The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 14, 1918, Image 8

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n'tannrti siailaipiiiiii pitnu"! .ur "nHwrjiriinitnp'viiniiiiiiPMiiiiSii'tinnnip i
On account of the shortage of help we will sell at
public sale al our farm 3 miles north and
1 mile east of Superior, Nebr.
459 - Head - 459
Cattle, Hogs, Horses, Mules
Thursday, Nov. 21
Sale to Start at 12:30 o'clock
Tho Ladies of Northeast Red Crois Socioly
Will Serve Lunch on the Grounds
203 Head of Cattle
a.'i hemtWtiite Pace Steers, cdmlog 2 jaHfa old
40 head Shorthorn Cows from 3 to 6 yr 6lrJ
50 head Shorthorn Steers coming a year old
l.'ihead Roau Polled Durham Halfors, cotnlug'Jyeara old
!J0 head Red Shorthorn flelfers, coruinft 5 years old
iO head Shorthorn and Polled Durham Calves
H high Rrade Shorthorn Hulls, coming 1 year old
All these Cows and Heifers hred to registered Polled Durham Hulls
236 Head of Hogs
SO hem' 'logs, v !? fl) n J",-. "1W
'20 lio.m r'.iiaii.t PVo,, liiouti h..,. .M-.'glif moon I itf in-
l'JU hemi Mo.s. vwiulit t to Oh Ii.s
head Pure Bred Poland China Sows, weight a-ound I a.', llm
10 IMiro Bred Poland China Hours, weight a round 2S.' lbs.
These hogs aro all vneeinared by double treatment
20 Horses
1 pair Onik (iruy ,M ties eoniing ' y
I pair I! ,(.; J . !nie. ,.., jtlK. j
I pair Hay Mara Mules coiiih 'J ea
1 pair ',i-un .1 ink link-, cotu-iig '2 y. ars oil
1 Weanling Mules
1 BtoWti iJJHOcomtij;5 touts old'web.'ht li'V VjT'i
I lilaok OehHiig eoTnlng fl year- old, weight llr.O .- -
1 Brown Mare, in foal, corning,-! years nld.-wt 1UM1 w
I pair HUeU (lelilings coming l years old, weight 2201)
.'1 coming 4 year ohl Geldings
, Horses and Mu left ohl enough, are broke to work
3 Dozen Plymouth Rock Chickens
This stock was nearly all raised on this farm. Any one buying
stock to ship from Superior, we will load on car free of charge.
TERMS:-10 months time, at 8 per ct. int.
Weir Bros.
Col. W. C. Henderson, Anct. . Goo. S. Aldrlch, Clerk
Open Day
irwi mammiii m i ri M i n 1 1 ri nl'i i' M'if "V -iTT-riTriiTiri-nnnit-drtfiruwi imnwnm i mewiw i mi i inf m
j Powell &' Pop.e
tl 1
I ii n ii " ' -"-- niniTih i,mtikinim, m ui ittujm. it , I
Auto Hearse -
Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 .REP CLOUD, NEB.
and Mules
ri old, wi'lght '.MOO
H' I l Veitl . old. Wlilirlil
and Night
.'"-.. -.'
Horse Hearse
Inavale Items
Mt. K. E. Iliiuter uikI fnmily spent
Sunday (it tho Tad Suuruluis homo,
Miss Net tlo Cloe spent Sunday with
thu Uutle-iluo twlni.
Kvory one Ih rejoiulni: over tho com.
Ing Of immediate pence Now thut
till' Aruiistieo i- hiutidd everyone feols
us though thov have n right to expeur
unvthinjr poBPMiitilf.
" ' ...
Mri .Jacob IMkIi rind tluiifclitcr
Mnruriri't. who have Iuh'Ii slulc with the
"flu"' in e nblo to liu out ii(,'iiin.
Tho now mail carrier on Itoutf 3 luis
moved into theChrhlian parsonap'.
Miss Bo.sio Untli'ilfje enllud on Mrs.
(Jarold Lcmmril last Thin sday.
Clmrlpy Arnold came in Mondny
rnoiniiiK for 11 visit with homy folks
Charles U another Funaton boy In ser
vice, for Uncle Ham.
Mr. C. L. Ethrldne und wjfe were out
HutidHy slht seoinK and taking a few
Hoy Bennett and futnily spent last
Monday with Tan Iletlin and family.
Mis Mitiidli! Moranvllle spent Sun
day with Miss Muliul Curpentt-r.
Monroo Ilenkol visited a few days
Inst week with fi lends and roluttves.
Monroe has been at Camp Funston in
service of Uncle Sam for thu pastyear.
He says he likes army life tine, btit of
course likes to be home bhaking hands
with old friends.
C. B.TBarjrtHs and family and -Mrs.
Mionie WaUon and daughter Manila
and grand-daughter Theo Vincent,
spent Sunday rith Mrs. Jaue Farley.
Mrs. John Beamond, who has beeu
quito sick is able to be about agaiu
we are glad to report.
Dcrniee Saunders was a Red Cloud
cnllor last Friday.
Mrs Wilber Monpor nnd sister. Miss
'Jin M.ui'i vialleJ tit l.te It. K.
''ntii" Tu'sdny
Ttie Ici'Miio i;ivs i by Rev. l!.)i ' n
Sun liu niyht on tin Mibjoct "... '
uiot wiih most every one's hp;iIohI.
lie brought out some very iuterestiu
facts'Hiid made every one present feel
as thouuh they ouwlit to do all they
poslbly enti to help win the wur.
Northeast Pawnee
Most o(f the penplu tire busy piultiim'
oi n, hii..ling feed, and building sheds
I'luy lire t.iUlll,' mlviuitat,'!' of tin; liiif.
ksi'titlier i,ohs to be nble to tultu it easy
when stni ins and cold set in.
Hveiett Myeis and Patrick Mi'L'onlo
hauled hogs to Inavale last week
Mis Snow and sin wore in
lU'ikloud lust week Friday with two
large large loads of hogs uliieli
brought top uotch prices
Mrs. Roy Meyers who was in a
Critical coiidiliiu hint week is
iuipioving rapidly. Doctera Watt.s and
Jolfiles, or Smith Center, with n
trnino 1 riuiM Miss Norn Keiver of the
same place, hud the ease in charge.
Mr and Mrs. Roy Mejers mourn the
dtntli (if an infant girl which lived
earth life but ti slioit period and was
interred at the family burial ground
tit Red Cloud Friday
Mrs. Jus. G'Mildle and family weie,
visiting Mrs. M. A. Lciilubrand and
family last week.
A veiy luiTo peicentnge of the dein
ocrnts in both I'a'vnce und Logan r.e
maiiied at houie election day on no
count oT the '11. i" and being busy uitb
Mis. M. A Li .id ibn-nd nnd so:i ,I,u
mid hireil liuiid inui Ciimldie, weie in
Red Cloud lust Friday. Thu lady's sun
James left rni a visit with his brothei
Jack Mho runs u lauch out in the
Platte country.
Mis. Slu'itilor lert heie hiht' Sit'niday
to take cine of her daughter; Mrs
Clair Shrifdor" who is waf.i'lo n-Vii!l'.
U1II3 ill with iiilliren'.a.' ' '
(Lust Week)
TI10 heavy uiina of ilA woolc nlToir'.
ing ampin moisture for inpid growth
weie fine for tlic wheat.
M. A. Lcadahiand got ids tluv V
ing done prioi to tho rain. Ilia-win at
yielded 14 and oats 20 btibhols to th
acre, quality of both being excel lor
Tho work was done by Hi own anil ( .
in a mimt satisfactory manner.
01ir Noble and the Myers 11 1
llnit-hcd their bains last week. (I
Rii.'j was tho chief mchitect for tn.
rouner and the latter engineincd tin
own woik.
Tho la-go eleuring tub of -
'Abbot held recently was well alUr. '
ami ptork of ull kinds b'onght.'fa"
s j jle 1 'o;,, c"iodiii..ic ih'
taining jirices', "Mr. Ah"
. ill ro to Indiana, his native si '
.ir.d the farm will be worked by 1
.son, Kail. 'hu people of this vioin'
1 egret his dopaitute, hut wish 1
well wheiever ho may he. Rumor i
jt that Kail is not to be alone in .
home his father leaves.
Those who fluttered a slight ton
of the "flu" aio getting along f.
oven though they wore limited to tho
ilso of mild nnd simple home rcmcclk .
We have heard it rumoietl that foi
tho purpose of pi eventing possible
spread of tho disease some " trust
worthy person or pei-sops should fye
appointed to go to Karifas City and
obtain some etionger". tonic which
tctrf and eliminate or Kjll ihstantly the
danccrous 'conns. ' ki
Reiort of the Condition
UK Till',
Bank of In a vale
of Inavale i'lmrlcr No. 795 in ilic State
of Nebraska at tin: close o? hiishir,s
NOYiiiniJcr If 1!)I8.
i.oansarul Iilsraiuit"' "'.'
a iM.00
"onus, .Seeuiltles, Judgni on ih,
),llt,r AM-t8, Mliorty UoiiiU
Hanking home, furiiltnro.t ilxturts
' "rrent uxptnu"), inui runl Inier
, mnaiu ..M ...A .. imi.hj
Hue roiu national ami state
,'!l,,k jai.ul.M
,',lrrc,",' 3ilO.w
'lolil coin -.;,,.. 'Jj.uo
silver, nickels ami cents1.'.... 1,017.111 :tl,:no.7l
Total 'M
. 11.0,720.01
Capital Block paid In
Surpliw Jund
,..$ 10,000.00
.... 0.000.00
... I,'ili07
Undivided profits
Individual deposltg subject
to chock 1M.U1.0.I
Demand Cortlllcatcsot do-
l'osl ' 1 00.00
IlinecorUllcatusofdoposIt 10.l.70 IU.ISfi.C3
Dupositor'H Kiiaranty fund t,ooi.:
1'I'"!!U -SIW.7Ju.0J
M'.n:uisi:iiitAM;A, iUJ
CuillUj; i,l Wi-bilur ( M
I. i. It. Mcfrnry Cashier of the above n
id bank do hereby, mvear that the above
statement Is a correct nnd true copy of the
report made to tho State Hanking Hoard.
Charles Hunter, Director.
Alfred McCaJJ. Dlroctnr
AutM-irtbed and iwora to before rue this 11th
day of NoTemhor, lm.
C. (I. DurgeM
Notary Public.
Gtorf Overleese Writes
l330iidun (Indre), Sept. !, 101S
Dear Mother, Father und Sister: v
I received your letler of August 7th,
(lay before ycsteiduv and was Mm.
tickled to get it bi-o..use if is iha Hrit
ICtlCI J IIHVO I 1 l.UJ ir,
V ill to
some li.-u,-. k ..v. lycou
in in., m'ii
oeiier mall sorv'p- b h w hivHii't
hs yet. ou Lviiai.i.y iuts o.
news in your letter and the pictures
were sure good. I took the letter
down hiiiI let the Butler boys read it.
whenever thev iret a littr fmm ii.,,.
hey let me read it and I do likewise
i see tuom nearlv everv il.iv mwi vm
,"XJeenrh0rtJ,islL iVu't ,limes t0
Ikiinci. more is i Liibeity tram run-
"' fi'ni tho e.imp to I-souilun
' - '''l times n day ll hav.. t .
m kw iiuvvn ii iki jniij oni i t'u. ii am
V llflll 1. .. I,lc 1. . . .... ... . . ...
i.ien at a lime are being allowed stven
My ,passes About tho. only pluee
they can mi now is All les Iiiiina. a tu
reset t. It takes about four days to
iot there and lour to got buck, so when
the fellows go tlmy aro gone about
two weeks altogether. My turn for n
...... ..v ......ii tij (-H ui ioimi.
piss uoes not come Tor a lomj time vet
Oh, by the way mother, I was down
to see the Rutler boys the other day
HUd Verne had made some apple pies.
Tney sur- were cnod and tasted just
like you used to make.
Captain Thorpe, who used to be the
commander of this squadron, bnsgou
back to the states I guess. About two
months ago while taking n Red Cross
nurse 11 rule ifi his piano, hu fell nod
killed the nurse and severely injured
himself. He has tmver seemed to be
in his riuht mind since the fall. Mo
sure was a tine commander though
and. everybody liked him. However
lie foil before I joined the squadron
The commander we have now is a
daudy fellow also aud we all like him
The tirst thing that I saw when I
hit this land of some smoke was 11
Kurd Oli. yes, e hnvo them over
here also. About the nest thing you
see thoiiKh, is .omc bird coming hob
bling along with a log gone, mi aim
olT, or a bun Inue arouuil bis head; or
a sail widow driissid all in li.aelc with
11 moiiriiiig veil. Thu n xt tiling tlia:
happen tti you when you hivi-
come own, Is when a 'petite I'rench
Mademoiselle with adorable eyes unit
who is entranelngly beautiful, conies
11I011K and you piM t to speuk to lnr in
tlin iilen-t manner you know, it is
then.thut the awful truth dawns upon
yoithat she cannot understand vou.
T Re never one goes down fbe streets
of .one of the French villages he can't
get more than four or live steps-until
sothe" kids start running after him
craMlne; for a "sous" or chewing gum."
'"f will hnvo some more snnnshnts to
send send you before, leng. Films are
viirv liaril'toHet over here, especially
the Atiifilean tllms The French tilms
ure not very kooiI. Don't foiget to
send all the plctuies that you can for
they ate eertuinlv welcome
I still suuly French whenever I have
any tpniv time Whenever I begin to
think 1 en n speak 'pretty good Kmiieh.
some i-rciichiiowi cmiies abuig uikI
s.poils a I of niv good intentions ty
reeling nil n uiMiiihriil of French Hint
would make Win. .ti'iinltis lo. ilc as
though lie wen sin m nierltii.
We 11 e going to have a banquet
tho Htii lo eelebiiilo llie nmiheisiiry
or thu In - r. ear uf furvign norvieu for
the Ijfit1' i ro Squadron. That mean,.,
a tV"(l Veil, ii'O ov"iiu,!Bl;e, wt.'nd ite.
Oil liOi tiring 0lirlio"U biiquMt
Will 1 nsH nr thiH t hi., but h
o i.i
lieai, fi ..u 11. '"ii l.i'.ii.Miitu .
kindly t m$ friends
With I..V.., N
MJfco., II' Ov CIII.Kl -1 ,
.'Vitli At- 1 Sqiiiidioii Hut A Q C
A P ' , Amei l' uvs 1 1.111
Peop 1 nro MTrprUed lit the IN
Sl'ANT action of simple buckthorn,
bark, glycerine, etc , ns mixed in Ad-ler-i
Uu O.N'K SPOONFUL flushes the
KNTIUK bowel trnct so completely it
relieves ANY CSK sour stomach, gasr
or OoUUpawn wrtd prevents appeiuit.'
oltis:. A ThJl'STANT, plcasnt action
of Afler-LWaMifprises both rfoctor.s
and pat lent v 'It if moves foul mattt-r
which poisoned y'our stomach for
months. Chas. L. Cotttng,
V ........'...
The Kaiser as
I Knew Him
For Fourteen
(Copyright, 1918. by tho McClure Newspa
per Syndleate.)
If he did not nctunlly order the sink
Ing of tho Lusltunlu, therefore, I am
convinced that he was thoioughly
nwure of the plan to blow It up ami
sanctioned It. That he could hnvt
averted it If he had been prompted tc
to do so Is dourly indicated by another
Incident which left u very deep im
pression upon me.
I was informed by one of Ihc Ger
man uvlutors that plans luid been
made to drop gas bombs on London
which contained a deadly gas which
would penetrate the cellars of houset
In which civilians were In the hubll
of hiding during air raids.
Shortly before tbla hideous Idea wtu
to be put Into effect the .papers an
aounced that bombs of tula charnctei
had been dropped by the allies on
Baden-Baden, but that, forttinately,
they hud fallen In a clump of woods
In the center of the town nnd had fail
ed to explode, which hud given the
Germans an opportunity to tuke thcni
apart and ascertain their nature.
Tho purpose of this nnnonneetnet t
C. iJUiViv. '..i.j lo tile amim 01
r"-".l .. ."mi .''. ' - Cermniu
w w '1 f , ,. . )f tin
In-' t on London- -i ri":,- which the
1. .us invariably c....i!--yd v:.o:"
they contemplated some fresh violation
of the rules of international law and
the dictates of humanity.
It happened that one of my patients
who resided In Hiulen-ltuden called to
see me the day after the bombs hrro
b'en dropped on her town, and shi
t'lld Lie ,i.l aliout It.
"TV i'.p! vhhh d: , 1 rhi
li mix 'i il uu 11 Hj.iK .. r ihi' iit.x
Uu ii rnli.g." t.- d t-nvd. "..
tlmu"ht they were our owu in.nhlne'
out for pnictlee und paid 110 pftrtlcilhu
attention lo them. Then' the.!' 'dropper!
the bnnlhs anil they hiniled' In the
woods, and we hnf-Wwo had been at
tacked. What a dreadful thing for
them to do!"
What a fooINh thing for allied air
planes lo do to ppend n whole morn
ing .studying the 'layout of the town
nnd then to drop those deadly hnmln
on a clump of woods where they could
not possibly hurt anyone, and how
carol ess of the Germans not to molest
them while they were engaged In their
devilish work!
Hut the point I wanted to bring out
was this: these guB bombs were never
used on London!
"Just ns everything was In reudlncss
for the raid," the ofllcer told mo re
gretfully, "we received orders direct
from tiie kaiser to hold off I saw his
Bignnturo to the order. Of course,
there was nothing for us to do but
comply, but If we had had the kaiser
there, I believe we would have strung
him up by the neck I We still have
those bombs, however, and you may
he sure they will yet be ucd!"
For some unknown reason the knlser
stopped the use of those lethal gat
bombs for the time being. Why didn't
he move to save tho women and chil
dren on the Lusltanla?
When I went back fb Ilerlin In the
fall' of llrt.aftOr ilt to the, United
&tatcs7 the ltajsir was very Villous to
ascertain from nlcV'Jiist now Ahlerlch'
felt' towards th6 wa'r.' ' ' " "
I ioiij him that before the sinking of
the Ltisl'tnnlii Amerlcjlh opinion had
been divided. There liad been inany
who were strongly pro-ally, there had
been others who wore openly pro
German and there had been still oth
ers who maintained an absolutely neu
tral attitude. After the Lusltanln
tragedy, however, there had been a
distinct change In public feeling, I told
him, practically the whole country
having become decidedly tmtl-Uermiin.
"Ferhnpi if the U-boat commander
had known so many woium and chil
dren Were on board," wns the kaiser's
only coinni'Mit, "he might iu-t have sent
forth the torncilo which fcm tho vessel
to tho bottom, but what hi was' think
ing oif most, of com no, v ..stha fi.OOtl
tons of ammunition on i iard which
v r rr '8tli"d to ''"!"'' my ro-
Of courso U kidser .i r.v that if
the U-boat coi 11 uinder's filers were
to sink the L'.iianin, liisobeillence
upon his part would have h-it but one
course open for him: suicide. If, on
the other hand, tho kaiser meant to
Intimate that the U-boat coiuumhtlur
Mink the Lusltanla on his own Initia
tive or without special Instructions
from his superiors, tho fact still re
mains that tl10 kaiser could undoubt
edly have proyented the tragedy and
didn't. .
Hut If there can be any doubt as to
tho kaiser's direct responsibility for
the sinking of tjie Lusltanla, certain It
is that hu tully approved, openly de
fended and even exulted In tho murder
of 'womon and children by Zeppelin
raids,, on London, , Manchester, Liver
pool ant) other non-mllltary dtles And
To be Continued "'It
Notice of Hearing
llstatuot tolnnncs Itrlngclson, deceased, In
the County louit ut Webster (.utility, Nu-
liritHkn. '
'the Stale of Nebr.tsl.n. to all iurons Inter
estnl limaMihtaie. ert.iltors nnd hilrn luliu
notice tliiit Oiistav II. llriUKelaon and Utto
iirinnciMiii imo illultlnlr petition iilleitln?'i liiiimelsini Iniestato In
W'Lhstiri'iitint, Nihrnskn.on or about .liino
loth. l!K)i), IK.I111; a rriiiknt and Inhabitant of
Webster CuillUj. Ne-lirnsUn and the-owner of
tlic follow ostatr, to-wlt:
Thoouth Wet ijunrteror Section 1 wenty
KUiil, lownshlji Three cij. Xorth of
ItaiiKe Twelve, (Ui, west of the litli I'. M
Webiler County, Nclirnsku. luiMiiv ns his
nolo ami only he Irs at law tho following
named lu-r.Mius, to-wlt:
Kllabeth.lernber, (.us'.av I-:, llrlngelton.
I.iura llankH, lllhl.i l'ernon, and Oito llrlngel
sou, his sons and dnughterN, and Helen Ulh
son, Knthcr 1'erson aud ituth I'crsou, his
grnuddauKhterB, that your pctltlouers are
Interested In laid estate as heirs of tatd div
cedent, and praying for a decreo barring
claims; that said decedent died Intcstivto;
that uo application for administration
has been made and tho estate ot said
decedent has not been iidiiilnlttcred In
tho State of Nebraska, and that the
helm of law of sold decedent as herulii
kct fortli Khali bo decreed to be the owners
In tee simple of the- abovu described real
estate, which has been set for he.irlin; on tho
'.'nil day of lVecinber, A. o lius,
Daied at I test Cloud, Nebraska, tills 1st
da of November, A. ll. III1S.
l Meal A. I). lt,NNi:V. Co-inty, Judije.
Drop In.
at th
Schultz & Schaal
First class portraiture
cnhrjiV, ccj-injj,
new work, aaatcur
finishing, etc.
E. S. Ga.rber
Wal! Paper, Paints, Oils and
1 Weill GwrMii'-ciI
Electrical G'oorJs of J Kiud3
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixi tires
Suceeior to Dr. Cross
Wher tho
Firemen Appea.r
the intured nui 1 Tint thoujKt ii one oi
thankfulness that lie is so. Haw abou
your thoughts ii a fiireroan should ap'
pear al your homa? . . ,,
The Da.y ..
Before ,th.e Fire
is the dny to insure. As .that day may
be to. morrow (or ail you can know or
do, it fellow that prudence would im
pel! you to stop in our office lo,iay and
have tit iirue you a policy,
I.eHe.bIe Insurance
Hamilton - Gatlwr: ,".
Clalhlna Co.
Everything a filon
or Boy Wears
Red Cloud Nabrvsha
The King Got Hts.
Solomon, 11 London inuslclnn, had
ns pupil King Ooorgo II. One day,
when tho hins luul not disthiBtiishod
himself hv ij.-cat prnctluo or skill in
plnylnir, tho toucher riivo him the fol
lowing clnsslflcnthm of llddlcrs. "Flih
illers, your mitjesty, inny ho divided
Into three chimes: To tho first helong
thoso who cannot play at nil; to the
see-ond thoso who play hndly; und t
tho third those' who ploy well. Yor,
Hlro, hnvo a 1 ready reached the socou