RED OLOUD. NEBRASKA. OHIKr "Wzs m.'" hi armwrarMiiirawi vi win rmmm hit ' u v "" tmnmiaiKitt THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Hod Cloud, Nebraska 'UULISHKD F.VERY THURSDAY ?utcred In tho 1'cMtolllcc nt Hid I loud, Nob as Second (,'lius Matter RnniHiJHniiiiniH.mniniiiimHnniiiiniiiinf,iiiii-iiniiiiirMii.niin:' 't;aiiit;.; n miiiraiii!'" ii'iiiiin''i'iiFiii,iiirainifiiiiiDia;ii m i j : F. L. BROWNC. Ed.ior .nd Man.te FRANK1 J. MUNDAy- ArrORNCVATLAWijV. RED CLOUD- N EBR'A tilt! ONJ..Y OKMOOHATtU I'AI'KU WEI1HTKH COUNTY IN .'ji t" ' , SvtErjgt " iijMiiiiiiHiiiliiiiH Vf-P R"B fe If in- i CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY DEMOCRATIC October 29. 1910 TO THE VOTERS OF WEBSTER COUNTY: I am a candidate for re-election as County Attorney. You can best judc of my fitness for this office by my past conduct of the oilice. , , i. . . ,i I have endeavored at all times to make the office efficient and to n -Id the ex penses down to the lowest point consistent with good service. The following complaints have been filed during tho past two y arj. 1lHmUn.if.ui9.l Vz.rrt.rv Ji iurtflPry i JLi.iicuny i w. ........, ;... ., Y ,i..-.i.i:;,i n hr.HK .1 L'llilW one 1 uuiuuiiii A Question ? To the Voters of Red Cloud: Why is E. U. Over man working so hard to defeat Frank Huffer ? Democratic Central Committee. Tuesday is the day. - tho slogan. "Over tho toj) Asking for united support Wiishlng. 'II, Lincoln. McKiuby, ttml uthei vcvlveil It Why not Wilson? Wife Desertion '1 lV.'.n' Warrant 1 Liquor 7 Spccdiii'l o A. i'iUJ Ldultcry 1 I)i-!innucncy 2 Misuse of Flag 1 P fl sault Search Warrant 1 This inaku-j a total of 79 cas.:s There has been about CMO in fines alone collected Trom these cases for he county and costs or about 475.00. besides'these fines and costs some defendants have been sentenced and in others fines were imposed and-laid out. Some defendants were paroled. These fines collected for the county greatly exceed all other costs paid out by the county in all other prosecutions. Thus making the oilice more than self sustaining in the matter of prosecutions. , Since the new prohibition law went into effect on May 1. 1917 I have prosecuted 27 cases for bootlegging, possession of liquor and drunkenness. Ot these il cases in every cose that came to hearing the defendant was fined. In a few cases the line was suspended by the court. In these cases there were 5610.00 in lines alone collected be sides costs. " The tax case of Webster County vs C. 1). & Q. Railroad Company was won in the Supreme Court of Nebraska for tlye county. . . During my term nothing has been paid by the county for other legal services. I regret that the central committee of the honorable opposing7 political party saw fit to make a personal allusion to my candidacy in letters recently mailed over the county as I think in a lural election that personalties are out of place. However tins committee is mistaken, for Do not the voters want to know what attorney will act as their county attorney? The county attorney has important duties that require the attention of some one attorney. I have boon a resident of southwestern Nebraska most of my life and am a grad uate of the Nebraska College of law and also the University of Nebraska. I am- mar ried and have three children. I hope that I may merit your support at tho coming election. Yours truly, FRANK J. MUNDAY. riiMrtiimmj7.!,iu ixir 'aifroMnOTa'iffmiM - There is one thing that doesn't jnat- r, and that is the minieiical strength f our nmjoiity. Make Euro that Hip I'Uijority does not fiUl by lack ot' YOUR vote. One final admonition to our dmo natic constituency. Over-confidence has lost many a good battle. Make -uro that your ballot is marked and voted next Tuesday. Hrin or shine, get out and vote! Go over the I top! The Ajgiis iu polities stilos that I plus I lhs 1 cqiuils 1. The Advertiser It-votes a c iluinn and n hulf to t-x- i lilulng why this is Huh Thn Chief itigni.s in its l;iv listening to the ' horns. "Slue on!" To the Voters of Webster County jag I Owing to my duties as Deputy County Clerk and ? the large amount oJ Government "or War" work that has necessarily been added 1 o my other duties, , I have been unable to make a personal campaign lor the office of County Treasurer, for which office, I am the Democratic Candidate. I sincerely apprc v ciate all favors that have been shown mc,x and if 4 elected to the office o County Treasurer will de li vote my whole time and energy to the faithful per E formance of the duties of the office. h I have had the necessary training to qualify me I to take charge o this office and by your vote hope J to be able to attain the goal. Thanking you in advance for your favorable vote, I remain sincerely yours, 1 ' ALBERT V. DUCKER. i3 Is tJimiiiiMfflM TO THE VOTERS OP WEBSTER COUNTY: I am writing you as I will probably not get an opportunity to see you personally. I have served only one two-year term as your Sheriff and I am now asking you to re-elect me believing that I am deserving of a second term. I have carefully carried out the law, as you elected me to do, and have without fear or favor run down gamblers and bootleggers. The office has been run with as little expense as possible the last two years, and Ishall have no extra claim against the county when my term of office expires. My wife and I have licved in Vebster county 35 years and we have raised a family of 10 children. We have one son who is now in the United States Naval Service. The office of Sheriff has had many important duties the last two vears and I have Derformed them as .lustlv as I knew how. The office of Sheriff is an important one and the duties demand honest and fair dealings of the sheriff. Hoping that I may have your support on November 5th, I am Yours Respectfully, FRANK HUFFER. Meaning of Democratic Success in Nebraska WILSON SAYSr "K jou have approval of my lead-ji'shio and wihh me to continue to be your ui embai: -cd spokesman in atl'aiis nt home and a! roml 1 earnestly bep; that you will en .s your f unmistakably to that effect by returning a dem-ocrntic majority to both the Senate and IIoi ; of Representatives. It the control of the House and the Senate should be taken away from the party now i power an nmjoiity could juv.umo control of Legtelat'cn and oblige all action to i ? taken amidst contest nd obstruction. The return of a Hi publican majority to either House of tho Congress would .moreover ' j interpreted on the other .side of the water as a repudiation of my leadership." DEMOCRATIC SUCCESS MEANS: Anl don't forgot for County Civile 11. V. Perry; for SheriJl" 1'ranU Ilnlferj for.Ccmnty Aosuor C. C Sunn; for Oiuiity ComtriNsbiner 3d OUt. C. h iVIokwlro; for County CoinmU'lonor ". h Plst. .!. V Hamilton Tho othcis re mentioned e'selnM-e In thj. i-sue. HMllIIH'lim ! i Hindenberg talks lor peace and the rown prince gives outers to continue ght'iig. -Tho German- diplomatic nesaages claim change to popular 'overnment and the war louts con- , imto to dielato. Its tho same old ramo but the cards are on the table iface up and the world cannot be ft; thci' deceived. imwiiiiiiniii Trmm Rx-Congreasinun Andrews nuikei considerable disturbance in tho am bient atmospheio elucidating alleged errors on tho part of Congressman Shallonhcrger anent voting on wai mea.-uies. Without entering into argument pio and con, We call atten tion to the fact that Mr. Andiew' arraignment of of Sliallenbciger is a condemnation of Norris. Politics adjourned? Not so you can notice it! Theoictically it looks good; practically it would be distinctly prop er and thoroughly American. But as a matter of cold fact party lines are being drawn snug as election ap proaches and real adjournment is scheduled for November Gth. Presi dent Wilson sounds a note of warning admonishing demociats not to waver at the polls nest Tuesday. i ii i,)!1; f i' . .! UiUiT.itI.tit 1 lull' lJ m yB ji la itnsuaii i h. a : UfflllFCfl : "I1' I "l1v '. r , 3d utiday9 Mc51 RV. On Account of Safety to Health j'7 r :w 'iTtl JZ-ll The re-election of Nebraska's war Clov ernor, KEITH NEVILLE. He has faithfully redeemed his pledges and his experience in coordinating state with Federal wiir work is an as.set in" the prosecution of tho war. Tho election of V. U. 1MNNING for Lieutenant Governor. He is a successful bus iness man and farmer and U a member of the State IJoard of Agriculture and the State Horticultural Society. The election of HUGH L. COOPER for Secretary of State. lie has been deputy for nearly four years and is familiar with the duties of the office. The election of J. S. CANADA Y for State Treasurer. He has been treasurer of Kearney county for two terms and is presi dent of the Farmers Grain and Live Stock Association of Nebraska. The election of EUGENE P. MUM FORD for State Auditor. lie was private secretary for Ex-Governor Morehead and has since been engaged in the abstract and insur ance business. His ability and experience qualify him for the office. The election of GEORGE W. RERGE for Attorney General. lie is a well kno n lawyer' and his election will place the lev d department in able hands. The re-election of G. L. SHUMWAY for Land Commissioner. His record is aUe criticism. The election of KDW. ( SIMMONS for Railway Commissioner. He is an c.pit Civil Engineer and is eminently qualified to render valuable service in this office. The election of EX-GOVERNOR MORE HEAD to the II. S. Senate. No man is more familiar with tho State of Nebraska and its needs than Mr. Morehead. His administia, tion as Governor is' conceded "to be one of. the most successful and strictly business like the state has ever enjoyed. He will whole-heartedly support tho President in the prosecution-of the war and reconstruc tion measures. The election of ASIITON C. SHALLEX RERGER to Congress from the Gth District. The president needs his assistance in con gress and his election will mean that the people of this district are truly represented in congress. Authoritaticc Opinions President Wilson is calling for'ic turn of a democratic majority does not imply disloyalty, does not imply lack of deep appieeialion for assis tance rcndcicd by any political party or person, lie follows logically the precedents heretofore- established and appiowd as follows; , "lief usul to Mutr.fn tho president will be read as a refusal to sustain tho war." lloosevelt. "If Y2id goes forth thnt tho people of the United States are standing solidly behind tho president ths-task of the peace commissioners will be easy." Harrison "If wo fail to stand, b"y tho pteui- dent now it is equivalent to saying we repudiate the war and its results." Senator Lodge "Thn president appeals to the na tional spirit. It is difficult to overou timate tho supremo importance of su.-taining the president." Senator Penroo. "The war (Spanish American war) ramo while the republican adminis tration was in power and must now be settled by that administration. What he, (tho president) wants is the support of the bouse of representa tives." Senator Forakor. "Tho only way to secuie contin ued unity of command in America is to return a congress in full sym pathy with the president." Secretary McAdoo. You Are Losing, Money K you don't sell your cream to tho 1'nrmers I'lilou Co-oper. tlvo Company mid receive the dividends. lOtf K Judge O. E. Shelburn, a noted lawyer in Western Nebraska, who was County Attorney while Mr. Beebe was County Judge, boosts him for le gisla ture. Alma, Nebraska, October 25, 1918 J. L. Becbe, Red Cloud, Neb. Esteemed Friend: I was pleased to learn of your nomination for the office of Represen tative ton Webster County, and 1 trust that you will be successful at the general election. Judging from the ability .with which you handled the office of County Judge of this county and from the intelligent interest you have always taken m public affairs and in the public welfare, 1 feel that the people of Web ' sler County wijl be making a mistake if they do not elect you this fall. With best wishes for your success, I remain sincerely yours, O. E. SHELBURN. fe" October 31 Today The government ouleid go into ef fect at midnight and it in our pat riotic ami cheerful duty to obey. Friend and stianger fare alike if not paid in accordance with tho ruling we must stop tho paper. However, if you are one of the lim ited number whom we have accomo dated with credit, you can renew be fore next week's issue and thereby not lose the story. Considering tho storm and other obstacles wo hereby extend all pre vious offers for one more week. 1.50 still entitles you to a year's sub scription, but you will have to hurry. Cost forces us to advance the price soon. To thofo whom wo have trusted: Como in and fettle up and prove that our confidence in you was not mis placed. Come in and talk it over anyway. Friday'.? State Journal contain a picture of Ivor Vilas Stewart; a member of Company L Fifth N. N. G., who left Gothenburg, on Septem ber 1-1, 1017, leaving for overseaso duty Juno 29th and killed in action in Franco September 1st. The young man is a cousin .of Attorney B. W. Stewart, of this city, and was one of seven of a like relationship to this gentleman now serving Uncle Sam, together with one brother, and a brother-in-law, and another brother to go in the next call. For Sale Iminiincd Dnroc Jersey boars ami gilts of .March farrow. Splendid blood lines Owner U in t'io army and entire registered herd Is to bo bold. For particulars tuldrcds Goorgo J. Spohn, phouu :i!)0lj, Stipcilor, Neb. " 13-2 efr4.4 -tKm . fc Ittyw 'MuwmmmiHxafrrw-'HmA-K-tr MHiniWWWXi'aWTtsT.a)W.;jw-n-r a