BED -CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ! .., , -" " . . e igymi u.uajuwuja' jh i mMaiakiutxm.-OLrnirir--raJtBjaAituemmAr mntuBjjiAMaLmaeummam MMMMMiMii(iW''i --- WTW V Ki : IIS mAffH-lf hie mmg irnw Carolyn of the Corners BY RUTH BELMORE ENDICOTT Ooprrlftht, 1918. T Dodd, Mead A Oompftnf. Ina. x i,bwww-ww-n jmuiiimiiimjWBiuu ii aim u in i i ii'tii i "m t i i - CAROLYN CANNOT FACE PROSPECT OF LOSING HER ONLY FRIEND AND COMPANION. Synopsis. Ilor fnthor nnd motlicr reported lost nt son when tho Dunnivcn, on which they had willed for Kuropr, wns sunk, Cnrolyn May Cnmcron Hannah's Cnrolyn Is sent from Now York to her bach clor undo, Joseph Stngg, nt tho Corners. Tho reception Riven her hy her undo la not very cnthtislnstlc. Cnrolyn Is nlso chilled by tho Htern dcniennor of Aunty Hose, Undo Joo'a housekeeper. StngK Is dismayed wlrcn ho learns from n lnwycr friend of his brother-in-law that Carolyn hns been left practically penniless nnd consigned to his care as guardian. Carolyn learns of tho estrangement between her uncle and his one-time sweetheart, Amanda Pnrlow, nnd tho cause of tho bitterness between tho two families. CHAPTER V Continued. Tho mole In question lived under a plcco of rock wall near tho garden fence. When Undo Joo canio homo to din ner en ono particular Saturday ho walked down to tho corner of tho gar den fence, and thcro saw tho havoc Prince had wrought. In following tho lino of tho mole's last tunnel ho had worked his way under tho picket fence and had torn up two currant bushes and dono Borne damago In tho straw berry patch. ' "And tho worst of It Is," grumbled tho hardware dealer, "ho never caught the mole. That mongrel renlly Isn't worth a bag of dornlcks to sink hltn In the brook. But that's what he's going to get this very evening when I corno home. I won't ctnnd for him a day longer." Carolyn May positively turned pnlo as sho crouched bcsldo tho now chalned-up Prince, both arms about his rough neck. Ilo licked her check. Fortunately, ho could not understand everything that was said to him, there fore tho pronouncement of this terri ble Bcntcnco did not agitato him an torn. Carolyn May sat for a long tlmo un der tho tree beside tho sleeping dog and thought how different this life nt Tho Corners was from that sho hnd lived with her father nnd mother In tho dty home. If only thnt big ship, tho Dunravcn, had not sailed away with her papa and her mammal Carolyn May hnd been very bravo on that occasion. She had gono nshoro with Mrs. Prlco nnd Kdna after her mother's last clinging embrace and her father's husky "Good-by, daughter," with scarcely a tear. Of course she had been brave 1 Mam bi would return In a few weeks, and then, after a time, papa would like wise como back and oht so rosy and tout! And then, In two weeks, came tho fatal nows of tho sinking of tho Dun raven and tho loss of all but n small part of her crew and passengers. Vaguely theso facts had becomo known to Carolyn May. Sho never poke- of them. They did not seem real to tho little girl. f But now, sitting bcsldo tho con demned Prince her companion and drownd-ed," Carolyn May sobbed. "I'd want to be drownd-ed myself, too." "I know, dear. But do you really" believe your Undo Joseph would do such n thing? Would he drown your dog?" "I I snw him putting the stones In tho hag," sobbed Carolyn May. ''And he said ho would." "But ho said It when he wns angry, dear. We often sny things when we J CAN WHA Ji nnf A Christmas roll call of tho wholo American people Tot membership In Jho Bed Cross will take place Decent ftcr 1(5 to ..'.I, Inclusive, formal nn hounct'inent thereof being made through the following statement nil lliorlziil by Hnry I. Davison, chair '.urn of the war euiitnll: "From December 1(1 to -.'t the lists Mill lie open for every Ameilraii In are angry morc's the pity (-which , f'vW 'n",r "r "'' "' " ' wc do not menn, nnd for which wo nre '"" "v "" """ "'" ''' '"i bitterly sorry nftcrwards. I am sure, !1' "-' n"',.i '"" registered for Carolyn Mny, that your Uncle Joe hns ,,1C "; T"1 "" l'1" vmit-4 nirnln no Intention of drowning your dog." '' k'V ,lie wni '' ", ' ' nt "nh. Mis Atnnn.lni Am vnn noR. , America enn fight, hut that to the last .-( --.. .....H..M.. ... V W H A.V tlvo?" "Positive I I know Joseph Stngg. hinn, woman mul ehlld we stand four flquare for mercy, honor and good -0 fV jtWTJK. eass The Little Girl Felt Bitterly Her Lone lines and Qrlef. only real comforter during theso wrecks of her orphanhood tho Uttlo girl felt bitterly her loneliness and grief. LIf Undo Joo did as ho had threat ted, what should sho do? There 'eemed to bo no place for her and Prince to run away to. ' Tm qulto Buro I don't want to live," thought Carolyn Mny dismally. ,Tf papa and mamma nnd Princo are all dead whyl thero aren't enough other folks left In tho world to mnko It worth whllo living In, I don't be lieve. If Princo Isn't going to bo nllve, then I don't want to bo alive, either." By nnd by Princo began to get very uneasy. It was long past his dinner hour, and every tlmo ho heard the screen door slam ho Jumped up ntd (axed eagerly and with cocked cars land wagging tall in that direction. 1 Too poor tiling, you," enld Carolyn May nt Inst. "I s'poso you aro hungry. It Isn't going to do you n bit of good to eat; but you don't know it. I'll ask Aunty Itoso If she hns something for you." She got up wearily nnd went across the yard. Aunty Itoso stood Just In side the screen door. "Don't you want any dinner, Car'lyn Mny?" sho nsked. "No, mn'nnt. I guess I'd better not cat," said tho child. "Why not?" "'Cause my stomnch's so trembly. I Just know I couldn't keep anything down, even If I could swullow It. But I'rlnce'll, ent ills, please. He he don't know nny better." "Tut, tut I" murmured tho woman, "lie's the most sensible of the two of you, I declnre." Tho minutes of that afternoon drag ged by In most doleful procession. There wns no Iden in tho little girl's mind that Undo Joo might chnnge his Intention and Princo bo saved from the watery grnvo promised him. When sho saw tho hnrdwnre denier como In to tho yard almost an hour earlier thnn their usunl supper time sho was not surprised. Nor did she think of pleading with him for the dog's life. Tho title girl watched him nsknncc. Mr. Stngg cumo directly through tho yard, stopping only nt tho shed for a moment. Thero he secured a strong potato snek, and with It trailing from ids hnnd went hnlf-way up tho knoll to where thcro was n heap of stones. Ho stooped down nnd begnn to select some of these, putting them In the bag. This was too much for Cnrolyn May. With a fearful look nt Undo Joe's un compromising shoulders, sho went to tho tree whero Princo was chained. Exchanging tho chain for the leather leash with which sho always led him about, tho Uttlo girl guided the mon grel across tho yard and around the corner of tho house. Her Inst backward glanco nssurcd her that tho hardware dealer had not observed her. Quickly nnd silently sho led Prince to tho" front gate, nnd they went out together Into tho dusty road. "I I know wo oughtn't to," whis pered Cnrolyn May to her cnnlno friend, "but I feel I'vo Just got to savo you, Prince. I I can't seo you drownd-ed dead like thntl" She turned tho nenrest corner and went up tho road towards the Uttlo closed, gable-roofed cottage whero Aunty Rose had lived before sho had como to bo Uncle Joe's housekeeper, Carolyn May had already peered over Into tho small yard of tho cot Ugo and had seen that Mrs. Kennedy still kept tho flower-beds weeded and tho walks neat and tho grass plot trimmed. But tho window shutters wero barred and tho front door built up with boards. Carolyn Mny went in through tho front gnta nnd sat down on tho door step, while Princo dropped to a com fortable attltudo besldo her. Tho dog slept Tho Uttle girl ruminated. She would not go back to Undo Joo's no, Indeed! Sho did not know Just what sho would do when dark should come, but Prince should not be sacrificed to her undo's wrath. A voice, low, sweet, yet startling, aroused her. "What nro you doing thero, Uttlo girl?" Both runaways started, but neither of them wns disturbed by tho appenr ansce of her who had accosted Caro lyn May. "Oh, Miss Mnndyl" breathed tho Ut tlo girl, and thought thnt tho carpen ter's daughter hnd never looked so pretty. "What aro you doing there?" repeat ed Miss Parlow. "We wo'vo run away," Bald Caro lyn Mny at Inst. Sho could bo nothing but frank ; It wns her nature. "Run nwayl" repented tho protty woman. "You don't mean that?" "Yes, ma'am, I have. And Prince. From Uncle" Joo nnd Aunty Rose," Carolyn Muy nssurcd her, nodding her head with each declaration. "Oh, my dvmr," whut for?" asked Miss Amanda. So Cnrolyn May told her and with tenrs. Monnwhllo tho woman enme Into the yard nnd .sat besldo tho child on. the step. With her arm about tho Uttlo girl, Miss Amanda snuggled her up close, wiping tho tenrs uwuy with her own hnndkcrciuer. "I Just can't havo pwc Princo Ho was never vet cruel to anv dumb . r,,lth "non ,,u' nations. creature. Go nsk him yourself, Care- "At the close of the Christmas merit lyn May. Whatever else ho may be, hersliip campaign of 1017 there were ho I a not n linrnr of helnless nnd dumb P-000000 Americans enrolled In the . .. I ,., ...... ni ...... ....... nnimnls." "Miss Amnndn," cried Cnrolyn Mny, with clnsped hands, "you you nre Just lifting nn nwful big lump off my heart I I'll run nnd nsk him right away." Sho raced with the barking Prince back to the Stngg premises. Mr. Stngg f0' Red Cross. There nre nWo 3,000.000 members in tho Junior Red Cross. "This year, both aB a Christmas oh Kervnncf and as a renewal of the na tionulde pledge of loyalty, the Red Cross will again put before everyone the duty of standing by the (lag; for the ?Jt'd Cross In this grent fight for pence represents the whole spirit of what wc ure fighting for. "Tills will not lie n cnl! for money.' It will be a summons to Americans everywhere to line up for the Ameri can ideal. Wc cannot all fight, but this one thing everybody can do. "The Red Cross membership fco Is one dollar. Half of this remains with the local chapter, to be used for ex penses nnd for re'lef of our soldiers and their families', the other half goes to the national ttcTisury. "There will be no allotment of quo tas to any community. The quota In every district will he the limit of its adult tmpulittlou. "When Clio roll-call comes, every American, old or young, will be called to register and nild the weight of his name to the Red Cross message. "Let us nnswer with one voice to the word of President Wilson, when ho said '. " l summon you to the comrade ship.' " The number of men nn'd women now wanted for enrollment In the service oi the American Red Cross abroad Is In excess of 5,000, and this number Is licensing weekly. Recrolta to In crease the personnel as above Indl rated must lie obtained by the end of the present calendar year. Special ap peals are being made by the national bureau of personnel, to the various , Red Cross divisions, to put forth pnr ' ttculur efforts In enlisting workers, no that the effectiveness of the organiza tion In the wur xones may not be Unpaired. With Her Arms About the Little Girl, Miss Amanda Snuggled Her' Up Close. 1iw efr Anlalinil fltllnf. In n.ttt 4t.A stonca tho trench Princo had dug un-' der tho garden fence. "There," he grunted. "That dratted dog won't dig this hole any bigger, 1 1 reckon. What's the matter with you, Car'lyn?" "Are nro you going to drown'd Prlncey, Uncle Joo? If If you do, it Just seems to mo, I I shnll die!" He looked up nt her .scarchlngly. "Humph I is that mongrel so nil-important to your happiness that you want to dlo If he does?" demanded tho man. "Yes, Undo Joe." "Humph I" ejaculated tho hardware dealer again. "I bellevo you thluk more of that dog than you do of mo." "Yes, Uncle Joe." Tho frnuk nnswer hit Mr. Stagg harder than ho would havo cared to "Whul branch of the service Is she acknowledge. In?" Just nuturnlly springs to the lips "Why?" ho queried. when our eyes behold a young woman "Because Princo never said a word In oue nf these hclp-wtn-thc-war to hurt mo in his llfel" saldjGarolyu frocks. They contrive to carry more May, sobbing. ,than ft- suggestion or u uniform una Tho man was silenced. Ho felt in have the snap nnd eturdincss of khaki his inmost heart that he had been clothes put on by brothers In arms Judged. CHAPTER VI. Prince Awakens The Corners. Camp-meeting tlmo was ovor, and tho church at The Corners was to open , for its regular Sunday services. , "Both Satan and the parson hnvo ' had n vucatlon," said Mr. Stngg, "nnd now they can tackle each other nguln ' and seo whlch'U get the stranglo hold 'twlxt now and revlvul time." "You should not say such things, es pecially beforo tho child, Joseph Stngg," admonished Aunty Roso. Curolyn May, however, seemed not to havo heard Uncle Joo's pessimistic remark; sho was too greatly excited by tho prospect of Sunday school. And tho very next week-day school would begin I By this first week In September tho Uttlo girl was qulto settled In her new homo at The Corners. Princo was still a doubtful addition to tho family, both Undo Joo nnd Aunty Roso plainly hav lng misgivings about him. But In re gard to tho Uttlo girl herself, the hardware merchant and tho house keeper wero of ono opinion, even though they did not admit It to each other.' - ' Prince proves himself a real canine hero and makes himself "solid" with nil the people at the Corners. His exploit Id described In the next Installment. (TO UK CONTINUED.) i An order for 240,000 pairs of knee length rubber boots for tho French nrmy has been placed with American manufacturers. which commends them to American young womanhood this day. All busi ness ' girls and that Includes many more than ever before nre Invited to consider the advantages of this frock and others of like character. They ore enough to Inspire their owners to find something to do to make them selves useful, even If such nn ambi tion has never troubled their pladd hearts before. It must be the small flap pockets, or tho buttallons of buttons or the pat ent lenthcr belt or Its general trim nens and businesslike simplicity that mark this frock as n uniform for one who Is engaged in the pursuit of usefulness. It might bo made of any substantial wool material or of a very heavy cotton. Tho frock pictured Is of sllvertooe la blue with Its crisp fleckB of white. One will not grow tired of a dress like this. Its wearer puts It on, fastens It up and forgets all about it this, which Is a consum mation devoutly to be wished, for all frocks for business and for those to be worn by the young woman at school. There Is nothing to be told about this drcBs that may not be gathered from the picture. Its skirt la wider thnn the new suit skirts that aw de signed with less reference to conven Jenco than to fashion and do not allow a free stride. It Is the regulation length two -inches below the sho tops. Thore are four of the Ion 'panels lnld In very shallow plaits, aad 'attached to the skirt under the most orderly rows of bone buttons. The bodice nnd sleeves aro plain. One might have n short, straight coat of the same mntcrlal to be worn with the frock In cold weather, or ono of those Nervous and All Unstrung? Kocl nervous and Irritable nil tho tlnie7 ContlntifMly -vnrry nvr trltloi? Then tlicro'd uonicthltm wronjr. Hack of It nil may be wenlt lcldncvn. Jnm ns nerve wear Is a causo of kidney K wcnlciKss, so Is klilney trouble at caime or nervousness, ir you imve tinvltache, "blues," nervous spelts, headaches, dizzy spells, kldnoy lr reKUliirltles nnd i tlted, worn red itu, try Bonn's Kidney I'M-), fhoy are recommended by thousands. "Bwtf liciur 3VH- (t awry A Nebraska Caitu Mrs. 11 ur riot B t u in ) , Mcl.ann nnd (seventeenth 8ts Kails Cltv, Neb., says: "I nurtured terribly from my kidneys. I had rheumatic pains In my back mid sides. Doan's Kidney Tills hnd b'iun lined In lnv fktntly with good results, so I tried. them. After tak Ink throe boxes of, jJoiurs i was en tlrely cured. My llmbsr, wl.lch had been swollen, were t educed to normal slzo and tho soreness ull disappeared from my Joints. That wns over flvo years iiko, nnd tho trouble has. never returned." Cet Doan'a at Any Store, 60c , Sox DOAN'S KPTJif9Y FOSTER-MIUJURN CO- BUFFAtO. N. Y, &- l IS t DNkK&J W"7W7 W1 i JL.Jtt Jljm CARTERS "He!p-lYin-the-War" Frocks "rf i ' i 'Ha. - ft - "lilS.PIi5il ' MStlJi V1 mi i IWEiasaifBB'?iM; P v" A r ft W. afgllm-. mm x 7 X-. MSnfeaa&aB Mat . i.'fm,'ff I I vr VV ttSvvCT 'St IBB ' ?? v I NLX,BBKsb3k3J5S1 t ''EVw. ' mmMk I - i aS ; ? &&& n For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable Small Pill, Small Doic, Small Price Carter's Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of those who lack Iron In the blood, as most pale-faced people do. J Cuticura Soap is Easy Shaving for Sensitive Skins The New Upto.dote Cntlcara Method THE PAXTON Booms from $1.00 up single, 7b cents up double. CAPS PRICES REASONABLE HOTEL Omaha. Nebraska tURCPEAN PLAN HORRIBLE TO THINK ABOUT lining. But this hclp-wtn-the-war frock hns a claim to Its title from the fact that It la on excellent model to copy when the conservator of wool Intends to make over a strit ei dally one with a long coat Into a one-piece dress. A little cleverly ran cenled piecing ont may be required, or the panels may be shortened. In the former cane braid or tucks wilt help out and plaits might be omitted, Fashion's Wise Economy. Dame Fashion has taken "economy" for her watchword In preparing her winter styles. She uses expenstya furs, hut she uses them discreetly, a broad hand ncrosa a narrow panel, a pocket, a crushed collar Instead of a wldo-eprcadlng cape. She combines cerge and satin In meny of her most fetching frocks, and what she lacks In over draperies, although she still uses them, she makcM up for In rows of silk braid or fringe, As a practical gnrment for street wear In the fall, she brings oat the mnn-tatlored, semi fitting suit, with no other trimming thnn silk-braid bindings, arrow-head embroidery and bona or self-corercd buttoas. Other suit models are leas severe, with Jackets of finger-tip length, uneven around the hem and with fur-trimmed panels. Private Would Much Rather Havo Gone "Over the Top" Than Tell Girl She Wouldn't Do. Solomon nnd Sncnitps hnvo nothing on tho welfare worker. He Is In a clnss hy himself as n vendor of n'n trnl Inforuintlon nnd advice. The united war work cnitipnlgn of tho seven welfare agencies Is Introducing him to ponuhir approval In his full hlnze of glory. A rangy freckled prlvnte stood la the doorway 'of the Jewish Welfare board's hut nt- Cntnp Gordon. Ho shifted nervously nnd his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. "It's n B-K-K-glrl, s-s-slr. Wwc I think I'd like to tn-in-mnri-y her. She's outside. C-c-e-nn I IrflnR her In?" Who wns she? A Uttlo girl frot tho town near the camp? No, she wasn't the pnlnt-nnd-powdor kind. A regular girl, the sort you'd like your mother to meet, If you hud n mother. With all ceremony she wns usht-red In, blushing nnd giggling. She met the critical eye of the welfare worker with becoming timidity. Whm tho Jewish Welfare bonrtl ninn hud given hh. smiling snnctlon, the private breathed n great sigh. "Gee! Suppose I'd hnd to tell her she wouldn't do? Gee!" Aerial Bombing. Aerlr iiomhlng Is today ?nr more of nn exact science thnn was sup posed possible a year nnd u half ago. In the early days of the war, drop ping bombs wns largely a matter of luck. Accurate bomb-sights hnvo been produced which, carefully used, aro a gunrnntcc of tho bomb falling on tho ohjict aimed at, with a very small margin of error. Of course, in tho case of nil such Instruments, the human element Is sometimes respon sible for errors of calculation and a small error on a bomb-sight at 15,000 fact will send a bomb far out of ltr course. May Eliminate Belts. There Is a tendency to try to elim inate belts la the ntw winter coats, and to emphasize the strslght-hant lag silhouette. The average woman Is not keen about this kind of a coat ex cept, perhaps, for motor wear, and many makers of coar are putting on at least partial belts. Hats oT Pluah. There Is a surprising vnrlety v of plush hats on display Intended for enr ly fall and winter wear. They are throe-qunrtcr length capes, with warm I made la all the fabric tones. Paper Thread. Paper thread Is nttrnctlng consider able attention In the Scnndinnvlan countries. It Is a new Invention a result of the war. People's Horn, Journal. Wash day la smile day If yjm ? Cron Ball "hie, American inaJe, therefort the beat made. Adv. You nro commanding ono llfo and It Is about the biggest contract ever n mnn undertook. Childre7i,sCoughs ' may bo checied and more aerloua condlttona el' the throat will bo often J1"1 J& promptly slvlmr the child dote ot to PISO'S M X. r SSKC