The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1918, Image 10

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tuc crrnnMn ! IMF
'J rrt.m tho MIssedppl vnlloy to tlio
;lflni in? front In rinndors Is not as fur
today as tlio distance from runs to
Ttorlin. Tlio Atlantic ocean Is noi as
whip ns the Illvor Sntiimo. Tlio girl
' In the munition factory In the middle
'West Is very close to her lirotlier In
the front-line trenches. If her work
(falters, If one untitle torpedo tmsses '
tthe careful scrutiny of the Inspector,1
jtho lives of American soldlois pay
jjtho price.
y il i-y hi nui.v.o-'tii ,. - i- n"- i
ho makes the shells physically lit
"nnd hlfh of courage as tlio man who
illres the pan.
Tltt glory nnd excitement of war
nro f r the mini In khukl. Orlndlng,
'iii'. n ms labor far nwnv from the
thing Hags nnd marllal music Is the
'porU m of the gltl who makes muni-
One nnd n linlf million women and
Iris have marched Into the Venice of
ho frilled States government, to tako
he places of the men who Jmo boon
alted to the color. With every draft
nd i.'th the opening of every muni
Ion cmti'iiment the number Is mill
lpP tl These plrls work lone hours
.mil Itin M'ml. la luii'il mill tllntmtrinmw.
-...., i ii l, ., 1.1,. I, ...,,...'
Ill V I i lll'U V, HIV. "I'll "I IIIH" II'-'
lann ftid give 1 or n year the oiing
people "f America have been e ciioil
In thrift Instead of the old pi blem
In the aillhnutlc book, "If Mary's
mother cine her three apple, .fano
gave her two, and she file oar, how
ninny would she leiveV" the tblid grade
plrl Is now .seat to the hhiekbo-ird to
solve, "How many Thrift .stamps at
2," cents apiece will Mary own at (ho
end of II! months If she wives 10 cents
ii week'"
The plil In the prade nbovo her Is
leariilnp In Iht arithmetic lesson how
many Thrift Mumps It takes to buy the
yam for find helmets for the soldler-t
In Ft unto. Mill farpier on the elpbth
prntlor Is lot I to llgifro In terms of War
Savings sti s bow mil It fusts to
mipply a i .ent of L'ik !e Sun's men
With Slldli'i tent.s.
And now ine laun nnd Give club of
the joiin plrls of the Young Wom
en's! C'lm mii nssoelatlon Is organ
ised to ti in those Thrift lesions Into
giving. 'I' e children of America have
been tin ug in pt utiles and nlckles
nnd pa-t ng n preen stamp on their
Tin If t c d. The Kuril and Give club
can now use Home of tlmae inula and
War S .Maps Ktamps In their campaign
iniionp the jounger people for the
united w r fund.
uis t ns'on. On the Nklll o: their flu
ers niid the accuracy of their eves do-
' tend" the lives of ninn soldiers, the
vlii'iin,: or loslnp of inunj battles.
"I can't sleep at nlpht beeause I'm
o afield I may have paed on some
hlnp that was not quite true," said
me younp pltl not yet In her twenties,
'vho Inspected hundreds of torpedoes
very tiny. i
Uules.s something can make this plrl
orpet at nlpht, and llnd some rest, her
and will lose Its cunnlnp. I
"Nl hts and Kundays," said another,
1 I walk and walk, and I 'never po the
Mile lontc twice until I have worn
ut nil the others, and yet I can't for
et that pel haps some time, somehow,
urtnp the day something may hnvo
mo throiiph that was not qtilto right."
"T vas Just on the edpe of going
ick home," said another. "I couldn't
and It. Then the recreation leader
U d tie If I played basket lull, and
told hoi I was too old. I'm twenty
pht. oho Insisted that I Just try
irowlng (he bull, and now I'm captain
' the basket ball team. I p)a tennis,
id c u 'set up' and 'wig-wag,' nnd
iry'r1 polnp to make me forewoman
' the room. That would have fiight
lOd me to death once. Hut every
ilnp Is different now, that wo have
ir War Sen Ice club."
The war department had seen tlio
ed of ncctiptitlniiH for out-of-work
airs If tho onplooos Were to work
their preatest elUelency, nnd throuph
o ordnance department asked tho
jung Women's ClirlsUan Association
r recreation leaders, to line up tho
lis and direct tlie'r free-time pleas
es. The povernmeut leiulnded the Y. W.
A. that as an organization It always
d had an Interest In tho rlpht bous-'
? of pills, In the rlpht feedlnp of
'Is, and In the ilpbt education of
is, and that tho Intelligent cure of
sc plrls In the munitions factories
is one of the essentials In tho w bl
ip of the war. The put eminent
old house nnd feed them. It could
t up rccrentlon hulldlnps, but when
s was done It was as helpless as tho
her of a motherless clii. The gov
uncut Is a composite man. He didn't
ow what a pit I should do when tho
o'clock fectory whistle blew, lie
y knew sb nouled looklnp after
he called to the one woman's or
ligation that for leilf a century had
do a study of the needs of plrls.
piioly. ho l. d i n Idea that she
.Mild bo crn'Minir. d to play, that
needed n!i V. mo recreation, and
and sjminthetle as a
to "utile her social ue-
I when the war council of
C A. tin do plnns for tho
'live, It Included In Its pro
ule that no niing girls lin
en can do any solleltlug,
ts or of i i wise. They can
This i I
the Y. W
ID IS mi
pram tl'
on the i.
give, bin they can only p!o by earn
ing. ' i enuently In older to co-or-.dluatt
the efforts of the plrls In all the
distill t- over the country, the, Hutu
nnd i'.w club Is dialling niemhers
nnd h i plven tint un estimate of :?."
apiece to he .irnetl for the war fund
'camps -.i b. ilio American pills who
still i. int ilioii ape In 'teens. Five
dollnis iipleco 1 1 oin the younger plrls
of tic louutry will moan that the na
tion as a whole will (111 Its charitable
nrgnin. Miens' war chest.
i Some hlpb school plrl In Now York
mi lt play lady
. Workers are
ri-u.i.n build ti.;s of
I Indiistiinl rosorxu-
en opout.l this sicirier In sev-
the states. These reservations
io one, wlsi
eful niothei
'ho r.lue Tr
I: Into iintl (
cd for In n
tho 22 tor '
is or muiilt'i
I of t
uiu I'P mil of the ory Holds In a
weeks They aio omploliu! thou-
ds of workers. Many of those
'ion h:io come from far distant
T! e govt rnment provided
inluni"s mid lilt's barracks. In
io ilaeih It Is puttlnp up tecroatlon
dlnps. Whore such a bulldlnp la
proltlel by the povoriimeiit, the Y.
0. A will furnish It, uslnp one nl-
1y sand!np Mhen avallahb, and
dim: Mhen tleit Is necessary. All
i It. Mill',-, whither poveininent
issocintlon-owneil, will operate mi-
the sb;n of the lllno Trlanple They
Ihivi' I'lir ih'nu rooms, assembly
ni for entertain nonts. club rooms,
pMiiuiishiinx. The nine Tilanplo
nl'-li'n propni'M of service work, t lasses, panics and enter-
tn Ms. Military and siual corps
s v. Ill be In chin ;o of soldiers.
Washlnpton, the members of the
mess Women's council n llluo Trl
o lonpue of tho Y. W. ('. A.. n"ide
if ptil Rovemmei)t cmplo.M'es, ijrlll
v a wool; under an arm. ofllcer,
between Ave and six o'clock on
s i days lonp lines of niotorcar.s are
ed to watch the drill,
herevor possible the recieatlon
P'uent Includes a Meld snmewhero
nitdotir sports.
ar elubH are a part of the plan nnn
lhershlp In these involves a, pledge
?m to tlio best of the plrl's ahll
n the ranks of the Wiimiin's Indus-VrMiy--thu
"s 'nnd lino of de
'. ' i'l a pnu -Ko e' l by
I'Mim In ov'-r; pos.-,, i v ay the
t if s(iltr.
city Is elnp to earn her .'?. by Milnlnp
her own nIioc-s Instead ol stopplnp ut
the CiieK stnnd on her wnj to school
nnd bj in Klnp her own sniuiwlche for
her in n lunch. Out In Iowa the plrl
wlui li i been ppoiidliip 15 unis plus
war tax tor u movie three nluhts n
week Is pdiip to thaw a Hue thiouph
1,'ie movie habit except Mhen there K
un e.-iM'i inlly pond bill. More than one
plrl plans to clean all her own gloves
this wlnttr and to salvage all the pa
per and tolloctlons of Junk about tho
house which should ho sold to the Junk
man to bo worked over Into some pro
ductive Industry. The plrls In their
'toons ute going to earn Instead of
ask others for the money. They are to
sacrltlee and give In their own names
mill older women will make the public
requests for money t ! evvhoio.
Many of the girls who are waiting
to Join the Kara anil (live club are al
ready Patriotic leaguers, and they hnvo
learned several pi act leal lessons In the
Hit If t that will make them effective
members of the new club by their con
servation, of fruits and vegetables.
They hnjfe canned and pickled. Now
when the end of summer brings tho
beginning of Mliool they will chamro
their tin 1ft into winter tin 1ft and be
gin saving their $5 lor the Y. W. C. A.
war fund.
"Whoi over You Are Is the Western
Froilt" Is the slogan whlih the Kuril
and Clvo club has atloptt . Anna, one
wiry thirteen-year-old dm alitor of Now
York's Kast side, who was one of tho
Hist Mid .otiiigcst members to Join the
campaign ut a Nov York settlement
house, had to have It explained to her
that Insttatl ol western front moaning
fight anil lljjit moaning lists, the west
tern front menus v,oik nnd work means
save In older t -U.
i ho gill who (i the Karn and
(Jlvi club will tl1 ver that lu con
junction uii'i her Mm king and saving
lu order that her cub will furnish Us
I tiuota of the money that Is going to
help i! irls like herself lu Franco
anil I'. i a. she will also thai numer
ous ..i the community to help th
vci 'ie had never dreamed of.
She . that all the fruit pits nnd
stone. .. can be saved ttom her own
dining table nnd from tlu-c of her
nclphboiN ate ilioipul Into the little
red barrel at the tv.ter, In order th it
the carbon which the seeds contain can
be used lu making charcoal for the
Anid' sn'ilhrs' as nui-d;. She will
save all the t.n foil that die sees for
the Iti d Cross. She will help collect
clothing for the Fiench ami Ui'lgltuu
orphans and perhaps send them some
of her own.
School glils lu India, c'hlhlron from
squalid, dlngv homes, with absolutely
no s.ieinllng money, pave last vear to
llclghtn, and Armenian icllef when
they thtinsolves weie not getting
enough to oat. They vave up their
moat onie n week for tho lsiiglan-.
though thc inl had It twice a wet;
tbeniselve ml for the Aimcnl:in
they set 4110 ba'ndfill of ftosii
grain otherwise caih plrl would
have ground in her own little stone
mill, lloth cniitilhutlons. from all the
glils In one missionary's school,
amounted onh to $5 a month. "Hut It
was u tiouieiidous sacrltlee," their
teacher mi lies. "Although a jovoiis one.
It aetuall.v mount less broad each da.v,
nnd once a wool; a meal of dry broad
uud water. Thh was done by SO pliU
from tho meanest homes In tho woill
olilldioii between the ages of live
nnd tlftein."
Four hundred thousand girls In 17
filates June become Patriotic Leagu-rs
since America doc hired war. If ui
many school girls and working ulils
from all classes pledge to euiu and
give, the united war Hind ciuiipalgiiors
will have ?'-' 000,000 of their SlTo..')-000.
The nine TiinnMe clubiooms In
Petrogrnd wore In half shadow, A
few scattered candle' (lung gleams ns
persistent nnd ns vague as Russia's f
hope of liberty. A hundred Utisslun
glils and six jottng men were guests
of tho llrst Young Women's Chiistlnn ,
iiHsoclatlon In nil ltussla. It was n
gala nftornnon ton but It was dark ;
because thu winter days cud nt throe (
o'clock and there Is n rostilctlon on
the use of candles and kerosene as
well us of electricity.
The glils weie milking merry even (
In tho gloom of winter, the twilight i
nnd the tiagedy of war. One slender ,
Mhlto-faced girl with purple-shadowed
e.vos was men ler tlinn nil thu rest.!
Her wit and tinging laugh were con
tagious. I
" Is wonderful tonight," otto ,
plrl whlspeied to another as she .
stirred gently Into her tea the one (
lump of sugar doled out carefully for
the party. The Y. W. C. A. socre
tarlcs had boon Having the 'sugar for
mouths pulling aside at each meal (
one of the two lumps served with tho
coffee In the lostaurant, that there
might bo a bit of sweet for this llrst
paily. 'Iheie was no broad.
"Sonvu Is not drinking her tea,"
her pale .little admirer wont on, "yet
she fainted this morning ut the fuc
tor.v and the forewoman Haiti she was
"We'ie nil hungry," vvns the mo
notonous lepl.v. "It wasn't that."
Something stopped tho lntivhtor and
talk oiiiMoulv but the hush that fell
in the tllnilj lit loom was as Jojous us
the gaiety. One of Uus-sla's greatest
singers stood by the piano and lifted
up her ploilom voice illicit with the
tears and hem tin oak that people at
peace call thrills.
They went nvvny eaily when tho
music was done these sad-eyed, half
starved little guests of the lilue Tri
angle for danger lurks In the dull:
of I'otrogiad sippets, robberies and
murders sharp little by-ptoducts of
a nation's (linos and ii world at war. llnpoicd nfter the others
were pone. She was standing close
by the secretary-hostess chair when
she turned from s.iylnp gnod-tilght to
the last one of the other glrK The
laughter hud died out of the gill's
eyes uud the gaiety from her nlco.
"Will j on give me u note to the
factory superintendent," she usked,
"telling him I'm attending classes
hero ut night?" She spoke in Fiench,
for she know nn Kngllsh, and the sec
retin y, no Itusslnn.
"Yes, If It will help you." The sec
rotary was glad to give her such it
note but she was curious. "Toll. me
"If ho knows the plrls me going to
night classes bo won't put us on tho
iilulit shift. lie will let us work da.v.s
so wo can come. Yesterday I asked
for the night shift. Today I hnvo
clumped my mind."
Tho secretary wondered. Sonya
had not boon lu any of the classes.
Had the bright little pait.v given her
an Interest In the woik of tho nssoela
tlon? Had the friendliness of tho
American secretaries reached her?
Was It the music (but bad given her
an Impetus to study towaid something
4eyonil n factory?
"What Is It that Interests voiiV" the
.seoietar.v asked her. "You are not In
nn.v ol the classes now, are .von? What
Is It yon want to take up?"
"Th's tuninlug I looked out the tuc
tory window," and Soaya's voice re
minded the secretin. v of the call of a
night bird before u stomi. "Down In
the cotitt.vard was a crowd and three
men weie killed. Killed by the po
licethe bolshevik police, while I
stood Iheie uud watched. The.v said
Ihev weie mint chistH. One was my
brother. Another was my sweethtart.
I cmnc hue tonight to forget, lint I
can. mt forget Alvvas 1 will leuieni
hoi. I want nothing mjvv but to iar
r.v on their vvnrk, and to do that I must
study nail learn I must barn Kngilsii
inn ninny other things. I want To go
In nil the classes. If tho foiemtin at
the fs etory Uimvvs 1 do that, be will
help. lie will let mo work days."
In the dark, the hunger, the told,
and the terror of I'otrograd, the I'.lue
iilnnglo Is sending out Its shining in
vitation to the bewilileied women anil
.voiiiig pills ol I!usva. It Is offering
a little oasis lu the midst of the
chaos where the.v may come anil rist
ami rela.N, play games, listen to
inn -If, study Kngllsh, Fiench, tctono-:-raph.v,'
bookkeeping, or music, and ii
one tired girl espiessed It, forget for
the moment that they are In I'otro
grad. Most of the girls who gather
M the sign of the l'.luo Triangle are
bookkeepers and Monngi uplift's, but
scatieiitl umong them nro factory
glils, domestics, nnd plrls who never
have winked.
"In I'ctrognul nnd eSevvhere lu
ltusia," su.Vft Miss Clurlvtii Spoiietr,
win Id sicielai'i ot the Y. W. C. A
Mho stinted the work lu ltussla, "plrls
foiineii.v empto.vfd in government of
fices come to us who have struck
against the bolshevlsts. They're out
of Jobs. Thej'io htingr.v. One glil
told me she couldn't t;ko g.vmmishun
work. It gnve her such tin nppotPt
I5ut they rofuo to return to woik for
the boMievlsts."
Miss Helen Opdei ie of tho Y. W
'C. A. secretaries who was forced to
leave I.'ctiogratl on account of the Oor
'man advance, writes homo that: "It's
like living on the scicen of a melo
drama to be In ltussla. Mullets and
hootlng are almost as familiar street
kiiiiniK here im the eliniL- of tho street
rear ar 1 ". honk t f Ci mi'oi mMV a'
Pn ! F "col i ! "to an I ver!.
vpilcr "i "" Ml !' '!; 'ul s'reot
A lon- low building of frame con
struction attractively planned, with
wide vci idas nnd a homelike nspect.
Outside re hanging the (lags the
Stars iiik) Stripes, which must soon
he taken in as It Is nearly sunset, and
another '' ig bearing u little triangle
of blue ii'id the letters Y. W. C. A.
It Is a fall af tot noon nnd the nlr Is n
bit sharp Through the front windows
of the li" iso the woman approaching
up the w ill; can see the cheerful glow
of un on n llrcplace. There Is the
sound ol ti piano and some one Is
The w.
and tiicl
case, do
bab.v -In
She bstc
front dii.
coming in
one nl win
tloor Is t!
nn's volt
rest. Lit
bab.v Is i
VOll fn
sad, Is g
the Y. W.
She vr.
see .loin
front Sle
for tinvt li
tO S1IIiHm
the l..ib
will, tor -'
has Just l.
In Slllpt'i-l
u train I' i
lough will I
' on bis w.n
Building Permits
L'ntll further notice Dealers in Hulldlng Material will furnish
material I rilOUTUOVKUXMnNT PnUvlITand without any
icstrtctions for the following eon.stiuutlon.uoik
Ilep:ili& to existing striiutuics, where the total completed cost
of repairs, Including labor, does not exceed gi.lOO tO.
Additions to existing structures, vvhoie the total completed
cost of the additions, including labor, doos'not'o.xceed S'JoOO.Oo
Any furm sttucttires, where the total completed cost, Including,
labor, does not exceed SUM) 00
mi, who Is slight and young
Hiking, puts her heavy suit
on the wall; nnd shifts tho
rn it lug to the other arm.
it minute, then picks up the
d walks bravely up to tho
Some one has heaid her
1 Is there to meet her. Some
- Is lu places like this. The
ivvn open nnd a kind worn-
-ays: "Oh, do come In and
me take the baby." Tho
-ed over and the stranger,
i u long Journey, tired nnd
n tho welcome which only
C. A. hostesses know how to
' dns thnt she has come to
before ho leaves for the
has been staving her money
g expenses, ami has emtio
him. John bus never seen
uid now nia.vbo ho never
has discovered that John
t on u two tlajs' furlough
her. P.ofore she could got
I; to her homo John's fur
live expired and he will be
back to camp. The little
jjKaloBe-Gellatly Go.
S ' Abstract from Cilculur No 21 of Wur Industry Houid j!
Auto Hearse
Hearse i
Inch Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB.
mothi r tint s not know how to meet the
situation mil tears of fatigue and ills
nppoiutii. i begin to How.
"Will, tl it's too had," say.s the ryfn
pathetic W. C. A. worker. "ISut
cheer up. You can Just stay bore for
a couple -t tla.vs. We'll send a wire
i the llrst place his tialn
toll him to take the in t
HcTc'iiu onjo.v his fuiloiicsh
to John
stops atel
tialn hut i
This I
bn.s a gin
The Yi
elation 1
houses ol
soldiers a
In this in
of the mu
lling of til
lug for tin
with Its h
Mid In 1 1
Ideal of
.IS.! "tsy ! tfgi,
f . t." 1 L i ' "k
'one nnd the little family
us day of It.
ig Women's tini'thin usso
s oHtublished ()s hostess
his cbaraeler for American
I sailors ami their families.
: bulb tin of news lies one
potent factors in the win-.-
war. Our bos are light
it homes. The Y. W.' 0. A.
stoss work in this country
nice Is helping to keep the
American homo life con-
r V, '
K . fW1
V rf- !.. 'J -I!" -Ji-V
-&' s. cV&Z JOSEF -CtoTSE
-;r. ' r
& MziJ wwm t rsr&
Ski -i AQKta&wfip'ri U wPr 1 llw
'.ft '-i' i ' ti-'-irnri !
That will Last a Lifetime
P'OR the sake of a few
dollars HOW why buy
a range that in a few years
will need repairs and in a few
years more will be worn out
Add a few more
dollars and buy a
SitH 3nl
Always :'
stnntly before the men who lire pro
tecting It These men bad to go away
from their Individual homes, but there
Is n lTome which follows them a place
win re they can go when they are olt
duty and moot their fnndllos and rest.
There Is a room In every Y. W. C. A.
hostess house with u reul tlreplace In
It and a domestic hearth. There are
chairs with cushions on them; the
china Is not of the Iron-bound bucket
variety necessuiy lu camps; ami host
of all tho boys say, there are nice
women to talk to. No boy In camp
would hesitate to ask his mother or
sister or the plrl he thinks most of to
meet him nt a Y. W. O. A. house, for
ho knows that the vv onion she will see
there -no of the right kind. The ve-y
fact that it Is known that thoie Is a
real, b uiey place near each camp un
thoilii! by the war department anil
iiicsiiini over bv illsmllled mid lellned
women bus served ver.v hirgol.v to ills i
couiiue the othei t.vpe of woman and t
keep her avva.v fimii the men she for
meil.v in eyed upon.
'lie Y. W. . A houses are not es- ;
d with nn.v view to marking
nes, howovt r, although many ol
aesses who assist led lives of
i enso iiml luxury befoie the
lieinociac.v titles nt the sign or
. I'.lue Til. ngle.
y lh told nt a groat merchant's
1 use imllv. ' ml lortune imuiiits
ndlllon in ik. This lnd.v Is a
i or one ot i he Y. W. U. A. com-
anrt on oi e occasion she was
In the t iieterla ir a hostess
t the (Iron Lakes naval train
ing si it ion. A Hi He shopgirl who had
u "iln.v 11ft'" from In r work In the base
ment ni tin- pieai stole owned li the
Y. W. 1 A. vvoiki 1 s husband, and who
had ( 0 to ssee h : f.allor brotlu r, waa
In a ate street hurry for service.
She sl.u-ply onh ied the merchant's
wife in "look alive with these forks-,
Tin l.uly adtlris ..j ns "glillo" quite
huniblv saw to It Unit the pile of forks
was n iilonlshod. then sho wont over (
nnd talked to tin girl, helped her to
locate her brothei and sent her uvvii.v
liupp.v Tho slmpcirl never knew that
she had been talking to her oniplojer's
w Iff.
Tie 1 1 are two In stess houses at the
Great I. ikes stats 1, and It Is a won
derful ulit to si 1 ihe ciowds of worn-
The Range that'll give per
fect satisfaction in every
way and with a
will last a life time. When buying a range, buy
Come and see it and let us tell you all about it.
It is a beautiful range
It is an excellent baker
It is a great fuel saver
The Big Value in a Heater
that you
durable in
have been looking for.
of fuel Handsome in
construction Burns any
Economical in the
appearance Strong
kind of fuel The
tabll '
the b
great 1
the la
A 'i
to Hi
one that
will give you entire satisfaction. Let us
all its poinls of advantage. Come in now.
What Hurts.
Nothing hurts n sell made
like being lgin V I lalio
,, iiwmi 11 -im r 1 ri .....
I VOlI -sA II $$ fix -At ,7jBW-s
on lolimves MM i'i
who tin 'lip to tin
drill in ernoons. I
person- a tiny nit
cafeten is, and th
of sail r liable
nils of the s-illor.s t
on the Wednesday
1 oil) 1,000 to It.tMRl
cured for In the
nureiies aio lull
hose mothers can
b'Mth's' in' to It eii'v e lien wo.
tohl liv inn autlior.tles thai wo un
leave them theie - tol while they 1110
011 the grounds,
In addition to the hostess house
work In this country the Y. W. U. A.
has established tin famous Iloki Po
trogiad In I'arls 11s u center foi tran
slent women war workers overseas.
There are also mm.v foyers or rccren
tlon tenters lu 1'nince where girl mu
nitions winkers, sLual corps girls and
otlicts are and biightoneil
by asstuiatlon with tho play baidors
of the Y. W. G. A who have Intro
duced American ,,'ymiiusluui classes
Into French life.
When the
Firemen Appear
the limned man'i fir.t lliouuht u one o(
tlianlfulneii that he i low abou
your tliouskl il a fuieman hould op
pear at your liomr?
The Day
Before the
it the day to iruure
V&'unfcle for Autolcts.
' m f ': has Invented a
: t p-ibo (Ts nnd small holes In
e ' 1 mil i-( move articles
I: .-.!'!.t c"it:.e pimctiircs.
A that day may
Hamilton - Cmthmr
Clothing Co.
Everything a Mam
or Boy Wear
Kd Cloud Nmbrmnkm
be to-morrow for all you can know or
do, it fel!oi that prudence would im
pell you to ttop In our office to day and
have ui iuue you a policy,
S. Geo-foer
Wall PapeT, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
Reliable Insurance
Dr.W.H.Mc Bride
Successor to Dr. Cross