The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 28, 1918, Image 8

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    1 i
Corn Belt Churches
flio Methodist church Is planning
.'if i vigorous campaign to establish
?uuu community churches undr !
leadership of sp-daily trained pnslot
in vivrloiiH pat ( s of the "corn belt" conn
try. 'i.'Ui-t has been found iiieeeury on tiu
fjunt of the r.ipdly changing pop.
-oJatloti In tliocJ"iirinliig joinmunlttes,
aevJoiiliiiK to the it-port of a special
tummlttoe, li-il by Dr. (J. V. hluini, of
tJimilui, which recently completed mi
wtonslvc survey of country church
conditions In these sections.
The Methodist church Is about 8l
cr cent rural, aiut It it the intention
of the Missionary Cenrenury eotumlv
ion, umlor whose iitisplues the survey
vriiK nttidc, to make the churches in
rmal communities center of social
activity as well as of religious wot ship
Mevoral such Institutions have been
opened In other pints of the count r)
hiuI ate proving very successful
Swift & Co. Defense
Answering charges preferred by the
Federal Trade Commission, Svvift A
U, wuose advertising appears cle
wu re in tit Is piper, put up a strong
argi'tnetit 111 dcfeiisa. We ipinie out
iti 1 1 ,is a sample:
I ho commission Mays Mm' Ihepielo
ii' pnitlt, of nite-quiii tor of a cent pei
put id on beef Hiuntiuls to ?f a ton as
outlined to only 'J5 emits pr tun prof
t ' ii c al As a inntt,r of fiict an
aw ra eiptHllty tult of huf is worth" a!
wt c -ule at. present about flot), where.
ai s in of anthracite coal at thlewu
tff l v irtli only about $7. Cntnpiue
a i i "n Ht on a IH'O s.i;o with a S.'i
cent j tollt on a $7 sulu The beef pivf.
it is .i ily about 1 tf lr cent coat pr-ir.
It o i .') ,' per c j ,'
'I i Ir'- Smli. . rx ML-.I ov .
' , i i lers- ' vi ,i j f s- !t
a t i'.u Vnu' .i(, ,0J iu
lau" ji.nt i. iv ,o j In I Co J) W.iij -.t
an i appail supKruteiy, v'hlle e.i.ii i
l'i -r-1 In catloU or ton lot "'
In Every Time Stress
at 1 lilllenlty for over uipetv w-ir
i.nt lin (' liaa loo.l ly
t'tc 'itiilly. It has eheered and on
eiCMintged and cnlertuiuod -delight
el ill.lnformitig all. and nmldnt,' liOinc
llfeatiil loyal sotitiment the ideal o'
ill I I'or lll!) tlie pablisior Intend to
tnalie the paper worth more to family
life than ever before. The splendid
Mei'ul? alone are events In next year's
reading in the family life. Ildndreds
-I'ltthoTlK'oilos ami Arilclni bygioar
fiintilliutnis.'aiid a Hteatly Htreiim of
helpful u ess in everything from the
solid and set ions to the happy humor
(or which Tlie Companion is famed. In
these days the whole family needs The
Cunpanioti, ami it Is still only S'2 00 a
year for .VJ splendid issues
Uoul mis draco Richmond'.", great
erlal, Anno Kxoter, 10 chapters, be
ginning December U
Thu following spoclrl olfou is undo
to now subserlbeis:
1 Tlie Youth's Companion fi'.' issues
of nun. '
V All the lemaining weekly issues
of UMS.
'.) The Companion Home Caleuilur
for Ul'.i.
All the above for only S2 00, or you
may in-dudc,
1, MuCall'o M,i,'tiziuc V! fashion
tumihi.1'1. All for only S2,no The
two inagnv.iuoi may be sent to sepa
rate utdieses if desired.
v'ii'ra mwualth Ave. A. St. l'aul St.,
h . t ai, Mass.
. . iVisOiiptioiis rceclvil at th.s
Weaker and Wiser
t. .-
. ..ftett Uhhi; U said tba'. ''men are
lti i .ng weaker and wiser," mid thci e
, r,i ,i iciieuit for tliu statement. In
i!, i clinpUtr of UbhosIs we iuivo the
m i i i'f many men who livud ttnui'
Via i yeRff., or about twenty times
xi l" t as tlie average person lives
"-o'. li is tlioiofore safe to 8iy tint
ai n tin n had twenty times as much
tun. f.ireo a thwy have now, and were
invti hicgur.
Tin- lu-ilhtend of On, king of ll'i-hau
was u tie uuhlus long, or aiaiui llfu- n
lee and four luelies. (See Unit 11:11)
.1-mii down in David's time, after the
hl ol tu-tii hud but U greatly ediortun
ii, i' h doubt'osi a coru'stiotuliiig i.e.
a. size mid .slieiigtli, (inlnuii
i s eiitdtb and a imu in heichth.
V .
I .
ii leu (MUt Hii'i Keren llllMJs
uauwl 1"T:1). Thhb chu t. i. .
. but whut : 'i ar bec-ml: '
Aftt tlwy lt ,',?'iiil
i .'tH'H years Hgg, tbo (..'.iphct
suli) Unit at U certun time
' dull i tin o Hint do, nti I
. - litti shttli I'e ilreseli.', One
' ( 'i I , ears a 'i th-r(twere na rat.-
"a s- (.i,i no ti,ins iHitfiililc steamship
'.. l'eu HI ls4il, s I'Jtig l.Ollls
1 1. ii , wiis afrnid to hoard a train
! .iv. three yen is tno the (Dlophuiui
Wus imkiiiiu-n, now 'iii,(XMl,Otl0 nnjKMijjes
an -lutdaily in ilUhcuiiutry. buvciity
jttufi ago uat;les were unknown; but
Ji v ihey eoiineei all tho largo ports
of the world. Tho your 17l) saw the
Unl clictni) railway, 1HUI tlie Ih-hi
witelrss telegraph, and 11JC1 tho tlit
A uiessnjfe can no v complete the
clrc'e i1 Uiglot'O while w btcakfast
Alen il fi oin Route to Loudon while
wo do a ihi.v's work, A hundred tiious
and warriors traverse, tho Ul.iutlc in
aicU In and out of New" York
Cty ko 200,000 people every day. Tlie
automobile, which was u great ctirlosl-
ty twenty years ago, N now the car-.
tlurof millions of pi uplij dully. '
Men haic come to .Imfy sclent' and j
Its lielilewuiilllti Inst l Ot seeing ill
these if i cat dewlopuii' i's it d licet t n -;
lllinent of Dinlel's vi-'ils The gio d
runiiiug to iiimI fin unit lueicise of
kliowlolge, together witu the fulfil-'
inuiit of other prophec!"", indicite thnt
Uiu time to wlueh Daniel resrretl is,
lirilV, "tli" time, of tlte end " (See
Diinlel I-': I) there are very few
prophecies yit. to i.' fiiiiineu net ire
we I'Hicii 'ho time tneiitloned in Dan
iel l'i: I and llcvehitlouMMO-l'J
Tliftu ant solemn times, times when
the judgements of (Sod -ue bringing
hoiiiu men to their semes, times whori
moil nrc (It elding their own destiny for
eternity; thu time when the nations
ate angry and (lod'.s wrath is come,
and the time of the dead that they
should be judged (see Uevelatlon 11:1)
the time when tlte go-pel of the king
tlottl is to be pr.nushod in all the ivn'M
for a witness unto all uiitiiu'" (a u
uutthew si 11) "Who shall be able
so stand 1" (Uovelftlou CiM'i ) For an
answer to this all important question,
read the Kith Ps'ilin. mill the .'Ird ami
Hit verses of the SI ill I'miIiii; also
Ieleslnstes l'-hlb, 11, and Uevelatlon
'J.': II.
ICven while wo become weaker phy
sleirlly, let tis ilulurinliio to become
rtiscr spiritually.
Wi:.Ki:h.v. Wi.hijii
Protect the Girls
"Ilystuim over the hoy in Uhukl luis
alway been dplaynl. Rightly so,
hut may them now bo developed as
well gome hy.nei!a for the women and
gills belonging to the second tinny,
also 1,600,000 stioug, who ate making
the munitions, the hats, the hoots, the
suits, the blankets, that arc keeping
thu first tinny at the front."
' This plea Mm. Joseph Stronc, fit.
Paul, vice chairman of the Central Y.
W. C. A. Department, made to the.
Nebraska Y. V. C. A. campaign coni
nfUop when mcctnij with them-ic-
!, of ll.,l,n
"n I' sottf '':it'' " :!.' i'd '
.' ' .a .. . c .'
j " rsiy ' &k.C '-.-p l.'.m an aut
.ido. Docs nnioti ever think to go
tut to tin factory when, the eight
hours of nervous worl: arc done, and
take for a- spin the girl viho has been
uakhig fhella or other war esgentials
To the attention these workers
s-hould lcccivo and the part the Y. W.
C. A. iu its war woil; irogmm plays
,ti supplying it, Mrs. Strongo devoted
most of her talk. Danger to the girl
lies, she says, in the fact that many
of the: i, and included are thousands
of farm girls, are entering industry
for the first time and are being
thrown in open contact with men.
Some arc taking men's positions and
show a tendency to regard the change
ilippantly. In most of thu work there
is the nervous attain that the demand
for accuracy and speed creates.
"The government," she reminded,
"has put fo itself the task of main
taining the morale and setting at a
higher standaid the molality of the
man it has called to arms. Just as
inipoitant," she claimed," is that the
same work be done among the women
Ailing their places or entering war in
dustiies. Realizing tiie fact, the gov
ernment has commandeered the Y. V.
C. A. to accomplish it. And the Y. Y
C. A. has followed the girl into het
new industrial life, provided proper
place for her to live, proper food foi
her to oat, tlie right sort of recreation
after the grind and attain of the day's
work, and even advised in the choice
of her clothing. It is doing the sanu
for the colored gill as for the white
sflrl, and not only to increase oflV
ioncy v.liich in hint insures greatet
output, but to keep apace tho ideal.,
of the "second army" with that of the
army on the llring lino that is nmklng.
.Vifc world a fit place to livo ifi.
"For what matter," Mm. .tiunw
-aid in climax, "that we beat tlte Ger
man annios, if we lose our own gii'ltt?
f feel so sltongly on this point," she
idded, "that I boliovo it tho duty of
every woman not actually engaged lr.
war work to look after the wclfato of
tho-o who arc."
Musical Expression In Children.
A writer says : "The greater part of
chlhlrcn'a tlmo M spi-nt In elahnrnto
Inipersonntlon ami mrUe-bellevo, nud
tho ejillru basis of their education Is
acquired through this directly assimi
lative faculty." This applied most
forcibly to musk and Rives to those
who have tho care of children almost
unlimited. opportunity for developing
musical expression.
World's Kctt t Places.'
Th J'tthoyn desert, h'tween partd
V.) 10 and 0. lnvtii Id r- I !! tVe
leiltfst Tilocfl lntle WMlH, bllt Tlviiff-
rlmd, ill ;'d dt v lit Tud'n, Is oveic:
'httir. In "imtri r rpi''i. ' Is snld
' ,-..' ' .' .. tlliovo
. i .n
R. L McBride
Olll'o Over Trlne's llaidwaro
The Kaiser as
I Knew Him
For Fourteen
(Copyright, 1918, by the McClurc Newspa
per .Syndicate..)
"Knghind expects to starve my
women and children to death," he de
clared to tne early lu the war lojig
before we In (tcrninny hud begun to
feel the slightest effect of tlte dimin
ishing fund supply, "hut our Zeppelins
will give their women and children u
tasle of war, loo. Confound (hem:
They sit on their Island and try to
starve us; we will give them a taste of
what war I!"
This was the man whose various
nets of consideration towards me,
whose tnlcn.s nud personal charms
hud made such a fuvorafilu Impression
upon me I How ttlvlnl and Inconse
quential they nil seemed nowl Clear
ly, they were all a part of the role he
had been phtyluc for years. While he
was outwardly displaying all the ear
marks of n g title character, he wa
inwardly plotting to dominate the
world. For twenty-flvc jenrs he main
tained the peace of Humpe, he fre
quently boasted. He maintained peace
Just long enough to complete Ids final
jireriratlom for the rlcireth'st war
tint' wo ci'" ' tgi ' '
And v"l pv' i' enough, ova ..'ter
ae 'mi" hrd " i I ni rut
in low true to.'ni . .u lull! Mi';".- ".! .
. ., , -. t ..., .i
,ife,.,i....ji ? .... .i
hate (bought were torcign to hi P.--
turo, his presence always had a most
remarkable effect upon me. "
I have u vivid mental iuiprcpsf hi
lihn now as I write. He Is stai.dlnf 11
the cenfer of my room, drawn up to in
full height, his sliouhlus thrown back
his left hand upn tho hilt of hi
sword and hi.-, right entphii dzlng hlv
remarks, pruteiilng in the umst earn
est manner that It was not he who v:i
responsible for the war and all It
horrors, but that It had come unof
the world despite nil he hud tlniiu tf
prevent It. Ills ready, woll-chosei
words entrance me. 1 feel that till
mtiii must he tc!liti' mi.' the tt'dth aiU
I am really to believe that before nil
stands the most unjustly judged mitt'
in the world.
And then lie Minl.o! my hnnd lit fare
well and Is driven away, and as I ga.i"
nt the spot when- he stood, there cotnes
before my eyes the desolation of Del
Khun, the tragedy of the I.usltnnlu, tin
despoliation of France and I'oland. tin
destruction "of women and chlhlicn in
Loudon and Paris and u thousand nni'
one other atrocious deeds which belli
the kaiser's fair words, and I rcalisu
that I have been talking to the worlds
most llnlshed actor and have slii!pl
been hew li cited by the power of ln.
personal ii.tignctlsin.
America Diccppolnta Kaiser.
The kaiser ascended the throne In
ISSS. For twenty-six years his relcn
was tiiiiuatred by a single war, id
though twice diirlit': that period, mm
In llHVi and ngalu lu 1011. he neurij
Siicvcded In pive, .(.illng a Ciutll '.
Kuhseuui'nt ilcu'lopincnts lit i
hi'oii.'.'ht out ileucly eno tJi that tin.. .
all thisii years; of p .; e, thu he; i
wm.-. .nt,v av, alt lug 'he opportune ic
Went ti, l.rlng on war.
Ofim.ia..'a prejiuii.ibiu cottjl&ted led
nuivly in bulldui,; up her army n.
nay hsxi itrJptii3 a jnllitary s'.:..
iu her people,-but iu trying to cm ,'i
I'.sh frlcnOshtiyii ttiroi'd phere fl j
would do the Liost g-wd in'tlic i it
of vrid wav.
1Uv (Xcmwa military prepar '
,-'- i.a.rc nr I. f,.iiu;s. Tho -lu
'.iw.iji. K-i
.t iidvoceii
frankly ndtnlltcd thnt It was his Inftu
tlon to remain tinned to tho teeth, id
though ho protested to me many tlm-s
that his solo object was to nuiiutu n
tho pence of the world.
In llilll, for Instance, I was In The
Ilaguo when Carueglo dollvered a
npeech ,at tho opening of the l'c.i o
palace, hi tho course of which ho -dared
that the kaiser wn u btr i-hllng-block
In the wuy i.f world p .. .
When I got back to Kerlln,I ineiiii i
04. the fact to the ht.Iscr, 1iojlI n ': o
druv j. .a cuv.
"Yet, i fcnow exactly v. hat Oftro i
8tid nt The llagMfr," he ie,lled nv i
twrtlly, "uti'i I Uon't- like tho wpj ' u
pt t aP. Tie riferreil to roe H a
wr lunViikn said I was ramUt n
the way of woihl pijflce, Ll Wm 1 't
ut my iHtcoi'd ot twpnh'-fl,o j,'c;v 1
ft B D
yeftrs on the throne I No, the si f
mqtttis to innlnt.dn the peiico nt i
world Is my hi ; unai'funJ ntivy 1 Ot' r
natloutj will think twice hefovo g
to war with us!" Tho fact that he 1 d
previously accepted 0,000,000 nun .s
from Carnegie 'for tlio'furtherance of
universal peace didn't seem to on in
to him.
i Ami tho world at largo learned na :o
or less of Gerui'in Intrigue uml pri i
iganUa since the war, hut It Is not y i
orally Known that the stimo' son of
thing ts gthi'-uii evm more ttcth ',ax
In time of pctce" Countless nicasu ,
of tho most subtlo and Insidious tl r-
!' ter, wofi tulten to lull Into n 'scime of
iitNo efuiMy the nations Hhe Intended
eventually to nllnHc uml toluspltefcar
ill of conituiuid tlie rcsticri of nations
hlcli nlic hoped ,oull l'ltitaltt neutral
or might even lie induced to throw in
their lot with lie-H In the event of
In this phusu of tipvnntny'.s iircpnrti
lion for war, the Itnlner took u leading
It Is a fact, for Instance, that prac
tically every olllccr In the Chilean
army Is n (ierinnn, and the kaiser has
spared no pains' to foster the friend
ship of the South American republics,
conunerclally and
One of the Sot
ters told me of1
th American minis-
.'rin ex-nresldunt of
Peru who had ybited llcrlln. This
Peruvian had previously visited Lon
don tint! Paris nhfY had received little
or no olltelal attention hi cither of
those capitals. For reasons best
known to himself, the kaiser decided
to cater to this gentleman, nud, accord
ingly arranged an audience.
In the discussion which took place
when they met, the kaiser displayed
such a reinjirkitble uc(ualntanco with
Peruvian affairs and the family his
tory and pnllllcal career of his visitor
that the Kouth American was stunned.
When be return."! home he carried
wllh him n most exalted Idea of the
ill-pervading wlsiUun of the Cicrmttn
emperor. To what extent the kaiser
had spent the midnight oil preparing
for this Interview I have no knowledge,
but knowing the l'.npir(iiuce he plan it
upon making a favorable impression
.it ulj times I have n mental picture ot
Ids delving deeply Into South Ameri
can lore in prostration for his guest.
There is nothing dearer to the kaiser
than caste and sordid distinction. Mor
.'it untie lunrrhigcH were naturally ab
horrent to him. Kt vert hel ess, hefou
Archduke Frum: Ferdinand, the sue
lessor to tho Auntrluu throne, was,
murdered, tho kulier nol only recog
nized his morganatic wife, who wtu
only a countcssi, but went out of his
way to show her -5 ' i. lie pi- '
her nt hls.iigH v r,ll vnto funcMnsJ
WlllcH -iv ... ., .. '-tu lulOi; AUs.1
and u.mIiuui. . &' .' i..,ettier, i.. n-i
v. itllfi to wa., .' "i his ilTp-rc-'iui
Tho signifleanra of tho. kalseKs
many visits to Italy, his presentation
of. a bttttuc to Stockholm, his yachting
xcurslons Iu Jjcandlnavlan wnterr.
ills lllrtalluits with Turkey from hi
castle on the Island of Corfu, and sim
ilar acts' of lugratiatlon, becomes quite
. pparent in tl o 1 ice of more recent
developments, bill 'tis efforts to euro
tavor with Ameth.t during' nil tin
.ears of peace which preceded the wm
were so much iu nv elaborate that thej
deserve more than pushing mention.
No more subtle piece of propaganda
waa. ever conceived thtin the kaiser's
plan of I'xchuimlug professors between
ho United States and Germany
through the establishment of the
Roosevelt .and Harvard chairs at the
University of I'.erlln tTnd corresponding
chain ,.t L'nr...l t.nd other America:
universities. Ostensibly thu purpose ot
the project was to foster good-will be
tween the two nations. Actually, It
was intended to (lerinanlze Amerlcanr
to such an extent that their co-opera-tlon
might be relied upon hi the event
of war for which tleriminy was sed
ulously preparing.
It was believed that the exchange ot
profes.-'urs would accomplish the' tier
until purpose In two ways: not oulj
could the professors the knlrer sent t
America be depended upon to sow tier
man seed iu American soil, but the
American ptofcsMirs who were sent to
Herlln, It was hoped, could be so in
oculatid wltlt the Cerman viewpoint
thnt when they teiurned to their na
tive laud they Would disseminate it
tinning t licit' associates and students.
Soil., .into In lore the kaiser con
ceived the scheme of the F: hung'
Profes.-ors, he sent his brother, Prince
Ileiir.t, to this lonntry lu draw the
two ititiionK closer together and to In
still iu ihe heari of every child born
in America of U rman uircnts" an
.'Qtiiding love for t;n fatherlaud.
.lti-r' before th w;ir hroke out, lu
was piai.nlng to s. mi one of his sont
here wlrh tho Btim'' 'HJect
, He toltl WO of l.i :Uct mii as!:ttl
tae to hlcll fart ti the. United State:
'X'thMi.r'it Jwonuht 10 send tKiTprJncp
'"intii uepouii , j i -ii p luujcsif, i re
piled, "upon th ".iject of the !sU
If t!i 'iiirpnsc I ,o vieet An - !:it
s'ocii.y, i woiiUi ij'O.::;.: ..': s;;ci
places as Newport In r.unimer and
Palm Ileach In winter. To come In
contact with pur statesmen and diplo
mats, Washington would naturally lie
the most likely place to visit."
The lKiIser thanked nte for the In
formation but did not enter Into fur-.
titer details ns to the object ho had
iu mind or which .son he had planned
to send across.
It was to curry favor wllh America
(hat tho kalsor had his yacht Meteor
hu'ui In uwflldpyin'tis, and jt Is a tact
ihiit id lire American v.'onien'vcre pre
sented nl the Genu iu court, than those
cfnny other nation.
''When he nretu(p(l a Btatuo of
JjVeJerl.k tho U) tills country,
in Mckinley's ndniiniptrutlon, It ere-
. (feed a great atir la .congress. Vllat
could he lo8 appropriate, It was ar
gued, than the statue of n monarch in
the cui tni.(ft i"uhllc? 'ilv Btatuo
was nol tot tip' In JTeIImV.vV "dmlnlB
tratlon, hut ltoo.soolt uccepf'-d It In
tho Interest of diplomacy and had It
erected in front of tho Army building.
Seeing that his-gift had had Just the
opposite effect to that Intended, the
knitter reprimanded his nmhassndor
for nol having interpreted Amerjcan
sontlnwMit more accurately.
A few days after tho death of King
Kdward, Roosevelt arrived hi Uerlin
Despite tho fact that all Ktlropo was
In mourning, tho kaiser nrranged the
mnst elaborate military dress review
ever given In honor of n private citizen
to cob brute Rnn-cveH's, visit. The re
view was held hi the large military
reservation near lierlln. More than
300,000 tint tilers pasod In review he
fore the kuNer and his stuff and their
honored guest.
How far the kaiser would have gone
In his attentions to Roosevelt hud ho
not been In mourning It Is Impossible
to say, but I don't bellevo he would
have left anything undone to show his
admiration for the American ex-president
and to curry favor with this
country. .
Hut Roosevelt was not the only
American to whom the knlser made
overtures. He was constantly Inviting
Amerlcnn millionaires to pay Iiltn
yachting visits tit Kiel or wherevei
else ho happened to he.
Ho sat for a portrait by an Ameri
can painter, which was exhibited with
a large collection of other American
works under the kaiser's auspices.
There was nothing that the kaiser
did not do In his efforts to Ingratiate
himself with this country In the hope
that he would reap his reward when
tho great war he was anticipating
eventually broke out.
Taken Individually, these various in
cidents seem trivial enough, but I
have every reason to know that the
kaiser at Inched coiilderuhle Impor
tance to them. I know lliit there wu
it good deal of eh:-"riu In the tirades
he delivered finite -t Inst America foi
her part In supplying munitions to tiro
allies chagrin at the thought that the
seed he had sown tt America had
failed to bring forth better fruit.
When we finally e.iiired tlte war and
ho realized that all his carefully mu
ltireel plans of years hud availed hjm
naught, ho could not restrain his bit
terness, nor cone enl Ids til.-uppoint-incur.
'All my efforts to show my friend- .
ship for America exchanging pfofes-
sors with your coPcges, sending my
1 :v titer
m ,v;n:i
n'j u
,.cd, ui.ifc.ujlci.iy,
- - - ,j even
.' 'ticrlca had fal-
"' clearly how
..-.. -!",rt cf 1 i-r v . ".-.:: .v:
"What has become of those rich
Americans who used to vU-lt .tue with
their yachts n Kiel and come to my
entertainments in Berlin 7" he asked,
sarcastically. "Now Hint we have
Imgland involve.d. v. iiv aren't they
utilizing the oppriiunlty to serve and
to liiu'.e Hair own 'iiiiiitty great? Do
they think I puf my-elf out to enter
tain them because I loved them? I
am disgusted with the whole Anglo
Saxon race I"
The I;aser couldn't, understand why
the United .States did not seize both
Canada and Mexico. Apparently, from
the way he talked frettn time to time,
If ho had been kitting in the White
House he would hnve grabbed the en
tire Western Hemisphere.
That the kaiser foljowed American
politics very closely, especially after
the war broke out, was very natural.
The fact that there was a great Cler-lnan-Aiiieiican
vote In this country
was not overlooked In Potsdam, and I
haven't tho slightest dyuht the kaiser
Jinaglned that ho could 'exert consider
able influence In our elections through
his emissaries hi this country.
I returned to Berlin Into in October
of- that year. Within a day or two
after my ariival I recehed a telephone
y message from the Relchskanzler von
P.ethniann-Ilollweg to the ellecl that
the kaiser hud sent hlw word of my
return nud that he would like,, me to
call at his palace either that noun or
at four p. m.
I was ushered Into u very large room
In the corner of which was a business
like looking Jlat-tojijicd desk, but which
was otherwise elaborately furnished.
The relchskanzler, a tall, broad-shouldered,
handsome specimen of a man,
came over to mo and, putting his arm
In mine, walked me .to a seat beside
the desk. He asked me whin 1 would
smoke, and-upon my taking a c;;,nir
etto, ho did likewise.
"The kaiser's been telling lfie, doc
tor," he stdil "of jour-ivieut vKt to
America, and I woml like to ask you
a few mtcstlons."
1,'f'aJii that I wit's always clad to tall:
of Amorlcu. Indeed, I' v.'s particular
ty glad of the opportunity to spcalf
with the prime mlnistcV oi'Germany nt
lhal ttnie,
Then followed a bn.P U-ring niccos-
.don of questions, t 'e purpose o.
which was not nt all clear to me. Wo,
had a peculiar cnuvemitlon half In,
tiuriuau. half In- English. The relchs
kanzler dhl not speak English partic
ularly well.
"How are things In America?" ho
tiskctl. "Did you havo any opportu
nity to gauge the political situation?
Who eio you think will he tho nest
president? Do you thl-ik that Ameri
cans tire opposed to ponce because
that vould the'r ,hnu,o to mak"
money out of the war? Arc 'your
people flo mercenary that they would
llko to see the war prolonged for tho
nuke of the money they can make out
ot. in
"No, your excellency,"- I replied,
"you arc epjlto wrong If you Imagine
that my countrymen would llko to pro
long the war for the suku of war-
lirolltB. That Is very far from being
tho case. X3n tho contrary, tho coun
try at largo Is anxious for peace."
"Don't forget your pefoplo are mak
ing a lot of money out of this war,".
tho relchskanzler persisted. "They
nro becoming very rich. They will
soon have all tho gold In tho world.
Putting an end to tho war woujd to a
great extent end American opportuni
ties for' making money on this enor
mous scale."
"That may ho all true," I replied,
"hut fortunately my countrymen think
morn of tho blessings of jieaco and
icoftft3T.mMigrargwgn!M vfwtmama
liberty than they do or war and profits,
nud tho sooner peace can be brought
about on n basis which will have,
some asuratiee of permanency the bet
ter wo will like It."
"Wtison litis the grenlcl opporttt-'
nity ever presented to u iiuiu to niako
his untno Immortal by bringing about
pence In the world," he went on. "Wo
feel now that he Is not our friend, but
friendly to tlte allies, but nevertheless
he may bo able to see thnt If this war
Is prolonged Indefinitely It will mean
the destruction of all the nntlons In
volved hi It. Do you think thero Is
any possibility of America entering
the war?"
"That, of course, will depend, your
excellency," I answered, "upon devel
opments. Idon't believe my country
Is anxious to light, hut I'm quite sure
that nothing In the world will keep us
out of It If our rights as u neutral
nation are not respected."
"Wo certainly don't like tho way
Hughes, has been talking on the
slump," declared the relchskanzlcr.
"Dhl you hear any of his speeches or
any of Wilson's?"
I said I hud had no opportunity to
hear any of the campaign speeches,
hut that I had followed them In the
"Well, elid you gather from what
you read that tho American people
want to see peace In Europe or do
they want the war to go on so they
can continue to make fortunes out
of It?"
Again I rcpl! ' I was cerlnlu
our country would n :cr ! 'influenced
by such sordid considerate:. :. $ were
htip'led In the rcichsktitiKler's question,
hut that If the right kind of peace
pould he brottidit about the wholo
country would eagerly embrace H.
The subject of the U-boat campaign
was never mentioned and It was not
until several months later when the
snlmviriiu. wnvf.n-i i ini-im! nimtii
m. ,.,...., -,..i1o limn ev..i- (tint i
realiz-d tint the who1? W'no.-e of
i ipt , t, .r - v .. . t.' -- 'n if they
cotilth, wit'liotit tolling me their Ittten
lions, who was the cauCMnte, Hugltes
or WHon, who would, ho lettt dan-
-nit"' 1"'itt if vore Anifiiean vs
n.t wer- st.u i.i ihf i'uli.;..;s sttl)
marine c; . 'palgn th.y word tlu . con
tcmplatln ;.
The eleetl n was drawing c!o,o; It
was necessnfry to nollfy Von Uents
torlT of Potsdam's iireference; the kai
ser believed that peihupB he "held the
th elding ballot In his liiind hi the
shape of the Oenuau-Ainerlcan vole
iitul he didn't know how to cast It.
IP-nee tho eagerness with which lliey
Interrogated me upon my return from
the "front."
The Interview with the relchskanzler
and the fact that It was instigated by
the kaiser indicated to me that Amer
ica occupied a most important place
In the kaiser's plans. When, n few
months later, we declared war against
Germany however, all tho kaiser's
planning and plotting of years col
lapsed. Tho edltlce he had been so
confidently erecting came crashing to
the ground because It was built upon
a false foundation. How elementary
was his expectation that his efforts to
win the friendship of the United
States In time of peace could avail
him anything in the face of his bar
baric methods of making war I
The Kalccr Defends German War
The kaiser was always very careful
about everything which might affect
his health, ami oven after the war
startetl, when his attention was natu
rally occupied by many pressing prob
lems, he did not neglect Ills teeth, hut
came to me as regularly no he had al
ways done.
Of this I wn . very glad, because i:
gave me an oj portunlty to draw thu
kaiser out on ' v of the interesting
ipiCRlInus wiiti the war suggested
nud which I foi ml him tilwuys ready
to discuss. I'ei'uips the fact that I
waa an American Jed the kaiser t-
greater l ngths In his justltlcallon '
Gerninn war methods and monsuiv i
than he might otherwise havo thought
necessary. x
Tho first tlmo I r.w tho kaiser after
the war started was about August 30,
I0M. Between elevon and twelve
o'clock the nl'-'ht before. I had been
untitled by ti'ephoie Unit tho knlsor
would like me to attend him at the
lierlln palace the following morning
nt nine enlock. lie wns about to mako
his first visit to the front and wanted
his teeth examined before ho went.
The work I had to do for him was
nothing of n serious characler nud did
not occupy more thnn twenty minutes.
One of bis valets stood by to give mo
nny. assistance I might need, but left
the room when I was through.
"Have you been rending In the pa
pers, Dnvlfc," the kaiser asked when wo
wro :.' r "ho, .v:r soldiers havo
been treated by tho B Ightns?"
I said 1 had not had a chanco to
read tho pupern that inornlug,"
"Well, you must certainly read them.
They've been gouging out tho oyes of
our wounded and mutilating my men
horribly I They eull It modern, civi
lized wuifarc. That's savngfiryl. I
hope your president la taking notice
of the.-e atrocities."
To bu continuod.
Doing One's Best Work.
To do one's best work and bo one's
best self Involves tho quiet but final
acceptance of such tools as havo been
put Into one's linnds and such' mate
rials as Ho about one. To bo happy
and useful and to contrlbuto to tho
Joy of Hfo ono must toko up tho
work at hand nnd do It ns best ho
may, without envy, Jealousy, or strife.
Tho Outlook. t
" 11
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