RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF t ' s, lf f r 'if L LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH yunny, MOTHEni remove poi- .80NS FROM LITTLE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. QIVE CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIQ3 AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED. Look nt tliu tonnue. mother I If coated, It Is n sure nlgn that your lit tlo one's Btomacli, ltvor nnd bowels needs a gentle, thorough clcnnslug at once. WIion peevish, cross, listless, pnle, doesn't sleep, doesn't cut or net niitu tally, or Is feverish, Htoiniich sour, breath bad ; has htomaeli-ache, soro Uiroat. dlnrrhten, full of cold, rIvc n teaspoonftil of "California Syrup of Figs," mid In n few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the Httle towels without griping, mid you have n. well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they Jove Its delicious taste, mid It nlwnys mnkes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for n bottle of. ColJforniti Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of nil age oad for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. liewnro of counterfeits sold bore. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see thnt It Is made by the "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company." Rcfuso ny otiicr kind with contempt. Adv. The Bucy Stork. Evury year 2,250,000 babies are born In the United States. The dally birth rote is i little over 0,171). ' INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH s HURRY! JUST EAT ONE TABLET OF PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN FOR INSTANT RELIEF. No waiting! When meals don't fit and you belch gas, nclds nud undigest ed food. When you feel Indigestion pain, lumps of distress In stomach, heartburn or headache. Ilcro is instant relief. fl I, IHmnrwr1 Just os soon ns yon ent n tnblet of Pnpo's Dlapepsln nil the dyspepsia, In digestion nnd stomach distress ends. Theso plensant, harmless tablets of Tape's Dlapepsln nlwnys make sick, up Bct stomachs feel fine at once and they cost so little nt drug stores. Adv. Munition laborers In Kerlln, Ger many, enn earn S20 Oto ?2.r0 a month. WAR10RK American women nurses arc installed eight miles in the rear of the fighting lines "over there." Right hero at home many women should learn nurs ing to take care of the sick, or, in emergencies, the wounded. You can learn a great deal hv obtaining the "Medical Adviser," a book of one thousand pages, bound in cloth, containing chap ters on First Aid, Bandaging, Anatomy, Hygiene, Sex Problems, Mother and Babe. 200 prosoriptions for acute and chronic diseases; profusely illustrated by wood cuts and colored plates. Ask your drug gist or send 50c to Publisher, CG3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. If a woman Is nervou or has dizzy spells, suffers from awful pains at regu lar or Irregular intervals she should turn to a tonic made up of hrbs, and with out alcohol, which make weak women strong and sick women wcH. It is Dr. Pleroe's Favorite Prescription. Druggists sell it in liquid or tablets. Send 10c to the Invalids' Hotel, BufTalo.N.Y., for trial pkg. Then, for the liver and bowels nothing is so food as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Beatrice, Neb. "I know Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to be a wonderful help to women during expectancy. AlwavH during this time I took it and it was the means of keening me in a strong, healthy condition, I had practically no suffering, and I hoheve my children wero stronger and healthier than they would have been .If I had not taken thl medicine I can 'highly recommend it to nil women at W ii-winni nortrul. tlipv will find it an excel i lent medicine. '-Mrs h'dith Roberts, C40 NV. Court St. Deep-Seated Colds develop icnoui complication II reelected. TJie n olil and time-tried remei.y that lias riven natlsf action (or more than titty years 111 'l yV al' i W iyTV 'I MM WHAT American soldiers In France can re ceive but one Christmas package each this year and each package must weigh not more than three pounds, ac cording to regulations announced by the wnr department. Hoxgh for men In tlft imvj, however, may weigh twen ty pounds. The regulations governing Christ mas packages for soldiers hae Jim been completed after conferences be twven the wnr and postolllce depart ments and the American Ked Cross. "The men themselves will decide who In to send thc-o pnicels. They aro now receiving Christmas parcel labels with Instructions to mall these labels to the person In this country from whom they wish to receive the holltl.iv bov. "No Christmas parcels will bo ac cepted for shipment after Nov. 'JO. The rnrdhnutd boxes or cartons to be piovlded for these pat eels are !t Inches by 4 Inches by I) Inches In size. When packed, wrapped, and ready for mail ing these boxes must not weigh more than tin to pound'." The American Red Cross has agreed to provide these cardboard boxes and to supervise their dlMrJlrutlon to rela tives of the soldiers who present the proper Christmas parcel label creden tials. The following Is un outline of the procedure to be followed by per sons planning to send one of these par cels abroad: On receiving one of these Christmas parcel labels It Hhould he presented nt the nearest chapter, bianch. or aux iliary hendquarters of the Red Cross, where the holder will receive a carton. These labels are not expected to reach this country beforq Nov. 1, but by thnt time each Ked Cross branch will have Its nliotment of boxes, bnsed on the number of soldiers in service over seas from thnt community. Fur Garments, Eccentric and Pretty PS '"JTvy v - --- jgjomaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgB lffiE-i'?jiMk a!? t.1m '.? vSk. Just ns tho perplexed reporter of fiiRhlntiR Is nhotir tn becln to describe I some fetching new fur gnrment ns a cape, she discovers that it has an In dlsputablo claim to be called n scarf. And when she hns decided that It bo longs to the straightforward, upright and downright senrf family, she finds It consorting with a bolt, something scarfs and enpes have heretofore not done. Eccentric nnd Interesting these nro the terms thnt belong to the small fur carments that hnvo lent n willing ear to tales of alluring camou flage this nenson. They look like so mnny things we flnnlly hnvo to cnll them by tho moRt Indefinite of terms 1 ...n-l ltMn4minnfaif flint, ... flint nnv. mutely fcumituio ....j u.u .... ...., way. Hero Is one of them which Is n capo bo far ns tho back nnd shoulders ore concerned, n scarf so far ns tho front goes, nnd a Jacket, If wo take tho belt's word for It. It Is made of Hud son seal and has n cdllnr of Siberian squirrel. And this Is another chnrac teilstlc of ' fur garments this season. Hardly one of them but hns two kinds of fur in Its mnke-iip. Tho llttlo fur wrap shown In tho Illustration, worn with a henvy suit, Is warm enough for nvcrago winter wenther nnd an Ideal uffnlr for an tumn and enrly winter. Women wear these small garments with wonderful grace nnd It is no wonder that furs have carried over into tho summer month. It U x for stylo and they CAN These boxes nay bo filled with nny combination of prohibited articles, ex cept those on the list barred by tho postnl ofllclals. The nrtlcles prohibited ' are all Intoxicating llituort, all lnllam ( mable material, Including friction matches and any composition likely to Ignite or explode (clgaretto lighters come under this classification), liquors and fragile nrtlcles Improperly packed. . Under the regulations no note or mes sage or, written matter of any kind will be' permitted to remain Ir. the boxes. i When tho pnekage hns been pnek ed It should be tnken, unwrapped and unsealed, together with the label and sullklent stamps, to the nearest col lection center designated by the Red Cross. After the package hns passed tho Inspection of the Red Cross rep resentatives tho Christmas label bear liig the address of the man for whom It Is Intended Is placed on It. The per- ' son sending the package, In the pros- i once of the Ked Cross worker, Is re- iptlred to link stamps, sufficient to cnr i ry It to Hohnkcn, N. .T. Wide and Narrow Braid. Rrald trimmings from the narrow est soutache to the widest' of Hercules are fr.M'd. One finds dresses covered with wide Hercules from the hem half wliy to the waist and again on tho blouse from the waist nearly to tho under-arm point with a narrower width on tho sleeves from tho wrist to the elbow. The Dolman Returns. A new winter wrap of heavy blncH satin Is mnde like the dolmnn our grandmothers wore and hns long monkey fur along tho bottom, nround the neck and where the sleeves would bo lf therer wero any. Of course dob mans do not hnvo sleeves. hnvo It thnt they nro so much loved. This llttlo wrap has pockets in tho ends nt tho front. A muff to wenr with It In cold wenther Is of sealskin, llko It, but has no squirrel trimming. In spite of thoIlklng for old wraps, nothing equnls In popularity scarf and muff sets. There Is n great rnrlcty In them and In capes with muffs to nintcb, and ono need never question their good style, nandsomo furs do not need to follow fashion's whims they are too rich fer thnt. Uneven Frlnne. Fringo Is still used with dli tlnetlon. This Is a style that Might emlly huvo been run to the ground, bnt because of tho cleverness f the designers It Is still a rood stylo nnd excellent results are still obtalaed with fringo of many sorts. Perhaps a mark of tho newer usngo of fringe Is this: Unovttancas. Fringo oa the edtfes of pnnols Is so put on that It hnnjjw very often In Irregular or uneven list. 8tne of the new frocks and blarases have fringed sleeves, with uuovoa edges. Some times, oven, th fabric of the frock It self Is fringed out to give tho right effect The many woman connected with the British air servlco are called Pen guins. ' MS HBHi OUT A small bottle of "Dandcrino" keeps hair thick, strong, beautiful. Girlsl Try this! Doubles beauty of your hair in a few moments. Within ten minutes ufter un appli cation of Dnnderlne you can not find u single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be ufter n few weeks' use, when you seo new hnlr, lino and downy nt first yes but really new hair growing nil over tho scalp. A llttlo Dandcrino Immediately dou bles tho beauty of your hnlr. No dif ference how dull, fnded, brittle and scraggy, Just moisten n cloth with Dan derlno and carefully draw It through your hair, taking ono smnll strand at n time. Tho effect Is amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wnvy, nnd hnvo an nppcarnnco of abundance; an In comparable lustre, softness and luxu riance. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Dnnderlne for a few cents at any drug store or toilet counter, and prove thnt your hair Is ns pretty and soft as any thnt It has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment Hint's nil you surely can hnvo beautiful hair and lots of it If you will Just try a llttlo Dan derlnc. Adv. Blind People In England. There tire estimated to be In Grout Brltnln 10,Su0 blind males und 10,050 blind females. "Cold In the Head" If an acute attack of Nasnl Catarrh. Ter ions who nro subject to fxequent "cold" In thu htad" will And Unit tlio uso of HALL'S CATAHRH MEDICINE will build up tho Syatem, cloanso tho Dlopd and render them loss liable to colds Ilopeated attacks of Acuto Catarrh may lena" to Chronic Cntnrrh. . . , , HALL'S CATAnnil MHDICINK H tMt en Internnllr and nrtn throuch tlio Blood on the Mucous Surfnccs of tho System. All DruiTKlstB 7Cc. Teatlmonlnls free. 1100 CO for nny rnpe of rntnrrh that HALL'S CATAUmi MEDICINE Will not cure. , . , , F. J. Chfnv Si Co., Toledo, Ohio. There nre miltl to ho 70 lnnfnitiBes or illnlect.s In tho uticlciit city of TlQls, Asiatic Itusslu. Keep clean tnalde aa well aa outalde by taking a gentle lititlre at leaat once, a week, aucb aa Doctar Pierce' Pleaaant I'elleta. AdT. A full-grown elephnnt enn carry load of three tons upon Its hnclc. Middle Womeiv Are Here Told the Best Remedy for Their Troubles. Freemoat, O. "I waa pissing through tlin critical period of life, beloff forty-six years of age and had all the Bymptons incident to that chango heat fta&hcs, BerTousBess, and was in a general run down condition, o it was hard far mo to do bit vrorlr. Lvdla E. Pink baa's Vegetable Compound rras recommonded to me as the best remedy for ray tronbles,wuich it surely proTed to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since taking it, and the annoying symptoms nave disap- Sesred." Urs. lit fiosoxxi 931 Napoleon Stt Fremont, Ma. ( Nartat Harea, Oanm "fcydla E. Plnltham'a"Votrota. We Compound restored my health after everything else had failed rr hen passing through change of life. There is nothing like it to overcomo tbe trying symptoms. " Mra.i'LOKUlc lsnxa,Box 187, North Haven, Conn, LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGEMBIE WW. lias tSie gipceiitest irc3ird foir $i WOMEN SUFFERERS MAY HEED SWAMP-ROOT Tliouinnds upon hac kidnry nnd ttioiifands of women b'adder trouble and ncrrr Mippcct it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing cNo but kdli i trouble, or the result of kidney or bh i Icr disease lf the kidneys arc tiot in a healthy condition, they may caue tho oilier or gans to become dlicacd 1'nin in the back, Ium I he, loss of am bition, nervousness, are o ton times ojmp touts of kuliiiy tioublc. Don't dcliy starting treatment. Dr Kilmcr'N Swimpltoot, n i lviiieian's pre ecription, obt.iitird nt mi) . i ig gtote, tiny bo just the ii'iiicdy nceil I to overcome tucli conditions. Got a mrilium or largo m p bottle im mediately fiom any drag at. However, if you wish firt lo test this great preparation send ten -nt, td Dr. Kilmer A Co , llinglianitoti, N Y., for n sample bottle. When writing lie suro and men lion tins paper. Adv. A Round of Applause, Please. An ull-roiiud man would bo lust the right fellow to operate a clrcu ur saw. GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS WONDER How they over got along without Rod Cross Ilnll Illuo. Thin really wondor fill bluo mnkes clothes whiter than enow. Get tho gonulno Red Cross Ball Bluo at your grocers. Adv. Of the (l."0 tons of lory hrutisht nn utiiilly lutd Kngliiud, Shcllleld con sumer n third. Acid - If$ That Makes Millions Sick and Suffer Mf I) dark not worth modi tn the tnin nr numtn nltb an aclil Momnch. Aclil ntinnicli kllla Hope Amlilllcn. l'ncrcy, (V.unigp. It mnn the utringth of llio itronRiat Ixfly linpovtrlnhrs lha tilnoit aunm untold milTi rlne rankra millions nvaL, unfit and btlmtn on pre nature old age. You know what acid month flora to tft-tli and iruina liow the acid llttrnlly riitH thrtniRli tbp hard cnoinct, causluj tho lrth to decay. Jiwt Imaglno, then, what havoc an ndd stomach mint ln to' tin- dpllontu organlinllon of tho utomach. MIIIIodh of PFupIn ar weak and unflh turfcrlnK all tlii tlinc, In one way or an other, from auperacldtty or ucld atomacti. They don't feera danceroui'ly rick. Juat alllnit. tlnlnit through life ncak, lUtliKi, itracKlng one foot after another. They're ncrrutix and Irrltalile; lack power auil punch, frequently harp aerero at tacks of hllndliiK, ppllltltig lieddacbea; auliject to AIM of melancholia nnd mentnl deprcimUiii. And nearly nlwaya their atoniaclH are out of order, eren thoiuh many experlinco no nctual nloinncli pntna llKeHtlim poor ncTtr rcIUiik anywhere near tho full ulrrtiEth from tin Ir food. So, ou ee, lt' Jiwt thl acid mom ach that In hoMlnr no many people hark aiMiliilt up the atretiKth they almiili! iret from thrlr fool Uklnit away their vlcor nnd tllallty leatluir them weak and lnclllclcut. Carter's little Liver Pills You Cannot be Jfclv A Remedy lhat Constipated and Happy Small Pill bmatl Doae SmaU 1'dca JirJnADTFD M?p)j0 "JDITTLE AKfi ' M PILLS, A'gES&Hai.SS pARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces but a. will rcatly help most palc-fnccd people One Dose of the Guaranteed Blackleg Vaccine Made by Dr. O. M. Franklin, the crlclnator. Is GUARANTEED TO PROTECT A CALF FOR LIPB AOAINST BLACKLEG. It hai etcod the test for over four years on over a million calves and our uaara . have every confidence In It. WE BACK THAT CONFIDENCE wllh a WRITTEN GUARANTEE Uyoa Mr wish, and chargo you fllty cents per dose. Or will send you the SAMS VACCINE fo forty cents per dose without the Cnarantee. We make ONE OUALITY OF VACCINB ONLY. Syrlnie for Injectlne, $2.50. Write us about It. Branch of nee at Alliance. Nek THE KANSAS BLACKLEG SERUM CO. 600 Live Stock Exchange Bid. DENVER. COLO. Aged 1st Sw&h Gases GUARANTEED TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE OR MONEY RCFUNDCD ASK ANY OHUGGla' Stop Losing Calves You can Stamp Abortion Oat uf YOUR HF.IID and KCCp It Ont Uy the use of On. DAVID POBCRT3 "Ant5 -Abortion" .Smnll Uxprme Pmlly Applied Sure tUiolts. Used atircriitully for 19 yrar. t'onnult Un DAVID IIODHRT8 nboiit nil ntilinul nllmrut. la foruintloti frcr. HmiiI for VltHB copvof t'lieCmtlr Spec lullit" with fall lnfor m itlon on Abortion in ( m DR, PA VIP ROBERTf VbrKKINMlVCO.. 100 Grind Ave. U u Wti. W Your Best Asset A Skin Cleared By PARKER'S HAIR BAL3AM A tnlltt pr'rwllon of nartl llrlpa to ir1lf ! d&nilraff. Tor Itettorinc Cotor mnA DeaiitytoGrrorrdM!Halr. ton.mHI oott l)fcgl.u. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 44-1010. Stomach Get rltl of (he exreax nclil. Thaft the utrtl of Kuxl heallh nud la the only way to obtain Kood iltKrwtlon and aiwUi. Ilatlon. It la the rlcbt way to be well and keep Btroiic Ordinary tonlca won't do any IukMmk kkm). Tho beat tber can do la to rpur up jour appetite. Wben the atlmulallne effecla wear off, you arc worao off than ever. A modern remedy make tt poaalbM to remoTO etccea acid without the allcbt cit dlHcomfurt. It la called KATONIO, In the form of pliaaant taatlng; tableta. Their action In the itomacb la a rood ileal like a phce of blotting paper taking up a drop of Ink they literally nlmorb the Injurloo. nce-s acid and carry It awny tbroush tho Inteatlnea. Ilegln ualng KATONIO right now to day and get on the road tn bounding, Tlgnroua, Tlbrant health. Thousand upon thouaniida of people who kare uaed KATONIO aro enthnvlaatlc In tta pralae. They aay they nerer dreamed that any thins could bring them aucb qnlck relief. 15ATOMO la absolutely guaranteed ao get a blK oOc box from your drugglat. If It doea tiot li"lp you your money will b nfiindod. If jour drucxliit dwa not keen KATONIO. aemt your name ini1 addrea to tho Itatonlo Ilemedy Cmnpanr, I01H H. Wabnxli Are., Chh'acn, III., and they wIM at once mull you a !UV box and you ran rend them tbe money for It after you re ceive It. Makes Life Worth Living enulne bear signature i?sisft f od ASTHMA iM J luticura boap AllilniBtlt- PnnB. Olntinrtit M M, Tlfnm M SmpL Mch frrfl of "Oatlnra. Dni rTCvIubT - 11 C4i2MJfrVl a Vs W 7 ml aaaaT:; B. Mhmr? I V K r Mm I BBB1 'a'atmmmmmml rC- sWJB -i jUbbbbI 7W OUMD I am hi ,,ii LYOIA E.PIHKHAM MtDICINE CO. LYIIN.MASS. Ail Ml p Vt WBmS&& z&