The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 14, 1918, Image 3

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For Eighteen Years
She Hat Found the Same Medicine
Good. The Story in Her
Owa Words.
Tho cxporlenco of Mrs. Dnvltl Horn
of ltoulo No. 1. Irwlnton, Wilkinson
Co., Oa la not exccptlonnl. Tunnm
hna been nn accepted standard house
hold, ready to tnko remedy, for forty
flvo years.
Mrs. Horn writes tinder dato of Jly
80, 1018: "I hnvo been usIiib your
medicine for eighteen yenrs. I think It
ono of the best tonics I ever used. I
owo my Hfo to the uso of it I recom
mend it to all sick people. I'eruna
cured me of stomach trouble."
Tor coughs, colds, effects of the grip
and Influenza, cntnrrh and catarrhal
conditions of every description, I'eruna
in recommended. Thousands hnvo
been helped or are able to attribute a
full and couiploto recovery from somo
terrible allllctlon to I'eruna. Try IV
runn first.
In tablet or liquid form. Sold every,
Ingion.U I), lluuka f reo. HJch
t referencei. ilail retull.
Where tho Trouble Wao.
A young mother wns dAlng her best
to stop the screams of her child. Tht
hnrdcr eho tried the loudtr tho bnbj
announced his general dlssntlsfactloa i
A crusty-looking Individual sat ueni
by, with a scowl on his faco that spoki
of wrath rising to tho bolllng-ovm i
"Docs my child nnnoy you, sir?" nak
ed the mother. '
"Oh, nothing to speak of, I assure
you, madam," replied tho man with
gorgeous sarcasm, "except that tin
shock Is so great when ho stops to
Tips With Results.
Percy Say, old boy, can you tell rni
why a waiter Is like n billiard cue?
Chollle Itcully, old chappie, I glv
It up.
I'ercy Well, you get better results
off both when they are well tipped.
London Sketch.
of The Vigilantes
Quite So.
"Nell found she would hnvo to take
her new dress to pieces."
"I bet she was ripping mad."
"I like tho stuff you fellows aro get
ting out. It's bang up. Hut how about
the .Mnn-ln-the-Str)tT Aren't you
Bhootlng over his head?"
The speaker was referring to the
Vigilantes. Iln was n bit smug, per
hapswhat itni might term, In tho so
clol swk, classified but at that a
good, eiuT-ist, aggressive American. 1
miser"c his question with another.
"D.7 jOii mean yourself or me? Wo
mc kfs In the street, well met, ami
he laughed comfortably.
'Oh, phhnwl You know whom I
nTMii. The man on the street corner
'tt'c chap who Isn't posted; who oulj
-ttls the headlines; doPMi'l think be
yond them."
"I don t get you," I replied. "If you
mean the 1014 corner loafer there are
1 as either of us, and I don't know htni
from Adam. Done?"
"Done I"
I hulled the man as he came up.
"Neighbor, we aro having a dispute,
my friend and I, about the war. The '
question Is, do the people nt large seo
anything In It beyond tho mere grap
ple to the death of opposing armies, or
do they reallzo tho vital 1ssu(b nt '
stake? I mean by that the spiritual '
issues, the things you can't measuro ,
with nur eye or weigh In your hand, I
and yet are as tho breath of life to nil
above the brute beasts of the Holds.
What do you say?"
I saw a secret smhw curve my
friend's lips. Hero 1 wns talking, as
I wrote, over tho heart of the Man-In-the-Street.
Hut th. Ilred, worn faco
suddenly had become keenly alive. Ho
looked from one to tho other of us
with what seemed almost a pitying
"I have two ttoys In this wiir, In
Trance now," hf said simply.
"Yes," I encouraged.
"Well," ho went on, "If 1 thought
they was tlgtitln Just to lick them
I I mis nut liln but that I'd curse the
day they was born. Hut It's what tho
I Inns represent they's tlghtln' against,
an we nil know what that Is to crush
Into one mold of their own makln' tho
Lior ana war.
Flfruivfl mndo public by tho wnr de
portment recently speak eloquently
concerning what labor ha? dime for
tho war. Since April 1, 1017, the nrmy
of tho United .States has ben sup
plied with 5,!77,((K) overcoats. 8.009.
000 woolen conts, 10,W)7,000 pairs of
woolen brooches and nn,nrS,0(M) pairs
of woolen sacks. Motor trucks to tho
number of 17.08S have been sent over
seas, and 0,800 motor ambulances
hnvo been provided These aie mere
ly n few Items that show what It
moans to spoed up for victory.
For centuries GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil has been a standard household remedy
for kidney, liver, bladder and stomach
trouble, and all diseases connected with
the urinary organs. The kidneys and blad
der are the most important organs of tho
body. They aro the filters, the purifiers of
your blood. If the poisons which enter
four system through tho blood and stom
ach aro not entirely thrown out by the
kidneys nd bladder, you are doomed.
Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, baekache, stomach trouble,
headache, pain in loins and lower abdo
men, gall stones, gravel, difficulty when
urinating, cloudy and bloody urine, rheu
matism, sciatica and lumbago, all warn you
to look after your kidneys and bladder.
All these indicate some weakness of the
kidneys or other organs or that the enemy
microbes "which aro always present in your
S stein have attacked your weak spots.
OLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are
rhat you need.
They are not a "patent medicine," nor
a "new discovery." For 200 years they
English, primer facts, primer sentiment
If you want to reach that class. You
have been a standard household remedy.
rsxr"S5 !r,",nlc' ,l,or,trwt ""T'' t,,ntnK
are perfectly harmless. The healing, sooth- I Hccniim over there; or, In a generic
ing oil soaks into the cells and lining ol
the kidneys and through the bladder, driv
ing out the poisonous germs. New life,
fresh strength and health will come as you
continue the treatment. When complete
ly restored to your usual vigor, continue
taking a capsule or two each day; they will
keep you in condition and prevent a re
turn of the disease.
Do not delay a minute. Delays are es
pecially dangerous in kidney and bladder
trouble. All druggists sell GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. They will refund
the money if not as represented. GOLD
MEDAL! Haarlem Oil Capsules are im
ported direct from the laboratories in Hol
land. They are prepared in correct quan
tity and convenient form, aro easy to take
and are positively guaranteed to giva
prompt relief. In three sizes, sealed pack
ages. Ask for the original imported
GOLD MEDAL. Accept no substitutes.
precious few of them left. Work or! free peoples of the earth, to make 'em
fight has sounded the knell of the slaves to a murderln' ambition to glorl
specie". Hut pel haps you mean the fy a state and not the souls of tho
worklnginan. tho digger of ditches, the ' millions on which It rests.
It Is Easy to Understand.
c "uo you think it takes a college
wny, the shop girl, washerwoman, Janl- man to reason this thing out, mister?
tor, ashman, charwoman; In short, the Well, It don't. Who's behind this war?
everlasting piolctarlat. What?" I Who's goln' to put It through? Tho
"Well. If von nut It that way. yes." , statesman? The millionaires? Tho
ho confexsod. "You've got to use primer ; gentlemen an' scholars? No, sir I I fa
what them fellers therein Washington
call the I'laln 1'eople. That's mu an'
Vigilantes llv too blub for them 'Get i my Hoys, an' a long, long lino llKc us.
Into thu Attitude of the War,' 'The , We've got to do tho heft of the llghtlu',
Rody or the Soul, Tio-l'uliiu,' things , " we're In It with our minds, nn'
like that. First rate, all of thorn, to hearts, nn' souls wide open. Muybo
the thoughtful man; but how about Hill e can't express ourselves Just how
uones, Kittle Curlicue, Sarah Scrubbs, we feel but there's them that can do
"Wormy." that's what's the matter of 'em. Stomach
and Intestinal worms. Nearly as bad as distemper. Cost
you too much to feed 'em. Ebok bad aro bad. Don't
physio 'em to death. Spnbn'a Compound will remove the
worms, Improve tho appotlte, and tono m up air round
and don't "physic." Aota on glands and blood. Full
directions with each bottle, and said by all drurKlata.
Sl'OIIN amDIOAIi CO., Oasliea, lad., U. B A.
As Age Advances the Liver Requires
occasional alight stimulation.
.sajpsiw sjairiLb.
Small Pill. Small
Dote, Small
Price But
Great ia
Its Good
Plrk1cti fPta1 Fntj-ta rony Indicate the absence of Iren In
coiones or rtue r aces tho blowit p -. f ,
a condition which will be greatly helped bysU,trSirnrillS
Izzy Einstein and that sort? They don't
sou your stuff, It Isn't likely, but If they
do eh? Think they sense It?"
Man With Dinner Pall Knew.
"If they don't though I'm not con
ceding It, mind you then for their
benefit you'd have us treat tho grent
moral Issues of the wur In vaudeville
vein: Snappy stuff, slapstick argument,
give nail take, with n grand hurrah for
tho finish. Is It that you are driving
"Oh, come. Yoti know what "
But I stopped him. A man with n
dinner pall swinging from a gnarled
and dingy hand was pladdlng townrd
us, an oldish raun. An evening news
paper was stuck In his pocket.
I made n rnpid proposition to my
"Here's ono of these Menln-the-Street
now. Ret you tho rigors ho
feels the war, in his own wny, ns much
Vjooms from 11.00 up single, 75 cent 8 up double.
Diagnosis and Treatment
fr. A. Headers, Expert Roeatgenobgist
1624 Brasilei Mat, OflAEA. Call ir writt us.
Daw. K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Neb.
M. E. Car. 241k asd Faraaa Sta,
Telephone Donglaa 8445
Nlfbt telephone Ilaxnej 4711
1529-3133 North ICth St, Omaha. Neb.
Wa rain, np.olaltj of manufacturing PAUM M.d
fJOJlMKItOIAL.HOniKHand CAllH. It joar
Staler do out taurtlo out Una. tend ui his nam.
Electric Service
We rrpntr and Hiipply parts for all mnkea ot
electrical ftqulumetit u.d on automoMlca.
For Atvater Kent Ignition
Ollnr Rtartcrn, CWinnertlcut Icnltlnn,
BynetoHlRrtrr", Electric Anto-I.lte 8tnrtr,
Urujr A Davl"htnrtr", North Hum Starlets,
WestlnKlioufobiarttrii. (
Special Attention siren to express shipment.
tANDALL & NOLL, 317 S. 1 lth St. , Lincoln, HA.
Didn't Surprise Her.
Edison's little dnnghtor, when visit
ing a friend In tho nursery, brought
with her a doll fitted out by her fa
ther's mnglc with a phonographic at
tachment, which excited the wonder
of her less fortunnto plnyfellow, who
exclaimed In amazement:
"Why, your doll can talk l"
The equally astonished reply of tho
Inventor's child was: "Why, don't all
dolls talk?"
When meals upset you and you belch
gas, acids and undigested faod. When
you hnvo Inrapa of ladlgostion pain or
any distress la stomach yon can get
relief Instantly No waltlsgl
Another Prop Out
of Propaganda
of The Vigilantes
C. E. SPE1DELL & SON, Lincoln
As noon as you eat a tablet of
Pape's Dlnpcpsln all tho Indigestion
pnln stops. Oases, acidity, heartburn,
(lutulenco and dyspopsln vanish. Pnpe'i
Dlupepsln tablets cost very little at
drug stores. Adr.
Tho Female Help Problem.
"It's tho limit."
"What's tho matter now?"
"I didn't object bo much In tho old
days when tho wife lnnjatod on picking
out my stenographer, bnt now she In
sists on having a look at thu elevator
conductors beforo I hire them."
Wo'vo never heard n man admit
thnt he wasn't a good hunbaad.
VknviM Granolaled Eyelids,
1 Oil IT E?" 1-W1 by rpo
l-VAc (nikklyrsnertdbr Mortal
Mw V ?S9 Ey-Re.-y. NoSroortlnp,
; J"t Kya ComfaH. At
Your DnitTPits or by snail 60c per Battle.
For Book si Ihe Eye free write art
Murine Ey Remedy Co., Chicago.
The busy caemy-nllen propagandist
is having a hard row to hoe those
days. So many of his plnns have
slipped up nnd so many of him sre
filling tho concentration camps. Uncle
Bam Is very qnlet about It, but ho 1ms
u keen eye nnd a long arm. Quito un
expectedly, out f the blue, the poor
6py feels a heavy hand on his collar,
nnd his usual haunts know him no
more. Is his confinement behind the
bars, or while he Is harvesting the
corn for better men to eat, he hasn't
tho satisfaction of gloating over his
misdeeds. Taa many of them have
With that boasted German efficiency
of which we once heard so much the
propagandist tackled the American ne
gro. Here were a people ready to his
hand, Uaaple, kindly, unsuspicious,
with 8 many grievances against the
governnient that It would be ensy to
Incite them to riot and disorder, there
by seriously hampering wnr worh.
They tried It. They tried It agnln.
They took nnother nngle nnd tried It.
Gott la hlmiaell These pooplo were
loyal 1 They might cotnplnln among
themselves, or to the powers thnt be,
against their wrongs tflid oppressions,
but America wns their home, nnd tho
Stars nnd Stripes their flag, nnd God
help tlie person who dared miggest
that they act as traitors to either I
Hun Dee Gets Dusy.
Then tho busy llttlo bee began (in
other flight, and worked up feeling
among the Ignorant whites ngnlnst 'lie
negro. Hero he wns nioro successful,
ns the riots In St. Louis proved. But
they drew tho nttentlon of though' fill
people nnd It was asked: "Why, If tho
negro were nt fault were there moro
colored men killed than white?" If,
as propagandists were shouting, tlio
colored people were n "problem" and a
"menace to civilization," how came it
that the troubles were Invnrlnbly start
ed by white men attacking blacks?
The German propagandists discovered
to tholr dismay that their tactics were
having the effect of drawing general
attention to tho wrongs of the negro
and arauslng Interest nnd Hymtrathy
for bias on all sides. Tho mute pro
test of tho colored women and chil
dren, nil In blnck, marching down Fifth
avenue, with no hands, no orators, no
disturbances, sllnply carrying ban
ners appealing 'for protection and
Jawtlce, created n deep nnd lasting Im
pression. Finally, In a sort of desperation, the
It for us, uu' wo read what they say,
nn' talk It over In the shops an' In our
homes. An' we think on it, an' an'
sorter grow inside, as you might say."
The man was silent u thoughtful mo
ment. Then he said:
"Mnyhu that's not tho answer you'ro
lookln' for, mister, but It's tho best I
can make you. Wo know tho horror ot
this war, but there's more'u that In It.
There's beauty In It for If there's
nnythlng nioro beautiful, more wlint
I read boniewhuiL 'splendidly sub
lime,' that a buy mine, yours, any
body's offcrln' up his denr young llfo
that the spirit of liberty may be pre
served In tho world, God hasn't given
mo the grace to see It."
Ho smiled mistily, but his head was
high, and his step now as tho march,
of soldiers as he went his way. I
turned to my friend.
"Well?" I remarked.
"I lose, nnd gladly," he ml ml t ted.
Germans sprend the lies far and wide
that negro soldiers were being sacri
ficed at tho front; they were put In tho
most dangerous places, and when
wounded were left to suffer nnd dlo
unattended on tho battlefield, nero
again the boomerang turned nnd hit
the conspirators. If they hadn't stnrt
ed tho treacherous propaganda the
American public would not hnve heard
General I'rrshlng's opinion of the col
ored troopi. After denying the truth
of "the stories, probably Invented by
Germnn agents," ho adds: "I cannot
commend too highly the spirit shown
nmong the colored comhnt troops, who
exhibit fine capacity for quick train
ing nnd cngerness for tho most dan
gerous work."
Proud of Colored Troops.
The head of the Red Cross came
forward to testify that the same care
and nttentlon wns given by tho soci
ety to tho colored men ns to tho
Returning travelers nnd soldiers add
a few details. They say tho negro
troops nro tremendously popular In nil
the French villages where they are bil
leted, that their smart appearance
every putteo polished, every buttaa
shining their unfailing good humor
their glorious bands and mellow sing
ing voices, and nbovo all, tho high
spirits and cngerness for tho fight that
they aro bringing to war-weary France
la arousing enthusiasm wherever they
"Complaining that they are given
dnngerous Jobs?" The ofllccrs com
manding colored troops report that the
only complnlnts their men mnko nro
against being held hack. They beg
fci tho first line; they glory In tho
Thnnk you, Mr. German Propagand
ist, you have helped the peoplo nil dver
this country, IOast and West, North
and South, to realize that our negro
troops are men to be proud of; loyul
Americans every one of them I
Patrlotlo Convicts.
Tho Inmates of Slug Slug prison
subscribed $2,000 to the fourth Liber
ty loan, $1,000 being donated to the
Rod Cross. Prison walls hnvo not
amotherod nil tho lniuilinod there.
What's tho matter with a wedding
ring as an exclusive clrcli?
Spanish Influenza can
be prevented easier than
it can be cured.
At the first sign of a
shiver or sneeze, take
Btandtrd cold remedy for 30 year 4n Jtsjttft
form f, iure,no opUtre break upjmtfAi
In 24 hourt irlieve crip In 3 days. Motley
back IritfulU. Tlie genuine bo bat4aKtdto
with Mr. imi'a picture. At All Draft O&Nt.
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 4S1f8.
v sn.'a
Thcru's one thing about rnemlet
Tlii'.v make llfo more or less Intorcat
Ing for a man.
A mnn can havo a lot of fun In this Sllrnre Is the ln-st resolve for hla
world and still be a gentleman. i who distrusts himself. Mnxlm, 70.
of the Vlallantes.
"Working again? "Why notf I'm well
and strong."
"IJut-your two boys?" She showed her
Hervleo plnj
Two stars. Her neighbor frowned.
Tou think It's wrong
For both to go? Hut llMon don't bejrtn
To blnmo them till you know . , ,
One was to stay with mo. "It's up to
Mother, to choose," they said. And shin
ing through
Thslr faces, I could seo their Mrlta
Blow . . .
I lovcd-and understood. What eoald I
But Mess them both my boyol and bl
them go?
Value of Experience,
The Inexperienced maid wants to bo
n man's first love, but tho wise widow
prefers to bo his last. Chicago Now.
J tianatiiiSil ail iij
,.-. , ri .-, - 1 Jry,,
No Mystery
in Meat
Some things are so simple
that they have to be explained
again and again. When things
are obvious, people keep looking
for mysteries behind them.
So it is with the packing bus
iness. The mere size of Swift
8c Company confuses many.
Because their imaginations are
not geared up to scale, they be
lieve there must be magic in it
somewhere some weird power.
Swift & Company is just like any
other manufacturing .business run by
human beings like yourself; it takes in
raw material on the one hand and turns
out a finished product on the other.
Swift & Company keeps down tho
"spread," or the expense absorbed be
tween raw and finished material, to as .
low a figure as possible. (If it didn't
it would be put out of business by
others who do.)
How much Swift & Company pays
for the raw material, and how much
it gets for the finished product, depends
upon conditions which Swift &
Company does not control.
It depends entirely upon how much
people want the finished product, and
how much raw material there is avail
able to make it from.
The profits of Swift & Company
amount to less than one cent per pound
on all meats and by-products less than
one-fourth of a cent on beef.
Keep Your Pledje
Mako Good for Our
Flfihting Men
Swift & Company, U.S.A.
, ? " Uj!Mi'jUi f SagjjHSfSjaaaEaajaaj
I aJHj4 I ft ? b k r 1 1 i j) i Ji,
Where in Western Canada you can buy at frasa
$15 te $3 per acre good farm lasd that will raise
20 to 45 bushels to the acre of $2 wheat its
easy to fltrure the profits. Many Western Caoadlas
fanners (scores of them from the U. S.) have paid for their land frost a
single crop. Such an opportunity (or 1M profit on labor and laveifawt
la worth Investigation.
Canada extends to you a beaity invitation to eettle on her
Free Homestead Lands of 160 Acres Each
or secure some of the low priced lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan r
Alberta. Think what you cam stake with wheat at $2 a tmabel and land so
easy to get Wonderful yields aUo of Uats. liariey nam
Flax. Mixed fanning and cattle raising.
The climate is healthful and agreeable; railway fa
culties excellent; good schools and churches convenient
Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway
rates to Supt Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
Room 4, Dee Dldp., Omaha. Neb.
Canadian Government Agent
s vag3i9