The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 14, 1918, Image 5

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Friday and Saturday
Nov. 15-16
Hearts or Diamonds
A Sure Fire Picture
Admission J7 and JIc
I Monday and Tuesday
Nov. 18-19
Official War Review i
ruici:or r'oi.t.nv
C.WTuoX ami TUWEf.
g t Rcl Admission 17 and lit J
Wednesday- Thursdayi
Nov. 20-21
Up the Road
With Saltii
A Delightful Comedy Drama
Admission J7 and 1 1;
Knt aud drink at Powell & Pope'
Lte. tf
Preli Hastings bread daily ntPlnttV
( 1 1 oeery. tf
Joe l Kndrnaof Cowlon, was a Ri-d
Cloud visitor Monday.
Miss Edith Iloffuiaij returned to hi
school kL Lincoln Monday.
(Sood meals good service moderate
prices Powell & Pope's cafe.
County Superintendent fiertrude
Coon ipent Friday nt IJJuo Hill.
Chns. Arnold Is home from Camp
Finiiton on a furlough.
A baby girl cume. Friday evening to
glnddoirtho home of Mr. mid Mrs. C. C
Judge 11. Dutigaii passed throtmh
lied Cloud Monday eniotite to liK
homo in Hastings.
IIov. and Mr". B. Jarboe, who have
been visiting relatives hero, left for
Nortou, Kan. Monday.
N. L D Smith, who has been visit
ing relatives here, returned to Kinih..:.
City Sunday morning.
Chnuncoy McDowell went to Kearney
Saturday. He expects to obtain em
ployment and remain thoro.
V. It. Ualley and wlfo who have
been visiting relatives here, returned
to their home at Omaha Sunday morn
ing. A. V. Heal, who has boon visiting
friends and looking nfter business
matters here, returned to Alliance
I'd Motcalf nnd wlfo are rejoicing
over the arrival of a baby girl which
tjie stork presented to them the lnttei
part of the we"k.
Lydia and NHio (illbam, who havi
been visiting homo relatives her for
several woks have returned to their
du'ies at Lincoln.
Mrb. Lulrd Pgttr, who has been tln
guest of Iter busbnnd'a parents, Mr.
nun Mrn 0. II. Potter, returned to her
home at Hardy Sunday.
Joo and Dun Law, ton of Virgil
of Pleasant Mil, are both reported b
illg lu a hospiul overseas the latter
o,uUo nor iaudy wounded,
Tho county committee on United
War Work held a meeting at tho court
house Monday afternoon to complete
final nrrungemunts for tho drive.
pn account of being called for ser
vice Dr. Ilobt. Mitchell oirer.s his new
Ford Sedan for sale. Strictly up to
date lu construction and nccci
borles. l!5-2t
Patriotic E J Peterson, of Inavale,
had his btcam engine ready for tho ou.
coslon and when th'o peace news came
ho blew the whistle three consecutlvo
N. II. Miles, until recently, editor
nnd publisher of tho Franklin Sontl
nel, was In from Cowles Monday nnd
mado the Chief a pleasant call. He
reported that Bowles was holding an
entliuhliihtlu demonstration over the
peace new. tfr. Mill's i- visiting his
son in-law. Rev llagemmi of Cowts.
who e. line ltuo to .t en 1 a 'oeliniltinry
meeting of ihu United War Woik
county committee Monday aftornoon,
Mis. Phil Tratit Is home from Mo
Millard Pavllek has gone to attend
school at Hastings
Mondern house to rent Inquire of
Mr. Frank Peterson. . Ill-tf
Itoy Palmer of Tnavale,ws5 a Sunday
visitoi lu Ked Cloud
Mrs Sarah Hard went to l.tund Is
land for a vMt yesterday.
Alt McCull and wife and son have
gone to San Diego, for the v. Inter.
i;ev..larbne prenehed In the Hielliem
Church both moiulng and evening
Mr. and Mrs. Ilei-t Sherman went
for a visit with relatives at Grand Is.
Ian 1, Wednesday.
Mrs Maudo Kenfro has returned
from Chadron whetc she has been
visiting relatives,
Hnny Waller and wife visited rela
tives bete last of the week, returning to
Cowl eh Monday morning
('. Jaqiiay, round houc for man has
lii'cii transferred to Gibson, Mr Ilattck
of thstcity taking his place hero
llobt Potter urrlved from Oklahoma
Fn.l.iy night, again ealled by tlu' 111 -i.eM
of his mother Mis .1.0. Potter.
M Pete Hansen left Re.t Cloud
Fiiilttd for a tlsit wltli her d .ughtei
'io b teiohlttg school n flieri.i
Mi. .1 A. Ur.idforl. efficient an I
gentlemanly ftiipertetident ttt the oily
llhgt and power house has recieved h
merited prom illon nt the stilnry end of
his job.
With eouimendalete enterprise the
Argus issuud a plgo extra Monday
morning giving detail of telegrams
concerning Germany's signing of the
IJie subscription for tha Woman s
Il-d Cross Auxiliary will bo collected
Wednesday, November Both and paid
lu to the committee at the court house
Friday afternoon.
The Burlington 11. R. Co night em
ployes upon receiving niessvre or
German surrender waited not n tno
mem in sending the tidings across the
city by blowing whist les even though
It was three oclix-k In the tnoniug
Garrett Olmstead of Uuld Rock wat
a plpiwint CRller at the Cholf otIIf
Wednesday Ml Oltnstead looks IirU
and hearty and userta that, his hetltb
Im cvellentJThogo who know of what
lie has been through, marvel nt hi
recovery. Governor Keith N'eville issue n
proclamation callii g upon nil boyh be
tween tho ages of llfteon and n hall
and eighteen yca.M to register in th
United States Hoy's Working Reserve,
today. .
:'You Arc Losing Pvloney
! If you don't sell your cream
' to the Fanners Union Co-oper.
tive Company and receive the
; dividends. lOff-
Mr. and Mrs. Kalpli Foe arrived In
this city Sunday morning. Mrs Foe
is just out from a Denver hospital,
where she underwent a serious opera
tion. They are the guests of her
mother, Mrs. Louise McFarland.
Misses Iuezaud lilauche liouercame
home from Kirwiu, Kan., the last of
the week. They have been visiting
their grandmother who is very.ill, and
whom their mother, Mrs. P. H. lfoner
remaiuh at Kirwtn to care for.
Mrs. Jim Hale of Denver, arrived in
the city this week for an extended
visit with her mother, Mrs, Grossman,
living northwest of the city. Mr. and
Mrs Hale resided in I!-d Cloud a num
ber of years, and at one time Mr. Hale
was editor of the Red Cloud Nation."
Farmers Institute pi-dponed because
of danger as to health conditions, will
bo htM hero ou Dc. l 'h to 13-li. The
program will bo earrle ! out as lieieto
fore published uad it s xpetcd the
1018 liiitituto will be tnp-noto'ifr de
pPo t'je Iitnilcip of p9'P"', "iHfjv.
M . .iZ. Mr. WtW'ii.iiit Uft Vnda.v
for? an eKtndid vaoiutm vJH In Col
orudJ Mr -Wulbinnt iTt'Colorndo teU
year- ogo and has no vUlted the old
home to.-rltory since thit time. Yuinn
Akron noil other point' vMlll be visited
aud the worthy couple .mrposo staying
until fully -niUfiod.
, Mrs. J T. Diamond tins gone from
Cospor, Wyo., to Booueville, Mo, nnd
will make her homo for tho winter
with hor paronts Mr. and .Mrs. J R,
Tucket t, who recently moved froai Red
Cloud to the Missouri city. Mr. Dia
mond travels for a Wyoming oil com
pany. Steverib llros, formerly in business
here, have opened n photographic
studio at Hastings. Roy Stevons will
belli elinrgeand it goes without saying
that the studio and its productions will
bo absolutely first class In every re
spect. Mj and Mra. Stevens will
move their household e fleets to Hast
ings at an early date.
Farm Loans
I am ready to make farm loans in
any amount at lowest rates, be t
terms anil option. Absolutely no do
lay and no inspection expense, Sulr
ngon't for TrevoU, Matlia and D deer
Some private money.
Fresh Hastings bread dally at Piatt's
Grocery. tf
Carl Warren son of Mrs Julia Warren,
is home from Camp Pike on n
Messrs Teel aud Cntlior went to
Omaha j.esterday to attend to Red
Crocs Interests.
Rev. Drullner. former pastor of the
M. K. chinch heie, was a Red Cloud
visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Clair Pope Is homo from Lin
coln, where .she has been visiting
her husband who is In training theie.
Mr. and Mis. Firmest Davis and
ehildred of Axtell, visited the latter's
parent, Mr, and Mrs. N. W. McDowell
this week.
Mrs. Will Hunt returned home from
Lincoln Monday night She has been
up to the capital cilv visit lug her bus.
band who Is In training school there.
Here's a message from acoss the
water: Our boys are marrying the
French girls in droves." They
shoiilden't do that way, It's polygamy.
Autohlmon News
There is n mi'sngo nn the (list page
which is of internst to all. and we are
sending copies to all mimes on our
lis. Just sent in that lit He dollar mid
a hair and let' be the best of fr ends
Mr. ami Mrs. W. I Ilurke. of Wal
nut, Iowa, were called here lust of the
week by the Illness of their dniigbt" r
lvBthryni. Mr. Hurke returned home
Saturday. Mr. Ruiko letimlned at
the bedside of her daughter, who Is
convaleslng ripldly.
After .0veral week's visit Geo. W.
Llndseyleft RedCloud Friday night for
San Diego Call Mrs Llndsey, who lias
been visiting her son Neil who is in
training service at Foil Omaha, is to
meet her husband at Denv.i' and
journey with him to the coast city.
Services will be resumed at tho
Congregational church Sunday No
vember tho 17th, lifter being closed
for four weeks on account of the
hiiluenK.1 epldomie. Sunday school at
ten o'clock, morning service at eleven
to whlohjthe public is cordially invitod.
Nonvenlttg service at the present time.
J. D. Hoxsey night operator at the
RurlliHftnn depot, had the lienor of
being tho flr-t man In Red Cloud to
icHin of OeimnnyV surrender. He
icoleved tb" message as 'It was firs.
flasi.'Ug across tho countiy, nboi.t
Mirvo oolock Monday morning. Novetn
ber llth 1018 vill be u memorable date
iu his calendar
Mrs Frank Smith cl'ialtman of the
Womans' Liberty Loan Committee is
In reclept of a letter from thuchali
man of the Nitional Committee, Mrs.
Wm. G. McAdoo, expiissing deep ap
preciation of t lie work of the Webstei
county Committee. Although the Worn
nil's work was greatly handicapped in
eOsLer county tlio Uotninlttee re -
ceived reports on S!0,ono in Woninti'.s
Expresses Appreciation
To tho oiti.ens of the county who so
kindly helped me in the election; I
me in tlie oloollon; I
wish to express my sincere thanks nnd
to assure them that 1 will earnestly
strive to
merit their approval ano I
Odette Le Fontenay I
Mmo Odette Le Fontenay, the popu.
lar lyric soprano, assisted by Miss
Virginia Powell, will bo hoard In a
unique recital at the Orphoum Theatre
on tho evening of November twenty,
Mmo Le Fontenny has signally
triumphed ill the musical centeis of
ICurope aud has received unqualified
praise from Massenet, Charpcntlei
and Jean de Reszko. It was whllo she
was singing at tho Oporn Corniquc
Paris, that Oscar Ilammeisteiu cngng
cd her for thioo years. When th'
lliuiimorsieln project, whs abandoned
Mine Le Foiitfiiiny entered the cancel!
Held in wli.cb she nude such h remark
able 8uc; ss tbi'. the wus signed bj
the Merropuliuiti wh6re the sang th.
season of 1017101 4. Now the coricr
humn Mgaiu elaiini her fur it- own
Miss Powell is an nrtdM of cuiisiUet
abltt mputaUou who hsit touted in'this
country for several Kutmous mnkliu
friends and admirers wliernevor she
has boon heard beonuo-of lu-r serlou
attitudo toward her art as well uk het
unusual talottt.
Admtttim-e to tho recital will be lj
cud only.
Card of Thanks
Wo wNu to eyprosS out tlmu.i to
th'ise who so kindly insisted in the
care of our mother during her Illness
and death. Also' for the boautiful
floral oiretlngs, und most cpeciallj
tlui pall barers and singers
Mr. and Mrs. O.scnr Jornbcrg
Mr. and Mrs. Swan Hanks,.
Mr. and Mrs Wm Peaihon.
Mr and Mrs. G. IJ. CrlngoUou.
Mr. and Mrs, Otto Hringelson
The FOLKS tJ,0me kxphct you
int. to tri.i. tm am ahA,,
Exhilarating Purlcsquo; Vaudeville
SIjei Altin Filled lth Pritlj Clrli, f unnj Clowni, Coiitoui
. .... f5"l"' Billllinl Senile Eailionmiet
Cvorybody Goes; Ash Anybody
An Echo of Peace!
Ao.ither Item Is added to t'ie joy
bin' it by word being received in the
Ren Cioss County Chapter that all
suivical dressings woik Is to eejisc.
The Ex-Kaiser Flees
H-owing well what danger loomed
close the e.-kaiser and his suite lied
to Holland when the arinstlce whb
sigi l The crown prince Ih reported
to I ivn cried Hire a baby in renounc
ing .is right to the throne
Armstice Affects Red Cloud
M .ulay the local Registration Hoard
rcct ed orders from Governor Neville
cancelling the call for 9 riion called to
etiti nn for military service Tuesday
ovei in-. Provost Marshal General
is r ,.trted as saying no new moti will
be v nited in U. S. camps.
United War Work
'1 campaign for funds to provide
UOti Mt tirul care for our soldier boys
.! I ntiJer way. This Inn cause to
w' i nil should contribute cheerful
ly. leally get tho boys home safely
! i lject Hint must appeal to every
or It is stated that it will requite
f- wars t complete this work and
out ople can see that money will lie
ne -sin-y, even though tho war is
otto 1
Armstice WakcsThem Happy
M -s Can to Dledrich. dutigliter of
Mr uid Mis Henry Diediieli, nnd Mr
Art tr Glebe whose homo Is near
llln ' n, went united in marriage Fri.
duj veiling, Jo Igo A I) Raiuiey olll
uhf ig. The brido Is a graduate of
Re ! Cioud High School aud the groom
n si i of Mr. and Mrs. Fird Glebe of
Rh. ' !! a prosperous young farmer.
'J e young coirple will enjoy an unex.
ppc I honeymoon owing to the nriii
Stli with (iiu'iinuiy. At the tune of
the iriiugo Mr. Grabe was undet call
to i ive hero Tuesday for armr set
vie County Farm Bureau Notes
F i iiiem having iwrn that was ma.
tins i before the freeze should save all
the - id ears for seed. There will bo
a if it! (leiunoo 1nrseed corn from
cou ies that were Int. by the drouth.
Fi'tners In this eMinty uuudiiig need
con. should secure their supply this
fall, and get it as close to home as
pov I'le. If thu farmers having extra
sac t corn to sell will notify tho County
Agmt lie will assist them In selling it.
F.iriuets wanting to buj seed corn
1 vve uil lu. iiul to try and locate Nauru
, or yolli ,,st spilng ihooonuty agent
placed over - x) bnslitds. of sicdconi
-00 bushels il ibis was placed outside
the county.
Tho dates of the Red Cloud Farm
I erV Institute will bo December 10 111.
j ,,,. , ,,,. ,.., t...m11, iihl.
I ... ,... mil.-i...l out ... ,-.
..... WWW J..W..W rf
The Doard of Hirectors of the Web.
ster County Farm Huroau met Satur
ilay afternoon and appointed n co
operator in uiuh school district in the
.utility. There are 75 school districts
hi the county. The co-operators will
bo commissioned by the Governor,
l'lielr names will appear next weulc in
the Farm Iluieatr notes.
Heniiv R. Fausch,
County Agricultural Agent
Don't Set him
go without as,
National Prayer Ring
Bymblem will be an ever-present mes-
Mizpai Is tbe ulblo word tliutnivim.
Cod watch between tlioo lied
ine white ws are nbiont
one from tho other.
This If, the prajcr In your heart lot
blmi thutriruyernn hit linger. a
tcaus. fc-iui illi cr V.' W 10H (,'OlU .7X0.
1 K. Gold $10.00
See Symbleni today at
u -M,, . m
iwwwMfWm maxr
You always get the very
best at our store because
QUALITY goods are the
only kind we sell. The
brands we carry in stock
are recognized by the
housewife as the VERY
BEST of their kind.
nmv tv ra u tro nr i -'
tvL y cs,unfl.i a. s.
Chase & fanborns Coffees
Hens Crackers and Cookies
Batavia and Spices
Sunflower Canned Goods
U &MMO & Sko JL i
ft N V
j mi ,i i uii iiiiTrnrmiMKMiJjn.T'wv-nMiitiiiiMiiiiiii- ijMMEwiiMm ii ji.ww i mifura J
1 1 ' Have Two
One Piece at $1.25 a yd
One Piece at $2.00 a yd
firs. Barbara Pham
U-Jl life
fV i'7'KiaTV
Sunday School , a 1. 10 A. M.
yucsxemfnums wwwaaKaaageagwetuww
WYOlVIlNfi HAS unoxcolled deeded irrigated lands, also lrrl-
? lVlUlllVl llrtiJ gated homesteads under Government ditch
20 years to pay water right, no interest Ten thnuMinil freo (HO aero lion
leads. Take some of this excellent land and keep your profits Instead '
turning them ovor lo n landlord. Let mo help you to locate.
lain i i nmmw mmimtj"
mc oh t
&&ig ag
' Pieces of Ai
e uamasK
As RH If 'IlT
,L U Bna Pk 1 h -a n t &
ailiLtjj-LiUj. tEi xcjJs A. it.
tian Church
; v
Is a wonderful wheat country, and a big
hiieeesss with Deans, Sugar Poets and Pota
toes, Corn, alfalfa and mttivo grasses enrich
the dairy or live stock man,
ranches mean mnre than a grazing nlaco fo
rattle. Com, Oats, Itve, liarley and Alfalfa
itre grown to ilnlsh for "topping" the mar
Lawson, General Passenger Agent
1001 Farmim St. Omaha. Nobr.
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
e t.---.j 1 1 ffflg.ia'JT imm vrr rq nr7-.',KTrf,lVi-l V BfirrtTiTffi,7rr"rt wrrt r n