The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 07, 1918, Image 1

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- j?.s? "' --'v---: - --.--;.- v.278Sc, ;rr kj ---s:.e:' . --ra
A. NuHStiaiinr That tihcs The Krs Flf:-to Wcr.Us Ennli Year For $1.50
KcuGAx3!m vuav5ianEnn3UTrnuc&2ttpacxi.i73 w
aurrwrxaKJ9 wrftvwv
1MZ1) OLOIJI). XKi:H.Ai?h ... VOVUMHHII 7. 11S.
Iay up for a rainy day. Money in one's
pocket is often ;.pent on the spur of tin;
moment, while you think twice before
drawing on your bank account. The olio
sure way to save money is by depositing it in
a responsible bank. That is the only way to
.ptevent it from burning holes in your pocket.
Web&er County Bank
Capital and Surplus $35,000 Rd CUJ, Nebids'M.
Edward Florancc, President S. R. Florance, Cashier
n - w it a
vi w in i ra
h 9i u h a
tjives urn
F1 1?
. t
Great Reioicinff h in
The niTnstico, which means ab'stiitc surrender, 'was signed at'
two o'clock (European time) today, and the war tfoes on no more,
Word came over the wires ritVn- a that Germany had syinedJI
the armstice. Tw hours Intent'
iirmed. Bells ran out l h . tflad
schools were adjourned tii.r. thi
in a rejoicing the like of whk
and shouts, prayeV of thankfutl
10 lAiKS NtXUKER 15
I There is a Difference im
Leases .
rumor was oflkkilly con-
)(js, whistles splil the air,
Idren rii;'M join uores! rifled
ncvi-r Kr.ow ' efcro. Sc ns,
, praise to the Giver oi ail
jjood, made a day never to b fjpr ten.
An American Girl Ik France
"" m
i H
ft dertaking
Licensed Embalvicr in
, Kansas and Nebraska
, lioftc Hearse
Anfa Hearse
Complete Line of Up-to-date
Furniture, Rugs,'Bic
I'Vuihh' toitny liili now fxpi'itotiud
fir fVtT.Noiio and Clan Sulvitf, mi
AmiM'k'Mti plrl lists (,'oni' tln'ie to live
s-d Unit, sin; may t-oml to tli.) wotuun of
Hit- Uiiitcl Statoti tins tti-ws of tlmir
I'Ycndi sbteis us thi-y lnily fopo uidi
tin; di'tiills, of t lie war. Ami too, she
whiitb to suml lionio news of our boys
who are fightlnic fco piUtmtly to in:il:c
the world u mi for place to live in. In
Ciooil Houscla'upinir ftio ruiioriN, tier
Hitit iinpresl) after iirnviiijr in
Knuieo. To quote:
Just H tlifie Is lipLu-oen a rfuyft r f uto jjolil HDrt that
eontnlMlijtf Blioy. The liisiV?Bd . um un Uio iltuist
Hint enn Ho (mil. Jl'lieoo ,"inj" tn Hi tHIielt "-mii itto.
Hicui'd nut H thev nutly touiHSte ri-q irnment tif yoty
fHtUetiUr i".e rrniiM. 'nowQitt I t o eiiVf ul u bo lit
ttK, fj( T" 'iniUdr fif ti ('!Bjff.r K" ' 'WS t"'' i t
ii l.i .bf r.rcn'ii"' ri 'I'liv v-bjtyf.-fti. ' u' , ,
1 'tlrn.;c )' n n'lttlc- -I QKm)rti )'- ! ihli'
I mio (; mil: it , u".tf. Isrii Hit i il
e. ii'iKt.,ilv . I iitaUi flute
:.lf ',,( rt.i- i ;
tin (.vautt'tbeti bf!x- ''
Mi . .
I no woman with her heiul t)owri1
ti iinal tint railinjr. liur Kliht, Much-
"el i.i Diriiivaliiiiisihldileu bv lunswe. n.
In veil, mlnlit have heuii l'niiii'e her-
Or I tiiiiiiriiiiif; lier sons dead "lor liod
.,.. i i' " i.ti.. . i... i.. .
nil I VUUII1I.I, I'iril Vllllll! Mil' Ilk U.L
ckii lie anil prayed tliosy whom she
ltd I --eiit to tiihe ihelr places. As hIiu
prayed u hi until of air stirred the liar's
uhovu her lieail. Uut I saw ouly the
tsturn inn Stripob, symbol of the mini.
hou'd thai America is poiirim; out be '
fore ii scarlet nllar oinewheri! iu ,
And so I think there must eoino to
! ;.f
:v.- JF '' - l
a tire. n. & Q. Wc:tch Indpcctur I
........... t..i ii... ......
il 11UI11U11 LIllllC 1I1I.U Llli: C.1IL'. lllt'lC .. a . . t
, . , , , every amoncati who goes to J'ranee,
wns no in staking her. She wore a f0 OHoh , hjs ow, mn1(lll of
cIliiBiiiB Mil dress that set uir the 0verwlicl.iiiiMtMilUuton.
unrves of her llgnre. Iler faeo undei I .
a broMdhriinmeil. blaek velvet lint. iv:is ... I
prelly in a hard, pink and white way
Christmas Parcel Boxes
KORUOYS DVBIISBS AUH HHKK ied lips ourved; but there w:is no
ineriiinent in them, and her eyes, very
much (TarUclicd about the lashes, were
tericl-liUc. She came slowly down the
middle of the e.ife-liiintliitf She
lanced at every lnun. and slopped In
curve In v lips at. the three American rtlj0 .
nojs nioy iiiiido no si!ii, ana she , ,i.,..-.i .. i . i
.. . ... ., , . , II) Army nutliorules undor (jfiicral
wallied mi with llitt ntlduliitli)' uiuVe- i. ,,.w ,., . , . .
... . ., . urshliiK me i.ssuui!,' a Christmas
meiit that is u part of the Kreiich ... , . , . , . . . . '
' , .... lGl lubol t.i each man, to each limn
street woiimn'b techniiiiie. 1 looked, ,,, , . , ., , . ,
i ifi I v rut it f ti in tiiiditi fit it- k-iit i i .-., A
.--, vt IllllilllU III I I II llll I '
'1'ho Local Ued Cross orjjanlz ition
has received tie- t:hrlstinas parcel t.uxi s
; for the hoys mer-sAas and they will
tiu (urtiislied under the following rej;ti-
? "
wwwiw .j mwm.wtvmttm ummipi
mtnmmmMWttimmimm'mi,immmaimummim-tmiA4Z4&i,im,imt,nM-miilMkmBttM m
wni MiwiwiifmiriiiWiiirawjiMWHii 'Miinii wtMWtiwwiM wurww wvi wi wihw w hhiw wfi
iiBiiriimi him ! rnrw imrri inrnnrrm ifniirnrnairi rirn i i irwuwiiniiiiiiimriiiwi tit
m n TiriTTir 1 n t" 1 T"-1 -i i ,..... rr a i imm ti i r-rnniw
Open Day and Night
i i w wximim iwm www uph iwim i4 iMinnnunfc
Powell & Pope
at the three Americans lo sun wiutt
they thought. It was ea&y to lull.
Hi mist was written nil ovor thoo
fice.. Slio was ropnUtvu to them
Tiny were just tinea typiei) Amerle.i'i.'
boyM, youiiu; and clean and d cent, nml
inmiiicbivcly tlu-y loathed the horrUne,
fomtnurcliil vulgarity of the fctjcii
wuiiinn of Kriwice. 1 watideicdMiboui
in tho old part of P,ui6. flri urufcii'i.T
tlm belnc ntid strolling Ihni tno flowei
-Marllbt,.' . All Pulls l pa-lojititel
fond of children, of flowers tiurf il
dons. Many of the cliildroii hiivtUieen
l.tlum away from thoe.hy now, outlln
llowers ami tho doys tiro everywlimi'
The market was it muss of bloom loud
ud by iritri'tllons old women who press
ed upon you bouquets of det p purple
violets and red ramlilir ro-.ts and
would have lilted to have you piuiiliase
Kieat plants of tiluu hvilriiiif;im. Soon !
I was niiirooked, cobbled sieetft where
low hoiisus had their windows filled1
with llowers and u linnet in aoiiej
swim; ontsioe tliu door Iu a court
odeuiiiff out of u nanow aluy I came
nji'jii a oliurch. It had been built be.
lure Americ.i was discovered. Outside
it was a (,'reiil iron e!ie iiiu-e UHtiil as a
pluee of piiniidimont for the wroii'
doers of the community but now over
grown with vinos and Jlorteis.
1 turned back to Notre Damn. The
"illy one. i'niM measure it.
')' shipping miice limitatluiis.
('J) Thy will be instructs; to
llltl tills, i.iot'l homo, tllliMU receiving
i will piecmt Itto thetienreitOhaiiler
u Drench siiuli other place us simll
i (Icsljjmit' l by the lieu Gnfss. '1 hey
' vHl fccciue i hi enrton.
(3) The eracm Vncetvlag uiirton
wll Hli it with any cunibiuaiiuti ol
irllulofi Whlell will 1IU it nml
ire Hot ban. ( 'by the Post Odlee de
l.'irtffloiit. When omplntely picked
--tjulivjhdy l"i- nmlliun the weilit of
lie uHi'ton must imi ixceuit I luce
1 1'iunds.
(!) Piu'ls rendy for shlpmunt will
by presented at place desintmtud.u lu:in
' Ketl Cross lepre&eiitatives will examine
I ho contents In presence of the party
)0W ,J$rA xMii
'' L . mSBF i
Jw- .- i.Mv?j& 8
wibms isn
(ii) exclude liny article burred by
the Post O.lico depirtmeiil;
(bj jemuve iiny notes or inessaes
f.iiuul tinioiig coittt'litsi
(e) wrap, tic ntid wuih purcel;
(d) I'laie on the p.iteel the . Christ
ants pin eel label received from abroad
I li"iirluj,' the address of tho man for
, v. Iiom it i- intended. The prsun
iiiIIiik tb" p ucol shall Hihii nlllx sii'-
ti-'Iout s'.mips to cirry the pinvi to
() The lied Cross inspection lubtl
liiitlfyin,,' as to tlm inspi'etlou sli-tll
! conveniences 13
electricity bringa iv
I i Sc
1 70
m :
Mits Qn-'EleQtd&r
Yaaa'feoJiaelasad make
Hov rnc:.y times I.ave you re
solved to have electricity in your
homc--"scmo da)r?" Nowyou
can afford it.
Nut only have special ratsa for wir
irg been arranged for ihta campaign
L..t tho three-fold economy cf EDISON
KA2DA Lampa- -which qws three
limes a3 much light ns old-stylo car
bon lamps will help you pay the cost.
And the whole family will enjoy the
benefit of electric service that makes
possible innumerable comforta and con
veniences such an the electric toaster,
flatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner.
Let us explain the saving you can mako
by having your house wired now.
T V.
y v 7jr-; jr v Tr 7 ,v 'v
(rri-nt iliinr. tlt-it Vilni' lln t, i f1.tuilli
ed as -each one a p.iffe of history" ,e "'" .lwel ol, p.mvl.
covered now with false one, built to I . , l ;"r.u1lh for Hhlp.m.Ht hI,.,I1
ii-.ii.iiii in inn uiisLuuy in iue lion v loss
until delivered to tho JAM OUk-e
Plumhiilfr Ht:iilin-jr lzvsri t!iintr
." -""- JV iw. . , .-ww..- ij
iwjiitwggiinyj;gjrxrqgj;aaTJTciajcntj. y -
Chief ads Pay You
withstsnd air attacks, isaudba's me
bolnp; rephiei'd by their more durable
forms of protection. lint, inside the
jji'OHt cathodral there was thu biuiid
dlmk millions li-ht (hat has dwelt
there thru the iit,V3, the same loftiness
nml vasttiess, and mint her tfunerntion
of human beings hneelinp; ln the
plndows. I p'tsspd miny iiltur; find
then 1 Jcame t.o 'one wheie a liu'le
(einde Was huininif. A .oiihii knelt
bnfore If fiver tf wern the words:
imio ni:u JOT PAL' It I A
And the Htte," of all the Allies liunj,'
authorities. '
xo pAit'ur shall m: accept-
HI) AKTBU NOV. l.'.th.
C. 1 Cauieii, Chiilriiiiui.
Wher) Best Work Is Dons.
Work Ik only done well when It I.i
tlono with it wlI; and, ng innti Iiuh a
thorouRlily sound will unless lie lenows
ho Is doliik' whnt ho bhouUl,- nml Is
In his place Ituskln.
Hamilton - Gather
Clothing Co.
Kverythlng Mam
or Boy Woara
On Rcadlnq the rtCKjra.
Vollnlri' paid, In KpoaWnT of soclnl
revolution: "Thoro Is no dntiKPr In
tlio nine-volume philosophical rncyclo.
ppdln. hut watch out for the pamphlet
that Ills Into the sldo cont pocket nml
Bolls for n fow sous."-Cottroll's JIags
nzlnc. I
Farm Louns
I am ready to make farm loans in
any amount at lowest rates, best
terms and option. Absolutely no de
lay and no inspection expense. Solo
atjent for Trevctt, Mattis and linker.
Some private money,
i J. H. BAILEY. .
g"""T ti"4