RED CLOUD, NEB It A SKA, OHIEff .iiiummi jiuLMJUiumJ"1" ABSTRACT OF VOTES CAST NOVEMBER 5, 1918. 'flic following tabic, showing the results of Tuesday's election in Webster county, is copied from a made in the county clerk's office. It docs not include the soldiers' vote, nor the votes by mail. ME RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nobrnako. PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. tabulation Sntcred In the t'ostonicf M Hcd Cloud, Nob ns Second Clans Matter M o H n 5 IS 3. Q 5" p A o O F. L. DROWNE. Editor and M.BBe 1 MB ONLY DEMUUUAaay J'AI'EU IN WKIJHTEH VOVTfTV to 3 a, 1 Why An Over Subscription 3. i- 'i li ', ; '' h U. S. Senator I J. H. rdorchend Goo. V. Norrin Governor Keith Neville S. U. McKclvio Lieutenant Governor W. 13. Hanning I'. A. Harrows Secretary of State II. Tj. Cooper D. M. Amsberry And. Pub. AcctH. K. P. Mumford G. W. Marsh State Treamircr J. S. Canaday D. I). Cropsey Attorney (Jctieral G. V. Morgo C. A. Davis Com, P. I,, and It. (5. L. Shumvny Di:i Swanaon Ily. Conunissionor T ('. Simmons II G. Taylor I Con iTHsni.'in I A. C.Shallenlwig'r V E. Andrews Sta' Senator J ( .. .Ia,':'-.'ti i A I'lrickson Stale liciircscntuiivc J. h. JJcobe :i. V. Kickurd Co. Clerk H. F. Perry W. A. Carpenter Co. Treasurer A. V. Duckcr Frank Stair siuTiir Frank Huffer 0. I). Hodge Co. Mtornry V. ,1. JIundiiy Hovnrd S. Foe" Co. Surveyor G' o. 11. Ovoring Co. . lessor C. Stout C. A. Ilerrick Co. Com. 3rd Hist. ,('.!. Wiekwlr '('. A. Waldo Co. Com. filh. Dist. .1. V. Hamilton Grant Shidlor Co.i.ity Jmlge . W Ranncy It. W. Stewart Cocnly Supl. K telle Duckev Kellogg CO ICO 74 151 07 145 71 144 G7 143 08 148 70 147 741 140! (JO I 144' 26 59 20 50 D8 27 57 20 55 27 55 24 GO 20 54 10 05 25 70 23 71 J 31 25i 12 nn 2!)i la 791 50! 34 7f 70 50 34 77 4! I 23 50 30 071 071 40 80! 20 1371 54 hi 141 1C3 117 110 fit 131 08 130 117 100 179 "56 150 06, 133 '116 llffl 08 ! 0 50 10 OS 42 43 00 40 39 40 30 18 01 31 Gl 24 G9 30 G3 25 oo; 32 01 23j 03 37 57 20 05 07 30 55 33 01 59; 32' 59 45j 15 31 33 74 15- 28 311 75 I 14 28 31 75 57 321 lit 24 00 48 M 75 00 57 Of! 57 I 07 50 50 (52 09 : 59 4. I 07, ' 00 :. 31 14 47 31 ' 14 30 TO 10 731 15 71 18 07 10 I 701 2,1! 57 100! 33 00 1 177 8 17' 55 391101 83 1(1 1G3J 38 801 20 101! 37 771 18 50 05 I 55 07 52 31 40 30 47 31 43 34 41 34 GO' 104! ys;i00 40 io! SO' 20' 50 32 70, 103' 371 00 42 u 132 128 70 114 80 110 70 120 117 ! .J 38 Ml 271 191 881 21! 54 34! 701 33 75' GSi 154! 35 100 42; 120 47 13 31 :!3i 71 18 W 53 30 01 37 50 41 45 I 30 40 42 45 41 S3' 20 50' 30 82' 42 154' H51CB' 40' 110! .'.2 13 29' n; 72; 181 57 32 315! 72! OS) 1091 381 95, 45 17 "40! IS1 321 on 51, 7o 80 0 4 21 75 34 55 43 361 7'. 03 0I 51 10 ! ' 47i 84; 51 48! 44 43 I ' 701101 r2 27 03 61 27i 56 58 if "1 15 33 10 30 25 22 10 30 421 9 80i 71, ., .( .., .. V'V W (01 61 lOl! 321 831 41 841 2V L-401 80( 00 nil ltt 22 30' 20' 7 17: 58 74 0?. 170 40, 09 1 18 71 27 01 18 SO 70 34 57 48i a1 05 r 28 81 17" 1 lu; 113 141 95! 154 115 541 135 20, 74 84 74! 35 124! 47 02 W 112 4-. 841 31 1211 y 71' 1321 101 1 43! 0? 55 58 31-102 I 39! 0(5 ir. til 30 42 50 101 62' 201 112 83 128 101 110 41' 41 55 35 50 41 45 40 28 IK 25, 84! 41 1 85! 40 01 -133 30 74 39 122! 50 . j Ait' iii t n' -t fl fm 13 lyi) tb IZi OJS IOO, U( I 13! 77! 11 37! 281 87 1 . h r M . , an .4 Tiil 104' 43; 0.191 iyj 110 68 41), r'66' 40 60, 22! 30 20' 48 65! U 1W 151 gfl 2fll 80! 33 71 i 152i 281 74, 49 76! 20 00 50 50 55 57 57 55 40 00 52 00 55 00 51 5S: 40 00 70 50J 00 50! J 74 40 80 02! 4! 571 32 1 73! -41 471 321 58 42 01! 30 I 06! 50! 20 50 20 52 33 30 37 32 33 30 30 34 37 32 39 32 33 30 30 3! 37 30! 38 33 45 28 38 53 30 01 37 50 41 45 3G 49 42 45 41 47 42 4L 35 47 48 42 31 5 43 44 55 35 50 41 45J 40 40 50 03 02 71 I 69 71! 481 48! 8S! 81 75 45 38! 92! 251 2! 20 50 54! 148! 29! 71 49! IS I 1.131 52 82! 24 48i 32! ! 40' 41 T,n 41 ' 15' 42, 4T 180! 2C '.5 37 03 :.' 271 521 38' 06 34 91 ' 33 1181 5C 46i 2Gl 39 52 78 47 73 50 71 45 47 77 50 44 70 45 73 51 70 47 77 79 51 74 01 50 SO 08 70 50 S4 00 I 40 03 128 93 128 84 120 80 125 80 128 87 120 85 127 Pi' 121 SS 123 102 110 91 122 110 10S 129 02 07 125 120! 081 44' 80' 731 30! 40 44 52 74! 827 1490 I 825 1502 818 1404 808 1307 801 1412 1847 13S0 851 1303' 879 1347 709 1421 1017 1318 884 1400 845 1458 1184 1158 902 1381 123 li 1115 75 341 5 117 4G 60 82 as! 57 33' 48 70 110 48! 50, 51 07! 20 , 59 13 45 35 50, 77 54,51 3i' 08' 57 131 35' 102' 48, lORl 58 71" 56' 07 21 12 26! 2:, OS' 22 50 24' 79 20,' 40 11' 05 1 10.; 10' 21 98 125 158 70 147 981 115 116 103 93 110 r 152' 58! 1100 1287 1818 721 1'SIO GG3 077 580 499 011 542 539 408 022 290 521 018: .20 410 110 To the United Wiir Woiks Campaign Is Asked 131 1S18I 708 .858) J iSSO' 494! When the original budgot of $170 r.00,000 was endorsed as a basis for this crmputKU it was done with a vision that by November list our country would have an overseas force of about one million. However this date finds u& with an American army abroad of over two million. A correspondingly larger number are in our training camps, When the budget was made up it eari led no npproptitiMoti for work among our own navy afloat; todny we luive perhaps a larger iiuuiber of men on Hit, seas tliiui the rust of the world combined When the tnuU'ct was assembled we went bat pm tially erviii! our ally. Hi nee. Since, wt tin ashed lo over I,, 1 armies entire. W'c arc alo nslseil to put the winio scrvluc into the Italian at inies 1 lie funds necmiiig fnin tin- m-ili al -i,' ilil'iOllnt wnulil tii'ces-itatH ulKithci i'iIvh for IuikIk in .luiie or July The o'her nlternutivc, stigifcstctl ly Jolm I; Molt atlliM ii-ccti'. Chlfau") confer. ci i'c, which it as my fortune, tout liinl, wuS'iiot to increase the quota Imt over subscribe it hy approximately ii'ty per cent. Mr. Motts suguestlon wni unanimously chosen. l A". Good, (luiiriuiui for Webster County I'niteil War Woik Campaign. Notice of Hearing 10471 1101 1157 972 I 1402! 750, IV omww KAm vw, 5 " , ? Building Permits Until fiirlhor notice. I)eiilerlu ISnildiiu; Material lll fuinlsh ni'iterhil WiniuUTdOVI'IHNMBNT 1'Klt MlTiuul wiUiont .my rcstrictlotis for the. following construction work: Repairs to existing structures, vvhere the total co'np'eie.l cost of retmirs. Including lubo", does not exc-cd S-.'OlOJ. Additions to existing s' nicturf'-, where the total completed cost of the additions, Including Uiior. does not exceed S'J.Vm Co Any f.irin'stiucturcs, where the total complo'eil cist, including labor, docs not exeqe 1 jb'oo O'l maione-beiiativ io.i Abstract from Circular No. 21 of War Industry Itoaid vAV.v.v.v.v.v.vvv.v.v.v.vlv.v.vJVuAn K .state ol Joliiiniics i;ihinjlson,lecoasctl. In l ii'e County Court ot Wfimttr County, .no- br:iJia. ' 1 lie Stale ot obrnskit. to all perrons later-r-'.i'd In snld cmtnte. crcdltarx and Iielra lake r .'. ico that (iuHtuv H. lirliiKcUon ami (Jtto I lingaliioaliave tiled their iiriuioii uUckIiik I I at Johannes lirliigelwii died ttccHtato tn w . bstef County. Nebraska, tn or nliout June I Ui, 10. tlng tt rtfldcnt nnd inhnbltnnt ot I v 1 bster County. Nuliraska and 1I10 owner of il- (blloWlrtK real estate, to wit: I'lis South Wost (Juarlerot Section Twenty 1 litbt. t'JS;. In Township Three (:)), North ot l iingo Twelver (Wi: wrstol the ath V. St.. Volnlcr County, Nebraska. loavlug as hln o 'and only lielw at law tho totlowimt mmud pHrwiiiK, to-wlt: i:iUalMthJcrn1org. (iust.iv K. HrlpgeUoii. !.;iira Hanks, Hilda I'erBoa.nnddttollrliiKcl. s a, his sons ami daughter, and Helen nib- noii, ICuthur Person nd ltuth I'urson, hls .'.intl'ilau'jtitcrs, that your liotltloners am k, 1 1- tsrosted In said estato as heirs ot said do ' , . .1..., ni,,1 Mn,.i,i fr .1 iloorni h,trr,,ij 'villi,, .it.., '. ' . i....." '. ... ('latins; that said decedent died Intestate: i.iAt no appiie.iuon lor luinimistration ' lias been made and the estate ot ald have not idfceilent has not been Administered In and that the pdpnt nH liftrr-hi It is Oil!' last Call. Just I set forth shall bo decreed to be the owners .1441 185 G16 1 ' , F:irm(.r' TnclifiHn nill held tho second week in Dec. ; Subscribers who paid, get this copy as a "sample j'law ',, "STXl I COpy. It IS OUr last Call. Just I set form shall lo decreed t 'send in that little dollar and a'"1 fl0 """i-'V1' 1lhc' "'I'V" ;l';,bl-'1 rv" , , , ,u " 1 citato, which ha been set for hearliu on the uau ana save your credit and juiddayomeeember, a. o.. i.s. save us all a lot of trouble and! "!Ur'nt uf lioun ,,r,wka' u"h 1"' 1 , ilay of Nov (inner, . 1. lUi . expense. I .-,j t.seal A. li. HaNM'.Y. county. Jiido. g.'-ffiggaiiEusaKaaErj 8UKS IsVUWSMJSVV.VV.V.VWV J t Auto Flearse WW) i Phon e, noise riearse i ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING LADY ASSISTANT) hid. Store 1 53, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. . u- 1 Wh k hMW .' 55 Un IWHIf tr' nnrfTrtWtlUrflltnnm M fSlJWS!SjSX!WlS4 :. S IKI'Ct H HtmtKmLamtmjl u it. fflMiXllHIal J ffiHfflMBlr ! ll W'.VjrrtafitifiaslTl ".' W Is, icPSyR'T:W81rB8 hli .ni ts n i-fc1 . a " T,n i-fr i " m '( 11 11 : 1 .J en r TlW.I JBH mmiu AVAVAVMV.V,V.W.VAVJAVAV.VAV.V.V.W.VV Stock Sale! k ,'ll JlflUt'I'J?- u ,r-. : ' ' i...i.w 1 T a !... jjggJiJtiim6k- That will last a Lifetime tOR the sake of a few dollars HOW why buy a range that in a few years will need repairs and in a few years more will be worn out entirely? Add a few more dollars and buy a ' YL South Bond D 3 ttU 'lfA I will sell ut ti tulle sale till i lint, is UllO Ml us the s mit( s houth him I mile eat of InilVHe; 1 uii1." I ' mi!e.. north led I uiilofc west 1 f l.e'i Pi .'il lloojirir tlaccf 1 1st if Wunih',", .it. 1 .', nil MONDAY, NOV. 11, 1 Coniii ciu'lu(j u I1" oi'locu, slmi'i). 137 HEAD OF STOCK 137 The Range that'll give pe: fect satisfaction in every way and wan n mile care will last a life lime. When buying a range, buy the best. Come and sec it and let' us t.!l you all ibout it.. It is a b.-autifu! range It is an excellent baker It is a gn;nt fuel savor . i rx TI '('? 1 W m oy a war isha riffiJIJJHJ Bd3AirBmi atoa vfiBn 4 Head of Horses. 4 Head of Mules. 1 good '-VHiir.old liny e ill: I sii'iii o. .It ; i hay horse l yeuis old, wclKht 13UM; 1 brown lioro () years old, vtl3()0; J sprint,' mules 44 Head of Cattle. 10 head of extra trooil nilleh cows from ) to 0 years old, some fresh soon, ull Sliorlliorus; 37 head of fjood ipi'lnjj calves; 1 Shorthorn bull, I yr old 85 Head of Hogs. 0 thoroughbred hlg.boned Poland China hoars, wt. H)l) Ihb; 1 sow nnd .'I pigs; It Poland China sows, wt "no; r, thoroughbred Duroo fcows, wt 12.'.; 07 head of shoals, wt 75 to 100 lbs. TKUMS All sums of 810 and under, ciu-li; albums over flO a cjedlt of H; 0, l), or 13 montli's tlmo will he given on good ImiiUnhle notes bear ing 10 per cent interest from dale. Xo property to be removed until the turiiiR'of are i'om led'with. Ll'NCll SKRSKIi UV IMHIKS AID. BEN MAPES, Owner. It-VAX ,V OXIllilM.Y, Anots. 10LMHU IlKAHDSl.KV, ClorU The Big Value in a Heater that you have been looking for. Economical in the consumption of fuel Handsome in appearance Strong durable in construction Burjis any kind of fuel The I LINO Y HEATER is one that will give you entire satisfaction. Let us show you all its points of advantage. Come in now. GEO. W. TRINE RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER United States Telegraph and Telephone Administration GEO. J. WARREN, Manager TELEPHONE SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES AND MOVE CHARGES. Hy orner of tho I'cstmnster General of the United States tho follow ing schedule for service connection nnd move charges was made eiroc Sentetnber 1st, 1018, Service Connection Charges Where tho rate Is S3 00 u month or less S5.00 Where the rate Is more than S3 tint not exceeding SI a mo. 10.00 Where the rate is more than $1.00 n mouth 1.1.00 Moving Charges Moving subscriber's equipment from one building or residence to another premises, Service connection charges shall apply ' Moving telephone set from one location to another on the same utoiiil-es $.1.00 Moving other equipment than telephone set from one locilion to another on the same premises Actual coat of , labor and materials Applicant subscribing for service already established, where no lapso of service occurs S'loO Service connect inn charges shall apply to each class of service and class of cq dpmont for which there Is it regular separate established :ate. with the exception of extension hells, push buttons, buzzer-, directory listing, and miscellaneous equipment of lllto character. Service connection charges and move, charge!? shall bj collected from all applicants for new or additional scivIch at the. time of application and before such new or additional serflce 'established Snbseribpi's desiring telephone mn eil or n cli,ng.' in class of servic1 or equipment should eall at otllee r eill Local Malinger, at least l'MVL DAYS in advance of the dato on which it is desired I he change be made. LINCOLN TELEPHONE A TELEOllAPU CO. For I'nl'ed States Telegraph (V Telephone Administration. JitiEr wMy- r-m . (Ml tr t l E "ff ' """" i7W t i 99. "Spokes and the Swif 199 WI xi v a,xiv What would you consumers think of a wheel without spokes ? "What would you think of a man who would take any or all of the spokes out of a wheel to make it run better? Swift & Company's business of getting fresh meat to you is a wheel, of which the packing plant is only the hub. Retail dealers are the rim and Swift & Company Branch Houses are the spokes. The hub wouldn't do the wheel much good and you wouldn't have ' much use for hub or rim if it weren't for the spokes that fit them all together to make a wheel of it. Swift & Company Branch Houses are placed, after thorough investiga tion, in centers where they can be successfully operated and do the most good for the most people at the least possible cost. Each "spo!:c" is in charge of a man who knows that he is there to l:ccp you supplied at all times with meat, sweet and fresh; and who knows ihat if he doesn't do it, his com petitor will. i How much good would the hub and the rim of the Swift "wheel" do you if the spokes were done aw -w with? . tw'mMjmm.r wiiimmm 1 Jj UUMTWt JUMTIUIR Keep Ycur Pledge Make- Good for Our Fighting Men BUY WAR-SAYIKGS STAMPS J Swift 8c Company, U. S. A. k JWi First Glass Eyeo. Oddly enough, the flrt nrMficlnl eyes were not nindo for living persons, hit for tne dead. In the days of tho enrlk'Ht Pharaohs tho Egyptian cm Imluicrs ri moved tho ojhm. poured plnster or wnx Into tho mtUoIs nnd sot la eyes ot volcmilc glass or somo precious Mono. I Any Honest Task Attractive. Any honest tusk it cnpahlo of helng bo lnrRoIy conceived Hint ho who en ters Into It inny see, slrclchlnt; heforo liltn, tho promise of things to do ami be, that will stir his enthusiasm nnd satisfy his best desires. rhllllps ' Brooks. wwwawuBtfrKdf.XJaswj J N A N MKiftSaKSS PM i