The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 19, 1918, Image 4

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Useful Gii
This store extends
Greetings for the
approaching Holiday
Season and Suggests
as being most dis
tinctly in line with
the patriotic spirit
of the times
Red Cloud Nebraska. (,
entered In tho I'oitofllce at Itcd Cloud, Nob
as Second Class Matter
F. L. BROWNE. Editor nJ Mintge
culture that farming people 6an tary ever received such wcl-
nn1i lif t m I w V - a! a a 4- V aha n "
kixMiiy avail uiuui&uivcs ui mc . uuinu.
results of scientific research and
practical experience the world
over to aid them in their work
on- the farm and their life in
the home.
Silverware, Carving Sets
Aluminum Ware
Pocket Knives Shears, Scissors
and a hundred other
articles in Hardware
Stoves, Ranges, Washing Machines
Come in and sec. You will be surprised at the
number of, Hardware Articles suitable
for Conservation Gifts
Speaking of the young men
of modern times in exchange
remarks: Some sow wheat and
raise com: some sow wild oats
and raise cane.
Boost the Red Cross. Don't
miss the honor of having your
name on the membership roll
of the greatest aid society the
world has ever known.
There are some very talented
men on record who made it
their business to find fault with
God and His methods. Some
of our republican contempora
ries put themselves in the same
class by their carping and abu
sive criticism of the President
and democracy.
Some men get together and
with teams and tools dig a hole
When the writer was n in the (round: masons lav walls.
youngster there were prohibi- carpenters build a house there
With cx-kaiser Bill below the
horizon Harry K. Thaw again
appears in journal islic skies.
Another evidence that the
country is getting back to
"business as usual."
The Hardware Man Red Cloud, Neb.
They're coming home, the
soldiers in brown, and take it
from us, fellows, if you're con
templating matrimony belt' r
get busy There won't be a
ghost of a chance after the soldier-boys
We note that the Standard
Oil Co. is putting in a pair of
22000 gallon oil tanks at River
ton. Watch out. there. Editor
Matthews. It suggests a bud
ding scheme to crush new and
promising enterprise in the oil
line. '
Dunn and Bradstrcet report
prosperous conditions on the
gain. Bank clearings for the
week were nearly a billion dol
lars above the same week of a
a year ago. The soldier-boys
I are coming home rapidly, com
pulsory restrictions are disap
pearing.the war industries board
is about to dissolve, and it is
evident that adjustment to com
paratively normal conditions
will move With surprising
tionisis witn whom he was
personally acquainted who had
a pretty hard lime making peo
ple believe they had a right to
live peaceably. Just now theie
is a limited amount of liquor in
storage, no more being manu
factured, and bone-dry laws. all
over the country. The "wet"
of today is up against a harder
proposition than was the "dry"
of other days.
.n item from Wisconsin
states that a train pf twelve
cars loaded with wounded sol
diers from France passed
through Portage enroule to Ft.
Snclling hospital. Among many
special cases one was mention
ed of a soldier who had lost both
on: plasters, painiers, paper-
hangers do their part and the
building is pronounced com
plete. There yet remains, how
ever, a big task of cleaning up
before the new structure can
be utilized for purposes for
which it was intended. Don't
let the signing of the armistice
and Germany's virtual sur
render get on your mind as the
finish of tho war. There yet
remains the task equivalent to
cleaning up the house. And in
this case it's a big job. That's
what the Red Cross drive is
now on for cleaning up. The
war is not really finished until
the peace terms arc signed, un
til our brave boys are safely
home, until everything is re
arms and legs and was "moved, mca ,LOr nor mu, "V,"
about in a basket." "And yet" X?u and, arcT to. do our 1,.lt n
uus worrii uusi iiuw wu aiu u
at the apex of the war-year, that re
versed the intangible thingthat I call
ed morale and turned the Uerrann tido
In a backward course which today ha
landed It behind the Rhine. Collier.
Farm Bureau Notes
cowl Mm vnnnrl lw nrfin hnmur M I
Some time when you imagine P .JL'S ? L m f?
you're having a lot of trouble, dunef.tortth?,Rfd 9.y?s?- 7
just think of this hero, having! tending .aid to the greatest
to be carried about in a basket. mothcr m the world!
and yet "he was happy!"
America Won the War
President Wilson departed
salely. sailed safely, landed on I a full hi-tm-y or what the Ainet loans
loreign Shores SaFcIy. and has did at Chutcm-Thlcrry hist summer
been lauded to tho Skies as the 'must await a' Yompetent historian,
most popular man in Europe J Hut hero is the story in a nutshell:
Since Napoleon. "He is loved On one day the Germans were driving
today by those Who Once hated headlong on towards Piul-., confident,
him and SCOlTed at him. They ' strong and proud: on another day they
At present more than 1 ,000.000 see in him hopes for a better1 whv failing aek, imiiied, apprehtn
farmers are members of organi-j world." President Wilson is sive with rem-in their heart. Ami
zations assisting the couniyi reported as saying to General np and down the whole ime. from
agent m his work. lhrou'Hr Pershing: I expected a cordial Switzerland to n.e hea, uion! theGer
The new books, "Record of Farm
Untitles," are ready for distribution.
Tliee boohs ate put out by the Farm
Management, Department at Lincoln.
Tlwy will be sold for loo, this is lr
cover the price of printing. Parties
wanting one nhould call at tho ollice
of tho County ,Agotit or write him for
Farmers wanting to keep a roionl
of their farm business should start tho
first of January and it will help them
to limit e theij- income tax.
They have also printed cost shoots
for keeping record on "producing a
bitiliol of corn and wheat, also hogs
an 1 cattle. Farmers keeping rt" record
book may have any one of the at ovo
na nod cost sheets froo.
We will lie glid to help any farmer
U start these bookR If you wish help
c ill at tho otlico on Saturday, as Sat
urday is ofllco day. if you want help
during the week it would be best to
call theolllco and sec if the Agent will
be there, as he is out most of the time
during the week , , '.'
The Red Cloud Fanners' Institute:
was postponed for good this time. Wo
planned some on holding our pig club
show and students judging contest but
on account of the inllueu.a and the
stioug sentiment against public meet
ings we will have 01 drop this work
for this year, and commence plans for
next your. Wo are planning on put
ting In a Shorthorn Calf Club in the
county nex your
IIkniiv It. FAUriUlI,
Webster County Agricultural Agent.
Work has been resumed at tho ''Uig Marriage license has been
Chief" oil well. Look out, Kiieiton' John Slcupii. Riv.-Hon, and Mifib.Tulia
Dr. mid Mrs. Crelghton are home j I. Pavelka, ltladen. ir.untv Judge A
njrajn, 1 1). Itimuo.v's huiiu utteit, that tho hap
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Powell arelinmn pv couple are piopi-rlv started on the
fiom Nelclgh where they have lieeu J road to liianied I'liss
these ontahizations the Ameri
issued to, can farmer and his family are
now in close personal touch
Welcome, bill I never COUld have man line as well as the Allied line,
dreamed of the sincere welcome there leaped f mm mouth to mouth a
Paris gave me." Henry While, hurried whisper, a wild rumor carried
with a large corps of woll-train-j former American Ambassador, on the wings.: "The Anfci leans are m
ed men and women so linked who knows Paris through long tho line, they have met the
with Federal and stateinstitu- residence said that "seldom had (iuard: they hate beat the Prussian
tions for the promotion of agri- king, emperor or foreign digni- .c.uurd " And it was this wild whisper
visiting Mr. Powell's parents fur the
past ten (Tujs.
Restrictions liavo been removed with
certain limits at McCook where "flu"
has raireil so lleicely lliisliu-SS places
jireopen, and schools were iesuiuo-1
yesterday Uepoits from over the
htttto ludl.-ate that the epioemic 1 be
ing gradually brought ui.iler iiontrol.
- Paramount. Pictures at the Orphontn
Friday and Sntuiday with '-' reel come-
dy. Two episodes of "Hands Up," on
Monday. Fox productions for mid
week piograni. Special for the little
folks Chiistmas afternoon one cent
matiucc. See program adv in anoth
er column.
Tlio State Conference on health con
ditions almost unanimously favored in
dividual quarantine, for intluen.ii
same as is done with other contagious
diseases. General closing was oppos
ed. The, situation locally has improved
so that church sctvices will bo held
next Sunday; business houses are be
ing well patronized. TheOrphcum re
opens tomorrow, Friday evening.
Private Chas. A. Shirley, who was
fiomo time ago reported missing, has
been hoard from, and Is in position to
truthfully quote the words of Mark
Twain "Am glatl to state that the re
ports of my death were greatly exag
gerated." Report was published last
week of the death of Lieut. Raymond
Saunders, well-know in Red Cloud.
This has been contradicted by the
r, statement that letters hare been re
celred fronfhfm since the (late of hi
alleged death.
A recent issue of the Chief contained
one hundred and twenty news items,
ia addition to editorial comment, in
teresting selected matter and two good
continued stories either of which
would cost you 91.50 at the bookstores.
Leas than three cents a huudred for
news items with tho selected material
thrown in free. It's your money's
worth. Out the 81.50 rato Is based up
an the assumption that subscribers
keep paid up. Those that run behind
must pay the $2 00 rato. Moral. Pay
now and save money.
Somewhat Roomy
Mrs. J. P. Griftln anil youngest son
went out to Flagler, Colorado, Monday
for a few days visit with her husband
who has rented a big feed barn and
may decide to make that their perma
Mat homt. Lebanon Times.
Everybody to their taste, but really
wa would prefer a more modern rest
deace for a permanent home.
Farm Loans
I am ready to make farm loans in
ny amount at lowest rates, best
terms and option. Absolutely no do
lav and no inspection expense. Solo
agent for Trevett, Mattia and Baker.
Some private money.
People tire MirprisPd at the IN
STANT action of simple buckthorn
bark, glycerine etc , as mixed in Ad-ler-i
ktiONIO M'OONFl'L flushes the
KNTIKH luiwf 1 tract, so completely it
relievos ANY CASK sour stomach, gas
or constipation and prevents appendi
citis. The INVl'ANT, pleasant action
of A'Mer-i-ka surprises both doctors
and patients It removes foul mattn1
which poi-oned your stomach for
months. Chas. L. Cottin.
s & w
rwra trro p-p-. rrr .-. ivwi"B furri nacsa rar i. mx. rvrrm iim
i,mkim jkhk I'-H.Liii'.Tv fe:.i aw i.-i'J ruj ws 'j.k:i iwi vj.:, -s.-iresv ri airjn.v rw.iiv vi& nw, Uiwa .i r.,;Ni'. nz?rs mxi iMfta?.-: s
..... - a?
;. I
I5JV& .$y
. w
Good Linens, as you know arc almost unob
tainable and to bo able to buy all Pure Linen
sheetings at those prices should bo as satis
foctory to many and. Resides there is nothing
move acceptable than good linens. All Pure
Linen Sheeting full 9--1 sheeting. Our reg
ular price was 2.00 per yd. although now it
is worth much more than that. Our
Special Christ- ri A j
mas sale price pxT"0 pCl" yCl
All Pure Linen Sheeting, 48 inches wide.
Regular price 1.25 per yd. Our Special
Christmas sale OCT J
price obc per yd.
One Piece All Pure Linen, IS inch Scarf
ing. Regular price 85c per yd. Our Special
Christmas sale rn - I
ooc per yu.
They are useful as well as handsome. They are always attractive. utocl&rahtts&
complete and selections can be made easily. We oiler e,Jtouowintr aamasKs at
One piece Extra Heavy all Pure Linen Damask, Beautiful
Floral Pattern. Reg. Price $3.75. Special Christmas Sale
One Piece All Pure Linen Damask, full width, good pattern
Regular price 2.25 per yd Special Christmas Sale Price
One Piece All Pure Linen Unnnsk, Regular Price 2.00 yd.
Our Special Christmas Sala Price,
Three Pieces Union Linen Damask, Regular Price 1.50 yd.
C c Special Christmas Sale Price '.
O Piece Imported Cotton Damask, Linen Finish, a beau
t I cotton cloth, Reg. Price 1.25. Christmas Sale Price
$2.98 per yd.
$L69 per yd.
$1.48 per yd.
$1.15 per yd.
98c per yd.
30-Inch Fancy Outings Ladies, Misses & Child
one iuii eusu uuuugt, ou pieces, wiut
retails in most stores at 35c per yd.
Our Christmas Special
26$ per yd.
ren's Sweaters
sty of pretty style
as Special.
20 discount
A variety of pretty styles.
innstmas special.
26 Inch Percale
50 pieces standard percale, 25 inches
wide. Lights and darks in a variety
of patterns. Our Christmas Special.
160 per yd.
Ladies Aprons -"
Dozens of pretty patterns' lights, med
iums and darks in, a variety of the
most desirable styles. Values from
$1.25 to $1.75 Our Christmas Special.
Ladies' Wool Silk and Wool Jersey Dresses 20 per
cent Discount.
One lot of finished BLANKETS. Regular prices
$7.00 to $7.75. .Go at $5.85. AH other blankets
10 per cent off.
$6.75 and $7.50 COMFORTS, at $5.85. $4.85 Com
forts at $4.15. " -'
All CHILDREN'S COAJS at half price. An -sortment'of
$2 to $3 wool dress goods at1 $1.35.
20 pieces Ginghams, not the very
prettiest patterns but are good staple
mess uiiiKiumib ami yuu
them at this price. Our
260 per yd.
will want
All Lady Ruth and R. G.
All new models. Our Christmas
10 discount
Men'sHjavy All Wool
JuBt the thing for a Christmas pres
ent. Regular pried $1.00 Our Christ
mas Special.
790 per pair
Holiday Knit Goods
For Children's Christmas, including
caps and scarfs, Our Christmas
-20 discount
Londale Muslins
SG inches wide, finished soft, worth
40c per yd. Our Special Christmas
sale Price.
300 per yd.
Indian Head Sheeting
For uniforms, aprons, etc. Regular
rice 4oc per ya. uur winstmas
330 per yd.
Ladies Furs
One of tho most appreciative gifts for
Christmas. Scarfs and Muffs, all new
fresh stock. This season's purchase.
Our Christmas Special.
10 discount
All Wool Flannel Shirt
ings Formerly sold at 85c. Our Christmas
Special. '
690 per yd.
R. F- Weesyier Go,
. a
"y ft