1J r 10 ttUortcrfBocUW ' a- ." yv . ,im t A .rJ. i. . 4 T?ten K H' " P 'Huem. te- mmesM. a-. ? -3E- . Tr- - "S - K. svv. . - --- --rsj-- r-taft. - -- &W m - nri .iiinij - ir.jr ETi.kT uu tha lAuMr nrva-i wkt - . " T UJf.1!! . IjU! .fetTW 1HRJJK fH -Kl - fiTAT .- tt'n A.YflJH. - - V? t h'1 i it1 ""' ' i! r";iy5JfcMilPp!MCLixii 3BERJiBpBF!g''StASfytf'f' t i 11 Lilrfi i R .a rmJ& i 1 1 sj j?ViHHHItt'K't9E!YaB3 -jfiHr??...?: . n '! cc-H ' iiT 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 47 11B1) CLOUD, TSTEHRASKA, NOVUMlimt J8, JIMS. Nimnisu W mxvrunnzoM tznuouunn4u I -. ny up for a rainy day. Money in one's 1 Jfl wuv.iii to inwil riji.t,i nil nv .-wnt wi iiiv moment, while you think twice belcnc drawing on your bank account. The one sure way to save money is by dep isiting it in a responsible bank. That is the only way to prevent it from burning holes in your pocket. A? V w ebiSter County Bank Capital and Suiplus $35,000 Edward Florance, President Rcd Cloud, Nebraska. S. R. Florancc, Cashier THANKSGIVING 1918 WBicazxEmwtvvrafttimm y Thanksgiving. r civilized woild Unite in ! in secular history -" ROY SATTLEY Undertaking Licensed Embavicr in Kansas and Nebraska llovse Hearse Auto Hearse C Complete Line of Up-to-date Furniture, iags, Etc. Today may aptly be termed a Libi With grateful hearts all peoples of thanks for the -greatest blessing record The ending of a war that threalenc ! to destroy the very foun dations of civilization. Thoic whose loved ones are soon t return to the family cir cle will give thanks imbued with the Sj lit of gladness. Those to whom no soldier "will return, who must look with tear-dimmed eyes on chairs forever va ant, may still find cause , for thanks m the thought that IhciVhcr gave hit life-in aiding to end a warfare that threatened all lives For the restoration of Libcily. ' For the safely of future geieralions. For the triumph of a righteous victo . For the downfall of a vicious militai .sin. For the promise of a world at peace with itself. V. Let us all be thankful. Death Calls Two Opera Day and Night AT OUR CAFE Poweii Pope ' i ' " The community was 'shocked lust Thursday evening wliun news en mo of tho deiitii ot two people, old to-l-ccuts, both of whom a few hours pre vious had upp.uently many seats yet tojivo. Tho story can bo told only one way and wo therefore quote from the Ad voi User: "Thuisduy afternoon Oliver Noblo, aged 01 yerus, uihti led and u father of three ohildien, and for j ears a farmer ivsldiun on Walnut Creek, while Mif foiinu from, a del uui'd miiul, went to his barn and luuiK himself, his lifeles body beiiifr found by his wife, within an hour after the net had been coin mitted. An uuUerialcor tiom this city was ealled anil when pieparini; to leave for the Noble lumio wai recpiebt cd to allow Mr. and Mis. S 15. Kivor, patents of Mis Noble, to accompany him to Walnut Crech, they iKdnjr notl lied of Mr. Noble's denth, but not told of its manner. Defore i caching the Noble home In passing a piily on the toad the under taker was asked whether or not he. knew how tho Jrugody occurred, tho paity, asking licit noting the piesunce of Mr. and Mib Kier in tho cm At tlietimu of this-qucty. Iiovvever, which was'Mis. Ki.ei'a (list inkling i.f wliat hud happened Sim dlsplavoil no ejno lion nor n'tcicd u sound and on ii'iieli ill' I lm home of their diumlitei, with tlic ashiatiuico of ijer liusbani, alight. ed fiotu the v ir, niU'ied the house, sat down in a cli.tlr and piis-e.i into a btupui, liotu wliicl; it was iinpi sniblo to ni'iiisi' lier, death claiming lur wllli in e "liort pniind of time, J)i, Watts of -mlt!i Center, .K.iuaf., who hud het ii eallod iu the eapiuity of e roncr li Mr-. Noble and who du'emed an in-cpn-st uiini'ces.iiiy, had left for home previous to the arrival of the under, tikni and Mr, and Mis. Kier and was again summoned, baton hi", leluiu Mrs Kier was hoi ond earthly aid ' Funer.il horvieos for Mrs.S U Kioi were held Sunday afternoon ut 2 o'clock at tho Cnnntogatlunal church in ch.ugn of llev .John I) Haininel, absihted by itevh Hal per and Milidiell,Hiid the large inimbei of ft lends in attend nice and beautiful floinl oll'etiugs altesicd in a rnciMiM) the esteem and deep repaid in Which tlie. tlt'ricensc I wib held by all. Anm M lzcr was bom In Sucttor. lllinoin," reh 7, lb5'., mil dUd No vtuihcr .'1, ,1H18, lining ,i'ni)hii1 ihe uge of Oil yoAiM. 6 uiontlifi and 10 days At tho age of thiee yonrf, she moved with hei paionts !o tho tute of Iowa. 'She was iinltod in muui.ige to S IJ. Kier on Ootohor I. IMS. To this uuloi witH born six children, ouc pasilng awaj iu Infancy, blio moved v.'itli her husband and family to lied Cloud in I She joined the Mothodl&L Episcopal ( ehurcjli in 1882 and leiuained an ac tive member or Hie same Mis Kier was intoicmed in the Miccesn of f' cli in c'i MTi'l evldcncBd it in munv 1 wi,s. fpt'liilly i-i the mill liu nt Hp Ileil rioiid chinch In a L' S. 'government twdning camp iitijl WilllAm ICier of Lincoln and two clMaJ'ri.-13iiiml. Noble t-Womfrr K.itiKH. und fillllo Alny Dlckersou of Lincoln. Ray Bayless Mrs. O.I3 Chipniau of our city lias siiaoio bympathy in the deatli or her son, Itay Hayless, tills week, at Fott MoAithur, San l'edro, Calif , wheio tlie hon was stationed in tho naval seivico in which he volunteeiod sonic time htni'p. Rays doath lesultod fiom pneu inonia following influenza. Hay had many fronds heie, wheio ho lived most of his lifetime, who will bo shocked and p lined at his untimely going. McCook Ti ibuiio The body in lived lieio Wodnosday on IU an! fuuer il services weio held In tho afternoon, llev. V. M. Iltupor ollleiatlng. Tin young man was glvou a military banal. Tho Locil Homo Cuards iittHti Iu I in a body and had ohm go of the set views at tho grave. Raymond Groal ii There is a Difference in senses . dual 9 theie is between a piece ol ptue gold and that containing alloy. Tho lenses used by me mo tho llucst Unit Mti 1)0 had Tluso enmn in thn tough and nie gioiind until llio i actly meet tho mquln nionls of jour paitlcular eye truuble One winnot.be too eatoful ulout the jefi Tho matter of a doUaHcr no Mmnhl not enter Into tho calculation. Thin t,tm refuses to ask for your pnlronuftu by pilou iilciiic tho (Miio it th tiling deh'tcd iiy me oi well an join self. Icu fd,'yni will llnd the ohaigc unusually low, taking Into- umHib lation liiglujualliy ' wiii be to the interest of jour eyes to have them examined the i H. NEWHOUSE Jowoar and Optometrist C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector WWftVWVWVVV.. r p c iV.y. 1 (v I i orse rlearse Auto Hearse -' H ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING (LADY ASSISTANT) VWWWWl $ Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. I 5 WUUWi u is Knymouii iJiront was born at Unci ton, November I, lsfl'i, ;iud died at I.iiiioo, Culi ido, Novuib'erSl, I!U8. j tin- had been west tot 'omo lime Vis'iinig ndativc-, und was lal.cn ill with lite "Flu, ' llTlng only two weeks. Tho young ui.ui leaves pnctits, brni hers and si-tern, and otlier lela tiM's to moil in his loss. J uiiernl mm ices weie conduoted Sunday by lUv .1. 1, Uecbu at the llivoiton ceniMtfrj. This May Help a Little Thm Hamilton - Gather Clothing Go. Everything a Ulan or L7oy Woors Had Cloud Nebraska If jou live iu a place wheio tlie laud loid was looking tlici other way when thej woiohan liugoutolobctsyou need not pi iiniuinu'h ik'fcpalr. J'a!:o iIoaii the ot I piano lui, turn il on its side doil h upalid ilieroyou aie Turn tho ftoiit of Ulhtnu door. Tin igiua;ioii hatli no Imiimls foi tlie deoomfing pousiblll tins i.i tht well known pitno l,o wl)(rti It tuiiib Mirtle in j'oui' bwl elmmboi. Von em uovui It with builup, oloth, wall pupil' 01 the pletureh of your bet frit i iu loving i eme nbraiice x GLYCERINE MIXTURE FOR APPENDICITIS lied Cloud people can pieventnp pondicltis wltli Himplo bnekhoin tiark, glycciluo. elc,. as mixed in Adder Idea ONnsi'OONI'TL (lushes tho KNTIIIIJ bowel tract so completely It rolioves ANY CASC sour stomach, gas or con., stlpitiou and prevents appciullcith I The INSTANT, ploasant action of NoUf.fi n; Prb.tc In riiu i'ieiiii (ourt of V eUli r i diiniy .StlirnsKa. SlMU Of Wi ikUU, i iwtur i)uni, i .To all persons Intcroslul In the iMtato ot Anna ICatrlua Ilur, Dutiihnl: TvuuNorii n, that iiputlllou lias Iuioji Mini prujliiK thnt tin Instrti tiion t nicCl In tills court on the llth iluy ol Novi.mii bcr, 1UIH, iiirinMliiK to lo the hut will and Ictauieiil ol wild ikiraMud, limy l prot(i ana auowui ami rocoiiled ait E. S. Geurber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your Hous: And Furnisji You the Fixtures Notlco of Hearing ('.mate of Job mat h Hi ImtulMm, U eased, in the county Court of WuUior Couuty, No m k.i. 'the Slate of Niiirankn, to all ncwoiia Inter- I thi; hut will ami Wihtaiiiimt of Anna ICalriim ,"ila '"'"'il estate, ciwIIiom and heirs lako liuiv. lcniiiK,l: Hut mild thHtruiiiiiii ""nrqmni hihjui k. UrJiielnn and otto hi"idniltteltoU(ii),ito.nnl tlie mlm'iiivri. Hrhmelfon ime ilUsttlmlr petHlon alloslmc Hon of .Hia cUt( l)iiniUd to John II. H'tttJoJmiiHc hringeliioa dlo.1 Inlobtato Iu Ilnrx. ' , w'lWrt;oiiiiii, N'elnnHkH.niKu about .luuo .i", w, uuiun u. riBiuoiu nnti luuntjitniu or li Is hereliy ordered h) the court, Hint all IioiMonn lnton.tutI lit mIi1 chuio upinur nt Hi County (.ourt to Ub l.tld la hUU for Mid county on the Kith d of J (. nim. HUB at t ii o'cloolc )i m., to show caime, If nay tburt tx), v.liy the jiroyorof the petllluner huald not Iw roituiI, mul thnt iioilu of ih ieiul- I oin'i of said petition And Ihi huirliiK thtrn'l jboylven to all periiniH luUri(cd in sal' I liiiiuur y iiuniwiiiiin r copy oi iuw onu r in lie IUkI Cloud fhlr, it itiiui wovkly rnwx. It WclMivr Oauuty. Nibrooka mid th oh m r f the following described real ttstMto ult. 'I h South Wmtttu.irtiri f Soctlan lucniy t'.iijtit, tUHJfln lowanhlp linue (g), N6riho Uniife 'Iol vi, (I'Jj, wiot f tbo dtli p. 7u , V staler County, N'uhr i v i initiate Ins cJ mutt only heir n lm tho following rm i n kJ nnwuH, in-wii: f 1 lillsabatkJeruti. n 'uwta 11. Urliigelnyii, l.aura lltml., nikhii'tr,(jn,aintOlUiliriinfi! iiin(.r nrlntutl In will county for rom eon. wn, nuaousaim u ui.iiiurH. nud irelwiiuii. fccmtKowcoIsi' prior to wild day of Juarhnj. i0"' '-tl'0" 1'irnon ,,nd Itutli Person, his Wlt.i, my hand and tlmsoal of lni.i court ' "f""?J1,lV?.,.,L,,1 ,""1.. T, W""0 " IhlKllthdiu .f Ninrtmli..r. A.M.. iiiik I "''" '" " "" iifim in said UU "'-"" -.. .-.F .v.... 17-1 p-tal.l A. 1). ItANM V, Counlj ludgu I.', (i. Ciilducll, Attorney fm I ftato (iduil. and pra.liiK for a, decree barring (laliiuc, that Mild duodcnl died .Intestate; tint no application for adniluNtratlou hax hten iniidu and tho white ol Mild ui-ri'diiit has not In in lUlmlnlslcircd in Oilrjln of "Torpedo." l, ftato of NobrnHka, and that tho The von! ten, i do In Hild hv tho mlrs "' ,nw "' Kal(l 'hecdent as herein nnlhnrlllc-, (ci Ci,c lis ilmlen linn, to "et forth shall botliciceil to bothoowners lht r.utln verb "torpero," to ho Btlff, owing to Its Inauspicious appearance; in icu binipie oi ino odono (icserllicd real estate, which has been tet fur liLiirliiK on tho iylllBl CiS rav Y Oil ';i'r,-,-;v---to,patio,,ts. h,Ls m wu .,ld rpcc'ie po0t fTic!!osbT tire"ficamo .nr.U', ;:!r.cA?ii',.brnHka' l,,,a,Rt M.9.AM. JlM.& M. U JL U Uallfoinia, Clttieuce H. Klzor, who U I strouKOlias. L. Cottlntf, UrugglBt. mime, U-i Seal A. V.U aN.NKY, County, Jud, , lAri"-1' -i f.,',11 ,f.vvwri''i,.uii.miar i - - -- ,