The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 07, 1918, Image 6
RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEP i . tw- i 'I ' mmmmmmmrwmmmmi'Bimmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmm- w I I I I! u h El hi tf 4' v.l '1 1)1 I, U I" t LATE DRAFTEES NEXT More Than 8,000 Ncbraskans Who Reg istered Sept. 12, Will De Summon ed In November and December. The first draft from men In the big mnupowor registration In September mill will 8, ICO Nobrnskniis to thu col tors In November and December, Stiito ll'rovost Marshal Anderson bus an inoiinced. Nebrnskn has been culloil upon to furnish 11! per cent of the 'class of IS) ami i!0 and 2 to 30 to go to training camps during tlio last two (months of tlio present year. Captain Anderson said. No announcement Is inndo at this tlmo as to the dates of entrnlnmcnt or the camps to which the laolocts will be iiKslmiud. Nebraska hos approximately 08,000 uvallables In the IflrHt class of the new draft ages, Cup lain Anderson stated. According to figures compiled by tlio Omahn Chanibor of Commerce, Ne 'brnskn stands Orst anioiiB all staler of the union In the ratio of nutoiiio blles to population, Between Jnniiiiry 1 and July 1 of this year, 107,100 enrs were licensed, which made ono nuto jmolille to every 7.0 persons In the ttnto. Iowa, with .'100,000 cars, Is second with n percentage of 7.8. Nebraska grown potatoes when properly graded arc not inferior In quality to potatoes grown In surround ilng states nor do they possess any In herent weakness which Is likely to imnkc them Inferior. This sutnnmr (Ires In brief n report made to the tato food administrator by 13. Mead 'Wilcox, plant pathologist of the Xe 'brasku experiment station, Lincoln. ' Tim Stute Council of Defense lins ct nsldo November 14 as registration (day for nil boys who liavo attained tlio age of 15 years 7 mouths and up )to 18 year. Tlio registration consti tuted membership In the U. S. Boys' (.Working Reserve. Tho two general Classes Into which this reservo will ho (divided Is industrlnl and agricultural. Heads of tho united war work cam tpalgn hnvo agreed to Increase tho (country's quota CO por cent over the (budget of $170,500,000, tho amount set ywhen tho drive wus first being plann ted. This decision means tbut Nebrns jkn will bo asked to give ?:i,000,000 In wtad of $2,000,000 during the cam paign, which will start November 11. The price of hogs liavo advanced somewhat on tho South Omaha mar 'bet as a result of the food administra tion'! announcement of a mlnlmutii (price of $17.50 per hundred for hogs iurlng November. During October the trice went below $17, despite the food dmlnlstrntlon's efforts to keep It up. Owing to the Influenza epidemic jthroughout Nebraska tho Uaptlst state (convention which had been postponed ,froiu in October to November 0, hns 'now been Indefinitely postponed. It 'nn to have been held at Omahn. With 05 por clnit of Nebraska's win ter wheat planted ond benefiting from (present rnlns, tho state should rnlso 'its bnnnor crop next year, according to (Professor W. W. Burr, soil expert for (University of Nebraska. Tho board of control reports that In rtho Bcntrlco institute for the feeble (minded, 137 of tho COO Inmates nre 111 with Influenza, In addition to a mini fber of members of tho staff and us .Blstnnts. Madison county boasts of hnvlng (two ihnjors In tlio U. S. army, both of whom nro not yet 25 years old. The. ,xnen aro Major Prank Warner and Major Fred Inglls, both of Norfolk. Total expanse for running tho stato ef Nebraskn for the third quarter of this year nmounted to $2,1:10.515.58. tNearly $1,000,000 more than wn ex pended during the second qunrter. The Madison Chapter of Bed Cross, Which includes the cities of Madison, Enoln and Wurnervllle, will flnnuco two overseas ennteen workers. This will cost the chapter $2,500. The Dunhnr Review was forced to uspend publication temixirnrily when the editor, Elmer Smith, and his en tiro family contracted Influenza. Tho Burlington employees In Box Butto county bought more than $75,000 worth of Fourth Liberty Loan bonds. Arrangements aro completo to raise Nebraska's quota of $.1,000,000 In tho united war work campaign Nov. 11-18. By n voto of 52 to 2 citizens of the IlolmesvUlo school district rejected a $50,000 school bond proposition. The Stato Railway commission has granted the Lincoln Telephono and Telegraph company authority to In crenso telephono toll rates 25 per cent nnd telephono rentals approxi mately 10 per cent Tho Increases uf feet 0(1 cities and towns In the state. Definite announcement hits boon wndo from ofllclnl sources that Omnlm will bo a highly Important illvlRlou point on tho Woodrow Wilson airway, 'which will be maintained for air mall services nnd other government pur poses after tho war. " Tlio Fort Omnlm balloon school Is to he enlarged to about thrco times Its present size. Tho number of men to he trained nt the school )s oxpi cicd to bo more than doublod. There nre about 5,000 men nt the fort now. During October Nebrasitnns used 2,593,450 pounds of sugnr for lmuse vhold purposes. With Nebraska's population estimated nt l.HOO.OOO. tho state Just got under tho two-pound al lotment, It being tho first time since sugar certificates were Issued Hint tho people lived within tlio required quota for a elnglo month, Arnold Martin of Du Boib, who liar become nationally famous through his success In farming a 20-ncre tract In Pawnee county, added another laurel to his crowu when ho won tho sweep stakes prize for states at the Interna tional Soil Products exposition In Kansas City. To win tho trophy ho had to comtreto with the states of Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Minnesota, .South Dakota ami Floilda and two Canadian provinces. There is some talk by stato educa tors of eliminating the Christmas and spring vocations, and continuing school on .Saturdays, for tho time lost during I lie quarantine period. .Somo such ac tion, It Is said, Is necessary In order to complete tho required amount of school work as early as possible to re lease students for work on tho farms. Reports reaching state health nu lliorltles at Lincoln show that the in tlucnza epidemic over Nebraska la subsiding. From the time tho disease appeared In Nebraska up to the last of October a total of about 50,000 cases had been reported to the stato board of health. It Is reported that If oil Is not found soon In paying quantities In tho Run ner county oil well, which Is nlready down over 5,000 feet, woik on a new well In the lcinlty will bo started, as promoters of the project have faith in the presence of oil In the county. The newly formed Farmers' Union Potato drawers' association of Sheri dan county Is making big shipments of spuds from Gordon, Hay Springs, Rushvllle, Clinton nnd Sedan and at each point has storage facilities for 15 or 20 cars. Tho Dodge County War Service league, organized for the purpose of raising and distributing all war funds with the exception of Liberty loam, will slart n drive on November 12 to raise $150.000, which is expected to last n year. A bank Is not required to pay a cer tificate of deposit until the time ex pires for which the deposit was made, according to an opinion by Attorney General Reed made In answor to nn inquiry from tho American State bank of Sutherland. Distribution of tho 1018 home food cards for Nebraska has been postpon ed by Stato Food Director Wattles un til December 1, owing to the Influcnzn epidemic. In Nebraska 825,000 cards will bo distributed by school chlldroni Tho state railway commission has made known that it will not Insist that Nebraska telephone companies vlolnto Director General Burleson's order pro viding thcro shall bo no phone con struction except for war emergencies. Word has reached Fremont of tho arrival of the 109th Signal battalion, composed of Fremont and Schuyler hoys, In France. The battalion has been htntloned nt Camp Cody for sev eral months past. Sheridan county oversubscribed her quota of the Fourth Liberty loan more than S200,000. The county's quota was $525,000. Subscriptions totalled $725. 000. This Is-about $75 for,every man, womnn nnd child In the county. Scootts Bluff county won first prize for the best county exhibit, best col I lection of cereals, and best collection 1 "f fruit and vegetables shown by a county at the International Soil Prod ucts Inhibition at Kansas City. A Burlington passenger train struck a cow In the vicinity of Seward the other day, resulting In the cng no. baggage, mall and express cars g"lng Into the ditch. No one was hurt. A llolsteln cow owned by n Gage county farmer recently gave '! quarts of milk a day for n period of one week, during which time 21 pounds of butter wero made from the cream. So far the tate nylum for the In sane nt Hastings has not had n case of tin "flu," due, It Is said, to the strin gent regulations Imposed by Superin tendent Fast. December 3 to 5 nre tho dates set for the twenty-fourth annual conven tion of the county olllcers of Nebras ka. The convention will he held nt I Inst lags. Union Pacific crop experts say Ne braska winter wheat acreage will be 20 per cent greater than last year and the quality of the product will be better. Tho largo potato flour mill which is being built nt Gordon Is expected to use up all undergrade pntntoos raised In Sheridan and adjoining counties. Madison county oversubscribed its Fourth Liberty Loan quota by approx imately $110,000. Final subscriptions, fully settled for, total $1,831,750. An organization of potato growers has been formed In Scottsbluft county. The crop In the county Is exception ally good this year. Ono mnn was killed and four Injur ed when n switch engine kicked Into n box car from which section woikcn wore unloading ties, in tho U. P. yards at Fremont. Potato crop failure nt all hut two of tho state Institution' will compel the State Board of Coatrol to buy about 0,000 bushels of spuda to supply tho different Institutions, A company has beni formed, a drilling outtlt Is nlready on the ground and plans aro being made to drill for oil at Uivcrton. Threo telephono companies In Ne braska, tho Palisade, Thedrord and Union Valley, have petitioned the Stato Railway commission for permis sion to Increase tluIr rates. Governor Neville Inn called up"ii Director General Mi'Adoo and Finn Administrator Hoover to raise th grain embargo at the Omahn terminal, that has placed Nebraska farmer- "at the mercy of grain raeculntorR," h- "" lll-, f? "" vsmyw we-'-- z?p l Aerial torpedo, weighing l.k of we American soldiers who fell la rccapiurcu irom ine nuns unu estuo NEWS REVIEW OF THE GREAT WAR President Wilson Tells Germany That No Peace Will Be Made With the Kaiser. VIEWS OF HIS REPLY VARY Breaking Up of the Austro-Hungarlan Empire Seems an Assured Fact Huns Continue Retreat From Belgium Yanks In Fierce Fighting Northwest of Verdun. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. We nro willing to evacuate occu pied territories and arrange nn armistice based on the actual standard of power on both sides In the field. Our land and scu forces havo not been been guilty of Ille gal and Inhumane actions, and we havo ordered them not to commit any more such actions. Tho Ger man government Is now free from any nrbltrary and irresponsible in fluence and Is supported by the ap proval of an overwhelming major ity of the Germnn people. Ger many's Note to President Wilson. Considering the nssurances given by tho German government, I cannot decline to suggest to the allied governments the considera tion of nn nrmlstlce, which, how over, must leave the United States and its allies In a position to en force tho arrangements made and to make impossible n renewal of hostilities by Germany. It appears to me that the kaiser and his crew still nre In unimpaired control of the empire, and If we must deal with them, now or later, we must demand, not peace negotiations, but surrender. President Wil son's reply to Germany. The above summarizes briefly but fairly the diplomatic exchanges of the week between Berlin and Washington. Germany's note, evasive, shuflllng nnd altogether unsatisfactory, was received with contempt by tho press and people of the United States and the allied countries. The pre.sideut and his close advisers, It was said, were pleased only with tho Indication that Berlin waB moving step by step toward full acceptance of tho allies' terms for an armistice and peace. Tho Imperial gov ernment's Indignant denial that its land and sea forces have committed outrages was looked on generally as an Insult to the Intelligence of a world that knows such outrages have been committed and, hnvo not yet ceased. Even whllo protesting ugalnst tho charges, tho note says orders have been Issued to discontinue the Inhu mane practices alleged by President Wilson In his former note; and the Huns who arc being driven from Bel glum nnd northern Franco have not stopped the ruthless pillaging and burning of the places they are forced to evacuate, save In n few Instances. If tho orders to observe tho rules of civilized warfare have been Issued, then there Is nn end of tho contention of the defenders of the Germnn people as distinguished from tho Germnn nu tocrutic government, namely, that the troops commit outrages only under tho orders of tho military command. No observing person can longer doubt that we ure at war not only with the Ger man government, but with an Inconsid erable part of the German people. It may be that the Germans will over throw the Hohon7ollorns and all their gang, but If so, it will bo not becnuso of tho monstrous crime they hnve com mitted, but because they have failed of their criminal purpose. There Is not In nil Germany one sign of repent ance. There Is only furious disap pointment because tho leaders have not been able to "moke good." ta ll cannot be said truthfully that President Wilson's reply to Berlin uroiiM-d any wild enthusiasm. Most of us felt as did Senator Ashurst of Arl tonii, who said: "I would have told Germany to go to hell." Less blunt critics of the president felt that tho "Iv reply called for was a demand tot ?tWrMV iiiumii. iifeii on ine u-i.vpe uirigiiiie ottlie x... .... ..,,.-. nhin. 111 inu 01. .1111111-1 tiiim - IMied as the capital of Belgium. unconditional surrender and that Mr. Wilson was losing ground by continu ing the diplomatic discussion with n government with which, be very prop erly declares, the United States cannot negotiate. There was general appro val of the latter part of the note, which pronounced against any peace with the kaiser, and the rest of It wns praised by those who saw In It a clever movo to alienate the Germnn people from their military leaders. There was no doubt anywhere of the Tightness of tho president's alms and Intentions, but mnny public men feared that his very admirable detestation of war and his fondness for writing notes might lead him Into nn embnrasslng diplomatic maze. In reassurance, It may be said that no armistice and no pence will be ar ranged that are not entirely to the sat isfaction of Great Britain, Frnnce nnd Italy, as well as the United States, nnd that these four utiles have agreed that Germany must bo required to sur render. There will be no cessation of hostilities on tho part of the allies un til Germnny not only evacuates occu pied territory, but also gives substan tial guarantees that will prevent re sumption of fighting by her; nnd the entente allies are determined that any discussions concerning nn armistice shall tuko Into full consideration tho sea power, In which they ure predomi nant. In his delayed reply to tho note, from Austrla-IIungnry President Wilson In formed Vienna that events had made somo of his famous fourteen points out of dnte, notably that concerning the nutonomy of tlio oppressed peoples In the dunl kingdom, since the United States had recognized tho Independ ence of the Czecho-Slovnks and the na tional nsplratlons of the Jugo-Slnvs. Consequently he could not talk peace with those points as n basis. Then followed nn Imperinl manifesto an nouncing the formation of federal states In Austria-Hungary; the setting up of a state of their own by tho Ger mans In Austria; the creation of a sovereign state by tho Slovenes, Croat Vins und Serbs without reference to present pollt!cnl frontiers, and prog ress by the Hungarians toward full In dependence, with reports that they were about to apply to the entente governments for terms for a separate arnilstlco nnd peace. Tho empire of Charles was fast breaking up, and there was the greatest depression In VIennn, where famine threatens and this authorities are powerless. Conse quently, according to dispatches, the Austrian government Is becoming reconciled to the Iden of unconditional capitulation. Agnln, and yet again, tho unduly op timistic must be reminded that, from a military point of view, Germany is still far from being defeated. Though she Is being forced to relinquish her grip on Belgium und northern France, she is conducting her retreat In order and much in her own way, und though losing much mntcrlal and thousands of men, Is carrying off most of her heavy guns and n great deal of her supplies, destroying tho bulk of Uioso left behind. She still has about 100 divisions on the west front, 30 of thorn being In reserve, and with these, with the men returned from hospitals nnd with thoso coming of mllltnry ago she probably can hold out for many months on her shortened front The Huns nre falling back to successive lines of de fense, plvoHng on tlio positions north of the Argonno and on the Meuse heights, and with many thousands of machine guns In strong positions aro making the advance of the allies as dlfllcult and expensive ns possible. Tho present government of Germany seem ingly doesn't Intend to give up tho fight without making n desperate fin ish, nnd toward tho end of the week it wns said Ludendorff had drafted a proclamation to tho peoplo exhorting them to carry on tho war to tho utmost, since tlio allies would not grant them poaco without humiliation, lot All week long the Germans con tinued their withdrawal from Belgium, sometimes moving rapidly, und nt oth ers putting up a stouter resistance Jn order to rescue somo stores or guns. In being driven from tho Belgian const some 15,000 Huns wero forced across the Holland border nnd wero prompt ly Interned by tho Dutch. Ilulg'a Brit ish forces, ably seconded by tlio Bel I Jr,)WBi:;K;ft'V';''' i..i; Si". v' l"K!!!;""':,,"'-,' -.vulfrti Neiiitr UUun . . --v4wW jvywyyyjiajgit) Myj&rVA, American navy. 2 Graves of some m. si ueuerai view nr iirii"t- es, glnns, tho French and borne American divisions, drove forward relentlessly and before the week closed wero chas ing the Inst of the Huns out of Valen clennes. To the sou'li of that city, In the direction of Maulieuge nnd Mons, the British made a smashing attack, breaking through the enemy line of de fense on u wide front nnd threatening to outflank the lino of the Scheldt which, further north, had held up the progress of the allies to some extent. By cutting the banks of the Scheldt canal and other waterways the Ger mans Hooded the country. The cap ttue of Mons and Maubeuge would be serious to the Germnns, for those cities, which are united by n railroad, have been the principal Germnn concentra tion nnd supply points on the Ardennes front. East of Le Ciiteau, where the Americans are fighting beside the Brit ish, the allied progress wus rather slow. The fall of Ghent In tho nenr future seeming n certainty, the Germans wero evacuating It ; and the Belgian govern ment decided to cstnhlNh itself In tin recovered city of Bruges. ta Tiie French In the Laon region moved forward somewhat, but the ad vance there was slowed up consider ably during tho week. In the Cham pagne the Huns were keeping up the most determined kind of resistance, and the Americans In tlio valley of the Meuso were bearing tho brunt of the severe lighting. It was the hardest kind of work, and nt times the Yanks had to fall back, but always they re turned to the combat nnd carried their objectives. Powerfully organized inn chine gun positions wero encountered everywhere In Hint region of ravines and hills and forests, and to take theso without too much loss it was neces sary to maneuver past them und at tack from the flnnks nnd rear. Farther west, to tho north of Grand Pre, tho Americans were engaged In equally severe fighting, hut there, too, they were slowly overcoming the stubborn resistance of tho Huns. In this they were materially nlded by tho big bomb ing squadrons of the nlr forces which not only continually harassed the en emy In the fighting lines but made re pented raids on his bases and supply i trains. j One-fourth of Germany's available mllltnry strength has been placed In I the Champagne and Mouse sectors to ' hold back the Americans and French there, and tho task these allied armies 'are doing, while not showy. Is of tre-' mentions importance nnd difllculty. ! Tho Huns aro trying desperately to save the Mezleres-Luxemburg railway system, on which depend all their communications in that region. It is n satisfaction to know that tho Anier- . lenns are giving a mighty good ac count of themselves there nnd that, whllo their own losses nre not small, those of tho enemy nre vastly larger. In the nenr East matters progressed favorably the allies driving the Aus-! trlnns northward and reaching tho Danube, on thu Itouuiaiiian border, thus completing tho Isolation of Tur key from tho central powers. A fur ther advance to Orsova will open the wny for nn invasion of Austria. In Montenegro tho process of clearing out tho foo went forward rapidly. At Krushovntz, In 'the center of Serbia, German forces were strongly resist ing the advent of the Serbs toward Belgrade. I Turkey, which is moro than ready to mako pence, has a new scheme. Plans nre being discussed to mako Constnntlneplo n free port nnd dis mantle tho fortifications of the Dar danelles on condition that tho allies gfiaronteo the contlnuanco of Constan tinople as the capital of Turkey. It Is also proposed to grant nutonomy to Arabia, Syria, Armenia ond tho Jew ish part of Palestine a Tlio Germans seem to delight in vio lating the. senso of decency of clvWzed people. Tho lntest example of tWa propensity Is tho naming of Baron von dcr Lnuckcn ns head of a commission of neutral residents of BrussclsSvhlch 1b to Invcstlgato charges of unneces sary devastation during the retreat from Belgium. This baron ployed a lending rolo In tho murder of Edith Cnvcll, Ignoring tho representations of Brand Whltlock nnd refusing to savo tho nurse from death. EX-CATTLE KING NOW A PAUPER v- General Terrazas Once Owned 200,000 Herd and Million Acres in Mexico. STRIPPED OF WEALTH -Jow He Lives Quietly In El Paso, Tex., Planning Recovery of Estate Sought Refuge From Bandits. l'l Paso, Tex. Each evening nt sun yet nu old man with silver white hair and a snowy beard may be seen walk ing around the pluza taking his dully, exercise with his two bodyguards. lie is Gen. Luis Terrazas, octoge narian exile from Mexico,' who lost vir tually nil his groat fortune In tho revolution of Madero und Villa and now Is foned by political conditions In the country to live on the bolder. When the Madero revolution started In 1011 "Don l.tinls" wmm known nu tluv entile klllir nf Morlrn. Hlu linrilu num. . bored more than 200,000 head and grazed on a thousand hills and plains of northern Mexico. Ills estates stretched from the Klo Grande to Chi huahua City and he could ride for 21 hours by train over his own acres, which then numbered more than a million. Big Business Interests. From his oillccs in the state capital General Terrazas governed this vast cattle empire, conducted u bank und many other Industries connected with his cattle business. lie and his largo family lived In luxury in thu marblo palace on the Alamadn or at Qulntti Carollnn. his summer home on tho plains. Train nfter train of cattle ar rived nt the border from the Terrazas ranches. Ills annual export averaged 25,000 head, and tho "T-Runnlng-S" brand! wns us well known nt Mie Chicago, d'3 Wi. . -Vf s - I ntrz . rs ,JL.' -ilfien Wa3 Forced to Flee From Mexico. Knnsns City and Fort 'Worth .stock yards ns It was In Mexico. Tho Ter razas holdings were estimated to bo worth J?r,000,000 (gold) but wero not for sale nt any price. Now Gi nerul Terrazas and his fam ily live In a rented house on Goldea. Hill, lie rides to his oil Ice In nn old automobile and buys his groceries from n cash-and-curry store. Property Confiscated. Tho revolutionists under Madero, Orozco and other lenders killed the Tcrrazns cattle for food, burned his ranch building nnd looted his stores ,3 !Jlh nctlng ns commander In the north for General Carranzn, Issued a decree con fiscating nil of tho Terrazas holdings, including the herds, lands nnd personnl property. General Terrazas was forced to floo 9;om Mexico before Vllln's ad vance on Chihuahua City from Juarez. I7o mado tho long trek to the border nt OJInnga with the fleeing federal col. umn. Ho never returned to Mexico. July 22 Inst General Terrazas cele brated his eighty-ninth birthday an niversary, surrounded by his ten sons, Bcventy-llve grandchildren and mnny moro relatives, ne maintains nn ofllco downtown, where ho nttends to ids pri vato business daily and keeps in closo touch with cattle and market condi tions. It is his dream to be permitted to return to his native hind with suffi cient guarantees to allow him to begin over again to re-establish tho Terrazas fortune. Goea Calling; Meets Burglar. Cleveland. Dudley Field went over to seo his uncle, C. W. Field, on n re cent evening. IIo arrived after dark and when no ono nnswercd tho bell ho tried the door aTid found it un locked. Thinking to find Fomeono within, ho walked In and found tnmo ono. A renl, live burglar hnd got thoro first nnd when ho finished beating and kicking Field Into -unconsciousness ho gngged him, took his money n'nd got away. Somo time Inter members of tho family returned and released him. ( fw " i rs . l - l i -ML. W$35--2 " ifo, &i n: . h v; -r .VSC pktO-Ci ZZJZUVmtWUZZ. :. .....