The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1918, Image 1

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x, " J----,, -s-z- :-'. 73- " "i,J --. ."--' '. - v
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K NcHSpapf.r That Gives The Plows HJl -m Weeks Each Year for S.50
ificn cr.on, xbuhav
M?7i!ttaxinjjyeemi!imimmmazsaxzviii'm' mji&u l.'ji
OC'VOnVM 01, 15U5S.
itfnrrrTrTr-MWMiiriiT-'iiiV'iTrrrnnnrnrrnrii-- r rmiTfirii-iim nrrrr'hTiiiijiiiiiMi.i
u) iA(ii:s
: .him aaa
ZTir.UHER 41
. Letter From Thorpe Davis '.'li'lco oJ County Judge nwnss
h .
Sent. i:.. 11)18
J. uioiiL'iu i wonut Willi von a
Lay up for a rainy .clay. in or.c's
pocket is often spent on the pur of tliti
moment, while you tljink twice before
drawing on your bank account. The"one
sure way to save money is by depositing it- in
a responsible bank. That is the only way to
prevent it from burning holes in your pockd. - -'v
11 1 r
v eDster
Capital and Surplus $35,000
Edward Florauce, President
Ile.l Goud. Nebraska.
S. R. Florancc, Cashier
! tnmmia
Un dert&king
Licensed Iiinbalincr in
Kansas and Nebraska
fhi;.sc Iearsc
Auto Hearse
Complete Line of Up-to-date
Furniture, ?u,ps. Bia
Open D
ay an
in hi hi WP1HI.IWIIMI II lilW 1 1IMJI1
d Night
1 if i BJ 13
tin ri r rrw ryirrii miw ii m i i nwitn inw.i
Powell & Pope
f.'.IV 1
Hue tliis I'Vi'iitni; mid lul vi) kmw!,i.
. . .... . . - i in
now i nut i'i(iin(roori in I'vcry wuy.
only I wtiHslllilty wiimuli.-1 iim mnrn. It(i
itiK'Hino isth. Wo wdiit tivor tliettj1(.
top nt 1:50 in tlio nioruint;. 1 tf to!s(i
the (u'nimti'h sol'ihuI ..IIiii; of tntmhi'S -,,,,,
Ddioiv tiu'.v not tne 1 licv wi'iit out or.'
tliLir luMii'liL'o Iil a Ijuiit'li of wild
Mts mid were st Kolnutho IhM 1 sow
of tin-ill. 1 wns shot UiroiiKh tli? juw
tint no Inni'M wiro brokuti, It i. nota,
sorloti'. wouti'l lit till, only rpiht s-otv,"
so think I will boon be alilo to io tmoU'
to my Co.
I inn at tlio Itiul Cross biiltdln now.
writing. I ti nut nn'1 K'o vlii'iM',m!,r
I ik' 8. Tlioy fiuin Ihioutjli wiili
I.'.-:! CroM pHckiitrcs JocIh.v and fja (. nV jfj
ui oiii wnii can i j. oiiewinir ftnm,)
nruiiiK iiuiur iimi I'vuiYuiiut; you,
i-hi iiu:i(rlno In It. Wo mi. irriitfii
lliii mid Kiven tlio b. r,t of chic,
This is sun., n lino pl.'iuu w1uti I, am
ti". tots of jiooil looking Kli'iall
:iils. I 'iiiiss I will luivo to step out
u little, but tlio llrnt tiling 1 will have
to do is learn to talk Pruticli. as n j)Br.
son yets tired of making Mtfiis.
Woeeived your last lotter September
the II tli and was g-lad to hear from
you and lad the wheat turned out. as
Koodnsitdid. IIopo com is looking
(,'ood. I Hiipposo It will bo tiuio to
Hliuek it by the time this touches you.
Well I will closp, this leavitiR mo
fi-mllng Que and bopo yon are all the
same. Tell everybody hello,
I remain as over your koh,
! Mm in titer of fi'i's au.1 salary, tint
c.n s tVos paid Into tin? eoonty troiiB-'
tor tlio year in 17 SXIl L'U. anil
0ir tli O.NUH94 fes earned by tlio
, to be returned to the county at
nd of tlio year, will bo more than
illownnuo of the county cniniiil.s.
is Tor clerk hire, and the otlloB of
ily judu'e will be .self-aMalni'iir j
foi tin tiiiii in Its history, with-
oil" tlio I'Xpa.idituie. of ONH tMiN'T '
1' i- my intention to leave this uiit.
tor t clerk hire just where the statute
pll sit. In thoound dlsoietionof the
''y t'oiuinissioners, and they will
: lake any allowance for clerk hire
- If Is tdi'iwn to be iiocosMiry to
. Ik-lent biisiues.s iniiiiiigtini'nt of
uiee, and in no event would (,11011
nice be in excess of the fccn
I by the olllce,
. ivo baeii a rosldonl of Webster
i.v fur Id yeniH, was 'ailiuittvd lo
1 .' law in lrt, and continue I. in
profession until elected county
Since tliHt tiuio I have re-
. d entirely front the piMciice of
mil have not cnani'il in business
i eliai'iicir wlmti.ver outside the
There Is a Difference in
.Iiih' ns ttioio ts betwoeti n piece 1 f puto ffobl and that
imiilalnhig nlloy. The leiiHe.s used b tne are th' llnest
(lint own 1" bad. Thei-o cotne In tha rotijili and me
(,'t'otiiifl until tbev e.Micily iiii-ut tlio rni'iln ineuts of your
puitlculnr eye trouble, t)na on mint be ton eaieful about
the eyes Tin mutter of 11 dollar or mi ."liottld not (liter
into the enluiilailnii. Thin stole tefu-n to i,nl tor jour
pitronnfro by pino aloiietbu cute U the thing deslnd
by me or well a youi'self. Keen mj, ymi will find the
ehniKe ututsjnlty low, Ukh! Into coitslihrHt'on Hie
lillqtiiilliy. ,!'-
Titout'i: Davis.
Chief ads Pay You
The Of flee of County Treas
surer is an Important One
We huyj seontho Importniicu more
and more in these war times of select,
inp men for positions who have had
special training tendiii,' to qualify
them for their work. Mr. A. V. Dnoker
the Democratic caiidlda'e has hail
such trainttifr lle.sideb in his work lib
D.-puty County Clerk he 1ms for the
past two years made up the County
Tax Hooks which are turned over to
the treasurer each year to oolloot;'and
so is more '.thoroughly fuiniilar with
them than any one and better
able to handle the business.
He lias also patriotically ilono a lot
of work without pay for 1J10 govern
meiit in helping to make ami kuep up
the records of the local board
So far as wo are informed Ilk, op.
rollout has had no experience in these
lines tttld we think .Mr. Duukor tlio
best ipiallfied to fill the oflicu.
re,tho sime jiidjfiiiriH In voting
l hut you would in your own hutlncss
Goes to Fort Riley
Mtss Pearl Pope left Ited Clou 1 Oct.
loth for Fort Hilcy to take up work as
an 111 piy nur&o. She entered t ho bos.
pital at once to assist in the euro of
sick soldiers .Miss popo has been one
of the most efliclont workers in Hed
Cioss work in this vicinity. Who has
boon active in. the Womens' Ited Cross
Auxiliary from tho time of organizu.
tion and be-iles tilling tho ofliyo of
, Hocutary in a most ellleieut u utiuer
was one of the most tireless worke'is
in the Red Crti'b work room,
She took the instructor'., courso in
surgical tlrokbliigH and was later niudo
county chairman of surgical dressings.
In this po.illiou she gave the coumi to
a class it) Uiue lliilaii.l ti a 1, 11 g' class
in Hod Cloud.
H-i-ddra her Ited Cross .vurk Miss
Pope was cunning supervisor of tho
l'ood Conservation work in Ited Cloud
this past hummer. Miss Popo Is well
11' ted for the now work she has taken
up, being a graduate of the Ited Cloud
High School, Pont Normal and State
Farmers Phone Subscribers
I'ntil further lint'cofltv Subscribers
of Hut Kui-mortf I'iioiio wit) inu,tiif.if
1 neeoiim, ui, , Mm,, until.-, Ju'linrii
I you will receive your reiiHi'pts oir and
a 'ter ttiH :tii of eacli month.
Clauk Stkve.ns, Jtaunger.
du' -of the'olllco, and I now ask for,
n'tjd s-v i 1 1 apprtielate the vote and sup-'
10. 1 of tho elector!, of Webster county,
wltliuit legard to their polllical ittlliiu
tloiis. ami if elected I pledge to them
my entire time In tho faithful perfor
mance of. the duties of tho county
judge, A. D ItAN.NKV. I
V a s
Roosevelt, the Erratic
and Inconsistent
t'U'if be o the 'interest .i our
eves A j ; . then examim d ', , 1
Jeweler and Optometrist
KTC. B. &. Q. Vutch Inapoctor '-
During tho Bpanlbh American war
just prior to a Coiigrossiomtl olection,
1,'oosevelt hpoke as follows: "Remem
ber that whether you will or not your
vote this year will bo viewed by tho
nations of' Europe from otto stand
point only. They will draw no lino
distinctions. A refu-til to sustain the
piebidout. this year, Ivill in their eyes
lie read as a refu-al to sustuiii the war
.oid to sustain the elVorH of our peace
lomtnlssloii to secure the fruits of
iur." Ho then sp.iko us a republican
i"r u. republican president, ns he saw
the vital neee.s.sily of harmony betwoiii
the president and ongres.
Xuw in this , ear litis just tHcr to
ii'iother congiessloiuil election and
v. Idle this country Is engaged in a war
oi vastly greater proportion-,, and
aIioig harmony liotwccu our president
a ul congress is ulisilutely necossiry
1 order to e-lablisli a pence coinm"u
urate with t ho agony and horror that
(!.) Woilil has witnessed and slill'oiud
- nee 101 1, this biitne Uoncclt com s
' r vvurd an 1 has the lianlilioo I to a I
'o tho voters to clianue 11 democratic
' nigioss to a icpiibliciiu congiess 111
idci' tliiil it ui'iy light our pretiideni
1 dofeat any plans that he may have
r the o'htauU-liuiont of 11 lonc.t ,' .
v.isc.u for an .-.Imost ruined world. It.
almost uiilielievablo that a Kiini'i4
"iildcut could tliii!-. iltice liliu iMf up.
1 rucord betotc a just and discerning
llO-is assist inn ("lei many in Ium- her.
'loan ett'.itis to uronltt dihSen.slon,
life, mtauiidi-rstuiidiiig an. I jealousy
.twQfiti the I !.,i It ml S'atea ami Iter a!-
'., I-Vancf , liugland and Itily.- This
; now the lns ho of I iortnuny irul
II iiisovclt is 11 nliiuu" Hie efl' d'l of Ids
nle to render lier his asslstanco. It Is
easily iimlers'ood why It insevelt. Is so
. tally interested in the election of a
I ii'iublioun congress, it would nuvi r
: no for Mr Wilson to bo Iho great c m
' Handing !lMtro in the estatdlshinunt
j nt peace throughout the world while
I M. Roosevelt looks on illlpotmi ly
i fioin a (list .nice, therefore a republl-
e in congress must be elected in order
'to creaM dissension or delay ponce
j in Ml after tho presidential election
lot 1020, What a noble, inspiring anil
i . ,'1'loLio I'Xilliplil i.s thus hot bofoio
I a- iy ()ur fonner presbu-nt
1 Ho iidvlsed war with Mexie just.
I' ' ro going I 1 war w'.ih (icnnany.
ill- advised a dcclar.iti n of war
, n, 'bt ltnlk'iii'i and now that country
1 1. sunen li'n-cl iiiicouditiouaUy. He
ai'i'ies a war decimal ion against
'i tna and Turkey id both me
1. uly to suneiidcr miou the tonus
1 that may be laid down by Wilson and
. inn' allios, He is both erratic and un-
ireliiiblo. " Amuiiiuan.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express Jour thanks to
thoso who so kindly assisted in tho
I care of our dear mother during her
j short illness and death. A I si tor tho
beautiful Hind oll'ciitigs, Htul most es.
pt'ciullv the jiallbarers and Mngors,
1 v) Mr. and Mrs, Harry Michael
Mr and Mrs. lieu Cloglmrn.
Mr. utid Mm., Wlau Tuber.
Mr. and Mrs Oiin Tuber
Mr. nud M.r?n Will Tabor.
E i borne or me conveniences
I I electricity brina I
Vmm is oaa-j
- 5L tl .i; -
MTOBgHBs SB2Jyabte
Hov many times havo you rc
.tivud to have electricity in your
home" "some day?" Now you
can afford it:
Wot only haye special rafceo for wir
ing been arranged for this campaign
but tho three-fold economy cf 'EDISON
MAZDA Lamps which gIvd three
time3 as much light a3 old-style car
bon lamps will help you pay the cost.
And the whole family will enjoy tho
benefit of electric service that makes
possible innumerable comforto and con
veniences cuch ns the electric toaster,
flatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner.
Let us explain tho saving you can mato
by having your housa wired now.
Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical
.. i.i.i ...-. e--.-ywvv.if-.m.n
Ited Clou 1 people hho.ild ku )w
slinrlo buektiiiiBkb ir, trlyeerine, etc.
us mixed in Adlor-i-ka, tln-lu-s the
1 KNTIRI3 bowel trait so coui.iletely
thut uppendieitlH Is prevented. ON' 13
SPOON rUh A.Uer.l ka relieves ANV
CASI3 sour stoiu icb, ga, or coustipu
tlou boeauso it removes A 1-1' foul
mat'er which clogged and poisoned
your system. The INSTANT action
surprises both doo'ors and patients,
Chua. D. Cjttiug.
I'arm Loans
I am ready to make farm loans in
any amount at lowest rates, best
tonrtd and option. Absolutely no dc-lay-and
no Inspection exponsc. Solo
apent for Trcvctt, JIattis and Baker.
Some private money.
One' Step.
Life Is not ho complex, if wo da
not persist In milking it ho. "Wo need
faith; wo need chronically to keep tho
corners of tho month tinned up, nnd,
not down. And lifter nil, It Is only a
stop nt n time Ralph '4 'uldo Trlno.
' w mmtmmt .- ... 1
i!Afc w -.4it - '