k Ti mm lam Mi IS k Si. KV m . m m &r RED CLOUD, W8BBA8KA, CHIEF I I FUTURE SECURE Easy Farming Methods in West ern Canada and Certain Financial Benefits. WHAT CAN With your crop hurvcMcil und mnr kctcil. with tlio (INposil of your onttlo nnil hogs completed, yoit nro rendy to prepare ymirfliiiin'itil stntMient for flu, mn Vmi n Ml Liifin I, wit. t'mi vnll ,.,,.,', .,i,.i .....i It .1 ,.i.. in i enn Hod Cross. This In n Christmas i'ii; hiuiivui linn u in.- nui mion, i vn.tr fiiriiilnr niM.iMint tinu linnn 111. ' Cnll tO tllO CltlZCtlS mm WE Piano Conveyed by Airplane. Piiuioi by uli plane Is the latest use to lilch thcio wonderful machines aro I'fliiB put. Ono of tho new lnrgo allied bombing pitmen, In order to dent tmsti.ito Its carrylnB ct-pndty, brought from London to I'urln i full-sized up right piano. The nmcTiliio landed In l'nrls. wifely. The alrpl'inu Is capable of currying six personi and much liomHtiK explosives. Whin this weight Is nn attired In pounds, however, It Is not readily comprehend!", nnd It was dctermlnvd to bring ov n piano as strlk ng evldenco of the wichlno'a capacity. HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES IF YOUR BACK ACHES The week of December 10 to Decem ber Zi Ih roll call week for the Anterl- to your expectations and will meet your requirement'". I'mhuhly you may hae been the loser. Your InmJ may have lieen productive, but It m:i hnvo tieen too high priced. The cot of pro duction lias been too treat If you have had tho remune'-atlon you sought nnd are sutlMletl tlili article may not Interest you. If your ctuttis have not been Mitl&fnctory, or f your ambition leads you to the luuilii'ilo desire of bet tering your condition, If ou have de pendents for whose future ju hnvo anxiety, you will nntu'ully look around for some place, sonif opportunity that offors Breater advantages and brings satisfactory returns. Vo the north and of this country to enlist In the Army of Service. The need for service Is not abated by tho ending of the war the need for serv ice will not be ended for a long time. At home nnd far afield the lied Cross must continue the work of relieving the sufloilng that follows In the wake of the war. Ilefugees and orphans are still to be clothed and fed and housed. The antituberculosis cam paign must be kept up and the fam ilies of soldiers helped. Only a part of the work of the Ueil Cross ends wlth the cessation of hostilities. Tho Christmas roll call has for Its object more than anything else the 'enrollment of all adults as members o fyo'u lie hundreds of thousands , fit Jio nJ Cross and the appeal Is of unbroken acres U Western Canada , for ?1 member.sh ps Tl , ca ass 111 ... .,. i ...i be mainly for this. The Hod Cross nwaltlng tho husbandman, and ready to give of Its rl"linc.ss to plnce you where you dedn to be placed. Kor , thousands of farmers from nearly ev- , ery stato In the Vnlon the prairies ot Western Canndn have nfforded wealth beyond what they had been led to ex pect. The excellence of the soil of Western Canada, which comprises tho Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan nnd Alberta, can only partially be told , by the knowledge of some facts. Every yenr for some years past tho be mainly mnkes Its nppeal to all, without re gard to creed, race, sect, faction or clnss; It Is ono organization for uni versal service bnsed on sympathy and humanity. Of course everybody thnt Is anybody wnnts to belong to It. The Good-Will Box. Homo after home Is establishing Its Rood-will box for tho benefit of people less fortunate than Its own members. In the end It develops thnt the house hold Is benefited In him nnd a dem onstration thnt It Is more blessed to some gcod. Things of this kind simply clutter up the average storeroom spue In the average home, accumulate dust, and nre In the way generally when they might be useful elsewhere. It would be a line Idea for every commu nity If the contents of good-will boxes could be collected In one plnce either for sale or distribution, nnd disposed of once or twice a year. Tho money that has been snlvnged from useless old silver ami "" trinkets ought to Inspire everyone who possesses battered end uninteresting things made of the precious metals to convert them Into bullion. Since tho war, women have unearthed all sorts of old gold and silver ornaments. Jew elry nnd lint wear, some of It atro ciously uglv, and turned It In for melting up. With the gold nnd silver procured they buy Wnr Savings stumps. Hut even If they do not caro to Invest It Is worth while to turn use less Junk into money which enn bo put to work and thereby mndc useful. i outr-lK by Uklnu a gci lo luatlte it lonut nnco n -. aucu Doclir I'lerce's I'lcaiant I'ellets. aT. K'? clean Initde well as o get In luatlte it lcnt once What He SayB About His Vlfe. To His Neighbor You will Und my wife sir, extremely fair and fust In all natters, I assure you. To Ills llntler Your niNtrH will dlrec you In everything. She l! n per fect housekeeper. To Ills Partner Yes, my wife Hi ox irnvt t:iiit. but how enn I help thet? To His Sister She Is u wontlorftil mur.tger. Is Allele. I never saw n woman who could make a dollar go so far. To His nest Friend Yes, old mnn, all vomen, as you say, are alike, and I guess my wife Is no worse than tho rest of them. Life. Do you feel tired r.nd "worn-out?" Arc you nervous and Irritable? Don't Bleep well nt night? He u "dragged out," unrested feeling v. hen you get up In the morning? Dlwj spells? nil lous? Und taste In tho mouth, back nche, pain or soreness In tho loins, nnd abdomen? Severo distress when urlnutlng. bloody, cloudy urlno or sed iment? All these Indicate gravel or stono In the blndder, or that tho poi sonous microbes, which nre always In your nystem, hnvo attacked your kid neys. You should use GOLD MKDATj Ilnnrlem Oil Capsules Immediately. Tho oil soaks gently Into the walls and llnlug of the kidneys, and the lit tle poisonous nmuial germs, which arc riniMlnir the Intluiniuntlon, nro Inline- illnti.1v attacked and chased out of Don't Ignore tho "little pains an aches," especially backaches. Thef, may be little now but there Is no tell ing how soon n dangerous or fatal dt easo of which they nro the forerua tiers may show itself. Clo nflcr Urn cmiso of that backache nC once, or yo may find yourself In tho p?lp of an 1 curable disease. Do not delay n minute. Go to your drucclst and Insist on lit supplying vou with n box of QOLT) MHDAU Haarlem Oil Capsules. Iri 24 hour you will feel renewed health intl vigor. After you hnvo cured yourMf, con tinue to tnko ono or two Cnpsule each day so ns to keep In Irst-clns condition, anil wnrd off tho dinner of future attacks. Money refunded If they do not help you. Asic tor tn nrlclnnl Imnorted GOLD MKOAD ... . . ... i I i.Mn.i.l .i.t.l ,li.tu In. a. in, iif r-nttlnir thA vour system wimoui iiil'uiivvuiuui:u ui mumi, ...m ... , ". - o- c pain. I genuine. Adv. Distemper world's highest prizes for wheat, oats , n rMclvo ,s hroURht n,mut ,n nnd barley have been cnrrled off by most prnctlcni wny. Into the good- Wattcau Plait In Winter Frocks. For dinner frocks black Is much used, sleeves are short and tho wnt teau plnlt Is favored. In n "Inck moussellne do sole gown embodying these details the corsage consists of n broad ilrnpsd cerise velvet girdle thnt narrows at the back and bolus down the watteau plait with a largo RELIABLE PRESCRIPTION FOR THE KIDNEYS For many years druggists li.ivo watched with much interest tho rcmnrknblo record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swnnip-Uoot, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. , , It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root Is a strengthening medi cine, It helps tho kidneys, liver and blad der do tho work naturo intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood tho test ot years. Puts a Stop to all CURES THE SICK And prevents others Imvlnp tho dlscaso no mnttor hom cxpow'.l 0 emu nnd $1.15 n lioltlr, 3.r.(l nn.l S11.00 ttoacn hotlleu. All Rood drUKBlsts nml turf Booila houwc, Spohn Medical Co. Goshon, Ind U. S. A. "Nuf Sed." Tho following sign appeared recent ly on the door ot n llaltlmoro busl ucss establishment: "Store closed durliift lllterlltionB.,, Tho iiamo of the firm Is Casey Cohen. crnln grown on Western Canndlan Prairies. IJeef fattened on the grasses of these same prairies recently brought tho highest prices ever paid on the Chicago market. Throughout th en tire world the quality of Canadian will box go nil the used or unused ar ticles thnt are not needed In the house hold, hut might be used by some ono else. Clothing, shoes, books, mngn zincs, pictures, house furnishings, ohlnn nnd glassware, wtilcli liuve rnln, nnd Canadian beef nnd mutton, I erve1 for n time, but hnve been re Is recognized. To recite whnt indl- I ninpp, without being worn out, tliesu vldunl farmers hnve done, the riches they have acquired would fill volumen. Tho case of James Wlshnrt of I'ortngo In Prnlrlc Is not nn exceptional one. ' His wheat crop this past season yield- i ed him forty-five bushels per acre, ana tho lnnd upon which It was grown was broken forty-four years ago, nnd It has been continuously under crop except for nn occnslonnl summer fallow. At Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, snmples of the wheat of 1018 weighed OS pounds to the bushel, others CO nnd some 05V4 pounds. Wheat crops nt Conldale, Alberta, went ns high ns 38 bushels acre, while whent crops near narons, Alberta, had yields of from 25 tq 30 bushels. Records such ns these spenk In glow ing terms of tho excellence of the soil of Western Canada. The war is over, nnd we are all settling down to n pence bnsls. Thero Is a great world beyond tho sens to feed and clothe, nnd thus Is nfforded tho opportunity to lend n hnnd In tho Brent work. Aside from the philan thropy In which you can ploy n part, there Is tho satisfaction of knowing you are amply providing for yourself nnd for tho future of those who mny bo dependent upon you. Greater prog ress can be made In this nnd your own development by nvnlllns yourself of the advantages that Western Cnnndn offers In Its low-priced hinds nnd high yielding values. There nro booiI schools, desirable social conditions, low taxation (none on Improvements) with nn enjoyable climate, and tho satisfaction of possessing n well tilled soil cnpnblo of producing nbundnnt crops for which good prices prevail, tit easily nccesslblu marketing places. Advertisement. nre nil assembled In tho good-will box to be redistributed where they can do bow. Also for dinner itocks cniiiusm-u u ig 80,d b n1 dgt,, on its merit ana ! 1. .. VI l.-1 ... XJa n.linv 1frlnnV TTlPlll. lb BIIUUIU HOP JUU. UK"."" - cine has so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root nnd start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this reat preparation scnu ten ccnu 10 ur. velvet Is much used. Wnlsis nre long, sleeves nre short and draped effects predominate. Dinner frocks are often of charnieuse with the selvage serv ing as a hem. A well-designed evening gown Is of black chnrmeuso wlfh a two-tiered tulle tunic heavily embroi dered In pearl and Jet chrysanthe mums nnd edged with nnrrow feather trimming. A broad sliver girdle slips under the tulle In back and ends In n discreetly veiled bow. ATI Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamton, N. Y., for ft amnio bottle. mention this When writing bo sure and paper. Adv. It takes an experienced undertaker to look solemn nnd conceal his satisfaction. EVERY WOMAN LOVES FURS Dick Was Charitable. At the funeral services for an el' derly negro of Richmond, Va., the fol lowing colloquy was overheard: "There ain't no use In tnlkln'," snld Moso Darker; "Dick Williams, ho was tho most charitable man dls town ever seen." "I reckon dot's so," said the darkey to whom Mr. Darker Imparted this Information. And he paused as If waiting for evldenco on this point. "Yessuh," continued Mr. Darker, "Dick Williams, ho always owned a plug hat, and durln' my time I nln't never heard that Dick ever refused to lend dat lint to anybody." YxX EttlOfHd? t&flfltiBjH?3 c&roHflgan&Mri'E Hf M fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilvMEERU&liiiHSpMiliiiifltflft f1 owG3v v vSiflfSlEjk-'luliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKv I 1 'i: KBfiKSei V'-'ff'TylgB-BMiK-.-.,-!! Spanish Influenza can be prevented easier than it can be cured: At the first sign of a shiver or sneeze, take CASCARJK9U,N,NE Standard cold retnedr for 20 years to taMrt f oim-afe, iure, no oplatet break up a cold In aThouri-itnevet grip In 3 days. Mow back I f It fall. The enulne bo hat a Red top Sife&.llU'asActara. At AU Drug Btore. Kill Dandruff With Cuticura All drnstliUi Boy) 25, Ointment tne ot til, Tlrom. H p 'Caticmn. DL Dog Had Comethlng to Say. The Hon. John W. Dnvls, nppolnted our nmhnssndor In London In succes sion to Mr. Page, Is nn eminent law yer. Mr. Dnvls tells the story of a very 'small boy who was trying to lead a bis St. Dcrnard up a busy thorough fnro. "Where nro you going to take thnt dog, my llttlo ehnp?" Inquired a passerby. "I I'm going to see where where ho wnnts to go first," wns the breathless reply. Relics of Aztecan Era, Nonr Phoenix, within tho Salt rlvor valley, nre to bo found seven com munnl settlements of tho snmo pro Aztccnn ern, with centrnl buildings that wero far Inrger thnnjlint nt CnRn Grnnde, n writer In tho Chrlstlnn Sclenco Monitor states. To tho north ward and northenst every river vnllej retains evldenco of tho pnssnge of nt least n portion of theso peoples, for some reason lenvlng their cities and their Irrigated fields on tho plains nnd seeking tbo mountains and tho upper plateaus. Whether It Is because they are be coming or because nn ntmosphero of luxury, nnd sometimes n suggestion of splendor belongs to them, or thnt they nro so comfortable every woman loves furs. They mny be excused for extravagancies In this direction ; thero nro so mnny reasons why furs are a better Investment thnn any other sort of apparel. Furriers hnvo presented a greater variety In senrf and muff sets and In fur garments of all kinds than Is usunl In ono senson and this inas mode ono moro renson why furs nro everywhere. Their vogue Is unl- versnl. Degtnnlng with tho short muffler collnr nnd ending with tho long coat, ono may buy wraps of nny size be tween with muffs to mntch. The senrfs or capes and muffs classed ns sepn rnto furs and sets, nro mndo In nil va rieties of skins. Then thero aro tho short coats (their name Is legion) nnd finally tho long capes nnd conts that almost cover tho figure. Tho sepnrato furs scarfs or small enpes with muffs to mntch lend In popularity. Recently huts trimmed with tho snmo fur or pnrtly mndo of It, navo added n chic, harmonious de tail to tho midwinter toilette for tho street, but a scarf or capo looks well with any sort of millinery. The hand- Bomo mink scarf nnd muff shown In tho picture nro designed for matronly wearers and aro good exnmplo of new but stnplo styles thnt will outlnst many sensons. 'lulls ns a finish for carf ends hnvo been ranstnted, but tho lint fur-covered button Is a novel ty In ornaments. Thero Is u nnrrow frill of satin along tho center of tho scarf to protect tho lining when tho scarf Is brought close up about tho HOTEL Omsha, Nsbrsika EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms from $1.00 up single, 75 cents up double. OAFB PRICES REASONABLE THEPAXTON Discovered A New State. Francis wns sitting nt the tublo dili gently studying his next dnj s geog raphy lesson. After poring oer tho map of tho United States for some tlmo ho turned to mother with tho question : "Where Is tho stato of Innocence?" "What do you mean, child?" mother asked In nstonlshment. "Well," explained Francis, "tin teacher told us todny thnt Adnm and r.vn wns born In tho state of Inno cence, but I can't find It on this mnp." Important to Mothers Examine curefully every bottlo of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and sec that It t)AAn 4 It t 8lgnaturo otrZTTl&SiU In TJso for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Cautori A Fine Comb, Maybe. "Oh, you should hnvo seen Myrtlo Inst night," exclaimed big sister gush ingly. "She had her hnlr Uono up Just too sweet for anything." "Mnyho sho used a honey comb on It," said tho Irrcspresslblo smnll brother. A Lifetime Job. Askett Whnt do you think should bo dona to punish tho kaiser und bis sons. Tcllum Put 'em nt hard labor for tho rest of their lives. Askett What would you suggest? Tellum Make tho old mnn clean and press nil bis uniforms and put tho boys at polishing up their tin medals. His Chance. Tho tencher wns teaching tho menn Ing of Bomo now words. Among them was tho word "monopoly." Sho told of tho monopolies of Elizabeth's reign and then of somo of tho present day. Then to mako suro that every ono un derstood It sho decided to mako a moro specific example. "Jnklo" sho turned to tho son of n pnwnhrokcr "supposo thnt thero wns n great snow on tno grounu nnu uini all tho sleds this town held be longed to your father. What would ho then have?" Jaklo's eyes Brew bright nnd his volco eager ns ho flashed back tho an swer: "A chanco to mako a lot of money.'' Millions of psrtfciilsr women now ami recommrn grocers. Adv. Red Cross Hall Dlue. Impulsive Utterance. "Dllgglns prides himself on snylna whnt ho thinks." "Yes. Rut ho doesnt think before ho snys It." r ni W'otnen nil over the world reallrc mow and more that their work nt home helps the men nt tho Front. It involve great sacrlficct, hard work nnd unused physical strength. Women nt boas should study nursing for the home. A goe wsy to leara is to ask your druggist for copy or send 60o to publisher of tka "Medical Adviser," C03 Ma'n ttt., unnaja N. Y., and get a copy of their 1,000 ptt book bound in cloth, with chapters ea First Aid, Taking Care of the Sick Wounded, Physiology, Hygiene, Amatea my, Sex Problems, Mother andeBaW Nobsdy, man or woman, can do ism work when health 'Is impaired. If woman is nervous or has dirzy speD ir. rrr. awful natna at regular or w regular intervals she should turn to a toaMP muds up of herbs, and without alpofcela which makes weak women strong and sMtJ women well. U Is Dr. Pierce's Prescription. Send Dr. Pierce, Buffal N. Y., 10 cents for trial packsge. Atcbtnon. Kn.-"Abont twenty 7 aaai! flnt commenced taking Dr. fierce Tetf I'reicrlptlon. Had alipUeement and other twej ble peculiar to woman. The Brat half dsaeo assj, pn sreat relief, and by the time I tat the first bottle I felt atron.er than for a laf while. Btnca then I hare taken thla medlets wheneter X bare felt rundown, weak or nd It bat alwaya siren me the dfalred Way 1 am rery glad to recommend 'FaTorlte rreaete tion as a woman'a real ttltoi." Mrs. Ida Tlckner. 1118 N. 10th K "iaV throat. Tho melon muff Is finished nl tho ends with plaited puffs of sntln and hangers of sntln nllow It to b worn suspended from the nnn. Hud son seal, mink, mole, squirrel, kolinsky, nro tho short-haired furs liked best foi sets with marten, skunk, fox nnd sa ble the choicest In long-hnlred pelts. Perspiration Stains. Perspiration stains enn be boiled ont of white material, but In colored ma terial they usunlly monn thnt tho per spiration hns spoiled tho color. In thnt ense, about the only thing to do Is to blench tho gnrment white by boiling It In a solution of wnshlng soda about a cupful o fsoda to a boiler half full of water. It Is, of course, disap pointing to find oneself In possession of a plnln white frock or blouse In staid of ono of dulnty bluo or pink; but surely tho snowy-whlto Is moro at tractive to nil eyes thnn n streaked, yellow-stained color. Amber Instead of Pink. Flesh-pink chiffon nnd georgette blouses nro being worn so universally now thnt women of exclusive tasto have turned to another tint, and that tint seems to bo amber not yellow, and not tun, but tho Indescrlbablo gold en shade produced by sunlight Bhlnlng through clear amber. A simple tucked batiste blouse becomcB, touched by tho magic wand of nmber, nn exclusive model worth fevernl dollars. Ambei chiffon blouses cost still more, nnd am ber organdlo trimmed with filet lace Is exceedingly distinguished In prico. You Are Dying By Acid When you have Heartburn. Gag. Bloat, and that Full Feelin after eating. TAKE ONE FATONIC fcpfFOR YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE) Rid you of tho Excess Acid and Overload and you will fairly feel the GAS driven out of your body THE BLOAT GOES WITH FT IT GIVES YOU REAL STOMACH COMFORT Bold by drortrtsts renerally-M your drouglat can't nupply you We- box of Bo Mr. seiid us thla adv. rltn your name ana aaareBB ana mwuncnmi wj"" JKr, Vii Sa tholjSc after you get JU iddreas Eatonto Remedy Co., 1018 B. Wabash Ate., Chicago, ni ou m big box of Kotonlo for can bviiu VtclfL jJBL ABIiBn I BHBBBWBMSIBBSSISaBHHHSHl , ( Appropriate Measurement. "How do thy meusuro that Ger man poison gta, anyway? By tho cont-n-meter?" isked tho funny man. "No," replied tho Amcrlncn olllcer. "By tho klll-a-wetcr." Cincinnati En quirer. How'eJThlB? We) offer HOO.ID for any caso of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALLH HAUL'S CAT.VKRH MEDICINE Is tak en Internally and acts through the Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Sold by druggists for over forty years. Prlco 75c. Teitlmontals free. F. J. Chensy & Co., Tolsdo, Ohio, Mis Position. MAn ounco of pluck is worth a ton of luck." "Still, If I had luck coming my way by tho ton I wouldn't do any kicking," Granulate Eyelids. Evei infltmed by expo sure to Sit, Itll and Wind Your E? .AAm quickly relieved by Murtio nVftS CyeRsartr. No Smarting 40 Just Eyo Comfort. At Vour Druggiiti or by mall COc per Bottle. For ok at lbs Eye free write b u Nurla Ey Kiaedy C., Chicago. That After Effect (From tho observations of a cynic.) I snw a dog after a cat I snw a cat after n rat. I saw a young mnn after my daughter. I saw my neighbor after tho almighty dollar. I looked at tho fnflnlteslmnl bit of chango I received from thnt snmo dollur after buying a dozen eggs. I heard tho plulnt of tho wlfo after her husbnnd got homo at V. a. m. I heard ono of theso after-dinner speakers. I am fed up on this after-tho-war stuff. I heard of a workman nfter higher wages. Tho preacher fries to scaro mo about this after llfo. I saw a boy tako after his father, I saw nnothor follow after my Job and I saw a chnp tho morning after tho night boforo. I don't need to hco tho kaiser after tho war to convlnco mo that thin llfo Is Just ono blnnkety blank thing after another. Indlannpolls Star. IIITCIItO fVatson . Cpla.aa rn i tir i o RS'iftSBrfis? EaUareuonW.uigneaueiencef, uceti KODAKS DEVELOPWQ PRINTING tual ENLARGING UNCQbN PHOTO SUPPLY CO. (tUBTUAS KODAK OO.) Dept K, 1)117 O St Lincoln, NstW Navy Uses More Vessels. Thero aro now four times as many vosselB In naval servlco ns a year ago. Tho estimated pay of officers and men In tho navy for tho first year of war waa 1120,000,000. MEN AND WOMEN I UiQ MONEY SELXJNa HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR Most complete and official book paW llshed. Best terms. Credit given. BijK, gest outfit free. Write quick. . Ziegler Co., 3J East Harrison, Chlcaf W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 61-1918. Old FoLt's Coughs will bo rellered prompt!? by PWs. . Btojs? throat tickle J relieve. Irritation. The remedr teited by moro than fifty years ot use W PISO'S