BED CLOUD, IfEBRABKA, CHIEF 4rl fp 1 & '" ''iVv . WKSIsLbf j Announcement; To help meet the needs of the government, Wrigley's has discontinued the use of tin foil - m.. ...-- as a wrapping Hereafter all three WRIGLEY flavors will be sealed in air-tight, pink-end packages. So look for WRIGLEYS in the pink sealed wrapper and take your choice of fla vor. Three kinds to suit all tastes. Be SURE you get The Flavor Thanks arc so chcnp that there Is no excuse for giving them grudgingly. WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS. Brcry woman takes great pride in having her homo well kept, In having the family wash done early In the week. Good bluing la nocdod ovon more than good soap. Bo sure to ubo Red Cross Ball Blue. Adv. Don't believe nil the good things you hear nbout yourself. Don't trifle with a cold it's dangerous. You 'can't afford to risk Influenza. Keep always at hand a box of ? CASCARAK QUININE Btandard cold remedy for 20 years In tablet form tafe, sure, no opiate. breaks up a cold in 24 hour relieves grip In 3 days. Money back if it falls. The nenulne box has a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drue Stores. Calf Enemies WHITE SCOURS BLACKLEG Your Veterinarian can stamp them out with Cutter' Anti-Calf Scour Scrum and Cutter's Germ Free Blackleg Filtrate and Aggressin, or Cutter's Blackleg Pills. Ask him about them. If he hasn't our literature, write to us for information on these products. The Cutter Laboratory Berkeley, Cal., or Chicago, III. "The Laboratory That Know How" Got the Genu and Avoid Waste pEvery Woman Wants FOP PPi?QnMAt uvr.icuc Dissolved In water for douches stops nnlvlr. ojttnrrlv itlrnrnllnn to.. ln.M. matlon. Recommended by Lydla E. rinKnam mea. to, tor ten years. A healing wonder for natal catarrh, sore throat nnrl mm v.a. H eituwdinuy deaniha snd ermic!dl power. 1TiriionTti1lCompny. Doilon.Mtis. J w .r. .. v uiuiBuu. or ljoheuu m W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 40-1018. P5T7al -i7v: imv'yi sTslL Tk & lV 9 H C!.t!sVln Every Cake for MTpi SEALED TIGHT-KEPT RIGHT WRIGLEY'S Lasts! How to Get There. She How Bhall I go (o work (o be come n ntnr? Il( Get the reviewers to praise you to the skies. PROVEN SWAMP-ROOT AIDS WEAK KIDNEYS The symptoms of kidney and bladder troubles arc, often very distressing and leave the system in a run-down condition. The kidneys seem to suffer most, as al most every victim complains of lame back and urinary troubles which should not be neglected, as these danger signals often lead to more dangerous kidney troubles. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which, so many people say, soon heals and strength ens the kidneys, is a splendid kidney, liver and bladder medicine, and, being an herbal compound, has a gentle heal ing effect on the kidneys, which is al most immediately noticed in most cases by those who uso it. A trial will convince anyone who may be in need of it. Better get a bottle from your nearest drug 'store, and start treat ment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghainton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. There are threo sets of ttwlus, two of boys and the other of girls In the first grade of the Gonic (N. II.) school. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATAItRH MEDICINE: will cure catarrh. It Is taken Internally and acts through the IJIood on the Mucoua Surfaces of the Bystem. HALL'S CATAKnil MEDICINE la composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination "J tlio InKrcdlents In HALL'S CATAUHH MEDICINE Is what produces such won derful resultH In catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75e. Testimonials froe. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Experiment 1ms proved that every ton of coal burned makes unfit for breathing HOO.OOO cubic feet of air. Have a Clear Skin. Mnko Cutlcurn Sonn your everv-dav toilet soap nnd assist It now nnd thin j by touches of Cutlcurn Ointment to soften, soothe nnd heal. For frco samples nddress "Cutlcurn, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists nnd by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 nnd 50. Adv. He who thinks ho never was n fool Is n fool now. Vniiw Granulated Eyelids, J J m f Eyes inflamed by expo- sure iu dim, uHJianii niiiu uretoann. uuiianti Winn Eyes?: uickly relieved by Murine veueineuv. NoSmartinir. Ill.f ?vr Pnmnr A Your Druggists or by mail 60c per Bottle. For Dook of (be Eye free write mj Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Stop Your Coughing; No need to let that cough persist. Stop the frriution, and remove tickling: and hoarse ness by soothing the Inflamed throat with PISO'S wmmmmw Hlllll flu AWAY WITH MONEY; Japanese Idea of a Paradise of Peace. Claim Mnde That Complete Abolition of "Filthy Lucre" Would Promote Equality In Public Life of Man kindTicket System Urged. Wo will niiike here u ut:gcstlpn which fiiiuWhcs us n method to pre vent the appearance of the rich, and aert the consequent result of the dif ference between rich anil poor. The suggestion consists of the entire tils um of the money over the world, In order to Rive the struggle for exist ence a check, to make away with tho difference of rich and poor, and thus to promote peace and equality In the l iiblle life of mankind. It Is thi-ouch the medium of tho l iopc.v that wealth Is accumulated, and tl accumulation entails the difference of tleh and poor, with Its resultant struggle for existence. This state of things Is most undesir able. The end of mankind Is not to be proud of Individual talent or ability, but to co-enjoy the peace of the world, Just as In a family, and any causo which hrlngs nbout any Inequality In puWIc life must he radically elim inated. If Is for this reason that we dare to surest the disuse of the money to prevent the difference of rich nnd poor. What crafty fellow ever produced the money for use In human life? Of course, nationalization of various val uables, such as gold, silver, Jewels, etc., shall be Implied In the disuse of tho money and their ownership by Individ uals be prohibited. Such vnluables retain their values only when they are used as a means of Inequality, but will be nothing mnr than those pebbles on the road when equality Is to be preva lent. They inny have some value In Riving, us a good feeling on account of their elegance, then they may bo used, under public ownership, for the decoration of shrines, temples, churches, hulls, nnd many other like buildings to the common plensure of the public at large. Most complicated troubles may nrlso from the adjustment of properties after the enforcement of the disuse of the money. With the proposed sug gestion mines, railroads, ships, electric and gas plnnts, waterworks, nnd many other properties essentlnl to the .com mon Interest of a nation shnll be trans ferred to the national ownership, not to say of the nationalization of lnud, and they shnll be equally compensated for, as for the confiscation of money and several bonds, with a kind of reg istration bond newly issued for the purpose, which should have the char acteristic of temporary transitional means until an improved feature makes Its appearance in a new so ciety. In other regards Individuals mny be permitted to retain their own property, personal and real, nnd maintain their professions or occupations. Transac tions shall he carried on by the ex change of kind In kind, or barter. But ns barter Is too Inconvenient to be enforced, a ticket system may be tnken for the remedy of this defeat. As has been stated, our ldenl disuse of tho money does not admit any accumula tion of wealth, nnd so the tickets shnll be given each a certain period of time, say 10, 20, HO years or more, during which they can be In use, nnd after which their circulation censes. When this is accomplished, there enn be no more complaints, no more dissatisfactions, no more contradic tions, and no more misunderstandings, and the world will be reorganized into a paradise of peace. Seljtro Bawa shlmn In Dal Nippon. Not Too Tired to Fight. Among the cheering nnecdotes Eliza beth Shepley Sergeant reports In an article on the present French-American offensive, none raise more snn gulne hopes of allied victory thnn this: Somewhnt over a month ago a French general encountered an Amer ican colonel of Infantry below Chnteau Thlerry. "ITow long have your men been on the march?" nsked the general. "Thirty-six hours." "Then of course they are too tired to go In." "Not nt nil they'll go right In." "Cnn you stop the Germnns?" "Certainly we can stop them." It was thus that nn Amerlcnn In fantry regiment nnd five batteries of artillery were thrown straight across the road from Metz to Paris. Tho Germnns not only did not advanco one step farther along thnt rond; they were Immediately driven back by the Americans nnd their re-enforcements nt Bnuresches, nt Chateau-Thierry, nnd the Bols do Bellenu. Detroit News. Women In the Ranks. Two women lighters are In the Serbian army, Sergennt-Mnjor Flora Sundes, a Scottish woman, and Mil r n Savlc, a Serbian girl. Miss Similes i us severely wounded somo time since, bi'UiK struck by more than 50 frag ments from n Bulgarian hand grenndc. She received c fiecorntlon. The Serblnn girl has been wounded several times. She was awarded the gold medal for valor, and wns mndo n Knight of tho French Legion of Honor, Naturally. "The martini bands ore brave who go into battle playing to Inspire the men." "Of course. It Is their business to face the music." is NIHIL OUI A small bottle of "banderinc" keeps hair thick, strong, beautiful. Girls! Try thisl Doubles beauty of your hair in a few moments. Within ten minutes after nn" nppll cation of Dunderlno you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair ami your scalp will not Itch, but what will please you most will be nfter n few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy nt first yes but renlly new hair growing nil over tho scnlp. A llttlo Dnndcrlnc Immediately dou bles tho benuty of your bnlr. No dtf ferenco how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, Just moisten n cloth with Dnn dcrlnc and carefully draw it through your linlr, taking one small strand nt a time. The effect Is amazing your hair will be light, fluffy nnd wnvy, nnd have an appearance of abundnncc; an In comparable lustre, softness nnd luxu riance. (let a small bottle of Knowlton's Dnndcrlnc for a few cents at nny drug store or toilet counter, nnd prove thnt your hnlr Is ns pretty nnd soft ns nny that It hns been neglected or Injured by careless treatment Hint's all you burcly can have benutlfiil hnlr nnd lots of it If you will Just try a llttlo Daa derlne. Adv. ' Sound Thoughts. i Tenderfoot I Jmt happened to think First-Class Scout I thought I heard something rattle. Boys' Life. Hard Work Alone Never Kills Hard work never killed anybody. But hard work, with irreRUlnr hours and neglect of rest doos weaken tho kidneys and keeps one tired, mlsorablo and half nick. If your back aches If you have hondnclics, dizziness nnd urinary disorders don't wait! Help tho weakened kidneys before dropsy, Kravel or BrlKht'u dlnoaso attacks you. Use Conn's Kidney Pills. They have helped thousands and aro used tho world over. A Nebraska Case Mrs. Earl Curtis, inrttttmliVttltorf va jv. Bireui, i". i au burn, Neb., says: "I had Bwolllnff beneath my eyes and In oth er parts of my body. I used different medicines, but kept Betting worse In stead of better. I had nervouu head aches, backaches, in fact, my whole body was In pain. Final ly I began using Doan'a Kidney Pills and woo entirely cured." Get Doen't at Any Store, 60c m, Box DO AN SXIK FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. T. Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies; Effe Liases ana unicxen uoaps KENNEDY & PAHSONS CO. 1309 JoncaSL 1001 E. 4ti St. OMAHA SIOUX CITY . PARKER'S . - HAIR DALSAM .. A toilet prrrtlon of merit. Jielpj to erdkU dundrurC For Retorin Color nd Beauty tuGmy or I'sdedlUIr. Mc. audit 00 tIPirglii. You Are aVK&J BaaaMa l IPI ! When you have Heartburn, Gas, Bloat, and that Full after CF0R Rids you oE the Excess Acid and Overload and you will fairly feel the GAS driven out of your body THE BLOAT GOES WITH TH IT GIVES YO J REAL STOMACH COMFORT Bold T drufffrtM generally If your ilruRidst can't a up ply you a blir box of Eutonlo for 50c, Bend ua this adr. with your namo and addrcaa and we will bend It to you you can send: iia the Wo after you get It. Addreas Eatonlo Itvmedy Co., 1018 8. Wabash Are., Chicago, 111. LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH HURRY, MOTHER1 REMOVE POL SONS FROM LITTLC STOMACH, LIVER, DOWELS. QIVE CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIQ8 AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED. Look nt the tongue, timtlicrl If coutcd, It Is it sure sign thnt your llt tlo one's stonmcli, liver nnd bowels needs a gentle, thorough demising nt once. When peevish, cross, listless, pnlo, doesn't Bleep, doesn't ent or net nntu rally, or Is feverish, stomnch sour, brenth bnd; hns Momnch-nchc, soro thront, dlurrliien, full of cold, give a tcnsnonnful of "Cnllfornln Syrup of Figs," nnd in ti fow hours nil tho foul, constlpnted waste, undigested food nnd sour bile gently moves out of the llttlo bowels without griping, nnd you linvu u well, plnyful child ngnln. You needn't conx sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love Its delicious taste, nnd It nlwnys makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for u bottle of "Cnllfornln Syrup of Figs," which hns directions for bnbles, children of nil nges nnd for grown-ups plainly on tho bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To bo suro you get the genuine, nsk to see thnt It la made by tho "Cnll fornln Fig Syrup Compnny." Refuss any other kind with contempt. Adv. It May Take Wlnge. Bess So Vnn Speederly has Inherit ed a million? How long will It last him? Bob That depends. If he blows It, ten year; If he Invests It, ubout five. Town Topics. Lives 200 Years! For more than 200 years, Hnarlcm Oil, the famous national remedy of Holland, has been recognized ns nn infallible relief from all forms of kidney and bladder dis orders. Its very age is proof that it mutt have unusual merit. If you arc troubled with pains or aches in the back, feel tired in the morning, headaches, indigestion, insomnia, painful or too frequent pnKsacc of urine, irritntion or stone in the bladder, von will almost certainly find relief in GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This is tho good old remedy that has stood tho test for hundreds of years, prepared In the proper Quantity nnu convenient form to tnue. It is imported direct from Holland lab oratories, nnd you can get it at any drug store, It is a standard, old-time home remedy and needs no introduction. Each capsule contains one doso of five drops nnd is pleasant and easy to take. They will quickly relieve those stiffened joints, that backache, rheumatism, lum bago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel, "brick dust." etc. Your money promptly refund ed if they do not relieve you. But be sure to get tho genuine GOLD MEDAL brand. In boxes, three sizes. Adv. It Worked. "What I don't understand is this," Hald Mr. Jngsby, as ho reached homo In tho wco sum' hours. "I told Sam nt tho poker club to toll you I was not thero nnd he said, "Boss, dey ain't no uso tryln' to fool do missus, 'cause slur done got do goods on you. " "Oh, that's easily explnlncd," nn swered Mrs. Jngsby. "When ho started to say you were not thero I told him you wero sitting right In front of the telephone nnd I could sec you. Birm ingham Agc-IIernld. Jealous. He Doesn't Muudo look llko a peach tonight? She Yes, but sho didn't get tho bloom evenly distributed. Boston Transcript. The Usual Process. "To begin with they fell In love." "Then whnt happened?" "They fell out." Four hours' sleep out of 21 Is enough for tho elephant. Only tho simple life Is honorable or even decent today. f2- Dying By Acid eating. TAKE ONE ATONIC YOUR STOMACHS SAKJP SPANISH INFLUENZA Do Not Fear When Fighting a German or a Germ! lly Dlt. M. TOOK. Tho cool fighter always wins nnd K0 thero Is no nerd to become punlc strlcken. Avoid fear and crowds. Er erclso In the fresh air nnd practice th threo C'6: A Clean Mouth, n Clean Skin nnd Clean Howels. To carry oft the poisons thnt accumulate within th body nnd to ward off nn attack of tin tutlucnzn bncllttis', lake n good liven regulator to move the bowels. Such at one Is mndo up of Mny-npplc, leaves of nine, root of Jalap, and Is to be had nt any drug store, and called "I'leasnnt Purgnflvo Pellets." If a bad cold develops, go to bed, wrap up well, drink freely of hot lemonnda nnd take a 1 t mustard foot-lmth. Ilnve the bedroom warm but well ven tilated. Obtain nt the nearest drug store "Anurlc Tablets" to Hush tho kidneys and control tho pains and aches. Take nn "Anurlc" tablet every two hours, together with copious flrlnki of lemonnde. If n true case of Influ enza, the fond should be simple, such ns broths, milk, buttermilk nnd Ice-cream j but It Is Important that food be given regularly In order to keep up patient's strength nnd vitality. After the ncute nttack has passed, which Is generally from three to seven days, the system should be built up by the use of n good Iron tonic, such as "Irontlc" tablets, to bo obtained nt some drug stores, or thnt well known blood-maker and herbal tonic mnde from roots nnd barks of forest trees sold everywhere nnDc, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Favored by Nature. "How old Is your baby brother? asked Robert of u playmate. "One year old," replied Willie. "Huh I" exclnlmed Robert. "I'vo got n dog a oar old, nnd he cno walk twlco us well iih thnt kid can." "Well, he ought to," replied Willi "He's got twlco as many legs." EAT A TABLET! DYSPEPSIA GONE PAPE'8 DIAPEP8IN INSTANTLY RELIEVE8 80UR, QA88Y OR ACID STOMACHS. When raenls hit back and your stok nch is Bour, acid, gassy, or you feel fatt nnd bloated. When you have heaTj lumps of pain or hcadnche from Ind gostlon. Here Is Instant relief I' Just ns soon ns you cat a tablet two of Pnpo's Dlapcpsln all the dya pepsin, Indigestion nnd stomach dlt tress ends. Theso pleasant, hnrmlesa tablets of Pope's Dlapcpsln never fall to mnko upset stomnchs feel flno at once, nnd they cost very little at dreg stores. Adv. Not That Branch. "Whnt n stentorian voice he has." "No, I think It Is more like tho Joneg Mdu of the family." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and seo that It Ttonra ilin Signature 65tffi&&& , In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Rico Is tho easiest of all foods t digest, nnd roast vcnl tho hardest. ASTHMA INSTANTLY RELIEVED WITH ORH0NIY REFUNDED ASK ANY DRUGGIST BousandGirls .rtl- .1.1 "d ueanneoKiikY wcuticura DrtttbU: Sup. Oirtaot Tilaa 25c tick. VAN ARNAM DRESS PLEATINI & BUTTON CO. 336.7 Paxton Block, Omaha. NK Accordion, knife, side, space, boi BiiuuurBL aim cumuinauou meabi In p. hemstitching, plcot edglnaT jilnUlntf.ruculnij.coverlrig buttons, all styleti and aues. Price lilt frse HELP WANTED SanTlSSfV ffAf.ffia iiuinojr elllns our war nciroltr. too itarta ro, mums lur to., tta uuni in., i..iix,u., aib Feeling A A 5-C -7 ffftf