,
form safe, sure, no opiates breaks up a coat
In 24 hours relieves grip In 3 days. Mooay
back (fit fills. ThegenulnebozhasaRedtof)
with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug atorea. ,
Itching Rashes
With Cuticura
AUdraisliUiRospai.nintmrntZiarO, Talons .
Hamrlofsrh frwof ''Ostsnts, pt a, ms ."
havo been a standard household remedy
They aro tho pure, original imported Ilaafa
lem Oil your great-grandmother used, asvt
aro perfectly harmless. The healing, soots)
ing oil soaks into tho cells and lining f
tho kidneys and through the bladder, arh
iog out tho poisonous germs. New lift
fresh strength and health will come as yo
contlnuo tho treatment. When completes.
ly restored to your usual vigor, contina
taking a capsulo or two each day; they vHat
keep you in condition and prevent a nd
turn of tho disease. v
Do not delay a minute. Delays arc s
pccially dangerous in kidney and bladdafl
troublo. All druggists sell GOLD MEDAB
Haarlem Oil Capsules. They will refonJ
tho money if not as represented. GOLD
MEDAL Ilnarlem Oil Capsule ara Isaa
ported direct from tho laboratories in Hop
land. They are prepared in correct qui
tity and convenient form, aro easy to tsJat
and aro positively guaranteed to ata
prompt relief. In three sizes, scaled paca
njefl. Ask for tho original importafl
GOLD MEDAL. Accept no Bubstltuteov
Adv. 1
' S
'Jl .