The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 07, 1918, Image 7

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Nothing Now Simply tho Old Grip or La Grippe That
Was Epidemic in 1889-90, Only Then It Came
From Russia by Way of France and
This Time by Way of Spain
"i I
fef-1 tF fk - iML whn
r'l . 'a""""'" "" ,1 - -' TjnBKaBUMHlkB
OOKING .t sen W 'vvr wl.. (t u
to be in t"h "good old days" that wo
road aboru. "A hard biscuit and n
slice At old suit heel'," which Dana
mentions In "Two Yearn Uefore the
Mast" u. his u-ual inenl alter a
long, haltl watch oil' Cane Horn, Is
no longer the diet of the Atm'iiciin
merchant sailor
The modern sailor man Is well
fed, with plenty or frcdi meat, vege
tables and 5t bread, no matter what the voyage
ho may Ij1 on. Modem refrigerating plani.s and
modern rOoMng methods are to be thanked for
On thr hundreds of new rhlp which are helm;
built for 'he merchant marine by the United States
shipping board careful attention Is paid to the
cqulpnivit for Coring, cooking and serving fond.
The gn'-crument Is fully aware that Millor.s, like
soldiers work best on welMllled stomachs.
Care Is taken also that el'ictent men are em
ployed as cooks on the nation's new merchant
Hoots. Good M'a cooks are not numerous, even In
nnrrnuV tlme. Maing that fact In mind, iho
United States shipping board, with the thnt numb
ness tint innis all Its efforts tn cieate an nn
equaleil mt-rch-tnt marine, is engaged In training
an adequate number of cmdM to man the gallcyj of
Its aw -!n, -. doling men of chai.icter utid Inielll
gence Ue choseu for Instruction.
'l'U training of conks Is part of the work d no
by the shipping board's root tilting service. This
servIcA has a tleet of training ships, billed at At
lantic and I'ii cl lie ports, on all of which youni;
Ajucrlrnns are taught by experienced cooks the
Bcrlouft business of preparing Rood food ut sea.
Hesld:s that, the board has special cooking schools
on twu of the ships the Meade, u '"C'v V'uutlr
liner Hntloncd at Boston, and the steamer Dorothy
Bradford, stationed ut New York.
iCovking at sea is by no means the same thine as
cooking on land. The sea cook has beveral things
to bo-tr In mind that the land cook, In hotel, restau
rant or home kitchen never has to think about.
Tiiko for instance, some of the precautions ho
must observe as Illustrated by the following
"Doh'ts for Sou Cooks :"
Don t expect the stovo to remain In a perpendicular
position, nor tlio cook. You tiro on u moving
platform, namely, tho ship's deck, which ofton
rolls und sways with tho motion of tht ship in
the sea.
Ken't (111 a kettle full of liquid. The rolling of the
ship will cauno the contvnts to slop over and
with fats may start a tire.
Don't nllow otB and pans to get adrift. Aa a guard
aftnlnst this, the galley range has an iron rull
around It.
Don't permit dtnhes to bo left on dressor or pantry
shelf as on land. If yo; -V pv' "I'U 'lb ott
and bo sinnnhed. Thcro oro lit t lo plveon-holos
for each kind. Into which tho dishes fit, the'ro
bolim a hlish bar across the front, n Itli a spuuu
cut out through which a dish may bo reuched
and lifted out.
On modern ships tho serving Is dono by men In
tho Btoward'a department, called stewards, so tho
eea cok of today needs nono of thnt dexterity of
foot thnt one-legged John Sliver showed ns ho
pegged his way oft with dinner along tho slippery
deck In the brig, of "Treasure Island."
It Ib n truism aboard ship that ouly a cook who
likes his Job la worth his salt. A discontented cook
will spoil good food. This psychology is recog
nized by the shipping board in choosing young men
for training us cooks. Only thoso who volunteer
for the Job uro wanted. There are plenty who do.
Out of 3,000 apprentices always on tho training
shfpa a certain p'ercentugo muy bo counted on to
nsk for training as cooks.
Thoso young muu uro ntrving on the nation's
"bridge of ships" from patriotic, motives. Homo
may go back to their homo townH when tho war
la over; but others will remain in the merchant
marine, and will take a part In tho country's penco
expansion ut sett as dlgnlliul as that taken by
captutn, mate or engineer on tho ship on which
they serve. Nor will they suffer In u financial
wuy, for a chief cook gets 00 a month wugea, be-
AfW&rrc&jtTwwRaflrA rsAjm;&ip or rWrsi?orArjofjptG board
sides his board and ipiartors a not Income of
51.0S0 a year.
When the young law student, or bank teller, or
blacksmith's helper who has decided to bocnino n
sea cook reports for Instruction on the Meade or
the llradford he Is taken in hand by u wise old
chef who proceeds to teach him tho A, II. C's of
sea cooking.
Tuomi embrace some general rules as to clean
liness uml general galley practice, neatly type
wiltten, under the head "Advice to tho Cook."
The most pnttlcular housewife IM Had tlieso
rules sound. Hero are a few of them:
Great clfnllncM, ns well ni core and attention,
nro rnqutrnd from n conk
Kwi your hands very cltin Try to provent your
nails limn wttlnx black or discolored.
Pun't bcattcr In your galley, dean up ns yon roj
put scalding water Into t-arh f mcopan or stow pun
as jou tlnMi uMm- It fry your F'tuecpans boforo
you put them on tho nbolf.
Never Frrub Insldo of a frylnR pan; rub It with
net silver-sand, rinse It out w-ll with hot water
Wash your pudding cloths, scnld and hnnqr them
to dry directly after uilni? tlim; nlr thoin before
you put them awny, or thoy will bo musty. Keep
In n dry phico.
Ilo careful not to uso n Knlfo thnt has cut onions
until It has bfen cleaned.
Keep sink and sink-brush very clean; be careful
novor to throw anything but wnter down sink. Do
not throw cabbasn water down it; throw it away,
a:i Its Mell Is very bnd.
Never havo sticky plates or dishes. Use very hot
water for washing them; when Kreasy chango it.
Clean coppers with turpoui. and lino brlukdust,
rubbed on with flannol; polish thorn with chamois
and a little dry brlckdust.
Clean our tins with soap and whltlntr mixed,
mado Into n thick croam with hot water. Hub it on
with flannel, when dry, whisk It off with clean
chamois and dry whiting.
Take caro that you louk at tho meat the butchor
brings, to soo If it Is good.
Let there bo no Wasto tn tho kitchen.
In Uncle Sam's school for sea cooks Instruction
begins, logically, with cereals for breakfast. It
happens that tho Instruction chef on the llradford
is a Scot, and when Jamfo Nicol gets through
teaching it new hnnd tho art of cooking ontiueul
hero Is nothing further to be said.
Tho novice is next bhowu how to fry eggs und
bacon, how to make hash and how to prepure
hamburg steak. These arc his tfrst steps.
Ho next gets a chance at dinner, with making
soups and rousting und boiling meats and cooking
various kinds of vegetables. In this work ho
learns the mysteries of tho big gulley range a
mighty stove, near seven feet long of the steum
kcttlo that will cook soup for 1W mou and of tho
steam-oven cooker for vegetnhlew.
If ho is umbltlous, the beginner takes u special
course In baking und pudding making, for real
puddings take the place of tho trudltlonul soggy
Iluff of old times on Uncle Sam s merchant ships.
Ulce pudding Is u favorite. Lucky Is tho young
man who learns to cook rlco from a veteran who
acquired the art on it trader out of Itaugoou or u
dipper from Calcutta.
"Never put your rlco Into tho kettlo until tho
wnter is boiling, then scatter it in." That Is tho
standard rule for rlco.
"Then wo toll 'cm to be sure never to put In tho
sugar until tho rico is done," says tho chof.
It has boon found that six weeks of intensive
training will niuko u very good sen cook of u be
ginner if ho 6hows proper aptitude.
"Wo can tell the untural cook," says Jumlu
Nicol, "by tho questions ho asks. Tho good be
Clunera ask all about everything and nmku notes.
Wo hnvo a' number who put everything they want
to remember down In a book. They will muk
It is the ambition of most sea cooks to get on n
big ship. In wartime, cooking on the smallest
vessel is an essential calling, but tho big vessel
Willi Its modem iqulpinent and elllclency organi
zation appeals strongly to the type of young man
now talcing tip sea cooking for Uncle Sam.
The largo vessels carry several conks. A 0,000
ton freighter has a chief cook, a second cook, who
is also baker, and a third cook, or cook's mate.
The chief cook Is usually the meat cutter also,
and In these times scientific meat cutting, ns well
as cooking. Is required on the merchant tleet and
tnught In the shipping board's floating cooking
According to a report of the national Industrial
conference hoard, women In waiilino employment
nre showing a leiuarkable adaptability for ma
chine shop work. Tho report Minminrlzes Infi.A
inutlon obtained ft 'n 1,'H establishments employ
ing :iX).0ir men and -M.SliU women and Including
10,0.r7 women eti.Mgcd In wmk formerly per
formed exclusively by men.
Their labor, says the Christian Herald, has
ranged from the operation of drill presses ami
lathes to coremaMag, inspecting and assembling
mechanical products and pet forming many pre
cise machine operations. In the main it has been
conllned to the lighter processes requiring rnpld
Hy and dexterity, and In Midi work their output
has proved equal to and frequently greater than
thnt of mnlo employees. Il'hls was notably truo
cf women's work In automobllo manufacture und
In n munition plant manufacturing fuses, where
women operatives on drill presses and milling
nmchlnes wero from 2.T to HO per cent moro rapid
than men.
One of tho numy pathetic sldo lights on our
wnr Is reflected In advertisements published hy
Hrltlsh shoo merchants, which vividly Impress
upon one's mind the sacrifices that many of our
sons and their comrades nro gnlhintly making.
Owing to the large number of crippled veterans
of tho western fnmt, London dealers In men's
footwear now sell single shoes for one-half tho
prices of pairs. To quote an advertisement that
recently appeared In a fashionable illustrated
magazine: "Wnrtltne boots at 203 a pair or
132 a boot. The lnglo hoots, rights or lefts, uro
for thoso men who havo been so unfortunate as
to lose n leg." I'npulur Mechanics Mugurlne.
Among facts disclosed in tho Investigation con
ducted by tho coiinell of national defense to leain
tho huyliig trend In civilian trade during tho war
aru u decided Increaso in sales of small diamonds
nuil u falling oft In sales of sizes from one-half
carat upward. Th.s Is attributed to tho great
Increase in price and the tendency of people to
buy diamonds hy price nlone; thnt Is, they have,
perhaps, $75 or ?HM) tn put In tt stone, and it
hi'ipcs them a much smaller Jewel than tho snmo
amount would procuro a year or two ago.
Watches nre In great demnnd, especially wrist
wntchep, which hne been enormously popularized
by tho war.
"Senntor Fudgo relates nn amusing anecdote w
"If It's now, all right Hut I don't caro to
listen to n atnle story Just, becauso It Is tacked
onto a United States senator." ICnnsas City
Go to Bed and Stay Quiet
Take a Laxative Eat Plenty
of Nourishinc Food Keep
Up your Strength Na
ture It the Only "Cure"
Spanish Influenza, which appeared In
Spain in May, has all the appenrances
of grip, or la grippe, which has swept
ocr the world In numerous epidemics
as far hack as history runs. Hippoc
rates refers to an epidemic in -112
II. C, which Is regarded by many tn
hnvo been Influenza. Hvery century
has had Its attacks. Heglnnlng with
1831 this country has had live epidem
ics, tho Inst In 188IMM).
There Is no occasion for panic Influ
enza Itself has a very low percentage
of fatalities not over one death nut
of every -100 cases, according to Iho
N. C. board of health. The chief danger
lies In complications nrMng, attack
ing principally patients In n run-down
condition those who don't go to bed
Foon enough or those who get up too
Grip, or Inlluiwn, as It Is now called,
usually begins with a chill, followed by
aching, feverlshness, and sometimes
nausea and dizziness, and a general
feeling of weakness and depression.
The temperature Is from 100 to 101,
nnd the fever usually lasts from three
to live days. The germs attack tho
mucous membrane or lining of the air
pnssnges, nose, throat ami bronchial
tubes; there Is usually a hard cough,
especially bad at night; oftentimes n
sore throat or tonsillitis, and frequently
nil tho appearances of a novere head
Go to bed nt the llrst symptoms, not
only for your own sake, hut to avoid
spreading tho disease to others take
a purgative, eat plenty of nourishing
food, remain perfectly quiet nnd don't
worry. Quinine, aspirin or Dover's
Powders, etc., inny he administered by
the physician's directions to relievo the
aching. But there is no euro or spe
cific for Influenza the dlsenso must
run Its course. Nature herself will
throw off tho attack If only you keep
up your strength. The chief danger
lies In tho complications which may
arise. Influenza so weakens the bodily
rcslstnnco thnt thero Is dnnger of pneu
monia or bronchitis developing, nnd
sometimes Inflammation of tho middle
enr, or henrt nffectlons. For these rea
sons It Is very Important that tho
patient remain In bed until his strength
rclurns stay In bed nt least two dnyB
or moro after tho fever hns left you, or
If you nre over R0 or not strong stny
In bed four days or more, according to
tho severity of tho attack.
In order to Htlmtiluta tho lining wf
the nlr passages to throw off the grippe
germs, to aid In loosening tho phlegm
niul keeping the nlr passages open, thus
making tho breathing easier, Vlck'i
ynpoltub will be found effective Hot
wot towels should be applied over the
throat, chest and back between the
shoulder blades to open tli4. pores.
Then Vnpolluh should ho rubbed lo
over the parts until the sklr. Is red;
sprend on thickly and cover with two
thicknesses of hot flannel cloth. I.eavo
the clothing loose around th nock, nn
tho hent of the body liberates tho In
gredients In the form or vapors.
These vapors, Inhaled with encn breath,
carry the medication directly to the
pnrtH affected. At tho pnmo time
VapoHuh Is absorbed thrtnigh and
stimulates the skin, attracting the
blood tn tho surface, and thus olds
In relieving the congestion within.
Evidence seems to prove thnt this In
a germ disease, sprend principally
by human contact, chiefly through
coughing, sneering or spitting. So
avoid persons hnvlng colds which
mean1? avoiding crowds common
drinking cups, roller towels, etc. Keep
up your bodily strength by plenty of
exercise In the open nlr, and good food.
Abovo nil, avoid colds, us colds Irri
tate the lining of tho air passages and
render them much better breeding
places for tho germs.
Use Vlck's VnpoKuh at tho very first
sign of n cold. Tor n head cold, meltr
little VnpoTtuh In n spoon and mhnla
the vapors, or better still, use Vapo
Huh In n benzoin stentn kettle. If thin
Is not nvallable, use nn ordinary tea
kettle. Fill half-full of boiling wn
ter, put In half a teaspoon ef VnpoIluU
from tlmn to time keep tho kettle
Just Blowly boiling nd Inhnlo tho
stentn nrlslng.
Note Vlck's VnpoTtuh Is the dis
covery of it North Carollnn ilrugglst,
who found how to combine, In salve
form, Menthol nnd Cnmphor with such
volatllo oils ns Eucalyptus, Thyme, Co
bbhs, etc., so that when tho salvo Is nn
pllcd to tho body heat, thoso Ingredi
ents nro liberated In tho forw of va
pors. VnpoTtuh Is comparatively new In
New York Stnto nnd New Englnnd and
n few Western Btates where It Ib Just
now being Introduced, but In other sec
tions of tho country It Ib tho Btnndnrd
homo remedy In mora thnn a million
homes for nil forms of cold troubles.
Over six million Jars wero boW last
year. VupoHub can bo hnd In three
sizes nt all druggists. It Is particular
ly recommended for children's croup
and colds, slnco It Is cxtcrnnlly applied
and therefore can ho used ns freely an
desired without tho slightest harmful
A pure blue Is shon hy experiment
to bo tho nnt'iral color of water.
With fincers I Corns and cal
luses lift off. No painl
aMt-t--""-ft."-" --tw..
Magic 1 Just drop a little Freeznne
on that touchy corn, Instantly It stops
aching, then you lift the corn off with
the fingers. Truly I No humbug t
This country now leads tho nntlobl
as an exporter of manufactured goods,
Get New Kidneys!
Try Frcezone I Your druggist sells a
tiny bottle for a few cents, sufficient to
rid your feet of every hard corn, soft
corn, or corn between tho toes, and
calluses, without one pnrtlclc of pain,
soreness or lrf ltatlon. Freezono Ib tho
discovery of a noted Cincinnati ceniua,
Seven hundred nritlsh subjects are
born yearly at scu.
The kidncyn are the most overworked
orpins of tho human body, and tfhen they
fail m their work of liltcniiE out ana
throwing oil tho oion developed in ths
jRtcni, tilings begin to happen.
Ono of tho firtit warnings is pain or HA
nous in tho lower part of the back;, hiphlj
cnloied urine; Iohh of appetite; indiccw
tion; irritation, or even Htone in the blad
der. Tlicta symptoms mdicuu) a conditio
tlwit mav lend to that dreaded tnd fail
ma lad v, llright's disease, for which ther
u Haul to bo uo cure.
Do not delay a minute. At the first
thontion of trouble in the kidney,
Madder or urinary organs nturt
Hold Medal Hanrlcm Oil Car
tmv viiurwdl before it ia too la
treatment ia Decennary in Kinney ana main
der troubles. A delay id often futal.
You can nlmont certainly find immediate
relief in Hold Medal Haarlem Oil Cnpimlea,
I'or moro than 200 yearn ttiia famous prepl
nrntlon baa been an unfailing roiear for
all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles.
It is the pBitoriBinaI Ilnnrkm Oil youi
great-gndmother tmed. About two cap
sules each day will keep you toned up and
frelinr fine. Get it at auy drug store, and
if it oe not give you almost Immediate
relief, your money will b refunded. Bs
mire you get the GOLD MEDAL brand.
Nono other genuine. In boxs thra
ires. Adv. '
t the first k,
kidney, liven
nturt takinjj
Capsules, ana
late. Instant
Unemployment In Scotland hns dis
appeared, due to tho demnnd ror labor.
Important to Mothers
Exnmlno carefully every bottle of
CASTOIIIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, und sec that It
Bears the
Signature of
In Uso for Over 30 Years.
Children Ory for Fletcher's Cnatoria
Los Angeles licenses 10,008 dogs.
Soothe Baby Rashes
That Itch and bum with hot baths of
Cutlcurn Soap followed by geritlo
anointings of Cutlcura Ointment
Nothing hotter, For freo snmples nd
dross, "Cutlcura, DopL X, Uoston."
Sold by druggists and by mnll. Soap
25, Ointment 25 and 50, Adv.
Tllchos need not spoil a mnn.
Your Veterinarian can stamp
theaa oat with Cutter's Anti-Calf
Scour Serum and Cutter'a Germ
Free Blackleg Filtrate and Aggressin,
or Cutter's Blackleg Filk.
AIc him about them. If no
hasn't our literature, write to us for
Information on these products.
The Cutter Laboratory
Berkeley, Cal., or Chicago, III.
"Thm Labarmtoty That Know Hota"
When Your Eves Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
Bo irilo Jul Mr Uonlon. i emu at
nifliu at ulL HltU (or Free ; Hvok.
Every Woman Want
Krxtt ccrNlAI HYnrPNP
DUsolved la wiUr for dcrochea stops
pelvic eaUrrb, ulceration mni lnflaj
mntlom. tonmasdfrl by Ljdlm E.
Pinkham Med. Caw far teat years.
A healing- wonder for Basal catarrh,
ore throat and lore ere. EcoaoadcaL
IHu ntiuwWry 'tod tmwloM W.
ISuBFlafi. 50& U aiuwuu, flMi4 at