The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 26, 1918, Image 5

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Kre-li II .s'iiius t.i-.-ad d.iily lit I'lnif
(irocery. if
Slifr.lV I '.ml Id rtVr rtut nt tiiiidr
IU'1: r'ri.!,.'
.Mrs. Minnie Siuton has ratuittcl to
her luiiiu' hI Ojwles.
Mr. Hii Mrs Uvn Mct'arlanl wore
Iliutins -itois saiurdny,
Mr and Mrs, .J-)liii llanlwIcU of
Iimvale wen- Munliiv visitors lieiu.
Mr. and Mri. Jacob l'etorou and
daughter' June spent tlie holiday In
Kugctie Rjnii received hoiioiiibledis
oluirKC from I'.unp HuicocU and is nov
at home..'
Miss Ethel o.ven U .spending the
holiday vueatiou with her folks at
Miss Grot i Tiirmire came homo from
Lincoln State University, for the lioll.
d,ty vacation.
Mrs. Grant Tinner and tlnti(;htcr
Opal, were vi-iMnc tt Guide Hock last
of the week
K. AV. S" . Glen Moutitfoni
w'oris at Gii.l.' P.ooU lal of the wik
V doing sfltni1 ning.
Mrs.fflli'' Moihart and uon Frank
went toKf'ii ney Friday for a visit
w.ili relat ve- and friends.
llilfdrh I'opo assisted during this
liolidnyrush in thu Stevens Uros.
photograph studio nt Hastings.
Mrs. Geo. Hullittcr of Denver, visit
ad friends here the (list of the weelc,
going on to AlliiiiK'e for Chiistuiss.
General Superintendent I'lynn of
Lincoln, and Superintendent Votinir of
MoCook, were in Red Cloud Satin day.
K. C. R. I. lied cockerels for sale
SI.50 and S2ol eaeh.-Auci: ICvrrr
iioatii; l'hoifj ."Wl, Guide Koch, Ne
braska. oO-lt
Mrs. Oii.irnger and sou Karl, who
weie guofets of the Melntosh futilities.
leturnedfo thoir home at Grand Is
i.ttid Monday.
MlssMjrtle Uiiiu-r. who U touching
in Winner. S. D.ik , came homo Friday
to spend the holidays with lior parent,
Mr. and tov-i. V. II. Iloner.
I. II. Ilailey mil wife and grandson
Robert Waller of Cowles, left Tuesday
for Omaha, where they ate .spending h
few days with W. R. and C. I,. Ilailey
Mis. J. A Hradford and children
spent the holidays with her parent
at Masting-. Mr. Dnidfonl went there
yesterday and expects to visit Omaha
before returning.
Glen Foe is spending the holiday
season at home. lie has received
lionorable discharge from Camp Tay
lor, ly.. and will resume his studies
at the State InivPislty.
ljirl Lewis, son of Mrs. Murill.i
Lewis, of Pleasant Hill, died it Foit
Morgan, Colo. The remulii were
brought homo and funeral sorvici-s
conducted at l'letisant Hill cemetery,
Monday morning.
I'.very lady interested in buying
feathers, feather pi oof ticking, or hav
ing fenther beds built into a Carlson
Famous Feather Mattress, should
write Carlson Mattress Works, (Jrauil
Island, Neb. no 2t
Friday and Saturday
Dec. 27-28
His Majesty
Bunker Bean
And a 2 reel Comtdy
Roping Her Romeo
Admission 17 and Uc
Monday and Tuesday
Dec. 30-31
Wednesday- Thursday
Jan. 1-2
When a Woman Sins
I! an 1 dr at I 'owe A- Pope's
U.ife tt
Pie-b Hns'ii l". lueinlda ,y at Piatt s
Mat Ion Shuvwn hits r.'uniel to
''iimp Fiinstoji.
Harry Yost ha arrived nafoly In
New York cltv.
Mrs A. J. Topltnm is taklnjr medical
treatment t Hustings.
Dr. and Mrs. f ieltfh'011 were Chrbt.
inns vlsifois at Hloe Hill
Mr. Irlit Hirher li returned to In r
honnat M.irsinlltown, Iowa,
Uood mealsgood service moderate
prices -Powell & Pope', cafe.
B.J. Oreilng is home from a busi
ness and pleasure Hip into Iowa,
Mis (!eo. Mil kin-, from lunrale,
was a Saturday visitor in Hed Cloud.
Lieut Iloreco Frisble is home on a
short visit with patents and friends
Mist Nellie Francis is (.ponding the
holidays with her parents at Cowles.
Miss Margaret Miner is limne from
the State L'ulversity lor the holidays.
Prof. P. M. Whitehead vlsiled friends
al Hustings and Lincoln during the
Mrs. liiv Hairett returned home
tho latt'T pint of Hie iv. i n from
Mr mil Mrs Groat and Mission
Wick wire of Iuavalo, pent CurUlmae
in Ited Clou J. v
Mr and Mr Hnl Danker of Uivcr
ton, were Christui is guests of Mr. and
Mrs J N Iliirgess.
Mr-. Aithnr Howard died Saturday
at her home about seven miles south
east of iTmde Rouk.
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Plait and daugli
ter Margaret, spent Christmas nt Hi
Lacy home in Cowles,
Jus. Uoylu wss a Co.vlos visitor Mon
day and it required some courage to
make thu trip that day.
Lloyd Hlties has received hotioiable
discharge and arrived homo from Camp
Dallns Texas, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Delph havo gone
to Wnshtii, Iowa, for a visit with theii
duighter, Mrs. Clyde Leech.
Mr. an I Mrs. Art Nelson started for
Lifayette. Colo. Sunday, whom they
will visit at the Ned Sutton home.
J. K. Sanbuiii. former engineer out
of Red Cloud, was killed in u wreck nt
Norcator, Kan , Monday afternoon.
Miss I'lizabeth Overman is home
for the holidays. She Is attending the
W.ird-Reluiont school tit Nashville.
Mr. find Mis. Uany Gilliam of Lang
don, Iowa, are guests of Attorney and
Mis. .Iiw. (lilhaiu, and County Judge
and Mis. A. I). Riinney.
Mrs. Martha Albright, of Dotioil
Mich, is the guest of her daughter
Mrs. J.I1. Hd win ds and luisbaml, and
plans to spend the winter hero.
Roy Johnson, son of Mr. an lMrs. S.
II. Johnson, passed awny at his home
iu New Virginia, Monday, Deeeinber
',':), of influonzi, aged 'JT years, S
months is days. IJcsides his parents he
leaves four sisters and five brothers
one brother Charles being in France
Funeral services will be held Thursday
afternoon at 1 o'clock. A mote complete
obituary will appear in a later Issue.
You Are Losing Money
If you don't-sell your cream
to the Farmers Union Co-oper-tlvc
Company and receive the
dividends. -tOtf
Governor-elect McKclrio has called
a conference of olllcial representatives
of agricultural associations to meet at
Lincoln Tuesday morning, Dec. 31st,
to discuss legislation in the Interests
of agriculture. Three representatives
from each agricultural association in
the state, are desired.
JohoNprrlSj residing on jftE. U.
Overman farm south of the river, diod
Saturday afternoon after a brief ill
ness, lie was 41 years old and leaves
a wife and three children. Two
brothers, Chas. and Will, of Cowlos,
also survive. Funeral and interment
were at Guide Rock Sunday.
Leon Clinton Reed died at Lewollen
Dec. 10th, 1018. Ho was born at Ina.
vale, May loth, 1015, his pnronts being
Mr. and Mrs. Chirenco Reed, now resi
dents of Lewellen. Funeral was held
Sunday morning at the homo of his
Grandpnrents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mitchell, Jtev, J. L. Boebe in charge.
The parents were unable to be present.
Perhaps you don't know Ouster
Kenton. Ho is a movie-actor friend of
"Fattty" Arbucklo and lias written
thu big comodian that he is coining
homo from France "ohock full of new
ideas and pep." Lovers of tho comedy
film may look for something new and
lively in the coming Arbucklo produo
t'ons. We wero talking with Dr. Cook Fri
day evening and lie expressed satis
faction and pleasure, over tho fact that
it was the first day in weeks that he
had not had to answer a professional
call. All tho Joctois like to he busy
hutas a very worthy citizen reinaiked
when 'peaking' of hoarsH driving,
"There is such a tiling hs getting more
busluoss than one wonts "
Four Minute Men Released
Monday night luted th couipl.M n
of th" work of the l niltiut.- men, 1. .1.
Oierlng being lb.te.1 for their last ad
dress in K".i Cloud.
Few realize II. tt there nere In the
I'll ited St.itef 7."i0"O IIIOIl engaged in
this work
Thron huudi. d and f rt
towns, with a totil of titti teen lnind
rod 1 mini te men. were n presented In
Nebraska, with M. M. 1 ogg, of the
State L'niw 'isity, hs dlrei .ir.
(if their w-oik mid Its reult i! i
sulllclcut l.i say that Nebrasi.ii iood
tlist nt uu ubor of oommisilcms grunt
ed to chali men, in number of inslnti
awuided to speakers, mid graded SHU
ill connection with the Ith IJbetty
The local organization, with Count;
Attorney V. J. Mtiuday cliiilrman, was
as follows:
B. J. Oveiing
L II KlaeUledge
Fred Maui or
B. t5. Caldwell
Horiiurd McNeny
James Ctilham
J. L. Rcebj
A. Schnal
P. M. Whitehead
Daniel Garber
l- M. Driillner
D Fitzgerald
Their wotk Is graded in' the HO pur
cent class and as a toward of npproctii. i ich wilt leeelvo u ivrtilloato of
service formally marking r.lense.
Ghairiuiui Munday in furnishing
data i quests Hint wo iii.-ludu a ftiw
words expis'ssiog ids pars mil appro
elation of the work of then- inmund
their ready and illtolcut ; espouse to
He also desires to pu'.lioly thank
(leu. J. Warren, manager of the. Or
pheuin theatre, tor courtesies extended
iu donating tho house and time to this
binucli of the war set vice.
It is of intcicst to add that State Oi
iciitor M. M. Fok'g, to whom the Nit
tioiial llouid vviote: "Don't bother to
ask us. just mark yourself 100 per
cent," has icceived nine mouths' leave
of absence from his duties at the State
University and gone to Prance to as.
sist in the department of "A Million
Students'' (lining .ItMiiobili. Ulon.
Methodist Church Notes
if yotl hate no c-iiuioh houii come
worship .villi us next Sunday. The
chinch with the "pen hand bios you
welcome, our siiLji-ct both for morn
ing and .'Veiling will be in Lcpilig
with closing of the your
A smile, a book, a welcome.
Pastor, Jons I) IIammi i.
Baptist Church Notes
Mindtiy school tho L".Hh at 10.A.M. fol
lowed by -oiiio special uvoroisos. and n
treat for little ones. Mr. Harper and
daughter Grace went to Lono Tico to
spend Christmas with his daughter Mrs.
lieorge Cor die and will remain over
Sunday and preach tit the Lone Tree
school house.
This week we again coluhrnto the
fullllimiit of the prophecy recorded in
Isiith li'-i) tor unto us a child Is born
unto us a son is given and tho Govern
inent shall be upon his shoulders and Ins
niinio .shall lie called Wonderful, Coun
selor, The mighty Uod Tho everlasting
Father The Prince of Peace.
And the Angels suid unto them foar
not for behold I bring you good tide
ings of great joy which shall be to all
For unto you is born this .lay In the
city of David a Savior which is Christ
the Lord, Lukw 2-10-11.
Some Farmer Girl
Ethel Lyngbcrg, 15, who liveb in
Salt Lako county, Utah, will have
pinnedl on her the four-leaf clover
modal which is awarded members of
boys' and girls' clubs who for four con
secutive years havo done successful
work in their clubs. In the past sea
son, besides attending high school,
Ethel plowed 60 acres, and harrowed
and leveled it for wheat, alfalfa and
beets, and in season helped her father
out hay. She also assisted with irnga
tltm, in lior father's abHcnc'.turniog
the water on and off alono. She can
ned CC0 quarts of fruits and, vegetables
and dried many pounds. Meanwhile,
she was baking the bread for the fam
ily. One hundred chickens grew to
maturity during the snmnior, under
her care. In her spare momonts she
has knitted socks for soldiers. When
she finishes high school, Ethel plans
to attend a college whore she may
study agriculture and home economics.
"" X-Ray Movies.
Tho X-rny apparatus, opcrotcu In
connection with tho motion picture
machine, produces effectlrjr and Rome
wlint fitnrtllng results. Wiotographs
showing tho human skeleton In mo
tion arc also of Interest to science.
t w"" - "Win --C
Tho man who cannot bo happy with
whatever llttio lie mny havo could not
bo happy with whatever much he may
want. JInpplness Is a condition with
in a man that Is not dependent npqp
the things without.
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
Still Altiyi rillld with IViltf Girl. Funur Cloint, Coiioui
Eqtilpitii Brilliant Scenic EBilronmml
nun rir8ViBiT.o;7HOW w,XTb?rcN.coo
a Everybody Gout Aik Anvbndu
Sounds Sensible
i tin M i -sti. i i tug a 1 ling i m V f fc la W
top.-, thoc I. ie' giv.s , uotu to ti. fol j M J C Wl $& "W iTf GH W U Q I
loving report which uppeiiis to Inmvi, MS W9 U W m- ti W VI I) JtT W kl M W!Z 9
in. e light on the subject tin. . a.,j 'E tM Jt. "" && ,m & 1
tlii g heielofoie .-tafed: ' Sj R
'U.a-ve been g,sed!" f ? $" W VWeK Jf 'S dQ g
. Miy Pr. AUwrt J Croft loth. $ Mi Cf$jP (i RIM K SiTP j P?- K P
III. ' of Chiengo victims )fs..o ill g Jm fil A7 Hal R JH l&Tk U S3 Jl !W W tt
Oil itilliienct, in a paper lend ...lore aSAi ci i rfewiuS ,3&a Mt c!IJKri51 UW
til' Dotlgltis I I'.Un'll of the Uh.e.igO wraMw.nmutttBitf frrwfKmninvixvmfuKuxtn mit 'iiiinwriywrnmnwiirwii
Mi liosl S.iolt, and which i l.eliig 0 I
gi u wide etienlatloii in the M. Ileal , H rn -5itiT--Kri- 4- -A- T V
e .Use-use oi Minnies fro
th poison gas hi tho air, the doctor be
lli es and the terror of it -s increase!
hj conversational gas, the disease hu
liik bocoinu a "tad ' and many diverse
m .ladies being classed as "tin" by o
cit.d physicians
In the .ibsiuu'o of positive proof of
u picitlc bac'erlal cause- and after due
ali I careful consideration of
an i symptomatology of thu ninny cases
in. lor my observation. 1 have at rived
at he conclusion that if on.- scientists
w, e to make a careful chemical,
go logical and niotojiologicnl survey
ot he countries now atlVclvil by the
so -.illed lullucti.a.MOino irritative eoii
.! on of the ilUil isphero would be
f( lid which would nt'i'oiltll for the
U ' .so and rapid ownsloii of this ail.
.. ut,"itjs Dr. Ci lilt's pi or
i'lio numerous gasses med to Hie
lb tletieids of Euiop, with their high-
I, .Kitvinous proper nut, tin liberation
oi a large quantity of ground air high
li cat boil diovidc content due to the
lr nob systums, the gases from dccoin
p sing bodies of men and lower (mi
ni ds; those sot free by the destruction
o' cities and ammunition dumps dur
ing the hist few yearn, may have com'd to form u gaseous compound
with highly toxic piopcrlics, probably
die to the re-airangeinent of the
in ilcctilcs by the tremendous coiious-
son piuducc.l by high explosives.
' With this idea in mind, I am going
t advance tho theory that the fundi
tun turmoil inlltu'iiu is in leality a
n n tinctorial, uon-fotitigioiis disease
ciiWd by tho inhabit inn of small
u.noiiiiis of depre-Siiig, highly iiiilitt
in.;, high density gas. piosont in the
at inospiieio especially at night, and
when the air is stu charged with uiols
t ire, more particularly near the sitr
f too of the earth."'
I'ho doctor cites tiio fact that vege
tation also suiVerod from an appateut
gis blight.
The disease oiigiiuited ill the camps
and trenches of Europe, the doctor
points out. niiil leaped oter the ocean,.
mid to the Patagoniuns of the far north
anil tile Patogoniaus of the far South
.alike, cv.idot fertniii .sootiom of tlie
iioigliburhood of cities, while covoiing
others with it pall of death. Tho
spietd too rapid and far Hung lor
body or personal contact, and too or.
ratio for genu transmission.
"Shoo tig, coughing and spitting
are the piineipal uieins of dissemina
tion wc.uc told,' mivs the physician.
"yet luie sectlous of Chicigo and
miuy suburban towns luivu escaped
the epideinio. The distribiitlug cen
tcrsof infection in a large city during
an epidemic are the crowded down
town districts, when- people from all
parts congregate. Yet It is significant
that although all wero equally exposed
the northern and southern portions of
the city were mot seriously alTeotcd.
This unusual distribution is not char
acterise of a bacterial epidemic, nor
of coutHct iufection." Ho declares
that a heavy gas-, on tho contrary,
would follow wind currents and lo
calize. One hundred ami twenty members
of the "dust bfpiud" of firemen, who
sprinkled the streets nights to keep
the flu down, became victims of it.
Dr. Croft declares that tho malady
can be detected from ouc to two weeks
in advauce by the furred tongue. Tills
he discovered during the examination
of military selects. The furring of the
tonnuAM.pPPHre1 t toP.reM9 .M1. vde,;
iiol.i U. I I. .,,tt. ID
presllg ; iiiuiuapiici iq- uuiiuii ino(
Therefor?,-hc recommends, "hare four
tdogue examined" early and often.
Detection of the furred tongue, he
says, is a signal to go t? boa, to rest, to
take it easy, to avoid mental and
physical exertion, and above all to re
lax the mind If the disease devolops
your system is prepared for the attack.
If it does not, you are lucky if you do
not need the rest any way. An abun
dance of water to drink, frequent warm
bathes, warm, dry air, and a course of
medical treatment, varying with the
patient and the fever or noufever typo
of the disease, aro recommended as a
cure recovery being the natural re
sult of early detention and regular and
progressive treatment.
Rev. J. L. Ueebe, ex juile of Har
Ian county, but of recent years en
gaged in the ministerial busluoss' in
Ited Cloud, was ealeu last week to du
liver the obsequies of A. R. Kinnett orf
JJtlcB, the deceasqd heintr ft former and
valued acquaintance of 'tho ''.Jinn of
God." Roy. neebels'notonly'asehool-j
ed orator, uui lie is oovoui, leuruuu
and eloquent, lie is not only a power
iu tho pulpit, but he's a whirlwind as
a political i campaigner. Ills psrty
tomloneies mre democratic and ho
111 tod with ibis spirit of real Democrat-
ttl. L-n F M U t -W 1 A II M VI TW. V H H fl J Oh. H ? ( .- U
1 1 domocra0yirShlolds'
m t
111. 13 XA WX WW CJL W WJ IUj 4L,HII V V-A V ii
J W M in
best at our store because
QUALITY goods are the
only kind we sell. The
brands we carry in stock
are recognized by the
housewife as the VERY
BEST of their kind.
r & Snnborns Coffees
Itenr Crackers and Cookies
Batavia Jams and Spices
Sunflower Canned Goods
,u j x.
flln rfM'W-'a rrvi
Preaching Service aL 11 A. M. and 7:;M) P. M.
Evening Lecture will be religicu's and scientific.
Service at South Side Mission in the afternoon.
j:ai)iiUiHUii:iirii,i.ii!iiuiUittuiiu:t.uuii.Ti.,iiiHHMtfj!n:ii..i.K' M.i.iUHiiuutii)ittiiiiH..iiii!iiiiutJimiiiittiit itmuiu..
Wishing You a
Happy New Year
Mr. and Mrs.
Si X I
Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB.
Building Permits
Until furthor notice, Dealers in IlulIdiiiR Material will furnish
material WITHOUT QOVBItNMENT PERMIT arid without any
restrictions for the following construction work:
Ropairs to existing structures, where tho total complotcd cost
of repairs, including labor, does not exceed 82500.00.
Additions to existing structures, whore the total completed
cost of tho additions, iucluding labor, does not exceed 82500.00
Any farm structures, where the total completed cost, including
labor, does not exceed 91000.00
Iffialone-Gellatly Go. I
Abstract from Circular
TTi tJ hy
29, 1018
,ii' .iiuuiiuiiiiuiwiiniiiuiiiiiiiiniuiiwiiiffiriCii
1 1 tv f
' 1
No. 21 of War li
Industry Hoard J
t ' UO f,)