The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 26, 1918, Image 1

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A CvB. ! i
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TOa-r1 -s:. -r w i 'iv.1. vw ji3u tf . w-Ti5rrjSJjv.:
t5- "s-Kte.
A Ncwsiiapnr That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For S1.50
s8ft -smmMi
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3uvnaauubarxKDMincxununvu-'iRiL7s rr-nun-3rcxu W4fm.nui wu uca?ttw3vvmbLMUVMrnmitrmma u mflst-umii
Wt VKnjTmaaaKXX ffWJm.rwrTaMmwiMtMnwwaamfiiyB.-viff.TVfWff
Mrs. Elizabeth HuChoB jW YEAR GREETING
When old age comes don't be rettered by
TV the folly of your younger days. It is
unfortunate. to be old and poor. Bank your
money and have your money.
Webster County Bank
Capital and Surplus $35,000 Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Edward Florancc, President S. R. Florance, Cashier
'In t tie summer f t T" Mr. and Mrs.
A. limits in tliL'ir journey from New
Yoiktothe homestead lands of this
enmity, reached tin; thou village ofj
Beatrice, where tlio laud otlico was i
situated 1 ft UnatH imnlilu t" go'
any farther, ua left behind with her
child, Cella, while Mr ll-nts, mv nil !
ipanirtlb Dr. I'etcr Head, Kd Parks,
David llell'elb wer. Win. Brief, and
another, drove from Beatrice to where
Ued Cloud now i. selected their lands
and returned to Beatrice to tile their
homestead entries. They were the j noting as together wo j.tcp over the
tlist loeaters in tne vicinity ot lieu
t'loud. The .laekson settlement was
For Your,
New Year?s Dinner
Get YOUR GROCERY Supplies of
IV A T 73 IS 13
A. J
Christmas Candies,
Fall Supply of Pecans
All Kinds cf Nuts
Canned Goods
Fresh Cookies
Everything In Groceries
a?ad Queeimsware
. ! a r n
a rew ri?.ct
ijtr am i mwi v ti wu 4ua
fcrff rl 'tit '3
Lx .frit wjil.i JJ- S
5 of Fine Hand-painted China
a .i
i o
Thanking you for your
Liberal Patronage in
the past I wish you all
a happy and prosperous
New Year.
From the Pastor oJ
I Methodist Episcopal
I Church
! '
To the People of Red Cloud
and Vicinity '
How h. iftly the wheels of tiinenpi'id
us past lifes lnilestones. Alresdy uo
are npai.i.jr tlm hmindry line of another (
vear I lircwltli uivo von a Inotliei s
madf after the return of the Units
party to Ueatriee. Mr. Wonts was oh
Itk'ed to remain there until the birth
of Mrs. Hughes, widen was on tins
day of September. She was born in a
tent Within four da.s after hor
birth, Mr Woats with his wife ami two
children, were on the way to their
homestead. One hundred miles of
Mindless wilderness was to be traveled.
A large part of the following winter,
Mrs. ltoats with theso two children,
lived by theinso ves in ii dugout, while
the husband hihI father was laying in
a btipply of btill'alo meat, a hundred
mile.s farther west. ,All that a child
could know of the ptlvationsaud hard
ships incident to tlio early settlement I
of this county, Entered into the life of
Mrs. Hughes, and her later years were
rejoiced with its prosperity Her
child, born nudur happier conditions
than his mother, is the pride of his
grand parents, and will, we trust,
inOst worthily represent all that is
best and noblest of the pioneer charac
ter ami struggles which have made
this county what it is.
Besides her parents and son she
leaves two brothers, Will of Scotts
Hi lift's and Harry of this city, and
three sisters. Mesdiunes Cella Smith
and Lottie Sagl and Miss Itoso Koats
Mrs. Ralph McCall
This estimable lady passed onward
at her hom.i in Vera, Oklahoma, Thins
day night, Dec 10th, IMS.
Wose Topham was the. daughter of
Mr ami Mrs.iloseph Topham, horn in
lOnglanil and cainu hero, with her par
ents, when a small child.
She grew to womanhood here and
became the wife of Itilph Mi'Cnll.
Some years ago they removud to Okla
homa where Mr. McCall engaged in
sto-k raising and farming.
While not among tliujiionuurs. thu
Topliams are properly classed among
the old sett'.cr-i of this county, while
the McCalls were among the pioneers
of 1871 Mrs. McCall, the mother, of
the bereaved husband, was one of the
women who resided in tlio stockade.
His father, Oliver Mc'.'all. was pur.
haps, the first succcfsful cultivator of
an orchard in the valley, aud was al
ways a prominent tlgtire In the early
life of tliu county. Although Mr aud
Mrs McCall had removed from this
county, they wore intimately connect
ed with the present by ties which nro
too tender for abrupt severance Rel
atives and friends in large numbers
will sorrow over the death of Mrs.
Ralph McCall aud sliaro with Mr. Mc
Call the aflliction which has fallen up
on him."
Arrabell Waldo
threshold of the New Year
Let us Uecp step side by side to the
better music of l!)l!. May the -.ear tie
full of bl.ssings. When gladness fills
your heart, none will icjoice moie
than I; it sorrow comes to you. no one
will lie more ready to sympathize with
you. natcver a brotht is fellowship,
and a tiieuds comradship can do 1
shull seek to do, to make your life rich
in blessing.
l!i;v. John D. Ha.mmix.
About Returning Soldiers
There has been much apparent, nn.
certainty among the people at largo
as to -i to be done by the gov
eifciiieht for soldiers disclmrgcd from
service. To clear up any misunder
standing tlio following dellnltt stattv
inentsiuc given out by the Council of
National Uofcnse at Washington;
1. Knoll 'discharged soldier will be
given one month'- pay.
'J. Kach will be given an allowance
of three aud a half cents a tulle from
the point of denioli;y.ution to his homo
:$. Kavsli will be enabled t buy a
railroad ticket from the point of de
luolnlizitiou to his home town by the
most direct route at a cost of two
cents a mile.
I The demobilization of each unit
will occur at the army camp nearest
the homo section of a majority of the
men of the unit.
Thi information is ollicial and fam
ilies of soldiers should be guided by it
in arranging to look after ivturniiig
Onions as Medicine
Hot onions according to a Fronch
physician, arc -aid to be a sinecure
for pneumonia. The remedy is as fol
lows: Take six or ten onions, accord.
Ing to size; and chop tine; put them in
a largo pan over lire, then add the
same quantity of ryu meal and vine
gar enough to unite a thick paste,
Stir it thoroughly, lotting it simmer
for live or ten miuuteb. Then ptmr in
to a cotton bag large enough to cover
the lungs and apply to chest, as hot as
patient can bear it. In about ton
minutes apply another and thus con
tinue byreheating tlio poultices and in
n few hours tho patient will be out of
danger. This simple remedy has
never failud to cure this too often
fatal disease. Ufiiially three or four
applications will be sulUcieiit.
if you have any doubts about tills
ask your grandmother, or any grand
mother whose glilhood was In the cen
tury back of the present one. It's,
sure good. Tho Only caution neces
sary is to see that tho patient Is not
exposed to even a slight chill for some
time after recovery is under way. For
any case of severe cold simple appli
cation of warm sliced ontuns is equally
ollk'rtclous The pores are opened and
skin made sensitive by the application,
lieuce the necessity for extra care
agaliibt exposure to chill.
Le Fontenay's Recital Proves
JJ ver since tin- first phonoi'r.'iph was madivmusic lovers
a- have looked forward to tho day when this wonderful in
vention would he perfected when it would reproduce the
human voice with such exactness that (he reproduction
woidd he just as real as the actual voice it reproduced.
Distinguished French Soprano
Assisted hy
GRACE FREEMAN, The Noted Violinist
proved conclusively that the genius Edison really has in
vented an instrument that fulfills every expectation and
every requirement of the most exacting and cultured
music critics. Those noted artists sang and played with
"The Pnonograph with a Sour'
and demonstrated that (his wonderful instrument not
merely reproduces hut actually RE-CREATES all forms
of music. No talking machine of any kind can pass this
Own a New Edison. Have this entrancing music
right in your ovn home. We gladly will serve you.
o -
Jeweler and Optometrist
Arrabell Walda, mother of Coupty
CominUsionorelect J. A. Waldo, of
Inavale, passed peac ifuily away at
the home of her son at an oarly hour
on Sunday morning On retiring
Saturday night the lady appenred to
be in hor usual health, aud on Sunday
morning when the children went to
her room with Christmas cards, which
had coino wltli tho mornings mail,
noted that she was not awake, but
' thought it nothing unusual, but when
iin hour tnoro had elapsed they became tii rvvnthm and tho Itomnn ladles
nlarincd and an investigation disclns-! usc.(i them to arrange nml hold up tholr
1 r-d th (act that h-r sleep was one Jmlr; oven ladles among tlio Swiss JnUo
which knows no a-aliening 'dwellers seem to Jinvo been familiar
Mr- W.cio.vns i native of Canada, with thorn. Some of those wcro mnilo
1. Ing born December si, 1810, and was ot wood, some of bone, or horn or of
J aged 72 years, U months and 28 days Ivory.
win n 1 r nniiinMiiiiinwiwii iiiiaNiniTniiwwiiiiiiiiiiimiitii iiiiiiiiinnirMiiiiinitiiww
i n in r TTTrniinim i mi u mm mi n w mm in nun n im m n mi mi iw wMnmirf rwnrw
ilpen Pay and night
i I
MW ,-rM, JL - . PM
Powell & Pope
Locate Your New Home
Along the Burlington
Soldiers, Sallol'S and Civilians, in seeking free homestead lauds or buy
I rig deeded lands, will do well to search in the territory served by the Hurling
ton Route. Its Hues through Wostern Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado aud Mon
tana have been populated In the past twenty years by a civilization of'themost
prosperous type.
There are yot hi Wyoming territory served by the Htirlington large areas
of gras9-covorcd lands for homestead entry in 010 acre tracts. You can buy
deeded lands for dairy farming in Western Nebraska and Kastern Colorado on
terms that any good farmer can meet. From year to year tho government Is
opening irrigated lauds In the Dig Horn Dastu, with pcrpotual water rights el-
Combs hnvo boon used In tho touci most a gin. n yon seiuo aiong mo nurungion you rear your nomo in a pro
Slneo very ancient times, finys Chris- gressive locality, where every community is incrensLug In population. Write
j tlnn Sclenco Monitor. mho urccic, j me. I want to stint yon thinking as to where you or your son had b09t locate
i.'iM'iuinn nun inn lioiinui luuii-a . -.. -..,
S. B. Howard, Agricultural Agent, C.B.&Q. R,R.
1001 Farniim St, Omaliti. Nfbr
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
Immmm win vm