The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 19, 1918, Image 3

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A small bottle of "Danderine"
makes hair thick, glossy
and wavy.
Removes all dandruff, stops itch.
ing scalp and falling
first of returning American troops arrive I vmmmmmmmummmamm
I : i ifi4liraX All Now in
MMmLmMuM Pink Wrappers
To be possessed of a hend of heavy,
beautiful linlr; soft, lustrous, nuffy,
wavy and free from dandruff Is merely
a matter of using a llttlis Damlerlue.
It is easy nnd lnexpcnslo to .have
nice, soft hair and lots of It. Just get a
small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
now It costs hut a few cents nil drug
Btores recommend It apply n little ns
directed and within ten minutes there
will bo an appearance of abundance,
freshness, flulllness and an incompara
ble gloss and lustre, and try as you
will you cannot find a trace of dandruff
or falling hair; hut your real surprise
vtIII be after about two weeks' use,
when you will see new hair line and
downy at llrst yes but really new
hair sprouting out nil over your scalp
Danderine is, we believe, the only
sure hnlr grower, destroyer of dan
druff nnd euro for Itchy scalp, nnd It
never falls to stop falling hnlr at once.
If you want to prove how pretty nnd
soft your hnlr really Is, moisten a cloth
with a little Danderine nnd carefully
draw It through your hair taking one
small strand nt a time. Your hair will
bo soft, glossy nnd benutiful In Just
a few moments a delightful surprlso
awaits everyone who tries this. Adv.
Patience You know I'ecev Is so In-
dustrlous. She never likes to be Idle a
Patrice Good for her I
"The other day she knit a sweater
and then ran out of yarn."
"Couldn't she get any more?"
"Whnt did she do?"
"Pulled it all apart nnd begnn knit
ting it all over again."
Undigested food! Lumps of pnln;
belching gas, acids and sourness. When
your stonmch Is all upsot, here Is In
fant relief No waiting!
Tho moment you ent a tablet or two
of Papo's Dlapepsia all tho Indigestion
oaln and dyspepsia distress stops.
Your disordered stomach will feel
Jno at once.
These pleasant, harmless tablets of
Papo's Dlupepsln never fall and cost
Very llttlo at drug stores. Adv.
Soft Material.
"Why Is it," queried the fair widow,
'that they always say a man 'pines'
lor n woman?"
"I suppose," growled the fussy old
maid, "it's becauso pine Is about the
oftest wood thero Is." Eniirco Newa.
Tho boat rocker on the sen of mnt
rlmony deserves his fate.
Plenty of exercise, fresh air,
regular hours is all the pre
scription you need to avoid
Influenza unless through
neglect or otherwise, a cold
gets you. Then take at
Standard cold remedy for 10 years In tablet
fotm tafc, aure. no opiate brenka up a cold
In 24 Kiura relieves grip In 3 daya. Money
tiaelrh.c fails. Tlie genuine box has a Red top
wi i 147, JL11' picture. At All Drug Store.
Iter,--. 3tolicj&ii3E2BHpl ''' i
rMS2!!73SSafiBiaSKtSHBHSSE5SK SsSH..r S -sfEViCWl '
-v ivj -iij.r'- si'-wMKT:ViM&TipKiiy.vaR.'-sVstev?.',v7'jvri-i.Bj. xt; aft. rv unnrffMiAn k i" w a w. kk.
.-r'- i-yjcr.Wi'm
The CimimhT .Miiiirctimiii. bearing 1.000 victorious morio...s strained Int.
snip to carry the actual lighters home from abroad. The boys w. re members of
The schedule for 'the trip ol I'.cMdcnt Wilson, across the AlhiiiiH nM tor hUh.i.dlng at IlreM on December 11!.
Above Is a scene in the hutbor of Hrest. vhlch has been one of the large A.nerhan naval bases In Europe.
'apt. i:. McUuwIoj, .Ir., I'ommtindiug
olllcer, and Commander Perkins, exocu
tlvo olllcer of the U. S. transport
George Washington, photographed on
the bridge of tho vessel at her pier In
Iloboken Just before tho boat sailed
for France with President Wilson and
his pnrty aboard.
j Famous Gifts to the Public.
Several of tho most highly admired
milidlngs nnd most Imposing ruins in
1 Home tiro actually gifts made to tho
puiuie by ancient citizens. Out of
them all I mny clto tho Pantheon, that
marvelous Pantheon, which we all
still admlro In the heart of Home, tho
monument which stands deathless
while tho stream of ages Hows by.
This was constructed by Agrlppa, tho
friend of Augustus, at his own expense
nnd can bo compared In this respect
to Carneglu hnll In New York. Agrip
nn built thr I'lintlinnn frnni tlu u, ....,
-- - ....... .. . , ..... ...14 uiimu
notions of civic zeal that Impelled
unrneglo to endow New York with his
grent hall. And tho two monuments
built by tho personnl munlflcenco of
two ultrawenlthy cltlzons, with an In
terval of 20 centuries between them,
express tho samo deslro to extend to
tho whole peoplo n share In tho en
joyment of the donor's prlvnto fortune.
B. O. Forbes, In Boston News Bureau.
WwMWWAVtW Vi .. . tm . . BtMMiWWWwAvA WvMvtf. K
" " '"-'ii.'wjaAtxww,;,;ll,, ,)i)y,ti,LkLrij
- - .
Tho Meunur I.uclii. win ii whs stimi. in. .... ,.,..,, i ,,.........
' i m. , American cssel to bo reported a victim of German sub
marines. The Lucia, which wis equipped wlth ,,ouynncy hJCH Scl to '
make her unslnkable, kept nlloat for nenriy 21 hours. The destroyers Fairfax I
and Huntington went to the rescuo of tho Ill-fated vessel. Tho upper ho
graph Mums the sinking of the Lucia, with tho Inst boatload f slrvlvo h ,
leaving The lower photog.nph .hows a n.otorboat of tho Huntington rr X?
nt the destroyer with survivors. "invmj.
Dried white mulberry is one of tho
principal article", of food in Afghan
istan. Tho Japanese lover presents to his
sweetheart a benutiful silk sash In
stead of an engagement ring.
A folding rack that can bo attached
to an oil or gas stove has been Invent
ed for drying small articles of cloth
The Trench Acndetny of Sciences
has created u new department to con
Rider the appilcatiqn of science to In
dustry. Thero nro more than 200 specimens
of silk-producing Insocts, though very"
few of these tiro of any practical valuo
to mankind.
(fsssss? :&i. .tl -vhstv.Lv- f --7is,iiwi-"sTiiiiW v,
Wu York harbor December 1, the llrst
he nvlallon corps.
A now automobile bumper can bo
locked to the front wheels of n car to
prevent theft.
A great deal of oil mndo from to
niiito seeds thirty ita .,,,. i., .....
I It is n quick dryer. ' mmu
Hi times, when men kissed,
each took bold of the other's heard
during tho operation.
A now tipuwrlter of light weight la
mndo of threo separato self-contained
units, tho base, action and carriage
Tumblers for cold drinks that a'ro
made of ice and provided with paper
holders have been Invented by n Ger
man. A snfo toy gun for children that has
been Invented shoots a wlro ring with
such a spin that it returns to the
To save tin foil for Uncle Sam,
WRBGLEYS is now all wrapped
in pink paper and hermetically
sealed in wax:
1. Tlio tangcy
flavor of mint
2. The luscious
different, flavor
3. The soothing
flavor of
All in pink-end packages and
all sealed air-tight. Be Sure
to get WRIGLEYS because
The Flavor
Where the Blame Bclonaed.
"And do you get plenty of sleep
when In active service?" asked tho fa
ther of the boy home on furlough.
"I do not," replied the soldier.
"Do the Germans keep joti from get
ting enough sleep?"
"Say I Qur bugler ain't no Gcrmnnl"
You naturally feel secure when you
know that tho medicine you are about to
unto in aosoiuiciy pure anil contains no
harmful or habit producing druga.
Such a medicino is Dr. KlImcr'B Swamp
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
Tho samo standard of purity, strength
and cxccllcnco is maintained in every
bottlo of Swamp-Koot.
Swamp-Root is .Fcicntifically compound
ed from vcgetablo herbs.
It is not a stimulant and Is taken in
tcaspoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
According to verified testimony it is
nature's great helper in relieving and over
coming kidney, liver and bladder trou
bles. A sworn statement of purity is with'
every bottlo of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root. If you need a medicino, you should have
tho best.
If you aro t already convinced that
Swamp-Root is what you need, you will
find it on sale at nil drug stores in bottles
of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
(treat preparation fend ten cent to Dr.
Kilmer &, Co., Binidiamton, N. Y., for a
rnmplo bottle. When writing bo sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
An Ordinary Condition.
"She snys she'd rather be miserable
with mo than happy with anybody
"Married Hfo Ih frequently lived on
that basis, my friend." Judge.
111 carefully every bottlo of
OAbiOlllA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, nnd sco thnt It
Bears tho
Signature otC&jLbfflfrift,
In Uso for Over 80 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria
Father Can you support her In the
manner to which sho bus been accus
tomed? Suitor Kr thero will have to bo a
transitional period.
Soothe Itching Skins
With Cutlcura. Bathe with Cutlcura
Soap nnd hot water, dry and apply tho
Ointment. This usually nffdVds relief
and point to speedy healmcnr. For
free samples nddrcss, "Cutlcura, Dept.
X, Boston." At druggists nnd by mnll.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and CO. Adv.
A Trouble.
"Tho kaiser has cost Germany a lot
of money." "Yes, but aro they going
to reseat this Bill?"
When Your Eyes NecdCarc
w Try Murine Eye Remedy
Ruins Health
of Millions
Besides thoso painful attacks of ln
digestion; that awful bloated, lutnpjr
feeling after eating nnd downright
stomach misery that you who hav
experienced It know so well; besldeg
disgusting belching, food-repeating,
sour stomach nnd distressing heartburn
besides all this, ACID-STOMACH
undermines the health nnd sups tho
strength of millions.
If you don't get rid of thoso stomach
miseries there Is no telling where your
stomach troubles will end, for It Is a
well known scientific fact that many
serious nlltncnts have their start In an
Start now this very day to get rid of
your stomach miseries take EATONIO
tho wonderful remedy that absorbs
the excess acid from tho stomach and
brings INSTANT relief. You simply
have no Idea how much hotter, stronger
and brighter you feel at once. It drlvct
out nil tho gas nnd blont, puts an Im
mediate stop to belching and heartburn,,
ends fctomach suffering and makes It
cool, sweet, comfortnblo and strong.
There can bo no further excuse for
you to allow acld-stomnch to wreck
your health pile up misery upon mlo
y until you get to tho point where
you feel down nnd out nnd that llfoha
lost all Its Joys. Remember, Just as
ncld-mouth ruins teeth, so acid-stomach
ruins health.
Take L'ATONIO. It's good, Just Ilka
n bit of candy nnd mnkns thh Ktnninrh
feel lino. You can then eat the things
jou hko anil, what Is more, every
mouthful you ent will count In creating;
power nnd energy. You'll feel so much
better have punch and pop tho power,
and will to do things nnd get results,
nnd your stonmch misery will bo gone
Take our advice. Got a big box of
EATONIO from your druggist today,
It costs so llttlo. If it falls to remove
your stomach distress, ho will refund
your money. Thnt Is guaranteed, you
aro to bo .satisfied or money refunded.
Magio Relief for Bad Stomachs
Dissolved In water for douches stops
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and Infhun
niation. Recommended by Lydia E.
Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years.
A henlinif wonder for basb! catarrh.
sore throat nnd sore eyes. Economical,
Hat e;tior&nai tleawina and (omldJtl powrf.
Sampla I rro. 50c. all druroliu. cr br
na. Thiil'itMi Toilf! Company, tiotloo. fttut, A
a niiTTON m
W&iT3M-V I'axton Block. Omaha, Nafc.
LW, iTtlloD, kulfe, aide, ojmce, box.
nJ& nliirt and coiublnutlim nlmtl
iMnitltclilDs, plcot edKlnff
I .iucUlii(f,cOTerluKbmtonu,
all kiylcs ana uuos. Price list fft.
U J Ik wAj9
pEvery Woman WantiBj