The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 21, 1918, Image 8

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    jumatmiMMMiaimit n mwii
mftiii jiiiw ( iimsnji miiiaTjmltwJTliiwiMtMiiLijMu!mjm.uammwi.wimmmvMAimitmmw2t
gjmniiu mm wamvxweii.--m. jit. jjummjui ijumh
000 in Liberty
Pfow that the
"K p-vai
W gr3
Ri?-gjy LSESr
we wi
pj n to
it taKe
10 payment on ear
UL.JL- o .
nuiisun oupc
ifi -tJ
Lexington bix
NJK Oi 'IT 'WI H 3"
Oil9 II
yJP trF-nB
ne of imck
tn a
cot uNm jp hRmSH vp BWWp
titt Motor o.Hastin
TgF s
we o
ave a
few used F
Distributors .
INOrtneaSt rawnee devoted and beloved priest, the Uov
-- Father O'Rlolly, parish priest of
Harry Brinn, while working In thts 1 Kibnti. We certainly will miss fiom
timber last w ok discovered a proilig-1 our midst 11 most cllluteiit it ml attcn
on store of honey in n tree tninlt, and 1 live gentleman, one not easily repine-
cif course kept It. Tim hmioy when
Wedded at Buckerville
cghed netleil 1 1 1 lbs, ami Ills wife
! certainly call him "lnney," at
least mi long us tho sweets last, or In worils, until the honey is gone
Af hat, depnnont silth not.
Mrs Fred Unnvn and Mrs. Minor
Spm tier autot'd to Smith Center next
A wedding of ni'icti local Intel est
was sulcmui.ed at Duokervillo lust
Hund.iN, the cent noting parties being
cd; ono who was always noted us hide. Mis, y0i,r.A Hpurrier of Lubaiion,
fntigahlo in taking especial interest in j C., ( nml m,., ,.uj Auott flol iJtJ,a.
the tf'inpontl us well as the spiritual ii,,iUi,it
welfare of his lluek
Them was during tliv progress of
the war, and even up to Its very ter
mination, considerable anxiety anil
I The bible is the only daughter of
Mi. itnTl Mr-., l'jliuer Spurrier, and is n
refined, highly respected and amiable
young lady. Sue in a graduate, of
discussion as to what meat changes Lebanon High School Her beautiful
Mr Mrs John Hnrgoss of lied Cloud
were visiting their son C II Huress
and family the first of the week.
Mrs. Hurt Leonard lias been
care of her daughter
Bladen Brieflets
0ear Collett returned Siimlav after-1
I h'as been taking 00l, to the lireat Lakes Xaval Train-1 S,VJ,P"' Ny.'"""!:!!.
: Mis .loo Topham lug Statiun, where he has lu-en in camp ' l,'r l,,,""-v' f
Notice of Probate
In The county 1 mirt o( '.VtbittiTonnty
who was nnlet sielc but is better at this : f1"' V11' I"Jst ''J?1" "lonths. Osear is To all porsons imensiiil In tho estate of,,,, looKing line ami says it is the only Anna Katrlna l!iirt
lav after the pernio oelebrutliiu to might take place after the awful con tiaits of ohaiaetoi- are enhance. 1
tra. aet business and learn details of ilJor. ended. Now you have nothing
u. itiueral of Cionnaii Autooracy. to wait to see these great changes.
Mrs. ,1ns. llyati was the guest of Mr. IU'gorra, im sen thotu alroudy, nml
an 1 Mrs. IM Htllot 11 ml family one day . tunny saw them beforohaml. Tlie news
i-V ejk,
ii niTMi. Lncoot Smith Cuoter.
1 iionj; Uw RUfBliat the Hpurrler.
ol triumphant victory; the dawn of a
I general and universal pew:?; the es
tablishment of world de tiKteracy, ar-
age (dock sale of lien Mapes
( very wi-M nttiid(?d w wcrt
nay btcaiut of nt being d
1. it
superior intelligence resulting fiom
the ability and ellleioney of her teach
ers .
The groom Is the youngest hon of W
and Mrs Li'o Aboti, iud is u man who
commniKl tliH fciunds'nip of all w.tli
! whom be a'Jsix-Mtles. llu 1 nls'i mi
great, changes perhaps tin greatext U-tiO'gctie prac loal fiwiner and wilt
Men wboyesterdav wovo a crown and i equipped with tb i-hiittfUt kntvi-
holmet; men who rented eo.ily in 11 1
"Uinptaout pulnoe or mansion, mo'.
iug a tou-citr, are today wearing
I in the Chief, us ererjone who , ,,ut a w,.!v,iU ou Uu(il. C((Ulm, 8mnk-
iertlsed lu our p.ipr rpni
taudiifioe -perhaps the (JeUbia
U Kiiiuetlivng to, do wth t
.ilng n aold at good prices e.v
- une tboroughbrpd rousteis.
.1 pcRCv rutuorit fcevtued to have
ncil tho market on fowln. Will
.nil JstB Wouderly cried the aie
mid Mis Thco. Sponlcr and
Au'stln Spurrier and Horb UaUt-r
wit were in Tied Cloud lat Thins-
t lending the pence oclebtaiion
...that city and partlolpnHng In
1 ie bauquot ylveu by tho altiiions,
, . 1 ort that Bverythiog wa right
i the advertUed tan lard.
'. Uiv. L. S. Terry, of Waunetii, the wrltor were tbe KUt- v
Olair and lm:-":' U:.l tiandu.
fe ' ..'... u'd ni u Ver
, 11 ..'ii of tUi' .aleat.
, l ' nf problems hnd
. i r !ei in,, on a new
i 1 t.lighteiinieiH Wild
1 ini&inu. - lln ti' uf peace,
eh. tiutli Rud cirlluntiou Uov"
rejoice that be did fctiuie-
' . ; uwfti'd th' aehieremt'iit of
..1 demouruuy by sni.lin threw
" ys to (iclp win the batUci. One was
1, rbf .S'.nb Uivlsion lun St Mlhol
-i . - taken, anortier Rt Sedan, mid the
tid ai rived a few'dnya two
!rota tho bhlji yards. And buhldes
Ib.s there wore two young boys in the
latest selective drift
Tho pcoplo lu genet til In both
Fftwneeunl Logan, both within and
outside the church, hetml with regret
the bad news of tho death of our able
mg a otjfHivtre, and glad to huvo
pneknge Wo see, as oue of the great
chaugo, tlleaa heretofore powerfut
men dethroned, disgraced, deitplked
aurl demornliKfd, praying tmd begglug
for liOipitultty and protection from h
neighbor country. FWlni for wifety
on it trip which was uplther Retfure nor
pleasant for tholr wives nnd fwinllleH.
They ato relcatoil to tho olass il.
scribed by tho phrnM "A man without,
a country " Nine tlmoi out of ten,
nud then some, wo sou fulilllmoiit f
tliq sprlpLure: "Ho who exaltoth him
sulf ahall bo bumbled," nml vine versa.
Y tuny bo alive today ami de.ul to
morrow, nud vice vcihti.
There b"" Qver been ht.y thing in
UedQlond with the iXhTANl" aeUon
of simple buokHwrn l.rH, glyeeiiue,
etc., ns mixed lu Adler-UUa. uSK
Sl'OOSFDL lbubeii the ENTlttE
bowel iriiui o completely it relieves
ANY OASE hour stomach, gus or-oon
hlipalloii and prevent appendioltlH,
The INSTANT, pleasant iictlun of Ad
lord ka hiirprif-cs bith d ctors and
putlents. Chas. t Cotilng.
Tills 0110 is hoNsjred from the Dan
McCay Items: ".lohn Hue died oil Wed.
nesday Mib. .loltn Hoc and children
pi luted ti card of thnikh oil 'JUiuib-
ledge dint, will make a 1 iccea of
Ofer be llD'lei takes.
The wed'tlng tvriMii'mY toolc p'tiee nt
the bome of the bri !' parents nml
wan performed by U v t. S. Tir.v, of
Wnniift'M, Kt-b.
Aftei the oereiuotiy an elaborate a. id
boiiiitcoitu lu.t .r, the vomig ludie.of
th" distilet assisting, was BUt'Ved and
highly enjoyed by those present In
oludlng roltttlvos and neighboi.S t'.eie
wore aboil fifty guo.t.
Afterward tho hours were tmui to
lly like minutes, with vocal and Itistiu.
mental niuslu, "dialogues, reultattoiiH
and oonvorntioii, until a hie
hour of the night when tho merry
giu'tits departed wlhlug tho new y
woiU many happy days in tholr 1 w
Bplieto of life
Inavala Itenis
Mr. and Mrb (ileo WaUer aptil '. u
day with the form.'i- brother c ;
&liy CUr'm 4oer.of mid ilatig'. r
lUiJlia yere in RWertuu Monday u
Mrs. Lender I'ierpont nud M 4
Tan Herlln mule a bulsncfea trip- to
Ulveiton Saturday.
Mis. Oarold Loonntd exiled on Mrs.
'.loliu Uutledgo Sunday
Misses Sehlmpf f and Sulguter came
back S,it in day night tmd Miss .Jaines
camo Sunday night, each ready to bivin
their school work again after f..,ir
weeks vacation on aiiuomit of "fui'.
Thennw mlnlHtor he'd meotlngs u
tha Uhrlstian church Tuesday nnd
Wednesday nights of this week
Mrs. (Jen Matkins and Mrs Donic
llartw.dl called on Mrs W
Wouderly Tuesday atteriiooti.
Mis. Tad Saunders u tiled on Mr
Jano Farley Monday after noon
Mrs Chris .lorgorson is on the sick
Mrs I ; la (Jarpi'titer visited with her
sister Mrs Tan Ilflflin Monday.
Mrs. Chtrciico Herrlck visited with
hersb'.-r Mrs. Tan lloflin, Monday.
Miss i-MUh Heiriek visite 1 with the
Ivlnk Hilly family Sc.iidny
Wo a tit to say a word to our renders
about t lie Chief. A paper cannot be
furnbli -I without b)ing paid for. The
tiowp mihv needs f -ed ns well ns do
your I. 11 sob nnd entile. If you haven't
got n dollar and a half take In 11 bush
el ol wheat or beans or potatoos. We'll
bet Mi Itrowuo Is a goad follow and
will in ike a reasonable dfal with you.
He dt .-rves your suppai t
A gie'it d'nnor vlll beserveit by
luavale next Tuosd iv Nov1 8H, In cole
brntiou of the stguing of tho ftrniiiiiua
F.vor.body welcome. Gome In nnd help
us celebrate. The homo guards will
give a short piogram and there will
ho other etltortiiiuiuont to fill out the
MPo Kinc.ald la holplng Herfc Loon
aid with his loo houso this wool;,
Tom .lonos Is doing some repair
work l'r H. Luiinord this wuek.
Tan llellln nud koiis nro hauling sand
for the Lumber Co. this week.
Mr nnd Mr. E. n "" ppnt Sun.'c,
with .. II. Hurges and fatoilv.
Mrs 1 nines Nllvey made a hnNUie8
trip to Ked Cloud Tueal.ty morning,
life for him.
the only Anna Katrlna lliir.', Hcceiihed
Taki: Nonci:. that a petition has been
I'. (?. .lohnson's tool: tlw.Ii' .l.iiiin.tiii li"'i lliti thai, the InstruiiiL'iil MI...I in
- - . ..
"the past wetiK lor htinton, (Jo o ,
I where the former has. purchased a
, ranch and will engage in stock raid
ing. hilo reuiettiuu' tliat they are
leaving us we all wisli them well in
their new venture.
Hoy Wilson nnd family of near Inn
vale took dinner with his uncle Hlias
Loukh.irt and family Sunday after
noon. Master Ralph Worley was in Camp
bell Monday night.
Mr-J. Win. Ilasebrook went down to
Western .Satnul.iy morning nml visit
ed until Wednesday miming with
relatives. One of her brothers was
pinput'liig to l:nvo to mtke his 1. me
in Alabama, .she rulurnod home Mini,
day fvouitig.
Of 11IK
Webster Counly Bank
Charter No. tpi.t, lueorporau .1 In tho State ot
Nebrpt'::', at tlio c-lose ol bU!luM Nov.
I. litis.
l.oaasaml lUsrounts ,. . .. ...t I0.U25.82
Dverilraft jju.;i
Liberty tlourtv. , HO.OXIO.lX)
I'ui'iiltiirf an.l .'ixtiu-i ' i,000.oa
Current cswnbCH, taxes and
Intermit paid I.QS3.03
Duo (roin national ami state
lam; W.HfliT!
t'iiceknniiit Itoinsot- -
oicbnngo SlH,'t)
currency i.ivifM
Htlvor. ntt'kelsud cent... 88,803.13
HUH rutin on the llth it:iv nf Vf.vnm.
tier, 1!II8. imrpuitlm; to In. tlie lust will
and testament of said deceased, nmy bo
proved and itliowed and recorded as
the last will nnd testament or Anua.lCatrlna
lluri!. dteeascd; Hint said liistrumciit
lie admitted to probate, and the adnilatytia.
Unit ol wild estato bo granted to .lohn II.
It Is hereby ord. red by U10 court, that all
pcp-nus Interested lu sutd estate appear at
the County court he held Jn and tor said
county on the Kilh duy o( Decouiber. tuts, at
two n'cluek p.iu.. t Know canto. If any ihero
be, wb) tin- prayi f iho potltlonor should
not benraiiteil.ati thatnoticouf the pond
rney of "aid netltii, 1 aud tho licarlnu thereof
lK-lveii, to all pi-Rona InteroMcd lu said
nuttier by publlahti ' ropy of thin order lu
the Ited Cloud chief, a Kiiiil weekly nu. s
paperprlntidla said county fur four e
necuilve weeks prior lonaldday of hearln.
Wltnortiny hand and the aeal of said court
tttU nth day of November. A. I., IUIK.
IHeai. I Comity A udtte
U. (i. Caldwell. Attorney for Kwnto
Mis Harri IipttK and Mrs. Maolj
KtiUfJi. wetw out rldtug Mfihdny.
Lit !: Bthelda Farley Bpnt th.
weok-ii.l with her rrtglid. Cyllna
IVt.-r nlilmnh is holplti'. Leindep
I'ierp out titt". wtiuk.
hilile iMtna Ivlrlipatrlok' U suire.rlug
with a broken arm
Mrs. Tan llellln and Mr. .I11110 Far
ley are sowing for Mrs. Leonard and
Mrs, Chas. Cole tills week.
Mr. .lohn Uutledgo, who has boon
quite sk. is better at this writing.
Mrs Chas. Colo visited with her
mother. Mrs. Mill Fur 11 tun. Tuesday
(ilnrivh Culospuit Sunday with home
'I"'ttl 83l,Aa.7J
t iipUai mock paid in - ..l aft.OCO.00
J WmpliK fund . .. 10,000.08
I IMidlvtdcd prolttH ... 8.TIM.9B
Notice of Hearing
individual (lepafcltsKutyt'i t
toehhck va.itii.9D
HonnindcerUilcatesof do-
poults NJJ10
't'liuercrttltoateHi.r.Uipoalt 4S.ilui.j7 l7WI7,n
IH'poNltoni' Rimruiuy fund...... l.SWI.Ui)
County I Wolnter. t
I, S. It. I'l'inNci;, rnkhlcr of tho above
named bank, ilodioroby swear that thealKie
Matoniont Is a cornet aud true copy ol the
icport niiiib' to tho State llanklim Hoard,
s. it. l'i.oiiANci:,
.vrrnsri Ciuihler.
S. it. t'i,uit.Mi:, Director.
t'.J.l'oeit. I 'Hector.
Subscribed nud Kwurn to bulore me thU
Iflth day ol Nov. 101S. Itunmrd McNctiy
Notary Public.
KHtatoof Johnnncs lirlneclsuu. deceased, lu
tlio Cmmty court ol Webstor County, Ne-
The Statu ol NcbrasUn. to all porsuns Inter
ested In Wild DNtate, creditors and hclis lake
notice that iltwtnv K. nrlngelsnii and Otto
lirlnaoUon hafo tiled their pttltlou ulloglm;
that Johannes lirliiijoliion died Iniestato In
Webster county, Ntbrak.nnor alioitt Juno
lotli, 1. being a resident and Inhabitant of
Webster I'ouuty, Nebraska unl tho owner of
tho followln it, scrllw"' r'll estate, to-wlt:
Hit) .South West (quarter of Mtcllon Twenty
Kiglit. 38Mu Tuwithttlp Threo (3), North ot
Uiuiae Twulve. (iJi; west of the fith, I'. M'..
Webster County. Nubraska. lenvlnu as lite
sole and oaiy lui at law the lollowtnjt
named porsous, to-wltt
UlUabetliJernborti, uua'av K. ttrlugelson.
Laura Hanks, Hilda t'eisun.nudoitunrlngol.
son, his sons ami daughters, and Helen iji
son, I'.stbur I'trt.on utnl Ituth Person, his
Kruud-dnughtcts. that your petitioners nro
interested In said estate uh lioll'a ot said ilc
ceiU'ttt, and praying fur n ttoereo barrini;
claims; that t.utd decudcut died Intestate;
thai no application fur administration
has Ron iiuuli) ami tho citato ol said
di-ecdeul has not been (itlinlnlslercd In
the Slate of Nebraska, aud thai the
heirs of law ut said decodont as herein
pet fnrtli shall ho di creed to be Hit owners
lu fee simple of the aboe doscrlbcd rial
estate, which has been sot for hcarliu on tlio
'Juilday of )eci.iiilier, A. 1)., 1IIIS.
Dated al Hut Cloud, NelTrasUii, this list
day ot November. A. D. IIH8.
t',-1 (Stall A. I). It AN MCY. County, J mlge.