The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 09, 1919, Image 4

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The All-Ways Preferable
andDSatisfactory Range
A Range to be always preferable and satisfactory
must be madefy skilled workman and of the right
kind of materials through and through. The range
we have selected for our customers lis that kind of
a range
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
ntered In the I'ostofllcc nt Hcd Cloud, Nth
as Second 01ib Matter
F. L. BROWNE. Editc .nj Mtnue
when unknown emergencies
were possible. Happily those
times have become a part of
past history and there is not
likely to be further need for
'such an organization and yet,
their disbandment is regretted.
TL South Bond
1 lie Mallcnbl
? Range
18 WW
La .ftwsa
One by one the returning
soldiers arrive home. So quiet
ly do they come, there is no op
portunity for public welcome.
But it goes without saying, that
the returning soldiers arc as
warmly welcomed by every
American citizen as by their
own kin. The kakhi suit is a
badge of honor that appeals to
every heart.
In the death o Col. Theodore
Roosevelt the world has lost an
active, energetic, tireless, fear
less man. Whether he was
right or whether he was wrong
arc questions now filed in the
cabinet of the past to be used
for reference only. Friend and
enemy alike, and he had many
of both, will linger to cast a
flower of regret upon the bier
of a man whose faith in himself
carried him high above the or
dinary walks of lite,
The Hohenzollerns do not
figure in the daily news col
umns as was the case before
last November. They bob up
lately in a palatable little item
to the effect that Germany has
cut them oiT the pay roll. This
will put a droop in those brist
ling arrogant ex-kaiser mon-staches.
all here needing only to get to
gether to present solid rank two
years hence.
The writer, from early boy
hood, has been noted for quick
observance of the humorous
side of life's incidents. Na
turally this trait is more or less
evident in his writing. The
same charactistic will be re
membered of Lincoln who was
an invertcratc joker and yet
could truthfully say "With
malice toward none." It is said
that this happy disposition did
much toward carrying him
through the strenuous years ini
mediately preceding
his tragic
lilvni-v nnw nn1 n.fniti Wo fir,,! (lCatll. 10 CrCatC a SmilC IS tO
.V..J ..WW I...U U(Ulll v, IU1U 111 .
someone copying our little
thinklets without credit. Does
; it worry us? Not on your life.
It any of our ideas appeal to
you as good enough to reprint,
go ahead and take them, broth
er editor. If there is good in
them, it is good that they be
spread abroad, no matter who
gets the credit. Printed para
graphs are public property after
passing the postoffice,
life believe a range to be the most important part of a home
" equipment, and that is why we were so critical in the se
lection of a range for our customers. With all sincerity we be
lieve the South Bend Malleable the best range on the mark
et today. Thousands upon thousands of satisfied users of the
Range believe as we do, and their number is increasing daily.
We feel sure if you come and sec the range at our store you
will add one more to the happy South Bend Malleable
Range family. Drop in the next time you are down town.
You do not have to buy, but we would like you to sec the Range.
GEO.TRINE, Red Cloud, Neb.
Chief ads Pay You
I 5t
Referring again to the date
of the armistice the eleventh
hour of the eleventh day of the
eleventh month a student
sought the eleventh verse of
the eleventh chapter of the
eleventh book of the Bible.
finding the following significant 'months ago
and prophetic verse: "Where
fore the Lord said unto Solo
mon, Forasmuch as this is done
of thee, and thou hast not kept
my covenant and my statutes,
which I have commanded thee,
I will surely rend the kingdom
from thee and will give it
thy servant." 1
There is a person in Washing
ton known as Wellivcr, corres
pondent for a Paris journal
titled the Echo, who is cabling
lengthy messages to the effect
that republican senators are
unanimously opposed to Wil
son's peace plans; that a large
group of democrats incline to
the same attitude; that many
people take similar stand. Sure
ly, the war is over A few
the said party of
add to the world's happiness
And when we have added to
the world's happiness we have
done something that will go on
the right side of the great
ledger wherein the debit and
credit accounts of life are re
corded. "Laugh, and the world
laughs with you; Weep, and
you weep alone."
Saying It Right
at an early liour Mondny, Jim. Gtli.
Death came while he was slei'pltiR and
alone. Ho liml hern under medical
e.ire for some tlmo but was not sup
posed to be M'liously ill.
Grand Patriarch A. 1'. Hansen of
Omaha, Will Institute the Camp Decree
I. O O V, at McCook, Friday, Jan.
(tco. Knehler, a prominent pioneer
business citizen of Dine Hill, died at
his home in that city last week Sunday.
lv II. Thompson nt Oiitdc Rock,
tiiiiiim; Minth via auto, writes from
Houston,, "Found nothing but
mud from Coneoidla, Ktm., to this
plaet. Hones lu bloom here."
Besides deciding whether any other
language than Bnglish hlmll be taught
in public and private suhools the now
legislature will have to pass on a bill
already humeri, so we are informed,
that has as itn purpose the abolishment
of the Nebraska Railway Commission
Lawrence Loi'oinol ive.
The Scully land tenants are revolt
ing agnlnst aiaisein iont. They will
wln,!.ajfc the Nebraska Farmer, if tin:
rest of us lot tliciu alono.
the first part would, by such
'utterance, have made himself
a candidate for internment. As
much is at stake now than was
1 then, and the fact of having af
forded a basis for Welliver's re
ports should be a source of
to ' shame to Lodge, Root, Sherman.
et al.
Dr. W. J. McCrauu of Omaha, writes'
Another subscriber took US to t0 o Heath vigorously
task because we failed to pub- ""? est,"B Tin,5tntho ," e ??"
lishall the news. Some boy ft"Ul,c1for "" DLa ,lpo1,1 ,,,:UT'
got in bad company and made a' dTn r,,,m ,,.,,s ij-i"
fool of himself: some innocent 1tl,i"kb1tl'0 i'"rat,ue an inciiicient
young girl likewise got into bad,mot,lod of co'blli 1IscEe'
Company and before She dis- Hie Alma Produce Company is hand I
Covered What kind Of people ing an average of 10,000 rabbits pet
She Was with and COllld get' week, which are shlrpad to the cast
away, some one saw her and
her good name was splattered I
with mud: a married woman
was seen talking to a strange
man after dark: dear me, there
were just an Kinus ot tilings
em cities by the car load.
All exchanges are tunning nnuc-us
' to the eircot tlmt a paid up subscrip
tion is one of the few nice things that
como to an editor. The Chief approves.
While the Home Guards were
not called upon to meet the
enemy in battle, they,, were,
never-the-less. soldiers and wc
believe that the community in
general regrets their disband
ment. Their assemblies and
drills were features of the sum
mer evenings and their presence
as an organized body gave a
sense of security during1 times
happening right under our little
pink nose that never got into
the paper. It took several years
but we have had the satisfac
tion of living to see the day
that this :ame party thanked t
us gratefully for leaving certain1
news out of the paper. Guide
Rork SioTial. I
An exchange of pronounced, - -
rATMiminnn nrnnliififnr fii-iJo nnmn i '
good in the democratic party J Gleamed From Near and Far
that it acts upon the G. O. P.
as a dose of calomel upon a dis
ordered liver. We're thankful
for even small favors in the
line of recognition, and pleased
that our nnnnaites ad
mit fallibility. Close up and
J get in Step, democrats, We.reJ.aie'1 at his home at Oyster Bay, N Y
Baby Armntrong of McCook, ob
tained and drank carbolic- acid last
Saturday. Prompt medical aisislanco
n&ved the childs life and It is expected
she will recover.
Ex-president Theodore Roosevelt
No futther than over in Iv.uists
rotary snow plows have had to be uscl
to clear the tracks for tratll J
Dining the year past Nebraska con
ti United more than a billion dollars
worth of food and manufactured pro
ducts to the country, hor por capita
production closely approaching 8'JuOOO
Count Von Ilertling, rocent imperial
German chancellor, is deal.
The State Leglilaturo has assembled
and is getting into working order.
Wm. Howard Taft, republican ox
preeident of the United States, is
working strenuously to line up the
Legislatures of the country for orga
nized support of President Wilson's
peace plans.
' i f"i"
i. Illll'iiji
III dress goods I am olT.nrg you sonic excep
tional bargains wh n m 1 uv th in at
TO n-gular
20 per cent
Clean up on all winter underwear in all the
wanted styles, low neck, no sleeves, ankle length;
high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; dutch
neck, elbow sleeves, ankle lenghth; hav.e all
sizes, but they will not last long, sb' if you are
needing underwcar'do not wait.
1-5 OFF regular price
t i: SB! M rw.-? &M ZSF W T? IS flBh ERfii Wi Wt
JiUHp valli lip
And Continue Until Saturday Night, Jan. 18
Rather than invoice the goods I
will cut prices on all the following:
Vou will find a good liar t choose from ana at
the regular pri':o tln-y r- good bargains, but
at a cut of
1-5 OFF
they wont last long. Most all sizes from i yr. to
42 bust. Just a few desirable numbers in boy's
r, 1, t .
Just a few left, but
what are here are
good desirable
styles. To clean
them all up will
make a
per cent
And as a special4pducemenUx come in and. ,tu in1
buy will offer 10 f ds. of calico for $1.00 with every
purchase of $5.00 of other goods not including calico.
My line of gloves at regular prices are cheaper
than can be bought elsewhere grade considered
and OA i pnn'f ff tney are cheaper than could
at UJ pel t"lll UU be bought at wholesale.
Why make gowns when you can buy them ready
made cheaper and better made than you can
will be no cheaper for a good long
while so here is a chance to buv
your Spring Ginghams for a short
time at money saving prices. All
35c ginghams at 29c
All 60c ginghams at 48c
All 75c ginghams at 59c
them at
1-5 off regular price
on all short leghths of silk of 5
yards or under. To close out the
short ends will make a reduction of
20 per cent
but will not cut any piece at this
price. This includes Beldings in
short lengths.
All go in this sale at 20 per cent discount. This
is less than the yarn costs. Don't miss this
chance to get a new cap and scarf.
This isearly to cutprices in
wool hose. We still have a
good share of winter hose
left, but do not wart to
stop and invoice them so
will make a cut of
1-5 OFF
all wool hose. This in
cludes children's, ladies'
and men's.