SEP OLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIKF UawCW-M ? 1 If. hi H ft n . . esPik rfi a )(njMyX4. I 'f V &zM K t hssizzc's l7rfhStJSrX1,SIW BaEaESsSSEaU.- J 13 ,t .'I .? Mti,A v- r-zrvtt J,'.Vi.''h,'t'i L. bNdeTTIrPH? J ' JP . . .y?--wW"-w'u' r7 FVI Nil viiRK3a. 2B5 rrrTTS-fc . i - nrjc jL"aaai ' ' i ' ' va " t 'urai is: ..''.',?. akksm. jft JkttM. . MWmmw jWmmr1t " --n 4kaVaKyaV'"aKlaMK4aaaVK IP, i, M itl-i I " " H-aaaaaCl,f7r-'laaaa I ATI A L W J I , (S) (ffsyn&rafe Bo. 1 British mlno swtripers clearing thu North sou of ("orninn mines. 2 American soldiers who were wound ed In tho St. Mlhlcl sollent photographed on their nrrlvul In Now York, .'J -Dr. Joseph Pornll-oir, represent!! tlvo of tlio ull-Uusslon government, who lius Just comu to tho United States. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS President Sails for France, But Does Not Tell Specifically What He Plans to Do. WILL BE WARMLY WELCOMED Trial of Former Kaiser for Murder Seems Assured Llcbknccht and 8partacus Group Fighting Ebert's Government for Control In Germany. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. With tho cheers of thousands of jdvlllnns nnd returning soldiers ring ling In his ears. President Wilson mi I led i . way for Europe on December 4, on bis mission of world peace-making. As tho good ship George Washington mndo Its wny out of New York harbor all tho shoro batteries and war vessels Joined In tho presidential suluto nnd off quarantine thu steamship met Its convoy, tho bnttleshlp Pennsylvania and five destroyers. It wns n Dlcnsant colncldcnco that tho presidential party net several transports thronced with American troops Just sent homo from England and France. Mr. Wilson. It was exnected. would land at Brest about December 12 nnd proceed at ouco to Paris, where tho resiacnco or Prlnco alurut Iibb been prepared for hlra. Tho other delegates and most of tho rest of the larco nartv Iwlll bo housed In tho Hotel Crlllon. Tho president Is nssured of a warm and oven entluiBlnstlc welcomo in France, Great Britain and Italy. Ills arrival in Europo will bo scarcely less iwolcomo to tho people of what were 'tho central empires. Tho governments jot those states, distracted und dlshov lied, look to Mr. Wilson to mollify the cntento powers and obtain for them less rigorous peaco terms than the crimes of tho Teutons hnvo de ferred. Whether ho will be ablo to .accomplish this, or even will attempt It, remains to bo seen. Tho president has Aot taken into his coutldencu tho con 'flrcsa or tho pcoplo of America, pos albly bccaiiKo ho could not guess, prior to conferences with tho representatives iof tho entcnto nntlons, how far ho might daro to go in tha way of humnu lltarianlsm. They aro willing and eager to confer with him on nil mutters nnd doubtless will defer to his Judgment In many things, but they have their own very certain Ideas ns-to the treat ment that should ho accorded tho Ger man nntlon and pcoplo. Ono of these Ideas Is that tho ex kaiser must bo put on trlul for murder and, If found guilty -tho "If might as 'well bo "when" must bo adequately punished. Tho best legnl authorities of England nnd Prance agree that Wll Ham can be extradited from, Holland, and thero Is no doubt that In uny event enough pressure could bo brought to Induco tho Dutcli to glvo him up. Krom tho beginning of tho Svnr tho English and French hnvo de termined that William should ultimate ly bo brought to Justice porbonally, and thero Is umplo reason for tho de pression from which the deposed ruler Is said to be suffering at Amerongen. Tho former crown prince, who, by tho way, says ho has not yot renounced 'his rights to the throne, may also bo put ou trial. He, In his Dutch retreat. uim uL-uii luiung now ho and his father wero forced Into all their outrageous actions by tho military cllquu and Bethmnnn-llolweg. Ho also tries to 8hlft to others tho blame for tho ter rific defenta his army sustained, Another Hxed lutenllon of tho en tento powers Is to compel Germany to pay to tho limit of her capacity. Her ability to make llnunclnl reparation for tho dtimngo her armies have dono la undoubted. Tho measures to be adopt ed by the allies aro yet unsettled. Ger many's state-owned mineral, conl und potash deposits nnd railways alone aro worth vastly moro than tho clnliaa of tho allies will amount to, and It Is not unlikely that thoso will bo seized. In money tho country la almost as rich MM U was before tho war, W-uJ fl iZ Is? WBfc.raJP'Hfe, Alii ( ,1 , l RSEifiiH istzmziS2Jlyz3i This question of reparation brings up the matter of a commercial boycott. Many authorities nssert that tho only wny'Gernuiny can pay will he by ob taining raw materials from tho coun tries nIio has been fighting and selling her products In their markets. Very likely tho penco conference will declare against tho boycott Idea, but It will not he so easy to persuade the peoples of the allied nations to buy German made goods. Most of them would pre fer to seo Germany reduced to tho po sition sho has earned for herself, to hnvo such money as can bo tuken from her, and to let the rest of tho financial reparation go by tho board. Austrln, too, Is making tho loud wnll for raw mntcrials and mnrkets. Dr. Franz Klein, who will represent nt the peaco conferenco tho so-called Austrian re public, provided ho Is admitted, Is re lying especially on America to be "fair" and to solve tho troubles of tho lato empire so that all tho republics cau live In peaco and prosperity. Somo Job I Conditions In Germnny nro almost ns uncertain as in Russia after tho fall of Kerensky. Just who or what comprises the government It is hard to say. I'romlcr Ebert nnd his moderato socialist colleagues arc still tho nomi nal rnlerB of Prussln, but Dr. Karl Licbknecht nnd his Spnrtncus group of socialists tho German equivalent of tho bolshovlki are vigorously lighting to got tho upper hand. They are especlnly strong in Berlin, which Is in a 8tnto of great disorder. It Is reported Unit Llebknecht hns 15,000 men well nrmed nnd Is planning a ter rorist revolution. Ho reviles Ebert for asking food from America, for, sinco this Is conditioned on tho mulntonunco of order, It is "yielding to a capitalist effort to beat bolshevik alms." Lteb knechfs organ, tho Bed Flng, demands tho dlsmlssnl of ofllccrs nnd tho choosing by soldiers of their leaders; tho imniedlnto arming of tho revolu tionary workmen and tho disarming of nil other organizations; tho destruc tion of capitalism, tho annulment of war loans nnd tho socialization of nil business. Tho soldiers' and workmen's coun cils of Germany hnvo demanded that tho ex-kalser bo tried by u German tribunal, which would probably bo tho best ho could hope for. In many parts of Germany thero Is swift reaction against tho bolshovlk movement, d It threatens to grow Into n counter-revolution, with thopns slblo restoration of the monarchy. This Is fostered by many oillcers und supported by certain -units of the army. That It will go fur seems quite unlikely. Tho soldiers and workmen generally, however, seem disposed to support the Ebert government rather thun tho Spnrtncus group. Thu lenders of tho Bavarian repub lic hnvo Induced tho Berllnern to de mand tho resignation of Doctor Solf, whoso retention as foreign socretury has been ono of tho puzzles to outsid ers, and to exclude Matlilas Erzberger from the peaco neotlations. Ha Tho Into leaders of Germany nnd Austria aro quarreling among them selves concerning who was responsible for starting tho war, and tho present leaders are demanding that this ques tlon bo settled .by nn Inquiry and tho guilC 6'iles punished. How much chnnco thero is of a fair Investigation is revealed by tho fact, Just brought to light, that tho German foreign olllco burned all the documents in tho ar chives that might place tho responslbll Ity for tho war on tho Gerniun govern ment, n is interesting to noto that Doctor Solf has proposed that a neu tral commission Inquire Into tho ori gin of tho war. Tho allied armies of occupation con tinue their mnrch Into German terri tory and aro meeting with no resist ance und little trouble of any kind. Tho Germans nro not keeping up to schedule in complying with tho urmls tlce terms, but say this Is Impossible In somo Instances. For instance, they cannot gather tho required number of locomotives, and tho ulrphmes called for are being given up where they um Instead of being collected and surren dered In n bunch. Tho last of tho Hun submarines hnvo been turned over to tho allied fleet nnd tho Germany navy, whoso personnel waa denounced by :W7?. IA fJ I&hFU&'fiCZS&m&, nP sJ . W7J..JlStM Admiral Beatty ns beneath contempt, is now no more. General DlckmanW American nruiy has Its headquarters nt Treves, and from It reports come that flatly con tradict the Idea that the Germain nro short of food and clothing The peo ple In the occupied districts nro studi ously Indifferent to the Invaders or openly eager to keep up their trade. The French and British have been moving forward In their zones with little incident. Among the loot already recovered from the Germans Is the 500,000,000 taken from the Kussliin treasury. Tho Huns also have ruturnod n rich urt collection that was stolen from St. Quentln, und other paintings taken from Viilcticiunno. fa The ulMlusslan government ut,Omsk appears to be gaining In Htnblllty, but tho bolshovlki hae not let up in their trouble-making. An Irruption of Beds Into Esthonla lias alnrnicd the govern ment there, murdering, burning nnd plundering being unhindered. Livo nia also has been Invaded by them. A cull for help by sen wns sent out, and a few days ago n British fleet ar rived at Llbnu. Tho vessels probably will proceed to Bevel and land men to stop tho Blaughter. Tho bolshevik nu thorltlcs In western Russia hnvo turn, ed bock l.COO.000 Russian soldiers who hnvo been prisoners In Germuny, and It wns reported that tho men had seiz ed four Bhlps nt Danzig which tho British Bed Cross hnd obtained from Germany for tho housing of prisoners. ta Tho Ukrainians and tho Poles de cline to stop lighting. They nro chas ing each other back nnd forth in terri tory which both clnlm, and it is diffi cult to sny which has tho advantage. Recently tho Poles occupied Brest Lltovsk, tho town where Germany ne gotiated the peace treaties with Rua Blu and tho Ukraine. Pa Before President Wilson left tho country he delivered his uddress to congress renssembled for tho short session. Ho paid glowing trlbuto to tho forces of America, military and civilian, which helped win the war, and said ho was going ncross to Interpret his Ideas of world pence becauso he considered that was his bounden duty. But ho did not glvo any specific Infor mation ns to his plans, nor did ho so much as mention his colleagues on tho peaco delegation. In denllng with do mestic matters, tho president said ho was convinced It would bo wrong to turn tho railroads buck to private own ership under present conditions, but that unless congress solved the ques tion In the near future he would relin quish thu roads. Other matters that ho asked congress to act upon quickly wero tho rovenuo bill, the navy build ing plan and woman suffrage. Secre tary Daniels' plan for tho nnvy is for stendy nnd rapid lncreuso of tho fleet, for which ho usks about $13-1,000,000. Tho estimates submitted to congress by Secretnry Baker provide for n regu lar army of approximately G00.000, but certain Items are Included that lenvo the question of the strength of the nrmy open until after tho conclusion of penco. -fa- I Tho American troopn already are coming buck from Europe, tho first to arrive, except for tho wounded, being tho aviation units that wero training in England. tei An wns expected, the president ap pointed Congressman Carter Glnsa of , Virginia to succeed Mr. McAdoo as secretary of the treasury. Ho has boen i chairman of the house coramlttco on j banking and currency nnd his selection for tho cabinet position meets with general npproval. tes I While the rest of the worlil Iq ,.- ' Ing to tho wnys of pence, Chile and Peru are preparing for war. Tho an cient quarrel over tho provinces of Tncna nnd Arleu hns been revived, tho people hnvo been Insulting nnd provok ing each other and the situation is crit ical. Tho armies of tho two countries hnvo been ordered to mobilize, nnd unless wiser counsels prevail hostili ties will follow before long. Tho United States has no Intention of in tervening in tho squabble, but n num ber of our warships hnvo been dis patched to Valparaiso to protect Amer ican interests. MEETINGS GALLED OFF Orflflnlzed Agriculture Projjram Aban doned Becau6o of the Prevail Inn Epldemlo In 8tatc. The orgnnized ngrlculture meetings Kchetluled to be held at Lincoln next month and which, under ordinary cir cumstances, would bo attended by from '.',,000 to 4,000 farmers,' hnvo been colled off by tho executive committee i of the orgnnlzutlou becauso of tho In- fluenzn epidemic nnd partly on nc count of tho prospectfl thnt scarlet fover may beenmo prevalent In tho near future. The winter fruit nnd flower show nnd other exhibitions usually held In connection with the meetings will likewise lie ab-indoii'd. January U0 to 2.", Inclusive, were the (lutes- set for the annual meeting1". Postmaster General Burleson's re vised sehedule of Installation and l moving charges for telephones, made public by the state railway commis sion, materially reduces the charges which were put Into effect by bis or der last September, nhortly after the government too'k over the telephone system of tho country. The new charges run from $l.fi0 to $:'..."0, ac cording to the extent of the work necessary. Many complaints have reached the commission on the orig inal order, but It Is believed the new ono will be more satisfactory. The orvo will be moro satisfactory. The State Council of Defense has formulated n plan whereby Nebraska soldiers are to be placed In stentb employment when they are mustered out of the service. Agricultural em ployment will be looked after by county agents nnd the state labor com missioner. The balance In the state treasury nt the close of business November .10 wa. S132.010.-n. ncrordlng to the monthly report of state treasurer Hall. n mralnst a balance October .11 of ?1.r.17.r.0n.m The trust funds of the state Invested are now shown to be 510.57 l.r72.S5. An nhunrmnl number of nutomnblle ncc!dent have occurred In Omnhn (luring the past few days. The smash ups are due. police snv, to the lartro . number of autos used to transport people to and from work In the ab ' penco of street cars tied up by strlk , cr. Dewltt Is ngnln quarantined on nc j count of n number of new eases of lnflueii'n. The quarantine evtends to ' nil nmusements and such other me"t- Inirs which nro not considered of vital importance. Strenuous efforts aro being made In Kearney nnd ndlolnlng counties to check the spreading of cornstalk dls ease, which hns already caused the death of n largo number of cattle nnd horses. A serious shortage of box car on Nebraskn lines of rnllrond Is nntlcl pated by the State Railway commis sion ns the result of the lifting of the embargo against grain and hogs. Thirty-four nlumnl. or former stu dents of the University of Nebraskn. hnvo died In military service, accord ing to a report from the alumni head quarters nt Lincoln. One-hnlf ns many nutos were stolen in Omnhn In November, 101S. as in November, 1017. and 7S per cent were recovered this year ngnlnst .r7 per cent the previous. Two hundred and three residents of Lincoln died from Influenza and Its complications during October and No vember and the last two days of Sep tember. Work has begun on the veterinary Mhico building on the university farm campus at Lincoln. The ireneral contract calls for nn expenditure of about SflO.rwv As n means for preventing another outbreak of the "flu," temperature of all school children at Beatrice Is be ing taken every morning. All nntl-Jltney ordinances wero re pealed by the city commission at Omaha n fow hours after tho street car stiiko was called. Tim Omaha Potash and Refining company, n $1 .000.000 company, has begun the erection of" n !?.r00,000 pot ash plant nt Likoside. Tho state food administration has announced thnt tho permit system for the shipping of coarso grain luis been discontinued. Investigation mndo by experts nt tho college of agriculture ut Lincoln Fliow that sweet clovor Is rapidly be coming popular in this stnte ns a pnsturo crop. To dispel fears of Nebraska farmers thnt becauso of poaco crops would no longer bo protected under the government gunrantted price, Charles T. NenI of tho food adminis tration grain corporation at Omnhn Issued a statomnnt to the effect that tho purchase of wheat would continue until June, lOL'O. Midland college and tho Atcheson Bomlnary, two large Lutheran educa tional Institutions ut Atchison, Kits., will bo moved to Fremont, If tho rec ommendation of the Nebraska synod, which convened In thnt city last wook, Is follow ' Beeiiier has again boen forced to put the ban on public gatherings be causo of the "flu" epidemic. Consid erable resentmont Is manifested In tha town becaujo tho order Includes churches, schools nnd pleturo shows and not pool halls nnd soft drink emporiums. Goyernor-tlect McKolvIo bus nn notinced he will mnko the following appointments when ho takes olilce: Private secretnry, Philip H. Rtoss, Wahoo. Chief Clerk, Arthur B. Cole, Aurora. Recorder, J. II. Pro-won, Omnhn. Eonrd of Control, commis sioner, A. 13. Allyn, Hnstlngs. Fish and Game Commission, superintendent of hatcheries, v. J. O'Brien, South Bend; chief game warden". George K. Koster, Niobrara ; assistant deputies, !'. r. Mockotr, Pino Camp; Ed V. Vnr tier. Adams; Owen Jones. North Platte. Food. Drug nnd Dairy Com mission, Leo Stubr. Grand Island: ns. slstnnt hotel commissioner. William M. Wldener. Fire commissioner. 13. 1"). Bench, Lincoln ; nssistnnt. W. D. Fish er, York; secretary. Eva. V. Anderson, ITuvelock. Prohibition enforcement, chief state agent. Gus livers. Lincoln. Trilantlnn nnd Highway, stole engi neer. George E. Johnnn, Falls City. Telephone compiiulei are not under the Jurisdiction of the State Knllwriv commission, according to an answer (11 "d In federal court at Lincoln bv fhe Lincoln Telegraph and Telephone company to the Inluucllon Milt start d bv the commission, prohibiting the government from liiterfeilng with the iMitborltv of the commission In the control of rates In Nhrnsl;n. Omnhn street car strikers, by nn nl most unnnlmous vote, refused to sub mit their grievance with the traction company, which resulted In the com nlete tie-up of trolly car service In "Omnhn nnd Council Bluffs, to the United States war labor board for .settlement. The biggest Irrigation project in the United Slates, to wafer 7.1.000 acres In western Nebraska In time for the 10JO crop, hns been organized bv the government nt n cost of S7 000 000. The protect will .embrace Iim.OOO neros. ' O.OOO of which Is In eastern Wyo ming. Nebraska's sugar and potash will ' ..-.'gregate close to RIO 000,000 n year. ! and Increased Irrigated areas and nn , embnrgo, on German potash means n further enlargement of these giant In dustries, nccordlng to Stnte Publicity Director Will Muupln. Barracks for the student nrmy training corps at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln bnve cost the university S70 000 to build and equip. They have been used two months. The government will reimburse the univer sity for the cost. Judge Tsnnc Powers, twice n stnte senator, one of the frnnnrrs of the Nebraska constitution, once n mem ber of the board of regents of the state university and formerly attorney general, died tho other day at Nor folk. The Great Western Sugar compnny factory at Gerlng has alreadv shlnped out more than 8,000,000 pounds of su gar made n the Gerlng factory this fall. The factory Is averaging nbout 2 000 bags of sugar every twenty-four hours. Desnlto the fncttbnt thr Influenza situation at Tecumseh Is no wor"t than In many other Nebraska towns nuthoritles In the city have derided to keen sehools. churches theaters and other public enterprises closed un til January 1. Issuing of S1.000.000 bonds for the erection of n new High school of Commerce at Omnhn hns been ap proved by the federal capital Issues eominlttce nt Washington. Work on the structure will probably begin next spring. The board of regents of the Unlver slty of Nebraska recommended that the reserve oillcers' training corps be telnstltuted nt the state college at Lincoln following the demoblllzitinn of the S. A. T. C. Quite n number of (Buffalo county schools, particularly those In th northern part of the county, have been closed because of Influenza. Inactivity at the oil well prospect near Table Rock, leads people In the vlclnllv to believe that the enterprise Is to be abandoned. Four men taking military training nt (he stnte farm nt Lincoln were found to be afflicted with scarlet fe ver. Effort" aro being mndo at Omnhn to bnve Nebraska restored -to the Illi nois nnd Indiana coal zone. Winter wheat In southeastern Ne braska looks belter than ever before nt this time of the year. The Nebraskn Retail Clothiers' as sociation will meet In Omaha In con vention Februnry 11-1H. Tho Nebraska State Bankers' asso ciation annual convention, scheduled to bo held ut Omaha onrly this month. , hns been postponed again because of Influeuxu. It Is undorstood In Lincoln that ' Governor Nevlllo will submit the nu tlonnl prohibitory amendment to the legislature when It convenes next ' month In his retiring message. As , both houses are pledged to ratify tho amendment It Is oxpocted thnt It will be ono of the first measures rushed through. ! Because of tho prevalence of lnflu- ' onzu In Chnso county a district court Jury, summoned nt Imporlnl, wns dls charged. An embnrgo ngnlnst tho Importation of German potash, Intended for the protection of American fertilizer man ufacturers has been agreed upon by ' Vaneo McCormlck, chairman of thu war Industries bonrd, nccordlng to In formation received In Lincoln from , Congressman II. P. Ktnknld and C F. Reavis, representing potash pro ducing districts of Nebrnsku, in Washington. GOOD NEWS A Lady in Texas Tells How She Regained and Keeps Her Health. Every household should hnvo nt hnnd nil tho tlmu u dependable rem edy with which to light catarrh und catarrhal conditions. The experience of Mrs. M. 13. Berk ley, No. 11122 27th St., Galveston, Tex., is not unique, but her letter does car ry n vigorous "safety first" suggestion to every American homo: "I wish to tell you of tho good Perunn has been to me. I have useij-jlt five years and iiuve never lounn it other thnn satis factory as n remedy for colds, catarrh, Indigestion nnd many other ullmcuts. I nm never without Peruim." Coughs, colds, catarrh, grip and In fluenza cannot safely bo neglected. Any disease due to cntnirhal Inllnni mutton of the mucous lining, whether of tho nusal passages, throat, lungs, Blomuch, bowels, kidneys, bladder or other organs, Is to be feared. Catarrh Is always a menace to the general health and on account of Its preva lence must bo fought und fought bard nil the time. Thousands plnco their entire depen dence upon tho well known time-tried remedy, Perunn. Dr. llartman began Belling Perunn for cntarrh forty-flvo years ago. Trv IMrnnn flrof nn.l ....i.-,fc possiuio disappointment nnd expo ..... --' -- .. .IIU, ill.4 IM Tablet or liquid form. Sold every where. Large Back Scratcher. A neighbor recently purchased three pigs and quartered them in his back yard. This Is something of a novelty In this neighborhood and con sequently very Interesting to the chil dren who spend u great deal of time watching them. The other night Dad dy oM-od our four-year-old girl, "Well liow are the pigs today." She began to laugh and answered: "Oh, Daddy, ono Is such a funny pig. Whenever It has an itch it sera tchr- itself with Its house." Cleveland Plain Dealer. How's This ? Wo offer $100.00 for uny caso of catarrh that cannot bo cured by HALL'S HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINC Is tak en internally and acts through tho Blood i Vo Mucous Surfaces of tha System. told bv druggist- for over forty years. Prlco 7oc. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Some Difference. "You want to charge me J? 10 for this Bergenia's uniform?" said the recently promoted soldier. "Yes, sir," replied the dealer. "Thnt is the price 10." "But I know a corporal who bought n uniform from you last week for SHO." "Very likely, sir." "But you advertised that your prices were uniform, did you not?" "Oh, no. I advertised that I had uniform prices." "REALLY, NOW "I can't tnko that. I must havo Red Cross Ball Blue. I hnvo used it for moro than ten years. My whlto dresses, linens and laco curtains are snowy white. I simply can't do with out Red Cross Ball Blue. You will got It? All right, I'll wait." Adv. Just the Thlnn. Patience Haven't you got out your winter furs yet? Patrice Oh, no. I'm not going to got 'em out. "But j on can't wear your summer furs all wlnor." "Yes, I can. I'm going to spend tin winter at Palm Beach." Care plmplrs, hrmlacbt-, liail breath bj taking May Applp, Aloe, Jalap rollnl Into n tiny sugar QUI culled Doctor I'lmVn l'liasunt l'clleti. AdT, Her ClasG. "Is your (laughter a somnambulist?' "No, ma'am; she's a Presbyterian." Fine teeth usually mid'e brond grins, DON'T LET YOUE CALVES DIE from Scours or Calf Cholera Many dlo nnd all nro ruined If these ailments are neclectcd. Hutu cau positively be prevented ana ovetcotnc witn DR. DAVID ROBERTS' Calf Cholera Remedy At our dealers or POSTPAID 51.00 Consult Dn. DAVID ROnERTS) nbout nil nnlrual nlluicnta. In forumlicm free, Bend for prlo Hut of iiit'dlcinet) mid net FliKIC copy ol The Cattle Snrciallat" with full Infnr. mntlon on Abortion in Cuw$. DR. DAVID ROBERTS VETERINARY (.0 . 100 Grand Ave.. Wauke.ha. Wli. vSfura Stops r'ictiinH auu Saves the Hair & AH drauelnti, BoapU, OlntmentaafJi.Tnleiim'Sj Sninplv i m. h frt-o of "Cntlcnti, Dipt. E, Bolton." i Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Dottles and Dairy Supplies; Hgg wa-ics ooa nicKcn lioops KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. 1309JoneaSL 1001 E. 4th St. OMAHA SIOUX CITY ..PARKER'S . . HAIR BALSAM A tolt irerrtlon or merit. lie I in to eraillcata dandruff. ForRcatoring Color and Beauty loGmr or i'aded I lair. too, mid $1 coat lir ugultta. Irritating Coughs Promptly treat coughs, coUU, hoarsenes. bronchitis nnd similar inflamed ami irritated conditions of tho throat with a tested remedy &wkt. O? WE) El PISO'S W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. fO-lfJia r n i. n v aw Lmtm -aH rw U V Mr ' f -t!-4. .-AW