h 1 Inavalo Items Mr nnd Mrs Vmi Metfly ami iHtn.lj iut Sunday ftt the C II I3ur"- home. Mltn Sllve.v Stilcklmi ipiMit Siunl with br friends Mi mm Jelo ami H wle HutledKO Mwhuiio Amy Ilfllm, I inn Dm Uw mil) dime Kitilcy mini" h luinlne trii to Kurt Cloud UYdnestlity lifter nooti. N .Tonus is hilling liny for Mr. War. I (Ml tills ttPUlt. Mr. mid Mrs doe Toph.un spout Sun iiuy Willi tliu IiiUmi'ii ptrents, Mr ami Mr. H Ioiiiiid. 1t Mi Wired Iletlin p,,t the week i- nl Hi the country at;th-;KlH Cvji-m l"r hnfiio Mp huiI Mr. John Ulttmotid hnve i .'turned hont nriur n fle jttU ti-dt vith relatives mitt Trlemls m Arthu-. Neb. MM. 0. II. UlirgeM H on tho fck'lc I it. tliln week. Mis. Notils finite up lo' Uuldo Kclt Monday evening for a visit ith her ton .lolm and family. Mr-.. Amy llullin is (pillo Melt at tills willing. Idtllo Mthohlii Parley is sponiliiu lha week ilth Irer filend Mullim llre unlt. Mrs. .lane Pnrloy Is looking lifter tho poslullluu this week during tholiihsence of Mrs. Kinross. Under order of llio State Itoirdof Health school was closed TuomIiij morning, although thqie aru no eases of "Flu" in town that wo know of. It Ih a wise preeaution In the line of "tifety Hist." The MuCiill lltos. are hauling coin from lnav.ile this week. Mi.. U'nr Uenklo spent last Sunday with her (linighter, .Mr-. (Jlutult Conloy and family. Bladen Happenings lluridd, the ten u'tir old son of V ill Robh, was suVt'iah kicked by a lior'e the punt week nod was injiii.d uttoi iiatly P' ir a iiiiinb(r of da, . his recoveiy ivns pionoiuu'od doubtful by the ph.Vhlfians in oh.uge, but the crisis ptmd ami at the pioifiit wilting hit i- utile to be up and aioiiml. Miss Ijinxello ltigglns anK-cd homo Moudrty eveuliitf fiom Lincoln, uh.-ie slu has been visiting the oast two months Memorial sendees were held Sunday for Claude Hitriiette, son of .Mrs S. II. Denton, of this pbic, at the M I chinch UK htur will lie transfened from Loekwond, Mo , his foimerliome, to the service iluir heie, whcie, his folks leslde llesidos his mother, Uluud leuvPH a brothor and sister to mouri his sutlden ilepartuie. Mr and Mrs. ,J K. Urewot, Mr and Mis. Henry (lite and II Itustin utitoed to Hastings Friday afternoon. .Mi.Miigceof Maxwell, Nob., came in Prirtiiy for a visit with hih daughter, Mm. U. L Cioodoll ami fainllv Mr Maiee has tioeu truck gaidHiiim; the pust siiinuicr mid loiiud a leiidy ni'iik ut foi everything he raised. l'nrin LomiH I am icatly lo make farm loans in any amount at lowest tatcs, lrr.t tcims and option. Absolutely no do lay and no inspection expense. Sole ntrent for Ticvctt, Mabtis and Baton, koine private money. ' .7. IT. BAILEY. 1 The Hamilton - Gatlior Clothing Co. EZvorythlng a tfltm or Boy Wcsro Rod Clotit AJcbrzoha Statement ol Ownership, Etc. St'iltnunt n mwicihhlp mail ikiiiuiiI, clr dilation etc., ri'iiulra.l l thiiii'tn( oiikiixs ot tiKUstUI, l'JIJ. il dm K(,U UiiuK lilot pulv IMhmI i.ull) at Itcd Cloiul, NlIi'iisUii, tut l.UUK IMItor. I'ubllstior, M.iiumur. loasc ou nor. I' .. Ilrovwu'. Owner, lo uiortKnice I. . Me Aitltur. IUhIL'IoiuI, SuliscrlluHt iimlKWom to before mo tills iBt da. otiH'tnlwr. 1018. (SKA I.i II. W simi ar. Not u y I'nlille. Mj cOllllilUitloU ilrCH Oitnlitr h. lillS i Bmiiding Permits Until fuither ti idee lU'iileistn Kuihling Mateiial will fin n s'i miiteiial WI TlloUT t.OVKUN'MIiN I' PIJUM1 Piind without ai.j testilotlons for the following constiuetlon woiU: Hepalis to existing stiiictuus, wheio the total completed n.st of tepaiis. iiieltidlng lub ir, d.es lint exeeed S2"0.).0.). Additions to o.xlstlin,' s'nietuies, wheie the total completed cost of tho additions, including laboi, does not exceed S'.'-luo Co Any farm sttueturcs. whcie the total completed ist, Ineluding luboi, does not oveed f lout) 00 IJIalone Absliactfiom Circtilut No. IWME1MIH ilUfl WSmm-l JMMt IH W Politic. 1 f -' for UIIITED STATES SENATOR rti FORMER GOVERNOR OF FALLS CITY FARMER, STOCK RAISER AND BUSINESS MAN ENDORSED BY THE PEOPLE That Governor Morehcacl en joys tho confidence or the people of Nebraska is shown by the vote he has received each time they have had an opportunity to ex press themselves. 1912 Primary Nominated for Governor Majority 4,212 1912 election Majority 9,702 1914 Primary Ro-nominatcd by 23,831 Majority Over Nearest Opponent 1914 Election Re-elected by 18,977 Majority Over Ilis Opponent 1918 Primary Nominated for United States Senator Receiving 17,915 Votes Moro Than His Ncarect Opponent, With Five Candidates In the Field. In the recent primary he carried every county in the stale but four HAJOIt M. G. SHALLEKDISRGEU U. S. A. n the Lorraine frc-.t in Franco and his favorite mou.'.t, Jimmy." tho first American war l'o-je to land in r'rnnce u'tr our dej'uration of wni Mujor SI .(.i. Ue..- u the o t'.j son f .'ongrea.' aa A (.'. i-allenl, ger. Ho went to I ii. i v . tho i Atneri iau expedition witn Gcnorm I'tishini;. 21 of War Indutty Ilonid safe&tssaxarf wit. ?9p ' Gellatly Go .VJW RED OLOUD, Obituary Mrs I'-i-l. ( l'-ill " bom in Faiuiioginn, Illinois, I'bwn M.lMJI. and del ' Hi- Mury liii, nitig Memorial Hospital, II 'lnfr, c I briisdtii,' October Ifl, Tl8. age I 51 jv.ii 7 motitliH and !22dRy. When a snmll child .lw hmik-v with her parents l Ottumwa. Iihmi and fiom there in 1S77, "Ik-.V cpnu-i Kfd Cloud, blnee which tlmti she h reslderl eontiiiunnslv in Webster C' Her father mid motliei the tlrtsetllert in this county. Id iiiothiit. Mis. Mary Uiirlduy. still liv. -ut Iim1 Clou I. Ili-r fHtliei' linviiix b.-i called hoinoMn 10 '1 SIim 's nulled in mitriiuje to Ilu aid Helc,Ht lie 1 Cli inl, N'ebf., In t ilk I, m l for Hcei-ml yi'ins they It v. inniid iiiu K-d Clcvttrl Iit-! h moved on h Ur:n uear l'iftf Inter they took tip lliolr rMtclwnep , town wheie they Iitiv lealdcrl e, since To their union was botn nine chll i en. seiendniightetH and two hoiis, i. of wlmin ate still living neept. HII. belli who puci-eded her mother to t eternal homo. Feb 1'.'. 1031. The b log inc. Mih. Mullu Konncdj, M Maude Kentieily and Sunuel llowt.i of Inaviilc, Xubr , Mis Doia Hill if Phillips, Nob, Mis. I'hebo Phlnney Houston, Jerts; Mrs. Pearl Smith f l.ewelleii. Nob , and Ilojt and F.l'.i who are still In the home. Mrs. Delsley united with theChii tlan church some yeius ago ntul lied u faithful and consistent life dying u the triumphs of Christian faith Mi was u member of the Uo.val Nelghi r and Degree of Honor lodges mid w is uotlve In many other benevolent n 1 Christian otgani.itions in the c en itiuuity, and will be sadly missed We cannot belpbut mourn bet loss timed we tue gl.id to li.uo been blessed m' i her life. Her chuincter vas expies- d in deedt. i.ither tlrin votds, ami ' life is nuMsuiii I 'in service not in ; ears She was ready wien tho hill motl cume to fold her Hud handy til Q g" homo to test. Our sky Is over u ist with cloudf an t le path of life eem& full of ,sl;iu o Jilt we trust tlio power that ha le us thus fur to lead us on over m i and fen o'ei crag and tonciit till the night is gone and tho angel lace nr ui shiill Millie, which weh.ne loed i tig sinre and lost awhiiu. Mis. Delsley leaves a husband, i Jit children, ton g:.ind-childrcn, t o biotheiH and u sistei besides iter .it'ed mother and a host of friends" and n-ia tives to mourn her los. Funeial services wfcro couduettd in theChiistlan church by her pHSloi the Uev. A !s Reeves, of tinkle Uock. and u creat conconise of relativijf. and friends weie piescut. lteauiiful and linpresjilve music was furnlslna by n ipiartot composed of C. B Joyce. Eus. tace Uian. Mis. G. A. Waldo, Mrs T Ilelllm 'J'heie were iiiuii beautiful Hot itl olliiings front the In Iges the idiuich mid fiom friends, liitciiiicut was made in the Bed Cloud vinetei). Card of Thankc We desire lo epie-s oui i.e iro and tieuitrclt lliimks tor the Idiidness and syilliiitlij of Die f i tends un I neighbms alio sii piKti'pilv and K'eni-intisly hs. siMed us in oui viiiow ami Ins in the illness Htid death of out benned wile Mid mot her Howard nun: m Famiia. glycerinemFxture for appendicitis lied Cliilid pi op. i call i nendb'iils with !nnptt lm glyceiine. en- . us mieil in ONP. SPOON MM i Hushes t! 'owultiaet so ciimpleteh NY CASH sour i-tiiiinuh, k si ipatio'i and pievents :i , I'bo INS I ANT. pleasant , VdU'i i Un sin in ss both d vent ap rn liark. 'er I ka , NTIKU lollevts hi eon ndlcltis i lion of 'ops unil leiin mid gt,isl tintlenls I., MomUe'i stlolig Cbas 1 lijttlDK', George F. Corcoran York, Nebraska JUDGE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR PAST II YEARS CANDIDATE TON JUDGE OF THE COURT SUPREMEl The Support of the Voters of Nebras ka will be Gratefully Appreciated NEBRASKA, OHIEJ umimfiiwiMiiM iiimnwiniii n m iinnrrni iniiinmm inn mn in mniiiiiii Bin umiiimiiumiwiiuiaB Ice Boxes Di -si. -v ;ftr;r ,V V .,.-' . ' "' ' ' z'Wa S Wkilt fei)-j--j ,,'Mk!,lsli 1 en nttioiic H KvJ Kii 'J nZzPSzr l - "J IE NOOss. u Q Ti li'l mi'ii Hi lil I hi I 1 1 MiW mi ii In ib'b 1 1 Pi 'I I Refrigerator cars for carrying meat are ice boxes traveling on wheels. Most people in America would have to go ' without fresh meat, or .would have to pay more for what they could get, if it were not for these traveling ice boxes. Gustavus F. Swift, the first Swift in the packing industry, saw the need .of these traveling ice boxes before others. He asked the railroads to build them. The railroads refused. They were equipped, and preferred to haul cattle rather than dressed beef. So Gustavus F. Swift had to make the cars himself. The first one was a box car rigged up to hold ice. Now there are 7,000 Swift refrigerator cars. Each one is as fine an ice box as you have in your home. Day and night, . fair weather and foul, through heat and cold, these 7,000 cars go rolling up and down the country, keeping meat just right, on its way to you. Thus another phase of Swift & Company's activities has grown to meet a need no one else could or would supply, in way that matched Swift & Company ideas of being useful. When j'ou see one of these Swift & Company cars in a train, or on a siding, you will be reminded of what is being done for 3ou as the fruit of experience and a desire to serve. Swift & Company, U. S. A. sr& Err Me-iCiieci sj . TOSUPREME COURT "A DISTINOT LOSS TO THE STATE" j JUDGE LETTON ENDORSED BY FORMER CHIEF JUSTICES OF SUPREME COURT "Eacli of tho undersigned has served with JiuIrc Charles C. Letlon on the Supreme Court. We are f.iiniliar with his ability, integrity and industry. WE BELIEVE IT WOULD BE A DIS TINCT LOSS TO THE STATE TO LOSE HIS SERVICES, AND WE FAVOR HIS RE-ELECTION." JOHN J. SULLIVAN, SILAS A. 1IOLCOMB, JOHN B. BARNES, JACOB PAWCETT. Former Acting Chief Juntlce. ttiiii i i -- i 1 i i- - n mhp ilium i ii l. ..ut in i t fcw k jHmtKm.M.MWMMW ww i mtwmmm Announcement of Winter Excursion Fares ID CALIKOUN'IA Tom hits tmes, fi'tiiinllj at DO pet .f the regiihii f.nes. will be elluelivc i iilliienellit,' DeUibi'i lt. nine limiitli? iPtin h limit, stupoveis iniuuti. with Iditiouul liilKiiintS ritl 1 1 1 (r the mst tout mh Tuitlond Hi Till: .sol' I'M mi can isit ninny Soiitfiiin e.uiips, citifh nnii reh'irls on ledueod uin ihi fun's to I !'ii iIm 'J'i'viih mid Hit) bnntlii'iist. TlieM) winter tntit h become iL-et'vo Oi'toti. i 1st with tliml limit June 1st, 10lH, at iippVoMinutely DO per int of the u-j'iliir fine In ili e iili e eomplc'i' taiilf-- will he leei'ivcd and we hIiiiII be in a posW 1 hi t" l i. til t s m fnii will be iloiih-'i to mm ve jou I 5JiaxriKarsrac2a.53fj ;M.Auj&Auj?iatZMKzam&ez3& II, Miner Dr. S. S. I) uirdorf M.D.C. Munnutr Veterinary lnL'lnue C. H. Miner Serum Co.iWallPaPPaits'0ilsQnd -lutom cints- Anti Hog Cholera Serum lcil Cloud, INrbrnskn Wire or Phone at Our Expense U. S, Veterinary L'censc Not45 tin Wheels Lend the Way They Fight BuyLifeeriySonds 7T37dH3tRfuazncat: mme Leticm L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agqnt loot I'nriiiini st Oin.ih.1. Xelir N. B. Bush, Tickel Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. E. S. Gscrber vurmuu PICTURE FRAMING Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures 1 mwurniw iw nnni.ii.iiniMHKjjiMj.Mnrj,, PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT i Tho following prorosu amendment to the constitution of tho Ktato of Nebraska, no. heielnnlter set forth. In full, is tiubmltted to tho electors of tho Stato of Nebrtvckn to be voted' upon tit tho geiirr.il election to bo held Tuesday, November Cth, A. D. 1018: A JOIN.T RESOLUTION to nmetul Soction ono (1) of Artlelo bovoii (V) of the Constitution of tho Stato of N.ebuuka. L5o It Itesolvod by the Lcslalnture of tho State of Nelyaska: Pectlon 1. Thnt Pectinn One of Ar tide Seven of the Constitution of tho yiptr of Nfbiaska be uud the gamo h reb Ih ri.ieided bj t.tiik.ti ottt tho foli.jwl.iij wards: "Be on I 1 crso n of f rri 'n birth who Hha'l h;na dcUart l tl Ur Inten tion to bocomo citu.onB romforinnlily to the laws of the Cnkcd btatet. on tho subject ojf naturallratlon, at least thltty da' 3 pYIor to an eioct'on." And InuortlnK In the idaco of tho woids bo ulrlcl.en, tho following words: "Second I'crsoun ot foreign birth v.'ho ihull Imti bd"omo citizens of the Unlteir States by trnturalL-atlon or othcnlso conformably to, the laws ot tho United States at loat thirty daya prior to an election. Sec. 2. That at tho noncral elec tion nineteen hundred and clRhteen (1U1S) theio shall be submitted to tho electors of tho st v for t'.ielr approval or rejection tho for"" '? proposed amendment to tho constitution relat ing to the ilKht of Httfftage At Bitch election, on tho ballot of each doctor otlng for or atTP.'nat said proposed amendment, shall be written or printed tho words: "For proposed amend ment to tho constitution relating to the right of suITimi'o," and "Against said proponed nnendment to tho con stitution relating to tho right of Bl.ffl.lRO" Sic. .1 It puclt amendment shall be appio'.cd bv a majority of all clcftor.s voting ot suc.'i election, paid amendment M. ill constitute Section Ono (1) Artlelo Seven (7) of tho Con itltution of tho Slitc of Nobiaaka. Approved, April 9, IMS KEITH NEVILLE, Mteat: Governor. CIIAHLFS W VOOL :cio'ary cf Statai Notice ot Admlnlf tratlon. Jn llu- County Couit ot Witmtfr county. N'tbtankn. In tlio nintii-r ol Hit ixtntc ot I.nunnna ti i lc , iliiLttsetl. lo nil iii'iwons Inteustcil In snlit osnili. N'ottcL'ls hcrolij ylen tint W'lll.iin 1. ilins luus ti.i'f ilny tit d:i ikIIUju in iIil county Miurl. pr:i Itit: tlmt1 uilniliilstratlon of snlil I'stuto nr.ij Uu unititut to AuuniKl Sims isiutiiiliitiitr.ttor unit tli it sml pctltlun will iiu heard lieforo tlio court on the lltli day ot Oitobcr, lil I H. nt tlio hour of 10 o'clock, n. ur.. at tliu county com t room In the city of lied ('loud, In salil (oiiuty, ulicii nil persons interested in tmld iimtlcr nisiy appcir nnd sliow enise why tho jirajir of jiLtltloutr iliould not he unuitul; nod tliiit nutlcu of the llllm; of Maid pi lltlon, nnd the hcnrlui; tlieru of, lio Kheii by publlHhliii; :i copy of this order In tlio Uud Cloud C'hlof, n toij.il weekly new spipcr printed mid of Kcucr.il circulation In slid Lountv, for four consccutlc wcoUh prior to n.itd d:iy of liiurlui:. D.lttd this 12th d.iy of SLiiciuhcr. UHH. sri.J A. I). ItANMn, !i-l ( uiinty Jtnlife. Drop in. at tho Schaltz & Schaal STUDIO for First cias. portraiture , enlarging, copying, new work, amateur finishing, etc. " Y9U15 PAlROriACE APi'Sailri Whea the Firemen. Appesxr the insuted man' fut ihouJit ii one of lhanklulness that he is so I low nbou )our ihouahliif a futemin iliould op pear nl your home? The Day Before tke Fire is ific dy to imuie. Ai that day myj he to.morrow for all you can know An. ii (elluws that tirudence would , i pell you to top in out office lo-doyna have us issue you a policy, ' O. C. TEFL WVf .. ....-- ... , - ; R. eliacble Insurxrce wfTF rJAh i;ft 1L;-' J N. w tii w ) A