The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1918, Image 3

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Miss Ivy Grny, Falrview,
Kentucky, writes:
- "I, .hnvo taken Tcrurm, nnd
wou Id say that It la the best
medicine for couglia nnd colda I
over saw. I flint tlmt It nltvnyN
cnreM n colrt In n nhort while. It
nlso Rtrennthenu nnU builds up
tho Bystsin."
Sold Everrrrhere
I Ever
Mlsa Orny'B letter breathos
bono to tho ailing. It Is nn In
spiration to tho sick nnd Inflrm.
Liquid or Tablet Korm
How Acid-Stomach
Wrecks Health
of Millions
Mtny ppoplo make tho ralnlaL'p of
thlnklus tliat r.clil-fctomnch mipcracld
lly ns the doctors call 11 mrrul) iiir.tns
nn occanlounl nllnck of lndlgrMlon,
bloat, lirnrtliurn, bridling, tour, Kiimy
loninch, or some other such minor ail
ment quickly remcillcil or will cun lt
olf ami ltatu nn acrlnu after effects.
Aa a matter of fact mipcrncldltr ta r
apcii'tlilc for a long truln nf minus nil
mi'iila that cause awful mlTirlni; mid
vomvtlmea unfile tho tx'St molloul skill.
It Is a well established fact that tinny
cases of chronic KMmnch trouble, an
emia, stomatitis, Kimtrltls, rheninatlsm,
gout, lumbiicn, clrrlioali of the liter,
auto Intoxlrntlon, flrwiwln, catarrh of
tho tomnch. Intestinal ulcer, cancer of
the stomach, and frequently valrulnr
heart trouble and heart failure, can be
traced illrectl) to nit acid-stomach.
This Is not at all surprising when am
consider that etrn the acid formed In the
mouth from fermentation of bits of food
lodged In the teeth an acid that U ac
tually tnstolrm Is yet powerful enough
to eat through tho hard enamel of tle
teeth and Hcny them. Is It any wonder,
then, tint an excenh amount of acid In
tho stomach causes so much misery,
undermines the atrpnetb and wrecks the
health and happiness of so many pcoploT
la It not a fact, within the ramie of your
own obserratlon, that nine peoplo out of
ten are Tlctlms of acldtomnchi
If you ever hope to be well and alronj
yon must pet rid of thit excess acid.
Nothing Is gained by taking medicluca
which merely stimulate and giro one n
false sense of strength and that Icivo
the excess acid still In the Btoiuach, You
must depend upon your -food for ydur
strength and unless yon keep your
itomach free from -xc'n uclil. pure,
weet And strong. It cannot properly
digest food! your whole Iwdy sullers.
What you want Is relief yes nnd
hero Is the way absolutely gunranleed
you take no chance. It's been tested
tens of thousands of times with unltirsal
success. Go to your druggist and get
Juit one package of KATOMO, a won
derful preparation that will literally
wipe tho excess acidity nut of your
stomach. The results obtained art
nothing short of marvelous. Almost lti
stantly It relieves that painful, puffed
up feeling after eating, belching, heart
burn, sour stomach, etc. Makes the
stomach feel cool and comfortable.
If you need this help It's jour own
fault If ou suffer another day.
EATONIC Is absolutely guaranteed, fc
get A big oOc box from your druggist. It
It does not help you your money will bo
refunded. If yonr druggist does not keep
EATONIC, send your name and address to
the Katonlc Hemedy Company, 1018 H.
Wabash Ate., Chicago, 111., and they will
at nnco mall you n Cue box. and you can
send them the money for It after you re
ceive It.
Cures tho sick and acts as a preventative for others.
T.I (in Id Riven on tho tongue. Safo for brood marcs and
nil others. Best kidney remedy, fio conts n bottle, Jf.60 a
dozer.. Sold by nil druKlHts and turf goods houses, or
sent, exptrss paid, by tho manufacturers. Iiooklet, "Dis
temper. Catiso nnd Cure," free.
SI'OIIN MUDICAI, CO., nnnlirn, Intl., U. S. A.
The Art of Kindness.
As nn elderly married couple were
passing up a street, n Intly on the op
posite sldo stubbed her toe nnd fell
Tho old gentleman rushed across
tho street, raised his hat, nnd offered
to nsslst her In any possible way.
The wife followed him across at n
Blow pace, and, witnessing his devo
tion to the stranger, slip got mad, and
shoolc her fist nt him.
"It's nil right It's nil right I" ho
v. ilspered.
"Yes, I know It Is," she hotly ex
cUlmed. "Ilere an unknown woman
stubs her toe, and you plow ncross
the street' to cat her up with kindness.
The other day. when I fell downstnlrs,
jou stood at the bottom nnd laughed
gind chuckled mid tickled your ribs,
p nd wanted to know If I was Imitating
Charlie Chnplln." Adelaide (Austra
lia) Chronicle.
Kinder (confldentlul-Ilke) Suy, they
wll me that Mr. Spooncyhnsn't spoken
a word to his wife for nearly u month.
Mn. Scandnllzed Tho very Idea,
ftnd them so lovey-lovey, tool What
Is tho mutter?
Kidder She's away visiting.
Hlo Philanthropic Action.
"rhy," we asked, "did you become
n hermit, nnd why do you continue to
hem hero in this vast wilderness?"
"Because," he replied, "I love my
fellow men nnd like onions." Kansas
City Star.
Itching Burning 8klns.
For cczemns, rashes, ltchlngs, irrita
tions, pimples, dnndruff, sore hands,
nnd bnby humors, Cutlcurn Sonp nnd
Ointment nro supremely effective. For
freo snmplcs address "Cutlcurn, Dept.
X, Boston." At druggists nnd by mull.
Sonp 25, Ointment 25 nnd 50. Adv.
Ot Course.
"There Is something funny about
that Icglslntlvo bill."
"Nnturnlly, It hns n Joker In It."
A friendly greeting mny seem bois
terous because of tho- strong heart
pressuro behind It.
While the Boss Is Away.
The following notice scrawled on
the wnll of his hut by n nnnnnaland
(Australia) timber cutter:
"You nil tnko this notice. I luivo
Kono to fljiht the Germans, nnd I don't
know when I'm coming back; some
body chip round my humpy against
grass fire. All my bullocks Is sold ex
cept Sambo, him with the cockhorn.
Anyone finding him can sell him to
tho butcher and mind tho money
till I come back."
Snmbo hns been collected nnd his
price ($50) bnnked against the boss'
return. Tho bumpy (shack) Is regu
lnrly chipped round, and anyone who
Interfered with the old wagon rust
Ing outside, or the gear piled against
the wnll would have to fight tho wholo
"Cold In the Head"
Is an acutd attack of Nasal Catarrh. Per.
sons who aro subject to frequent "colds
In 'tho head" will nnd that the use of
build up tho 8ystem, cleanse tho Blood
and render them less liable to colds.
Repeated attacks of Acuto Catarrh may.
lend to Chronic Cntarrli.
en Internally and nets through tho Blood
on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho System.
All DruKglsts 76c. Testimonials free.
$100.00 for any ease of catnrrh that
F.'JT. Chenoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
A Question.
"Yes, my husbund Js n bnsebnll
"And does ho conflno his crankiness
to thnt subject?" Louisville Courier-Journal.
The Limit.
"So you hnve promised to mnko
Cholly hnppy, eh?"
"I've agreed to marry him. That's
Scarce and Rare.
"This steak ten't hnlf cooked I"
"That's nothing new. Well done
meat Is rare here." Cornell Widow.
Mnny n mun follows tho races be
cnuso ho Is unnblo to get abend of
Be patient. It's nnturnl for boys to
yell, nnd girls to giggle.
Do yon foci tired nnd "worn-out?"
Aro you nervous and Irritable? Don't
eleep well at night? IIuvp a "dragged
out," unrested feeling when you get
up In the morning? Dizzy spells? Bil
ious? Bad tasto In tho mouth, back
ache, pain or soreness In tho loins,
nnd abdomen? Severo distress when
urinating, bloody, cloudy urine or ecd
Iment? All these Indicate grnvel or
stone In thojblndder, or that tho poi
sonous microbes, which nro always In
your system, linvo attneked your kid
neys. You should uso GOLD MEDAL
ITanrlem Oil Capsules Immediately.
Tho oil souks gently Into tho walls
and lining of the kidneys, nnd tho lit
tle poisonous nnlmnl germs, which nro
causing tho Inflammation, nre Imme
diately attacked nnd chnsed out of
your system without inconvenlenco or
Don't Ignore tho "llttlo pains nnd
aches," especially backaches. They
may bo llttlo now but thcro Is no tell
ing how soon a dangerous or fntul dis
ease of which they aro tho forerun
ners may show itself. Go nfter"tho
cause of that backache nt once, or you
may find yourself In tho grip of an in
curablo disease.
Do not delay a minute. Go to your
druggist nnd insist on his supplying
you with n box of GOLD MEDAL
Ilnnrlom Oil Capcules. In 21 hours
you will feci renewed henlth nnd vigor.
After you have cured yourself, con
tinue to tnke ono or two Cnpsulps
ench dny so ns to keep in flrst-clnsn
condition, und wnrd off tho danger of
future nttneks. Money refunded If
they do not help you, Ask for tho
orlglnnl Imported GOLD MEDAL
brand, nnd thus bo suro of getting tho
genuine. Adv.
Strange Old Man in Missouri
Who Embittered the
Suspected of Setting Fires and De
stroying Grain, Ho Is Waylaid at
Night by Angry Neighbors
and Killed.
Kansas City. High up n lonctv
cabin, on an elevation In an overlie
district of the Missouri river, for mor
than JI0 years the mysterious "yai'
doctor" of Charlton county brewed h.
medicines from herbs of the forest an i
made prophecies to the country foil.
Who he was or where lie came fro:i
no one ever knew, lie gave his nan.
ns Sturman, but be never revealed b
true Identity. Ills prophecies of deaii
nnd calamity came true so surely ths i
the people of the vicinity accredit i
him with the powers of a wizard nn '
reared him.
It Is said that ho predicted the pre
Diit world war, declaring way hack
tho early seventies tlmt "In tho la-i
part of the first tpiiirfer of tho i"
century the harvest Ileitis will he
stripped of their gleaners, as they wlU
be lighting a foe on n foreign soil, wltn
weapons not seen before."
All of his remedies the old doctor
prepared in a room which he allowed
no one to else to enter. Tho gra.
weather-beaten house .straddled the
mound like u drunken horseman, look
ing as if at any time It might reel into
the lap of the swamp lauds below.
A Tall, Bent Figure.
The nppenrnnee of the old Innn wni
In keeping with his habitation. A tall,
bent figure humped over n cane;
black eyes tlmt glittered under
Manufacturers and Dealers Hnve Much
to Tell the Public, Through tho
Newspaper Columns.
Keep posted for conditions arc
changing from day to day mid tho,
past is unlike the present. J
Save tlmt for time, your time, tho
clerk's time, the dealer's time, the
manufacturer's time, is tho nation's
most important asset.
Manufacturers will ncccssnrlly linvo i
to curtail their salesmen on tho road, I
and the only substitute for salesmen
Is "silent salesmanship," I. e., printed
advertising. Therefore retailers will:
bo asked to send their orders for iner-l
chaudlse by mall, and the best way
for manufacturers to mnkc thousands,
of calls on retailers without employ-
ing salesmen Is through printed ad
vertising. Advertising, too, must be used to
tell you why you cannot buy certain
goods, nnd to continue, the good will
and trademark value of such manu
facturers in the minds of the cont
emner nnd tho dealer so that, after
we win the war, the sale of such prod-,
nets can be Increased ami multiplied.
During the past four years no auto
mobiles hnve been sold or offered for.
sale In (bent Britain, yet the manu
facturers of automobiles have con
tinued their advertising unabitrVd
with, the full approval of the govern
ment, nnd their good will anil stand
ing with the buyers will bo 100 per
cent after tho war, rather than, say,
10 per cent If they had discontinued
their advertising.
So read advertisements to keep
posted ns to what to buy and nlso to
be Informed why you cannot buy ccr
talu brands of goods because their
manufacturers are devoting nil of
their time to building war products to
help win the war, ami keep n warm
spot in your heart for tho goods no
longer available on the dcnlers'
shelves, because they, too, like our
boys overseas, will "come back" after
the war and renew old friendships,
and we wunt to be rendy with our vlc
1 tory celebration nnd say "Welcome
home again, advertised product your
company did good work for Undo
Sam and wo nre going to show our
appreciation by buying even more of
such products than before the war."
In thnt way the advertiser's good
will will be maintained and ho will
draw dividends In Increased sales
after the wnr to make up for tho loss
of trade during the war.
Was Ambushed and Killed.
thntchllkc eyebrows; long, unknpV,
beard nnd hnlr, surmounted by n coon
skin cnp. f
The sight of him coming down tin
road in ills ramshackle buggy, drawn
by a rickety old gray mare, made tho
children scamper from the roadside.
The old man was a cripple when ho
mysteriously put In ills nppenrunce la
the Missouri township, Ho was utile to
get uround only by means of his horse
and buggy. Although ho gave freely
nnd without chnrge of his remedies,
he refused to "neighbor" ivlth anyone.
As he sipped his toddy in the little
crosB-.ronds storo ho quarreled with
tho bystanders. lie wts constantly
engnged In some lawsuit nnd made
mnny bitter enemies.
And then thero camo ft July night
when tho men of the community decid
ed tho old doctor hud been n neighbor
hood nulsnuco long enough. Thcro
had been several fires in the township.
Buggy-wheel bracks were seen In tho
vicinity of each. Following the flrea
n number of Bncks of wheat thnt wero
loaded tit tho old Kpytcsvllle landing
ready to bo shipped to KnnsnsCIty
wero cut ono night and thousands of
bushels of grain lost. Tho snnio
wheel tracks were seen nenr the land
ing. Tho community was enraged.
Tho old "ynrb doctor" was held re
sponsible. The next afternoon, as ho was Jog
ging homownrd, a number of men nm
bushed In tho lonely road riddled his
body with bullets and hastily burled
him in a shnllow grave.
Superstitious Fear.
Tho community approved", but Inter
on a dozen men were arrested for tho
murder. m When the court ordored tho
hotly of "tho murdered trim to be ex
humed tho wholo neighborhood was
nlarmed. They fenred life might como
again to the old doctor. Prayer meet
ings In tho churches nnd at tho old
canip-mectlug ground wero set for fho
Each man nrrcstcd, howovor, proved
an alibi. Tho prosecution was sudden
ly ended. Tho body was supposedly
nulled up in ? walnut box and burled
In a deep grnvo. T.'i neighborhood
rested easier.
The grnvo in tho woods, however, Is
"' i bn a haunted spot
Monarch's Hobby Is Botany.
King Ferdinand of Bulgarin is snltl
to have ono redeeming virtue. Ho Is
considered the best botanist In eastern
Europe. At his Hummer resldcnco
Juwt under Musnlla, the highest peak
of the Rhodope range, he has, or used
to have, n wonderful rock-garden
where not only Alpine and sub-Alpine
plants aro grown, but even representa
tive specimens from England, as well
ns ninny rare nntlve Bulgarian moun
tain plants. Tltese Inst linvo peculiar
scientific Interest, for, while some of
them nre mere varieties of Carpathian
or Alpino types, others correspond
closely to those of the Cnucasus nnd
Asiatic highlands thus dating from
n period before the two continents
were divided by tho Dnrdnnelles
while n few others, like the lovely Bul
gar Inn gentlnn, nre Indigenous flowen
not found elsewhere. But summci
MJcceeds so quickly to tho tlmo oi
melting snows thnt tho full glory ot
spring flowers on tho Ilhodope rang!
Is seldom seen except by the shep
herds of the mountain pnstnrcs.
Candy's Value Recognized.
Fifty years ngo tho candy of th
country wns almost lnvurlnbly hare'
and conrsc, nnd much of It unwholo
some. Now the mnktng of It hns bo
como a fine nrr, and tho wizard o
concoction and flavoring hns a for
tuno nt his commnnd. Pure candy
In moderate quantities Is no longer
regarded as a menace to the healthy
stomach. It has been eent to Ameri
can nnd British soldiers, while wo
hnve a recent, unconfirmed tradition
thnt the lure of the gumdrop will en
list nn Eskimo to almost any service.
As candy tukes its place among the
articles thnt go to mnko up high liv
ing, wo mny nssumo thnt Its consump
tion, even per capltn, Is stcndlly on
tho Increase. Boston Transcript.
Airplane Cameras.
Tho nlrplnne camera is fixed either
to the side of the mnchlne or below It.
It must he nnd Is of slgnnl reliability.
Plates ndd weight to the cargo of an
airplane, nnd there must be no wnst
ngc through Inefficiency in tho camera.
Aerial photographers aro tho detec
tives of the air. A mark appearing nt
It spot whero no mark was visible In
a previous photograph of tho snmo
plnco may indicate some important
change in the enemy's organization,
and cxtremo care Is taken to insuro
that the mark Is not tho result of a
fortuitous finger print. Thumb marks
arc the dendly sin In tho royal air
force photographic service.
More Diversified Farming.
In tho census report of 0,801,502
farms in the United States in 1010, no
ono's mentnl plcturo of n typical farm
'is verified by general facts. Only ono
crop, Indian corn, wns produced on
moro than three-fourths of tho farms,
tho precise percentage being 75.7.
Only two corps wero produced on ono
half of tho farms or more, nnd theso
were liny, with WI.5 per cent and po
tatoes, with CO per cent. Apples, with
40.0 per cent, nenrly reached this
clnss. On more than one-fourth of tho
farms only threo other crops were pro
duced oats, 84.2 per cent; peaches,
20 per ceut ; and cotton, 20.V- per cent.
Do You Think There is
No Competition?
If anyone thinks there is no competition amongst
the big packers ho ought to go .through a day's
work with Swift & Company.
Let him begin at the pens when the live stock
comc3 in; let him try to buy n nice bunch of fat
steers quietly and at his own prico without some
body's bidding against him.
Let him realize the scrupulous care taken at tho
plant that not one thing is lost or wasted in order
that costs may be held to a minimum.
'Let him go up into the office where market
reports are coming in, and reports of what other
concerns are doing.
Let him watch the director of the Swift Refrig
erator fleet, maneuvering it over the face of the
country like a fleet of battleships at sea.
Let 1 'm take a trip with a Swift & Company
salesman and try to sell a few orders of meat.
Let him stay at a branch house for an hour
or two and see the retail meat dealers drive their
bargains to the last penny as they shop around
among the packers' branch houses, tho wholesale
dealers, and the local packing plants.
And then, when tho day is over, lot him havo
half an hour in the accounting department, where
he can see for himself on what small profits tho
business is done. (Less than 4 cents on each dollar
of sales.)
If he still thinks thcro is no competition in the
meat business it will be because he wants to think so.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
-lj-jg ijV,
jW'rfiV Jf
that's what thousands of farmers
say, who have none from the U. S. to
Eettle on homesteads or buy land in Western
Caaaia. Canada's invitation to every industrious worker to settle in
Maaitona, sasuatcJiewaii or Alberta is especially attractive. She wants
larmcra to make money and nappy, prosperous homes for themselves
by helping her raise immense wheat crops to feed the world.
You Can Get a Homestead of 160 Acres Free
or other lands at very low prices. Where you caa bay gee farm
laad at $15 to $30 per acre that will raise 20 ta 45 basnets ef $2 ,
wheat te the acre it's easy to become prosperous. Canadian farmers
also grow wonderful crops of uau, Barley aaa Flax. Mixed Farm
ing is fully as profitable an industry, as grain raining. The excellent
grasses, full of nutrition, are the only food required either
for beef or dairy purposes. Good schools and churches;
markets convenient; climate excellent. Write for literature
and particulars as to reduced railway rates to Supt of Im
migration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
E' Raem 4, Dee Dldg., Omaha. Neb.
Canadian Government Agent
Cheap (?) Fare.
Though ho Is privileged to grouse
to his henrt's content, thcro Is no
finer philosopher than tho soldier. He
always finds tho silver lining of tho
cloud. "OInd I Joined up?" snld a
mnlmed Tommy but lately discharged
from tho Olouccsters. "I should say
so. See how I'vo traveled Egypt,
Gulllpoll, Italy nnd France. I could
not linvo done that In 'civvy' llfo. And
the fare ono legl"
Hopeful Scheme,
"Wo want you to bo treasurer of our
"I nm honored. How much hnve
you In tho treasury?"
"Well, wo have n deficit Just now,
which wo thought perhaps you would
mnko up." Kansas City Journal.
How He Got It.
"Say, Alf, whcre'tl y' git th' black
oye?" "I was cliasln' thnt new kid
next door nn' I caught Mm."
A mnn rnroly realizes tho vnpldlt
of his howls till ho hears the echo.
Japan Importing Typewriters.
The Imports of typewriters and
pnrts Into Jnpnn havo Increased from
a value of $25,027 for 1015 to $120,709
for 1017, and practically all were im
ported from tho United States. Con
sul Robert Frnzer of Kobo reports thnt
Japan Is enjoying nn enormous expan
sion of foreign trade, nnd tho neces
sity of using typowrlters In their for
eign correspondence hns becomo np
purcnt to most of tho Jnpnncso trad
ing firms. ,
1Mim tt rrlfl otnnci irvlni in nmlrn n
young man Jealous ho mny ns well pull
out of tho game,
Somehow ono always wants an argu
ment with tho Inevitable.
yr A Vr'lufesome, Cleansing,
U sTfe!!! V l.'clrcsblng and Hcallni
vMI lotion Murine for Red.
A Wholesome, Cleansing,
Lotion Murine for Red-
ness, Soreness, Grnnula
& ?? tion, Itching and Burning
jj' v3of ihe Eves or Eyelids:
"a Drops" After tho Movie. MotorjnB or Golf
irrlll win your confidence. Ak Your DniBKut
for Murine when your Eyes Need Care. M-IS
riurlnc Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
y'tag"-' "w g3