RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF T" fa ilRkHnSLAXHAx9Pi3H Why Compare Beef and Coal Profits? Swift & Company has frequently stated that its profit on beef averages only one fourth of a cent a pound, and hence has practically no effect on the price. Comparison has been made by the Federal Trade Commission of this profit with the profit on coal, and it has pointed out that anthracite coal operators are content with a profit of 25 cents a ton, whereas the beef profit of one-fourth of a cent a pound means a profit of $5.00 a ton. The comparison does not point out foiat anthracite coal at the seaboard is worth at wholesale about $7.00 a ton, whereas a ton of beef of fair quality is worth about $400.00 wholesale. To carry the comparison further, the 25 cent profit on coal is 3 per cent of the $7.00 value. The $5.00 profit on beef is only 1 per cent of the $400.00 value. The profit has little effect on price in either case, but has less effect on the price of beef than on the price of coaL Coal may be stored in the open air indefinitely; 1F5f must be kept in expensive cookrs because it is highly perishable and must be refrigerated. Coal is handled by the carload or ton; beef is deliv ered to retailers by the pound or hundred weight. Methods of handling are vastly different. Coal is handled in open cars; beef mutt be shipped in refrigerator cars at an even temperature. Fairness to the public, fairness to Swift & Company, fairness to the packing industry, demands that these indisputable facts be considered. It is Impossible to disprove Swift & Company's state ment, that its profits on beef are so small as to have practically tio effect on prices. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Doubling Up on Him. "Hey I Como down, there ycr pinched I Who d'ye think you are, any how? Barney Oldfleld?" "No, lr," replied the frightened mo torist, "but I was" "Tea, I know. Yon wn8 mnkln' 52 miles an hour. What d'yo mean?'' "Well, sir, I woh arrested back there ibout two miles by that ofllcer Just going over the hill on that motorcycle. Ho said 'Follow me, and hurry up,' and tVwhat I wos doing when you got ma." Kansas City Star. Unkind. Ella My face Ih my fortune. Stella Somebody shortchanged you. Chicago Dally News. Paris before the war had 12,000 German waiters In restaurants. Alwaye use Red Cross Ball Blue. Delights the laundress. At all good grocer. Adv. United Stntes keeps a three-months supply of urmy food In Franco. Scenes cf Are Common in The thousands of U, S. fanners who have accepted Canada's generous offer to settle on homesteads or buy farm land in her provinces have been well repaid by bountiful crops of wheat and other grains. Where you can buy good farm land at $15 to $30 per acre get $2 a bushel for wheat aad raise 20 to 45 bHshels to the acre you are bound to make money that's what you can do In Western Canada. In the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta you can get a WM8&M HOMESTEAD and other land at very low prices. During many years Canadian wheat fields have averaged 20 bushels to the acre many yields as high as 45 bushels to the acre. Wonderful crops also of Oats, Barley, and Flax. niixcu Farming inausiry as gram raising. Good schools, churches: marketa convenient, climate excellent. Writeforllteratureand particular? at to reduced railway rateato Supt. o( Immigration. Ottawa. Can., or to W.V.BENNETT loom 4,Bee Dldg.,Omaha,Na, Canadian Government Agent ill Destroying Cinch Burgs. Burning fence rows or grass around the border of Infested grain fields Is recommended as a fall practice to de stroy chinch bugs. A Blow, steady flame, fanned by a slight breeze, re sults In tho killing of from 80 to 00 per cent of tho hibernating Insects ; It also greatly reduces tho number that would survive tho winter and move to the wheat Holds In tho spring. Profiteering. "These pies are stale." "So they am, but we can't nfford to throw them awuy." "What would you suggest?" "Put 'em down on the bill of fare as liberty pies. That will mnke a patron think twice before sturtlng to bellow." Birmingham Ago-IIerald. Dr. Frederick Prldham of Johns Hopkins university announces discov ery of a specific for rheumatism. Even the strenuous poot has his Idyl moments. Prosperity Western Canada OF 160 ACRES FREE is as prolitable an "M WHAT mm rnllt'Ri Dr. Henry N. MncCrnckcn, the prenldent of VnsRor college, has been devoting himself to tho upbuilding of the Junior Bed Cross, which has grown, within a yenr, from nothing to a membership of over 8.W0.000. Un der the Inspiration of Ills leadership, with war work ns n motive, the accom plishment of school children all over the country has been ninnzltiK. They have turned out garments for soldiers and refugees quilts, comforters, rugs, knitted clothing, furniture, toys. They hnvo guttiered thousands of dollars worth of salvage, In tin cans and tin foil, and garnered vegetables contrib uted for the maintenance of markets. In fact, Doctor MocCrncken says : "The Junior Red Cross today finds Itself en gaged In doing almost as many things as there are mlloH between the Atlan tic and tho Pacific, hut always with one object national service." "Notional Servlco" what an enno bling Idea to constantly cultivate In tho minds of the young I For this one reason alone every parent should do more than encourage the nctlvltles of the Junior Red CroRS. The Idea of service takes patriotism for granted, and Instills Its best part all the tlmo In the minds of children. But the work the bpIiooI children have done has been beneficial In other ways, and moreover the young people are Intense ly Interested by It. Thoughtful and practical men complain that courses of study In the public schools are too de tached from the everyday business of thing. Flore Is where tho work c" tho Junior Red Cross will help out. The sewing, knitting, cooking, rug-mnklng, toy nnd furniture making arc all as practical ob brushing 'one's teeth. Tho children learn that their work must bo up to the Red Cross standards, In or- Negligees for sx "Mr K ..jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv ' "JaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsasakX X yBBBBBBBBv' ..'V ' BBBBBBBBBBBMSBax-X ABBaWBBBB NnVBBBBBBBBBBBBVN. BbV i HiBaaD W ! JjBaWJaWJBW ' 'f'AaWBaWaWBaWi btbbbbbT --M - - .k'-'; -itTBaWBaWJBBBl v iff BaffaW ' -It h V'affaffaffaffaffaaffBi V Bf -W PIbbbbI AffBBBBBBa '7-wJnict!h. IvaVBaVBBBBaVX 1 1 i J K i War isjaw If I iff T'-- I II ; , turn u : '- I ill - Im 1 i 4li - i IbN I 1 - 111 'InRI 0 ' 111 t fflp i-BJ fma pjoy.gBWTr-lw bbbT y -awpaaiaw M? ''j J A little excursion Into tho realm ol negligees soon convinces ono that the variety In them Is almost as great ns that In nftvrnoon gowns. They range from tho simplest nffolrs to those that challenge study by their Intrlcntu drap eries and their lovely color effects, as well as by all sorts of fanciful, enre fully mndo llttlo embellishments. Neg ligees are nmong tho Increasing num ber of things thnt have censed to be luxuries and hnvo grown to be neces sities In tho lives of women of culti vated tuste. The busy woman of today "must allow herself a little lelsuro In tho course of strenuous days and weeks nnd when thnt lelsuro comes sho likes to "dress tho part." Abovo there Is a picture of ono of tho most unpretentious of theso plc turesquo garments. It consists of n strnlght chemise dress of pink crepe do chine, suspended from a band of ribbon. Tho crepo do chine Is box plaltod from top to bottom, with tho mnehlnp-mnde plaits pressed In to mnko them permanent and Is a light roso pink In color. Over this there Is n cont of crepe georgette In tho snmo color. It has elbow sleeves with n ilulnty IncofIowIng from their edges and lace at tho bottom. A quilling of tho georgctto mnkes tho best of fin "lies for tho neck and front of the nnt. The lace Is a flno crenrn-colored irlnty that hns n way of falling In nreful lines. necHcce of this kind Is In the 'h f.irnpnny when n frivolous can CAN E( DO? der to bo accepted, and they become! pnlnstiililng. Their rcsoutcef illness andl Ingenuity aro stimulated and In their, efforts to ralso money hnvo rcvealedl their enterprise and thrift. Parents! know that nil theso arc tho things that make fur success nnd happiness. Wo, know the patriotism mny be takeu for granted, that It lies In the hearts of, nearly nil Americans, but the war ha seen 11 translated Into service to tho great benefit of the children. Let us hope that the nctlvltles of tho Junior Red Cross will bo kept up nfter tho war Is over. Fringe, has Invndrd tho precinct ofj sweaters. Often It Is found on the sides of tho largo sailor collar, and la mndo of the same wool ns tho sweater; or wool of contrasting color. One Bilk; sweater thnt can bo mndo by any clever1, knitter has black and white frlngo alL around a largo shawl collar, nroundj the bottom of tho swenter and around! the lower edge of tho cuffs. Tasselsj which are only n short concentrated! hit of fringe, nro' used frequently ntj the ends of snshes on the new swent-i ers, or they aro placed at the corners! of tho sailor collar to hold the points' In place and to ndd an Interesting dco-t orntlve touch. Garments Close Reefed. While the straight silhouette Is tho dominant one of tho season, not nil frocks arc cut on strnlght chemlscltkoj lines. The tendency Is toward gar-i ments mlted to the various types of figure, but kep nil closo reefed. Tho strnlght line, chemise type of garment Is rIiouii, dresses with coateo and1 Jacket effects are popular and draper ies also appear with great frequence, but flare Is definitely absent from each and all. Leisure Hours -' I anil liht slippers aro worn with It. In caps again we find assortments vn-j neu ana ns numerous ns mo minuic of the day. Nets, laces, georgctto crepe, ribbons and llttlo hand-made chiffon flowers are the airy and nllur-l lng things these bewitching head- pieces' aro made out of. For ullppers satins nnd ribbons are relied upon and there Is no denrth of variety In them. All theso pretty and exquisite things suggest themselves ns delightful gifts for the holidays. Luut Ztrftra 9 Practical Serne Dresses. Practical dresses of bluo serge, many on seinlprlneess lines, aro a featuro of fall fashions; theso models nro only scmltnllorcd In appearance and nre ef fectively trimmed with rather brilliant colored embroidery, somo In wool nnd others In wool nnd silk combinations. Chenille Is nlso used, nnd many of tho motifs applied to theso dresses arc of the floral design. 90 Per Cent of Girls Workers. Moro thnn 00 per cent of tho em ployees of n Wllkcsbnrre (I'a.) plnnt are gliK It Is announced. Recent In vestigations by tho department of la bor showed generally a high Increase In the percentage of women employed In Industrial plants during tho last few voars. it , ' i, Av&i BBM I . . tt'' UPSET STOMACH PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN AT ONCE ENDS SOURNESS, OA8, ACIDITY, INDIGESTION. Don't stay upset I When menls don't fit and you belch gns, acliN and undt ges'ted food. When you feel lumps of Indigestion pnln, flatulence, henrtburn r hcudacho you can get Instant relief. No waiting I Papc's Dtapcpsln will put you on your feet. As soon as you eat ono of these pleasant, harmless tablets all tho Indigestion, gnses, acid ity nnd stomach dlktrcss ends. Your druggist Bells them. Adv. Important Discovery. Undo Abuer I sec In tho papers that a new kind of patent medicine has jest been put on the market that will cure everything. Aunt Rachel Weill And both of Jed Lnrkln's boys Is goln to medical college. It seems thnt when lots of folks go to flttln' thelrselves for n pro fession something happens to mnko that profession unprofitable. Strong Prejudice. "Tho American penplo do not car for 'The Watch on tho Rhine.' " "I should sny not." "I don't believe they would even dnnco to It If It wero syncopated." Birmingham Age-Herald. n Important to Mother Examine carefully every bottle of OASTORIA, that famous old remedy xor imams anu cniiurcn, ana see that It Signature C&fffflJ!Zfo In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Many Like Him. "How much stock ho docs tnko In himself?" "Ilo's over-subscribed." Llfo. Bears tho Moat particular women use Red Crow Ball lllue. American made. Sure to pleaie. At all good grocera. Adv. California dehydrated plants aro Increasing. vegetable Pennsylvania workers Inst year lost $10X00,000 through Illness. WEAK KIDNEYS MEAN When you're fifty, your body begins to creak a little at the hinges. Motion la more alow and deliberate. "Not so young at I used to be" Is a frequent and unwel come thought. Certain bodily functions upon which good health and good spirits so much depend, are impaired. The weak spot la generally the bladder. Unpleasant symptoms show themselves. Painful and annoying complications in other organs arise. This la nartlculsrly true with el derly people. If you only know how, this trouble can be obviated. For over 200 yean GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the in convenience and pain due to advancing yean. It ia a standard, old-time homo remedy, and needa no introduction. It ia now put up in odorless, tasteless capsules. These are easier and more pleasant to take than the oil in bottles. Each capsule contains about one dose of five dropa. Take them just like you would any pill, with a small swallow of water. They soak into the sytem and throw off the poisons which are making you old be fore your time. They will quickly relieve Acid-Stomach Victims Sickly, Weak, Unfit, Depressed msd Toa bt an acid tomeo aad doa't know It) Tbtr art millions of sucb popl wets, ailing, tired, worn out snd ''all U" before tne dT la ball gone Uitlraa and Indifferent to tbelr sur rounding often wllb acbes and pi Ins all OTer tbe bod iroefull lacking la phjalcal power and mental tltor pale, emaciated Juit dragging out a weary eilatence. Nine out of arerr tea of tbene people are unconscious Tlctlms of scld stomach. Thousand upon thoueanda of people wbo are subject ta attack of lndlgeatioa and bllloutnesa: wbo are nerious, roel anchol. mentally depreaird; bo lufTrr from rbeuuatlim, luiohaKo or sciatica yes, eren many of tboee wbo bate catarrh, ulcer or cancer of tbe stnmacb If tbe trouble li traced to Its ourre. tt will often be found to be Just acid atom ach. for three are only eome of tbe ail ment tbat are caused by wbat tbr doc tor call auperacldlty, wblcb Is mother name for eour or acid atomach. Wbat you want to kuuw adore all el Is bow to quickly rid yourielf of i ceim acid. A wonderful modern remedy called EATON10 literally wlnet It out. It doea tbe work etll. .piUIt end naiurany, n mnn me itomacD pun wert, cool and comfortable. It help . .. . . ..- . atomacb pure, help you get full elrenstb out of everr mouth. fu) of sood you eat: and unleaa you 1)0 gei run eirengm irom your food you cannot enjoy robust. elgorona health. Had to GiyeJJp Work Mr. McMurrny Was In a Bad Way Until He Used Doan's They Drought a Quick Cure. P. K. McMurray, 49 W. Hickory St., ChicnKo Heights, 111., wis: "1 wae al ways a y trong man until I wo taken with kidney trouble. 1 worked many venra an a blacksmith nnd this work brought tho trouble on. When I stooped over thcro wan a r b!,1 rinding pnln in my .ick nnd I coultln t utrnislitcn tin for four or livo minutes. Some times it took me halt an hour to put on nir allocs. I got bo bad, I Imd to lay off work for da) a at a time. Often I would hnvo to get up a Fir. ncflamr pi.H tho kldnor leer tlons, nnd they burned like Urn. My feet swelled, and at times they burned no that it BMtncd I was standinft on a hot Htovo. I Imd spells of gasping for breath nnd dizzy spells, too, nnd my health failed rapidly. I waa told that my working days were orer, but Doan'a Kidney Pills were brought to by attention nnd before I had used one box, I began to feel relieved. I kept on and by the time I had used ten boxes, I waa absolutely cured. All pains left my back and other symp toms of kidney trouble disappeared and I felt aa well and strong as ever." "Subscribed and sworn to befor me thl 7th day of July 1917." DAVID II. BHAPIllO, Votary PubUo. GetDesratAarStor,Oesla ' DOAN'SVffiiV FOSTER-MTLBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. Easy to Manage. "It must bo a sad disappointment when n woman marries n man thinking him brilliant nnd discovers that he la stupid." "Thnt depends n grent deal on her temperament," replied Mr. Dubwalt thoughtfully. "A stupid mnn Is usu ally docile, you know." Illrmlngham Agc-Hornld. United States In the first half of 10U produced 17,570 flasks of quicksilver. Prosperity. "Jlblay's fortunes seem to bo on the mend." "So they nro. If Mrs. Jlhlay hold her Job at n munition plnnt another month I wouldn't bo at nil surprised ta seo Jlblny take on a tailor." Iilnnlnf hnm Age-Herald. Kansas reports dealings In gasoline by "bootleggers" on Sundays. M n van An obnoxious form of light lltera tnro In the gas bill. , GUARANTEED TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE OR MONEY RCfUNOfO ASK ANY OflUMI W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 47-181S. A WEAK BODY those stiffened joints, that backache, rkw roatism, lumbago, sciatica, gall stoML gravel, "brick dust," etc They an aa effective remedy for all dlseaaea of tM bladder, kidney, liver, stomach and alll4 organs. GOLD MEDAL TJaarlem OH Capral cleanse tho kidneys and purify the blood. They frequently ward off attacks of the dangerous and fatal diseases of the kioV neys. They have a beneficial effect, ana) often completely cure the diseases of the bodily organs, allied with the bladder ami kidneys. If you are troubled with soreness aerow the loins or with "simple" achea and palaa In the back take warning, it may be the preliminary indications of some dreadful malady which can be warded off or our) if taken in time. Go to your druggist today and get a bS of GOLD MKDAL Handera Oil Captulssv Money refunded if they do not help yoo. Three size-i. GOLD MEDAL are the pure, original imported Ham lent Oil Capaulea, Accept No Substitutes. Adv. fifi Iti JJ -t'! ASTHMA Better no medicine at all In all forms of Distemper thaa tne wrong Kino. "SPOHN'S 99 la the XUGirr Kind. Horsemen Know Tfcla Wkea Tfcesy Haw Oace Tried It. U druggists, tiors goods houses and manufacturers aH it, SroUN aUEDIOAI. CO, Goalies. lniL, V. f. A. Ton cat to UVH. Tent life eeseaos tbe strength you get from yeur to 1 ou eat from reut foot. There le no other wsy. KATONIO !a In nlraaaHt.taatlaa tab let form Juat Ilk a bit of candy. Ws org you do matter wbst you bar tried take Batonlc Juat one week end lad at for youreelf bow wonderfully la proved you will feeL See bow quickly KATONIO banlsbee the Immediate ti facta of add atomach bloat, heartburn, belching, food rrpeatlog, eour. gaaay stomsch, tndlteatlon, etc. See too, bow quickly your general bealtb Improve now much more you rellab your food bow much more eaellr II ' diluted bow soundly you alrep bow nerrouaneas and Irritability disappear And all simply became by taking KATONIO you hava rid your atomacb of a lot of eiceaa acid tbat baa been holding you back and sisk in four life mlaerable KATONIO I absolutely harmless. It can be taken be the lunet delicate. Tea f thouaanda of people wbo bare aaed tt are enthusiastic In it pralae. KTO,SIO a abeolutely guaranteed, M ret a big 50c boi from your druggist. If t doea not help you your money will be' refuuded. If your dmxtlat doea not keep KAIOMO, tend ynur name and addree te tbe Ratonlc Kmiedv Company. 1011 B. Wahaab te., Chlrafo, III., and tkty will at once mall you a 60c Ikis and you caa aend them tbe money for It after you re ceive It