The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 02, 1919, Image 4

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ctwBBBgnJt i'Wiljj mum jj n i. rrrvw.TXJ'iir.Tr.rcw.iijT3fT-rrir'ug i wtiri?wwitwnCTqnn3wr3crwi7TttrjagiK-jrttTi.ffj
'wer2 qCTn"s WTK-rTOrw5Tgaur.v. jiu . jnirtanaa
The All-Ways Preferable
and Satisfactory Range
A Range to bo always preferable and ctttisEactory &
must be made by skilled workman and of the right w
kind of materials through and through. Ihc ranjjo
we have selected for our customers is that kind of
a range-
Red Cloud, Nebrn.tlta.
uvft g An Event Crowded with Great Values
an weontt Clomi Mr.ttpr
r L. tllOWNi:. D&Kf ml Mtnre
'.tJl.Y IM'.M U'HAtti i'Al'):n IN
M'Kltnr IM(ll'M
The W.Sr.d Range
emnttir.t wwKnrfur nr s nrauvwnnirw
ur , stunt'"
I" i v M
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IK5' . Wl ! ' t V
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Don't forgot to write it 1910.
There is one ('ac in each
I month of this year that offers a
combination of litures which
will not occur atfain until the
next centurythe nineteenth.
"With best wishes for your
health and happiness" (we quote
from the Advertiser) appeals to
the humorous side when asso
ciated with the business of undertaking.
Tar 1
; lit 11 fcrfva
JjfERE arc values that may not again be possible for many seasons to
come. Wc could, selfishly, let prices stand, and, with market con
ditions continuing, they might later he even better values than today.
.,. .. But the lines are broken. Many y
tVlnHllM Tit -.- I-..- --. . -I . --..-
111UUU3 Will I1UL UC lULtUU ill'iUI;. "d
inuuua win iiul uc muuc iUtli:. far
f && ( any le cotnG cannot "be Sfei ,.-.;;
vV & l- obtained next year. It would, be- Vi:'5!,r?r::' "
K''Jv-V.v'.. - ifi B1U ut uupiuxiLauie 101- us 1.0 Keep ip :j?3 N .
1 7 ' . 1 ' -
L- 1 "
-t-. T 1
Wc believe a range to be llie most important pari of a home
equipment, and that is why we were so critical in the se
lection of a range for our customers. With all sincerity wc be
lieve the South Bend Malleable the best range on the mark
et today. Thousands upon thousands of ?atified users of the
Range believe as we eta, and their number its increasing daily.
Wc feel sure if you come and cce the range at -ur s.torc ou
will add one more to the happy South Bend Malleable
Range family. Drop in the next time you arc down town.
You do not have to buy, but wc would li!;c vou lose. the Range.
GEO. TRINE. Med CJoud. Neb.
TtEsosKJTOSwrairsraiv :i TJissEawaEia
The last hope of Germany is
to create dissension in the Peace
Conference. And readintf re
ports of whr.f in doing at Wash
inffton one n.clinc.i to think
some of our Republican friends
bent upon aiding the enemy.
Ring out the old, rina in the
new. If there are regrets over
the past, forget them. If there
are fears for the future, put
them away. Yesterday is but
t .
a memory. loinorrow never
comes. The duties of today
well done will care for both.
our money tied up we need it to
put again into other quick-moving
So Hera We Announce Many
Very Radical Reductions In
Women's and Misses' Coats
stnd just in the nick of time for you
to. get the benefit of many long
weeks of wear now for the styles
are all new affording garments full
of snap and service for next fall and winter. Sample
reductions can only be indicated thus:
1 r .
1 'i
1 : ..
1 r-k.JFi-N
tty--, - "v " .
Ml l 1
rwir mmn-m wwi 1 u
aaccDfaaiugJt tm.i iaiixzr3BaaKzrX3rt2xrxrxi,ki utvwma icaw iwru nssznuwiniriBTr.
v J Cama Af tVi iHrtiaHrf! SuMid ..- l j .
(I II tfVlUV Ul U1L LUiirk,l,iIIVtf V . "M SH TO
mie me
Sometimes one becomes
doubtful ns to the progress of
the world in general. There
are people whose grasp of a
new idea is so slender that
really they hav'nt got it. And
when the idea is so simple that
a child might readily under
stand, one inclines toward dis
couragement on finding intelli
gent adults obtuse. All of
which is prompted by the fact
that a nicely dressed apparent
ly intelligent business caller
spat in our box of sample print
ed matter. Rut we extend for
giveness, lie paid up his sub
scription, while we kept silent
and smiled.
Women's Plush, Vel
vet and Fur trimmed
iik ..T4vw dilrm w
c. v ira tn w
j& vs
If QtRnfl ft i it .
tsuiiivU) "
ff y
Women's Cloth
3313 Off
Misses' and Children's
H rji
tix&t 'fivfr vO& itaQJ'
1 iCT T mm T
f$ ml
If you find the size you wear, a matchless value a real bargain awaits you.
Some of the convenience;;
t electricity brma
1 I ?v 1
- ttrtml' ' "'--11
Thfonatmiiifi fiM. (s
L'J l.W.'Ll.ll 'J'u,'l b
.W -,
ll J 1.1
prfeoisielaaad make
living mme EJoyable.
S Really, Mr. Smith, you know
last week was a day short, ow
ing to customary observance of
the 25th and in rushing our
work ahead perhaps wc did
take undue advantage of the
grey matter reposing serenely
beneath your 'hat. We note
some of our own thinklets be
ing copied without credit way
out in the western part, of ( lie
i.itate and passing tin "nip"
Ion ', inadvertently landed on
Truthfully when the
fci"Cm-Ad" sas it. we prefer
nir re.iders should know the
i';u t, aiming to avoid responsi
bility for borrowed statements.
You will notice that wc used
"quotation" and for the omis
sion of quotec we tender the
amende honorable.
I ..loll
h you.
ML &
trr inflkf
tgtaMn ATI im
v. . !MuiiMn Vi 1 ar-Gossan! Cor.setrf ::
How many times have y,pu- re
solved to have electricity in your
home "some day?" Now you
can afford it.
Not only have special rates for wir
ing been arranged for this campaign
but the three-fold economy of EDISON
MAZDA Lamps which give three
times as much light as old-style car
bon lamps will help you pay the cost.
And the whole family will enjoy the
benefit of electric service that makes
possible innumerable comforts and con
veniences such as the electric toaster,
flatiron, tabic grill and vacuum cleaner.
Let us explain the saving you can mal
by having your house wired now.
Duly Honored
Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical
Building Permits
Until fiiirliiT notice, Denlers In MuilcliiiK Matt-rial will furnish
umtorinl Wl riUiUT GOVERNMENT I'EHMlTnnd without any
rchtrimion for tlm following construction work: !
Kepali.s tii fxUtlnu struoturea, whoro the totul completed cost
of repairs, Including labor, does not exceed 82500.00. V
Additions to existing btriictures, whoro the total completed 2j
cot.t of the additions, including lahor, does not exceed S'JoOO.Oo
Any farm btmcturefu where the totul completed cost, inoludlng J
labor, does not exceed $1000.011 !
IRalone-Gellatly Go.j
Abbtruct from Cinuiur No. 21 of War Industry I'oard $
Probably there never has
been or ever will be a man
more widly known or highly
honored than President Wilson.
Men who reach such heights
are natural targets for the jeal
ous, the envious, and the would
be critics, and President Wilson
is no exception to the rule. But
he goes his journey, meets his
obligations, docs his duty re
gardless of those who alternate
ly snap and fawn.
. perhaps no better, recital of
his mission and welcome over
seas will be written than the
following report of his attend
ing church and being invited to
the pulpit at Carlisle. Eng the
girlhood home of his mother:
"I Ih with uiiHffccteil reluctance that
I inject myself into this service. I re
member my grandfather very woll,
and, rcmemheiiug him, I can bee how
he would not approve I remember
what ho required of me and remem
ber the stern lesson of duty he spoke.
And I fi remember painfully about
things that ho nxpeeted me to know
thut I dirt not know.
"There has come h ohauge of times
when laymen lihe myself are permitt
ed tobpeak in u congregation. There
is another reason why I was reluctant
to spoak.
"The feelings excited in me today
are really too intimate and too deep
to permit of public expression. The
memories tha have come of the moth
er who was born here are vory affect
ing. Her quiet character', her tense
of duty audher disliUo of oBtontatlon
have co mo baclc to me with increasing
force as these years of duty have no-
cumulated. Yet, perhaps, It is appro
priate that. In place of worship l should
acknowledge- my Indebtedness to her
nud her remarkable fitther, because,
utter all, what the world now is hhuIc
lug to do is to roturn to the paths of
tuly, to tin n fiom the fiavngrv of in
U'tft to tins dignity of the peitur
muiice ol tight.
"I believe, a-, this war has drawn
11 itions temporarily together in a com
bination of ihuial foice tlint 1b im-J
iiMill, it is mo: nl force much ns j
physical foice that has defeated the
elloil to subdue the world. Words
liuve cut 1.8 deep ns swords
"The Knowledge tlmt wrung Iihs
! ii attempted has arousid the uh
ti'ins. They lmvrgono out ltketu"n far'
a 01 u-ado. No other cause could havi
dawn so ninny of the rations togotli-
ev. They ltn-vv an outlaw was abroad 1
and that the outlaw purposed un
spLukablu things
"It Is fiotn quit t phu'Ps like this all
over tho world that the forces are ao
euiuulated that piesentlj will over
power any uttetnpt to accomplish evil
on 11 great scale. It is like the ilvultt
that gathers into the rivor and the
river that goes to tho seu. So there
conic out of communities like these
streams that fertilize the conscience
or men and it la the conscience of the
world we now moan to put upon the
throne which others tried to usurp.
Tho IHshop of Carlisle then read an
address, in which he thanked the
president for his visit "to your iinccs
trul ehy and for your presence at our
worship in this sacred houf-c, kallowed
to you by association and bond of
filial piety.
"We recognize, with the whole of
the ''Qod-.fcurintf world," the bishop
continued, "tho splendor of your ideals
and the greatness of your achieve
ments on behalf of humanity for the
promotion of rlghtcouB freedom, of
the blessings of peace and interna
tional brotherhood among meu. We
thank God that He has endowed in you
the purpose and the power to bring
these divine ideals to tho entrance
gate of practioul realization and that
Ho has sustalnod you by the mtglity
concord of tho American people infRB-
sociation with ourselves and our allies.
"We feel It of priceless benefit to
mankind that, nmld all the cares and
burdens pressing upon you in this
fateful hour, you found tho time to
come to the city of your grandfather's
mlnlbtry and birthplace of your sainted
mother. May you, s:r, and your cou
sort be brought in safety back to your
beloved land. God bless and guide
you, sir."
Tho service concludod with the sing
ing of "God Savo the King." After
tho bancdlctlon Prosldent Wtlsou was
taken to the pastor's study where ho
signed the reglbtcr nnd sat in tho ma
hogany leather upholstered chulr that
was once his grandfathers. Tlion ho
returned to the church where the con
gregation was still waiting, and passed
down tho aisle and out of tho door
amid applause.
1 -m y
I will o?v al Pv blic Auction on tho T'ribic fr.r,vi, 3 lr.i'c1- ca of Krd Cloud
W S v is V
ror.unrii'-.'rg at 1 O'clock Sharp
De-sciibed as Follow 0
1 bay marc. 9 yrs old, wt MOO, in foal by Jack; 1 gray mare, 5 yrs old, in foal
by Jack; 1 black maro, 9yrs old, wt 1200, in foal by Jack; 1 black marc colt,
coming 2 yrs old; 3 spring mule colts, good ones.
1 5-yr old Holstcin cow; 1 Holstcin heifer, frcbh in the spring; 1 yearling Hol-s-tcin
heifer; 1 red heifer calf.
1 Mitchell wagon; 1 hay rack an truck; 1 P. & O. weeder, good as new; 1
Economy surface disc; 1 2-bcction harrow; 1 single row cultivator; 1 Derring
mower; 15 rods high woven wire; 5 dozen Rhode Island Red chickens; 3 dor
ln'xed chickens; 8 or 9 tons of alfalfa hay; house hold .goods and other ar
t'cies too numerous to mention.
Terms Eight months at -ten per cent.
J. W. AULD, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs.
Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93
, s