RED OLODD, NEBHASKA. OHIEl RANG Ml ' 'IER&' H wSfi- - ,si8IB'l I CAM FART M W mi A ftr Hi 1 H M me I TliatftlllLastaLlfetli EOR the sake of a few dollars 61GW why buy a range that in a few year will need rcpaiis and in a few jrrrs rrorc v i'l he worn out uliich? Add a ft., more dollars and buy a The South Dcnd Malleublo Range AIhrvs rafc; b'j'.c 1 he Range that'll give per- S feet satisfaction in every way and with a little care will list a life time. ' he ; Ivrying a range, buy thr- best. Cotnc and sec it and let us ! !! v-iy about it, It is a I utHul r&njo It to an cojleni b:scei It is a grct jfucl nar. ;r mkm& satisfaction i he Big V?.Iue in a that you have been looking for. consumption of fuel rli-idsomc in durable in comlruclion -Burns any Heater Economical in the appearance Strong kind in ci- The IUNOYKEATE Is OIH v,!l tli.i v i;l cive v ti you all its points ,1 .? adv show amapje. .ome in now. GEO. v. TRINE RF.D CLOUD'S LKAr'G HARDWARE DFALER gauKare-MMP&sgr::.: zasaaBLseztrzr . -i-ar.:: THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. 'UHLISUKD HVERV THURSDAY Cntcrcd In t lie I'ontoll.te ut Hid ( loud, Nt' as (Second Clnm Matter ' F I. BROWNE, EcWi fl M.nte Cllh UM.Y Dl MOCHA 110 I'AI'KU r Wl I.StKK Oil NT V Some of our readers are oKI cnoutfh to remember a jok1 that was popular in 1B0O "I opened the window and in-llu-Enza." President Wilson, will go u the Peace Assembly not as a delegate from America but as a representative of the peacc lovinu civilized world, We ven ture to assort that no man has climbed higher on.tho ladder of Fame, together and must commence' hanging together right now must hang together in all the little items that go to make up daily life. In warfare giving aid and support to the enemv is treason. In nolitics nid to 3 ll.n :i! .11- If . r D I mi; upiJUNiiiou spews ucieai lor 1 the giver. Its ultimate effect is I twofold- it weakens one rank .and strengthens the other in exact ratio. Hanging together and commencing that process now, is me only way to win the battle of 1920. Letter From Schuyler Hayes De-ir Kolks at Home: Now Hint I am sett lot at this place for some time I will try and tell yon of some of tlio many great sights and (pei lvMW'! I have seen mid Bono through. To begin wltli, I was -cut fioni Nor folk, Va , to this place, 11 (julot little city of about 10,000 people ami was placed 111 a civilian hospital (now bo The total war debt to date is roughly estimated at twenty anci one-nun oiiuon uoimrs . One third of this is in the form " "8l-''1 for sailor onij) for what. 1 of loans to the allies. In til ' do not know but expect to In'or I am feeling line iitnl just nt-iin from a trip up town whnc w ' . k ii the sigh's. Say, lids h OO's our fathers thought th payment of a half-billion w; debt almol beyond the limit possibility. ' s ' 2??. v ' ' ' 1 IWa .nMMMMHWtSH JiC j.. ill 1 1 1 rj J" 1 bomcot the conveniences I electricity bnna J VHL -NM The names of Professors Ma . Mason, R. M. Terry, and J. I.'. Roebuck, of the University.., Wisconsin, will shine in aftei war history. It is stated that American destroyers, trans ports and submarine chasers were equipped with submarin detecting device. of their inven tion. Some years ago one William Ilohenzqllern at that time pr -fusely decorated with rov::! insigna devised a scheme when -by he was to become a worh; monarch. Due to the fact th.:t he made several miscaloulatior i William has no definite pos -office address just at the preset ; time. lie is doubtless wis ; and certainly weaker. WHIIIMM Mil 1 i 1 ,n As the details come over t top It develops that to 0..1, American soldiers were givi n the task of delivering the iir,.il smashing blow. The Allhd command credited them wiih lanniTy to aclueve success at crucial point, and right gallaid ly they proved themseU"-, worthy. There were Webstc county ho s with them, too. v: k- 1 rv 'p r m fira& 1 i1' While the wrin&cam your homeland make living more enjoyable. How many times have you re solved to have electricity in your home "some day?" Now you can afford it. Not only have special rates for wir ing been arranged for this campaign biit the three-fold economy of EDISON MAZDA Lamps which Rive three times aa much lip,ht us cld-stylo car bon lamps will help you pay the cost. And the wholo family :i'd i.ijoy the Don fit cf electiL servkv th; t makes pas. iblo innumerable comforu and on ver.i.nceo such r.3 tha electric toaster, flatii v.n, table grill and vacuuiM dourer. Lot ua explain tho saving you c:n y having your housa virod now. The American army and the Allies are marching trium phantly "Onto Berlin," making ih' trip under conditions that less than a year ago were hard ly deemed possible. Billy Sun day looked into the future with prophetic vision when rehrring , to that "breakfast in Paris" he t said "The kaiser will be lucky if he cats Christmas dinner in Berlin." The Fourtli Liberty Loan went over the top with almost a billion dollars over-subscribed. While a few states are behind in their quota for United War Work it is estimated that the aggregate of all will reach the amount required for the period of demobilization. When the soldier boys come marching home it will be a lot easier for those who have contributed to explain why they did, than it will be for those who fell down to explain why they did not The grand total reaches close to eighteen billions of dollars, thn j largest war loan ever floated by any government. B. W. S TB YENS HoAtir.j Evco thirty Electrical Pltixiving 111wwmBi Mjt,'MlW i wv, Building Permits t'li'ihui' liutii'K. Dfu'tusui llnilril-iij Jutrliil will fiuiiiHh iiMi.-iui w ini.iUT(iovi:uNMKNi'i'i;u.aruiHi wiihuut.uiy ivstiii-i tis tin follimin,; I'.uiitruution woi!: ItHpuir. ti fxl-tliiw slrm" ii ivs, wlioro ilitj total eomplotcd co.t ot rt'piiii'a, iiiulinliiik' labor, i1h-s nut excvcil SUSOO.OO. Additiona to oxistlni,' stinetur-s, where tin total completed uoht of thn additions, iiiulmliii 1 itior, ,doei not excisiul S'.'.'mo.OO Any fii-in stiuctnrco. whore tin- totul uomploted cost, inuliullnjf labor, ii..,. ,ut exueod $lonQ 0') I Over in Eastern lna th- .eas ; a section that v.uti.. ea.iiy be 1 spoken of as a German om . munity. Years ago, befor. Uie ex-kaiser made public his dream of world'Supreiii . cy .there arose in a local pari nlal isenooi, ui.scus.sion on me lion of omitting German j the curriculum. "No, no. j the teachers, "there is a I coming when knowledge language will be most . tial." In the lUht of ? quont events it is evident ihoy h:'d "inside information" ;js to the plans "made in Germ, uy." Butthuy reckoned without , heir host. The .erstwhile powerful nation is on its knees be; ging for mercy, ruined and actually on the verge of starvation. So ends the dream of a war-mad monarch. 'ies iom said 1 me this )se alone-te llatly Go Ab tr it Clrvu No 'Jl of War Industn l ur I One of the wise men whu af fixed his name to the Declara tion of Independence is credit ed with saying, "Now gentle men, if we do not hang togt ther .; ;we shall all hang sepanie." I' , His epigram applied to the 011- tu 1 ions then existing, It is apt at the present time. If the Democratic party is to retain .WW I the White Mouse it most hang pital ti ...!:. .lust 1. new pluoe unit only nli mt '.H.ilih tfrt, unit the ptoplw tn-ivt ns r vnlly I Wlnh youcjuUI eat diritur vs i 1 1 1 us Next to a meal nt homo 1 bi-llivc I en joy it more than anything I cin thlnlt or. After oKtinj? IVviK-li 00'oklntf for months, you cannot imnine whn'- a illtlereuce there K Now, to Rive you mi Men or the swell trip 1 tools. After loavinff Phtl udolphlft wo went by tiaiu to Tinb.ikcn. N. ij.,nnil Irunfi rred to a tuj; which toolt us the Huison river to h pitr where the U. S S. Oeor Wngh intrton formerl.y a largo Oennnn- Amenein liner wiisamhoreH, already loiuled to the brim wltb soldleinnnd tl did not take 119 very long to get M-ttled. We ut the lod utiiil the next Httemo in, vlnn our a tiling or ders rain. In 11 very stmrt time we were stenni ipg out past, tite. grund o!l hfrttue ot Liort". . (Joe, but it was a funny ftie! ing that cttni" ovr me. 1 I'tmld not explain it If I tried A big lump cntno Op In iny thronf an I when I trlod to talk, ituttead of a big, strong voice I found only a whivr. Looking over at a big, Inuky -oMIer from T - if, I saw his eyes uere fqtl of ten. He said be could no tell just li4twa.s the mttt.r with him lie wild, "I am anxious to go over, and am not the least bit afraid. I u the thought of leaving the good old United States. ptiMiblo foiever, makes me feel queer." I did not cry, as somo did. but I emild noi. bhitut llif ni in tho least. In 11 oliiii't time tho Wool worth itml tl..- Singer, and &U the rtt of Now Y rks lurgo building", wore lost from high' and i'Kavt Mhs Ijtbeit.v n faro wi-l! salute and passu. g Coney Island were soon out on the opou suit ami save for a few little submarine de strojers zigzagging before uy. noth inn in siuht but water and sky. After a few bonis other sliiiis from diflerent direetioiiH joined us and by dark there were thirteen large heavily laden transpoits, with eiugo precious to so many, rapidly ploughing through the water and bound for another country, and another people far dif ferent from what we were leaving. It did not take us long to net "out of the dumps" and the twelve and a half days that followed wero amo'ug the most interesting days of my young 11 fo I was detailed to the job of mc-s cook, as you have aheady learned from previous letters, and as soon as I was done with my dishes, after meals I was out studying the dill'erent parts of tl.oship I will tell you a Ki'.Ic .iie on my sel which will at tho same time eon vi" .uie tdou of tho size of our trims. pen t-i. ' 1 board the transports you aie n t alii ved to throT anything overboard, foi Kar of leav r.g trace which may tie ff' wed by enemy submarines. The II sis shell as cannot be otherwise di,osed of IVstii'ed in a large vat at t! ift end of the ship. I was nv's ct ing two or three decks below artd fo ,trd, when I wa-ealivd to earry a bu t'tfiil to 1 that at. Well, 1 fouud t'i' atnUriiiht but I got lost going ha. . -really, honest-togooduess lost. I : atled around into ever so many itifl ront compartnionts and asked mm other sallors..but 1 did not know the number of my mes' tables so they turn .' uovt toll me whoro to go. I don t know how long I might, have wandered mound had I not run atiross a fellow that. 1 knew, and he took mo biek. I auro got tho merry ha, ha. Hut it is no jolto to get lost on a ship like that. - We had one big excitement, on tho trip over, and that occurred the last night wo were on board. A soldier of Herman descent and also a conscienti ous objector, did not want to land with the rest of the boys, took his ritle to bed with him and shot himself and foiii' other fellows. He was in the uppei bunk and four fellows slept be neath liini. The siimu bullet hit all live Thrcu died almost Instantly and the fourth was &o budly wounded that J?j Lincoln Telephone Is n 1 MI j 3.21C1 frlft H n, ICisJlIL 1L9 .OaiTfte'Ta'Tt VliK & Vuitid Stotcs rtlczrttfh ,,,;, Atfiihiitrattoii GEO. J. WARREN, Manager Conserve Your Business Forces With the maximum of nerve force and physical energy. Utilize the local and long distance service of your telephone. When you feel the necessity of being in two places at the same time, go to a telephone and let your voice travel for you. Our telephone SERVICE reaches nearly everywhere. ' ' 1 I vJ nih'i4, . .'i-1.-' -4'.-r'-: 'jfTjil' frSii I m 3 VX5vrtft&CbujpA.ri.'-'fcB!)U Vb I m f! J V0;ur28 PackthV ,nJTlBU.S.V..' aW I Unlike Topsy- Swifi & Company Has Not' "Jest Growed" Swift & Company, in fifty years of well o drrH iowtk, has become one of the C- -.: iional services bacause it has lc..: : j do something for tho American people which they needed to have dona for them, in the way in which . they preferred to have it done. It has met each successive demand, in the changing conditions of natfonal life, by getting good meat to increasing mil lions effectively, efficiently, economically, and expeditiously. The Swift & Company packing plants, refrigerator cars, car routes, branch houses, organization, and personnel of today are the practical solutions, born of practical experience, to the food problems of half a century. Because of all these elements working in correlation and unison, Swift & Company is able to supply more and better meat to more people than would have been pos sible otherwise, at a net profit per pound of mcctso low (a fraction of a cent) that the consumer price is practically unaffected. Strip away any portion of this vast, smooth-running human machine, and you make a large part of the meat supply uncertain, lose the benefit of half a century of fruitful experience, and scatter the intelligent energies of men who have devoted a life work toward meeting the needs of a nation in one vital field. The' uokUtor. .""eclingchrptcr.stnthiastoryof th;. ;kingii. ' ny villbcmaliclonrtqueiittQ Swift & Company, Union Stock Ya.da, Chicago, IHlnolf. Swift & Company, U. S. A. I 3 3fe B UmrmttmnajBamuM ,mmu,szj j E W; ,C f 1 1 ? V-.'--ij-jviiii-" '--"--- - -E 11 1 n' 1 1-- " . ho was not expocted to live. The ono who attempted to kill himself lived. A couple of spies were cauRht, hut that was a commonplace cvont aa somo aro caught on noarly every ship. They cannot get by with much btuff aboard a ship. Altogether it was a pleasant trip, barring t iosu liichents, but novorthe Jihr there was a mighty pleasant bound to the lockout's, call to the olllcer of tho duck. "Land Ho." The olll"er nays, "Whore a way.'" "To our port bow," and sure enough you could with the naked eye hbo something whlto in tho distance. With the aid of a glass ono could seo tho rough edges of a roulcy bimoh. Wo droppod anchor in the harbor of llrost. Franco, a very old city of about 11N00() people As this letter Is getting inther long I will "pipe down" for now and uot It started tu ward home. Next tlmo I will 'I'll you about my experiences in Fl.nco. bCHUVLEU V. llAYKS. KlUibeth Cfly, Jf. C. Nov 0, MS A